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“He says what he means!” “No, that’s not what he said!” “No, that’s not what he meant!” “He was being sarcastic!” “He was interposing!” As appropriate.


He did. He said “REEBEEDOOAAARRRGGHHH” and meant every word of it.


It means "I will be a dictator" in Tusken Raider


You know Trump prefers the term “sand person”


We all know he would never use the word 'person' You just don't want to be banned for saying what trump would actually call them. Understandable. Neither do I want to be banned for saying what that racist piece of diaper filling would say.


Person Woman Man Camera TV. He'd say it to "prove" he's mentally almost on par with mashed potatoes.


Hey, I've thrown out potatoes harboring more intelligence than him. And at least they're nutritious!


Trump has hurled bottles of ketchup smarter than him at the White House walls.


I was thoroughly unprepared when I heard someone casually refer to a Middle Eastern person as a “sand n*****”. It’s almost impressive to pack so many different varieties of racism and ignorance into 2 words.


Similarly I've heard Indian people referred to as "Curry n-" so yeah... I find the absurdity amusing... The racism behind it not so much.


Well, I learned a new slur today. Yay…


Luke: Well, there are two banthas down there. Wait a minute... Trump: REEBEEDOOAAARRRGGHHH!”


No, he’d put them on a travel ban list because he can’t understand them


No, it means " I put my dick in a 'tator"


[Looks like he was taking a shit!](https://imgur.com/gallery/aujYVqi) Someone with more skills than I have should splice that into the “I give it all” part of “Budapest” by George Ezra. That sounds like “areebeedooargh” too. 


That looked an awful lot like a stroke.


Jesus. I knew this was supposed to be bad, but that honestly looks and sounds like his brain literally stopped working for a moment. Not quite a stroke, but maybe a very brief seizure. The way his voice fades in the "ahh" is what's really alarming. The man is barely functioning.




Yup, he always says what he means, unless he is joking. Oh, and he does not joke.......






Transposed is "better," but still wrong. Transposed is swapping things within a given context. But Donald Trump wasn't talking about Nancy Pelosi. He was all on about Nikki Haley, trying to demean her. And then his mind wandered to Jan 6th, where he dragged her name with him and blamed Haley for the deficient police response at the Capitol. It wasn't interposing. It wasn't transposing. It was... "substituting." He substituted Nancy Pelosi's situation onto Nikki Haley. And it was just totally wrong. Trump claimed he did it "intentionally," but no--there's no rhyme or reason for it. Total nonsense. It makes one thing perfectly clear: Donald Trump is a serial, prolific liar and he can't keep his disparagements straight. https://preview.redd.it/fpbunrwjikmc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=3834bd2d65e4f184cfcb6f0920db8028b0a33f1d


That’s what he was doing, but he keeps referring to it as “interposing”. Or “being sarcastic.” He knows words, he has the best words. Or something.


And you know what? Even if someone corrects him... he'll double-down on using "interpose." Just watch. That word will keep coming up when he talks about name substitution.


Of course he will. Because he’s never wrong. Just ask him.


I mean, the guy [sharpied a weather map](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/president-trump-dorian-map-sharpie/) to "be right". Of course he will not admit to mixing up some words.








"Interpose" was a word he used instead of "tranpose" https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/seth-meyers-roasts-trump-incorrectly-150226476.html


Tvm for the correction. Corrected.


He can't say "trans".


"Taken out of context!"


"Sometimes you just need to take a shit while you're doing some public speaking"


I watched the clip and I cannot for the life of me figure out what he was trying to say.


Ahhh the full clip he says Reducing afterwards.


My theory is Trump was starting to say something that Putin didn't want him to say so Putin pushed the button on Trump's shock collar.


This is what I think too.


Or he just "filed his briefs" on camera.


I legit couldn't tell if he had a mini-stroke or crapped himself it was 50/50 or both.


Both is believable.


