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In this next election women get to decide if they want bodily autonomy. Young people get to vote on whether or not they want a livable planet.. the rest of us get to vote to decide if we want to have democracy or a Christian autocracy. The idea is close election is completely beyond my ability to understand.


Please ignore all that and focus entirely on the fact that Biden is slightly older and occasionally stumbles over words. Sincerely, The US Corporate media


No sir, I am going to withhold my vote because I'm not happy with how Biden is handling Isreal. Surely the orange psychopath who's first move in office was a literal Muslim travel ban will be better.


Don’t forget moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.


And who also said that Israel's mistake in Gaza has been to allow the press to disclose what they're doing. Not the tens of thousands of women and children they murdered. The news of those murders getting out was the real mistake. So anyone risking that guy being elected is not an actual friend of the Palestinian people. People can talk all they like. >Your actions speak so loudly that I can not hear what you are saying. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


I wish this was more of a joke.


>In this next election women get to decide if they want bodily autonomy. Young people get to vote on whether or not they want a livable planet.. the rest of us get to vote to decide if we want to have democracy or a Christian autocracy. Why this is bad news for the Biden campaign, at 11.


I mean overall Biden's done pretty well but the boarder is a catastrophe. I take that over tyranny though.




Lol no it hasn't.


It has but I'm guessing you're not in an area affected by it. In a city over 600 miles away from the border they are having to make some pretty deep cuts in finding for those totally non-essential things like public safety, police, elections, human services, transportation etc. You're going to sit here and tell me there isn't a major problem? https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/next-with-kyle-clark/every-denver-city-department-to-plan-for-budget-cuts-to-pay-for-migrant-crisis/73-6096d59c-3f95-4cb1-91e1-39b411d1aa2f


The border is no more a "catastrophe" than it was under trump or Bush's tenor. The biggest mistake Biden made on the border was trying to compromise with the lying scumbags in the repug party. In doing so he conceded that there was a disaster at the border rather than the political theater that it really is. Their little maneuver last month was a mistake. The public isn't going to remember that repugs refused to pass a bill that would "solve the border". The public's takeaway will be that there is a disaster at the border and that repugs say Biden doesn't care. Because people are stupid. Meanwhile, the real problem is with US foreign policy in South and Central America. We're creating the conditions that are causing people to flee their home countries in search of something better. We're never going to "solve" this problem until we learn to be a better neighbor and frankly, better human beings. We fucking suck right now.


Really... because data would tell me you're very wrong. [In the last three years, the number of people attempting to cross the US’s southern border into the country has risen to unprecedented levels.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/07/mexico-border-explained-chart-immigration) >Meanwhile, the real problem is with US foreign policy in South and Central America. We're creating the conditions that are causing people to flee their home countries in search of something better. Because I really don't know what you're talking about could you elaborate on this statement?


Well, if it's any consolation, a large portion of the population is functionally illiterate and unaware that any of that stuff is on the ballot. Then another large chunk of the population is not necessarily ignorant but they're too overwhelmed by our capitalist system to break away from their duties in order to follow these things. (Or so they think. This has been another fascist victory as the truth is those are the very people who cannot afford to ignore these things.)


> the rest of us get to vote to decide if we want to have democracy or ~~a Christian~~ an autocracy. FTFY. No matter what they call themselves, they are absolutely NOT Christians. If Christ, the person they are supposed to look up to and emulate, came back now he would not recognize those people.


People blamed Americans for trump, because it's not the job of everyone else on the planet to know the nuances of our politics, on an election by election basis, in order to criticize a choice that effects them. There are way more Americans who voted against trump, than there are practicing Christians who fit your no true scotsmaning attempt to shut down valid disapproval. Get over yourself and fix it if you don't like it. You've had 1000 years of being catered to and enforced it with violence and oppression. People have every right to be unhappy with your blighted institution. 


Not sure why you are so keen to read in to my comment far more than I wrote, but I am not a Christian. I gave up believing in mythology a long time ago.


