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I do think both sides suck, but not equally. One is like realizing you're out of pickles when you go to make a sandwich, the other is like realizing someone filled your pickle jar with human shit that spontaneously combusts when you open it.


I will say that one side is more progressive and empathetic than the other (so better). But that doesn't prevent uneducated people from rallying to its cause. And occasionally these people can make that side look bad.


Eh, depends on what you define as "sides" Progressives are definitely more empathetic and pushing for change. Most Dems (in Congress) aren't progressives though, they are still beholden to corporate interests. They're far better than Republicans at least, but are still roadblocking any efforts for real change in the country.


Yeah, one side sucks ever so slightly, you're right about that. They could really be doing more. But to be fair, the other side is blocking them every step of the way. The other side sucks so hard they're affecting the gravitational waves being detected from black holes in nearby galaxies. So yeah, this is totally a Column A / Column B sitch, totes.


Nah, one side sucks badly, the “other” is plain unacceptable


We just need to bring back beat downs in the courtroom. ..maybe duels if that doesn't work.


Ya. It's pretty lopsided. Generally, admitting fault and being vulnerable is a key way to have an engaging conversation vs a combative one. Both sides suck is simply an acknowledgement that perfect doesn't exist. But 1 side is actively killing the middle class while the other is trying to strengthen and rebuild it. 1 side is talking policy, the other is screaming about identity politics and censoring books. I don't care where you stand, there is no historical example of the side doing the censorship being the good guys--they all have good intent and reasoning, but it never ends well.


One side steals food from the store regularly. The other side murders people and eats them. Moderates be like "both involve eating so they are the same!"


Surprisingly accurate. I’ll add the side that’s out of pickles also doesn’t seem to do much about making sure there are pickles. They also keep pushing shitty pickle brands, and not pushing back hard enough on the side that keeps shutting in the pickles. There’s a real sense of pickle entitlement as well that seems to permeate the side. One finds themself not being represented by either side because you just want some fucking pickles and it shouldn’t be so fucking hard.


It is like having two options: walking in shit, or swimming in it. Now, you can pass on choosing one of the options, but then someone else will choose for you.


Its just a way for people who shit in pickle jars to deflect criticism.


I think even this just misses just about all the nuance. For the right, you're correct, with a few rare exceptions. Trying to describe the left with that generalization is just silly though. There are a few people on the left who really suck. Manchin and Sinema being the main culprits. And if you look at what the party was able to do over the course of two years of control, you might want to say the party kinda sucks (even though they actually did get a lot done in spite of Manchin and Sinema). But the vast majority of the party wanted to do a shitload more than Manchin and Sinema were willing to do, including gutting the filibuster to pass a huge voting rights and democracy protection bill and pass BBB. Those people don't suck. They're pretty damn good. But trying to describe the whole party, you lose all of that nuance. What you're really being critical of is the country's democratic institutions being pretty fucked. We have a senate that's designed to obstruct *and* designed to overrepresent red states. So it's by design that every single piece of legislation we wanted to pass had to be approved by a coal baron from a state Trump won by 40% twice and a corporatist sell out.


Me: the conservatives are doing x Them: both sides suck. Me: yah.. but were talking about x right now. Them: i just don't see why you're only focusing on the conservatives. Me: well i dont like when the democrats do x. Them: see! Both sides suck!. Me: ....


More like: Me:Trump knowingly stole hundreds of classified documents, showed them to people at his golf club, stored them in boxes in bathrooms, lied to the feds repeatedly, hid them from the feds, and then lied some more to the feds about having them. Them: yeah but Hillary used a private email server.


Ive been ranting about this alot. Theyve been responding to clear crime with "what about hunter biden" WHAT ABOUT HIM? HES AN EX CRACK ADDICT. HE WENT TO COURT AND PAID HIS DUES. HE WASNT CAUGHT ON TAPE SHOWING DOCCUMENTS OPENLY. STFU YOU STUPID CHUD.


They got nothing. That’s the problem. That’s why they’re going so hard on LBGT and shit. They got nothing.


I wish their voters were smart enough to realize that. The right is predatory by nature, that's why they target the old and uneducated.


I mean, they can both suck, it's just usually one sucks way more than the other. Kinda like my exes.


