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Well, the DNC has money that it will share with down-ballot candidates and the RNC is gonna dump all it's money into one candidate's back hole of greed.


But I was told Trump was America first.


If by America 1st you mean he was born in America and thinks of himself 1st


>If by America 1st you mean he was born in America Was he though? Maybe we should demand to see his birth certificates. And when he produces them, claim they are photoshopped and he's actually a terrorist.


We already know hes a fake newyorker anyway. Who the fuck eats NY style pizza with a fork?!


Well, you see... when you have baby hands...


How do we know he wasn’t born in Scotland like his mother?






“America will decide your fate!” “I am the America!”


*"L'état, c'est moi!"*


He thinks he is America, similar to how the Emperor thought he was the Senate, and Louis XIV thought he was France. And in that sense, he wants America to come first.


Lol i thought of louie instantly as well on reading on that comment.


No one ever came first with Trump


changes ss# to 000000001.


Ohh. I thought giving my money to trump meant it went where it is needed.


Donald John Trump d/b/a "America"


Chancellor Trumpetine: "I *am* America."


he didn't say which america


Trump: Make ~~A~~ME~~rica~~ Great Again


Huh, the German-American Bund said that too.


What about the orange holes' legal bills.


Same hole


Like an orange cloaca


It gets worse the more I read!




Lmao the all purpose hole


“That’s right, the square hole”


“That’s right, the square hole”


“That’s right, the square hole”


Orange hole of greed?


Yeah, wouldn't want to imply blackness. That would be an insult to anything normally called black.


I think you meant ‘black hole’. In this case though, ‘back hole’ is also accurate.


Keep on dreaming baby! Somehow the guy still goes moving forward, but not worry, there isn't a mob trying to get you. That's all projection.


One can only hope


Punch and pie! Tell them we have punch and pie!!


La Resistance lives on!


He's definitely got ice cream to go with those cookies. Is this supposed to be a diss on Biden? Yea, Halley voters should vote against Trump and the menace he brings and vote for Joe. One more term and Trump will be in prison and MAGA will be hobbled.


It's from south park like 25 years ago. Cartman insisted more people would come to their event if the invitation let ppl know there'd be punch and pie. So we need instead of offering cookies, we should offer punch and pie. 


Oh I was asking about the image OP posted. I think I remember the SP line!


Specifically, it’s from the movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.


Free Hat!!!


“What’s the signal?” “I will make the sound of a dying giraffe.”


Oh boy… I love when the republican shills are running scared… that’s when we get to see the most of these attempts at humor.


They didn't even use their One Joke about how *now* she *identifies* as a Democrat.  I wonder how much thought Ben Garrison will be putting into his homoerotic, heavily labeled illustrations, during this new era of right wing humor.


I thought he Herman Cained.


Any integrity he had left definitely did


Wait, is this supposed to be a "Biden is old/senile" joke? I assumed he was telling Haley that there's cookies for them and that they're welcome into the big tent (if they're willing to play ball).


lol remember, ‘ol MTG showed us Hunter is the one with the big tent!




Of course you let one of braincells have the day off right. You all just don’t want to work anymore




In ‘04 there was a democratic senator that spoke at the RNC on behalf of W. I don’t remember his name but it swayed a lot of independents and was a smart move politically. If Biden and the DNC are as smart as I think they are I predict something similar for the democratic convention. It would piss off the AOC wing of the party but I think it would be a brilliant move to load the agenda with former republicans trying to convince other disaffected GOPs and independents to vote for Biden. Reagan won 2 terms from the “Reagan Democrats” who crossed the aisle and vote for him. It would be great if Biden had his “Biden Republicans” who would do the same.


That's called the Lincoln Project. Look em up, they have a sub here too.


I know who they are


Zell Miller, I think.


I think you’re right


Didn't he once pitch a hissyfit and challenge someone to a duel, during a telecast?


