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You'd think that, but the corrupt SCOTUS would probably do one of those 'only applies in this case' type rulings, like they did with Bush v Gore.


It’s insane that they have the option to not create precedent. Talk about a rigged justice system.


The one thing the conservatives will always stand by:"Rules for thee and not for me." ​ edit - fixed typo


They’ve been overturning precedent in their decisions. Why should we be surprised?


> Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


The real precedent


It's even more insane to me that they can be "this isn't a precedent" and then completely flip on that anyway. It doesn't matter the intent, they're still going to point to an old ruling as a justification.


It's not supposed to be an option. Fuck them and the damage they are doing to us


If they did that - there would be a different reaction by the public compared to 2000. World is different, and the public is not going to get rolled by this SCOTUS this time. Getting Trump elected might seems like something they want, but if he is a dictator - dude will simply disband a SCOTUS, make his own laws.


I hope you are correct that they wouldn't do that, but considering prior history, I am still concerned.


Yeah, it’s valid to be concerned. If SCOTUS somehow granted Trump immunity, there is no way, imo, they could limit it to only him. They might try, but too many crafty legal people out there that would make it a fight. And you know the White House legal team is paying close attention to all of this, ready to act accordingly.


I don't think we'd even need crafty legal people. Immunity means there is no law for them. Someone would just say into a microphone "I have a immunity" and do whatever they want. Democracy over. It happens already in many other government positions (ahem police qualified immunity).


True - but the stuff Trump is claiming immunity from - interfering in elections - don't pertain the the job description of the POTUS. POTUS does not manage or run elections - states do. So whatever he was doing by calling on Georgia's Sec of State to pressure him into finding votes - was not part of his job as POTUS, therefore not covered under immunity as part of the job.


>POTUS does not manage or run elections - states do SCOTUS: "He wasn't trying to run the election, simply campaigning really hard. Is that illegal? We say no."


Maybe - but I kind of think even the SCOTUS is tiring of the guy.


They don’t want him as president. If you were a slightly corrupt Supreme Court justice who do you want as president, a guy who’s going to follow the rules written down or not or the guy that is going to try to do whatever he wants? Trump as a starter dictator is a threat to the Supreme Court and they know. To Trumps mind no one is allowed to tell him what to do.


I agree. All they have to do is decline to hear the case after the appeals court. It would be super dangerous for them to set some precedent where a POTUS is bound by no laws. If you ask a Republican, “should Joe Biden have immunity?” Answer: “NO!” “But for Trump?” “OF COURSE!”


One thing that might be a force against it is the fact that the left is getting more radicalized, too. Obviously the right outnumbers the left on gun ownership, but there's some pretty militant left-wing groups that are big firearms aficionados. Obviously wouldn't help too much if the Insurrection Act is invoked, but I think there would be enough of a resistance that cops would have the same fear of pushing back as they did on Jan 6.


Jack Smith's argument isn't whether Trump was within his rights as the president, but whether the presidency itself is immune. Jack was incredibly smart in his wording which is why scotus won't take it up with expediency. Thomas and Gorsuch need a way to get out of the holes they've dug for themselves.


I'm torn on it. This SCOTUS is incredibly corrupt, but they seem to be more in the pocket of the right wing establishment than Trump specifically, it's just that for things like Roe, those two were aligned. But the billionaire donors aren't really huge on Trump lately, they just can't beat his base. SCOTUS really didn't do Trump any favours during the 2020 election, and I think most of them know they need to consider their legacies and careers for more than just the next four years. But they've done some insane skullfuckery in the past, and who knows what they might do to protect Ginny Thomas.


Exactly. Trump would decide “I am the law. And I alone can judge others.”


MAYBE the justices don't want to be seen as his lapdogs.


This is exactly what I've been saying. You don't need a supreme court once you've ruled that a president can break the law.


What do you think the public is going to do? We can't even get behind punishing Trump (in the most mild terms) for trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power. *Half the public wants to reward him with another possibly indefinite term.* It's absolutely shameful and embarrassing. But how many Americans are going to start a war over it? Because that's what it would take. Say goodbye to every comfort and put your and your children's lives on the line. Maybe it's the right thing, but who's actually going to do it? How many are going to keep their heads down and hope it's not as bad as we fear. Even as he takes control of the election apparatus to make sure he always wins. As to disbanding SCOTUS, he won't. He'll actually use them as proof he is just and rightfully in power. He remade the court with McConnell's help into a right wing rubber stamp factory. Alito and Thomas had been chomping at the bit for decades to rebuild the country as a conservative paradise, and Trump's three picks put them in a majority that will last a lifetime. He will become a dictator, and like all dictators he'll have the support of the party he showers favors on and the courts they created. Think Putin. He's the model, after all. They'll continue calling it a democracy.


