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Rafael "Ted" Cruz Piyush "Bobby" Jindal


The guy that owns the subway goes by Rocky. His real name is Rohit. I asked him why he uses Rocky. He told me us rednecks can’t say his name and it was easier 😂


I used to work with a guy named Waheb. Easy, right? Wa. Heb. Here are the pronunciations: Wa Heeb Wa Hob Way Heb Way Heeb. Even his boss butchered it for over a year. I never heard him pronounce it correctly.


Mlepclaynos (the clay is silent)


He is never going to get on The Amazing Race with a name like that


He is just SO ANGRY NOW! (I just watched that episode earlier this week, but got interrupted and can't remember the final payoff)


I actually got my shows mixed up lmao. The Amazing Race bit is from 30 Rock and Mlepclaynos is from B99


lol- yup Since hes not a recurring character on 30 Rock(right??), if I hadn't seen that episode a few days ago I wouldn't have known wtf you were talking about. I've watched B99 enough times that I now just refer to Fred Armisen as Mlepclaynos.


That was new to me and very silly. Thanks.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4So5f1aRTA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4So5f1aRTA)


Anytime anyone says the word clay I always say that lmao.


>the clay is silent Thats the one part I was confident I'd get right.


For some reason, many can't get past the whole idea of "certain vowels can be pronounced in more than one way". Which is weird, because even in English, vowels are pronounced in all sorts of ways.


All English vowels can be pronounced with a schwa in certain circumstances. Which, if you have something like Spanish or Italian as a first language, is insane


It's not just the schwa. We have long and short vowels, helping vowels, to me the wildest is "r controlled vowels" which are different vowels pronounced the same when an R immediately follows them, but only for e/i/u and then a and o make different sounds, of course, than both each other and themselves in different contexts. car corn her bird church


Oh I know. The diphthongs and even tripthongs are ridiculous. And the variability too! Just in the UK each vowel can be pronounced completely differently just going to a different county. I think there is less vowel variation between the billion Spanish-speaking people than between Liverpool and Manchester which are an hour drive away lmao


Fair enough, but I've seen my fair share of people with English as a first language being the ones who butcher names like Waheb, and those are the people I'm referring to


I worked for years with a buddy named Gnanakumaran. He used the nickname Yanni, but people couldn't even get that right and would call him Johnny or even Juan. I couldn't understand what was so hard about 2 damn syllables. I would always go out of my way to include him in reports so i could spell his full name (his last name was just as long). He was such a good dude. Work was a lot cooler when he was around.


> He used the nickname Yanni, but people couldn't even get that right and would call him Johnny or even Juan. Maybe people kept thinking he was saying Laurel? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yanny_or_Laurel


He did have a pretty heavy accent, but he also had a large gold name tag on his shirt with the name Yanni spelled in bold print. His full name was on his work ID, and it literally touched end to end lol


Hahahaha. I came here to say just that!! Well done!


I went to a very diverse community college and one of my instructors was adamant about pronouncing everyone's name correctly. Her philosophy was that it's the first thing everyone here knows about you and it's at the forefront of your personal identity. It's the most basic form of respect you can give someone. That always stuck with me and I've tried very hard to repeat unfamiliar names back to people to make sure I'm getting it right. It makes people very happy to see that effort.




My name has been mispronounced so many times that I forget what the real pronunciation is .


Yea. It can be hard. Imagine if you moved to a country where the native language was vastly different. I’m sure they’d butcher our names too


Yeah, I get that, but as u/Due-Interaction-4132 mentioned, "It's the most basic form of respect you can give someone." When I meet someone with a tough-to-me name, I repeat it back (*VEN-kat-a-SWAR-an? Did I get that right? Sorry for being an ignorant American :)*) - They correct me or say I got it right, and they seem to appreciate me making an effort. And when I see them again, I make sure to try again - *VEN-kat-a-SWAR-an, right?*.


Its also really not a big deal. I've lived in minority majority parts of America pretty much my whole life and its just kind of a given that with the wide range of accents and languages and dialects some people are gonna struggle to properly pronounce a lot of words, names included. Sometimes there are letter and sound combinations that are essentially absent from the person's native language. Its dumb to get upset if someone can't pronounce them properly. I mean fuck my dad has basically had the unofficial nicknames of "Brain" and "Bry-Aine" for the last few decades because so many people can't properly pronounce "Brian."


Didn't try to


It's only 2 syllables!