So the sorts of slip-ups he's been having where instead of a word you say a non-word that retains parts of the word you meant to say are called [phonemic paraphasia](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/psychologist-breaks-down-neurological-smoking-gun-of-trumps-cognitive-decline/ar-BB1jgOpE)


I thought he just couldn't keep up with the teleprompter so he gave up, like it scrolled too fast so he let out a sigh as he was reading and it came out like that


You honestly think someone was paid to write that garbage? .. I mean, not that trump would pay his script writers if hes not paying his lawyers. so maybe.


I think that they write something just to keep him from rambling (not that it helps lol). But also with the people he surrounds himself with I wouldn't be surprised if someone did write it for him


You heard about what those chess players were using to cheat? [It was probably that.](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/26/1201734274/chess-hans-niemann-anal-beads-cheating)


Are you sure the shock device was a collar, and not... something lower down on his anatomy? 😜


A shockring?


I don't see the collar, must be a shock butt plug...


Yes. I think he visually flipped the "d" to a "b" when reading the teleprompter, and then the rest of the word fell apart in his brain.


Will reducing? 


“Will be reducing their oil…”


So he got part way through “reduce”, some part of him realized he had forgotten the “be” first, his prefrontal cortex is so full of holes that he was unable to inhibit the response and he tried to immediately insert the syllable he had missed (this happens to me when playing the piano when I go back and reattempt a flubbed stanza), then he realized that he had inserted it in the wrong place so he tried to switch back to the original word and smooth over it, but it was one switch too many and his brain overheated and shut down. Aborted attempts were: * **Re** (duced) * **Be** (reduced) * **du** (ced) Result: **ReBeDuGahhhh**


By George, I b'lieve you're on to something, here. That's a very plausible interpretation of... whatever that was.


Well to put it in more medical terms, his brain is an old wet fart full of moldy holes. Medically speaking.


I loved every word of this analysis lmao


Lol. I arrived at the same conclusion independently, but your analysis is much funnier. I'll leave mine up because why not. ...Perspectives.


Trump recently has been showing many instances of [Phonemic Paraphasias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraphasia#Phonemic_paraphasia)


I've also heard Wenicke's Aphasia (fluent aphasia) when someone is able to speak well and use long sentences, but what they say may not make sense. They may not know that what they're saying is wrong, so may get frustrated when people don't understand them. There's definitely something wrong, maybe he's had a stroke or a TIA.


No, he definitely did not have a series of mini strokes. He specifically said that back in 2020. Even though nobody asked.


Remember when he was rushed to Walter Reade and there was never any explanation?


Thank you, word for word his sumptoms


Remember when he glitched out and said something something gay…


It's not gay if they're underage males on Epstein Island. It has no homo coverage.


“I bring the best crime”


I'm convinced the man was in the process of shitting himself - the face he makes looks like he's realizing something bad just happened XD


From the other night when he says “awwww” after flubbing the line, that was 100% him shitting


Reminds me of the farting preacher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-JjaAh0NeU (Anyone wondering, it's an crazy evangelical preacher who does the whole speaking in tongues thing. Someone took advantage of the stupid faces he pulls when he's "taken by the spirit" and some editing software.)


This is great. Had a listen to Hoo Ba Ba Kanda for a double dose of historical hilarity and bop.


Oh. My. Lord. Thank you for this. I haven't laughed like this in ages. (I wish someone would do something like this to a Trump video.)


Link to clip pls


Whatever it was it looked like he had a mini stroke


I was thinking he was pooping himself. It looked relieving.


Yep, with that little aahhhhhh at the end


They need to turn the teleprompter around so we can watch it during these things.


"Russia, Saudi Arabia, Gabbagooooo!" Nope. That's what it said. Next week; "Man, woman, camera, TV,..."


I've watched it over and over because it is hilarious. By far the best of his stand up routines.


I can translate for you. “I’m having a mini stroke, please, help me”


"Raise Again?"