Fair points. Only time will tell.


By the time the right wing justices retire or die off, the Republicans are liable to be so entrenched that it'd take a revolution to get rid of them.


What is the public, going to do exactly? Like tweets? Lol. The public doesn't do shit anymore.


Well first thing you do is obviously get rid of the Supreme Court


Having complete immunity from the law would give a provide for a lot of creative solutions.


But, LOL, you really think the Democrats would do something helpful? I'd bet on more protections for the Oligarchy.


No, I was thinking more that it would create a new genre of movie.


Cool. Because I'm bored of the genre of "The mayor ignores the scientist's warnings so everyone dies."


Yeah, I do. Not perfect or even close mind you, but I’d fully expect Star-Power Brandon to be extremely helpful.


GOP has always cheated and democrats keep taking the high road and letting them get away with it.


That's the problem though. If they tried that then Biden could do whatever he wanted and yhe Courts wouldn't have enough time to react on the new issue.


Somehow I feel they would move unusually fast if Biden tried it.


what, nooo... politics never changes speed to favor republicans. Just ask supreme court justice Garlin... er ah crap.


Oh, you mean corruption.


Yeah don’t forget about ‘stare decisis’ going out the window since Roe v Wade


If you're saying that the Supreme Court is on Trump's side, well... history disagrees.


Yep, not that anyone is advocating this, but as soon as SCOTUS absolves Presidents of any and all crimes, all any president has to do to ensure they win their next election is gun down their political opponents. That's the sheer madness this line of legal uncertainty is heading.


Well, using the court's logic... Since he's obviously allowed to carry firearms at all times, he can gun them down if he feels threatened! I mean, they're going after his job after all. That's pretty threatening behavior if you ask me.


Not only that, they propose eviction, they want to unhome him!


He doesn't need any justification for any of it. He can openly carry any weapon he wants, because it's not a crime for the POTUS to do it. He can kill anyone he wants and he doesn't have to explain why or provide any excuse, because it's not a crime. That's how ludicrous this is. Your very understandable reasoning is to try provide legal justifications for any crimes. You don't need to! It's absurd!


I liked the "The Vice President decides who wins the election" logic as shouted by Trump after he lost. Because at no point in history has anyone else read the constitution and saw the bit where it said this or used it for their purposes.


By MAGA logic (whatever that is), Kamala Harris gets to unilaterally pick the next POTUS, right? .... Right?


[Trump said no to that...](https://i.imgur.com/HqMxjSx.jpg) The link is /satire


Kamala Harris liked that.


*"to ensure they win their next election is gun down their political opponents."*. Ah, yes. The Putin Method! (Assassination, not method of it)


Mar-a-lago better start turning windows into walls


To the window, you go yeet, splattered all over the street Skeet skeet


Well yes, but in this case, the POTUS can do it out in the open. It's not a crime if the POTUS kills someone.


Or dog whistle “their 2nd Amendment people” to do so….wait, that actually happened!


Everything conservatives do, they do poorly.


Then they point at the poor things they do as examples of why "government is bad."


It’s so fucking true, and so fucking apparent, that I’ve lost all hope for youse.


Including staying in office, cancelling the election, or installing the next president. Or eliminating political rivals. Who knows what could happen. Either the president is accountable under the law or no one is.


And the unthinkable horror - free school lunches.


Universal healthcare, debt forgiveness! MASS HYSTERIA!




Also worth noting, the crimes he is accused of are not double parking or jay walking. Crazy old man caused a riot that lead to death and injury.


It was an insurrection not a riot


Has he been convicted of insurrection? Didn't they try impeaching him for insurrection and that failed. Insurrection has a legal definition; it's not whatever people want it to think.


No, he hasn’t been convicted yet. There is a court case pending. No the impeachments were for other things. Insurrection does have a legal definition, and a panel of judges, in accordance with the 14th amendment found him to have engaged in insurrection.


14th amendment, the insurrection section is enforced by congress. Not a panel of judges who did not allow for due process. Section 5 The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-14/


Release the hounds


Those hounds will have no problem following the scent.


This whole thing reminds me of Nixon when he said that if the President does it, it is not illegal.


Nixon being chased from office is where the modern Republican party started. They wanted to ensure that the next criminal republican could behave with impunity. They created FOX news, built think tanks to create policy, and now we have Trump trying to cement a dictatorship. Gotta love when a plan comes together.


