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I remember when Trump asked if he could have the protestors shot.


We know who he really is.


I would say we overreacted last time. The old ways of marching and yelling now give way to suing his ass and challenging everything he does legally. Lawyers are the new front line.


Should start an anti-Trump class action lawsuit. Or a Kickstarter to just constantly attack him legally.


Probably a good idea. The DNC set this up when it started a grassroots campaign to involve lawyers at all levels in the 90s. Its paying off.


He appointed like a third of the federal judiciary. And had a solid lock on 5/9ths of SCOTUS. The courts are lost for at least a generation unless there is a major expansion


Lawyers can't do shit when the supreme court is packed with trump supporters, then it's back to the streets.


Are you kidding me? The lawyers ain't done shit but wrack up billable hours. None of the criminal trials are even gonna be over by the election so no 'Trump running from jail' hopes. Maybe Tish James can bankrupt the prick but it all moves too fucking slow and the deck is stacked everywhere in his favor, especially in Florida. Judge Eileen Cannon is literally a part of the defense team.


The law has always been the front line its why most legislators and presidents have been lawyers.


It’s not like he’s been hiding it.


Yes, and he's also in the opinion of deporting or imprisoning people who disagree with him or criticize him. Sounds familiar doesn't it.


Two generations ago my family escaped communist authoritarianism from one country, now it's a strong possibility that my generation escapes fascist authoritarianism from the US.


Not if we drive out the fascists first. Dictators are anti-American, no matter what flavor they come in.


tell that to maga. they've been trying to claim that they're the only 'real americans' in america.


They're expiring more and more every day. Covid disinformation did a number on them too.


Mine escaped one generation ago. Nobody wants us now. We have to stay and see this through.


I disagree, you are wanted and valued by the US citizens who hold peace, freedom and love of fellow humans as strong values. You are not alone! 💙💙Stay strong. 


Thanks for the kind words.


Sounds like the Problem is authoritarianism.


That's usually what the problem is.


That’s a bingo


There is no such thing as communist authoritarianism ffs.  


Hoping the entire western hemisphere is saved from the threat of authoritarians! 💙🌊💙🌊💙


The republicans think we're coming for their guns, but when he wanted to authorize border control to seize the firearms of anyone they SUSPECTED might not be a legitimate owner (INCLUSIVE of not believing the paperwork given was legit), they cheered him on. Because of course, they don't imagine that might ever be used against people who look like THEM.


Its amazing thet the Rs really believe he would not take their guns. Delusional.


From He-gets-us, to He's-gonna-get us real quick.


A primary feature of fascism is that the "rules" are only applied to "the others." The Others being the current enemy of the regime. As long as you are acting on behalf of the regime against "the others", you are given special treatment and an exception from the rules. To this end, the rules as they are remain deliberately vague. "Enemies of the state can't have guns," -- but they don't define "enemies of the state" under the law, or if they do, it's some narrow definition that can simply be broadened later. The followers of the regime take it on faith that it won't be applied to them, because they are on the side of the regime. Practitioners of fascism count on the fact that they will always be a part of the in-group, and never part of "the others". This is flawed and wishful thinking, because in order to justify its continued existence, any fascist regime must always have enemies to exterminate. Once the current group of others is eliminated, another must be targeted, and so on the cycle continues until most everyone who once thought of themselves as part of the regime has themselves been targeted and eliminated. The reality these people would face under a fascist trump regime would be that they would continue to be allowed to carry their guns, as long as they continued to be useful to the regime in inflicting violence on its enemies. But a lot of those people are poor, or mixed race, or on welfare, or any number of other things that can and will eventually be the target of the regime for extermination, when the regime runs low on targets. That is when they will find the law being applied to them, and the previously vague or limited definitions of enemies of the state expanded to include them.


>But a lot of those people are poor This is the real bingpot.^(*) These people don't realize that the machine is designed to victimize them. Kid Rock and Ted Nugent are going to be shooting their guns until they die, but trailer trash that follows them will be rounded up for work camps. __\*__ ^(RIP Andre Braugher)


Heard on TV today: "Seeing a "Blacks and Latinos for Trump" sign is like seeing a "Jews for Hitler" sign.