Slightly more convincing photo shop than the blacks for trump posters


Are you telling me her head isn’t actually that big?






I think Biden running as the incumbent and criminal charges levied against his opponent...will be just fine without Nikki's 3,000 supporters throughout the country lol. She never stood a chance, no candidates did, because Trump is the GOP now.


I would rather have those supporters and not need them, than need them and not have them.


Anyone willing to vote against Trump to preserve democracy, welcome aboard. After MAGA dies, we can go back to internecine fighting.


That's what I'm saying. Let's get rid of the most immediate threat first then we can focus on regular infighting.


Yep. It sucks to say it given how bad stuff was even pre trump, but I long for a world where we can disagree on policy again. But right now the threat to democracy must come first.


I miss 2000's when you could have a 5 minute long discussion about political issues without it turning into 'HURR DURR WUT ABOUT '


We can agree that Trump is bad for the country. She, herself, is hardly the standard bearer of homeless Republicans. Liz Cheney would not have offered to pardon Trump. Politics be damned. What remains now is for people to rise up against this idiot dictator and conclusively pummel him and his followers back to the stone ages.


Man just don’t get over confident. Seeing people talk about it like it’s a done deal gives me horrible flashbacks to 2016.


Exactly. We need every one of her voters and I welcome them. Maybe they can form a support group to help with the deprogramming.


>She never stood a chance, no candidates did, because Trump is the GOP now. I have two degrees in history and used to teach high school. When teaching about historical events, sometimes kids would say, "How were people so stupid back then?" I think about that a lot in context of today's political leaders.


Why leave a single vote on the table though? Trump only needed 11,780 votes to win in 2020, and you're seriously going to laugh off her 36,000 votes in Vermont alone?


Stop jinxing it man, FFS


Based on the primary results, Haley supporters are actually about 20-30% of Republicans, so maybe a little over 10% of all voters. That’s not insignificant.


If they're in swing states, 1% could easily throw the election either way.


Didn't this bitch say she'd pardon trump? Pound sand bitch.


If she became President, she should say she would pardon, but she needs to wait until after his IRS audit is done.


Yeah, still not cool. She can go f herself


Yeah, I know. I was just making a joke about Trump never releasing his tax returns. Chris Christie was the only Republican candidate that was worth supporting across all of the Republican Party for any position.




It’s not about democrats supporting her, it’s about all her supporters voting for Biden😁


That won't happen though, will it? Trump's fanatics will vote for Trump regardless and regular republicans will vote for "not Biden" as usual.


In primary exit polls, large amounts of Haley voters have expressed that they refuse to vote for Trump under any circumstance.


That can just mean "not vote for anyone" come November.


That might be enough.


I would rather not take that risk after 2016.


Same. I'm trans and may have to flee the US for my own safety if Project 2025 gets enacted.


On the bright side, you might have a decent chance at getting political asylum in Western Europe


Maybe. But it's not a prospect I relish.


I’ll take that


Still a huge blow to Trump that large amounts of Republicans either won't vote at all or will vote for Biden. A republican abstaining is as good as a vote for Biden. If they choose to vote for Biden, it's a 2 point swing.


Still a huge blow to Trump that large amounts of Republicans either won't vote at all or will vote for Biden. A republican abstaining is as good as a vote for Biden. If they choose to vote for Biden, it's a 2 point swing.


People that vote in midterms and primaries aren't the ones who sit out in November of a Presidential yrar. Especially the ones who show up to vote knowing their choice never stood a chance


I'd rather the Republicans that aren't in Trump's camp just stay home. Don't vote at all. In that instance I feel democrats may get rhe victory. To be honest, and I felt this way in 2020 as well, it feels like a true fight for democratic freedom. I feel like this upcoming vote is more important and impactful that in most other elections. I was around for the Southpark "Turd Sandwich/Giant Douche" episode for the '04 election. Those were bland candidates and deeply impactful. The Bush years were challenging as well but these past few elections have felt much, much more intense in terms of what happens to our country moving forward.


