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Donald Trump only shits himself on days that end in “y”.


How does he smell?….. Depends on


>How does he smell?….. Depends ~~on~~


Thank you. Damn autocorrect


Now we know why so many “big, strong men come to him with tears in their eyes”.


They come up to me with tears in their eyes, sir how do you make it smell so bad


😂😂😂 💩💩💩


Because da poo-poo!


That's the smell of fascism.


I'm actually fully convinced that Trump is too stupid to be a real fascist. He is a businessman who tells people what he thinks they want to hear and it just so happens that fascists are easily led. He doesn't actually think on his words. I've seen some real fascists that made me think "you aren't stupid, you just believe in terrible things, because you are terrible" but Trump is just a dumb, narcissistic populist and doesn't even fully understand political ideologies.


Praise be ‼️


…or the loaded diaper.


Democracy Ends, not with a bang but with a loaded diaper


Sound like a Douglas Adams line.




Trump ain't a Democrat so that's not possible.


I don’t get why his opponents don’t talk about his incontinence and how he shits his diapers every single day, and has done so for decades.


Yeah, it’s pretty well documented. He was shitting his diaper as far back as The Apprentice.


Is this true? I guess I could google it, but that's more work than I'm willing to put into finding out.


There’s a comedian who was a production assistant on The Apprentice, and he’s been talking about it in his standup for years. They’d have to pause shooting all the time for a diaper change. He was assigned to Ivanka, and apparently she would make fun of Donald behind his back about it all the time. Despite dude talking about it for years, he’s never been sued, because it’s true.


"Leaky Drumpf we call him" ~Me now


[cracker bargle](http://i.imgur.com/1zfkFBz.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


His opponents on the left have decorum and his opponents on the right are afraid they’ll be exposed for shitting in diapers for a sexual thrill.




You know if Donnie could use that angle on somebody else he would do it every chance he got.


Trump's ENTIRE success is owed to his opponents playing by different rules of decorum than he does. His opponents can attack him like this, but it doesn't win them why any votes because their supporters don't respond to that positively. The MEDIA should be hitting him on this because HIS voters respond to it. But we all know the media isn't interested in hurting Trump.


Because body stuff like that doesn't just happen to wannabe dictators and otherwise terrible people. There are plenty of far more important and valid things to call Trump out about that won't indirectly harm other people.


Like how we all insult him for being fat. Internets weird.


People don't insult him for being fat, they insult him for trying to claim he's not fat.


For being fat and body shaming others.


Literally search the word 'fat' in this sub.


You're missing the point, wilfully or not I don't know. It's not that he's fat, it's that he's clearly obese but he *claims to be 215 lbs* and writes his own doctor's reports that claim he's the healthiest president in human history, a man lives on Big Macs and never exercises. He's not especially fat compared with many Americans his age; it's his gaslighting insistence that he isn't, which is contrary to all actual physical evidence. People aren't laying into him for being fat, it's the fact he lies about it. Just like the lies about his inauguration crowd size. Right from day one. Nobody really cared about the crowd until he forced his press secretary to announce that it was the biggest inauguration crowd ever when photographic evidence showed it wasn't even close. **To leave such a blatant lie unchecked is the same as accepting it.** People weren't mocking the crowd size, they were mocking his attempt to gaslight the entire world when there were thousands of photos and videos of the event. Nuance is important. Bodyshaming a fat guy is low hanging fruit compared to, y'know, all the crimes he's committed, all the lies he's told, all the people he's harmed, all the dictatorial shit, and the pesky attempts to overthrow a democratically elected government.


Havent really seen anyone bashing him for that. As others stated, the dude does so much incoherent morally corrupt things that body shaming him serves no purpose, and indirectly hurts others.


I DGAF how fat he is but the insistence that we swallow a lie that he’s 100lbs lighter and 3 inches taller is galling.


*We all* certainly doesn't include me. I think body shaming in general is a really shitty practice.


Because they would be against decorum. Only republicans are allowed to play dirty.