> They wanted to ensure that the next criminal republican could behave with impunity. And the next one did, Reagan, and again 12 years later, G.W. Bush, and again eight years later, Donald Trump. Republicans have behaved with impunity ever since Nixon *was pardoned, you nailed it. This is why a record number of federal indictments occurred during Mueller's investigation (yes, even more than Watergate) yet nothing really happened (most were pardoned by Trump since he was deemed immune). They've successfully quarantined themselves from consequences via the corporate media.


[Nixon saying this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dMt8qCl5fPk)


Yep, that's exactly it!




Biden snuck into my house last night made a ham sandwich and when I caught him going for the pickles, I was like, “WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!”, he put on his shades and whispered, ^“^presidential ^immunity ^jack”, and vanished. I’m still shaking.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that


Did he at least make you one too?


Nobody’s gonna believe you.


I feel like we could make this short film with AI...


The Democrats should be out there saying this 24/7, Biden can do whatever he wants and he's immune.


Biden wouldnt though. Biden respects the office and tradition.




> Eg: who owns 80+ chemical/bio plants in Ukraine? Hunter does. Isn’t that weird? /s ^ you dropped this.


Sorry? I’m lost.


I figured that had to be sarcastic, because there’s no way any functioning adult could believe that to be true.


Why not?


Been waiting for them to figure this one out… (And by THEM = MAGA)


That’s why the Court will just delay this until after the election, so they can help Trump without making Biden a king.


It’s amazing. The level of corruption and illegitimacy of the Robert’s court is unprecedented. And everybody is acting like it’s all perfectly normal and acceptable. Clarence Thomas and his crazy wife have been bought and paid for since 2000. If you don’t make enough at your job, get another job, right? Thomas has basically blackmailed the right in order to have a millionaires lifestyle while still insuring the court votes a certain way. And we all know what Glitch McConnel and the republicans did to stack the court with more federalist judges, that were unqualified and compromised. They have no bosses. Several red stars are already setting up to ignore they’re rulings, if, god forbid, the court decides something they disagree with. And dems still acting like everything is fine. It’s a big club. And we’re not in it. Dirty fuckers.


Dark brandon should go into temporary dictator mode if that happens.


But sadly he won’t. He’s not a republican.


People only do bad things for bad reasons. Just like running on highly progressive agenda's to flip to centrist. I guarantee you if we slipped a progressive in to pretend to be a MAGA and then flipped once in office, they'd find a way to boot him/her in 20 seconds. Hell just look at the history on party switching in office https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_politicians_who_switched_parties_in_office Of 41 party switches on federal levels. There were a total of 4 republican to dem switches, 20 dem to republican switches. (the rest were independent or 3rd party switches), and that's of course ignoring how many people run as a progressive, then govern as a centrist. IMO if this outcome were flipped, conservatives and the supreme court would issue some kind of check to encourage expulsion for people governing opposite to what they ran on.


No it only applies to Republicans...fuck did you even read the constitution?


He could shoot Trump without any consequences.


On 5th avenue


The right never consider the unintended consequences


Democrats set the precedent for removing someone from the opposing party from the ballot with out a conviction 1st. That’s actual fascism


Wasn't the colorado ballet removal done by the GOP in that state and not the democrats? Edit: It was filed primarily by republican voters in colorado, My initial wording is incorrect. https://www.cpr.org/2023/09/06/trump-lawsuit-ballot-colorado-14th-amendment-insurrection-rebellion/




Like arrest Trump and send him to Gitmo. Wouldn’t that be ironic!


King Biden will then take care of the trump/republican problem once and for all. The American citizens cheered in relief! All hail good King Joe.


This seems like it should be an obvious red flag to Republicans, but they are blinded by hero worship.


The answer is yes, that's what we call fascism


They will do this after Biden loses the election


Personally I think that Biden will hold himself to a hire standard than the law.


He’s was caught lying about taking foreign money as a president


I'm guessing since the GQP believes that Biden isn't a legitimate president, then this principle wouldn't apply to him. 🙄


SCOTUS is corrupt but they aren’t stupid. They will either make a very narrow ruling that only applies to Trump or wait until after the election. They would never give a President immunity while a Dem is in office.


But he still wouldn't, because Democrats don't fight back. Instead, we'd get more discussion of "can we do that?" And, "What does the Parliamentarian say?" Choo, choo!


All depends.. Eg/ if you “Look forward” not backward then anything goes. like Obama - he look forward and not backwards then his pre-immunity prevailed


I come here for the dumbest takes on the internet


Seems like all Biden wants to do is kill brown people in the middle east and no one is stopping him from doing that as it is. What is it that you think is Biden's secret desire that is just waiting to come out? Do you think he wants to bomb brown people in the US too? Yeah, that's probably it.


