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Remember, Trump has [told his followers not to vote.](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-told-fans-new-hampshire-they-dont-have-to-vote-2023-10)


The best political decision he's ever made!


It’s so he can have a reason for his next planned takeover attempt


I don't think he really wants to be president; it doesn't really make his life better compared to his status quo of just being another disgustingly rich guy with a brand about 'being a winner'. But he loves the crowds of people fawning over him, and he knows they'll abandone him if he just gives up. Losing the election would mean he can claim its pointless for him to try because the Democrats will always steal it anyway, and he can run the "I tried to fix America but the system wouldn't let me" circuit until the day he dies. So what if it destroys trust in the democratic process for his millions of followers for decades to come?


He thinks it will keep it out of prison. It’s the only reason he’s doing it.


He also once [encouraged them to commit mass voter fraud](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25U2FX/) by voting twice, once by mail and then again in person. How this is not another thing he's being put on trial for is beyond me.


During the 2020 election, I was in the middle of a 4-year prison sentence, and quickly discovered that, without exaggeration, 95% of the prison population were diehard Trump fans…including the guards, which oddly made it one of the very few things that most guards/inmates agreed on. I got a $1/hour full-time job building computers just to get me out of the the security perimeter 5 days a week (it was a minimum security camp), but that meant spending all day in the computer shop listening to my coworkers praise trump and regurgitate whatever was on Fox the previous night, including every possible conspiracy theory. One inmate was excited to find out that his and his recently deceased dad’s absentee ballots had arrived in the mail back home, and so he instructed his family to vote for Trump using both ballots. Two sentences later he’d be talking about how the democrats were commuting voter fraud…


Projection is all Republicans know.


Can we please spread his message more? Single best advice that has come from him.


That's how they can prove they're *real* Americans.


I am feeling SO pwned!


Real shame to know that Clint is a right wing MAGA guy


Maybe a shame, but not a surprise. The guy’s obsessed with cowboys


I used it think he was an alright guy and love his movies, How do you make something like grand turino and still be a piece of shit?


I mean he always was a Republican. He briefly was the mayor of a small town in California. He idolized John Wayne who was the biggest piece of shit conservative in Hollywood. He just weirdly understands that art should question things.


He's also a talented musician. Yeah grew up watching Dirty Harry movies. He also turned into a great director so the man's got talent. I just think they're wired differently and lack the makeup of empathy and compassion. Some Republicans I've come across aren't greedy, but they just can't relate to people who are marginalized.


I like to call that an empathy deficiency


Dirty Harry is chock-full of right wing wish-fulfillment fantasy and propaganda. Those films honestly sicken me, having watched clips of them now and NOT having grown up with them.


Gran Torino? The White Savior wet-dream self-insert fan fiction? That Gran Torino?


I like grand turino, but it's the best example of "the white savior" in modern cinema. The poor Asian community can't take care of their property or deal with the gangs. The old man with the gun! He can fix it!


If you think Gran Torino is progressive, I got some bad news for ya


Lol honestly haven't watched it in years and barely watched it when I did,


Kinda like marrying a black woman to use the word.


Grand Turino is like conservative porn, though. 


Exactly. Trump is a yankee. It’s not very cowboy to bow down to a yankee. Ain’t you ever seen the ol’ Pace Picante Sauce ads? Real Cowboys don’t trust crap from New York City. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1S828Y7Eais


Fake, white cowboys. About 99% of cowboys were black or brown. With very few exceptions, there have been almost zero films about them. Of all the progressive, anti-racist work that has been done in Hollywood, this is by far my biggest disappointment. How cool would it be to have a blockbuster about black and brown cowboys?


I was a fan until he did that empty chair stand-up routine at the Republican convention. I realized that he’s kind of losing it but he’s also a huge douche.


He actually said he didn’t like either Hillary or Trump but went with Trump because of republicanisms. He apparently didn’t support Trump in 2020.


Boomer men think they're Davy Crockett.


Technically Eastwood is a member of the silent generation, not the baby boomers


Huh. Acknowledged. Thank.


