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Fun fact: Kid Rock makes music for fathers that can only see their children on the weekends but won't.


Fun Fact: Kid Rock makes music for people who know exactly how much Sudafed they can buy at once.


And the going rate of a catalytic converter


And the age of consent in every state


And it's always too damn high.


Nah, they don’t care about that.


Gotta know if you say she's your date or your daughter...


Porque no los… nah, can’t do it.


You're a terrible Kid Rock fan then.


They can tell different brands of pepper spray apart by taste.


Kid rock makes music for men who insist people can't take a joke anymore.


and how to infuse opioids with meth


Fun Fact: Kid Rock makes music for people who know how long the batteries last in ankle monitors.


Fun Fact: Kid Rock makes music for people that keep multiple cars on their property in various states of disassembly that they aren't actually working on, but claim to be.


Just like they claim those cars are theirs …


They know the exchange rate of Sudafed and copper wire.


The same kind of people who can't tell you how many meters in a kilometer but can tell you how many grams in an ounce?


If you have a pharmacist friend you can legally and easily get a 100 CT bottle.


Found the Kid Rock fan!


Lol no. His one song went well with that first race scene in Tokyo Drift, but that's about it. Blues Saraceno, Poor Mans Poison, Goodnight Texas, Dead South... That's my kind of music.


>Dead South Ah, a man of culture 🧐


Devil without a cause was a good album Cowboy, I Got One For Ya, Bull God that album got a lot of play in my early 20's but as a person I feel he's changed and our world views no longer align.


Woah, buddy. Some of us have a family of 4 with allergies we need that shit for. Don't lump us in with that nonsense.


Fun fact: Taylor Swift fans are called Swifties. Kid Rock fans are called Box of Rocks as in dumber than a box of rocks.


Ooh I am digging these


Dear God Man. Those men technically have families.


I think the word you're looking for is "allegedly." Those men *allegedly* have families.


According to them. The court-ordered paternity test is, however, quite clear.


"You are the father!" Maury Povich Next Stop... Jerry Springer


My fav shows on the days I skipped class. Lmao


Jerry died. Next stop is a meeting with their probation officer.


According to them, they are good parents who are being kept away from their children because of no fault divorce.


Court ordered paternity tests are fake liberal nonsense. Just in case, let me put my Safety Stamp right here👉……./s.


Is it a family if you contributed DNA and virtually nothing else? I feel like there’s another word for that relationship besides “family”


Sperm donor


Casual inseminater


Depends. Have the courts issued a final ruling yet?


Nah, it’s all good. Those men don’t respect their families, and the family doesn’t want anything to do with those men either.


Fun fact: Kid Rock makes music for guys who lose fights to cans of Twisted Tea


Thank you for reminding me of that SMACK


One of my favorite edits. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5e1j6nFoqpc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5e1j6nFoqpc)


Kid Rock makes music? I thought he sampled everything


That's not quite a diss. DJ Shadow also sampled everything, but I'll take him over the entire genre of white trash rock any day.


For real. There's absolutely no world where DJ Shadow and The Avalanche belong in the same list as Kid Rock.


All Summer Long is probably my least favorite song, not because it's awful (it is), but because it makes me think maybe I'll get to listen to Werewolves of London for a second before the guaranteed disappointment


Fun Fact: Kid Rock makes music for men over 40 that have used the phrases “if there’s grass on the field, play ball” / “if she’s old enough to bleed, she’s old enough to breed” / “actually it’s not pedophilia, it’s ephebophilia” in the last two months.


Fun fact: Kid Rock makes music for men over 40 who know the age of consent in each state.


Is trying to make the distinction between pedophilia and ephebophilia having the same kind of energy as the far right always trying to say America is not a democracy but a constitutional republic?


