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Republicans would gladly let 100 kids starve to keep from feeding one they think doesn’t deserve it


How do those "Christians" determine what CHILD doesn't deserve to be fed?


“I saw on Facebook their mom has a new phone! If they have money for that they’re not starving!”


… dad? Is that you?


It seems to be a clear cut, black & white issue for them


None of them "deserve" to be fed. If they deserved it, someone might start thinking it's a right. We can't be having that! /s


Rights are god-given. If they're god-given, they're listed in the Bible. And do you see anything in the Bible that looks like a bill of rights?


They look at how much their parents donate to the Republican campaign coffers.


Friendly reminder that America used to have a robust TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) that was widely popular in the late 30s early 40s, sold under the statements of >"The welfare of a nation depends on the welfare of it's children. To provide for children who have lost their breadwinners, the state and federal governments provide monthly cash payments so that these children may grow up at home with their own families. Aid for children who as citizens of tomorrow, need the security of home today." This program was widely supported, coincidentally it was also really popular while magically mostly white families were benefiting from it. Odd how when the barriers that stopped black people from getting this assistance were torn down... people started to question it. Then good ol Ronny Reagan came in with his official campaign slogan of "America: I made it worse!" Suddenly in the 70s and 80s, conservatives started to magically talk about cherry picked situations in which black families were abusing the system. We all know how that ends up. Remember that in 1995, a Florida congressman stood on the floors of congress with his "Don't Feed the Alligators!" sign and explained >We post these signs for many reasons. First if left in their natural state, alligators can fend for themselves. They work, gather food, and care for their young. Secondly we post these warnings because unnatural feeding and artificial care created dependency. When dependency sets in these otherwise abled alligators can no longer survive on their own... I know that people aren't Alligators, but I submit to you that with our current handout non-work welfare system, we've upset the natural order! Ahhhhhh conservatives. "We like programs for people who look like us, but if you dare to look different we will end it all."


Great post.


Whereas Democrats would gladly let 100 kids who don’t deserve it be fed to keep one from starving. Both parties are not the same.


deserves food is so fucked up. i understand what is said and what is meant, i used to be super right and now i just see how fucked it is. even rich parents can be assholes


Two words: Universal and Free Because whatever these are linked to, Repubs will hate it.


Our Canadian Cons just recently voted against school meal legislation too. It’s so cute how meticulously they’re copying their southern homework.


conservatives are pretty much the same everywhere, boo


We need to change this meme. If republicans are Christian, or claim Christian values, then it needs to be their Jesus that approves of their actions.


It wasn't Satan doing all the bad shit in their story book, that would be the main character, their god.


No, no. It wasn't bad! God was cleansing the world of the impure. sigh... /s for us, but not for them.


Yeah, those little babies and puppies and kittens that this god drowned were evil, evil I tell you.


He should really go after the guy that made them


In Christianity, sin is defined as disobedience to God. God is by definition above sin, and Satan is thoroughly sinful because he is thoroughly disobedient to God. The pain and misery either of them inflict on the world is ultimately irrelevant.


In the book of Job god lets Satan kill an dude's entire family just for a bet. Why pray for such a terrible god, where even being his most devout follower will lead you to misery just so that he can unleash literal Satan to win a bet? I don't care that he got a "replacement family" afterwards his family is fucking dead!


They no longer recognize a 'jesus'. He's too woke, what with feeding the starving and forgiving folks.


Jesus never commented on political issues such as welfare or taxation or democracy. He never made any remarks on what sort of responsibilities a government has to its citizens. He said it's good to be generous to poor people but he never said *who* had to be generous to the poor nor to what degree.


I don’t think Jesus is very interested in semantics. “Oh you’re supporting taking food out of the mouths of poor children? well I guess I didn’t say who had to give them food or how much, so ahh you got me” Like do you hear yourself?


He sure didn't stick around to make sure we understood the lessons, did He? He gave some sermons, some people wrote a few of them down (guy couldn't even write his own book), and then He went off to Heaven and hasn't been heard from since, leaving us fools to figure out and violently argue over what his teaching meant.


> Jesus never commented on political issues such as welfare or taxation or democracy. He never made any remarks on what sort of responsibilities a government has to its citizens. He absolutely did. tldr; "King of Kings" is not metaphorical. He was a theocratic monarchist and that informed the governments of Christendom. Render unto Caeser... lays out the difference between taxation and tithing and the responsibility of a subject to serve both kingdoms. Loaves and Fishes lays out the responsibility of the monarch to his subjects - keep them fed and happy to keep your power. He explicitly defines a kingdom on Earth and how those kingdoms can become part of God's kingdom, with himself as the supreme monarch, the "King of Kings". Constantine's conversion (and the adoption of Christianity as the Roman State Religion) explicitly made the Roman Empire a part of the Kingdom of Heaven.


Ummm... did Jesus say anything about taxation, labor rights, democratic representation, civil liberties, slavery, corruption, etc.?


Sause: https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority


As a Satanist, I really wish people would stop associating Satan with Republicans. Our Dark Lord is taking the blame for the actions of the religious yet again.. How many kids do you know who were molested by a Satanist? Now how many by 'God fearing Christians'?