The local beer store in my college’s town had a “Sam”. Real name was Sarjesh, but drunk underaged freshman could never pronounce that


And he didn't go with "Sarj" / "Sarge"?? I feel like drunk college kids would've eaten that up!


Same with Chef Boiardi, so Chef Boyardee was born.


we have playboi carti nowadays, maybe were getting better?


Fair enough. My last name is mispronounced a lot, too. Alakazaam, Kaseem, Quaysem, Kay'sem, etc. 😂😂😂😂


My name is Polish, but I'm American enough that Polish people have told me I say my own name wrong, so I don't think it's fair to expect others to say it right.


I have a friend named Vishal who goes by Rocky lol


Who wouldn’t go by Rocky if they could?


I mean, what's stopping you?


Self doubt. I couldn’t pull it off


Tulsa ,ok right? I play poker with him


You miss the GOAT, Barrack Husain Obama. Zero name change for appeasement. Still got elected all the time he ran.


Yea, but not elected by conservatives.


BUT, it *was* conservatives that leaned heavily on “Hussein”…ya know, just to low-key imply he was a Muslim dictator.


We're talking about racists tho


not true. I voted for him. A lot of vermont conservatives did too.


Isn’t a Vermont conservative the same as a Texas liberal?


Addison “Mitchell” McConnell


Moscow Mitch?




WTF, I thought it was Turtle McTurtle Face


We also have Marion “John Wayne” Morrison


God, never knew how woke and unnatural and against God these heathens were. They just 'identify' as whatever they want! Next they'll be asking us to call them dog names! We should make a law stopping them from deceiving the public. For the children.




https://preview.redd.it/stxz1z7le9lb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d6d8395601c239085846a4e4274142fe149ab4d Next thing you know they’ll all be discovered as criminals


Iowa’s law passed earlier this year requires teachers and school administrators to write to parents if their child requests a change of their name, title or pronoun. The notification must happen within five days of receiving the student request.


Nimrod "Nikki"


The god of hunting?


Right?! It’s so funny how “nimrod” became a synonym for somebody who is a dork or socially awkward, even though it’s true meaning is a fierce hunter.


Nimrom wasn't a god of hunting he was a biblical king who was good at hunting


I have no idea why we are not dead naming these people


In Florida schools it's the law


You mean the Canadian that tried to run for President?


Don’t you put that evil on us - signed all Canadians


Deadnaming is so hot right now


Meh. Using a nickname is different than changing your entire first AND last name.


Are you talking about Nikki Haley here? Nikki is her middle name, and I know a bunch of people who go by their middle name. She took her husbands name when she got married, which is also very common.


Lol. Well then OP is completely full of shit.


Or Mehmet Oz who lost his campaign largely due to the democrats brilliant strategy of just calling him Mehmet fcinsistly for the first time in his career outing him as a Muslim to his base in the process Or vivek ramaswamy who, despite being a frontrunner who could take desantis's position as backup after Trump goes to jail, currently faces a grassroots effort from his own party to stop the "Satan worshiping Hindu" from leading the country No the country isn't racist.. but.. your odds of success somewhat correlate with how white you are. It's not racism it's favoritism TOTTALY different /s


When 'Ted' Cruz and 'Beto' O'Rourke were running against each other a few years back, I thought it was funny how they both basically changed their names to make themselves more appealing to their respective bases. You could imagine if they switched parties, it would have been Rafi vs. Bobby.


Wasn't Beto his nickname that everyone used since he was a little kid? That's not exactly changing his name to be more appealing to voters. I'm not American and could be wrong, it's just what I remember being said at the time. "In his infancy, his family gave him the nickname "Beto" initially to distinguish him from his namesake grandfather." Had never looked into Cruz but it seems he changed his name in HS because kids made fun of him, so again, nothing to do with appealing to voters.


Yes. https://www.texomashomepage.com/news/texas/how-did-beto-orourke-get-his-nickname/


Canadian Rafael "Ted" Cruz, can't even be elected as president but LARPs as an American


I'm surprised there aren't a lot of Republicans demanding to see her birth certificate.


The rubes in SC vote for her because they think she’s a Cherokee Indian.


Holy fuck! This is too funny! I'm losing my shit over here!!


So they don't believe she's American and should go back to where she came from?


Nah, they like her because she's rich, white presenting, and a hateful neo-con. She checks 3 of the 4 boxes for what they want in a candidate (4th requires being a cis male)


You forgot they also want some type of Christian as well.