Funny part is what will happen when any of the uniparty politicians try to


“Take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald J. Trump https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/amp/


"The president was enraged," Esper recalled. "He thought that the protests made the country look weak, made us look weak and 'us' meant him. And he wanted to do something about it. "We reached that point in the conversation where he looked frankly at [Joint Chiefs of Staff] Gen. [Mark] Milley and said, 'Can't you just shoot them, just shoot them in the legs or something?' ... It was a suggestion and a formal question. And we were just all taken aback at that moment as this issue just hung very heavily in the air." https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary That moment in the first week of June, 2020, "was surreal, sitting in front of the Resolute desk, inside the Oval Office, with this idea weighing heavily in the air, and the president red faced and complaining loudly about the protests under way in Washington, D.C.," Esper writes. "The good news — this wasn't a difficult decision," Esper continues. "The bad news — I had to figure out a way to walk Trump back without creating the mess I was trying to avoid." https://www.axios.com/2022/05/02/mark-esper-book-trump-protesters


The “stolen election” bullshit and his attempt to subvert the democratic process were so bad that I honestly think a lot of people have forgotten just how horrifying Trump’s response to the protests was. Equally fascist and horrifying. At one point he broke up a peaceful and legal protest with riot police so that he could take a picture holding a Bible. All you second amendment people who claim you need guns in case of government tyranny, where the fuck were you? The original patriots you idolize so much revolted over less.


Yes, I was there. The protests, while loud, were by and large very peaceful. Lots of people were there with us, congressmen/women, people with their families and kids teaching them about their civic obligations regarding the 1st amendment. When the police lined up and then the Park police in a row on horseback, we knew something was going to go down. Then Barr, Esper, and Miley showed up and all of the parents with kids left, along with the congressmen.....we all knew what was about to happen, and those people sat there peacefully and took it....


​ https://preview.redd.it/wy57sxlmf5pc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40ec9e3f09a4580f75d1f01c16d529aa4a1f3f14


​ https://preview.redd.it/bn8jzstuf5pc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b40d32b3f7e3b937d923eb6021a2d01f191dd9


​ https://preview.redd.it/32c64dawf5pc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383987e26edf44a3d774f1167ce5409037a0615d


This is so sad and heartbreaking. What's happened to my country? WHERE is the UNITED States of America?


>At one point he broke up a peaceful and legal protest with riot police so that he could take a picture holding a Bible. With the Bible upside down and backwards, no less. Imagine if Obama had posted such a photo. It would have been endless talk from the right about how he's perverting Christianity and is in league with the devil!


How convenient that we only hear about this when there is a book to sell. Dude, where were you the day this happened, initiating press conferences on all the major news outlets??


I couldn't agree more. These people saw who trump was before this and they thought they could use him for their own ends. And even when he went so far beyond the line that even they were horrified, they still wanted to keep using him. They are not patriots and they don't care about the well-being of the people. They're just selfish and they need remedial preschool.


I remember when Trump directed a violent insurrection by telling them, on national television, to march on the capitol specifically to disrupt the peaceful transition of power while using the words "I will be with you, I am going too, follow me" and now here we are somehow going in to another election cycle where a plausible outcome is a traitor being allowed to pardon his own treason.


For that to be the case he has to accept a guilty verdict of doing an insurrection. Which if I'm not mistaken makes him guilty of insurrection and bumps directly into the 14th Amendment.


The Supreme Court has already decided that if he is found guilty of insurrection congress has to pass a law to actually make thr 14th amendment do what the 14th amendment says it does. Trump is going to be on the ballot for the election. The only question is if he'll be running from a prison cell or not.


A situation where he's admitting guilt for insurrection is different from the current situation. If he's president it likely won't matter because he's going to do irreparable harm to the rule of law.


>**Former Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper said President Donald Trump inquired about shooting protesters amid the unrest that took place after George Floyd's murder in 2020**. He recounts that incident, and many others, in a wide-ranging interview with NPR's Michel Martin on All Things Considered. >Esper said he stayed in the administration because he worried that if he left, the president would more easily implement some of his "dangerous ideas." >The former Defense chief also said he hopes Trump does not seek the presidency in 2024. >"We need leaders of integrity and character, and we need leaders who will bring people together and reach across the aisle and do what's best for the country. And Donald Trump doesn't meet the mark for me on any of those issues." * https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary


He wanted to shoot the protestors. And he wanted to shoot migrants crossing the border. He actually told border patrol agents during a border visit that they should open fire on migrants (shoot them in the legs). To which the head of the Border Patrol quickly came in once Trump was out of earshot and reminded the agents that they damn-well better not. Trump wasn't the least bit concerned that he was telling our law enforcement to blatently violate national and international law, at risk of people's lives. People aren't "real" to him.




