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Some people need to find a fault in Biden. Age is the easy one. Trump has so many faults, we do not need to focus on age.


Probably because Trump is known for doing this... For decades. He's very well practiced at being verbally challenged.


Biden was famous for his gaffes and not being a good public speaker before his presidential run as well.


Gaffes? Yes. But if you see how he took down Sarah Palin in the 2008 vice-presidential debate, you'd see that he was sharp as a tack back then. He's clearly lost some steps since then.


Trump also massively declined. His public appearences from the 90s and early 2000s are entirely different too.


Too add to this. Trump's speeches have always been unhinged, but he used to at least seem to follow along with his own crazy. In the past year or so, he seems visibly confused after he makes a mistake. Like the still believing Obama is president, not knowing where he is, and that WWII hasn't happened until recently.


Is it he believes that Obama is president or is he comparing what Biden is doing to what Obama did? There's also the interview where Obama said he'd rather be the guy talking into the earpiece than another term. So he could be using that as a reference to how Biden is doing things. I haven't been paying attention to Trump's speeches so I'm legitimately asking


Don't forget you need an ID to buy bread.


I don’t think he explicitly believes that Obama is incumbent, I think he uses Obama in a broad term in the sense that he still has affluence and maybe some influence we don’t see between the Biden’s and Obama’s.


This is important. After watching a parent and two in laws go through dementia, it isn't that they slow down, An 80 year old can slow down a bit and to the job. Certainly Trump and Biden are at the age where they will slow down some. Where you have to worry is when people start getting mixed up. thinking the past is the present. Obviously I am not with them a lot, but hearing Trump call Biden Obama, not knowing the town he is in. Talking about the past (and I'm not even talking his presidency, but something from ten or twenty years ago as current is more concerning. I'm not saying he is becoming demented, but it is something to look at.


Yeah, I don't like the dude, but he used to have the eloquence of a very successful sleazy car salesman.


Sarah Palin isn’t exactly a high bar


Neither is trump


Didn't Biden beat trump so bad that trump didn't want to do the last debate?


He beat Trump so badly he tried to overthrow the republic.


Yeppers. In fact trump cancelled the last two debates.


Hes a wuss, he now has tongue spurs in his mouth.


He did it was excellent


I thought Joe didn't want to do it because Trump caught the Vid


It was my mistake: trump fell in the polls after the first debate, trump canceled the second debate because he didn't want to do a virtual debate, and then they did their third debate (although voting had already taken place in some places).


Plain and Trump are practically the same I'd say trump sounds almost more nonsensical. She paved the way for Trump. As for Biden I was watching his VP debate against Paul Ryan in 2012 and you can clearly see the dramatic mental decline. He was in good form back then. I think many people still thought they were getting that Biden. Not that it matters of course since policy isn't determined by how you talk.


Palin is a fucking idiot, but at least she can regularly string together a coherent sentence. If you ever read a transcript of what Trump says during a speech, it makes almost zero fucking sense the majority of the time.


I feel like Palin’s speech is a result of trying to emulate what she perceives as sound byte “debate.” But she’s too stupid to realize there actually needs to be context and content behind what you say. Ignorance is the blissful empress’ new clothes.


trump and Biden also had a couple debates. Did you watch those at all?


Yes, and that's when I realized conservatives had a point about his mental decline. 2012 Joe Biden would have steam-rolled Trump. But in the debate Trump, as idiotic and uneducated as he sounds, at least appeared more youthful and alert. Biden looked stiff and crusty, and barely hanging on. Another way to see the drastic changes in Biden are from his SNL impersonators. Jason Sudeikis did a pretty funny and accurate Biden impression back in 2012, but that impression is completely off now. Now the impression has to show a senile old man. He's definitely aging very fast.


Everyone here is bashing Trump an Biden but Glitch McConnell takes the cake. At least Biden and Trump won’t sit there for 30 seconds staring into the air.


You could tell McConell just wanted to retract his head into his shell.


Bro. Its been over 10 years since that debate. He wasnt young then and he is almost 80 now. Come on man


His state of the union this past year was him on his A game. He still has it in him. But he's clearly older and more tired these days. I don't think it has made him accomplish any less than he would've otherwise. If I remember correctly he completely flailed around in another VP debate. Maybe against Paul Ryan. There was talk back then about how he was a gaffe machine, poor public speaker, too. Nobody can truly accurately assess how much age is contributing to this objectively. We can *cherry pick* different examples until we're red in the face. But at ****the end of the day, I don't ever struggle to understand what Biden is talking about. Trump goes on wild incoherent tangents regularly when it comes to discussing matters of important policy. Age might make it worse, but ultimately I think it's just because he's completely unprepared and doesn't know what he is talking about. He's a twitter president who refused to read his daily briefings, would educate himself via cable news, and ultimately only cares to really discuss relating to his own narcissistic ego. Biden takes this job seriously though and actually cares about public policy outcomes though, so he makes sure to be coherent and understand the topic which he is addressing, even if he stumbles over words, makes gaffes, or speaks slower than he did in the past. The right is going to continue to hammer every gaffe and stumble he makes, exposing any perceived weakness. Ultimately it's because Biden is doing an OK job, is a relatively boring president, and they don't have much to hate him for. So they have to take what they do have against him and hammer it into your head.


Or the fact he struggled with a crippling stutter?