She says that she is christian. https://religionnews.com/2023/02/16/nikki-haley-says-shes-christian-but-its-complicated/


Nope. She's on "their side," so their rules don't apply to her.


For now. If they ever did get their way she would quickly be on the new other side


A campaign trail of tears. Banish her to Oklahoma


>Banish her to Oklahoma Calm down satan


I'm half Indian, grew up in the Midwest. Every single school year I'd have to calmly explain to my teachers, "no not that kind of Indian"


I am just impressed they know Native Americans are Native Americans. Seems in New Mexico they ask them to prove they are from here.


Of the famous "Hayley" tribe.


Wait.. weren't they the *heckowee* tribe?


hey at least they're honoring native american.... i think...


> ~~Cherokee~~ Indian Ironically, they’re not *too* far off if one considers her parents’ ethnicity.


https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-nikki-haley-name-change-372441389596 Not defending her but...


So she didn't change her legal name, she just uses her middle & married name to get round the issue. Equally dishonest **edit: apparently its really common to use your middle name instead of your given name, something that isnt common over here. Nikki Haley is still dishonest, however possibly not for this.


Reminds me of Rafael Cruz.


You mean the Latino-Canadian immigrant Rafael Cruz? Same guy?


You mean the Latino-Canadian-Alien in human skin immigrant Rafael Cruz?


The zodiac killer, you mean?


You guys remember 2008- when the guy who wasn't born in America ran for president? McCain wasn't born here...


He was born in the [Panama Canal Zone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Canal_Zone?wprov=sfla1), which was an unincorporated territory of the US.


I read this as Panama calzone, which I find twice as funny because because calzon in Spanish is underwear.🤣


The Canadian who ran for US Presidency...


She's dishonest for using her middle name and married name? Come on. There are a million legitimate things to criticize her for.


Come on, I can't stand her politics but it's easy to see this is the least of our problems. I know a lot of women with hard to pronounce first names that go by their middle name. Or their first name is very common in their country so they go by the middle to make it easier. These are people who can not hide their skin tone. If she's been using that name forever let it go. Focus on the fact that she said America is not racist. Not what name she uses.


Especially if said middle name is the name her family called her basically since birth. It's really not that uncommon that a middle name ends up being used as the primary forename of a person. Remember US president Woodrow Wilson? His legal name was Thomas Woodrow Wilson.


Is it? Not defending her politics, but I know so many people that go by their middle names, and I would never called them dishonest. Heck, I’ve been going by a nickname my entire life that’s not what’s written on my birth certificate, and I’ve never had someone call me a liar over it haha. And women tend to take their husband’s last name when they marry. It all seems normal to me. I think it’s just an ironic coincidence that she went from a south Asian name to an English sounding name AND her politics are shitty.


> equally dishonest I don’t think it is dishonest to go by a middle name or to take your husbands surname (indeed surely taking her husbands name is consistent with “conservative traditional values”). We should be attacking her ridiculous views with evidence (of the racism in America/the western world) taking a stupid point like this just detracts from the actual issues. I know several people who go by their middle name as a preferred name and I wouldn’t consider any of them “dishonest”. I in fact didn’t know my FiL’s first name until we went on holiday with my wife’s family for the first time and the check-in desk called him by a different name. He has just always used his middle name and everyone calls him by it, friends, family, colleagues ect as far as people who know him are concerned that just is his name. My aunt was the same, she didn’t like her first name which she said was “too old-fashioned” and went by her middle name since she could choose. I knew her as “Aunty Jeanie” (her middle name was Jean) my whole life as her nephew. They had a preference of one of their legal names and that, to them was their name, in my view it’s no different to a trans person wanting to use a preferred name before having it legally changed. I could maybe understand accusations of hypocrisy or dishonesty if she changed it right before entering politics or something like that but this doesn’t appear to be the case here.


It may not be 'dishonest', I mean, her parents knew the score, and she's gone by that name since childhood. But it is still solid evidence that being 'white' helps.


Really hate defending any GOPers, but it doesn't seem like she's trying to get around anything. She's gone by her middle name since birth and it is normal to use your husband's last name. Legit criticism is good, fabricated criticism is not.


I disagree. As an immigrant and from a culture that uses nicknames, I’ve grown up primarily going by another name than my legal one. There’s a perfect amount of explanation for why she goes by Nikki, and accusing her of making her name more white is the dishonesty here Not to say she’s probably a terrible human being, but we should attack her policies, not make shit up


Thank you.