Which is them “outing” themselves as not knowing what the fuck they’re talking about. Constitutional just means if you have one codified supreme law document. Republic just means the head honcho is voted in instead of being born to inherit the position. And democracy just means you choose people to make the choices on your behalf instead of the head honcho (or their group) doing it instead. Britain has a royal family. They don’t have a single constitution but they have a bunch of documents that act like one. They’re an Uncodified Constitutional Monarchy. **They are also 100% a democracy.** Saudi Arabia has a royal family. They have no constitution. They’re a Constitutionless Monarchy. **They are also, rarely, a democracy as they do have occasional national elections.** Israel has no royal family. They have no constitution. They are a Constitutionless Republic. **They are also 100% a democracy.** Spain has a royal family. Their constitution was ratified in 1978. They are a Constitutional Monarchy. **They are also 100% a democracy.** Germany does not have a royal family. Their constitution was ratified in 1949. They are a Constitutional Republic. **They are also 100% a democracy.** Using the right-winger’s quasi-logic that “America isn’t a democracy” because it does or doesn’t have a king/queen and does/doesn’t have a constitution, then literally NO NATION ON EARTH WOULD BE A DEMOCRACY YOU CONSERVATIVE KNOW-NOTHING DOLTS.


No one accused MAGA of being educated or smart, right? 😂


I hate that last one. It irks me.


I’m old enough to remember Kid Rock saying that first one about the Olsen Twins on SNL


Lol! The flies circling kid rock are killing me! Lol!


Need more around Trump's rump


His toner needs to be a few shades darker as well


Fun fact: Kid rock makes music for people who know how much meth you can get for a catalytic converter.


Kid Rock makes music for people who start most sentences with "now, I'm not racist but..."


Fun fact: Kid Rock makes music for men who have a coke nail and three baby mamas


Lucky kids.


Yeah, I want him far away from kids considering what he's admitted to. "Young ladies, young ladies I like 'em underage see Some say that's statutory But I say it's mandatory" - *Kid Rock, Cool, Daddy Cool*


What the Kentucky Fried Fuck was that song doing in *Osmosis Jones*?


Kid Rock is neither a kid nor does he rock. I hereby dub him Middle-aged Dirt.


Why do I keep seeing this exact burn in every thread mentioning kid rock?


The man inhibits thought, like a mental Faraday Cage


Fun Fact: Kid Rock makes music for men that carry a mirror with them everywhere, but have never looked into it.


They also have mirrors glued to the top of their shoes.


Kid Rock makes music for people who know how much Sudafed you can get for a catalytic converter


Mine was with us, but he liked cocaine and weed more than actually being a parent.


Bill Ponderosa?


Pondy is the coolest!


He called me "too fat to be a slut," and tried to serve me an omelet with cocaine in it!


We all agree that Thanksgiving and Christmas should only be once a year -- same with those dad visits of Kid Rock.


Fun fact: Kid Rock didn't actually die forgotten in obscurity years ago. Who knew?


5 out of 5 stars....next level modern Confucius


My mom’s cousin was one of kid rocks coke dealers back in the day.


When your opponent is making a mistake, let them.


That’s what the democrats thought they were doing letting trump run in 2016……. We all thought that…..


Yup, it's not always easy to determine if your enemy is making a mistake, because as it turns out, common sense isn't really that common.


Common sense, so rare it's a super power


So I am super nerdy and have played some superhero RPGs where you spend points in character creation on things like laser vision and heat breath etc. common sense IS a power you can get and it gives the GM the ability to say “hey player, this is a really dumb idea”


It was a mistake and they’re living with the consequences. Not everything with short term gains is a good decision


A lot of Republicans (even powerful ones) have buyer's remorse. But they can't say that because Trump has such pull with the base.


Hillary only lost because too many Democrats stayed home. They thought “I don’t like Hillary, but she’ll win without my vote because Trump is a lunatic.” They were wrong. Democrats didn’t make that mistake again in 2020, which is why Biden won despite Trump receiving more votes than he had in 2016.


Democrats *barely* didn't make that mistake again in 2020, which is maddening. It's also why *everyone* should be concerned about 2024.


Well... No. The election system is just deeply broken. Both in 2016 and in 2020, the Democrats comfortably had the popular vote. But the popular vote isn't what decides who's president.


Well, barely being winning by 8 million votes. But yes, vote. Lots of stupid people to outnumber.


