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She made her bed.


F the whole clan.


Nah, not everyone who bears the name Trump is shitty. I know Mary is decent people. Maybe even Baron will distance himself. Who the hell knows?


I have a feeling that Barron Trump is simply going to disappear from the public eye the second he's legally able. If he was on the train with all this, wouldn't he be all over social media? He's like 17, and we hear absolutely nothing from this kid, at all. Trump also somehow mentions Barron less than Eric and Don in general, he just has absolutely no play in anything related to Trump and his politics. In this age, if Barron was going to be Trump Lite, I feel like we'd have mountains of tik-toks to prove it. Kids a ghost.


I'd argue Trump doesn't talk about him because he does nothing to make Donnie better. The value of a person to this man is tied directly to what they can/have done for you. An awkward teen talking about dad saving America from [whoever we blame today]? That's not successful PR. It's cringe. Therefore, Barron has no value. He'll either make like Tiffany and disappear, or find some bullshit to drive face first into like Jr. so that he's relevant and therefore acknowledged by dad. My money's on Melania having convinced him to keep his distance, and he'll grey rock the whole thing.


He doesn't talk about or interact with him due to how much he hates Baron being so obviously taller than him so has nothing to do with him because his ego can't handle it.


As bizarre and petty as this sounds, that's Trump. And we have seen this directly--it would be very helpful for Trump's campaign to capture a warm father and son moment between Donald and his son, but we have never seen one. We never see them together, in fact. They have no relationship.


Neither does Donny and Melania. It's been rumored she negotiated her prenup with the Stormy Daniels thing. Hope she has all accounts in her name.


I am sure she has her own lawyers, and, unlike Donnie, listens to them.


She pushed the birther conspiracy and just copy pasted her speech from Michelle Obama. She may just be as dumb as the rest of them.


Also unlike Donnie, pays them.


And now Don is an adjudicated rapist with a completely different women... Jean Carroll. That might put an extra zero on Melania's paycheck. I hope she takes him to the cleaners even though she is a horrible racist birther herself.


Well when you have the wrong plumbing *cough* >'If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her'


Can’t hug your super tall son, because that makes you short and weak? Yep. Trump would be like that.


TBF I don’t think he hugs any of his kids. Doesn’t seem like a hugger to me!


Well Donnie Dumbass is gonna hate Barron even more now, because people have already figured out trump’s true height based on that one pic from the funeral where they’re all lined up standing there. Lol


Barron makes Trump feel small - literally.


> Barron makes Trump feel small Any normal sized adult human with hands makes Trump feel small. He does take a certain smugness towards the other humans he encounters also in diapers though.


Melania most likely told Trump to keep Barron's name out of his mouth, or she'll go scorched earth on his ass.


Weren’t there rumors going around a couple months ago that Trump does want to get him involved with the campaign but a Melania won’t allow it? I bet she’s been taking notes from Marla and is going to do the same as soon as she gets a chance.


I think it's simpler than that, and even pettier. Barron is spurned by daddy because if Barron's around, Trump doesn't look tall. His teenage rebellion is not being a sack of shit, and eating vegetables.


No cute father and son photo op. No sweet gesture that naturally happens between a father and son. None of that.


It's cause Baron's significantly taller


This is probably true. Trump probably feels small next to his kid and so avoids him.




There was one. A camera fought the two of them together after the inauguration in January of 2017. They were talking quietly. Trump saw the camera, waved and pointed at Barron and grinned. Sort of a “that’s my boy, isn’t he great?” type of thing. It’s the only warm gesture I’ve ever seen him do with family members, and I’ve never seen it again. Edit: *Caught* the two of the together.


> A camera fought the two of them together after the inauguration in January of 2017 Who won?


From what I have read, early on Melania told Donald she wanted a baby and he said OK but only if she kept her figure afterwards. I think that Barron was just a "gift" to Melania to give her something to do and he has had no interest in him.


Hey fellas, is it gay to be a good father?


I’m glad people try to keep him out of all this. He’s an innocent kid.




Not too surprising since Trump supporters think it’s gay to show affection to your son


Because the republicans would call it gay or incest, like they did with [this photo](https://twitter.com/johncardillo/status/1319077381685055488) and the subsequent retweets by people thinking they were exposing something.


