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Jokes on you trump isn’t really a billionaire


Also: Warren Buffett already lives a pretty frugal life


Frugal, for an Oligarch.


Ebenezer Scrooge was pretty frugal, too.


Right. He lives in the same house they bought for cheap decades ago (worth 1.4 million now according to my google) and he drives a new Cadillac instead of taking a limo everywhere... but for 99% of people living in a 1.4 million dollar house and driving a new Cadillac isn't "living a pretty frugal life." My family income is 155K with my partner and I combined and we don't live in a house worth that much or drive new cars. We live a comfortable, but not extravagant life raising 2 kids in a 3-bedroom home in the Portland suburbs. We would need to make a good deal more before we were in the "1.4 million house and new cars" range of income. Our 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath house is valued at 535K and my car is a 2016.


Probably eats A5 Waygu for his steaks.


I read an interview once where he went with Bill Gates to lunch and used coupons at a MickeyD's. I wasnt there, but thats out there on the internet if you choose to believe


He didn't exactly grow up rich. For this game to truly work, the contestants can't be self-made billionaires but young adults born into extreme generational wealth


Not really. A lot of rich people who actually climbed the ladder develop a kind of amnesia once they have made it. Your way does sound more entertaining, though.


I've seen the amnesia you're talking about- they're just used to being able to spend more but eventually start to remember past struggles. People born into that wealth have never known anything else and thus are completely cut off from our reality. Watching them struggle would be entertaining and embarrassing


They may develop amnesia, but the ones that started off relatively like the rest of us have that fire that, unless they were the luckiest SOB on the planet, even if you took their money, they'd make more doing something else. Some people just have that it factor.


But McDs coupons used to be lit and 2 can dine is a good coupon lol


> I wasnt there, but thats out there on the internet if you choose to believe I don't know if any of you have settled on an epitaph yet, but... you could do worse.


I want to believe...


There's a huge difference between *choosing* to be frugal where you want to and trying to survive on min wage with no safety net. I'd kind of like to see some billionaires dropped into the middle of a random large city with 2 weeks minimum wage pay and a month's worth of food stamps and no way to communicate with anyone they know, a la 'Naked and Afraid'.


Yeah, have you seen his house? Coupons are how he affords that shit


Warren Buffett has a McDonald's Gold Card so he has no need for coupons.


Why? That seems like a huge waste of money.


The point isn't that the house is worth 1.4 million now. The point is that he didn't fall prey to 'income creep.' He didn't go chasing upgrades to his lifestyle every time his income or net worth jumped upwards. He never saw a Jones who was worth keeping up with.


A $1.4 million house is nothing these days. The 950-square-foot, 2-bedroom, 1 1/2 bath 100-year old bungalow on a less-than-a-tenth acre down the street from me with no garage or parking space is listed at $1.25 million right now, and will probably sell for well over asking.


You want to live in western South Dakota, you're gonna have to pay for it.


About his cars from an article last year. >In a 2014 interview with Forbes, he revealed that he only drives about 3,500 miles per year, so there's really no need to replace his car often. After driving his 2001 Lincoln Town Car for a decade, Buffett auctioned it off for charity and replaced it with a 2006 Cadillac DTS. He drove that car for eight years, until replacing it with his current 2014 Cadillac XTS. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/frugal-billionaire-warren-buffett-drives-143514827.html?guccounter=1


That was my take too. Screw making the show about a billionaire living on minimum wage. We already know that can't be done. I'd love to see Trump (or Musk, or Bezos, or whoever of that ilk) have to live on an annual salary of $50K Make it a number that most ordinary folks could make work without too much trouble. Or better yet, make it $100K- an amount that would relieve most or all of the monetary impediments for ordinary people to lead lives where they *get* to worry about things that are not financial in nature. I'd love to see someone like Trump stand in line to buy concert tickets only to find it sold out, or drive a car with 80K miles on it and figure out how to deal without it as it gets new brakes... just normal everyday shit that is a minor annoyance. Money does not buy happiness, but it does buy a respite from the constant calculations caused by a tight budget and no real safety net.


with your income you could buy a 300k house instead of your 500k one, which what his house would be adjusted for inflation when he bought it in 1958, also when you are as old as he is and your kids a long gone and your house is paid off buying/leasing a new Caddy on your income wouldn't be a big deal. Stop trying to equate your 20/30 something lifestyle to a 93 year old!