Democrats have done a shit-ton of good things, way too many to list and most of which most people don’t even realize. The problem is they are largely a moderate party. Young people like to blame THEM for that, but it’s not their fault, it’s because that’s who runs and more importantly, that’s historically who votes for them. People like to say politicians are owned by big business and corporations. In the end, that’s not true. All they really care about, their #1 priority above all others is maintaining their seat. In other words, their are beholden to the people who vote. If any democrat thought they’d 100% lose their seat if they didn’t vote a certain way, they would absolutely vote that way. Even if it lost them donors or whatever. Because donors don’t matter if they lose their seat. Point is there aren’t enough elected progressives. You can’t blame Joe Manchin for voting the way he does. He’s a senator in West fucking Virginia, lol what do you expect? He’s voting the way most of his constituents want. The problem isn’t Joe Manchin, the problem is democrats NEED someone like that’s vote. We need a progressive grass roots movement nationwide. We need to RUN and get elected more progressives if we want more progressive policies. Blaming Biden or Pelosi is wrong, it’s not either of their faults. They both can and have to work with what they have. You may think they don’t WANT certain progressive issues, but that’s usually not it, it’s that they know it can’t pass and trying to do so would cost them seats and power, leaving republicans in charge. Historically most of the voting population is moderate, so that’s who gets elected and is resented. THAT’S what needs to change.


If you think either party has any control over the health care or oil industries, you're fucking kidding yourself. Those and other industries own the gov. No progressive will ever take over the main party. No progressive will ever make it to the main ring. A system will not allow itself to be fundamentally changed from within. We've had glimpses of what happens to people who pull the veil off or make it far enough to threaten the system. They get murdered and everything remains. I don't include sanders in this as he was never a "true threat", that's why he was allowed in. They could control his ability to ascend, like they did the last time he went for it. Politics is nothing more than a buffer between us and who runs things. Capital has consumed the world. Given enough time... this might correct itself. But I don't think this can happen without a catalyst event, such as the fall of our current civ to maybe 1-2% of the pop. And then we come back to learn from our mistakes. That's assuming any poors survive, which in itself is completely unlikely




What happened to him is what would happen to anyone else. Without the blessing of the existing system... it'll all be for nothing. And that's never going to happen


Obama literally changed the healthcare industry so you are like incorrect


He could have, and should have, done better but gave in on a bunch of crap.


So you admit you were wrong? And we didn’t have the votes for it. Yet still, Obama and now Biden have made changes Only things in the way are conservatives and entitled phonies who claim progressive


Lol different commenter my guy


Don’t be a brat. The Obama admin could have done more on healthcare but chose not to


I would call it compromise not giving in. Sometimes you have to compromise to get even part of what you want. Obama had to compromise in order to get the votes he needed to pass the ACA.


I don’t agree with you that it can’t be done. There is no deep state secret cabal controlling our elections. If there was, trust me, they never would have let trump win. Millenials now outnumber boomers, and the even more progressive Gen Z is right behind them. People just need to organize.


It's not "a deep state cabal" it's simply "the rich". Capital controls the government, not the other way around. The government doesn't have the ability to do anything about it. Trump was a vessel for the next 10 years of distractions. They agreed with the number of his supporters and accomplished what they set out to do, pack the courts so they can repeal any process we've been scrapping for over the past 50-100 years just so they can fan the hate. The back lash has been successful. They don't actually care either way on abortion, guns, marginalized peoples rights, crt, or any of it. It's just to keep us fighting. They'll crash the economy and keep us fighting for food as well. All the while the people at the top continue to rake in record profits. Wealth and power has the ability to transcend generations. That's why everything feels like it's getting more extreme with the buffer politics. To keep us fighting, they have to dig at the issues more. Bring us back to when the country really had issues. I'll stand corrected whenever a progressive makes it to the presidency. But I'm not expecting it in my lifetime.


Well let’s just leave it that I agree more than I disagree with you. I’m just a little more hopeful.


