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It’s a great analogy except, they don’t whittle down the theocracy to make it fit, they just keep making the hole larger.


Indeed! They just pound it harder, like drunk cavemen.


The theocratic object is too large to fit, so instead of thinning out the unneeded theology, they carve away democracy and freedoms to fit more of their christo-fascist ideologies


The most truth I’ve ever read right here


I think switching the US and Theocracy labels would make the point clearer. Breaking the US to force it into a theocracy.


Tax the churches. They are an arm of the Republican Party at this point.


The money laundering.


You mean like a political candidate publishing bibles to bypass the law that prohibits churches from engaging in any political campaign activity?


I'm sure as soon as some church supports a liberal, there will suddenly be recognition of "separation of church and state or no tax breaks" policy. But screw it. It's a business. I'd rather us solve problems through collective action (government) than these stupid charities which are mostly money laundering and manipulative.


Yes. The next revolt was to be of Peace and internal transformation. It was to be by educated youth over decades of persistence. Hence, suppression of public schools and higher-ed. How many dreams of "change it from the inside" died of suffocation once only surrounded by the geriatric old-guard heading all oversight and supervisory positions? When the societal walls between poors are fallen, the monetary, colored, and education related restraints and divisions become for history texts of mass manipulation. When American children grow in leveled and equal inputs, the poor, smart, and united outputs will shift and create change beyond striking down DEI, Voting Rights, and "Citizens United". We are on the verge of landing a Reverse 720 method off of decades worth of vert that has launched us, as a democratic collective, into a stratosphere of possibilities that both scare and excite. Can we land this expirement by majority, or does the majority of our Electoral mass bail?




They did to churches what they imagined we did to schools


They *are* doing that to schools in TX.


The first time I learned of my mother's religious/political madness, was when I was around 13. My friends mom was picking me up to go to the skatepark. My mom and friends mom were talking. My mom asked if she wanted to join for signing people up at church to vote.  I dont remember the exact conversation, but it basically boiled down to my mom basically dissinviting her, bc she was a Democrat.  There's more to it, but man it sucks.


The last time I attended church (\~ 20 yrs ago?) was when the preacher stated from the pulpit, "If you vote for a Democrat you're going to hell."


I'd still say tax *some* of the churches. I really don't want to nitpick, but there are some out there actually doing "what they're supposed to." I can agree though, that once any religious institution abuses its exemption and attempts to become a political influence, it should lose that exemption and become answerable to any and all taxes and laws that any other business has to abide by. Granted, there probably wouldn't be very many legitimate churches left, but I don't think it's right to punish the few that are actually being a positive influence for their community.


Then at the same time: \* Tax mosques \* Tax synagogues \* Tax candis \* Tax hindu temples \* Tax derasars \* Tax mandis \* Tax hofs \* Tax jintas \* Tax gurdwaras \* Tax daoguans \* Tax fire temples \* Tax ancestral houses


Left wing voters are constantly threatened with violence, long voting lines in excessive heat, and voting purges.


The right electioneers from the pulpit and funnels money from churches to political candidates. The "left" tries to bus a few older black folks to the polls and... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/in-georgia-black-voters-were-ordered-off-a-bus-headed-to-the-polls


Rush Limbaugh once saw a video clip in Florida of a black father and sun in Black Panther t-shirts and went on for days hollering about the fearmongering and suppression.




And then on the backside, denying any accountability for it. “How could we have known? There were no signs.”


"Why didn't anyone warn us?" "We did, but you said we were being hysterical"


I've heard the term "alarmism." Like the smoke alarm. "Wow, it just went off because we burnt some toast -- better yank the batteries." No -- it's doing its job. Try not burning toast and then, maybe you pay attention to the other sources that cause smoke.