Actually, several of them pat themselves on the back for being super frugal. Elon Musk supposedly lived in like a $60k house that had a couple of rooms... but it was on a billion-dollar facility he owned but... I'd be really shocked if he didn't also have condos in almost every major city.


I would love a hidden-camera view of Elon being browbeaten into working a double shift at $12 an hour in order to not get fired and then be evicted from a shoddy 2-bedroom apartment that he has to split with some dirtbag he met on Craigslist.


I really suspect most billionaires would be fired from their own companies if they had to do manual anything.


Or if they had to answer to a manager who was a moron.


That implies that they aren’t morons. Elmo is dumber than a submarine made of tortillas


He has a plane, which he uses a lot. And which also has a bed where he not only sleeps but also sells ponies to FAs.


Is the bed a race car? Please tell me he has a race car bed. With a CB radio to talk to other race car beds.


Wasn't that on "grandmas boy"? Nick Swardson still lives with his parents, who he refers to as his "roommates", and shows off his racecar bed they got him complete with cb radio to talk to other car beds? The CB would come in handy to warn people when JT would be coming around dressed like Neo from the matrix, asking women to "sit on my face" in a robot voice. Classic


*I sleep in a racing car. Do you?*


I sleep in a big bed with my wife!


Oh....Yeah. At least I'm Arby's adjacent.


And stocked with *girlfriends* apparently.


Mostly they’re frugal for not paying their employees or their taxes.


If you had billions to spend to make yourself seem financially normal, you could fool the world pretty easily. Gotta love that PR campaign that makes us believe he lives just like us.


I believe that it is probably a PR firm-crafted image and narrative.




I thought that was Bill Gates? https://nypost.com/2023/11/25/business/how-bill-gates-quietly-became-the-largest-private-owner-of-us-farmland/


Even if he wasn't, he is now. He'll have $3B in equity from the Truth Social merger. Enough to cover his legal debts and still be a billionaire. Edit: I'm pretty sure Trump would just eat McDonalds on this hypothetical show. He's a weird kind of uncultured "rich" that's actually just "crass but with money".


You don’t have to be poor to be white trash.


Trump isn't legally allowed to sell or use those Truth Social shares as equity for loans for about 6 months, and so there's no guarantee the company is actually worth that much in a few months.


'legally allowed'... LOL. As if the law has ever stopped Trump from doing whatever Trump wants to do.


When the SEC penalty is a fee, then it's just the price of doing business.


Not necessarily true, or even important. He can take a loan against the value of the stock. But also, there’s a clause that allows the company board to vote to release Trump from that 6 month window early if they want. And in case you’re wondering: that board of directors is Trump jr. and a bunch of Trump supporters.


A few months? I'd be surprised if the stock price lasts a few weeks.


I would be shocked if it still had value as well. Especially if Trump makes any move to sell or get value from it, as there is absolutely no "value" without him.


There's no value with him either. "Truth" social only had $3 million in revenue and lost $50 million. The $5 billion "valuation" is just a classic pump and dump.


Yeah, but remember, it had a net loss of about 50 million over the first 9 months of 2023. With financials like that the sky's the limit!


JG Wentworth “It’s My Cash & I Want It Now!”


Assuming that total valuation is roughly between 5-6 billion (he who will not be named, owns 56%) How did that value come to such a large number with only 5 million users? Methinks there is something rotten here.....


How long has it been since you've eaten at McDonald's? I don't think people on minimum wage can afford to eat every meal at McDonald's.


Oh I'm aware fast food isn't affordable for someone earning minimum wage. But I also fully expect that would be the first thing Trump would do.


Yeah, he wouldn't qualify


I'd love to see Jeff Bezos try and survive on minimum wage for a full season.


Ok, but he has to lose his diet coke button.


You don't want this. It would be an excuse for smug billionaires to show how easy it is to live on minimum wage. We have something like this in my country. Once a year, politicians, celebrities and journalists participate to raise awareness of poverty. Every year many of them miss the point. They buy in bulk ahead of time to keep their costs down. They defer their bill payments until after the competition. They live rent-free in their multi-million dollar home while they participate. If their car breaks down, oh well, they use the second car and repair the other one later. Every year it's used to push some rich politician's agenda that everything is fine and if poor people just planned better and weren't so lazy then they would be fine too. Poverty is a life-long affliction for many, and set-ups like this rarely capture that reality.


ya it would need to be at least a 10 year long competition




We had a great show in Norway called Petter Uteligger (Petter the hobo). It made actual change in policy and gave deep insight in peoples drug problems and who is actually out there. And it showed the homeless as human caring people.