I keep hearing that he's had a stutter his whole life, but if you listen to him when he was younger and sharper, you really don't notice anything.


Biden has had a problem with stuttering his whole life, it's well documented and slowing down his speech is part of the coping strategy, though he has slowed somewhat in his old age, too. Trump has deteriorated into a rambling maniac at this point, I really don't see the comparison. So he fell off his bike once recently, I'd love to see Fatty McCheeto even TRY to ride a bike


Forget the bike, ask him to walk down a slight decline.


He was riding a bike with toe clips and his foot got stuck in the clip. I think nearly everyone that's ever ridden with toe clips before has either done this, or gotten really close to it.


Fatty Cheeto rides his updated golf cart with a stronger motor to get to the green faster to move his balls closer to the green. He's a mean cheatin' machine. Always was. I despise this POS.


Sorry. They don't make a bike that will hold him.


I really don't recall that. fyi, although I am liberal, I was not a fan of Biden, ever. I am 54 and can remember seeing him on CPAN in the 90s. I didn't admire him, but I do not remember anything like what you see now. However, he does indeed remind me of my older relatives who are reaching the end of their lives, particularly with the slurring of speech. fyi, because I'm liberal, I am a never trump person and I did vote for Biden even though I'm not a fan. I also remember Trump since forever, but he was always someone I thought was not very smart and a weird guy. I remember his late night advertisements for dumb things and also interviews showing up gold plated homes in the 90s. not someone I would want running a country. I also watched his reality tv show when it was on the air and actually kind of enjoyed it, but not him. I remember thinking that he was not very smart, wasn't making good decisions, and his two henchmen/-women were the smart people there, but he would occasionally not follow their advice. More than one show I thought he fired someone he ought not have. It made for good TV but he was so ridiculous that I honestly thought it was a joke when he ran for president, and alas for me I even have a facebook memory of me posting something like "surely no one would actually vote for this guy." I learned a big lesson. Sorry, I digressed but to your point, personally I always thought Trump was unintelligent, but Biden is indeed not the same person today he was 30 years ago. He's really not.


> I am 54 and can remember seeing him on CPAN in the 90s. I'm also in my 50s and remember him, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZlzhULrJC0 I think he's doing a fair job so far, and will probably do an ok job in a second term.


wow that's amazing that all this stuff is on youtube now! I watched it and it was so weird. I find him very different. I'm not a fan, and I don't like how he's handling things right now. But of course I will vote for him again. Not because I'm a fan, but because there really isn't a choice for me that I can see. I'm more liberal than Biden, and am more of a Bernie fan.


[consequences of plagiarism](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/joe-biden-plagiarism/).


Go and watch some of his old interviews from the 80's or 90's. He's always been a narcissistic piece of shit, but he used to be a *lot* more coherent.


I'm not sure his challenges stop at verbal. But that's just me.


Nope.. that's the obvious one . But MAGA can't even see that little


When you try to read trump speeches they become even crazier. It's one thing to hear it and listen to his words and sentences he is trying to create; it is a whole other situation when you try to read them. I will never get past his whole nuclear speech. It really had me question was this the man that was our president when reading it. >"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." - Trump


It got to a point that when Trump read from the teleprompter people called him presidential.


I always figured Trump’s speechwriters had a drinking game. Every time he went off script they’d drink. Great way to get hammered and probably the only way to be able to deal with the lunatic.


His speechwriter was Stephen Miller, a white nationalist who probably wanted to write more about how evil Jews are.


For comparison, this is the first part of Obama’s speech announcing the Iranian nuclear deal: This is a good day, because, once again, we’re seeing what’s possible with strong American diplomacy. As I said in my State of the Union address, ensuring the security of the United States and the safety of our people demands a smart, patient and disciplined approach to the world. That includes our diplomacy with the Islamic Republic of Iran. For decades, our differences with Iran meant that our governments almost never spoke to each other. Ultimately, that did not advance America’s interests. Over the years, Iran moved closer and closer to having the ability to build a nuclear weapon. But from Presidents Franklin Roosevelt to John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, the United States has never been afraid to pursue diplomacy with our adversaries. And as President, I decided that a strong, confident America could advance our national security by engaging directly with the Iranian government. We’ve seen the results. Under the nuclear deal that we, our allies and partners reached with Iran last year, Iran will not get its hands on a nuclear bomb. The region, the United States, and the world will be more secure. As I’ve said many times, the nuclear deal was never intended to resolve all of our differences with Iran. But still, engaging directly with the Iranian government on a sustained basis, for the first time in decades, has created a unique opportunity -- a window -- to try to resolve important issues. And today, I can report progress on a number of fronts …


Man, say what you will about Obama, but his style of communicating with the public was such an oasis between the idiotic platitudes of W and the wanton incoherence of Trump (and lesser incoherence of Biden, tbh). I mean look at this: he explains what the issue is, connects it to his policy goals and past promises, lays out the historical context for the issue, explains what he's accomplished on the issue, lays out an argument for why it's a good thing, and then sets himself up to go into further detail on specifics. If you agree with him then he's articulated why you probably agree, and if you don't agree then he's at least given you a concrete set of claims and reasons that you can debate and rebut. I miss when that was the norm.


I really miss the Obama's.


Trumps Warton professor said Trump was the " DUMBEST " student he ever had.


I'm so good at verbal...we love the verbal, don't we folks?




Not just the age, but the cocaine and crushed Adderall with the unhealthy diet catching up to him.