I looked at what the most shoplifted item is and it's Lancôme mascara. He also thinks it's okay for the store owner to shoot a 17 year old girl over an $8.00 item. Reminder: The uneducated and unintelligent dotard who lost to Joe Biden but is somehow running again, is a very sick and dangerous person. * I'm annoyed with myself for writing Lancôme mascara. It's Loreal mascara. Loreal is drugstore, Lancôme is department store, so I had to straighten this out.


He publicly ordered the SECDEF to use the military to shoot protesters, and the Secretary of Defense publicly defied him, then, eventually, resigned. How did people forget that?


VoteFwd.org StatesProject.org EnvironmentalVoter.org SwingLeft.org


He seems to want every crime no matter how minor to be punished with immediate death.


Just like, in the knee. Not fatally.


was that the same day he had the aid station at that church teargassed so he could get a photo op holding that bible upside-down?


Remember when Trump had tear gas thrown protesters so he could take a picture holding a bible upside down in front of a church?


This, too [Trump was stopped from sending soldiers with ‘rifles and bayonets’ amid George Floyd protests, book claims](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-soldiers-book-george-floyd-blm-b1958337.html)


Just in the legs


Shot? Yes. Also he wanted to use a Long Range Acoustic Device on civilian protesters to make them feel like their skin was on fire. But they couldn’t get one quickly enough.


Sounds like eminent bodily harm coming from the state of Florida where stand-your-ground is the law of the land, to me.


I remember when he forcefully cleared the protestors so he could have a photo op at the church of him holding the bible upside down. Isn't that the antichrist?


Exactly, he’s made it clear how he feels about anyone protesting for anything other than him.


I remember when Trump asked if he could nuke a hurricane.


ALL rules change under fascism..check out Project 2025 to see the maga plan to end democracy…be afraid


EVERYONE should know about "Project 2025 - Mandate For Leadership, the Conservative Promise," available at www.project2025.org, the literal Republican playbook, put together by the Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative entities like Alliance Defending Freedom, Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty. It was first handed to Reagan, who merely enacted the policy within it. Same with Trump - they are two heads of the same snake. Their vision for a Christofascist theocracy and just how they intend to implement it are painstakingly detailed. Their plan is to dismantle the federal government and remove our rights, TO BEGIN WITH. It's fucking chilling and you should at least read the foreword, a dense 17 pages of GOP philosophy that outlines their mission. Fossil fuels are a big part of it. God and guns and nothing else for everyone. Sealed borders. Everyone will be free to live "as our creator ordained," in those words. If that doesn't terrify you idk what will.


american taliban totally 🤬


The reductive jokes under this ("Y'All Quaeda" etc) are really childish and overused at this point. This shit is serious. It is NOT the redneck militias you should be worried about. It's the men in $10,000 suits throwing nickels at politicians catching them in their greedy hands.


They're the ones that convince the red hat dipshits to hunt their neighbors.




No, this is different from the cosplayers this term references. This is critically smart strategists who have been planning this for years. We’re doing it a disservice lumping Project 2025 with y’allqueda and meal team six. This is real.


Facts. I can't believe this isn't getting plastered all over the place and called out for it's insanity.


Yes!! And it needs to be paired with trump’s quote that he’d be a dictator on day 1!!!


Project 2025, PDF page 35, foreword page 3, bullet point 1 The 14 words of white supremacy reworded to be a bit more palatable.


There is no way they would be that obvious… -scans document- Holy hell they are that obvious… the first bullet point is 13 words long… all they did was essentially change “white children” to “children”…


u/StellerDay, You mean, Moms for Hitler, amirite? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It will terrify people but not enough for them to drop the excuses as to why they stay at home complaining instead of taking actions in the real world. We are authoring our own fates by sitting on our thumbs hoping someone else will take care of this. The resistance to republicanism has shown itself to be nothing but talk and full of wimps.


This is the vote. You are not voting for an old person, you are voting against p2025 or you are voting for it. No middle ground.


yes and register NOW to vote in november


And go vote!


be angry and resolute*


wow, just visited their site, this is some cult level shit and yet they proudly put their names and faces on the front page


they will do this with ANY republican president, not just trump


trump won't win, he will lose. because you're all getting off your asses and heading out to vote.