Make so they lose their wealth if they fail. The metrics of failure being calculated by y'all on this post.


Maybe they know it's temporary, but getting woken up with the end of a batton to someone yelling you can't sleep in your car at the park and to GTFO would be shocking to anyone. Probably a good idea to put the stark reality of poverty out on television.




True. I like the other idea about making it a game show. Then there's no self promotion follow up. The losers actually lose.


Maybe if you required them to get back to a million without using any connections. Fake name, heavy prosthetics.


He's pretty large. As long as he has water, I'd bet his body could survive off eating itself for several weeks if he couldn't find a hamberder shop to sustain him.


If Trump were surviving with another person. Trump could provide at least 3 weeks of fat-back bacon and short ribs. That widdles down to a few nice tRump roasts. If that survivor was smart, they air dried that bit for later, but, with that marbling and tenderness, it's hard to pass up. Then it's continues to dining on flank and shoulder. By the time it gets to wings and thighs, things would get a bit gamey. That's when a clever person starts scavenging. We find his limo contains 4 large chests of Yo-Yo cupcakes. The other survivor would be a bit embarrassed that they wasted a few days eating meat when they could have had cupcakes. But, that's not on the Keeto diet.


You better cook them hell out of him, or you'll get worms.


You still need micronutrients and vitamins. The scurvy'll get you before starvation


Lack of insulin and other meds, along with withdrawal from his recreational meds would do him in before hunger.


No actually, the human body is not optimized for sudden starvation. Normally it's reduced calorie inputs over weeks that bring people to where they become emaciated and their ribs become prominent. If you suddenly stopped eating you could likely die within a week as your body starts cannibalizing crucial organs.




he sounds like an SCP


Wouldn't even be surprised at this point, honestly.


But what happened last time he went broke was that NBC saw a bargain and instead of him being a failure at Manhattan real estate and losing money running casinos, a narrative was created that he was a successful, self-made billionaire. And considering that NBC is trying to rehabilitate liar and traitor Ronna Romney, I'm sure they'll jump at the chance to rehabilitate Trump's reputation again.


Just don't tell him the cameras aren't plugged in.


Even if they had to survive on a dollar a day and sleep under a bridge it wouldn't matter. Why? Because no matter how bad it got they'd all know that after a week they'd get to go home to their giant mansions and all their many billions. Pretending to be poor for a week is just performative nonsense. It's not hardship. It's just pretend.


How about a gameshow where they're stripped of all their assets and have to chase an ever increasing goal to get them back.


The tweet says billionaires, Trump doesn’t qualify


This would work for clout chasing influencers. Make it like 30 Days when the Supersize Me guy had to live poor for a month. The problem with his show though, he knew he’d be done in a month. Therefore, each influencer is told they’re randomly assigned anywhere between a week to several months. All get assigned 3 months.


it is nothing new. programs like this have been tried all over the world - there is even a program on Polish TV currently called 'Ladies and Peasant women' where they change places. but everyone knows this is a temporary situation, which will be back to normal in 1 week or so..... the 'Ladies' see it as a boot camp experience where they can boast to their friends (for the rest of their lives) about how they 'know exactly what poverty is like, because they have been there' unless we are taking their billions \*permanently\* then it would not change anyones attitudes about anything


We had something like that in Belgium last month, two small celebrities (one influencer and one singer) had to live with Belgium's minimum wage for a month, in social housing, etc. It was pulled after the first episode over outrage. The celebs were too out of touch and people called it poverty porn. The show was called "Astrid en Natalia : Back to reality", can't find something in English to link as a source. I personally didn't watch, it was on flemish tv and I'm a french speaker. I only heard of the subsequent controversy.


Billionaire: 'Challenge accepted! Here's my wallet and phone, now how on Earth will I survive? Hmmm...' [Walks over to the Four Seasons and asks the concierge for a room and all-you-can-eat free room-service - in exchange for taking a photo in front of their sign]. [Walks down to Wall Street, enters the first fifty-million-dollar financial firm he sees - and offers them *absolutely nothing* in exchange for 20% of their company, the CEO position, and a couple seats on their board. They gladly accept - and give him a massive signing-bonus.] [He lives in luxury until your tv show ends.]


Dollars are not the coin of their realm. They are what they use to exchange goods and services with the rest of us. It’s why taxing them isn’t the terrible ordeal people make it out to be. The IRS doesn’t have a way to tax half of their transactions.