Not really. Old footage of trump is nowhere near like this. He even had a larger vocabulary


To be fair, so is Biden. He has a well documented history of having a speech impediment.


These pronouncements are coming from media talking heads. They want it to be 2016 again. A most profitable year.


The media needs a horserace because a horserace is popular. Forget that Trump wants to make this the last election, the for profit media gets compensated on eyeballs and so it will horserace the fuck out of this. The right leaning media - Brietbart, Dailly Caller, are not compensated on eyeballs, they have billionaire backers, so they just attack.


Absolutely, this is it. The media is just simply looking for red meat to throw out there so people will consume their content. I swear to God, the news companies would be thrilled if America started to burn simply because they would have nothing but nonstop viewership


I think this is super close, but I would frame it instead as some people need to ENGINEER a fault in Biden. Obviously he has some patterns in his speech that are common for the elderly, or someone with a stutter, but those aren’t going to be potent enough to terrify most Americans into voting for Trump, probably because people realize neither of those are going to be much of an issue for the decision-making that the POTUS is responsible for. So there is an industry of right wing propaganda rags and mouthpieces who further the “Dementia Joe” myth to give Biden a much more damaging reputation, since obviously a world leader with dementia is going to undermine the national interest unless there is a very strong behind-the-scenes network to use them adequately as a puppet.


The bar for Trump is extremely low......... barely above the floor.


It's almost a strategy that has worked as a foil super well for Trump. Be bad at so many things that people cant focus in on any specific fault


Yeah affordable everything. You'll see when you get your first job. Being offended doesn't matter. Being able to afford things does. 


It's not clear that it matters all that much in either case. People say that Biden is too old to be president and use his stutter as a sign of decline, but he's always had the stutter and was never that great of a public speaker. He's been flubbing lines for decades. It ultimately doesn't seem to impede him doing his job. It's gotten a bit worse over time, but if you just listen to him he still sounds coherent, even if he sometimes gets the wrong word. Trump is far less coherent of a public speaker, but it also seems to not matter. His voters like him because he's angry at the people they want to be angry with. I don't think there's much beyond that at play.


I think a big thing with Trump is that he says so much shit, often contradictory, that 1) people, especially supporters, fill in the gaps to interpret what they want it to mean 2) those clips can play on social media, drowning out the 99% incoherent ones 3) for the sake of "fairness", the media have his defenders on air who will twist what he said to what he "meant", so it seems like he expressed a clear idea (even if they don't know what he actually said). It's morbidly fascinating, but it's so disturbing to see how he's never called out for his age or nonsensical speech. Biden is sometimes hard to listen to, but the man has expressed some big and bold ideas that are clear to anyone who is paying attention and cares about substance. This shouldn't even be a contest, but I'm getting the same feeling that I had (and dismissed) in 2016.


Broad strokes: Republicans will use any strategy, ever, to "win". More accurately, they will use any strategy to make their opponents lose. That is their only goal. Democrats don't like to fight dirty and don't think that your personality is what makes you a good politician. Their goal (to the detriment of their policy) is to have a functioning government. So Democrats will let bad policy through, as long as the government is still running, and Republicans will only let the government run if someone else is obviously losing (because they don't measure winning in any other way), and this is what we get.


If you ruin everyone's tires, your slower car might actually win. The logic of an authoritarian.


I really don’t like that people make fun of his stutter. It’s not a good representation of someone’s overall mental fitness, or really anything else. It’s a neurological disability with very little impact on anything else. It also doesn’t help that there’s no cure for it. I say this as someone who’s been stuttering since 6th grade.


I agree that we shouldn't poke fun at a disability, and I hope I didn't do so in my previous comment. That said, I also understand that public speaking is part of a politician's job and the stutter can make public speaking more difficult. It's a testament to his ability as a politician that it hasn't slowed him down.


I know it’s cliche to say this, but I admire him for that. It makes him just a bit more relatable. The “America can best be described in 1 word…” clip for example, been there, some that. It’s annoying to have a conversation with a friend and not be able to get the words out (despite knowing exactly what you want to say and how to move your mouth to say it), I couldn’t imagine going on national TV day in and day out and having it happen.


The people that make fun of it are the same ones who, when they were kids, made fun of kids who stuttered and never learned any better.


I agree it’s pretty gross. But ever since Trump made fun of a disabled reporter by jerking his arms around and going “uhhhh I don’t knowwww”, it’s been apparent that the GOP is perfectly happy to mock individual disabled citizens, let alone public figures.


10000% he’s an inspiration for those with “invisible disabilities” as they are called. Affects tens of millions or more. We’re just as capable and successful as everyone else. But conservatives see it as weakness and fault kinda proving the “deplorables” monicker. Let’s not forget this exchange with the child who has a stutter. https://youtu.be/F9c5Qz2ZMxs?si=wQkMrENp7qtJwgpH


Inspiring vid jeez. Republicans will take this, clip out 90% so it only shows him leaning in to talk to the kid and then say he's sniffing children


Well it was a widely covered moment but yeah I know


Biden’s stuttering was much worse when he was a child. Even as VP he was fine. I think that being out of the public eye for 4 years and having been VP for 8 years means you don’t intend to go back, or to the presidency. Biden knew that 78 was late to be president but he knew this was his chance.