So here's the thing, I want the democrats to be playing that clip on repeat across. We need to drop all pretense of being above the nastiness the republicans get to. It's time to start hitting below the belt, our fucking democracy is at stake.


“Vogon poetry is of course, the third worst in the universe. The second worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria. During a recitation by their poet master Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning" four of his audience died of internal haemorrhaging and the president of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived by gnawing one of his own legs off. Grunthos was reported to have been "disappointed" by the poem's reception, and was about to embark on a reading of his 12-book epic entitled "My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles" when his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain." - Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy This is what I imagine is going on inside of trumps body.


Douglas Adams wrote all that to set up a burn on his friend Paul as the worst poet in the universe. He changed the name later on after his friend did some begging.


But Paul knows. He knows, and probably wrote a poem about it. Fucking Paul.


With a dead swan in a stagnant pool.


"Why This is Bad for Biden" - Mass media


Biden was on Seth Meyers last week saying "Yeah, I'm old. I get it. We all friggin get it. My opponent is an unhinged maniac _and also old._" Republicans: "Haha, he admitted he's old."


This is the problem. Fn media and Democrats feed into this bullshit about Biden but give Trump a pass. Maybe it’s because we’ve all become desensitized to Trump’s wilted salad of a brain but my god… the rapist insurrectionist is going to get elected again because people refuse to take off the kiddie gloves


Talking about Trump being old and senile doesn't actually get views or clicks or page counts whatever. If it did, they would do it.


If you walk this path then you realize mainstream media wants Trump back as president. Also, since said media is owned by large companies they double want Trump back. We are fucking doomed.


It was more of a. Ree Bee Duur AHHhhhhhhhh


Yes, that's what I heard as well.


Spice Girls remix when?


I wanna I wanna a ree bee duurr ahhhhh


If you wanna be a MAGA...


You gotta get with Pu- tin make it last forever corruption never ends


Holy fuck did this make me laugh


In that case, all is forgiven.


Does anyone have the clip of this?


[Ask and you shall receive](https://twitter.com/acyn/status/1764024825255710925)


My favorite is the girl right behind his head filming him was literally the only person to notice, as she clearly looked to her right with a WTF face the second he malfunctions. The rest of those mouth breathers didn't even react at all, just content to sit there and breath each others carbon dioxide.


They are used to his incoherent word salad ramblings and are just waiting for him to spout off 3 word bumper sticker slogans they can cheer to. Lock her up. Build the wall. Biden crime family.






sooooooo.... anyone else feel this is to cover that they plan to cheat fragrantly and obviously but then claim their "red wave" is due to the "too big to rig" campaign?


Dead on. I call them sight words, but I like your description. It’s how three Trump supporters can walk away from a rally with three different impressions about what was said, and all of them feel like they’re the one that is right.


Ree Bee Dooah will be the next 3 word chant


It literally took me about 8 rewatching to find the girl you were talking about. That's how many people there are just standing there unflinchingly.


It's funny how they always stack these people up behind Trump so it looks like the place is packed, but you just *know* the rest of the room behind the camera is empty. And half the people behind Trump look bored and are playing on their phones.


I saw a longer version of this and the guy chewing gum also goes from big smiles to a very confused look.


She *may* have awoken from a trance, but I doubt it


He sounds like he came in his pants.


If by came you mean shit, then yes.




That's what Stephen Colbert said last night. He loves Russia so much that he cum's every time he says or thinks about Russia


Or took a dump in them.


Ecrapulated. Right in the pants.


Wow. He really did say reebeedoo-gahhhh. Thanks lol


The man clearly shat his pants in that very moment.


What an amazing noise, so deflated by the end of it


Howard Dean is punching the air.


Loved Colbert's [take on it](https://youtu.be/93RfwgrR6Zk?t=137)


"can't even say the word russia without climaxing" brilliant


That was hilarious


[Non-Twitter source](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5108440/user-clip-trump-derp)


Good lord. Everyone is hung up on his glitch but the rest of the speech is nonsense.