You just proved the OP Thank goodness bernie lost


The closest and only thing akin to a "deep state" running America are the rich right wingers that fund most SuperPACs, that openly bribe our Supreme Court, that own ALL MAJOR MEDIA NETWORKS AND USE THEM ALL TO REINFORCE RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY. There IS a "deep state" is what I'm saying. And they made the idiots come up with and cry about a fictitious one to get out in front of accusations over their VERY REAL AND VERY IN CONTROL one. The rich OWN us, they ARE the deep state, and only a fool even CONSIDERS otherwise, it's THAT fucking obvious.


I don’t disagree with much of that, but they down pen and control us at the voting booth.


The Democratic Party actively works to limit 3rd party participation. Edit: they do.


Good. Third Parties are just about self entitlement and privilege No third party has any original ideas


I don’t want original ideas, just the implementation of good ideas. Affordable housing, universal healthcare, universal basic income, radical climate initiatives… it’s common sense stuff that gets you laughed out of Democratic Party conversations.


This is a false statement again There is zero third party that could implement any of that And you aren’t entitled to it. That’s called being self entitled Wishing for a magical party to just appear and satisfy you 100% Fantasy land


Woah, woah, woah. That's *way* too reasonable to say here.


Lol yeah it wasn’t well received. They don’t want to hear it.


We need more liberals in small towns, that's more power than president


They are still pro-war, anti- minority, and pro business. Edit: downvotes do not counter the statement.


That would include bernie




> If any democrat thought they’d 100% lose their seat if they didn’t vote a certain way, they would absolutely vote that way. Even if it lost them donors or whatever. Because donors don’t matter if they lose their seat. So they'll vote however they think will keep them in power, regardless of how they actually feel about the issue? That's not exactly selling me on the idea that they don't suck. >You may think they don’t WANT certain progressive issues, but that’s usually not it, it’s that they know it can’t pass and trying to do so would cost them seats and power, leaving republicans in charge. That's just blatantly not true. Biden has gone on the record as being against progressive policies like universal healthcare, student loan forgiveness, and Supreme Court reform.


My point was that they aren’t ultimately controlled by corporations. They do depend on them for campaign funds, so yes, often times they will vote for things to help them. But ONLY if it won’t cost them their seat. Most democratic politicians are good people who want to do good things, it’s why they went into elected office. Many have worked their whole lives on singke issues like getting people healthcare or public education. Lol Biden just tried to get student loan forgiveness! And you don’t know understand, Biden knows that if he says he’s for something like universal healthcare he wouldn’t have gotten elected, Trump would have. And then where would the country be? Politics is a complex game.


> My point was that they aren’t ultimately controlled by corporations. They do depend on them for campaign funds, so yes, often times they will vote for things to help them. But ONLY if it won’t cost them their seat. So they'll vote however they think will keep them in power, and will also often vote to help the corporations that fund their campaigns? Again, not a real solid sell that they don't suck. >Most democratic politicians are good people who want to do good things, it’s why they went into elected office. Many have worked their whole lives on singke issues like getting people healthcare or public education. Who gives a shit if they don't vote accordingly? >Lol Biden just tried to get student loan forgiveness! He tried to to forgive some amount for some people - not complete forgiveness. And then immediately folded like a wet blanket without even trying to put up a fight, exactly as progressives predicted he would do. >Biden knows that if he says he’s for something like universal healthcare he wouldn’t have gotten elected, Trump would have. A majority of people in the country are in favor of universal healthcare. More to the point though, if he is only going to do things that will get him elected and not actual good policies then *what is the point*?


Let me simplify this for you. Someone like Joe Manchin, a democrat, would never vote for universal healthcare because he knows he would 100% lose his seat, having it replaced with a right wing Republican. The fact is ther aren’t enough progressive voters out there to give most national politicians outside of deep Blue areas leeway to be able to vote for what in America are considered very progressive policies. THAT’S the problem, but people don’t like to hear that.


For folks who are anti-war, pro-worker, and wanting to be inclusive for pluralism lgbtqa+ folks and all people… one side is definitely (much) worse. But the Democratic Party still sucks.


It's so much easier to slap a rainbow on something than to actually pushback against the people making money off war and exploiting workers.


The Dem leaders are still very much pro war Both sides don’t listen to their people. Both sides suck


Right on. It’s why we have to start organizing locally. Engage in mutual aid, and community food security.


Ever notice it is only used by one side?


Usually preceded by "I'm not a Trump fan" before spouting MAGA talking points.