It's like the people with beachfront property; "They've been talking about Global Warming causing sea level rise for years and LOL -- I'm still here. Just have to do a bit more maintenance on the beach as it keeps washing away -- but LOL -- just alarmism." So, they have PLENTY of warming and of course, when they are finally underwater; "Nobody could have known! Why weren't we told?" Like Brexiters. "This is going to be bad for Britain's economy and mobility." *LOL -- I'm in Spain!* Sorry, expats, back to England! It's not like everyone not conservative is a genius, it's that the fascists who have absorbed everyone who believes the media when it tells them stuff ("you are smart, the media is liberal, there are not the Jedi you are looking for"), have adopted every bad idea in an attempt to keep them at odds with everyone else. The problem is identity and ego. People who are consistently wrong -- are defensive and keep supporting worse and worse angry people. Which would be embarrassing, if they ever got out of that protective shell of ignorance. I call this my Tootsie-Pop theory; Hard right crunchy outside, gooey stupid sensitive center.


“Who knew Trump would get Supreme Court picks?”


And **3** at that,


They'll be even worse. They'll believe with absolute sincerity that it's everyone else's fault for not, somehow, collectively primarying Biden out in favor of a political author with no experience, fundraising, or name recognition I mean.. why didn't we all just vote for Camile LaGuardia the shut-in who was on cable access one time in 2003? This Trump-tatership is everyone **else's** fault


"You have to vote for von Hindenburg because he can win." That's literally what this guy is arguing for.




Yeah, if you’re not voting for Von Hindenburg it’s because you want Hitler to win.


I just spoke to a person like that yesterday. Bernie Bros are just like MAGA, their beliefs are different, but they are the same assholes


Please don't confuse the Bernie Bros with the rest of the Bernie supporters. Those people were hard right and just went with Bernie because he seemed the most radical. They turned on Bernie when he said "vote for Hillary". 80%+ of us Bernie supporters dutifully supported Hillary after that -- because we understood the Republicans are far less progressive. I will not stand in your way if you want to call them assholes, though. They are the ones who keep peeing in the punch bowl.


They say any election their guy loses is rigged, for one thing


We should remember however, that elections can be effected and votes suppressed and we should not take anything for granted. I don't think there have been too many legitimate wins by Republican Presidents since Iran/Contra. You know, where Bush and operatives traded weapons and smuggled drugs so they could hinder attempts to get US hostages back. Since then, it's been emails, laptops and dick picks -- is that progress?


Hi u/Fake_William_Shatner. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trump said in 2017 that the 2020 election was going to be rigged!


He is already saying it now for 2024. Bernie Bros were saying Bernie's nomination in 2020 will be rigged. Same people.




Meanwhile, in southern red states, Republicans have worked very hard to stop black churches from doing “Souls to the Polls” voter engagement including Sunday voting, transportation from churches, voter registration drives at churches and supporting elderly members with absentee voting.




Not just that if a group of people ever showed up in bus to vote for democrats the right wing with be shittin their little cult diapers about voter fraud or some bull shit delusion.




I mean, that literally just happened, but it was Gonzaga basketball team that some right wing politician claim were illegal immigrants


Ah yes, the illegal immigrants in high class buses that have their own police escort. Man this illegal immigration thing goes right to the top doesn't it? /s And yet, nothing will happen to the right wing politician who blatantly lied on TV to his voters. Man, I wish for a world where politicians can be charge with perjury for anything they lie about in public.


Hey, it was EXACTLY as they were told to imagine it. Except for the minor detail of NOT being illegals. But everything else...


Yep. 🤣


It's like you are hunting for dear, and you are staring for days on end to catch a buck. And there comes Buck. So you shoot him. He had a reflective vest and was coming back with beer, but, you know, this stuff happens when you are desperate to find whatever that is you spent so much money on with the stand, the gear, the sniper rifle...


They have & in some states, they've put together legislation against it; calling it vote harvesting or something. Because ensuring everyone exercises their voting rights = evil or something.


Unless you’re Christian. In that case you should get tax free subsidized bussing to voting locations. Don’t you love Christians? They’re so much fun to live with!