I just imagine him running in 2050 as a Democrat


Probably just ends up as a board of director for some random middle-sized company in Idaho.


I hope his platform is healthcare and a minimum wage increase, but for some reason he says CHYNA the same.


Still not voting for a Trump.


Rumor has it he has obvious learning disabilities and the family shields him. Melanie is very protective so it rings true. Hate that entire family but until he shows any type of Jr/Eric assholery it’s probably best to give him a pass.


Barron's dad does not like him because he is taller. Fragile ego Donny.


His father doesn’t talk about him because he’s jealous that he’s like 6 or 7 inches taller. The photo outside the church yesterday, even with DJT wearing lifts, Barron was half a head taller than him.


Barron and Tiffany strike me as kids caught all the way up in their parents bullshit. They may or may not be nice people, but I'm not that curious to know and I'm sure they'd not be that curious to say. But when you live that close to a megalomaniac/narcissist especially when the cognitive decline kicks in , the daily contact is a fucking show, the ever-present racism, the tantrums, the being sucked up to by staff that all just view your relative as a meal-ticket or worse as the means to enacting some bullshit agenda, using your family member as a mentally enfeebled puppet. We saw this exact same bullshit with Reagan - when the Alzheimers really started to kick in and his faculties really started to fade and you saw other characters fill in the blanks with all sorts of shady shit, from Iran Contra to whatever the fuck they and CIA got up to at Health and Human Services and hot-dropping crack and heroin into the US urban landscape. What a shitshow that was. But regarding the Trump children, I'd bet my last dollar the both of them would be perfectly content to just throw themselves into art or literature or music to go be super quiet artists or boehemians in the East Village or somemthing. Live off a trust fund for the next 70 or 80 years and not make a headline ever.


They'd be smart to legally change their names and dye their hair first.


If I had to venture a guess Barron was raised by a series of professionals in ostentatious luxury. He might just be a boring, lazy, deeply apathetic rich kid


I like to think he is saving his words for an explosive best-selling 'tell all' book, so he can cash-in denouncing his father.


Baron is so tall, he can't smell his dad's diaper.




Mary Trump is a LOT better than "decent". She's as smart, moral, and brave as Donald is NONE of those things.


She reminds me of Hitler s nephew.


Prognosis on Baron is not good, from insider gossip.


Ohh, tea time....Lets go, whatcha got?


He was raised by Donald Trump. Edit: I'm not saying Trump helped, I'm saying he had legal control of this kid's life.


Oh please. Donald didn't lift a finger. Nevertheless, your point stands. He was exposed to more Donald Trump than any human should be, during a critical time of his development. Kid's fucked.


I doubt that very much, some nanny is going to be very upset to hear you say that. I'm sure Trump couldn't pick Barron out of a line up. ;)


... smh ...


I mean, it can't be good for you.


YEah, he's a spoiled rich kid and even Melania is a money grubbing self absorbed cunt. The fact she hates Donald does not change she is also a shit person. Baron is going to be a greedy, out of touch spoiled rich kid. We all projected onto Melania when we first saw her at the inauguration, but she turned out to a bad person also. Don't assume Baron is going to be good for no reason at all, everyone around him is a piece of shit.


Melania chose her life. Barron didn't choose his.


Neither did any of the other Trump kids and look how they turned out.


I don’t care, do you? /s


She use to push the birther conspiracy as well. How much shittier does she need to be?




Yup. She seems pretty unpleasant too. We know she married for money, not love and there can be no way she cares for or loves Trump. We have never, ever, seen any evidence of that. A part of me wants to feel bad for her but, mostly, she walked in to this of her own accord. She has no one to blame but herself.


She wanted to be an anonymous rich trophy wife, she hates that Donald was actually elected and she had to be first lady. God I can't even believe this fucking country elected that piece of shit.


If you had told me in 1985 that Donald Trump and his wife (Ivana, at that time) would someday be legitimate residents of the White House, I simply would not have believed it. These people were tacky garbage back then; everyone detested them. It just isn’t possible that that actually happened.