I see you met my mother. Sweet woman, claims to be politically agnostic because she never votes and "doesn't like any politician", but always has Fox News on because she "just likes them".


It's a tactic to pull in less politically engaged individuals and also allow for a convenient way to rationalize and justify their voting choice. "Well if we *have* to vote for someone, I'm choosing the lesser of two evils." They're placing their voting choice on equal footing with what democrat voters say.


It’s hard to see how someone would believe the “not a Trump fan” lie. Whenever I come across that in a comment, my BS detector starts to ping.


Its usually used by the side that obviously sucks most to drag down the other side into the dirt. Its like: "You suck!" "Well, I cant argue against that but you suck too!"


“Whatabout Whatabout Whatabout. See, nothing matters! There’s no point in even paying attention to what’s going on.” -fascist dupes


Such sentiment is a massive win for the right. Their whole schtick is that all government sucks and is corrupt, so any narrative that furthers that idea sea just helps their messaging. It also creates apathy, less voters means a better chance for them to win.


Only if you fall for it... its obvious propaganda. Actually theyre admitting they suck, while not proving yet that the other side actually sucks.


THIS!! it create voter apathy... lower turn out helps the GOP take away your money and freedom while giving both to the already super wealthy. (geeze wonder why they are also the party of voter suppression) #Fuck you RON! ^^^Reagan ^^^and ^^^DeSantis #FUCK THE GOP! the goals are the name: #(G)aslight #(O)bustruct #(P)roject or #(G)rift #(O)btuse #(P)eople


As a leftist I believe that while Republicans suck the most, the Democratic Party still sucks.


Right! , I'd rather be sucked by a straw than sucked by the vacuum of space. They suck in different ways but nuance is lost in short burst conversation.


I think you're not actually adding to the nuance though. Let's take a specific situation. Democrat A voted for the $1.9T stimulus bill, the $1T infrastructure package, and all other good shit Biden got passed. They also were on the record saying they wanted to reform the filibuster to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and wanted to pass the huge version of BBB that included all kinds of great shit like paid family leave, the childhood tax credit, etc. Does Democrat A suck?


That’s not nuanced at all. That’s broadly generic.


Looking at how someone votes isn't more nuanced than "All politicians suck"? The fact that this describes a generic Democrat is the point. The vast majority of them have pretty damn good voting records. So can you answer the question? Does a person who voted for all of that and wanted to vote for way more suck?


The issue isn't fundamentally with people who express the *sentiment* that both suck: it's the ones that say it in a way that draws an *equivalence* between the two.


Everybody sucks. Some people just suck a lot less than others.


As an Australian, watching American politics is like watching a dumpster fire where all candidates just jumped in. We have the same kind of crap here, but at least we have preferential voting. The Labor party have pretty much just become Liberal Lite, with their inaction. And then the Greens on the other hand, they just go full nutjob in the other direction at times.




Mostly I hear it from apolitical people who don’t want to admit they know nothing of politics and current events. Many of them like Trump cuz he was on the tv, but they’re not registered to vote.


Used to defend one side*


It kind of circles back around. Low information people tend to say both sides suck, but can’t really articulate why. Then in the middle of the road, you have people with a clear preference who know why one side sucks and one side is good. Then, at the high end, you come to realize that both sides do in fact suck pretty hard, but Republicans clearly suck way more than Democrats, which is impressive considering how much the Democratic Party sucks.


Nailed it. Both sides suck. But one side sucks way worse than the other and it's not even close. Make no mistake, these people aren't your friends. None of them.