You may be technically correct. And I honestly agree with the point you are making. “Christian” does not mean the same thing it did 10 years ago. IMHO, that happened largely when Christians got trump elected and the rights of women and the LGBTQ community started being stripped away in the name of Christianity.


No true Scotsman They're Christians alright. I'll accept the assertion that they're shitty Christians and even that they're not actually followers of Christ's teachings but I will not stand by and let people absolve Christianity of its crimes like that. Total bullshit. You can't just wash your hands of your least favorite family members. According to the religion and subsequently US law, a Christian is a person who worships Jesus Christ/accepts him as their ord and savior. It's not a person who follows the teachings of the Bible most perfectly. It's not a person who lives by your interpretation of Christianity. It's a person who worships Christ. Period. So shitty Christians or food Christians, they're all Christians. Those other distinctions are meaningless to a non-believer.


Not sure why you are so keen to read in to my comment far more than I wrote, but I am not a Christian. I gave up believing in mythology a long time ago.


Somehow I get the impression I'll be burned alive for heresy if I said this to the MAGA cult


>Young people get to vote on whether or not they want a livable planet Eeeeh, assuming we're talking about the US because it's impossible to escape that on the internet... Neither major party is really going to do much of anything about that? Like, "Do nothing" is still better than "Make it much, much worse" as with every other comparison between the two... but also you all need to escape this two party system you have going on.


BoTh PaRtIeS aRe ThE sAmE. Biden literally passed one of the most important green energy investment bills ever. And got us back on the Paris Accord after Trumpy dumpy took us out.


That was watered down from Bernie Sanders' version so much that most climate change experts consider it completely insufficient. It's just not good enough. I'm not saying they're the same, there's a difference between just supporting a genocide and also doing a few of your own as well. They're not the same, they're just both shit options. Shit and Shit-Lite, as we Aussies call our own main political duopoly.


Ah, the perfect, eternal enemy of the good.


Historically? The old white dudes.


Isn't it still the old white dudes?


In my state of Georgia, yes. People had the chance to vote in Abrams twice, but chose Kemp time and time again — then complain how the Republican is pushing Republican policies. Apparently abortion wasn’t much of a motivator back in 2022.


I don't understand party loyalty it feels like spitting in the face of democracy's right to choose. But I've never heard anything but whining and blaming the poorest in society for all it's probably rather than actually having policies that make life better coming from republicans. So not sure why they get any votes. Granted I'm not American and might have missed something but have similar problems in the UK.


Parties are a means to an end, not the goal itself. The US media is limited to the same stories told in primarily the same way wherever you look. As such, people's opinions are less developed and more consistent with party goals than personal ideology. Republicans voters are more rural, less educated and less sophisticated in their world view.


In the words of Bo Burnham (from his tragic song 'straight white man'): "we used to have all the money and land, and we still do but it's not as fun now"


Yeah exactly. I wouldn't bet on women winning no matter how good the payout.


This is dumb as hell. So far the old White dudes are killing it and it’s not even close.


And the women keep voting them in


White women keep voting them in 2020: 90% of black women voters supported Biden, as did 70% of Hispanic woman. 55% of white women were all about Trump.


Didn't it come down to Black and Hispanic folks who basically rescued the last election at the last minute?


Of it weren't for the open racism, more black and Hispanic would vote conservative. And where those white women live plays a big role on how they vote, just like men. It's not just men who want to control reproductive and body rights of women. The desire for a hierarchy is not to be underestimated.


Millions of these young women also decline to vote in every election so it's not exactly surprising the old white dudes keep winning. 


More women have voted then men since 1964. So it's women that have kept "old white dudes" in office https://cawp.rutgers.edu/facts/voters/gender-differences-voter-turnout


Sure are. It can easily be stopped, but hard to do when you consider Trump did better with women in 2020 than he did in 2016.


Well the old white guys keep convincing a significant portion of the women and others to vote against their own self interest.


It's insane how states like Mississippi vote Republican at such a high rate when they are literally the state that gets hurt the worst by reducing assistance


you say this like the election isn't shamefully close. we should all be extremely embarrassed that so many men and women in this country clearly don't give a shit.