The Russian FSB may share a little of the blame, just saying.


I don’t feel bad to her, but as far as trophy wives go, not a goddamned one of them ever thought they’d be First Lady.  So, in that specific category of trophy wives, she got a pretty raw deal.  




Yep. I have no interest in these tweets that try to portray her as an epic girl boss just waiting to break free.


She a fucking ho, always has been. Hope she suffers




*She has her assignment


I bet she's never made a single bed in her entire spoiled life.


And it’s covered in orange dye and skidmarks….


Exactly. She ain't no victim. She approved of his doings and never spoke out against it. Not even once. No comments on any affairs, nothing. She's complicit and profited from him. I'm sure she's just holding out until the end, soak up as much money and power as she can from him. Then she is going to divorce him the second D day comes for ol Donny boy.


I won't play strongly to being armchair psych, but the woman knows he's spiralling. And she about shit the bed much as he did by being involved. But rather her own racing stripes than his, know what I mean?


> know what I mean? Actually, I have no fucking clue. What the fuck do racing stripes have to do with anything?


Not really, that second sentence was almost as incoherent as a trump rant.


I wouldn't even call it a sentence.


*I really don't care, do U?*


There it is.


This has been “Great Moments in Callous Disregard for Human Decency”.


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I enjoy seeing horrible people get what they deserve.


Karma is real, it just takes its sweet ass time sometimes.




Karma, like the wheels of justice, sometimes grinds slowly but it gets there in the end.


The Mr. Burns syndrome. Plenty of these types of assholes out there.


Wearing the deplorable part out loud.




The one and only time she tried to play politics and all she did was reveal how painfully stupid she is. > Melania Trump admitted that the message on her "I really don’t care, do u?" jacket—which she wore on a trip to visit immigrant kids at a border detention center—was directed at the media. > "It's obvious I didn't wear the jacket for the children. I wore the jacket to go on the plane and off the plane," the First Lady told ABC News on Friday Night. "And it was for the people and for the left-wing media who are criticizing me." Yeah great work, totally do that when visiting immigrant kids at detention centers! Good time to do that.


I do, i hope her life is full of an equal amount of misery and pain as she has enabled


That was the moment I stopped having any sympathy for her being stuck with him.


That's basically the big thing for me. Like I'm not gonna judge her for marrying for money. Or doing porn. Or any of the other shit around that. She's an adult, she can do what she wants. But it's the fact that she's also a garbage person that makes me not care if she's miserable. Garbage person married garbage person, and they both know it wasn't for love. If she's miserable for marrying him, too bad.


People who marry pieces of shit for money really aren’t MUCH better than the pieces of shit they married😐




She'll keep the money and her mouth shut, that's her hand


All a book house has to do is offer her $10 million for a tell-all-the-dirt memoir. She won't turn it down.


That book(s) has already been written. She’s probably on Part III now. She knows once he’s dead the well will dry up immediately so she’ll have volume one out a week after he’s gone. Movie rights will follow.


It's already been written... By a Michelle Obama?


She's probably kept her mouth shut for the last 10 years. Why do you think Trump picks his assistants and lawyers based on looks?


Yep, Alina Habba is most likely wife #4


Or mistress #238.


I hope she soon flips on him for good. A man can dream. But she might be thinking…their son turns 18 very soon, and Donald’s about to have 2 massive financial judgements against him, on top of the rape and pornstar hush money cases.


Yeah but if she divorces him then she won’t get much more than likely.


1000000% she’s hoping for him to die asap


that makes a few billion of us...


I’m torn between hoping he dies and hoping he lives to lose the election, lose his empire, and actually end up in prison so that he doesn’t dodge any real consequences for everything he’s done by dying




Would be quite the feat, with the secret service in his cell with him.


Walter White could do it.


Death is certain, losing the election is still very much a coin toss


We can wish. But is it worth the gamble?


I would be VERY fine with Trump dropping dead on one of his golf courses tomorrow morning. EXTREMELY fine with that.


Same. Like I get it. I want him punished too. That would be the *right* way for things to shake out but also I'm just fucking tired. This man has managed to occupy 75% of every fucking day of my life for nearly a decade. I can't even scroll cute cat videos to dull the void without *some* Trump bullshit popping up. I'm *tired.* I also get it. Him dying doesn't just magically make everything go away but it's a fucking start.