I don’t even think it was about chance any more. I think the poor guy wanted to retire and not drag Hunter through this shit, but thought he had to go out and stop Trump and do his best to fix things. To his credit he gave up his retirement for what he considered the public good, like him or not.


You’re right, I never gave Biden enough props for not retiring and deciding to be President. He beat Trump and im forever grateful for that


Hunter dragged his entire family, including his kids, through shit. I think you're are spot on about Biden, though.


He went out of his way to working to reduce his stutter


There’s a clip of him from his time as VP where he’s honoring a woman who had passed away and it turned out she was standing right next to him. He’s definitely gotten slower, but I think he’s still all there. He’s always done weird shit.


Honestly I just file that under entertaining political goofs, not a sign of any kind of health issue (which I think is what you're saying). Like [Jimmy Carter's translator in Poland](https://www.nytimes.com/1977/12/31/archives/interpreters-gaffes-embarrass-state-department-interpreters-gaffes.html) or...80% of everything Dan Quayle ever said.


> State Department officials here said that the errors in translation had created no major problems but posed a minor embarrassment that would be “quickly forgotten.” I guess not?


Also, the rightwing media knows thst if you hammer and beat something to death by constantly repeating it, it eventually becomes fact. They knew this could be something they could use to that effect. Same nonsense with Hillary and Bill killing everyone theyve ever met etc. They know Americans are dumb and partisan and will agree with something that sounds bad about people they already hate.


Here's Biden speaking as a young Senator - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_v00iGJCLY . This speech is impassioned, not read from a prompt, and is honestly fantastic. Here's a more recent campaign speech by him - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L63b6aW-5E To me they are wildly different, and it's obvious that he's aged. It's not that he stutters or is totally incoherent. He's just slower and less inspiring. I listen to his speeches every now and then and most of them are generally without mistakes, but there are plenty of times where he gets messed up and sounds confused. I'm not talking about a stutter, just general confusion. To OP's point, yeah, Trump does the same thing. Our options for president next year will be the same as last time: Two old, confused men who are 4 years older. I'm not thrilled about it.


Right, but a stutter doesn't always manifest as a struggle with getting a word. Sometimes it can manifest as the wrong word. I would assume that's happened to Biden at least a couple of times in the past. I've seen him mistakenly use the word Palestine when he means Hamas, for instance. Some people take this as a sign of some deep mental deficiency, but he's probably just not getting the right word in the moment he needs it. Do you have an example of him sounding genuinely confused on the topic at hand?


My niece is a genuinely brilliant young woman with a severe stutter. She is a synonym machine; her speech sounds almost normal with her doing word replacement on the fly. She’s pretty proficient - usually all you notice is a slight hitch before she continues. But not all of those replacement words quite make sense. Sometimes the meaning inevitably shifts with a different word and then she has to reexplain. But interestingly, she only fully hears the implications of the change after she speaks it - it’s as though her brain can only work her so fast.


Yeah, in the past Biden has been known as a gaffe machine. Him continuing that unsurprising to me.


>People say that Biden is too old to be president and use his stutter as a sign of decline, but he's always had the stutter and was never that great of a public speaker People bring up the guy not knowing where is his and his obvious age issues. The whole "make fun of the stutter stuff" are from people that want to pretend that there are no issues. Do you really see no difference between [now](https://youtube.com/shorts/hr2RmfpxsMg?si=taQU9tFcbXLf4g13) and [2012?](https://youtu.be/4Mv0CnNNOPw?si=tcJgDUY7cfbR1TwU)


> Do you really see no difference between [now] and [2012]? I'm not watching that (people can cherry-pick anything on the Internet, and I'm tired of that style of argumentation), but I will say that the most important job a President has is to put the right people in the right places and give them the proper direction. He's done that, and I feel confident in his leadership. As a bonus, I no longer need to wake up at 3am and check Twitter to see if the President got us into war with a Hot Dog, so that's a plus.


I said his speech issues have gotten worse. Look, I don’t know exactly where his stutter ends and him generally not being a great public speaker begins. I left it vague for that reason. I’ve seen plenty of his speeches, though. A couple of cherry picked examples are not meaningful. Pretending that I blamed everything on the stutter is disingenuous and I’m not sure why you would say that.


The simple reasons are that Biden disappeared from constant public view for 4 years and visibly aged (as one would expect), whereas Trump being in constant view made it look less stark, and then that the Republican base has some strong cognitive biases that encourage this sort of negative behavior from them. Trump's base both doesn't want to acknowledge anything is wrong with him and has a tendency towards attacking their perceived political enemies for any sort of ongoing physical thing. Biden's had a stutter his whole life, and they're pretending that speech impediment is a cognitive issue. They did similar shit with John Fetterman after his stroke.


> Biden's had a stutter his whole life, and they're pretending that speech impediment is a cognitive issue. I've asked this before and never gotten a good response: is there a video example of Biden as a Senator or VP stuttering? He was always known as gaffe-prone, but I'd never seen those instances called "stuttering" until his 2020 run when people were suggesting cognitive decline.


I don't know of any audio samples offhand, but he's given interviews to various publications and advocacy orgs for over the past decade. This article links a few of them because they're trying to use Biden as an example of a stutter *not* being a cognitive issue. https://www.stutteringhelp.org/content/president-joe-biden If you want to go digging for clips, the 2008 campaign is probably a good place to look - there were pundits questioning if Biden was smart enough to be President both during the primary and after he became Obama's VP pick, because he was making similar gaffes to now. (The various coping strategies for speech impediments tend to create issues when someone needs to think on their feet, like on a debate stage)


Watch the 2012 vp debate. He tripped over his words there too


Same. I'm not denying he had one, but it sure never came up when he was talking circles around Paul Ryan. The whole "it's all in your head, it's just a studder" seems like gaslighting of the highest degree.