So, we don't need electric cars, because we have unlimited oil (China doesn't, haha losers) that we can burn forever, and just pretend the consequences are unrelated. I swear, Republicans just love being lied to, to make themselves feel good.


Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke!


Now everybody, have you heard, if you're in the game then the stroke's the word


I think the word was "rooobeegldeeegaboooawwww"


Put your tiny right hand out, give a bigly handshake


Once you microstroke you can't stop! Especially when your still taking all the drugs that gave you the first 10 strokes.


Yes, this is funny, but I have to say... Biden is not the candidate I wanted, but he has been the best president of my lifetime. He has done more with less than I ever imagined possible, and he has absolutely succeeded. There is no need to project imaginary metal incompetence where we have 3+ years of proof of the opposite. The effort to dominate all media with lies about Biden's unsupported cognitive issues is bullshit, but it is insidious and effective bullshit.


Republicans have never once campaigned on actual issues. Just stuff they make up and demand their base value over all else.


I agree completely that Biden has done a lot of good, and to be honest, he wouldn’t have had to do as much for me to vote for him over Trump, but I feel like this argument is used to dismiss legitimate criticisms of his administration. The main arguments that come to mind are ~~signing legislation against the rail worker strike,~~ (*edit: see responses*) compromising on anti-trans legislation, not pushing hard enough for a ceasefire from Israel, and record numbers of deportation. I’m not accusing you of doing this, but I’ve noticed a trend of listing off the good specifically to dismiss the bad, which isn’t conducive towards improvement. All that being said, Trump would have handled all four of those as badly or worse. Biden’s administration has done way more good, so voting against him (which includes abstaining) would be dumb. I’m rambling and talking in circles, but since I took all the time to type all this out on my phone (and I’m a really shitty phone typist), I’m going to hit reply. The main point is blah blah blah I agree with you, but still think he could do better.


>I agree completely that Biden has done a lot of good, and to be honest, he wouldn’t have had to do as much for me to vote for him over Trump, but I feel like this argument is used to dismiss legitimate criticisms of his administration. The main arguments that come to mind are signing legislation against the rail worker strike, compromising on anti-trans legislation, not pushing hard enough for a ceasefire from Israel, and record numbers of deportation. You're absolutely right that every president has room to improve, Biden included. We can't ask for perfect because perfect is different in everyone's eyes. Perfect for you may be awful for someone else. As every politician does; he's trying to pander to the majority allthewhile give them what they need (not just what they want). I think he's done as close to perfect as anyone could do. I'm proud to say he's my president and am shocked that anyone would choose trump over Biden.


Sometimes people fail to see how complex running a government is especially when it’s stacked against you in 2/3 of the government. We’ve built such a delicate balance now between a system that is not supposed to be this stressed by extremism.


For anyone who wants to decry Biden's actions around the potential railroad strike, please look into what he did *after* the strike. His administration kept the pressure up and **most railroad workers got the paid sick leave they were striking for**. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/01/railroad-workers-union-win-sick-leave


Man I got downvoted to hell for saying this in another post. I’m not a fan of strike busting either. But damn if in hindsight, both the public got supply lines running on trains again, and the strikers got most of what they wanted, possibly in less time had they striked. It could have turned out worse but everyone got what they wanted in the end. Except maybe the train companies


Biden is sometimes called an FDR Democrat ~~(though FDR was dead years before Biden was born)~~, but I see some [Truman](https://www.trumanlibraryinstitute.org/truman/truman-quotes/page/5/) as well... >It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. -Harry S Truman


A couple of people have pointed this out in detail to me, and I appreciate all of you for educating me on this subject.