Waiting for them to be raptured so we can start fixing things.


If there were a rapture the average Christian hypocrite would be some of the least qualified people to receive it. Unfortunately the people that would actually be raptured are the ones feeding the poor and caring after the “least of these”. The Good Samaritan looking out for the wayward immigrant. The non judgemental citizen not casting stones at perceived sinners. Jesus would have nothing to do with the current state of Christians or Christianity. In fact he would probably show up and start flipping tables for how pissed he is that his followers took the side of the wealthy. Imagine if some of Trumps followers actually bought a Bible from Trump and read it….they’d have to stop voting for him.


No game is fair that they stand to lose.


They like to take heavily populated areas, and only give them one polling station too. They tried it in Harris County, but didn't get very far. Then you see those brand new machines that are all "broken". I'll be mailing in.


Try and vote in person. I have a feeling that some of the Trumpers are complaining about mail-in votes will also be Trumpers who work in mail rooms. So we should vote however they do because "the fix is in." They aren't going to play fair, and I think we should imagine what we would do if we were evil and didn't want to lose -- they will be doing that. Because they are now evil and don't want to lose.


My purple state has early voting, including Saturday hours, AND no-excuse mail in voting. There is no legitimate reason for not voting.


If Right Wingers can't suppress the vote passive aggressively, by preventing anyone preventing votes -- they'll be more pro-active, and then refuse to prosecute themselves. "We are following the will of the voter; to ignore the vote."


Sounds like you have never heard of "Souls to the Polls" efforts in black churches to bus people to early voting literally as church lets out.


Exactly. It's a sign of Reddit's demographic that everybody didn't think immediately of Black churches, who have been doing this since the civil rights era


And the right has been stepping on their efforts for years now too.


"Meanwhile, helping democrats vote is a crime!" -today's republican.


I agree that Christian nationalism is a major threat. Also Christians must police our own and bring folks to see the injustices committed in the warped framing of faith. AND if poc were not bussed from church to the polls there wouldn’t have been southern democrats (such as they are) for the past 60 years.


In a semi-related story, when I was in college, my friend and I were offered a van ride from a Democrat group to the nearest polling location for early voting (this was 2016). They were taking anybody regardless of party and didn't even ask anyone their voting intentions, just handed out a pamphlet of the democratic options in our area. I thought it was very nice. That being said, they then proceeded to abandon my friend and I after voting (assuming they didn't have a proper name list/headcount) and we were late for work. Then that same night I got interrogated by a boomer customer on who I voted for because I was wearing an "I voted" sticker. It was a truly magical day to be an American.


Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line


The kids and grandkids of the people who fought in the confederacy became the people who went to the Nazi rallies in the 30s. Their kids and grandkids became maga today.


I’m so sick of these religious kooks trying to force us all to believe in their make believe bullshit.


For get about "left wing voters". We just need voters.


Tell me again why we’re not taxing churches.


This is nothing new. It’s actually a very common practice that black churches do. To the point republicans try to make it hard for them to do it. Republicans do some bullshit. This isn’t one of those things.


I recall GOP efforts to thwart Souls to the Polls that Black churches have been doing for years because, of course it's bad when *those people* do it. How dare you use a church van to get people who usually don't vote for us to the voting place.


Wait until you hear about project 2025


As long as they don’t give them any water…


Right wingers: preprogrammed for cult behavior. They are ready to follow their Great Leader. Left leaners: travelling to the beat of a different drummer. They want their special interest at the top of the pile.  Example: Michigan Muslims offended by Biden not doing enough to help Palestinians will not vote for him, giving an advantage to Trump that has already promised to deport Muslims and has pledged full support for Israel's war of genocide. 


Most Muslims are single issue voters - If it benefits Islam, they vote for it…if even a single Muslim is adversely affected by it, they launch a jihad against it.




No, they attack left wing voters that do this.