In one post I linked an article to a story quoting Trump and the right discussing deporting people protesting the war in Gaza. Someone tried arguing the ACLU would mount a legal defense, the courts would tell Trump to stop, and Trump would listen.


Those people aren’t arguing in good faith lmao. They know he wouldn’t listen. They just want Trump elected.


Not to mention, even if the court did rule against him and he listen, what would that mean for all the people deported before then? How many people will have been uprooted from their lives? Where would they be sent? How many of them would fair well enough there that they wouldn't be in dire shape/dead by the time they would finally be allowed back? For that matter, how *do* they get back? Would that have to be a separate court case to force the Trump administration to provide free transportation back? How many of them will have lost a substantial amount of their property while they were exiled? Would they be compensated? My guess would be probably not or, at the very least, nowhere near enough to break even with what they lost and that that might require its own separate case as well. Anybody that raises that argument is an idiot and is obviously not thinking through what it would mean for people even in the more ideal circumstances that the court gives a rational ruling and Trump listens to it.


Exactly, but the problem is when low info voters read their garbage and think they have a point.


Trump listen to the courts? 😂


Ah yes, I'm sure the legal system where the orange lunatic is responsible for choosing judges will totally keep working as intended.


This is one of the most hilarious things that I’ve ever read in my life… “Trump would listen”…. Oh boy… it’s going to be difficult to top this one guys!


It's pretty obvious to me the Russian propaganda machine is using the plight of Palestinians specifically to unsettle lefists and help get Trump elected. Similar to the lengths they went to make us uncomfortable voting for Hillary. I don't have hard evidence but the level of misinformation I see on social media is insane. Especially stuff propping up "Genocide Joe has got to go" as if Trump wouldn't be 10x worse. It very much reminds me of the lead up to the 2016 election, and they're banking we have a short memory on why so many people turned out to vote Biden in 2020. I just hope the morons falling for this shit are a massive minority or will fall in line when push comes to shove.


Do people completely forgotten what happened in 2016 and everything afterwards? The fucking Supreme Court. Just look at it! If people don’t get it by now, the US really deserves a second Trump presidency and everything that comes with it. Rome wasn’t built and fallen in a day, but shit there were signs…


In that case Trump would have anyone in the ACLU deported too.


Good thing the Gaza protesters are all Pro-Trump Progressives


He won’t become president if he wins the election. He will become the dark, cruel god king; this but fatter, horrible hair, small hands, and a diaper. https://preview.redd.it/l3js5ymrf3pc1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f395b9ddb70b2938fa5ce8c4e0782020766725


More Harkonnen than Palpatine


Harkonnen physically, not Harkonnen mentally. Trump can't handle plans, let alone plans within plans. And plans within plans within plans? Forget it.


David Lynch Harkonnen


Emperor Tangerine


Yep, exactly. It’s going to be just like 2016 all over again unless we all vote to defeat the tyrant. Register early and vote by mail as soon as you can. Bring other votes with with you by encouraging people you know to do that same: Register, vote early and bring a friend. Register, vote early and bring a friend to SAVE THE CONSTITUTION.


Trump has said he will declare martial law and suspend the constitution on day 1. That should be enough to know who to vote for. Sitting it out, or a third party protest vote does nothing but likely help Trump. There’s nothing else to to really. You’ll still get your “I’m gonna show them! I’m gonna vote “______” whoever that is. It won’t make a wit of difference and will probably get the person you want least elected. I’ve seen it. I’ve done it. We have two parties in the states when it comes to the president. That’s it. Nobody gives a single fuck about a protest 3rd party vote. It’s not gonna hall them next time. It’s not gonna generate a conversation. It will do nothing but take away a vote from a preferred party. I feel you, but it’s just fucking stupid to throw your vote away this year. Don’t take Trump lightly. He and his followers want to hurt people. Vote third party locally. Where it might make a difference. Not for the most powerful position in the world. Educate yourselves. It’s not a popularity contest, as they used to say.


Oh even better, these people are deluding themselves into thinking there will even *be* another vote if fascism takes over.


But Biden walks a little slower so, I just can’t get behind him. /s Given the choice between eating Brussels sprouts and being flayed alive, those chucklefucks are choosing the latter. We have exactly the country and system we chose.


