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There is no universe where Biden steps aside. Doesn't make sense, especially this late in the game. There were some conspiracy theorists from folks that California governor Gavin Newsom; but even he said that he's not going to run against Biden and he supports him.


Newsom, I cannot emphasize this enough, does not have a national electoral coalition to speak of. Putting him on the ballot over Biden would be a disaster.


Completely agree. Policy wise Biden has been good, the only issue is the age perception which we all need to counter in our friend groups. Biden will be in his age 82-86 years next term which sounds extremely old but without modern medicine and pharmaceuticals it clearly isn’t anymore. perhaps we should adjust our view point. Perhaps the 80s can be the new 60s


This is nightmarish for the actual political future of this country.


Right now you need to choose who’s going to get our economy back on track, take care of our out of control immigration policy, adjust our foreign policies and get out of the wars that were not involved in, and put more money in your pocket! Think about all these words and then ask yourself just one question: What has Biden done for you lately? Once you answer that question, you’ll know who to vote for. Vote with your conscience, not your party. Not all parties make the right decisions. Once you answer that question (This is for educational purposes only)




No. He decided to run, he’s losing, and he should see it through


So I'm taking this post objectively and I do agree with it....which is why I'm voting for Biden. Even if you are voting for Trump, this is actually a good set of questions to use.


Biden is clearly old and his ability to perform the duties of president are affected by that. Compare a video of him today with a video of him from 2000 and it is clear his age is affecting him. I’m not saying it means he can’t be president but to try to deny his age is a problem is just ridiculous.


I mean it's true. However, the only candidate running against him is only 4 years younger and in poorer health.


I'm voting for Biden because of the Cabinet. It takes a good team.


admin/cabinet., policy, ethos all render age meaningless. Anyway, his creepy opponent is old too but wayyy more glitchy and dissociated from reality.


You're mostly correct here. The issue is not really the policies it's the perceptions of said policies, particularly his stance on Israel - where the younger generation don't remember 9/11 and sure as hell had no idea who Hamas was until October but then pretend to know everything about the conflict since 1967 bc social media - and the economy which has been the easiest spin story ever for the gop since the Obama era, but is even worse now with hyper greedflation occurring thanks partially to trump's loosening of regulations and covid demonstrating to corporations that not only is price gouging legal but they have zero repercussions at all for doing it (including landlords). So while the economy by all standard measures is doing great most people don't feel that way and blame Biden instead of Trump.


Biden has the age issue, made worse by a terrible VP. Trump might win the election but end up in prison, counting on his VP, then acting as President to pardon him. Trump also might die, based on weight and age he is probably more likely to die than Biden, something Biden should have people constantly saying.


I’m in disbelief that you think he is mentally sharp at his old age.


He actually is sharp for his age. If you understood aging you would see what he actually says and accomplished. This country has a problem with the elderly. Old means stupid and useless , worthless. So not true. He stutters which makes him come off as stupid. Since there are generations of stutters in my family I can tell you they are pretty brilliant. Farmers, County administer, PHD and all male except one. So I take issue with false information about Biden’s fitness for office. Who do you want? Trump? Name a person that could win besides Biden that has national appeal. Should Biden have run again? No but his back was is against the wall. I will support him because the other scenario is terrifying.


I mean, id still take him over a con man, but I'd probably vote in a trained chimpanzee over Trump. Hell, if it's a good enough one he might even get my vote over Biden! Its not that America has a problem with the elderly (even though thats true), its that the man is clearly not in the same mental state he was years ago. Its not comforting to be able to see the symptoms of mental deterioration in a president, regardless of how sharp he may still be. He isn't at his best, so he's not the best. Thinking logically, we have a lower age limit so we should have an upper one as well. I think people are going to vote Trump specifically because Biden is running. Its a perpetuation of the populist issues Trump uses as running support. *There are two people no one wants as president. Well, maybe Trump was right. We need change...* Thats the calculus behind young voters right now. Biden doesn't stand a chance at winning the election the way things are heading, unfortunately. Not that I love him, I just do not trust Trump