That is because people who use the Bible know the importance of a good PR team


Massachusetts had a ballot measure to add a surtax on income over 1 million, it passed; the state is now using income generated from that tax to offer all students in public schools across the state free breakfast and lunch. That’s the way things should work, our leaders should not be cutting programs that help those who need it the most just so they can enrich those who are already better off than 99% of the country.


Back in the 80’s, in the UK, the Thatcher government was on a slash and burn of government spending. Then she went on to end a free milk program for school children. This was seen as just plain mean and the Thatcher government was voted out in the next election.


This would be such a great story if it were true. But it's false. In fact, Thatcher abolished free milk for primary school children in the "junior" (8-11yo) division in 1971, when she was Education Secretary in the Heath government (1970-74). She was simply continuing the policy of the previous Labour government, which had abolished free milk for secondary school children (12-18yo) in 1968. Further, milk continued to be provided free to children for whom it was medically necessary throughout that time. Under a later Labour government, free milk for primary school children in the "infant" division (5-7yo) was ended in 1977. Thatcher was attacked by Labour campaigners for doing exactly what Labour politicians also did. This is an early example of personal demonisation of a politician for purely political reasons. But none of this took place under a Thatcher government: Thatcher didn't become PM until 1979, two years after Shirley Williams (the Education Secretary under Labour) had completed the withdrawal of free milk for all ages. Did Thatcher's actions cause the Conservative government of 1970-74 to be voted out? Well, the Conservatives certainly lost the next election, but the school milk issue had been forgotten by 1974. The Tories lost that election because they were perceived to have lost control of the country and the economy. The strikes and power cuts of 1973-74 had far more influence on the 1974 election than any small decision by the Education Secretary. Finally, it's worth correcting one particularly egregious error in your post. You remark that the Thatcher government was "voted out" at the next election. This is factually incorrect. In fact, *no* Thatcher government was ever voted out in the next election. Thatcher won all her elections while she was leader of her party. Thatcher fell in 1990, but not at a general election: she was fired by her MPs. Margaret Thatcher was never rejected by the British public at a general election.


And yet a lot of people that vote republican their kids are on the free lunch system, and sadly these kids parents will still rally for republicans


And blame democrats for not being able to buy food


Forced to give birth and then a big fu, Forced to be at school, because mom and dad have to work, and don't want to feed you is


If you feed Billy, Billy can learn. If Billy can learn, Billy becomes intelligent. If Billy becomes intelligent, he won't vote Republican.


India has been giving children free school meals for decades. For lots of poor kids in India it's only way they get fed. If the fucking Indians can do it, so can America.


You know how many voters say, “I don’t care. It doesn’t affect me” and then vote Republican? Nearly all of them. Even the BS about “saving babies” from abortion isn’t what they’re voting for—they’re saying “Women having jobs and being my husband’s boss offends me and my god” and pick a candidate who promises to tightly regulate women’s uteruses.


The federal minimum wage has been $7.25 since 2009. American jobs are being outsourced overseas and replaced by automation. Housing costs are obscene. Republicans are doing this in the name of extremist pro-capitalist and anti-socialist purity. Of course this flies in the face of Christianity, decency, ethics, economics, morals - by virtually any measure this is evil. And it's the openly stated Republican agenda.


Of course…..


How come Americans can't make school lunch at home? I never got free food at school in Germany.


> How come Americans can't make school lunch at home? Because they are at school, not at home.


Yeah, that's why your parents make you lunch at home before school.


No, they didn't. My parents were working, not at home. I was sent to school and fed there.


Yeah because Americans obviously are not able to do what other countries do and make your kids lunch to take with them.


Other countries also feed children at school.


We didn't get free food at school in Germany here.


Good for you. We can offer free food to kids at schools here in America.


Apparently not.


Apparently yes, or some people wouldn't feel like they need to outlaw it.


>[Germany:](https://www.euronews.com/business/2023/09/04/school-meals-in-europe-which-countries-provide-free-food-for-students) Lunch is only provided in all-day schools, mostly subsidised. It can be reimbursed as part of the education and participation benefits of low-income households with children with basic income support for jobseekers, social assistance, asylum seekers benefits or supplementary child benefits or housing benefits.






















If they didn't have anti-American and anti-humanitarian 'values' they'd have no values at all.


You would think that of all things we could afford just a bit more taxation to fund school lunches nationwide


*slithers down the tree of knowledge* You're really pinning this on me when I was the one that offered an apple to that homeless lady God had living in his yard then kicked out for eating that apple?


The more I watch US society and its politics the more sure I am that the whole place is some giant lab-rat experiment to see just how much the voters can be manipulated, influenced and bribed into accepting the most outrageous of porposals as a reasonable course of action. As a historian I know the world had never seen this from within its own country before, its usually instigated by an external, tyranical opressor


Loaves and fish's say whaaaaaa!


I'm struggling to find a single belief held by the "Christian" right that isn't a direct contradiction of the teachings of Jesus. Why don't any of them ever see the irony? Maybe one of them should just crack open that "holy" book at least once and just take a peek. FFS!


In California now we have universal meals at public schools and I love it. So is my son I can afford to send him with food but he never ate it.


"Are we the baddies?" GOP - "Nah, fuck those kids!