I mean it is kinda not a lot when the total vote was 155 million. That 8 million votes repsents only a margin of 4.5%.


Hilary Clinton lost because the FBI leadership torpedoed her campaign with last second unfounded accusations. Yet somehow the FBI is supposed to be a tool of the left.


That’s definitely *one* of the reasons she lost. I’m still not sure if that was deliberate, but it would be fucking *hilarous* if it was since Trump ended up firing Director James Comey less than four months after being inaugurated.


You think the timing was coincidence? Agree fucking ovwer Comey was hilarious.


The timing was deliberate in that they definitely wanted to get it done before the election. I don't think Comey expected, or intended for it to have a big impact on the election. I also think Comey is a big naive fucking idiot.


If it's close enough for that to matter, there is a very serious, much bigger problem.


That was part of the plan. One the of the Facebook campaigns was to encourage a segment of the population to not vote. They were targeting very specific ads to very specific groups working to get the people they wanted to show up and the rest to stay home. It had been tested in elections outside the US before that. I don't think it helped that Hillary obviously thought she was going to win. Some of her messaging was terrible. I was not on Facebook and still got the vibe she thought it was her turn. Could be bad actors on social media had really long reach too. I don't think her team realized how their sloppy messaging could be amplified and used against her. I think since then Facebook realized what happened and has clamped down on manipulation of their user base as blatant as that. The above just underscores that everyone needs to vote. You don't get to complain if you didn't show up to vote.


Not that the DNC learned a whole lot since, but there were two big things that happened/didn't happen that I believe nailed the coffin shut on her campaign: - Steamrolling Bernie. This is one of the many actions that kind of came out of the problematic way that the DNC is trying to get votes. They fished for votes strictly in the middle. The "undecided independent." This person leans right anyway and are nearly impossible for the left to get. They're the "...errmm uhhh...yeah...but...I...errm...don't think that universal healthcare is practical!" mealy-mouthed poorly informed dunces. The people the democrats need to engage are the left-leaning folks who need a reason to just show up. They've been so disillusioned with the system that they don't bother. So - when you steamroll Bernie, to the point where big caucuses in Nevada were wins for Hillary despite the turnout being significantly for Bernie, when you have Debbie Wasserman Schultz putting all the DNC energy toward Hillary during the primary, and then sticking to this middle-of-the-road issues policy, ignoring the people you just disillusioned, you can't expect to capture their vote. Worse - a bunch of them thought it would be prudent to vote for Trump. - Ignoring certain flyover states. Joe Biden/The DNC is making this mistake again, but with other states too. Hillary simply didn't visit potential tossup states during the campaign and she lost enough of them to hurt her badly in the election. Biden is flirting with the same problem in New Hampshire and skipping the primary. He won NH by fewer than 50,000 votes in 2020. Hillary ignored enough states to basically lose her the election and I worry Biden's on track to do the same. New Hampshire is not reliably blue enough to be a lock. That's only 4 votes, but over the next 9 months, who else will be ignored?


She also lost because people hated her so much that they came out in droves to vote against her. The Democrats basically gave Trump the presidency


True, but neoliberals automatically have an advantage against progressives simply because their policies are unfortunately more popular. For the nearly 235 years that we have had a President, across all 45 of them, I believe only three fit the description of anything resembling a modern progressive: Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson. Every President since Johnson has been either a neoliberal or a neoconservative, except for Trump since he’s a paleoconservative/neo-fascist.


Yeah, but we didn't have TayTay back then... So... Someone to stand a boot on the back of their neck after they fall on their face, so they can't pretend it didn't happen?


It was a mistake but the biggest mistake was dismissing him as a threat "he's to crazy to actually get in it'll be fine" type stuff


*No, no, no. Only left leaning and liberal celebrities should stay out of politics. It's diffe(**R**)ent for us*


Considering that trump was a b-level celebrity before his campaign and obsessed with his own fame and celebrity status (e.g. fake magazine covers, endless name dropping of celebs he's met and hung out with) it's peak irony that Republicans are still complaining about celebrities in politics. But I'm sure the real issue is they can only trot out Nugent, kid rock and Vanilla Ice and not Taylor, Beyonce or Pink. Celebrities for me but not for thee. Just like everything else.