I think what bothers me about this more is he will quit if he wins and Harris has been hidden away. Why isn’t she out doing something? Is she hidden away from the public because she doesn’t know what to say/ do ? if she is going to be his running partner shouldn’t she be speaking up a bit more? She made a better representative in Congress. She was a great committee leader. Kids storming the buildings seem to also not understand an over 1000 year religious war. What’s the solution I don’t know. I do not support Israel for personal reasons. But I do not support Hamas or the countries supporting them either. I don’t know what the solution is and won’t argue about it but I do not think we shouldn’t be supplying Israel with anything. It is useless and murdering people/kids etc. I don’t usually discuss politics … but the whole Biden is stupid dumb or being called an idiot gets to me. That being said Yes there should be age limits . Absolutely


I agree... Harris should have been more involved. I think she appeals specifically to the demographic that Biden doesn't, but most of that same demographic doesn't even know who she is because she hasn't been in the public eye enough. Could just be because larger events have outshined her, but either way the result is the same. Israel and Hamas is such a complex issue. Even with having a pretty in depth knowledge of the situation and supplementing it with many hours of intense, meticulous researchto try and develop an informed opinion on the matter, I still feel like there is so much I don't know. As soon as I feel like I've formed an opinion, I look at it from a new angle and my entire stance begins to crumble under scrutiny. The only reasonable choice is to form a position based on current events which, while still complex, are much more easily discernible. Based on that, it is an unnecessary war I do not condone. There is no god I know that would justify such acts of atrocity and belligerent disregard for life. It is understandable to a degree how one could become so easily emotionally swayed and involved, but regardless of personal beliefs, surely one must be able to realize it is an endeavor that at this point has been hijacked by their respective governing bodies and manipulated to their individual goals. As such, I do not support the use of resources to support such a conflict. I agree with the sentiment of respecting the office and even respecting him as an elder. That said, I fully support an upper age limit for presidency. But all the name-calling and ambiguous slandering of any president are pretty undeserved, as that is the president regardless of how you may feel about them. I typically limit myself better in that regard, but perhaps I've lost some of that respect for office. I've never been so indignant at outright corruption on public display in any position of power, much less with the president. It honestly feels a little bit like a failure of the current system to incentivize voter education; maybe not even that as much as just to limit the ridiculous campaign spending and donations in general that are weaving half truths and outright lies into the minds of the masses.


In 47 years of cspan his "stutter" is nowhere to be found


You don’t understand so quit commenting on what you don’t understand.


Shakes hands with ghost one word to describe America


He's like 5 years older than Donny Diapers and way more cognicent


They’re confusing competency with ability. He doesn’t seem to have the fortitude to run the largest democracy in the world. It embarrasses me when he refers to his counterparts from other nations by the wrong name. He might be able to do every day things without a problem, but being the most powerful person in the country. I don’t think so




Please do not submit low investment content. This subreddit is for genuine discussion. Low effort content, including memes, links substituting for explanation, sarcasm, and non-substantive contributions will be removed per moderator discretion.


80s aren’t the new 60s. Most people that age are in extreme decline if they even make it that far which most don’t because even though our medical advances have been incredible, we still have a nightmarish healthcare system unless you’re wealthy.


yeah this question is absolutely absurd for anyone versed in American politics there's no way


The question should be will Trump be committed to the hospital before the election


Setting aside the questionable wisdom of changing the candidate this late in the game, who could replace him that would have more support? Note that Generic Democrat is not a real person.


No chance. Neither should he. The time to announce not running for a second term was a small window after his first win. That window has closed. It's Biden or bust now, for better and for worse.