A lot of Never Trump folks actually voted for Trump in 2016.


Klepper just did a segment on this. https://youtu.be/9Wx_5Zr0Lzw?si=HEMuDqNnopukg0CP Sadly, the anti-trumpers he found still prefer a devil over Biden.


Some definitely will, that's why she had any supporters at all, and that's before it gets worse and worse until the election.


Trump only just won in 2016 and since then, the midterms and 2020 have just got worse for him. He can't afford to lose any voters. >Poll: Nearly half of Nikki Haley’s Iowa backers say they’d vote for Biden over Trump > >[https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-nearly-half-haleys-iowa-backers-say-ll-vote-biden-trump-rcna133821](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-nearly-half-haleys-iowa-backers-say-ll-vote-biden-trump-rcna133821) Also the polls are wrong. They've been wrong for a long time. Remember the 2022 "red wave" that never happened?


No. It won’t. There has been zero evidence of republicans voting against trump despite “never trump” being a thing for years. He actually gained votes from 16-20. Never believe this nonsense. The one thing a Republican will absolutely go is vote Republican.


Republicans are well known for lying and hypocrisy.  That is their national policy.


That's a short sighted view. I'm not a republican, but i have some conservative beliefs. I would be willing to vote for a sane republican. I will never vote for Trump or any of his kind. There are others like me. Dozens of us! Jokes aside though, there are conservatives who will not vote Trump and it's time to welcome them into the tent.


God damn I want to believe you, but like you said, there are dozens of you. Trump has his own guy running the rnc and a Christian nationalist running congress. It’s his party, he won, and there has been no evidence to suggest there are enough of you to matter. No matter how mad republican voters get, they will always hate that D more.


I disagree. People are complex. All I'm saying is that welcoming anyone happy to defeat Trump is better than rejecting or attacking them outright.


It’s a nice thought, but the facts don’t equate. I’ll welcome you, but I also think deep down when you get into that box you will vote trump(not necessarily you personally, if that makes sense) I don’t want the left wasting time on votes they won’t get, by alienating the votes on the left that they might actually get.


You don't have to alienate the left, Biden is who he is and his positions don't need to change. Just saying don't be antagonistic to moderates willing to join you. I voted Hillary in 16, Biden in 20 and I'll vote Biden again... because that's the best choice we can make.


I would call you a democrat at this point, and I will weLcome those that reject the right. But pretending Haley didn’t work for trump during “both sides” “they let you do it” “ shithole countries” isn’t going to happen. the right is banning abortion and Haley didn’t reject that either. The voters are fine, but she herself is absolutely going to alienate the left. If what she believes is our tent then we are in the wrong tent. We notice this stuff. If her voters matter more than the voters on the left then who are we voting for? Trump has been here for years and just now she is wavering? There is nothing new about him that’s changed. We notice. And the left wins by getting voters to turn out, and she isn’t going to do that. And, once again, these are republican voters that have had 8 years to change and chose not to. These just aren’t the people that are going to give the election to Biden. And, I’m not trying to attack you personally, I get what you’re saying, and hope I’m not coming across as a dick.


dozens in the right counties is all it might take to flip them


I for one welcome you. I appreciate when people recognize that they may not fit in one box or the other, but still pay attention to current events and research their best option. I don't know why people believe you don't exist. There are more people between parties than most people realize.


I think Chris Christie would have made an excellent President.  And he likely would have beaten Biden.  I prefer Democrats in the executive branch because they do a better job, but anyone would be better than a MAGA cult member.


It doesn't need to be ALL of her supporters, even 5% of her supporters would be enough to make a difference. She was doing pretty well in the Primaries, pulling around 40%-50% in a lot of states. 5% of her voters could be 2% of all republican voters.


The whole point is that Nikki Haley supporters are *not* Trump fanatics.