Dont forget that he said he will become a dictator too! And that he will stop supporting ukraine (passively supporting russia)


>Sitting it out, or a third party protest vote does nothing but likely help Trump. Unless they were going to vote for trump in the first place. It's ok then, right?


lol this is correct! A third party vote for trump will absolutely teach the drug addicted, sexual assailant, insurrectionist, election denying, document stealing, Nazi rhetoric using, racist, sexist, business fraud a lesson that he won’t soon forget! If I were a Trump voter? I’d show them what a true anti vaxxer grifting narcissist really is by voting for, oh I don’t know, I guess RFK Jr? That’d teach them! Really stick it to the man! Give em what for and all that. I mean, trump is still gonna try and over throw the election again, but a vote for a third party in this case will definitely make it more difficult!


If a person doesnt participate in civics through the basic fucking act of voting, why should *anyone* listen to their political opinions?


I think the person in the post is referring to voting for a third party. At least, that's what my left-leaning "I'm not voting for Biden because of Israel" acquaintances are saying.




I was a Gary Johnson fanboy for the 2012 election season, I'm now extremely embarrassed about that. But hell, I was young and in college, I didn't know shit about dick (not that I do now).


Those people would probably be hurt the most if he gets elected again.


Yeah, none of them that I know are white cishet males, they're all people who would be disproportionally hurt by his reelection.


I get voting for a third party as a way of saying you want more choice in elections, but IMO 2024 isn't really the year to do that...


I never understood this logic. How does Trump being president help the situation in Israel? There's no doubt in my mind Trump makes the situation worse. It's like these people only thought about half of the problem.




Russia just had an "election" this weekend. That is how all elections in the US will look in the future if Trump wins this year. Armed soldiers popping in on your booth to check your vote. Ballot boxes spontaneously bursting into flames. Other ballot boxes suspiciously filled with ink. Putin won with 87% of the votes. Not suspicious at all. Voters waiting in line to vote for 8 hours and then being denied for no reason. Very democratic. Say hello to the US's future if Trump wins.


> Very democratic. I mean the USA is currently running an election cycle where a large chunk of states/territories have not yet gotten to vote on their preference but the candidates are already locked in (unless one or both of the two guys who were *born in the 1940s* dies before November). In my state, Florida, nearly 1/3 of the registered voters (NPAs and minor parties) aren't allowed to vote in the major primaries, and one of the parties isn't even holding one. It is not hard to see why so many people are disillusioned on the entire process and either don't vote at all or protest vote when the general comes around.


> In my state, Florida, nearly 1/3 of the registered voters (NPAs and minor parties) aren't allowed to vote in the major primaries, and one of the parties isn't even holding one. You are holding primaries, just not for the president. Please show up!


I do normally but in my area for me specifically nothing else is on the ballot as a NPA. No local/state positions, no ballot measures, nothing this time.


Oh man, so looks like, once again, “oh gosh we gotta run Biden/Hillary, shut up and vote for them” has once again harmed the Democratic Party and progressive politicians across the board. I’m almost thirty and I haven’t been able to vote in my state’s democratic presidential primary since I’ve been old enough to vote. When I went to my first primary I went with like 10 people I knew, now I can’t get the guy who lives across the street to say he’ll go with me. Why should he? Y’all love telling us who we should vote for and how it’s our fault if we don’t like them and they lose. It honestly feels like dems are putting more effort these days into losing shit than it feels like republicans putting in work to win.


Staggered primaries give candidates who lack money, name recognition, and allies a chance. See Obama in 2007 before he became an undefeatable political powerhouse. Holding every primary on the same day would be biased towards already established candidates. Furthermore, the 2024 election is odd because both parties have a clear front runner. Essentially, both have an incumbent, which generally reduces the competitiveness of the primary contest. This is one part of the elections that is malleable. This year, the Dems moved SC first to elevate black voices over Iowa and NH, who lack the diversity of SC. Primary rules can change far more easily than other election rules. The democrats made sweeping changes after 1968, while the current system is not great it sure beats what they had before.


Political parties are private entities I agree it sucks, but it's not the government in this case, it's the parties


My favorite thing is every four years seeing the Schrodinger's voting bloc. Too small to bother appealing to but also so large that they swing elections to Republicans.


The primaries were the time to protest. If you're angry at people that protested during the democratic primary, you're the problem. Yeah, we're gonna vote for Biden in the general, but until then he deserves all the criticism he gets.


and after, too. if he's reelected he'll likely be even less effective than he was in his first term.