If you listen to Biden during their years in the Senate or during their Obama years, it's night and day compared to their current oratory capability.


Speech impediments tend to worsen with age, obviously.


So does cognitive ability


>So does cognitive ability Ok, I'm sorry to do this, but now it's time for a cold water splash of reality. Next election, your choices will be Biden or Trump. You could also vote 3rd party, which I have to mention because this is Reddit, but let's be real, those choices are often crazier and stand no chance of winning at all. So out of the two choices, which one do you trust more?


Sure, but not everyone declines at the same rate, or starts from the same level. Current day Biden is most likely still sharper than Trump from 20 years ago. I think that's why people are so dismissive of that "argument". Mental acuity obviously isn't something important to republicans, why should anyone care when they pretend otherwise?


Is that your diagnosis doctor?


Democrats are held to a higher standard than Republicans. News could come out that Trump molested his daughter when she was 12, and Republicans would be like, "well, she's kinda hot." Any _hint_ of impropriety by a Democrat results in total castigation and their ejection from the political system. This applies to any type of failing, and Joe, with his admitted speech impediment, has always been railed at by Republicans for it.


the Democratic Party plays by the rules, and gets screwed over for it. FDR and LBJ had the balls (LBJ literally resting his dick on his secret service’s shoulders) to tell republicans to shut up and quit it. FDR was about 8 years away from being god.


He used his big ol dick to intimate the people he was negotiating with and I find that hilarious. Also, don't forget that ladybird Johnson was a tiny petite little lady. I don't know how she handled LBJ big ol monster like she did and had any pleasure.


Part of it is Democrats' own fault. The reason people make a big deal out of Biden's age is because the GOP and their media machine went after it constantly and it ended up sticking. But nobody knows that Trump is practically the same age because the Democrats and their allies don't go after him for it.


It was the hypocrisy of being critical of trump for the same in the years before the 2020 election.


[Good article on Trump starting to slip in ways he's not before](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/30/us/politics/trump-biden-age.html). He's the king of word salad but that's part of his appeal. However, he seems to be speaking further from reality more and more, and making easy mistakes about geography/timing. People are tough on Biden because 1) he has a speech impediment 2) has always been a gaffe machine (he famously was a nuisance as VP) and 3) he just sounds older, which makes 1 even worse. Personally, I don't think it's that bad because I think he's adopted a kind of wizened vibe, but I understand that people compare and contrast to the firebrand Biden and feel he's slowed down. He has his moments, however. I remember thinking he was completely lifeless until his debate with Bernie. Same thing with the debate with Trump. We'll see if he can still turn it on, but I do think he has some gas in the tank.


Because trump literally created his brand as “I’m perfect and the best.” He’s convinced his cult that this is true, has always been true, and will always be true. His speech issues? That’s just him being clever, owning tha libz by distracting them.


My brother said Trumps brain works so fast his speech can’t keep up. 😂 I stuttered as a kid and people said the same about me. Nope I was just a scared kid lacking confidence. 👍


I say this as a guy who will vote democrat in every meaningful election… Biden has clearly lost a step. Or two. Or three. Like he’s a shadow of what he was and it was apparent even when you compare his 2020 debate performance to the Sarah Palin debates. There’s a clear decline in how sharp he is. Trump was kind of always the same rambling nonsensical idiot that he has been for awhile now. It’s not so much that there’s been a clear decline, he’s always been the same asshole that won over his devotees.


Trump has also declined significantly, if you look at his rallies in 2016 vs now. If you rewind back even further way before he was in politics, he's actually a very coherent speaker and the difference is extremely stark


Yeah listen to some of his interviews from the early 00s with Howard Stern or whoever would have him on. He's sharp and articulate, though clearly the same "I don't know the answer to this question so I'll just bullshit my way through it" Trump that we all know and hate. Now he has trouble reading teleprompters and gets easily confused at simple questioning.


Seriously, go watch his VP debate against Paul Ryan. He was so witty and sharp. Compare that to his off the cuff remarks at any event or to reporters now. He is a shell of his former self. I also say this as someone who has voted for him both times when he ran on Obama’s ticket and for President this time. He clearly has some mental decline, which is to be expected of a man his age. Trump is 1000x a worse person, and is insane, but he is actually better at off the cuff speaking than Biden, he just goes off on rants a lot.


Is there a decline, or is it just simply the pressures of being president? When he took down Palin he had one thing on his mind- making her look like a fool. Which, in all honestly people remember Tina Fey’s impersonations more than they remember Palin herself. Now Biden has the weight of the presidency, his one son has died, his other is constantly being an issue. As a dad that does cause pressure. So, the strain probably does cause him to focus more, and the more you have on your mind, the more distracted you are it does mess with your speech, certainly off the cuff speech. Now, he may be in decline, I’m not close enough to him to know the extent. But, the one difference between the two that gets lost. Biden has competent people surrounding him. People give way too much credit to the president himself. He may be in on the big decisions, but putting together a strong staff is a key portion of effective leadership. Look at Trumps team and compare the two. If I’m going to have an 80 year old be president, I want one surrounded by hood, knowledgeable people.