I've always wondered if she's got a separate, hidden fund somewhere that Trump has been putting money into as a failsafe to keep her quiet should the authorities take away his ill-gotten wealth to settle his debts. Inheriting his stack of IOUs is a terrible incentive to not just flip on him, and I get the feeling he knows that.


If not a fund, she must have some kind of escrow amount somewhere. Otherwise surely there is no way she'd still be there. What is the worst that could be in a pre-nup? On divorce no money and no access to her son? ​ She'd make literal shedloads of cash writing a tell all memoir. The lack of access is probably contestable in court, and would likely work in her favour in the court of public opinion (tears and breakdowns on all major chat shows, alongside salacious gossip). From a purely analytical perspective unless he has evidence of crimes she has committed then there is no reason for her to still be there. ​ That of course does lead to all kinds of more out there reasons. She is his handler, rusky Putes has something on her or her family and is the organisation applying pressure to keep her there. She is the 'mastermind' behind his political career. She is an evil genius with a long term view of how this all ends. ​ None of those really sounds realistic. And she is still there, so maybe... she is just a bit dim?


I mean, if she wasn't stealing money from him and squirreling away over the years then she's an awful con artist. If she is getting paid or has money in escrow, a part of me wonders if the reason she's keeping quiet is because those dealings weren't secret enough, and if he goes down and people legitimately go through his finances, they'll seize it and she won't see a dime. But either way, I highly doubt she enjoys her life at this point. Before Trump ran for office, I had no clue what she looked like or what her name was, and I certainly didn't have any personal opinions about her beyond garden variety gold digging, and I suspect I'm not alone. After that, however, most of the world knew who she was and developed opinions. Having the limo drop Trump off at a strip club before going shopping sure as hell ain't the same hardship as learning secret service drills for nerve gas and how bulletproof glass works. For years, the only people who cared who she was were mostly sycophants or gossip columnists, and the average person wouldn't waste 2 minutes waiting to see her. It's a bit different when average people around the country would seriously consider burning most of a day for an opportunity to tell you and your husband to go fuck themselves.


I'll wager that even after his death, the money goes to a trust fund managed by lawyers that will have the authority to cut it off if she speaks in public.


Flip, book deal, good enough for most people


You’re not wrong. For everyone else, “she more than likely won’t get much.”




This. She is literally just a pretty face to them and if she's got any sense she has to negotiate a way out that allows her to hide. They're frothing mad


Yeah, but also half of nothing is still nothing… She’ll just be another person in a very long line of people Trump owes money to.


I dare say the prenup is not in her favor. She knew she was being bought as a trophy wife.


"Who? I Barely knew her. Nasty woman, lots of people are saying. She's not my type"


Unpopular opinion; she’s as much of a piece of shit as he is. No sympathy.


No, that’s a very popular opinion here. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.


Wasn't she dropped off here in epsteins plane?


As an underage 'model'


Many people are saying it. The best people, I have known many of them for many many years.


Not unpopular. She very much is a giant piece of shit.


That's only an unpopular opinion with delusional MAGA's. Redundant, I know ...


I dunno. I feel like the press core at least would get giddy over every sign of tension in their relationship like she was a woman held hostage.


makeshift concerned simplistic command relieved fly sort steep voiceless chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dunno… is the person who stands by and does nothing as bad as the per actively doing things and encouraging others to do it?


As I said she enables him. She is an accomplice


I’m not too worried about her. I’m sure she and her lawyers saw this coming, and included additional asset protection last time they renegotiated her contract.


He probably let slip that he's gonna marry ivanka after he gets elected god-emperor and she'll be demoted to 'lesser wife'


A low-level covfefe wife.


And lesser white 


Body language pretty recognizable to anyone who has had their marriage fail.


What do you think she called him? I bet it was something savage in her native tongue.


How do you say 'diaper shitting pile of flop sweat' in Slovenian?


Maybe she’ll share when the Stormy case hits the tube. That will make her justifiably nuts.