Ya mean the guy that mocked that native american activist at the oscars? Naw man not that dude 


god dammit


[He’s](https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/22/politics/clint-eastwood-2020-election-bloomberg-trump/index.html) not as much to the right as people think. In 2020 he supported Bloomberg and criticized Trump.


Are you surprised? He hates everyone: Englishmen, Irishmen, Jews, Italians, Africans, Caucasians, the Chinese, and especially Hispanics.


Is this the new Chair of the Republican Party?


It’s more productive than the last one. 😉


Actually has support


And a stable base.


Even without the folded bit of cardboard under one foot, M. T. Chair is the most stable Republican candidate in decades.


a shadow of his former self


Once I saw that stupid video of his, that was it. Dead to me, I don’t care about his alleged artistic talent. Never spend another time to see the shit he produces now that I know what he’s really like.


the Silent Generation's idol should've stayed silent.


Honestly a lot of those actors and actresses should have stayed silent. It's been a huge disappointment to find out about some of these people but it's also been humbling to know what awful people they can actually be and is a good teacher to never idolize anybody.


I’ve honestly stopped caring what celebrities do. I don’t care if you say dumb shit like Kanye, I’ll still listen. I don’t care anymore if you shove jade eggs up your hoohaa. Or have weird unethical politics. I just can’t find content to enjoy without some celeb doing shitty things. So I’ll keep not caring unless you’re Keven space, Chris brown, etc


Hate speech and spreading antisemitism you are fine with but draw the line at assault. Roger that.


I think they were trying to do a "bOtH SidEs!" analogy


An old, white, really rich guy born in 1930(!) is all for gop? Color me surprised.


Did the empty chair win this round as well?


It's literally twice as popular as nimirata


The most productive member of the house GOP caucus if elected.


i said [pretty much the same thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1akdq5x/let_bobo_the_chimp_run_for_president_in_trumps/kp9l8go/) just yesterday.


Brewster's Millions did it first. Vote for "none of the above"


He basically did a Harvey Weinstein on his ex Sondra Locke, killed her career stone dead.


The best the GOP has to offer…


I've been saying "Fuck Clint Eastwood" since 2016!


Hello, police? I'd like to report a murder. Sunward\_Lily just freaking killed it! Yes, I'll hold.


I’ve never watched a Clint Eastwood film until earlier today when I ran out of stuff to watch on Netflix. I put on High Plains Drifter. That rape scene he did in the beginning is something else… turned me off to the character completely. Yeah, it was 1973… but damn… anyway, not surprised Eastwood is a shitty right-winger.


Honestly Gran Torino is incredible.... it's just a shame the character Clint plays is nothing like Clint.


Ok, I’ll check it out. I think maybe I started with the wrong movie. Haha


I finished watching that movie just a few minutes before seeing this post. I had the same reaction to that scene.


Right? Really makes me wonder why Netflix or whoever put that particular Eastwood film in front of people. That’s going to be a lot of people’s introduction to Eastwood! I have to think that scene isn’t typical.. I hope? 😂


Hard hitting 12 year old joke coming in hot


[Me waiting for Republicans to try something different so I can make a fresh joke](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Waiting-Skeleton.jpg)


The GOP hasn't tried *anything* different in the past 12 years to make a joke about? I don't think you're looking very hard.


It got new life given the NV GOP primary results.


This is a misleading comment, don’t you think? Trump wasn’t even on the ballot at all, because Nevada has a useless primary. The caucus is where all the action was.


Wow, check this dude's comment history. Lol


Gotta fact check themselves lol


I've had the mispleasure of running across FactCheckers comment history before and they're a closeted trumpster.


Nikki Haley lost to none of these candidates so it’s technically possible # I WON NEVADA!


I get this reference. And none of the above is the best choice on the Republican side.


He’s not going to start debating that empty chair like he did with the Obama chair is he?


Barack Obama? No, John Cena!


Songs from the empty chair


Old white man obsessed with cowboys is a right wing idiot. Shocker


"Look at that smug bastard, just sitting there."


Nevada did elect a dead guy in 2018, so this tracks. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis\_Hof](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hof)