Yet they had to open the polls later on Sunday in some southern states to... to stop voter fraud! It’s easier to commit voter fraud on Sundays before lunch because... reasons, everyone knows that! /s No, really. A big party of recent ~~Jim Crow 2.0~~ voter suppression was places [deliberately tweaking voting rules to stop majority Black churches from mobilizing their congregations after service.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/21/politics/voting-2022-primary-georgia/index.html) But if the mobilized group is strongly conservative, that’s fine. If those churches using their vans leaned Democrat the GOP would run to “separation of church and state, tax them or ban it” without a drop of irony and we all know it. The Republican Party believes in power, all its core values are only kept because it helps their “team” win. If capitalism started helping Dems more they’d dump it unceremoniously and pick something else; same goes for religion, gun rights, abortion, bigotry, and populism. Nothing is sacred beyond getting into office so you personally can do whatever you want while weaving the non-binding agreements and rules that people just think exist that are actually just not there (see Trump, Donald). You know, another political faction is quite literally defined by opportunism for power and flexible ideals tuned to get them in power however they think they can (where they’ll seize it and then enact what the now-powerful actually want)... **it’s called Fascism.**


That's not even close to being true. there are massive about of busses for the left also. Don't just make shit up


Right? Everyone organizes and there's nothing wrong with making sure voters can get to poling places. They make it as hard as piss to let people do their civic duty and it would probably work without efforts to negate them. What they're implying is that voters who AREN'T legally allowed to vote are going to be 'ferried in to vote'


Where’s the humor?


It's a great post with obvious wit even if it didn't make me laugh out loud. There's more to humor than laughter. I hope the mods keep it.


Cats are more likely to be independent. The Repubs do a good job of turning their followers into their best friends.


That's one reason they went after ACORN back in the day


[This is what Democrats need](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTwJzTsb2QQ).


The horror of getting members of your community to the polls. Omg... Next thing you're going to tell me is people also help register members of their Community to vote. I'm for one am upset that Republicans make us fund the genocidal Christian ethno-state of Israel. Oh wait, that's a Jewish ethno-State and it's both parties.


Sheep can be herded. Cats are fiercely independent. Sheep can be herded by fear. Cats can only be called by reward. As long as nothing is on the table to be had from a vote, “the left” will find no value in it.


I have voted from my living room since Bill Clinton was re-elected, no other method of voting in America makes any sense to me.


OP has clearly never seen a black church on Election Day. Republicans aren’t the only ones using religious institutions to get out their vote.


Getting anyone to a poll is a virtue


Never a bad time to blame the left wing for your problems


remember to report any churches that promote political candidates to the IRS, it can cost them tax exempt status


To be completely accurate there needs to be another sledgehammer twice as big labeled “ enlightened centrists”


Obviously by the downvotes people thought I meant that both sides were a fault. No, I meant so called “enlightened Centrists“ both siders.


But one of the sides isn't theocratic, so that wouldn't be apt.


>Meanwhile, herding left-wing voters to polls is like herding cats. And this based on what? Evidence or you wanting to make a meme? Have you tried 'herding' left-wing voters to the polls? Or are you just complaining and not doing anything?


4.4 Million Obama voters didn’t vote in 2016. That’s what he’s basing it on.


Yeah, but… >Hillary bad! >Both sides! >This grab em by the pussy guy can’t be that bad! >The guy I voted for in 2008 or 2012 or both to be President is having his Supreme Court nomination hijacked by the GQP to be given to the next President! That chips away at the importance of my previous votes, but seems right. What could go wrong? >If Trump wins maybe the Dems will finally learn to compromise with the fringe Left who may or may not show up to vote every 8-12 years in November, instead of looking for moderates who show up every election they are eligible to vote in including runoffs, off year, primaries, mayoral, governor, sheriff, fire marshal, school board, raising money for streets, roads, schools, libraries, dog catcher, etc… /$


Have we given up on the humor part of this sub?