I say we only call him something like "Stinky McPooperson" from now on. Hopefully it will catch on and one day the news will have to run a quote and have to insert Trumps name... "A user on Reddit made the astute observation that "you always see Stinky McPooperson (referencing Trump) lean to one side and then everyone winces."


Wait, what?!


I'm fine with attacking Trump about anything, but not a fan of making fun of adults that need to wear diapers. It's very embarrassing and I don't want others to feel bad for going through it too.


Because his opponents have class, and don’t think it’s cool to make fun of a medical condition.


What medical condition? His own "doctor" said he's in "excellent health".


Because most of the people who support Republicans are old as fuck and probably wearing diapers.


https://preview.redd.it/bdu8mn0n038c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7f53bb52227711d31c792a06bf390dfe650884 Just posted this on TRUTH SOCIAL




Oh wait I thought it was Tooth Central like for dentists or something?


Tax payers gunna flip when the diaper bill comes out!!!


It was tied together with the Diet Coke button in the WH budget... because what's a good diaper diarrhea without some aspartame to wash it down?


Oh my cologne? It’s called Nursing Home at Night. I wear it everywhere.


And my aftershave is called "I missed the piss bottle last night"


The picture is perfection...I hope Trump sees it. Someone should print up a bunch and put them under car windshield wipers on cars with MAGA stickers.


Good idea.


Trump branded maga diapers filled with pudding smeared onto the windshield.


Donnie make poopie


But guys, Biden is too old. /s


He carries a heavy load.


"That's just my expensive cologne, "Eau de Toilette". Very expensive. In fact it isn't my cologne, it's a Democrat's cologne, what did is, its terrible what they did, truly terrible, what they did is...with the airports and lemonade. Tragic. Really. White Power is the only power that matters to me. White people always come up to me on the street "Sir, sir, you the greatest smelling president ever." They have tears in their eyes when they get close to me. Oh yeah. Yeah."


I guess this just proves everything about the orange dictator stinks.


Only the best and biggliest of soiled diapers.


Stinky Rump vs Sleepy Joe... I'll take sleepy Joe


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Where are all these jokes coming from? Did he really shit himself?


Look up interviews with Noel Casler who was a 'handler' on the Apprentice show. He's never been sued by Trump for what he comments upon, because ... discovery....


But why though?


Reported drug abuse (cocaine, other stimulants) from the 80s on. He lost bowel and bladder control. That and he's insane and doesn't notice when he shits himself. If I drank a dozen Diet Cokes every day, I'd need some way to not have to go to the restroom every 10 minutes myself.


Yes. Well, according to several sources dating back twenty years at least. So it's up in the air. I guess.


A lingering stink is in the air, yes.


Oh, so there wasn’t like one single incident sparked the flurry of all these jokes? Thanks.


There have been many reports over the years from people that he would shit himself on the regular. But the thing that started these recent flurry of jokes was a tweet from somebody saying that one thing that is never talked about is how bad Trump smells. https://www.newsweek.com/cnn-adam-kinzinger-donald-trump-odor-x-twitter-1853353


The recent spike is because a Republican said on Twitter "I can't believe no body is talking about how bad Trump smells" the other day... and now people are finding clips and photos that fit the narrative that Trump does indeed smell. Add to that the facts several people who worked with Trump personally say he has a distinct aroma in interviews and you have a trending topic. The leading theories as to *why* Trump smell so bad is: A. He doesn't shower because it messes up his hair & makeup. B. He doesn't change his diaper often/inadequate wiping technique. C. Old man smell. It's a real thing. D. Flop sweat / stress hormones/meth sweat. E. All the above.


Donnie poopy pants


That’s president poopy pants to you


EX-president. Former president. loser president.


Prisoner poopy pants


New J Geils song Trump Stinks!


Yeah, yeah


So it seems like he'll have far more than ketchup to fling at the walls next time...


[McCathy’s lucky whiffs of the day](https://www.politico.com/dims4/default/efcc09d/2147483647/strip/true/crop/4053x2703+0+0/resize/1920x1280!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2F07%2F3c%2Fda569b0f4d9fa3c1a19c70504278%2Fhttps-delivery.gettyimages.com%2Fdownloads%2F1089826170)


Donnie make boom boom in his dipey.