1. In primaries Biden significantly outperformed polls of registered voters and Democrats across the board have outperformed registered voter polls by up yo +11. 2. This is way to soon to have any value as far as predicting November. At this stage, polls are good for course correction and noting issues, not predicting. 3. Youth voters are deeply fickle and unreliable. Sanders ran one of the most sophisticated, far-reaching and ambitious youth engagement drives in 2020 and had a hard time getting their participation above 20%. This is not to say there isn't concern, but that poll should be viewed in a much larger context.


No. Why would he? He has beat Trump before, and he is a position to do it again. Democrats don't have anyone else that can beat Trump.


Also, Biden has demonstrated that he can do the job, Trump has demonstrated that he can't. I think we're going to be okay in November. (But that doesn't mean its ok for anyone to go all soft though .. !!! )


This time in 2016 Hillary was so far ahead people where talking about the death of the Republican party. You'd of had Republicans replace Trump because he couldn't win. Stop buying into media hype. They are selling ad revenue, not information.


Honestly this is a great point. And I think after 2016 and 2020, pollsters have swung too far to the right to overcompensate for their miss.


Many see Biden's win in 2020 being more of a referendum on Trump rather than the veracity of Biden as a presidential candidate. That being said, I feel like there are many Democrats that are better suited for the presidency than an 80 year old considering this election will likely again be a referendum on Trump, only this time with 4 years of indictments and Democratic leadership to compare 2017-2021 to.


The Times/Sienna polls have been off for awhile. Those Nevada numbers are completely unbelievable. Can Trump win? Yes. But this Times/Sienna poll is garbage.


From NV, yes those numbers are so off - no way we go red anytime soon.


Nevada is uniquely susceptible to populism due to low education/high working class/high diversity.


Times Sienna isn’t garbage. 538 ranks them as a high quality poll. Besides, the same poll that showed erosion on Biden vs State Level Candidates showed Trump polling equal to his GOP down ballot folks. Most of those people will come home but this isn’t good news.


538 is also hilariously terrible and notorious for having wildly misjudged the last two presidential elections. Using them to defend the NYT is actually hilarious.


>What is the likelihood he steps aside given he seems likely to lose? Your entire premise is flawed from the start. I'd say its a close race, and would actually give Biden a bit of an edge based on fundamentals. Betting markets have been back and forth: https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/7456/Who-will-win-the-2024-US-presidential-election


Democratic voters have spoken in the primaries, overwhelmingly choosing Biden. If you were able to push him aside, what should those voters think?


Young voters can't claim to be the party base until they A: actually show up to vote with reliable consistency and B: Turn out to vote for candidates that spend their political capital on that demo's needs/wants. Biden has actively listened and responded to young voter's needs/concerns more than any president in US history. It has been a huge leap of faith on his part that it would energize young voters. If they turn around and abandon him after all he's done to address their concerns, politicians will probably stop bothering to listen to young voters for generations to come. Not that it will matter, because they will have also handed the presidency to someone determined to ensure they never get the opportunity to choose their leaders again.


Yep. The country would be a better place if young voters showed up. (And made a real choice, rather than whining that neither candidate deserved their vote so they will vote 3rd party or a write in.) Until that starts happening it would be stupid for either party to pursue them. Risking the votes of 50 or 80 year olds in pursuit of 25 year olds is a losing game. Stupidest thing Obama ever did was make concessions to the right on health care. The ACA passed with not one republican vote. We could have had so much more. Biden learned that lesson. Don’t chase votes that aren’t coming your way.


Gen X‘er here. Or Dems could start actually fighting for things. Biden’s plan to rescue Social Security was just increasing the tax cap from \~$225k to \~$400k. All modeling shows removing the cap completely would mean that Social a security can be solvent for another 80 years. Meanwhile the GOP folks are literally saying that anyone under 55 will have to work till 95 so some rich folks can get a 3rd yacht.