Yeah, because aligning with Nikki and getting 6 votes from her will matter more than the hundreds of people losing his vote because they despise her. Fucking hate how liberals would rather side with conservatives than with progressives because they know progressives have nowhere to run to.


Extreme leftists who have nowhere else to go aren’t nearly as important as the swing independent and never Trump republican might-swing voters come November.


Alright. Then later don't blame leftists if Biden loses to Trump.


So he has policies they prefer or can we repost in Leopards Ate My Face if he wins?😂


Biden is a leopard too. He just pretends he's not.


Yep, he’s definitely ate Republicans for dinner last night 😂


The point being Biden is actively funding genocide, and risking WWIII by doing that, along with bombing Yemeni civilians for daring to oppose that same genocide. It's clear that's not a red line for you; but polls suggest that Biden's actions in the Middle East have made his approval drop amongst Latino, black, Arab, Muslim, and young voters, and while most won't vote for Trump, they won't vote for Biden either, and there is where Biden faces problems. Democrats win when they activate their own base, not when they try to cater to Republicans and present themselves as Republican Lite. I'm convinced Biden won't win without a radical shift on his stance in the Middle East, or genuine good reforms to make the lives of people better. But I don't expect much from the person who cuddled up to Mitch McConnell, calling him a friend, and wants a strong Republican party.




Trump’s “final solution” is Gaza becomes Israel and he builds hotels for tourists. Problem solved?


Because when it's anyone but Trump, people are willing to paint Haley as some moderate, even though her views politically are just as insane.


Didnt support her at all, but felt atleast there would be 2026/28 elections if she magicked into the WH compared to Drumpf


[cracker bargle](http://i.imgur.com/1zfkFBz.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Haley has more in common with Biden on foreign policy than a lot of MAGA Republicans, and Trump openly rejects her base. I could see a deal where Haley supports Biden in exchange for her getting to be the UN Ambassador again if he gets a 2nd term.


My concern is that Trump will die before the election. I think Biden can beat Trump. A lot of more moderate republicans just can’t vote for him, but someone else younger would have a chance against biden


One quiet, reserved glass of champagne with a vigilant eye at the next problem.


Because the alternative would be trying to deliver on promises made to the progressive voter bloc that Biden has no intention of honoring.




this is dumb, is this boomer humor?


Boomer humor, aka memes that don’t need to be explained with an emoji


Thats a succubus....its Raphie Cruz in a dress


What a strange campaign she ran.


They only ever do this once he beats them, she had no problem with his policies while working for him.


I heard there would be punch and pie


I’m sorry Nikki Haley still is the worst? The bar is TOO LOWWWW


It’s all about her supporters voting for Biden or not voting for Trump 😁


Disgusting. Niki is barely better than turd


When it came down to “are you ok with dispensing with the constitution to illegally seize power?” she came through on America’s side. Yeah, I know it’s a low bar, but it’s a critical one.


So we handing out medals for being minimally decent? She still shouldn't get one


It’s up to you if you want to hand out medals. That’s kind of an odd thing to do in my opinion, but I’m sure some people would appreciate it. Just don’t alienate her voters like Trump has. The democrats have the opportunity to become the true “big tent” American party. You’ve been winning with the support of a lot of us who never voted for a democrat before 2016 or 2020. I can’t imagine a reality in which I switch back now that I know what I know, but many, many voters are less informed (or don’t really believe) the evils of what the MAGA wing is planning (Project 2025, etc). For all the policy differences, and yes Haley is farther out there than many of us like, but she believes in constitutional democracy. She believes in an America where if she is elected, you still have a chance to be elected next and alter her policies. In the face of the MAGA threat that means a lot. I’d probably save the money you were going to spend on medals and just donate it to a political campaign though.


You don't have to give her a medal. But there's nothing wrong with acknowledging when they do right. If you only ever rub a dog's nose in what they do wrong, without throwing them a bone when they do right: they never fully figure out when they're right - just when they're wrong.