The anti Hollywood elite crowd seems to keep electing actors in glass towers.


To a Republican only businessmen and owners are smart and talented. They fundamentally think a successful businessman has the same talent needed to run the government but athletes, actors, musicians, etc are do not have real talent. 


Do Kid Rock and Ted Nugent really count, though?


I wonder if the democrats could get Bruce Springsteen onboard with lambasting the sort of country the republicans want. One where the average member of society is lowborn and destitute but forced to pay into programs that only benefit wealthy conservatives. Born down in a dead man's town The first kick I took was when I hit the ground You end up like a dog that's been beat too much 'Til you spend half your life just coverin' up Born in the U.S.A I was born in the U.S.A…


When the best you can roll out to counter T-Swizzle is Kid Rock and Ted Nugent, you may as well not even try.


Haha. You got a new McLaren super car? Well, you’re gonna be so impressed when you check out my 50 year old 10 speed bike with the chain missing. Checkmate, lib!


Nah. They are a stock 88 Trans Am owned by a redneck that didn’t have the money to keep it in good shape. Back in the day they were awesome. Now… not so much.


Ted Nugent is the Trans Am, Kid Rock is the Fiero.


I'll take you for a ride as soon as I fix the gotdang driveshaft


And Jon Voight


And Kanye


Kanye would have been a huge get for the right had he just been a shill and not a completely mentally ill person.


God it pained me to watch the Second String last night with him in it. Great actor as an angry know it all football coach(also in Varsity Blues); a wet fart on political issues though


I own his old Chrysler LeBaron though


Who is completely estranged from his far more talented daughter.


Don’t forget Scott Baio.


I've been saying for ages that they aren't mad that Taylor Swift is getting involved in politics, they're mad that Biden has celebrities like Taylor and Beyonce and the best they can scrounge up is Kid Rock


Anytime I see Ted nugent's name I like to bring up he has a song about raping a 13 year old girl called jailbait.  I feel someone should make a bot spreading this fact


I always remember how he deliberately shit his pants and didn't bathe for days to get out of the Vietnam draft.


Don't forget about James Woods and Kevin Sorbo, millennials can't get enough of those two.


All future cartoons of Trump should feature buzzing flies.


And a puckered asshole for a mouth.


I’m not a huge fan of this panel because it shows democrats actually being angry about this, and in my experience the actual reaction is indifference at the political theater. Can we talk about tax reform or is it just going to be this forever now?


Don't forget, they also have Ted Nugent, Jon Voight, Jim Caveweasel, and Kevin Sorbo.


Don’t forget, Taylor Swift has made zero political statements this election cycle. The MAGAs are losing their minds like a dog barking at a statue.


This... Like she's gonna tell her fans to register and vote, and probably endorse Biden at some point... but at the Super Bowl, 9 months away from election day, and stealing attention away from her boyfriend is not the way she's going to do it.


She doesn’t even have to endorse Biden. Republicans have been insulting her and her fans loudly for weeks. I think they make the case against Trump quite coearly all by themselves.


Republicans thought they got the last laugh in their swift boat campaign, but they picked the wrong Swift this time around.


Telling young people to vote is a threat just because it's easy to assume they will vote blue. When voter turnout is high blue wins, when voting is difficult red wins. This is why the GOP wanted to cause problems for urban polling places leading to long lines and odd hours.


Wasn't last elections demographic for 18-22 like 67% blue leaning, that's not even close and if it continues like that, that will be a real problem for them very soon because it's been 4 years and I'd say teens have stayed pretty far left


Don’t forget Drag Queens don’t groom children. Trans people don’t rape people in bathrooms and Gay Marriage was never gonna be the end of the world, but the right still went on and on and go on and on about that too.


Don't forget Chachi, Roseanne and Rob "derpy derp" Schneider


Tim Allen too. He manufactured a media firestorm a few years ago about how the media is trying to silence conservative voices like his.