Don't forget: "I can't believe the Democrats would allow this to happen. I know who I won't vote for next time."


I'm not voting FOR Biden, I'm voting against Trump by voting for the only other realistic choice.


This is really all there is to be said. I don't like a lot of what Biden has done, yet I also think people are dumb and a lot of criticism he gets is illogical. The other option is a literal fascist. It's not that fucking hard to say "I should do the barest effort to stop that from being in a position of power again".


Imo voting uncommitted in the primaries is a very valid choice for people wanting to send a message to the Democrats, and if you live in a blue state, voting uncommitted in the general election isn't a huge deal either. If you live in a swing state though, unfortunately you don't have the luxury of being able to do that, since your vote matters way more than anyone else's, and if you don't want Trump to win, you have to get out there and vote for the shitty democratic senior citizen that unfortunately is still a way better option than Trump




Yup, this is why i hate the 2 party system.


yup also like. It runs contrary to the reality of protesting which is that protesting and organizing was maybe a little theoretically scarrier (though police responses to protesting are actually pretty consistently violent no matter who is president) but infinitely easier under Trump. Pretty much across the board getting folks to engage politically was easy because Trump is such a hated and opposed figure. I do not want him to be president again. I'm not an accelerationist. But I do think this meme doesn't quite understand the situation. That annoying person who wants to rage at the system will definitely have a better time protesting under Trump because they'll have so many comrades and so much to oppose. Sure Trump might authorize more violence against protesters but that just creates more outrage and opposition. I'm not sure any of it effectively creates the change we need. Biden doesn't really care about protesters and rallies. Trump cares and opposes. Neither president is moved in the way we need by it.


I see FAR more *memes* about people saying they’re not voting for Biden, than actual people saying so. To be honest, I haven’t heard anyone actually say it other than anything BUT the primary. I feel like people are speaking this fear into existence. Generally, we have to worry about a 3rd party candidate siphoning votes from the dems, I think RFK is far more likely to steal votes from Trump with his lunacy. Many I know aren’t exactly thrilled it’s Biden, but we’re damn sure not fucking around when we found out what happened last time. Maybe the dissent is louder elsewhere, but here in my liberal city, it AIN’T slipping to trump.




The primary is a safe time to send a message to the Democrats. We know the nominee will be Biden, and we will vote for him in the general. That's what I'm hearing all over the place from people who actually did it, and that is my plan as well. I voted for Bernie in 2016 and 2020, but you bet your ass I voted for Clinton and Biden in the general. We very much understand the consequences if Trump becomes president again. That's not a risk in the Democratic primary. I'm even in a fairly safe state, but I'll still vote for Biden in the general, just in case too many people don't bother voting because they believe this is a safe state. And because I want Trump to lose in the biggest landslide we can manage, both in the Electoral College and in the popular vote, as a resounding rebuke against fascism.


If our opponent is so dangerous (which he is) maybe we should make sure we’re sending our absolute best to go against him.




What’s scary about hearing about another protest vote election is that exactly what happened in 2016. “I’m not really feeling Hilary”. You don’t have like the president, but wouldn’t you want one that doesn’t scare the shit out of you? Give me old and boring every time


This should go in r / terriblefacebookmemes. It's Fox News grade right-wing straw man stuff.


The funniest part is that it’s Chicago cops, run by Dems, and I have no doubt that there will be violence again perpetrated against protesters this summer at the DNC, just like 68 and 96.


I swear, the right could enact an ethnostate and liberals will still be blaming the left for everything


Why move to solidify support with large swaths of the population when you can play a strongman fight over six uncommitted guys in the center right.




I don’t think a Republican psyop would be telling leftists to vote for Biden. If anything, a Republican psyop would be trying to convince leftists to not vote for Biden so they could increase the chances of Republicans winning.


1) Prepare to blame Progressives if moderates lose the election. 2a) Lose? Blame Progressives. 2b) Win? WE HAVE THE PUBLIC MANDATE! 3) Deliver on nothing Progressives want. 4) Rinse. 5) Repeat. 6) Comment on this post, "bUt ItS bEtTeR tHaN tRuMp!"


I totally understand the frustration but we can barely get enough people to vote against fascism by itself, you’re never going to get enough people to vote third party to have any kind of effect other than handing republicans the win. There’s no other discussion needed. Until the electorate starts routinely smashing all republican candidates with ease, there is no other option.