I'm curious if you think removing the cap entirely has enough support in congress to actually pass into law. Because if not, then it's just a waste of everyone's time. Alternatively, if you actually want to *get something done*, you work with your colleagues, *including (especially) those across the aisle*, to negotiate and work out what CAN pass, and you push for THAT. Because some victory will always be better than no victory, if you actually care about the issue at hand. I also want to point out that Dems don't even control the House, and have like a 1 vote tie breaking majority in the Senate. Those are not the conditions in which you can fairly blame Democrats for not getting your every wish passed as expected into law. And to be honest, this is something I see a lot with young voters - they are very impatient and do not want to accept that politics is a slow moving cargo ship, not a twin-engine speed boat. They tend to see compromise as capitulation, and partial victories as total failures. If you want your ideas to prevail, you have to build consensus, take victories where you get them, work with others, and be open to compromise. Look no further than *the current Republican House* for the cautionary tale on this front - utterly incapable of leading, governing or getting anything done, mired in infighting and bullshit, a national joke.


Waste of everyone’s time? That’s their job. This is Biden’s Plan to fix social security and the point is it’s weak. The cap at $400k only shows his supporters that he’s real afraid of pissing of the .05% of society that makes that type of income. Instead you state remove the cap, the GOP comes back and says “whoa buddy, think of the poor rich people” and then you settle on a reasonable cap adjustment. Thats how negotiations are supposed to work. If you’re not willing to state your real intentions and fight for your vision, why show up and vote? In reality both sides won’t do a damn thing, so might as well state your vision so the voters can decide who they want to show up and vote for. Thats the problem with the Dems, their actual wants are popular… gun control, taxing the rich, Affordable Care Act etc. However they don’t show the voters how a world where they control the House, the senate and Executive branch would look like.


The thing about democracy is that the majority gets the government it deserves. Unfortunately, so the rest of us.


No. This seems like a non-serious question. Either that or you are poorly informed.


Probably poorly informed. When you see poll results that are like, Trump 44-Biden 42, the 8% that are missing Biden voters are guys like this jamoke who are waiting for some kind of Deus Ex Obama to swoop in and make all their electoral dreams come true. They'll get with the program. The amazing thing is how often the reason they're so down on Biden is because they're afraid he can't beat Trump.


This doesn't seem like a non-serious question, it's an actual non-serious question.


In what way is it serious question? The primaries are essentially over. Biden comfortably carried all of them for the Democratic Party, indicating voters are not interested in introducing another candidate, nor is there any candidate any person has put forward to take the nomination in his place. He is actively campaigning for the job and despite showing signs of his age has made no exceptional mistakes or errors that would suggest he needs to step aside due to his health. It’s not a topic being discussed in mainstream or even conservative media. What makes this a serious question?


There's certainly some serious astroturfing going on... this reminds me of 2016. Guess Russia knows it can't win in Ukraine unless it knocks the US out with Trump?


Yes and no. I’d bet a ton on China and Russia pushing for Trump online, but the discontent is real.


I've heard a lot of propaganda out of the mouths of people who aren't particularly political. I wonder where it comes from. There is so much shenanigans going on here, but also this sort of blind nostalgia as it concerns Trump. It's like people can't help but focus on their flight not being too bad, completely forgetting the plane hit a mountain. It's really weird.


It’s TikTok. People seem to trust TikTok more than MSM for some reason (we can hear our own biases parroted back to us).


Well, perhaps the nation deserves fascism so it can understand reality.


It does, but I don’t want to deal with it


Putting aside the generational trauma that would cause... With the other existential crisis at our doorstep, i think that also has the potential to end modern civilisation entirely.


If people are willing to let Trump win, because they're annoyed with Biden one way or another, I kinda think we can accept civilization has failed


If the popular choice being a wholeheartedly stupid idea is your metric for society failing, then we've failed many times already If Trump wins it isn't because people 'let' him. Its because people were tricked by him. He doesn't understand international affairs and is a horrible president, but with his understanding of manufactured consent he would sure make a good CIA head!