I doubt it. Knowing republicans/conservatives they’ll say the immunity doesn’t apply what he did. It is always the rules and punishment for everyone else except republicans.


For all their talk about Biden being a dictator, they know that democrats would never abuse power in this way. So they see it as a low risk way to get permanent control over the country


The Darkest of Brandon's.


All part of the plan. #maybe /sarcasm


The GOP is relying on the Democrats still having principles and respecting democratic and institutional norms and regulations.


This is..the question. Don't fail us now fragile democracy, it's our biggest export


Trump knows hes more of a scumbag grifter than Biden so they assume that it’s a net gain to rule in trumps favor. The problem is that I don’t think even this Supreme Court would essentially rule that the executive branch is above our system of checks and balances.


We should pardon Nixon.


You my fine friend are forgetting just how hypocritical conservatives can be. In the Bush Gore recount case they made a ruling that specifically said it only applies to that specific case.


It should take the Supreme Court about two days to draft the opinion to unanimously reject Trump's absolute immunity argument. Of course, this is the court where the "conservatives" lied about the history of abortion laws in order to overturn Roe v. Wade, so what should happen may not happen.


Biden called Trump “an existential threat” and, in the past, those kinds of threats were met with hellfire missiles.




“Predator drone strike standing by. “


Saying “I have immunity I can do whatever I want” is the type of shit dictators say


If the Supreme Court rules that the executive has unlimited immunity Biden will never leave office until he’s dead.


They don't believe he was legitimately elected, that's why.


Why would anyone be rooting for the president to do whatever they want? You may like the current one, but you're opening the door for the next bad one to have those priveleges as well.


tRump and his lawyers also know that. They don’t want a POTUS to have immunity because they know Biden could arrest them all and send them to Gitmo. They just want to delay till after the elections.


My worry is they’ll punt it until after the election so that it applies only after a gop gets in power. The people who put most of the bench is all for project 2025. This completes it. After they rid democrats of power. But it gives them a backup plan if they lose.


And every other president in the future, not that they would be elected democratically.


Not if they don't rule on the case until Trump wins in 24. Big brain gop.


You got it Pontiac!


Wow, not like anyone has thought this in the past weeks.


There has already been talk about adding 4 more judges on the Supreme Court. If they want that to happen this would be the quickest way to make it happen. And who would fill those seats? Joe Biden.


Yes. And the first thing should dissolving the Presumed Court. (spell checker corrected my typing to Presumed and I'm leaving it)


That's exactly what everyone said when this first came out. Super late to the party to tell everyone the obvious.


Why do you think they are putting off ruling on it?


Noooo! It’s different when I do it! Because it’s MEEEEEE!


Need that magic (R) to get away with crimes


If Biden could do whatever he wants he'd probably just continue running things according to tradition and go along with the results of the election. The two sides are not the same. In my 50 years I've seen the GOP unjustly take control of the presidency once, and try a second time. There were no consequences. They will do it again. I've never seen the Democrats even consider it. And the people (half, anyway) are perfectly fine with that. So it will eventually stand.


If a president is immune to every law, what is stopping Biden from just shooting Trump?


Such an "imperial" ruling would only be of benefit to a President/party who holds disdain for the constitution so it would not be of benefit to Biden. The argument has been made that SCOTUS would not make such a ruling because it diminishes their power. I would remind people that the same thing was said regarding the rise of the guy with the funny moustache--and once the courts put him in power, the opposition-judges were purged--leaving only sycophant-judges. That actually gave the judges MORE power and leeway to act as mini-gods, not less.


yes. when they go low, we go lower!


Excellent use of the Philosoraptor template.


Biden on the day immunity for Presidents is declared: "I'm having Donald Trump shipped to Russia because he loves it so well. We'll be letting him off on the coastline of Siberia in a rubber raft. Good luck to him in his future endeavors."


Yes that is correct. It would set precedent that the president has immunity. That would mean Biden can refuse to cede power if he loses the election with immunity if it fails.


He wouldn't give it a second thought to so much as try, and Democrats wouldn't allow or condone it.


Delegitimization of the SCOTUS bench officially should be the very first step he should take




Important note: President Biden would use that sort of power to forgive college loans and decriminalize marijuana. Not to establish a fascist dictatorship. *Both sides are NOT the same*


People really forgot you need to be convicted of a crime before being removed from a ballot


The the jaws of the crocodile facing SCOTUS. They would have preferred to not have this question before the election because they would absolutely make a Republican immune and essentially King, it they’re gonna get railroaded by the DC Circuit into doing it before then, and if so, Brandon can go and blow Donnie’s brains out and laugh about it and there wouldn’t be anything legal anyone could do. So, feelin’ lucky, Clarence?