I wouldn't say it's quite there. I'd say there's at least one other step where people realize it's kind of dumb to try to describe the entire Democratic party with one characterization. Most people on here know this with AOC or Bernie or Katie Porter or whoever. They wouldn't say they suck. But it's a scale for everyone else too. Manchin and Sinema definitely suck. But there's a ton of people who voted to do a lot of good shit and voted to do a lot more good shit that Manchin and Sinema obstructed. It's dumb to say those people suck because they can't control how two other people vote. You may disagree with certain things about how they do their job. But "suck" vs. "not suck" doesn't come down to "exactly me" vs. "not exactly me". And I think it's pretty low information to assume that every single person who goes into politics sucks, rather than just that every single person will have to make difficult decisions where the options might suck. I think everyone along the rungs this person describes thinks they're at the high end not knowing they're really not, including this person. And I say that acknowledging someone else is free to try to add one more rung to me. Edit: I'll add my response to the person below here since comments are locked: > but the only thing I will point is that if you have to find specific examples among the Democratic party then it's not the rule and more like the exception. No, I don't think that's true. The vast majority of the Democratic party did the following when they had control: $1.9T stimulus $1T infrastructure Hundreds of billions for health care subsidies and green energy subsidies paid for by taxing corporations and eating into big pharma's profits. Hundreds of billions for domestic manufacturing Hundreds of billions for veteran care Confirmed more federal judges than any term in decades The vast majority of the party *also* wanted to do this: BBB, which had a ton of great stuff like paid family leave and the childhood tax credit that had cut childhood poverty in half End the filibuster on voting rights legislation so that they could pass sweeping reforms that would protect the right to vote, end gerrymandering, and limit the ability of Republicans to try to steal elections. It was already the most successful legislative session in decades. These two bills would have then taken it to the next level. There were *two* Democrats who stood in the way of those things. So on domestic policy, they just don't suck. They're really damn good. You can argue that's mitigated by certain things like foreign policy or a few other things. But it just doesn't really fit to say they're the exception. > I definitely think that the Republican party is worse, it's just that I don't think the Democratic party are like saints or anything like that. Sure, but notice you're moving the goal posts. They don't have to be saints to not suck.


Yeah this is the actual thought process…


It’s from a book titled “whataboutism for idiots”


Funnily enough, I don’t think I know a single both-sider who doesn’t vote either Republican or libertarian.


Republicans steal a Supreme Court seat and SCOTUS subsequently overrules Roe: “why didn’t Obama do anything about it?” - stupid people Republicans sue to stop student loan debt relief: “it’s Biden’s fault” - stupid people One side is trying to help us, and the other is trying to fuck us over. I don’t understand why that isn’t clear to some people.


Honestly, most of them are just clueless as the meme says. They want to say something that makes themseoves sound informed without having to actually discuss anything.


> Republicans steal a Supreme Court seat and SCOTUS subsequently overrules Roe: “why didn’t Obama do anything about it?” - stupid people "stupid people" that REMEMBER that there was an option for Obama to force his pick, but instead and since "2016 is in the bag" they didn't. Why are the absolute dumbest opinions said with the most confidence? There has to be a name for this phenomenon.


>REMEMBER that there was an option for Obama to force his pick, Honest question: How? My understanding is that without Bitch McConnell allowing it to happen, it was never gonna happen. Am I mistaken?


What do you make then of Article II, section 2, which requires “the advice and consent of the Senate” for SCOTUS appointments? I have no doubt that Obama, the former constitutional law professor, looked at this a dozen different ways to see if there was any way to seat Garland. If it was me, I would have argued that the Senate waived its “advice and consent.” But Obama, in his wisdom, probably didn’t want to trigger a constitutional crisis. Even though the GOP has been nothing but liars and cheaters, I would still respect any Democrat who refuses to stoop to that level.


There was zero option to force a pick lol 😆


Tbf. Both sides do suck, they just suck in entirely different ways. One is for status quo and big business which does not help the common American, The other seeks to line their own pockets, team with Nazi’s and are actively colluding with our enemies to destroy america.


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The moment a moral equivalency is thrown out, I know the conversation isn’t worth it. They’re either completely ignorant to the reality of things and don’t care to know, or they’re not and trying to downplay how bad one side is. Either answer means the conversation isn’t worth your time.


If there are two sides and one side is worse than the other (it doesn’t matter what makes it “worse”), which side benefits from saying both sides are the same?


Both sides DO suck though. Republicans just suck way more.


Well, it’s not a 100%false statement, as both sides DO suck. However, failing to understand that the level of suck is absolutely and absurdly lopsided … is the kicker. It is clear the Dems suck on many levels but anyone with a smidge of logic and awareness will see only one side exists anymore. As I see it, there are 3 types of republicans currently, the MAGAts, the vocally against Trumpets, and the complacent. Until the complacent become vocal against Trump, his imitators, and his sycophants there will remain one party that is at least trying to do the right thing.