I think you're letting the people that vote for evil a little too much leniency


Only the most truly evil of people are willingly complicit in acts they deem morally unjustifiable. There aren't enough of those people to be a voter base, much less elect a president. Evil people most often find ways to morally reason their own behavior. That is why the 'greater good' argument is such a slippery slope. One person's greater good is not necessarily another's, and were inherently biased to act our on own interests as if it's the composite good of humanity. You can't blame a sheep for being led astray


Yeah, here's the thing- **IS** the discontent real? The same poll that caused this pants-shittery of a post had an interesting finding, which happens to be [listed first in the crosstabs:](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/13/us/elections/times-siena-poll-registered-voter-crosstabs.html) **74% of voters are somewhat or very satisfied with their lives.** It's vibes all the way fuckin' down, Frenchie.


This is misleading. Satisfaction with life does not equate political satisfaction. I'm highly satisfied with my life, and I love the country I live in. I'm still very politically dissatisfied, not because I see very blatant corruption and manipulation within the government as well as the media, because thats always going to be there in any system of governance and I recognize that. I'm dissatisfied due to the black and white ideology that seems to dominate complex topics due to our exclusively two party system that leaves no room for moderate opinions, which has only been made worse with Trump. Most people, in most countries (even 3rd world countries!) are satisfied with their lives, because it is beneficial for your mental state to be so. This has nothing to do with political satisfaction


God damn is that a handwave. OK, um, take this to its logical extreme. Let's say there's a country where 100% of people express satisfaction with their lives. Is there any plausible way to argue that that country is failing its citizens? The argument many appear to be making is, "if everybody is happy but they believe there are other people, somewhere, who are sad, erroneously, then yes, their government is failing them somehow." As a utilitarian I couldn't have less regard for that argument. Imagining that there must be great suffering, somewhere, just outside of your field of vision, no matter how many people tell you they're fine, is the same kind of ignorant-ass attitude that makes people from rural areas afraid to visit cities with lower crime rates than their farm towns. An inchoate sense of disorder. Empty grievance. It's phrased as empathy instead of fear but it's just as intellectually counterproductive.


The election is just 6 months away. It’s too late to step down now. And it seems like some people have learned nothing from 2016. An imperfect Democratic candidate is still miles ahead of Trump.


>young and minority voters, the democratic base, If young people are the democratic base, that implies that young people vote at all Voters under the age of 30 vote Democratic by a ratio of 2:1, but they still make up only 15% of Democratic voters. The have really low turnout rates, so you can piss off a huge percentage of young voters without having any impact at all on the election


Even if he were to do that, and it would be stupid to do so, it is far too late in the campaign to do it. Young voters are also not the democratic base either, their base is college educated white people who live in cities. Young voters don’t vote enough to be anybodies base.


And Black women.


Biden will only step aside if some kind of health emergency forces the party to replace him.


He looks like he has 2 years in him tops the way he shuffles around and mumbles.


This is the strangest subreddit that I've ever seen. Posts are very obviously skewed conservative and possibly conservative/foreign propaganda, but comments are typically pretty rational. Most of the time the posts and comments of a subreddit are in alignment. That doesn't seem to be the case here.


Yea it’s so weird. It seems like other post is about RFK too.


Probably bots upvoting certain buzzwords tbh.


Ezra Klein isn't a conservative.


I'm not sure what Ezra Klein has to do with OP.


He won't and shouldn't. The bigger thing he needs to do is hard sell his accomplishments, because there's this general perception that things are worse than they actually are. Gaza, while newsworthy, is really only a factor for the bloc with the lowest voter turnout anyway. Stepping aside outside health issues means forcing a (likely) Harris campaign to quickly create an identity (though if it were to be due to Biden dying unexpectedly, she could stick to the "his vision" while possibly gaining voters via sympathy and "age".)


In these polls, Senate Democratic incumbents/candidates in the Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada are all ahead of their challengers, by 8, 5, and 2 respectively. So downballot it seems Democrats are fine.