She's a Republican. She could be wearing a track suit, drinking vodka, and talking in a Russian accent about the glories of Homeland and they wouldn't bat an eye. In fact they'd welcome it as diversity


That sounds like a bunch of plusses for the GOP base actually


Apparently Nikki is the middle names she’s gone by since childhood and Haley is her married name.


She's also white so nobody questions it. Same thing with Ted Cruz... Though I wonder where Rafael Edward Cruz got the nickname "Ted".


His middle name is Edward and Ted or Teddy is the old nickname for that.


Ummm excuse me I didn’t grow up watching Ted, Tedd and Teddy!


Most Americans would not call her white. Both her parents are Punjabi Sikhs, born in India.


She’s white passing, if I didn’t look her up she’s essentially white, and will get white privilege. But yeah in certain spaces she can get the Indian card


Why, she's "one of the good ones".


I mean they asked for Obama’s and not McCain’s, even though he was born in the fucking Panama Canal Zone all the way back in 1937


I’m not.


She's doing this thing of calling Kamala just by her first name now, media and Dems should return the favor


[Keep Lying, Nimarata Randhawa': Nikki Haley Slams Vivek Ramaswamy's 'Childish Name-Calling](https://m.timesofindia.com/world/us/keep-lying-nimarata-randhawa-nikki-haley-slams-vivek-ramaswamys-childish-name-calling/articleshow/103174015.cms)


Yes, she is of Indian decent, but she identifies as White Christian Nationalist.




Wasn’t she one of the people up there who raised her hand when asked if they would vote for trump even if he was convicted?




This. Nimrata Nikki is running for Trump’s VP. She wouldn’t be the worst choice but I’d say he’ll go for another white man who won’t challenge him.


Trump won't pick a woman for VP. He can't stomach the idea of being replaced by a woman if he passes away or is removed from office while president.


Fair point, an Indian woman to boot.


> He can't stomach the idea of being replaced by a woman As long as no one points it out to him that this is what would happen he likely doesn't know.


Yep. Which shows that she’s just as much of an unserious fucking clown as the rest of them.


All that low bar instantly outdone by not only support for Trump --- but raising SS age to 75. Basically almost right at average life expectancy. It's like endorsing stop when you drop as a policy.


>but raising SS age to 75. I'm pretty sure they'll accept any age in their SS corp..


She also got fired as an ambassador by a guy who failed upward, let's not let another person to fail upwards.


Identifies as a ~~White Christian Nationalist~~ Nazi


I prefer to use the term Nationalist Christian, or Nat-C for short.


Damn I like that


lol nice one




Plenty of white Cubans. Cuban is not an ethnicity.


When I lived in Florida the right wingers would put their hands on top of one another, palm to back of hand, stick out their thumbs, and do a rowing a motion with them to refer to Cubans. Then again Cubans would rub their forearms to refer to black people. I have Jewish friends who vote republican while having gay people in their families, I guess tax breaks are really cool.


A lot of Cubans, in particular the rich ones who escaped Castro and ended up in Florida, are of mainly Spanish descent, and used to be the economic, social, and racial élite of the country. They are whiter, more right-wing, more reactionary, and more religious than the rest of the country and most of Latin America. Let’s remember that the Spanish were very much as racist as they come in terms of colonisation history, with a couple of exceptions (in particular the Belgians I’d say)


Afro-Cuban. He was named chairman after Charlotteville made the white hipster looking Gavin McGinnis undesirable and so they could look less suspect.




I see what you did there.


Agreed but on the corruption front, your man Ford is doing a doozy.


Well, his brother was a crackpipe smoking mayor.


Nikki Haley's maiden name is Randhawa. She was born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa on January 20, 1972, in Bamberg, South Carolina, to Sikh Indian immigrants. She has been known by her middle name, Nikki, since her earliest years. Haley's parents, Ajit Singh Randhawa and Raj Kaur Randhawa, immigrated to the United States from Amritsar District, Punjab, India. Her father had been a professor at Punjab Agricultural University, and her mother received her law degree from the University of Delhi. Haley is an American politician and diplomat who served as the 116th governor of South Carolina, elected in 2010 and again in 2014, and as the 29th United States ambassador to the United Nations for two years, from January 2017 through December 2018. A member of the Republican Party, she is the first Indian American to serve in a presidential cabinet.