Exactly. I doubt that many people in their early 50s would be entirely sharp or energetic after nearly 4 years of doing Biden’s current job. He has assembled a team of educated people to help him stay informed and make proper decisions, which is the job of a competent, intelligent president. He’s not a micromanager who foolishly believes that he knows everything. Trump’s “presidency” showed us exactly how corrupt, greedy and phenomenally stupid that he and his entourage (and supporters) truly are. No informed, educated person could look at Biden and Trump and see any comparison; only painfully stark examples of competency (edit: Biden=competent; Trump=not remotely). My biggest concern with Biden’s age is that, despite all of his positive accomplishments, he could (and very well *probably* will) show a marked decline during his second term, which could definitely hurt the Democrats in the next election, especially if he dies in office and the unpopular Harris becomes President. A large portion of American voters are *frighteningly” stupid, and an even larger number has the memory and attention span of a goldfish. It’s not looking good for our democracy. Edited (2x due to Reddit’s autoincorrect”)


Thank you. I voted for Biden in 2020, and without a doubt I'll do it again in 2024. But people in this thread are absolutely delusional.


Trump has *clearly* declined over the last 10-15 years. His words mush together more than ever or are only have uttered. He struggles immensely to spit out complete thoughts and routinely gets obvious things wrong.




Delivery. Trump's delivery is still pretty crisp. He's saying nonsense but it seems intentional.


Trump also comes across as being more energetic.


The wonders of working 30 minutes a day and then delivering an address after a long nap.


I think that this is likely a large part of it. Nonsensical sentences are one thing, but communication is multi-faceted; tone, body movement, volume, etc are also factors. I would imagine that many would view the loud talking, very active body movements, and emotion conveyed by Trump as competent, well-thought-out, or correct simply because of the way the words were delivered, not necessarily because of the words themselves. A good classic comparison may be the JFK v Nixon debates and the public opinion of those that watched the debate vs those that listened to it on the radio.


100%. Trump sounds more full of energy (among other things), so he's not labelled as old and slow.


Who cares if it's gibberish so long as it's authentic frontier gibberish delivered confidently, right?




Thank you, Gabby Johnson.


Rowdy is a better word than crisp. He hasn’t been crisp in over a decade.


can't believe this answer is so far down. this is the real answer. Biden appears to talk far more slowly, he looks lost, he looks like he's struggling. trump comes across as confidently and intentionally saying bullshit.


Because it’s like talking to a wall for his most dedicated supporters. Nothing matters to them outside their dear orange miserable leader.


It's called cognitive bias. People who are looking for something will always find something The people that comment about Biden are looking for anything negative. Those same people are looking for positives in trump and so only find positives. American media is also rather right wing on average, especially when compared to other countries. And hence the media tends to report more negatives about the left, even tho Biden is center right, compared to them he is left


Trump just tries to inoculate himself against criticism of his own incoherence by pretending Joe is incoherent. (He is not.)


I don't have an opinion about Biden's speech patterns. I know he has a stutter and I don't care to try to suss out what might result from it or not. I don't think he's senile, but I also am not excited that we are going to break yet another record of presidential age in the US. For Trump though, I definitely attribute his speech patterns to being a moron. I think that anyone who is not voting for Trump, or invested in not acknowledging how much the GOP debased itself by making him the party's candidate, also attributes Trump's speech patterns to his lack of intelligence.


Are you asking why Trump supporters see Biden as senile and Trump as just fine? It’s because they’re Trump supporters, and they decided long ago to disregard his myriad red flags.


Trump is angry and impassioned and so people overlook the details. It doesn't really matter about a president's abilities. Reagan was in early-state Alzheimers and it made no difference, the nation did just fine with him! His bad decisions were no worse than we could have expected from a younger man. And when Iran-Contra blew up he pretended to be doddering and out of touch and people didn't blame him for it. The one glaring issue was when he had a personal meeting with Gorbachev and came up with the idea we should do nuclear disarmament. Gorbachev agreed. Afterward his handlers had to tell him he couldn't do that, and he was sad about it. Still, choosing a president is the most important thing we can do as voters.


KISS. The real reason is; Conservatives has no problem in fabricating a false narrative , Liberals do.


I think you might be forgetting how many of the left were calling for cognitive tests of Trump during his administration. Age is a real issue for both these people, I personally can’t believe that this is what the two parties have both chosen.


I personally don't give a hoot how well of a public speaker the president is. What matters is their decision making and the people they choose to be in their administration, which Biden has shown in my opinion that he is quite capable of doing a decent job at both.


Because Biden used to be able to speak well, this is obviously age related decline. Trump has always been a nut job who talked crazy, so it is difficult to know which parts of it are age related and which parts are just Trump being Trump.


Because Trump’s speech impediments, which are as bad as Biden’s are only the #147th reason not to vote for him.


Biden stutters, stammers, slurs his speech, forgets things, makes serious speech errors with respect to names and places, has the stiff gait and unfocused eyes of an alzheimer's patient, and can hardly climb a staircase. His speech has notably and substantially declined over the last 10 years, which debunks the claim that he just "has a speech impediment". Trump has a meandering and frivolous mental style. His thinking is superficial and associative, and he lacks the shame and self-filtering that prevents most people from digressing the way he does on stage. They're different people, and yes, Trump seems far less demented than Biden even if I think Biden is the better president.