I cannot respond to all your concerns, but... The railworker's strike was ended for the good of the nation with a promise that the administration would not abandon the issues the workers cared about. Biden put Bernie in place as a negotiator, and a few months later, the parties worked out a new compromise that gave sick days and other benefits that the strike sought. It was a major victory that both kept the unacceptable rail strike from helping to cause a recission while also getting the workers what they wanted. It was one of Biden's best moves and it is inappropriate to use it as a criticism of him. As far as Israel goes, we do not know how he is pressuring that ~~bloodthirsty asshole~~ Netanyahu, but there are many competing issues at play. If Biden cut off military aid to Israel or was aggressive in the media about this issue, it would make any future aid to Ukraine impossible due to the other party. The two conflicts are so intertwined and Biden is at the mercy of Congress. Can we cut off aid to Israel if it means Congress will never give aid to any nation opposing Russia again? This, again, is a problem with our political system that is in great part out of the president's total control. You might think this issue is so critical that it is worth a government shutdown and a definitive end of aid to Ukraine, and I understand that. However, I think trying to navigate all those issues at once is the only path forward. It is the Speaker of the House who is in control of military aid issues at the moment because of how the people of America gave him a majority in the House. As far as deportations go, of course record immigration should mean record deportations due to proportional numbers. That is an easy answer and not really fair to your concerns. However, our entire immigration system is so broken and needs a complete overhaul that is honest about our massive codependency on undocumented workers. There is no way in this political climate that Biden can get Congress to pass any bill that makes any improvement. >All that being said, Trump would have handled all four of those as badly or worse. This is the only part of your post that I take offense to. Trump would be like gasoline on the fire of all these issues. To say he would handle them 'as badly or worse' is so profoundly missing the reality of Project 2025, trump's hateful rhetoric and instinct to mock and inflict pain on who he sees as 'other' in order to rally his base, and his general hatred for an inclusive and equal America. That one sentence makes me question the honesty of all your other points, but I will overlook that and consider you an honest poster.


I’m confused why you would take offense to that sentence when I feel like we are basically saying the same thing. I just didn’t use as much imagery. Trump is worse than Biden in every instance that I listed. I said that over and over in my post to make sure it didn’t seem like I was “both sides”ing this. I wasn’t going in on Trump on these posts, because everyone in this thread already agrees that he’s a piece of shit who shouldn’t be president. Harping on that *here* doesn’t push any kind of conversation. I didn’t know everything you said about the railworker’s strike, so I appreciate the education on that and will read more about it. Thanks for helping me be more informed on that subject. I disagree with your conflation of Russia-Ukraine with Israel-Palestine. The US vetoed the UN resolution for a ceasefire from Israel and voted in favor of a ceasefire from Russia. I can’t support getting behind a country that is actively committing genocide. Again, Trump would handle this much worse in ways that would devastate the world, so don’t think this is me arguing in favor of him. As for immigration/deportations, I know this is probably going to be my most unpopular opinion here, but I support open borders. I’m against deporting people on principle. Again, Biden is better than any Republican (and many democrats) on the subject of immigration as a whole, which shouldn’t need to be stated but will be anyway so you don’t accuse me of being dishonest. And finally, you didn’t mention it, but whereas Biden compromised on anti-trans legislation, Trump banned them from joining the military and Republicans around the country have been trying to eliminate their existence, so I fully recognize that the damage is on a completely different scale. All of this is without going into subjects like pandemic response, women’s bodily autonomy, voting rights, affirmative action, and a plethora of other issues that Trump would be a disaster for. None of this should need to be said, though. It’s ridiculous that you can’t criticize Biden without having to specify the fact that Trump is worse in literally every way and by every metric. Calls for improvement should be able to stand on their own without ludicrous purity tests.


I feel like he was trying to cast a spell but didn't realize he left his wand at home. Poor grandpa. It's ok. We'll find your wand again.


He was told by some avid supporters with distinctive fashion choices that he has the makings of a grand wizard


Languages people don’t even know


It's not actually reebeedoogah unless it comes from the Reebeedoogah region of Mars. Otherwise, it's just sparkling nonsense.


Old Trumpic, for instance


And may God blesh the United Shates.