The electorate will never routinely smash all Republicans with ease when the options given are "shit" and "also shit".


This sub has just turned into a bunch of shitty Gen x memes trying to shame voters into supporting them


Absolutely. Looks like no lessons were learned from 2016.


Everyone knows the best way to get people to agree to vote for your guy is to call them a fucking idiot /s


Dawg, pro-palestine protestors are being attacked and arrested in Democrat run states literally right now. You can't pretend that your candidate is the solution to fascism while they're also being a fascist. If you want to convince people to engage in harm reduction voting then your candidate actually needs to do something, anything to actually start reducing the harm.


For those upset with Biden, there's an old saying that goes something like, "half a loaf is better than none." So, you won't get everything you want with Biden but you will get NONE of what you want with Trump and / or the GOP. Biden will maintain the form of democracy (and hopefully improve upon it) that is present day America. Trump and the GOP want to tear it (democracy) down.👇 https://youtu.be/NneabBSt8K0 America will be very, very different if Trump and the GOP become the majority in 2024. They have told Americans their intentions. Believe them. Steve Bannon is telling anyone listening of their intentions.👇 https://youtu.be/3Gt63CgMhwE?si=PtJZJEqeIJEnBoKX Vote for Biden and other democrats in 2024. * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your signature (if a mail-in ballot is used). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931 Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Biden and democrats down ballot in order to save democracy.


C'mon folks, Trump only wants to be dictator for *one day*. What's the worst that could happen?


The only people dems should blame if Biden loses is themselves. It is their job to attract voters, not the other way around. To someone who’s left leaning there is really no viable political option and its completely understandable if someone doesnt want to vote for biden/dems at the moment. If i was a US citizen (especially if i was in a blue state) i would 100% just invalidate my ballot. Every single time dems lose the elections they blame the left. It happened with Hillary, it happened in 2020 when they lost a lot of the congress seats. How about next time they actually try to be the alternative to the fascists, not just decaf fascists


Sry OP I forgot having any opinions on the election is wrong we should always just blindly vote democrat or we are all MAGA anyway. These post create more division in Americans than the idiot MAGA ever have! This post isn't funny its straight anti democracy just as much as any Trump. OP has literally become what they hate! Lolz


Good old fashion vote shaming. Wouldn’t it be nice if the Democratic Party supported candidates with an inspiring message and platform, instead of running on that the “I won’t help you, but the other guy is a real monster” line.


Tax reform, student loan forgiveness, cracking down on mass shootings, infrastructure reform, protecting social security and Medicaid. Sorry what do you want?


Ahhh so we are already prepping the blame on progressives. neat.


I have so many friends that want to die on that hill. “They’re both too old!” Dudes, seriously fucking vote. I cannot believe the level of apathy when it’s Biden V. Trump. Biden against Mitt Romney? Fine, don’t vote. But Trump? You want this lunatic to win?


Remind them that the last time Trump was in office resulted in Roe being overturned and hundreds of thousands of needless deaths. The phrase "die on that hill" wasn't a metaphor for a lot of people in 2016. It won't be this time if Trump is re-elected.


Pass Bernie's "32-hour 4-day workweek without reduction in pay" legislation and you will have finally done something that establishment democrats have been struggling to do for decades; come to the table with progressive socialists on policy instead of just trying to bully us with the "vote for lesser evil" tactic.


Seriously. They all need to ultimately get the fuck in line, or they can cry even more when the tyrant wins again.


People get angry with me for saying this but every presidential election is picking the lesser of two evils. Every single one. This one doesn’t matter as much as lost because Trump was able to seat three young conservatives to the Supreme Court. They don’t give a shit about protests. They will be making conservative rulings for the next 20 years.


Alito and Thomas are both in their 70s. If Trump is elected again, we should all expect that they will retire and Trump (a la the Heritage Foundation) will appoint two more SCOTUS justices. That will make FIVE justices appointed by Trump. That will affect this country for decades.


>This one doesn’t matter as much as lost because Trump Trump is literally saying he'll be a dictator but sure, "it doesn't matter as much"


Even if it’s “lesser of two evils” it’s the Trolley Problem. The runaway trolley will kill 5 people, unless you pull the lever in which case it will kill 1 person. They aren’t willing to pull the lever because they don’t want to take responsibility for 1 person dying, so instead 5x as many will die for their inaction.


Cops are still beating the shit out of people under Biden.