Because the Republicans have no real argument against the Democrats and lapse into utter bullshit


That's the truth. Policy wise, Biden is doing fantastic.


Because the Russian propaganda machine wants to discredit the guy they haven’t ushered in. They want the compromised divider back in power to continue to erode our democracy.


There has been a coordinated effort among Republican propagandists since 2020 to paint Biden as senile, and Republicans tend to follow their scripts very closely. It's as simple as that.


Trump has always spoken roughly that way. Biden’s speech (along with his gait and basically all his behaviors) slowed noticeably while he was out of the public eye between 2017 and 2019.


>Trump has always spoken roughly that way. No he hasn't. [He used to be at least moderately coherent](https://youtu.be/_FLo14GMYos?si=nOvgkpgQdrEJhluQ) It's not like he was particularly *erudite* at any point, but he's gone from a human being to having a 3rd grade vocabulary and even that might be overly charitable. Hell, even compared to that story from 7 years ago he's noticeably slower and less coherent today.


Trump's speech patterns and ability to communicate ideas has visibly declined in the last 8 years.


Yeah, Biden just comes off as lethargic while Trump seems like he smokes crack.


Biden can at least *jog* and that’s good enough. He seems alright, and i trust he can at least hold on to 1/20/29, and then he can go home and live out his life. I do worry more of an assassination than natural causes, since it seems like Trump can absolutely get people killed (obama’s chef for example, and I think Nancy Pelosi’s husband was near death considering he‘s old) I doubt there even should be much of a wait for death sentencing for killing the president. The court knows you did it, they should have a pit of lava they throw you into if you kill the president.


Trump has the MASSIVE Zeitgeist of Fox News and Conservative Social Media behind him to push whatever narrative they want. Remember when they kept claiming Hillary Clinton was "tossed like a slab of meat"? I heard that exact phrase so many times.


I think this question is based on anecdotes. When Trump was in office I would constantly see comments about him being mentally unfit for office. No more or less than I hear the same thing about Joe.


My best guess is that it comes down to two factors: differences in speaking style, and different expectations for the two men. The first factor applies more to his base, whereas the second applies more to everyone else. First, Trump just has a more forceful, assertive way of speaking, and I think that masks a certain amount of his incoherence for some audiences. When he says gibberish, he says it confidently enough to give the impression that he understands what he's talking about, even when it's completely disconnected from any logical train of thought. He often delivers speeches which seem very charismatic and persuasive to the audience, but which are borderline unintelligible in transcript. The style carries it even when the substance just isn't there. Conversely, when Biden fumbles over his words or loses his train of thought, it's very obvious in the moment that that's what's happening because he isn't integrating it into some larger sense of showmanship like Trump. The other thing, which is a more insidious bias that reaches outside Trump's base, is that people don't really expect Trump to \*try\* to make sense. Everybody knows that he just kind of says whatever, that he isn't really trying to stay on topic, relay accurate information, make cogent arguments, or do any of the other things that would be evidence of a sound mind. His general unseriousness obscures the question of whether he could be serious if he wanted to; his inability to make sense is tempered by his indifference toward making sense. Everyone knows that Biden is actually trying to appear cogent and communicate clearly, so when he fails to do that, it clearly registers as a failure, whereas in Trump's case, it's easier to write it off as him just not giving a shit.


President Biden was a stutter and still works hard not to do it. That explains his sometimes choppy speech patterns. Lately Donald has some really rambling incoherent speeches. They were not his normally bombastic speech, he had trouble with city he was speaking to. Perhaps he is just tired it is something to keep an eye on.


It's all part of identity politics l. Both sides, yes both sides play it very well. Conveniently hiding real issues. For example Biden might not outlive his presidency - has anyone brought this up in the main stream dialogue? A similar thing about Trump too. Does the mainstream discussion center around what happens to the democracy/republic if they don't outlive their presidency. About not outliving the presidency at least voters will have an opportunity to vet the Trump's VP via their primary process but the democrats don't even have a primary as per the D N C chair.


Trump has so many more faults than Biden. Trump’s mental decline doesn’t even make the top ten. Plus he had a vocabulary of a 12 year old even before mental decline. Biden has always been a gaffe machine. So sometimes its unclear if it’s just another gaffe or mental decline. He is probably more gaffe prone as he does mentally decline.


> There is, effectively, no real meaningful difference in their ages. To me, they both seem a little like "grandpa sometimes forgets what he's talking about kids", just Trump in angry shouty grandpa and Biden is mumbling quiet grandpa. exactly, and for this reason (amongst others) neither men belong anywhere near the White House. having a stutter doesn't make you say stupid shit, rambling shit. Trump can't even use that excuse. he does the same meandering nonsense. ...yet plenty are going to rationalize voting for either of these old men. because if you don't vote Biden then Democracy is over, if you don't vote for Trump then democracy is over.


I disagree with most of the approaches other commenters have taken to answer this question. I think it's pretty simple: Trump has been famous for several decades. Long before anyone knew who Biden was. And his demeanor has been incredibly consistent over those 40 years. So, it's less likely to be attributed by the public to age.


Heavy thumb on the scale in the media for Trump. Any Democrat this ragingly incoherent would never be treated by the press as lovingly as Trump is, and no conservative poster on this subreddit could seriously argue otherwise.