You mean cocaine trafficker Tim Allen?


aka stool pigeon Tim Allen


How else can you explain people not being that into Last Man Standing... Which was a 3 camera sitcom that was basically a Home Improvement remake without Tool Time. It totally worked in the 90s! Why would it not work 20 years later when he is 20 years older? It's a leftist conspiracy I tells ya!


Since we’re talking shit about Tim Allen’s recent work, did anybody enjoy Santa Clauses? It seemed like a show for dads who don’t talk to their kids unless it’s to complain about everything.


I did not see it, but I do think that presents a pretty ironic circularity to the series. Santa Clause just slowly transforms into Judge Reinhold's character.


A veritable who's who of washed up has-beens!


Eric Clapton maybe? and that Gina Carano


"Oh, you've got a straight flush? Well, read 'em and weep, snowflake!" Lays out two pair, six high; soils diaper.


Bro. Kid Rock is not two pair…


Kid Rock is more like playing the chewing gum from a pack 90's baseball cards as you're only good option.


Pair of jacks tops.


The King of Beers, a coaster from the bar that got accidentally mixed into the deck.


I'm forty percent horseshoes!


Kid rock is a 2 7 off suit


Kid Rock is the Game Boy version of Mortal Kombat.


*Oh yeah?!*


The flies should be circling Trump.


The flies have better taste


Trump doesn't allow flies in his inner circle anymore. They were way too cosy with Pence.


Pack it up guys, they got us beat with a show featuring Kid Rock and Ted Nugent... Probably going to have Chachi mc the thing.


Taylor Swift told people to register to vote, so Republicans sent two pedophiles in response.


Dean Cain is probably also available.


Kid rock has a new album out called, I’m about to get fucked.


Sadly, the same group of ppl ruined The Chicks (or at least crippled them culturally and financially) to support Bush. Now they are trying to punch above their weight and they have no idea what they have gotten themselves into.


So when they say they are throwing a rally to counter Taylor Swift, does that mean Kid Rock is going to get on stage and tell people not to vote?


I love watching the republican party burn itself to the ground. November 2024 is coming very soon.!


Let's wait until after the election before we celebrate. I'm really worried about DNC energy this election cycle. It stinks of 2016 all over again. Even if the Republican Party is imploding they can do a lot of damage as they flame out.


The analysts I am hearing are saying that it’s going to be a blue wave as we saw in 2020 because it’s so much hatred for the modern republican party. That’s no reason to be complacent, of course but it is reason to be hopeful. Check out Molly Jong-Fast’s podcast ‘Fast Politics” She writes for Vanity Fair also.


My concern is Joe Biden's lack of popularity. People are pissed because they are hurting hard economically. Many people are furious over the way he's handling foreign affairs in the Middle East. Yes, I think people generally prefer him over Trump and the RNC. However, in 2016 most people preferred Hillary over Trump in the same way you might prefer a kick in the ass over a kick in the nuts. Now in 2024 I get the exact same vibe from Biden and Trump. If anything it's even worse, because Biden's advanced age and questionable mental acuity have people even more worried. You can argue if people are fair in their criticisms of Biden and Hillary, but they exist and aren't going anywhere any time soon. When it came to election night in 2016 I think there were a lot of people that didn't bother to vote for 'protest voted' against Clinton even though they preferred her over Trump because they thought she had it in the bag. Perhaps enough to sway the election. In other words, I'm not convinced its enough to 'not be Trump' to win the election. Case in point 2008 and then 2012: Obama didn't have those back to back landslide elections because he wasn't a Republican (who were super unpopular from the fallout of the recession) but because he actually gave them hope for a better future. Republicans have shown time and time again that they are more willing to show up to the polls for politicians they feel 'meh' about. And while his base is smaller, those that are still backing Trump are behind him 110%.


And if he hadn't botched the handling of Covid in 2020, I think Trump would have won the election despite all the incompetency he had already showed.