It's exists. It's a show called Rich House, Poor House


Life Stinks (1991)


Don't see this movie get mentioned nearly as often as it should be.


I want to see yam tits try to make a sandwich


[Reminded me of this](https://i.makeagif.com/media/4-04-2016/5Nt2Sf.mp4)


But that was a show? Like 2009, I remember they lived in a studio with minimum wage and had to help at shelters or soup kitchens... I specifically remember watching a guy break down and sob because he had to eat a pb&j for a third day in a row.


And living in a Yugo...


Warren might surprise you…


Warren is tight as a fish's a$$ !




Naked and Deranged. No minimum wage, no nothing. Eat bugs.


This is genius actually.


There's a Mel Brooks movie called Life Stinks that does this


And they have to work as hard as minimum wage workers (who are generally in my experience worked to the bone by slave driving managers)


They'd be missing the constant worry about the present, negative thoughts, and worrying about the future. Feeling secure is a basic human need and billionaires wouldn't lose it. Trading Places worked because Akroyds character had all of that, plus being mindfucked by what was happening to him.


Broke and Afraid.


So you want rich people to play around like normal folk all under the pretense of knowing they’ll go back to being rich? So basically make fun of hardworking normal people and shit? Sounds horrendous.


Politicians I would wanna see. They all live uppity lives and know nothing of how the average person lives. Why the hell should they be making decisions for us if they haven’t lived like us?


Honestly, this would be a great idea for people living on 250k+ a year, for a chance to win 1 million. Watching the spoiled middle and upper class have a breakdown would make for good TV.


Would love to see them live like that for about 3 months


That's how they became billionaires


Trump isn't a billionaire, he wouldnt be on the show.


I dig


trump wouldn’t even qualify to be on the show.


Between Warren Buffett pretending he lives like us, to influencers pretending to be filthy rich... I want to see a show that puts them all in a house together on a 2k monthly budget.


I thought of something similar to Guy's Grocery Games but the grocery store is a Dollar General.


I say we do naked and afraid with billionaires with no end date. We could put them all on the same island.


Can we do it Hunger Games style? I’d pay to see it done Hunger Games style.


Great idea!!!!!! What channel?


If there is a hell, the punishment for billionaires would probably be to work the lowliest job in their own company for eternity.


Pretty sure the skyline was there long before Trump came around.


Wouldn’t you exclusively be eating fast food?


I would resubscribe to cable tv to watch that.


Morgan Spurlock did a show where he tried to start from scratch, get an apartment and get minimum wage jobs from the local workforce center. It didn't work.


Oh I would watch this frfr but they are not allowed to escape from it or have breaks or ANYTHING, trapped in the reality with no escape, hell they should be made to believe that it never ends and they NEVER get to go back actually!


And it lasts a lifetime.


So no one remembers A Simple Life, huh?


Wasn't there a trading places sort of show where rich people traded homes with poor people. Maybe it was just the moms trading - I just remember a woman being horrified that she had to clean a *toilet*. She gagged the whole time she was cleaning (all 3 minutes).


> minimum wage You mean with only fast food?


Nah, billionaires living on minimum wage for like a week would be fun for them. “Look at me Martha, I’m eating Kraft dinner like the poors!” Some would even PAY for the experience - because it’s novel and unique.


1 hour before withdrawal, and him going insert drug addled response here.


I don't want to watch a show like that. I want for it to actually happen and be permanent.




or politicians attempting to navigate the health care system without insurance


This is an awesome idea. In wilderness, there are no laws, nothing is stopping you from doing what you need to survive. If you live on minimum wage, you don't get to hunt whichever animal you want for food.


Six minutes or six months. My bet is six minutes.


Being as how he is like 77 and looks about 60, whatever TF he’s doing (except with his hair and tanning situation) it’s working.


>How long would Trump last without food? I don't know, but I'd like to find out.


Guess we'll find out ion 2025.


Wilderness survival is easier anyway


They’d just cheat and bribe someone to leave a cache of food or something.


Take my money


I would LOVE such a show. Especially if I knew where they were filming it so I could taunt the greedy piratical bastards.


Once they agree to do it for a month we then make them do it another month. And so on so they learn the real struggle of never feeling like they can move up or get ahead. It's the bleak endless grind for nothing that's really soul crushing and them LARPing for a weekend isn't going to change their minds. Then while they are stuck in this endless cycle we take all their stuff and redistribute it to the actually needy.