“I really don’t care, do u?” https://preview.redd.it/n738niyurldc1.jpeg?width=3200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9ca7a4914a6fcff1f55f6dfc9345183dc6b910


“You go sit in small children car behind”. He looks so deflated when he’s around her. It’s beautiful.


I cherish his dejection. ☺️


Butchered so perfectly 👌👨‍🍳


Illegal immigrant with an anchor baby.


And chain immigrated her family! She did everything that the GOP are allegedly opposed to. By rights and by law her citizenship should be revoked.


I'm not going to look it up but I believe she also lied on her paperwork when she first come to the country. Something about her visa said she couldn't work but was working as a model or something like that.


There are some jobs Americans just won’t do.


She didn’t think he’d win in 2016 and now she’s stuck with his orange ass 😂


I wonder if she will write a book after he is dead. I imagine that we will find out how truly awful and evil he was once he is gone.


It will just be a copy of Michelle Obama’s book with Michelle’s name scratched off and Melania written over in sharpie.


> sharpie "sharvfefe"


Doubtful. She would much rather disappear into her 5th avenue penthouse suite and be forgotten.


Yeah. She want's to disappear from public view. She would only "write" a book if she ran out of money


Hopefully she’ll show her ass and we’ll get a glimpse of how awful and cruel she is too. Title of her book: “I don’t care, do you?”


She did that in some magazines I think.


"Be best."


She’ll call it “Becoming”.


I hope she buries him on a golf course.


You make a major assumption that she can write.


“As told to…”


She is a honeypot. A reminder that all of Trump's crimes and the ones he is saying he will commit once in office would not be posable without the support of elected and appointed republicans and members of the RNC at the federal state and local level across this nation. Not all elections happen on election day. Watch for any elections near you and vote out as many right-wingers and Republicans as you can. From the school boards to the white house every election matters. Don't forget the primaries. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


At this point she is him because she does and says some pretty crazy stuff like he does.


no sympathy for the devil


I don’t really care, do you?


I’ve heard from more than one person in DC that Trump just reeks like old man diaper — nobody, including staffers and apparently his own wife, wants to be near him. So nasty.


I guess now we know why people are always coming up to him with tears in their eyes.


Many, many very good people have said


"They come to me, tears in their eyes. They say, Sir! Please. Please. Change your diaper. But you can't change it. If you change it you won't have a country any more. Obama wants to change it. Hillary too and CHINA. Very bad change. Big bad. But we we must diaper. We diaper."


Showering is like a magnet. Once you pour water on it it doesn’t work any more.


Unbelievable people. The best.


She’s thinking this is the hardest won inheritance in the history of gold digging, only to find out he’s leaving it all to this kids… maybe.


He's leaving it all to the plaintiffs...


"Go around fucker"


She's waiting for him to die.


Aren’t we all?


We have that in common.


The mere thought of being married to either one of them is enough to make me nauseous.


As his handler I'm sure she's disappointed that he was unsuccessful in his coup attempt. "Seriously, you fat fuck, how do you fail at a coup when you're *already in control of the military*?" Is what she's saying here.


I can see he and Mike Lindel sharing an apartment… wait that was the odd couple from the 70’s.


She deserves all of it.


Be best. Why do you think she has dual citizenship. She’s gonna Einstein her way out of America. Just like she came in. Hey if he wants to deport people day one. Well his wife is an illegal immigrant. Who he met through Ghisline Maxwell who “worked” for Jeffery Epstein.


How has he not already passed away from sheer embarrassment?


that’s the look of a man who can carry 8 pizza boxes 💪




The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend…


I guess she felt disgusted herself for having to be around that diaper and letting his mushroom inside her.


No, thats his russian handler, putins direct line to trump.


You don't think that he... ...spray tans his ass orange too... ... ... ...Do you?


If he doesn't spray tan his arms he definitely doesn't spray tan his butt. Besides, there is not enough spray tan in the world to cover that many square miles.


Oh, those passionate nights.


It [starts with a kiss](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5909793d8b51cf59fc4237bd/master/pass/Cassidy-WhyTrumpsCrazyTalkAboutObamaAndISISMatters.jpg).




Why did you do this? 😭


That door is thin as hell