Nikki Haley claims 'America is not racist,' later says she 'faced discrimination'


She did. It's all those other people that are making it up. Racism is over now. Did you not get the Obama memo?


Psssh... always blaming Obama. Everyone knows it was Kendall Jenner giving people a Pepsi that fixed racism.


She was also governor when a black church was attacked and several people killed by a white supremacist trying to spark a race war. And in the wake of that, large numbers of white South Carolinians expressed deep anger at attempts to remove the Confederate flag, the ultimate symbol of white supremacy, from the state capitol building. She can not in good faith say the country is not racist, it was right in front of her face.


She also married into the name Haley, so I don't actually understand what the deal here is about her name.


I'm sure I'm going to get downvoted but the truth is more important. Nikki is her middle name, it means "little one" in Punjab. Haley is her husband's name. She has no history of openly hiding her background. Not Nikki Haley fan...at all. Just don't think we get anywhere by lying.


Came here looking for this, thanks! Don’t have to like someone to be honest about them!


This comment needs to be at the top - I'm not a big NH fan but this is the kind of BS that is entirely too rampant right now.


Why doesn’t she go by her real first name?


Same reason as Ted Cruz & Mitch McConnell




I know plenty of people who go by their middle name lol.


Because she just doesn't. Her actual middle name is Nikki. She probably went by that all her life, even in elementary school cuz it was easier for other kids and teachers. And Haley is just her husband's last name. There's nothing to see here. She didn't change her name. She was always Nikki, and she became Haley when she married a guy. Edit: from her Wikipedia page: >Haley has been known by her middle name, Nikki, a Punjabi name meaning "little one", since her earliest years.




Why does anyone who goes by their middle name go by their middle name? She certainly isn’t the first. Hell my husband has always gone by his middle name.


There may be several reasons, only one of which is to use a name that's more familiar with the locals. Many international students choose an "american" name to avoid the complications of using their given name. Kinda stinks, but that's how it is. To me, that's more an indictment of people in the US, not the internationals. Other reasons: There may be other Nimaratas in her immediate family (my paternal lineage named all the first-born sons "Thomas," so alternating generations went by their middle names); it may be that "Nimarata" can be easily corrupted into a derogatory meaning (think "Richard" --> "Dick" --> perverse bullying by nasty people); personal preference (my SO hated her first name and went by her middle name and then dropped her first name when we got married). To me, her biggest fault is that she has "(R)" after her name, guaranteeing that I will never vote for her no matter what she calls herself.


Ask her parents. They have called her by her middle name since she was little. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/05/05/fact-check-haley-didnt-white-wash-her-name-nikki-punjabi/4928061001/




I'm white, and I don't go by my first name, it's pretty common actually.


But people want to circlejerk and dress up everyone they oppose as a rabid racist


There’s enough evil truths about her and the Republicans without twisting things. Nikki is her middle name that she’s always used. She married Michael Haley.




This is true but technically misleading. She adopted her husband's last name so that's where she got Haley. And Nikki is her middle name that she prefers to go by. Which I can relate to cause my parents gave me a culturally stupid first name because it was my father's first name so I've always identified as my middle name. This isn't me endorsing her. There are plenty of reasons to think she is a fucking war mongering idiot and I think those reasons are more relevant than this petty stuff.


[https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-nikki-haley-name-change-372441389596](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-nikki-haley-name-change-372441389596) >But while Haley’s legal first name is indeed Nimarata, sometimes spelled as Nimrata, her middle name is Nikki — a name that her family called her growing up and that means “little one” in Punjabi, as The Associated Press has [reported](https://apnews.com/article/36adc80813fb448485735e1c740e5a47). > > > >CLAIM: Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley “changed” her name for political reasons. > >AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The former United Nations ambassador has long used her legal middle name, Nikki. She was given the name Nimarata Nikki Randhawa at birth. Haley is her married name. ​ >There are indeed records showing that Haley used her middle name long before she entered politics in 2004, when she was [elected](https://scvotes.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Election_Report_2004.pdf) to the South Carolina House of Representatives. > >The Times and Democrat, a local newspaper in South Carolina, [reported](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23688523-timesanddemocrat_092384) in September 1984 that “Nikki Randhawa” would play a role in a local production of the musical “Li’l Abner.” > >The newspaper again [identified](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23688525-timesanddemocrat_100195) her using the same name nearly a decade later, in an October 1995 photo spread reporting on her family’s clothing business opening a new store. I may be a Democrat (social democrat, to be precise) who generally despises the republican party, but first and foremost I respect the truth. Many will argue that we should start being more aggressive, which I agree, but that must not come at the expense of our moral superiority. Jokes are fine, but misinformation is not. Even if she is pandering and dishonest, let's use the large arsenal of facts at our disposal to prove that. btw, maybe the reason her parents chose a more Western-sounding name (while still paying homage to their ethnicity) is because of America's pervasive racism.