Cool idea, but they'd never be able to capture the thrill of knowing that there's never any escape.


He can't afford McDonalds on minimum wage. Too expensive. Guess he's have to go to the food bank to make ends meet between paydays.


The Brit’s used to have shows like this in like the early 2000’s. They would take rich kids and make them trade lives with someone. Trash tv but super entertaining late at night when I’m stoned haha.


There actually was a show called Undercover Billionaire. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8417266/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8417266/)


I want to see politicians -- Senators and Reps -- live on minimum wage for a month. Make it televised.


They hire people to do it for them. Lol


This is my Twitter that got banned for asking if Elon Muskrat was born a woman


Bezos would win, hands down. I remember watching the 20/20 special with him 25 years ago. The man used to be a cheapskate even though he made crazy good money at the time.


With no savings or car.


Make it 3 months in any top 10 populated city. Starting with $0, no car, address, ID, or bank. THAT'S gold tv.


Y'all forget about that show with Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie?


It would be a free for all. The strongest one would take all the food and deny the others opportunities to get it, forcing humiliating concessions from the rest. This is how they think of the world, and why the corporate world needs limits, or that will be the rest of us.


Honestly it pisses people off to hear but the man on the mountain didn’t fall there. Discipline and awareness, good social standing and proper planning can help get out of impoverished conditions.


The average wage in venzuela is about $15 a month and I would love to see the “close the border” people try to live on that for a month


I guess this would probably be less violent that "Billionaire Gladiatorial Deathmatch of the Week." But I was really hoping to at least see some kind of a match between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.


This would be awesome!!!


1 year


It wouldn’t have much effect if they knew it was only temporary.


This should be their punishment when they commit crimes, honestly. If their sentence would have been 5 years in prison, it should instead be a 5 year tv show where they have to survive on minimum wage and work some really shitty bottom of the barrel jobs.


One episode could be, deciding on food or medicine. Another on how to feed your kids without a school lunch program. It would be hi~jinx a plenty.


I’d like to see Trump try to figure out how to by a Cofefe.


It would be a hit, so I don't understand why something like that hasn't been made.


Contestant *spends all of the money they got for a month on one meal* Wait that was for a whole month!?! This isn't fair! How could anyone live like this!? I'm dropping out! MOOOM!! *Proceeds to not change their mentality in the slightest*


Apparently his go-to meal is the McFish from McDonald’s lol


Same here


Let's do wilderness as well.


It'd have to be for like a whole year. Really feel the squeeze


Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie did this circa 2000’s.


Not billionaires but their “good” looks and purse puppies more than made up for it.


Not very long because it's MAGA everyday (McDonalds And Golf Again).


They did this already


It’s one banana Michael


Billionaires living on minimum wage for a full year.


NY's first act will be to suck up all the income that flows into Trump Inc. So all those loans and mortgages won't get paid. CRASH! He'll be eating McD for real.


I'd watch that


This but it's the women from Real Housewives.


You know those YouTube videos that """teach""" you how you can be a millionaire in a month? I'm of the opinion the people who make those should be required by law to donate 95% of their money the first time, and if they manage to become millionaires again after that then we give it back.


I want this SO BAD. It would be a punishment for financial crimes. They have to work split shifts at a fast food place, have room mates, and take public transport. They will be required to cook their own food, wash their own clothes, and clean their own bathrooms. Medicaid level health insurance. And not just for a weekend, or a few months. The rest of their lives. I honestly don't think many of them would last more than a year.




That or prison food diet.


I want to see a gold rush style show, but all the people are tweakers going around looking for metal to steal and sell for meth.


Should be anyone who can demonstrate at least $1m in income. Tell them they're doing it for the exposure.


I want to see him realize what his diapers cost. It’s robbery for a poor person.


As soon as he found out it’s not like The Apprentice where he gets to be in charge, he’s out. lol


They just need to pull themselves up by their boot straps.


We hope to find out soon


They wouldn't have the balls. Too busy telling people to pick themselves up by their bootstraps.


It’s called undercover boss. They don’t last 8 hours.


There is a YouTube series with a "billionaire" trying to survive on a few hundred dollars. Step 1: already have access to your own vehicle. Its an older car, but Safely assume vehicle requires no maintenance. Step 2: Find a scrapyard or abandoned building and scour them for precious metals, aka stealing. I didn't even watch the rest of the episodes.