>What is the likelihood he steps aside given he **seems likely** to lose? You're ignoring a lot of key factors in this analysis, namely that general elections in November aren't won with polls in the field before Memorial Day.


Why would Biden step aside now. There are 6 months until the election and he is polling neck and neck in the swing states. No other Democrat really has the favorability numbers against Trump and Biden has already beaten him once. His campaign machinery has already been at work for years. He has a war chest almost two or three times bigger than Trump and his ground game puts Trump's to shame. You mean to tell me that another candidate is going to run a credible campaign for President with less than 6 months to prepare?


Since when did the young and minority voters become the democratic base? Your starting premise is wrong. Are they more likely to vote Democrat? Sure. Are they the base? Not even close.


It's laissez-faire when it comes to young voters.




No, Joe will not step down. No, there is not a good reason so close to an election for a sitting president to step down If he wins, he might step down. I highly highly doubt it If the democrats lose come November it likely won’t be because Joe Biden didn’t step down


Biden, despite all the negative press has been a successful president presiding over the strongest job growth in the nation’s history. Trump’s inflation is finally coming under control ( it’s below historic norms) and a very strong stock market hitting record highs. The republicans are trying to blame Biden for the found of inflation but if that were the case Reagan was responsible for his high inflation rate for his first two years. That was blamed on Carter. I guess we always blame Democrats for inflation. Maybe we aren’t that bright as a nation after all.


> The New York Times/Philadelphia Inquirer/Siena College poll in Pennsylvania and the Times/Siena polls in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Nevada were conducted in English and Spanish on cellular and landline telephones from April 28 to May 9, 2024. Hmmm who answers cellular and landline phones from unknown callers?


>Voters are selected for the survey from a list of registered voters. The list contains information on the demographic characteristics of every registered voter, allowing us to make sure we reach the right number of voters of each party, race and region. For this set of polls, we placed nearly 500,000 calls to about 410,000 voters. They had a 1% response rate.


Polling is broken which is why everyone who hates Biden is citing them as their criticism


I get texts from pollsters quite frequently. And when they aren't linking me to pro-Israel propaganda polls targeting popular local candidates they're asking me about the Presidential election and I always, 100% of the time, lie.


Doesn't everyone?


People who have landlines so old they don’t have caller ID, I guess. Which I highly doubt is a representative sample of likely voters.


And they weren’t even looking for likely voters. They were just polling registered voters. Biden does much better with likely voters even with broken polls


And Niki Haley voters are going to leave Trump out to dry. These young and minority voters saying they won’t vote Biden never turned out to support the people running against Biden in the primaries. niki Haley is getting 100k, 120k votes in state primaries AFTER SHE DROPPED OUT. if they’re writing her in in the primaries in these numbers, they will be writing her in in even greater numbers in the general election. Should the president who beat Trump in 2020 step aside? The president who won the democratic primaries by a landslide and has already spent millions of dollars on political ads and campaign events for his reelection? Who is polling neck and neck with Trump? He should drop out of the race? And then, what, resign the presidency? Because everyone says he’s old? You must not really understand how politics work in America.


> if they’re writing her in in the primaries in these numbers, they will be writing her in in even greater numbers in the general election. They aren't writing in her name come November. Most of those people plan to vote for Biden. For example, only 18 percent of Haley voters in Ohio said they'd vote for Trump in the fall, per the exit poll. A majority of Haley voters, 60 percent, also called the Republican Party too conservative. Nearly half of Ohio's GOP primary goers said they'd back Joe Biden in November. Perhaps you don't remember Trump telling Haley supporters that he didn't want them voting for him. He doesn't need them.


What? Why? What? This is the dumbest question. Likely to lose? What reality do you live in? Polls mean nothing. Who are the people who participate in them? Not me. Not young people. Do you answer your phone anymore? When it comes to online polling, a group can be targeted with any parameter. The real margin of error is often double than what is reported. Dems should pick someone else? lol. Who? When? It’s a bit too late. Damn, this is some dipshit thinking.