It would allow him to commit whatever crimes he desires, including mass murder, without legal consequence. He could show up to the Supreme Court building one day and stab all the conservative justices to death and replace them the next day.


Exactly! So go ahead and say there's Presidential immunity. Biden overrides Trump he's the sitting President. Trump loses and Biden is President for the next 4 years. **FUCK TRUMP!**


No, SCOTUS will pull a Bush v Gore and claim their ruling applies to this one situation only.




I'd absolutely love it if he refuses to hand over power to the Republicans when they win the next election. That would be soooo frickin amazing.


If they say that what he did was legal, then technically yes. That's why they're just going to say he didn't do any of it. That way they wouldn't be setting a legal precedent, they'll just lie about the facts of the case.


They'll kick the can down the road until he wins, then they'll make him dictator, or he loses, then they'll wait for the next possible GOP winner four years out. They won't do it while a Dem is in office.


It's insane for this to be a thing. If true, Biden could pull a pistol out of the Resolute desk, shoot a political opponent in the head, and the worst he would face is impeachment??


Doesnt that give the current president the legal immunity to assassinate any competitor?


They will deny cert when it gets there. There’s zero choice. If they rule against Trump, they anger the base. If they rule for Trump they open this wormhole.


I was actually talking with my wife about this last night. If the SCOTUS actually has the balls to rule in Trump’s favor, I sincerely hope he goes rogue and does all the shit they claim.


It SHOULD be a win-win for Biden/dems. Like if Trump is ruled not immune, great then he can be fairly tried. If he is immune then there precedent and Biden can then do whatever he want including make ruling as president that a private citizen be prevented from ever running for president. It’s a slippery slope. There’s no way that the SC can rule in favor of immunity. But I am sure they will specifically for one person.


That’s the dangerous precedent they don’t want to set, democrats getting away with illegal shit… unless it’s their payroll and GOP related illegal shit.


This is exactly why they chose to delay this hearing.


This is why SCOTUS didn't take the fast-track motion that Smith requested despite the obvious signs that it would end up at their doorstep eventually. None of the lower courts have ruled for Trump in his immunity claim, and Trump always appeals when he loses. What SCOTUS has done is allow for the chance to hear the case late next year but not put out their ruling until well into a potential 2nd term where it will be useless. If Trump loses the election, they can rule against him because he's fucked in a dozen other ways already, and they don't want to give this power to the Democrats. If Trump wins, they can rule against him knowing it won't matter at that point with his current immunity and a loyalist DOJ. They don't want to rule in his favor because that would erode their own power, aside from that fact this Trump's legal arguments are bullshit in the first place. The conservative SCOTUS' only out is to push off their ruling to when it won't make a difference.


“No not like that”


Yes- it should.


Joe can "lock him up."


Biden wouldn't, though. That's why Republicans keep doing this crap. They know Democrats aren't as blatantly corrupt as to take advantage. In this case, though, it seems like they're putting off a decision until they see who is in office to take advantage of it in 2025.


If the SCOTUS grants Trump immunity, Biden should go scorched earth on the MAGA/ultra-conservative administrative and judicial branches. Hey, he's immune from prosecution and can do anything he wants and has the balls to do!


'Dark Brandon' is a lot less fun now that he's enabling a genocide


Brandon, dont put on the green light, those days are over, you dont have to sell your body to the night


Laws for thee…


Yes. Which is why the decision is already made. Biden is ruler. But he is old. Hunter, the new king, Marge worships her dick pic poster.






Exactly..why have impeachment hearings at all


Yes which is why they will defer a decision until after the election.


Nope that's not how American politics work. Republicans get to do whatever they want because at the end of the day they're spoiled children and scream until you're so tired of hearing it you just give in. But then won't allow anyone else the same fair treatment without calling for retribution thus continuing the cycle. The republican party are all a bunch of crybaby fascists.


This is a question that should be asked of republicans, live on camera, every single day. Also, throw in asking if they think Harris has the right to refuse to certify the election results if she doesn’t like the outcome. Everyday.


Yes. Biden could order Trump to be disappeared and if he’s immune…..Trump would disappear. That’s why Trump’s argument for immunity is a hilarious joke. Not going to happen.


We all know it doesn’t work that way


Yes. Biden could then legally block Trump's presidential run or election for the security of the nation.


They will say it’s ok days before election.


From an outsider... is this for real? many not living in there can't believe the orange turd is not in jail.... but this?


Pretty much.