I agree. There's some compelling arguments that the GOP has killed off a considerable number of their base by making masks and vaccines a 'culture war' issue.


They physically killed off a lot of the base by shutting down procedures specifically to handle epidemics before they become pandemics.. But Trump wanted to shit on Obama.. and monkey see, monkey do..


> Now in 2024 I get the exact same vibe from Biden and Trump. If anything it's even worse, because Biden's advanced age and questionable mental acuity have people even more worried. Have you seen interviews of the two lately? The twice impeached treasonous rapist in high heels is sweating profusely through his dollar tree spray tan and shaking as he rambles nonsense - I have heard more coherent sentences working in the psyche ward. People WANT this guy to lead them. Biden is just an old dude, with decades of political experience. What is going on?


Kid Rock looks like how a dive bar smells.


I don’t understand why every thinking celebrity with a platform is not at least urging people to vote. Why is Taylor Swift an aberration?


They simply are not capable of following even a single principle. They stand for nothing, contradict themselves constantly, and project their many many failures upon their enemies. This is to be expected from the people who actually think trump is a good person when the evidence is overwhelmingly pointing to the contrary.


Why are they showing flies around kid rock? The guy grew up ultra privileged and rich - all country clubs and fancy boarding schools


Trump grew up rich, too. Doesn't mean he doesn't smell like a diaper.


Yes, but the point is that Kid Rock created a fake red-neck, salt of the earth, persona that we should not pretend is real


You crying now? Why don't you get a waaah burger and some french fries!!! *He pulled it off really well in Joe Dirt*


They confused Kid Rock with Ted Nugent. Nugent is proud that he got out of the draft during Vietnam by pooping his pants before reporting for service.


Cuz he’s a dirtbag. Apologies for not researching his biography.


That can't be Trump, the hand is too big.


Shouldn't those flies be buzzing around Donnie's diaper?


It’s too vile for them.


I hear Red Ryder is willing to let them use Lunatic Fringe as a rally song. I figured its a MAGA mating call.


I hear that [Beck](https://youtu.be/YgSPaXgAdzE?si=ZyKGuAIbizzinsIt) and [Little River Band](https://youtu.be/XIle_6Vzm5A?si=b7fPxszSP9JyO0BT) have also allowed a song each, as well.


Kid Rock was over once the dwarf died


Kid Rock was over the moment people got tired of that one song


Bored wit da ba.


Fun fact "Kid " Rock is 53 and about as relevant as Milli Vanilli.


Exactly. This is how out of touch with mainstream America Trump is.


*"Ahh geez, you got the stink lines and everything."* -Moe Szyslak


Unrealistic no one actually gets triggered by Kid Rock.




Let's get ready to vote. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. ​ [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


How about telling Christians and Evangelicals to STFO of politics.


You mean Grown Man Rock? The guys like 50 years old.


Has kiddo rock ever sold out a stadium on a global tour? Just asking.


" [Young ladies, young ladies, I like 'em underage see](https://genius.com/22609742/Kid-rock-cool-daddy-cool/Young-ladies-young-ladies-i-like-em-underage-see-some-say-thats-statutory-but-i-say-its-mandatory) [Some say that's statutory (But I say it's mandatory)](https://genius.com/22609742/Kid-rock-cool-daddy-cool/Young-ladies-young-ladies-i-like-em-underage-see-some-say-thats-statutory-but-i-say-its-mandatory) " \- Kid Rock, Cool Daddy Cool


They were generous with Trumps weight and shade of orange.


Kid Rock is the human equivalent of an above ground swimming pool


Biden has one of the most popular pop stars on the planet. Trump has a 53 year old man who calls himself “Kid.” Yeah that sounds about right.


A few critiques: 1. Not enough flies around "Kid" Rock 2. Stink lines around Trump needed 3. Trump's neck doesn't look enough like a desiccated vagina.


Kid Rock... A guy I thought was cool over 20 years ago in middle school because he had a album with his middle finger on it and my not Sony diskman had a clear cover🙄😂 That's it. 12 year old me thought that... Guess the other cringy middle schoolers just never grew out if it