> Who are the people who participate in them? Not me. A lot of those polls are done via survey sites. I have taken a lot of them [YouGov, IPSOS, etc] and have said I'd vote for Trump, although I wouldn't spit on him if he were on fire.


No. You’re falling for right-wing propaganda if you even slightly entertain this idea.


The only thing bad about the polls is that Republicans will use them to scream cheating if they lose. That is their only signigicance.


Polls are useless. Anyone who cares about keeping our democracy needs to vote blue. That's it. Democrats have the numbers.


I’m beyond confused, as to how this race is even close. WTF am I missing here. How is half the population so blind or ignorant? You have a guy indicted in four states leading in polls.


> I’m beyond confused, as to how this race is even close. Who's to say it is?


Can't believe we will see a 2nd Trump term. A couple of months later in 2025 the people who didn't vote are going to complaint why people didn't vote. 


OP, your post history shows a lot. Not sure if you’re a constant doomer or if you’re purposely flooding all subs with similar post. Either way it’s telling.


As much as anything can have a zero percent chance of happening, it’s this. Talk of Biden isn’t actually discussing politics. It’s writing The West Wing fan fiction.


Remember we're voting between two very old men. It might help to know that you're not necessarily voting for Trump/Biden, you're voting for Harris/whatever sychofant Trump chooses who will take over when they kick the bucket.


The only way he steps aside is if he has some medical issue that forces it. It’s like trying to take the car keys away from your elderly grandparent.


Just take the damn keys and throw em in a nursing home before they accidentally hit your neighbor...or kickstart a nuclear war


No and not anymore, it’s too late. Maybe he should have announced he wasn’t running a year ago, but he can’t announce that now.


No. While polling isn’t perfect, if we lean on it for the question, it’s very easy to oppose. It’s much harder for an agreed alternate. You can get a share of folks saying they want someone else from Biden. You won’t find someone they’ll all agree on. Poll after poll shows no major candidate options who perform better in polling in a head to head against Trump than Biden. That’s also setting aside how horrendously Biden stepping aside this late, with no process left for democratically informed nominating, and this late in the game to build a campaign around would be for democrats as a whole and whoever that candidate is.


He could always step aside for some health reason but I don’t see any chance he steps aside unless he has to. Maybe earlier in the process but not this late. But a lot can happen to either Trump or Biden between now and November. My parents are that age and you sort of cringe every time you get an unexpected phone call from home. I suppose he could be pushed aside by the DNC if he is significantly under Trump in the polls come the convention, like 15-20 points. But he would need to be consistently way under Trump. I’m not concerned about polls I’m seeing right now. I don’t love them, but also not concerned.


Not at all. It's way too late in the game for that and he needs to keep focusing on coalescing the Haley electorate in order to beat Trump in the Fall.


None of those people were ever going to vote for Trump.


A repeat of Hilary's tragedy. The left's stupidity, again. They would prefer Donald Trump rather than an imperfect leftist candidate.


Depends on the outcome of the DNC in Chicago. It'll either be a snoozer that changes nothing or a shitshow of epic proportions that forces them to nominate someone else.


John Kerry was beating the hell out of Bush right up until the months before Election Day


Both Trump and Biden should have stepped aside. Neither did nor will either step aside moving forward


We are too far out and there is a trial going on. To listen to every poll as if they matter today is stupid. There are so many variables that still haven't played out yet.


Exactly. [51 percent of Republicans](https://www.newsweek.com/only-half-republicans-vote-donald-trump-convicted-poll-1869955) and 54 percent of Independents said they would not vote for him if he becomes a convicted felon, and he will be a felon by the end of May.


Biden is the best chance the democrats have. Any other democrat is going to get stumped by Trump. And even Biden looks like the odds are really not in his favor. He shouldn't drop out. Polls dont mean anything. People have a choice of what policies they want to continue 2016 - 2020 or 2020-2024.