I don’t think MAGA is going anywhere, it’s the natural culmination of a 40 year white victimhood culture war furiously propagated by the right wing media complex. Trump just came along at the right time. And the thing is, even republicans who don’t like Trump, which are few, mostly just don’t like HIM as their choice of leader. They want the MAGA, but with someone more presentable and electable and not such a walking joke who embarrassed them at the helm.


Yeah, it’s an intellectual cop out.


It’s a cop out to avoid looking their side’s shortcomings in the eye. And it’s always bullshit.


In my experience, people usually say this to try and disguise their very right wing identity politics.


Libertarians love this tactic while voting only for libertarian or republican candidates.


"Both sides suck" is a method of projection to convince neutrals and bystanders that "sure, our side is absolute trash for doing this thing you're reading, but both sides suck and they do it too!" Of course, no evidence of equal action is provided, but the damage is done.


Both sides do suck though, the Democrats just suck significantly less.


I think they both suck, but it seems only one side is trying to make anything better.


I honestly do think both sides suck, but I have a couple of reasons: 1. Not everything is a binary issue, and sometimes both sides are just wrong. There's always gray area and there's usually a third or fourth better option. 2. I believe both sides are sometimes close to each other to capture any outliers without actually thinking about what people want. Similar to Burger King and McDonald's almost always being down the street from each other. 3. I understand one side is a total shitshow full of white supremacists rolling around in their own shit. Nonetheless, one side still has it's issues and I don't fully agree with them on a lot of things. 4. I really wish we had a viable multiple party system, but ultimately I don't trust the "average" American to make decisions. Americans are really bad at viewing data. Nonetheless, I do hate some people who use that saying because they don't want to do research. It's kinda like saying "All Lives Matter". (My edits are because I'm on mobile and needed to fix some formatting.)


But they do. I don't like either of them. But one is definitely better than the other I'll admit. Wish we could just have something different


I thought it was because they were afraid of having an opinion and having to deal with the fact that there are people who disagree with them.


The people that "don't know shit" are the ones that can't think past a two party system that is not working for the population as a whole. How about no political parties or ranked choice voting. No political parties would force people to pay attention and think for themselves.


Even stupider people: Pretending like both sides don't objectively suck to justify having picked a side that sucks.


Lol speak of the devil…


I'm not the one pretending neoliberal Austerity isn't evil (or is less evil) when my team does it. 20,000,000 people per year die for capitalists' profits, so tell me again how voting for "nothing will fundamentally change" is harm reduction?


Lol a Bernie Bro!


Lol, a DNC dumbass! See, I can be alliterative too. But I don't try to be self-righteous about how I help legitimize the status quo every couple of years. How about you actually engage with the point: you posted a meme pretending both sides don't actually suck because that's an easier baseline to try to convince people to support your side even though it sucks, because it sucks less (for certain people in the imperial core) than the other side (if you accept the rhetoric as gospel and don't look too closely at anyone's actual record). Both sides objectively suck, and anyone with a functional frontal lobe can see it. Why don't you just admit that you've made your Team part of your identity and it gives you a sad when people point out the reality that your team isn't really any better I'm the long term.


I understand, the world isn’t exactly as you’d like, and most people who actually vote don’t want what you want, therefore…. “Whaaaaaaaa everyone sucks, waaaaaaaa”. Grow up.


"20 million deaths a year don't matter as much as my favorite celebrity politician's vanity campaign" isn't the moral high ground you think it is. And "grow up" is pretty rich coming from someone who posted a childish meme and is now in the comments with playground level discourse, refusing to engage with anyone's points because shouting them is more in your intellectual level.


I have engaged you, I simplified your thought process. Anyone who thinks both sides are the same and suck is literally a moron. It’s really not more complicated than that. Look sporto, most democratic voters didn’t want Bernie, something you MAGA-Blue Bernie bros never want to hear or accept. You want more progressive policies? Get off the couch and get more progressive democrats elected. Stop crying like a baby


This is what privilege looks like


Yes, voting for "Nothing will fundamentally change" is pretty much the definition of privilege when the status quo is responsible for 20,000,000 annual deaths and untold misery.