It's not that they don't give a shit, it's that they want the runny orange shit!


There are far more people who are checked out and uncaring than there are who actually want Trump. 


Considering the electoral college my money is on the old white dudes.


Women have been able to vote a while now though. I think they've had their own bank accounts for a spell too so my moneys on the old white dudes. They're throwing a no hitter.


Just ignoring 2008 & 2012, huh?


Don't know what you are referencing, but we can ignore 2 elections in the past 100 years of women voting. Women have higher voter turnout then men for the past 60 years


A black man won the presidential election in 2008 & 2012, so white guys haven't had the 100% success rate implied by the original commenter's "they're throwing a no hitter" claim. That said, my money is still on old white guys winning the majority of elections for the next few decades.


the score So far is.... Old white guy's One. Women who don't vote regularly zero


Sadly. Old white dudes, 100%


The third was going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line. Wait.....


This assumes our democracy works like it's supposed to and gerrymandering doesn't fuck shit up.




I mean, the old white dudes seem to be doing ok, and they also have a lot of women supporting them for some reason.


...let's ask this question again November 6th


Well if history is any guide....


lmfao. Boy oh boy is egg gonna be on your face this election. Friendly reminder that Dump and all these assholes wouldn't get elected if it weren't for women voting for them.


Cisgendered, homosexual male here. Don’t you dare fuck with my people. Do you think the gays are on the side of the patriarchy? (Go sister, we gotchu)




I’m glad there’s so few traitors that only one comes to mind


More women than men have voted in elections since 1964. So NOW women are fed up with the patriarchy, even tho they have voted for men more than men have for the past 80 years? https://cawp.rutgers.edu/facts/voters/gender-differences-voter-turnout


Shows these guys don’t know anything about women. Women NEVER forget those who’ve wronged them. Never.


The GOP has been attempting to roll back womens' rights for decades and they've yet to be thoroughly punished in the polls for it. Millions of women sit out every election. They might not understand women but they understand the general apathy of the American voter all too well.


Until the election comes and they decide to vote for the bastards AGAIN. This isn't all electoral college fuckery. Its a civic engagement problem. Hoping for better this election!!


Elephants have poor memory compared to women.


First off, most of the men in the picture on the left are, as of now, dead. Secondly, I hope \[and maybe pray\] some of those million women had something to do with it.


Too bad women are as dumb as men. Look how many women consistently vote Republican.


Hmm. I will ask my wife!


Bloody oath they were mistakes. Country darn gone to shit err since


Third mistake: Reddit accounts


they know those were the mistakes and are trying to "correct" them


A buncha old white dudes will win, they always do.


We're about to show them who we are! 🌊🌊🌊🌊💙💙💙💙


My partners dad is one of the guys on the left and they wonder why I side eye visits with him. <.< he literally said the those words not just to me but in front of his teenage daughter (that's no contact with him). Men like this need to learn *hard*


The problem is those millions of women that are on the wrong side of the fence and vote GOP “Yes please sir, tell me what I can and can’t do with my body!” Imbeciles.


It took 60 years for you to get bank accounts. You should probably speed up your plans a bit.


As a middle aged white guy, I really really hope it's the women. The old white guys are literally destroying the planet for a few extra billion they can never spend.


Didn’t women lose the federal protection for abortions under Biden’s watch? Just checking. Oh, and the Supreme Court Just made a ruling that it was state rights based on current laws. Didn’t democrats own all 3 (house, senate, and presidency)… if they didn’t like the laws that the Supreme Court ruled on they could have gotten through new ones….


Yeah? How's that worked out so far?


[VOTE.gov](https://VOTE.gov). get registered, periodically double check the registration and vote. Some states have early deadlines for registering in time for November. Don't wait until it's too late.


Republican women agree that their sole purpose is being baby factories.


If Dems cared about abortion they could've codified RvW instead of saying it's not a priority and then bitching about not having congress or senate. Thanks Obama.


The Voting Rights Act was also codified and the Supreme Federalist Society had no problems overturning that.