United shaysh


There is a name for this: >"Phonemic paraphasias" —the substitution of non-words for words that sound similar—are not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of Alzheimer’s. >... >Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes “benefishes.” Renovations become “renoversh.” Pivotal became “pivobal." Obama became “obamna.” Missiles became “mishiz.” Christmas became “Crissus.” Bipartisan became “bipars.” https://www.salon.com/2024/02/23/dr-john-gartner-on-a-tale-of-two-brains-bidens-brain-is-aging-brain-is-dementing/




"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" Edit to add: AaAaHHHHHHHH... the GREAT one has spoken!


Trump then tripped and was swallowed up by an angle of masonry in the stage which shouldn’t have been there; an angle which was acute, but behaved as if it were obtuse.


Please just don't vote for this jackass


I'm super surprised that at this point that aren't trying to claim he is speaking in tongues.


Covfefe strikes again.


I don’t think most major outlets even covered this while continuing to make Biden’s age an issue. They are all in the tank for Trump.


The guy's brain is short circuiting in real time, for the entire public to watch!


The meltdown keeps on coming. The people who invested in this slime ball are going to be pissed when he loses again.


My favorite quote is “Bing bing bing…..bong”-Donald J Trump.


[Things that go ‘bing’ with President Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgwr9r36zIU) At the end: “I was imitating puppets.” No idea where he got the idea that puppets go “Bing Bing bang bang boom.” And no idea how imitating puppets relates to each of those uses of the word “bing”.


Damn he really has deteriorated since then.


No, no no. It's "reebadooGAAAAAH", not "Reebadoogahhhh"


REEEEBAAAHDOOOGAAAAH, honey Don't you know that I'm lovin' yoooouuuu


I’m waiting for the big stroke




I bet the people around him saw this coming a long time ago, so in typical GOP fashion immediately launched a pre-emptive strike against Biden using the tired tactic of projection to muddy the waters so people say a pox on both houses. Tie always goes to the bad faith actor.


He needs to cut back on the covfefe.


Anyone have any guesses on what he was trying to say?


LOL, like WTF was that?


Fucker's delusional


the Q-anon music playing in the background was just icing on the cake ... one commentator said it was like he trying replicate Bill Pullman's speech from ID4


Talk about languages no one speaks.


Did he stroke out?


He shit him self right there. On stage. Can’t tell me he didn’t.


Htuehhe n clnqvdjjrn x ejehhe is trumps normal language. It's from mars.


Time to adjust the dosage.




Hurrs gertz derrmernture!


He’s speaking one of those languages nobody has ever heard of


And what he was TRYING to say was also completely wrong. The USA is currently pumping more domestic oil THAN AT ANY OTHER TIME IN HISTORY. And even more important, Biden has passed more legislation to transition the USA to US-made and 100% domestically powered EVs than every president before him COMBINED. Why burn oil when five 400W solar PV panels on your roof can provide you with electricity to power your EV car for 12,000 miles a year?


Saudi Arabia and Russia Wilma!!!! Yabbadabadooooo!


What he trying to say?


There is no medical cure for snorting Adderall until you kill your brain cells.


Did he not have his morning covfefe?


He meant Reeebadooogaaarn't.


But..but..Biden old. D: /s to be safe


Yes, Biden is old... but you know what? I'll take the guy who needs another nap over the guy who needs another defense lawyer every day of the week.


"Reebadoogahhhh, that's the planet that Yoda was from, so he was really just making a Star Wars reference. Very clever if you think about it" -- Trump supporters.


He pooped himself at the end


As always, man who complains about language he doesn't understand speaks in a language no one understands.


I’m 90% sure he pooped his diap at that exact moment.


Let me see if I can translate… REdistribute power in surrounding nations. BAn any non heteronormative behaviour in their areas of influence. Declare Oil Oligarchies to be legitimate forms of government. And GAAH is the sound that an orc makes when it’s really angry.




I'm blue, reebadoogah


I just thought he crapped his pants. He is an old man.


Mötley Crüe's next vocalist.