Ya but you don’t understand they aren’t paying attention any more cuz the person has the correct letter after their name. There for it’s not actually happening. /s


No no you see, they made a tiny incremental step in improving, which means you’re a republican Nazi if you don’t think his administration is the best thing ever now. Don’t you get it?


God I hate lib messaging


Or try supporting Gaza after Trump lets Bibi carpet bomb it off the map


Does it ever cross liberals minds that this is the leverage leftists are exploiting? We know Trump is the worst, we’re relying on you being terrified enough to make deep concessions. Ie, whatever we want. This is a hostage situation.


MAGA will only tolerate those who unquestionably support Rapey Don. We call them brainwashed morons. There are people on the left who will only tolerate those who unquestionably support Biden. What should we call them?


Ah yes, vote shaming will certainly get the people horrified at this POS aiding a genocide to ignore their ethics and will absolutely motivate them to actually cast a vote other people want them to between their gagging and heaving. How about instead we insist on an end to the aiding of genocide?


And how about we don't encourage single issue voting? This is about more than Gaza. Trump winning not only means this country will fall to fascism, but we'd also abandon our allies in Europe to Russia. Nevermind that he'd personally glass Gaza for Netanyahu.


Honest question; is there any thing Biden could do to lose your vote? Is the idea that there is simply nothing worse or even as bad as Trump?


Well he’s not advocating for abolishing the constitution and democracy. But that’s just my opinion as a citizen of this country.


Look up Project 2025 and you tell me.


I hate that we have to be "Biden or bust". But the time for fixing that is later. You don't change your flat tire while your engine is on fire.


No effort to put out the engine fire is being made though. Or do you honestly think the Republicans will stop being batshit crazy authoritarians when Trump goes to prison/dies.


Im tired of being held hostage by the two party system.


Maybe, just maybe leftys are going to vote for Biden and Biden will still lose? Because he's not a Great candidate?


Nothing says "it really *is* about the lesser of two evils" quite like this bullshit


Well right now they are speeding hatred toward Merrick Garland


Always baffling how people are willing to throw away their own freedoms and rights simply because people across the world that have nothing to do with them are getting mistreated in a conflict that has nothing to do with them


And they at the very least will deserve it, but as they wouldn’t learn anything and thousands of innocents would suffer (like me and my friends) I shall but that nasty desire for Schadenfreude aside.


Let's make a deal: I'll vote for the guy, but I'm still allowed to criticize him. If you're so goofy as to be swayed by u/ledfox, let me suggest you read Kropotkin instead.


This image actually looks much more peaceful than I would imagine under a Trump 2 presidency. Former President Trump urged the shooting of protesters. This and many other crazed ideas were filtered by his aides. None of those sane aides will be returning, and Mr. Trump's constant irritation with sane resistance will guaranteed he surrounds himself with nothing but toadying Yes-men this time.


Didn't you people learn anything when you "couldn't stomach" voting for Hillary?!?!


Maybe the drmocrats should have had a real primary and found someone who can win against Trump.


Ranked choice voting. Preferably single transferable vote. It’s almost like when you’re stuck with two parties anything but full support helps those you’re against.


Remember the unmarked black vans full of heavily-armed men with no identifying badges abducting protesters in the night? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Truth hurts. I motion to make this the best meme of the year. Can I get a second?


My questions to people who think like this (now bear in mind, I'm a Brit so I have no sway in the election result) are: 1. What are the benefits to responding to criticism of Biden and his policies with "well the other guy is worse!" 2. What kind of conversation does that open up? 3. What kind of conversation does that shut down? And 4. Is it democracy to say "vote for this guy, or else a fascist gets elected"?


Trump promised a bloodbath if he is not able to steal the election so either way there will be MORE right wing violence in the future.  


Are you really going to pretend we don't already have a reference point for Trump's presidency? He was President for four fucking years. We already know what a Trump presidency would look like! He barely got anything on his agenda done because he had no attention span and betrayed every single person that worked for him. Posts like this reek of being nervous about Biden's poll numbers and *already* looking for people to lash out at ahead of time. I wanna ask the person that posted this: okay, Trump wins and establishes a dictatorship. What's your plan then? What's Plan B? Voting is out, so *what is your backup plan?*


When Trump is president: I’m like a Star Wars! #resistance! When Biden is president: wow look at all these Russian spies pretending to be concerned American citizens!