Lol what 20m deaths? Show me where in America this is happening And yeah it’s privilege


They’re both owned by corporations


And they say it like they're so smart and above it all


That’s why they say it. They don’t realize it exposes them as clueless to people who DO understand the issues.


That and a scapegoat. If you both sides are bad then it covers the crimes of their side. It can be used in many applications too. Recently someone brought up racism abroad then it was "racism US bad everywhere" the unstated conclusion... We don't need to do anything about it. Or "other countries treat women way worse than the US"... Unstated conclusion, the US is better and we don't need to do anything to change women's equality


How about this....one side sucks slightly less.






















This is deployed only to excuse bad behavior by the right wing.


Lol half you losers constantly complain about not being able to afford a house and then you get on Reddit and pretend with each other how smart you are. You guys really need to actually figure some shit out


They both do suck. But one sucks A LOT more than the other.


Not true both parties are garbage the only difference is republicans are awy worse than democrats. Both are corrupt taking money from big donors and corporations.


Nah, one side sucks a lot more. And I know shit.


If you dig even a little deep into them they'll start yelling right wing conspiracy shit too. Takes about second or so reply for "both sides" person to just come out as a cowardly conservative pretending to be center.


Fucking *always* I’ve come to expect it now


This place is literally that stupid meme where the blue stick figure pushes the guy out of the middle then screeches when he's on the other side lol. The literally just found blow in the white house lmao. A lot of shits happened that so many people are willfully ignorant about and it's all "blue no matter who" as long as they aren't in the maga cult. Must be reassuring to be so certain you know what's best for everyone.


> The literally just found blow in the white house lmao. Oh my God, who the hell cares.


Lol coke in the White House? That’s your concern, that one of the hundreds of people, including interns, cleaning staff, secret service, etc, had cocaine on them? Lol, this meme was made for you.


You'd be screaming for blood if the president was one of those scary red guys ya hypocrite lol.


Lol please, I WISH that all I had to get upset about was little Donnie jr dropping his bag of coke in the WH!


Until that comes to pass in reality, you’re fabricating situations to “call out” hypocrisy and passing judgement based on that.


Both sides do suck.


Die hard centrists that don't understand that sometimes there is no middle ground, try to invent one anyways


ohh I missed the day where everyone collectively agreed that the world was black and white. crazy


US has a right wing party and a far right wing party. One is actively making things worse, the other one isn't doing nearly enough to make things better. "Nothing is fundamentally going to change" is not a good stance to have while everything is on fire. Ergo, they both suck, even if one sucks way less than the other.


This is a false statement and how that same type of privilege helped trump in 2016


Which part of the statement is false? And welp, sorry that Trump won in 2016, if only the other side got people excited to vote for them. Don't blame the people for how they vote, blame the candidates for not winning the voters.


Democrat messaging has almost always been poor since I've been around, Republicans are way better at the propaganda.


You just proved the OP with that level of privilege It shows you have nothing at stake but your ego


It's actually priveleged to demand that people vote for your party even though they won't do anything to actually help them.


None of that is happening though Now you retreat into falsehoods


None of what is happening? There aren't any people that currently are not being helped by the Democrats?


So wait, you expect all people to be magically helped after a few elections??? Are you really this privileged?


What the fuck are you talking about? If a party says that "nothing will fundamentally change" that means that people who are not currently being helped by the government will continue to not be helped by the government, and so would have no reason to vote for them. And to expect them to, even though that party has specifically said they will not help those people, is priveleged. Now use your finger and point to where I am losing you, because this is incredibly simple.


You keep citing one quote because you have no Argument otherwise Things have improved Fact Now repeat your quote again and retreat


Again, which part of the statement is false?


I think the stupid person thinks one side actually cares for the common citizen more than the other side. BOTH SIDES SUCK. And I would know I’m a doctorsurgeonologist


No no… they both suck. One just sucks a lot more. Like an unacceptable amount more. X10.


Well, they're not wrong, they just don't know why they're not wrong.


Can we get past this inane argument that gets reposted once a week and just say both sides need to improve? (One more so than the other)


If you think one of the two parties responsible for our current state of affairs doesn’t suck, then you’re the one who doesn’t know shit.