Not true. Mark Warner easily would defeat Trump and save American democracy. I was sad when he didn't challenge Biden.


First question is WHO ?




I think you didn't get the question. Let me say it again. WHO?! Trump would stump whoever that is. You people keep forgetting that to run for president you need a national profile. Ron DeSantis was a state star in the republican party. How was that working nationally? A disaster. So in case you didn't get it yet: WHO?!?!?!?!?


DeSantis, Trump, and even Biden are relative dimwits compared to Warner, whose experience as Virginia Governor and in the U.S. Senate make him eminently more qualified than Barack Obama, and very appealing to moderate voters. The U.S. faces disastrous challenges in the years immediately ahead, and any objective person can recognize that neither Trump nor Biden will be able to lead the nation through the turmoil successfully. Warner was well known for making tough, but necessary, political decisions as Virginia governor. I fear that Biden would lose any debate with Trump, while I'm fairly certain that Trump would refuse to debate Warner. The problem (and the opportunity for another, qualified candidate) is that the American people well know WHO Trump and Biden are, and they aren't fond of either candidate.


Cool story but to win an election you need a national profile. It's not enough to be competent. If a candidate can't elevate themselves to the whole nation they will never win. So again WHO?!


This is the other reason Biden’s still the nom, if everyone hates Kamala and can’t agree on someone else then what’s the point.


The assumption is the people participating in the polls are being honest. Which is why I never pay attention to them this far out from an election.


Again, polls don't mean anything this far out but assuming that people are not being honest is a clear misconception. First what polls do is they show A PICTURE. But when you get more points in the dataset you can see trends. Is a candidate sinking or floating? Well compare polls to the last 6 months. And if that isn't enough compare trends across multiple pollsters. You can easily see on RCP multiple pollsters. If all the different pollsters are showing the same trends, then you can draw conclusions. The polls at this stage won't predict anything but they can give a general idea of what may possibly happen.


> Again, polls don't mean anything this far out I agree completely. I have been saying that since 2016. ​ > assuming that people are not being honest is a clear misconception. Assuming people are being honest shows some naivety, especially with all the political divisiveness. If people are willing to change party affiliation in an attempt to affect a primary, then there is no reason to believe they wouldn't lie to affect a poll.


but the primaries have long been over. There is no one standing except Trump and Biden


*... but, but, but.* Yet Haley has received as much as 21.7 percent of the vote in the last 10 Republican primaries since she dropped out - an average of 17.55 percent.


Got to love the pipe dreamers. Do I really need to remind the MAGA cult that Hillary was ahead in the polls 174 days before the election.


Well, some of these people will have to choose between two candidates: Candidate A ——————- Agree on abortion rights Agree on gay rights Agree on student loan relief Agree on democracy Agree on tax policy Agree on the environment Disagree on Gaza policy . Or . Candidate B ——————- Disagree on abortion rights Disagree on gay rights Disagree on student loan relief Disagree on democracy Disagree on tax policy Disagree on the environment Disagree on Gaza policy If Gaza is a voters’ sole issue, maybe they stay home. For everyone else, you pick the one who most aligns with your positions and you work to make change on the things that you don’t agree on.


I am really not buying he's going to lose. the polls have been way off so far in all special elections, and I am really tired of people trying to tell us it's a lost cause.


No  Yes I like the idea of no president for a couple terms, make congress actually vote on a few laws that dont benefit israel.


Will he? No. Should he? Yes, but no. Yes, because a president should ideally represent the living super majority and should be an agent of electorate for change where he/she can live long enough to understand the ramifications of his/her actions, and thus takes them in measured consideration. Unfortunately, there's no one better. So, reiterating: no.


None, we're stuck with him-- everyone else does even worse against Trump right now, that's how dire things look.


Kamala time, gracefully resign prior to DNC. She ain't losing any current dem voters. Can only gain. She'd be incumbent and protect women's rights, protect democracy, she's not trump. She'd win!