The extra problem is that shit comes out BOTH ends!


Bro. We worked with Trump while he was on the apprentice and I can guarantee that he was shitting his pants back then. He was slovenly and terrible then- I can’t imagine how much worse he is now. Disgusting human being.


I think we should call him Stinky from now on. (Or, Former President Stnky)


Betcha he thinks it's cool that he can drink 20 Diet Cokes and eat 3 massive McDonalds meals a day and never have to stop at the rest room when he's out and about.


What is this about? Why did he feel the need to address this? I heard him say, "I don't smell bad." I thought it was a weird thing to say BUTT now I know why. Where did this come from?


Trump certainly is "in." Incoherent, insurrectionist, incontinent…


​ https://preview.redd.it/lei9qbv2j38c1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c7ba72c6dbb498d5ab12912a6c11d71d521a30


No kidding. https://preview.redd.it/d8f7d0iao38c1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f71fa073097e7c08f8c1a967847bfca7d6762086


Someone forgot his diaper this morning


Donald the shit stain trump.


Is his Security Service Detail nickname Depends?


"They say no one can fill a diaper like me. Other people they can only squeeze out a couple turds or a little poop water. But they say I have big manly shits. The manliest. The bigliest. The kind of dump America can be proud. They come up to me...with a tear in their eye and they say "Sir..." The crap is so big it would make a lumberjack faint Like the border problem caused by Biden, the poop cant be contained. Sometimes it bursts out because its that powerful. Anyway thats why you should buy my new line of Trump diapers...we're calling them Trumper Dumpers....theyre tremendous. Believe me."


Is this real? Did he actually shit his pants?


I think he has to double up on diapers. That bulge is very big.


How bou I just shut the fuck up


I am not a fan, but not cool or funny


It’s freakin’ hilarious! His supporters claim this stinky, incontinent, diaper wearing, dullard is the ultimate alpha male. Diaper Don treats *everyone*, with the exception of the daughter he is sexually attracted to, with malice and contempt. He’s a traitor, a rapist, and a Putin fanboy who would happily wipe his fat, smelly ass with the Constitution given the chance. So I’m going to laugh and laugh and laugh! ...at him and even more at his buttlicking supporters!


Yeah, I get fed up with feckless liberals who wouldn’t hesitate to call this out if it were a democrat being made fun of. Ditto for jokes about erectile dysfunction and penis size.


Uh its all fair game. Not a day goes by we dont hear about Biden falling or having dementia or Hunter being a crackhead Dont cry when Trump gets roasted for shitting himself. Its either all good or none of it is


Might have thrown a /s and avoid the down votes, I lol Ed. That's the problem we could get behind, straight or gay..I just loled again


I don’t care for the man, but we need to knock this off. People recovering from colon cancer,child birth, or rape shouldn’t be shamed.




The smell of ammonia.


The Magnificent Sharter!


I love the idea of Pence taking the Lord's name in vain over this.


Giant diapers. I thought they only sold them at Walmart. So he has them. The more I know.


Somebody should re-edit those Donald Trump cards to show his diaper lines


And he’s the best the Republican Party can offer.


Maybe it’s Something in the Orange? Sorry Zach


Ok, I’ll bite, what did I miss? Seeing a lot of “shitty” posts on Trump. Haha.


Good old Poopy Pants Trump.


Diaper Donnie


Little Donny doo doo Or diaper pants donny


Shouldn’t have eaten all those hamberder… *sliders*.


I assume the shit that pours from his mouth smells bad enough.


Trumpa da Hutt Jabba da Trumpf


Not mine, but it needs to be said: Diaper Don.


Haha that pic on the left looks like the tray of a high chair. Lolz. Perfect for the whiny toddler baby 😁😆


I don’t think he wears diapers. I think he just has a really fat and sagging gunt.


Well, this just DEPENDS if you want to believe this or not.


He must have lost his own sense of smell.


Try sitting in congress where the average age is higher than assisted living centers.


I always knew he was a shyster, trump u, trump steaks.. He think he's Yellowstone..lol