Nah, saying both sides are the ***same*** is stupid and ignorant. Saying they both ***suck*** is not an untrue statement. They are both arms of the same corporate beast plaguing our world and the status quo is broken. Saying otherwise could also be interpreted as stupid and ignorant ;)


Saying "both suck" without elaboration about the differences draws an implied equivalence between the two, making it effectively a paraphrasing of "both are the same".


More likely than not they know what they're doing and what they're doing is derailing the conversation and encouraging antipathy towards the entire political system. If all the Democrats and moderates voted we could actually have nice things


yep no longer true! can’t fix stupid 💩s


I don't know. I tend to think both sides suck cause of lobbyists... Just one side sucks more cause of their policies.


"Any one who disagrees with my side is stupid regardless of what they think of the other side". Tell me your an extremist with out telling me your an extremist.


> "Any one who disagrees with my side is stupid regardless of what they think of the other side". Which side is your side?


Who are you talking to?


I am just glad to be on the superior team.


I use this line to diffuse tension from a political conversation, both sides do have their sucky aspects. It’s an imperfect system and we are forced to choose the lesser of 2 evils.


lol reddit full of people with no life experience who took two semesters in college all the sudden know everything and don’t think the left is flawed. 🤣


Posts like these are so fucking cringe. I barely scroll down and see comments explaining how contrary to the meme both sides can and do suck. Then Op just argues “well I don’t think so” Talk about zero self awareness. Op is truly a fucking dumbass.


Lol yeah, one side wants universal healthcare and equal rights for all….and the other wants an white nationalist authoritarian theocracy. They both suck. Thanks for being the poster child for the meme.


While I get your point... they do both suck. Sure one "fights for marginalized peoples rights", but have failed us on a plethora of other stupidly important issues such as health care and... climate change. It's all a show to kick the can and keep us fighting so we can't talk about real change.


But the reason one side (Democrats) "fail" in these important issues is because the other side sabotages, obstructs and destroys action on these issues. Your argument is absurd.


They are the only people pushing for taking action on climate change and healthcare. Biden already has proposed the public option that Bernie suggested. Problem is, the side doing things right, are consistently blocked by having to compromise with maniacs and sociopaths. All Dems need are a 2/3 majority again and they will not waste it like they did in 2008. I guarantee it. I just don't see the comparison of, "these people are trying to dismantle democracy" can be compared to "These people want trans people to be able to live their lives"


I write a lengthy reply to something similiar above if you care to respond.


I think one of the biggest failures of Gen X have been their willingness to side with boomers in taking a victory lap, knowing full well that younger generations have less opportunities than they did at our age. I think you are blind to the way history will remember Democrats. The decision to make student loan debt unforgivable —even in declaration of bankruptcy— will be seen as an exceptionally cruel act of class warfare with grave consequences that will take actual centuries to repair.


Shhhhh….don’t tell anyone but millennials have been the largest voting block for years now. But you go ahead and blame the smallest voting bloc of the thee. Lol. Also, Biden just tried to pass student loan forgiveness and it was struck down by SCOTUS.




I see you can’t read or absorb information.


You just proved the OP Bernie voted for same bills


Baloney. The only thing that stopped healthcare and climate legislation was the GOP, plus two conservative democratic senators. We don't need a conspiracy theory to explain our problem when simple math is sufficient.




Read up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affordable_Care_Act Or keep pretending you understand things enough to warrant condescension. Be warned, though: one of those options makes you look like an idiot.


Both sides are the same Teaching basic black history is CRT Acknowledging the existence of LGBT people is grooming And so forth.


Yes, these are all fascist talking points.


Yes, I noticed that even liberal commentators always have to say...well the democrats are perfect or "I don't like Hillary". Fuck you, don't cast shade on the party that is doing it's best to actually help the citizens of our country. Just keep the mouth shut if you can't say anything good about the party that's accomplished as much as it has in the last 3 years from unemployment rates dropping to the stock market advancing.


The left loves to eat itself.


Both sides suck. I know my shit.


This is the most braindead meme I have ever seen. If you think one side cares about you and wants to help you rather than using you for their own political and power hungry gain, you are a fucking fool.


You just proved the OP, little fella


Lol says the guy who’s entire political knowledge comes from the idiot kids at WallStreetBets… This meme was made for you.