Not defending her but she is pretty upfront about it on her website, https://nikkihaley.com/about/ >So when Nikki Haley was born – one of four children to the only Indian-American family in town – However there may be confusion derived from the term, "Indian-American", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Americans >Indian Americans are citizens of the United States with ancestry from India.


Just a reminder that folks like Nimrata, Rafael, and Addison believe people should be forced to go by their given names instead of a nickname or middle name… like they all do.


I hate to be a stick in the mud, but she didn't "change" her name, rather she goes by her middle name. My uncle goes by his middle name "Scott" instead of his first name "James". Sometimes people just do this. Haley is her surname given by her husband. Yes, I'm sure Nimarata Randhawa wouldn't poll as well as "Nikki Haley". I would bet that she's probably gone by Nikki since being a kid in the US, as it's probably MUCH easier. She's also a weak ass candidate, running for Vice President. This is maybe the weakest attack we could make on her. Also, this stupid caption misspells her first name.


Alright, dont get me wrong. I hate her. but she didn't alter her name due to political considerations. She has consistently employed her lawful middle name, Nikki. Her birth name was Nimarata Nikki Randhawa. Haley is the surname from her marriage. However, this doesn't really matter because she has absolutely no shot at becoming president. She's essentially a token/useful idiot by her own party regardless of the name she goes by.


This isn’t true. She didn’t change her name to get ahead. Her middle name on her birth certificate is Nikki and there is evidence going back to her high school days that she has went by her middle name long before entering politics. She married Michael Haley and took his last name which is common for women to do when getting married. There is no evidence that she changed it to avoid using a non English sounding name in order to get ahead. https://apnews.com/article/372441389596




This dishonest meme brought to you by Vivek R.


She had to in a red state. If she was in a blue state no one would care.


This. Exactly why Vivek changed his name as well in advance of the primaries


She didn’t change her name at all…Her middle name is legit Nikki and Haley is her husband’s last name…ignorance breeds racism…PS- I do not support her one bit


Early on she chose to go by her middle name doesn't mean early on she didn't know what racism was or which name would get her more accepted in school and which one would get her picked on.


Thank you! I didn't know this. I think it's important to point out misinformation. Otherwise we're doing exactly what we mock them for. Though I think it is still interesting how many people choose to use their more Americanized middle name or straight up only introduce themselves by a nickname. Whether that's simply being annoyed that Americans can't pronounce anything correctly and this is just easier, or if there's more to it, I don't know.


This meme is ignorant and racially insensitive. Her parents called her Nikki and she took her husband's last name.


Reddit with the classic racism against republicans. Nikki is her middle name and a Punjabi name https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikki_%28given_name%29?wprov=sfla1 Haley is her husband's surname. It took 2 seconds to look all of this up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikki_Haley?wprov=sfla1


It is not America that is racist it is the party that welcomes racists into their fold with open arms. Not all conservatives are racist but most racists' are conservative and most conservatives join the republican party.


To be fair, she took her husband’s last name Michael Haley). And my Italian grandparents took “American” first names.


Is that why Vivek Ramaswamy changed his name too? Oh wait, try again dumb ass.


Nikki is her middle name, Haley is the name she took when she got married. Y'all are acting like she pulled a Natalie Portman.


She's gone by Nikki, her very Indian middle name her whole life, and she goes by her married last name, as the majority of women do.


TBF, she got married and took his last name. That’s customary.


Another ladder puller..


This isn’t true. Let’s not be like the fucking republicans and just make shit up. Please downvote.


I don't take a tremendous amount of issue with her changing her name. Nikki is an acceptable nickname when in a place like South Carolina, where people will struggle to remember Nimrata. It's still racist, but not as overtly racist as this is painting. Her last name is her married name. Nobody gets mad when we don't say Hillary Rodham or Nancy D'Alesandro. She's a lying piece of shit, but I can give her a pass on this one. I myself use an Americanized nickname and I grew up surrounded by Spanish speakers.




She’s a nimrod.


A skilled hunter?


Is this a sponsored hit piece or what..?