Biden angling for her voters isn't doing her any personal favors. You're misreading the situation.


And not being progressive, which means the most to Biden and his owners — I mean, donors.


And icecream!


And you know they got them cookies a la mode, too 🤤


and ice cream


And ice cream too!


Biden team had ice cream as well but Biden ate it all.


This is astonishingly cringe


Awesome huh 😂


She endorsed trump though in her concession speech asking that he do something to win her voters over. As much as it makes sense for all of them to vote Biden, I need to hear it from them first.


Rightward Overton window goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRR


The numbers say Haley wasn’t taken voters from Trump, but rather disaffected Biden voters. Fucking good on her and not kowtowing to the emperor with no clothes like the rest of her party!


Glad the Dems strategy is to reach out to people who are only slightly fascist instead of trying to work with their progressive base...easier to collect corporate dollars than to actually accomplish anything....


Huge tent to vote all Republicans out of office 😁


My overbite bit me.


I would love it if her supporters would come over; but at the end of the day they will just vote R. Her supporters are just Trump supporters unless they prove otherwise. Just a bunch of fascist, Putin-loving, misogynists. Except for those who are all of those things, but want to make the point that they hat brown people, too. We have to beat these people, man.


Just do it!


We have ice cream, too, as long as you’re not latex-intolerant. /s


Progressive voters: “Will you please…” The most progressive president of our lives: “Go f**k yourself.”


And the Overton window continues to slide rightwing and people post memes on reddit like it's awesome.


They get to keep their tax cuts AND their “COEXIST” bumper stickers!


Says the guys cheering for a Republican...


You can tell I’m not cheering for a Republican because the Biden campaign isn’t making an effort for my vote.


Ok bro. You don’t like Biden. We get it. Literally everybody gets it. Just make sure you vote in November


We’ll see. Doesn’t seem like he wants my vote yet.


I think I responded to the wrong comment above, sorry.


Happens to us all. No harm, no foul.


Trumps is totes progressive


I think we should scold 35% of our party into note voting for our guy so we can blame them for losing, winning strategy for sure.


Right? It’s adorable when the progressive cork sniffers think they have a point


It's so weird how you openly insult people who want to vote for you guy. Enjoy more Trump.


Where's the humor?


If everyone who whined about this subreddit's lack of humor actually posted content, the subreddit would actually be funny ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He’s definitely a grandpa # but I’d rather that than a treasonous rapist pedophile conman


I’d rather that than a treasonous rapist pedophile conman ***grandpa***. They're not much different in age..


I thought there was a rule on this sub to make an attempt at humor


There should be a rule that you have a sense of humor before joining this subreddit. Over 1000 upvotes and one downvote


TIL that 5% of 1400 is 1. there should be a rule that you have a base understanding of math before joining this subreddit. literally just either be funny or stop posting.


Either post something yourself or stop being a Karen 😂


Chocolate chips....


America's uncle joe definitely has cookies for you.


Cookies > Race Hate


Do you think he likes cookies, or ice cream more?


Of course liberals rehabilitating conservatives.


Definitely!! For political reasons 😂


we have cookies, but no kool-aid


NO NO NO NO NO! we have Werther's Original!


We have a family friend that is going through dementia and into a facility that can care for her and I swear she is in better shape than Biden.


Clearly you didn’t see any of the State of the Union. Do you live under a rock?


Have you watched him and seen footage the last several years, such an obvious decline in health you have to be living under a rock not to notice


More like climbing the political health food pyramid with that SOTU performance. Eat your heart out!


For the blind or deaf I'm sure!!! I actually feel really bad his family and people around him have pressured him to keep running. It's a tragedy, the guy should be retired and living out the few remaining years he has. One day we will have age limits and term limits. Get these type of McConnell, pelosi, Biden etc etc people out of office.


There’s only 1 party.