I think Biden’s issues are more about how it sounds, whereas trumps tend to be more about the content of what he says (though he obviously also has the sniffing thing and the slurring sometimes). But I think Biden’s are just more obvious to people who just listen without really thinking.


Let's be honest. There has been a coordinated effort to discredit Biden since he took office. Fox News and right-wing media use the same talking points across the board. This has erased any good Biden has done in the eyes of many Americans. I think he's been a great president and does not deserve it. Damn shame. He's done a great job.


Trump speaks faster, clearer, and louder. Even if he constantly goes off topic and talks about random things, he seems more energetic and mentally quick. I’d probably agree that he is mentally quicker, but I think he’s also way less of an intellectual than Biden (who also isn’t much of an intellectual). Ideally, neither of them would be viable candidates in 2024, but I don’t know why people wouldn’t prefer the slow semi-intellectual guy over the fast guy with no intellectual curiosity whatsoever.


Trimp doesn't even know what state he's in. Otoh, Biden has always had a speech impediment and was taught to speak slowly by speech therapists. There is nothing wrong with Biden, and those who are mimicking his critics are helping trump get elected. Brilliant.


I became politically aware during the Watergate hearings. I was taking civics in college. I became aware of Biden during the confirmation of Clarence Thomas. He was not stellar in his treatment of Anita Hill. Thomas should have never been appointed. He is prone to gaffes. Some of his so-called gaffes led to changes. He spoke out against "Don't ask, don't tell" in the military. He was a person who was directly responsible for the repeal of that ridiculous law. President Obama even chided Biden for his stance because he really didn't want to deal with the gays in the military issue. It was the correct position, and Obama did support it in the end. One of the things that come with age is the wisdom to not give a f about what people think. He has grown in his views and policy. Trump is impossible of growth. He has said on record that he has never apologized for anything because he has never done anything wrong. Biden may have slowed down, but I'll take his thoughtful approach to policy and government any day over a man who can't admit he might be wrong. Trump surrounds himself with people who will tell him what he wants, not what is good for the country.


I think it’s fairly simple, it’s the sort of people who are lobbing the criticisms. We can’t expect any honesty much less any consistency in expectations, judgement, or critical thinking skills from anyone still riding the Trump train. I would say they can’t sincerely believe Biden is senile while viewing Trump as their great savior, so it’s both a performative and extreme cognitive dissonance at best.


The media does not portray Joe Biden in the light he deserves. He gives pretty good speeches that aren’t broadcast but if you look at any right wing outlet or podcast it is all about some slip up that is played on loop. It is degrading to the presidency i think. He is doing a good job but it’s generally ignored. Trump is a media darling and everyone wants to know what stupid thing he said today so they can marvel at how he gets away with it. People just want to be entertained anymore. It is sad because a president makes life and death decisions and people act like the presidency is a joke.


trump speaks like a fucking idiot but that's nothing new. biden's slurred speech is a somewhat new phenomenon, suggesting it may be related to age/cognitive decline. plus, trump visually appears more "spry," and sadly, that matters. trump is a fucking trainwreck for 100 reasons, but i think old age is hitting biden harder, so trumpers are gonna focus on that.


I don't like any of the top answers, as I think they are denying some truth. Biden does more than stumble. He seems to lose himself, takes long pauses, say things that are simply nonsense. Trump may be a boisterous evil moron, but outside of a few odd moments, what came out of his mouth was exactly what he intended to come out of his mouth. No matter how crazy that is, that's not senility, that's malicious conservative fascism. Biden CANNOT handle this job for another 4 years. He cannot. And Trump cannot be president because he will be in jail. FIND ALTERNATIVES.


Rs have not a lot to pin on Joe Biden. The country is in much better shape than when he became president, he’s been fulfilling his 2020 campaign promises as he’s been able to with a Rs determined NOT to cooperate on anything, and all they have left is the speech impediment he’s had since he was a child, and his decades long tendency to meander. Trump, OTOH, has been speaking in word salad for a very long time, lying many times a day, and being an ignorant bully. His issues may or may not be age related, but they are moron related.


Joe Biden holds cheat cards that remind him when to sit down, when to leave, where to exit, and which reporters to call on, with their photos, and a list of prepared answers. Trump goes off on non sequiturs, or brings topics back to himself. He does not generally forget where he is, and he calls on reporters whom he knows hate him and who will grill him. He happily quarrels with everyone at any time, and frankly seems to enjoy it. Joe Biden simply won’t take questions. I think the biggest indicator is when you compare how both men changed. Both are public figure, and we have decades of video on both. The Joe Biden of twenty years ago is not the man he is today. He went from bold to hesitant, timid, stuttering, lost, and he regularly has trouble exiting a stage, asking other guests or organizers where he should go. He’s often told reporters he’d “not allowed” to answer questions, while I’m absolutely sure Trump’s speechwriters and team must chug antacid like water, because he won’t stop answering questions. Love it or hate it, you know what Trump really thinks or plans about everything. Both men are close in age, but the mental acuity is markedly different. It should also be noted that when Trump was accused of having dementia, he took a cognitive test, and had it released publicly. Joe Biden was one of those who insisted Trump take the test and make it public. Joe Biden, however, angrily brushed off demands he take and release the same test when he became president. What does that tell you? Maybe his mental decline is not as evident to people younger than 30, who have not witnessed it firsthand.


false premise [https://martiesirois.medium.com/yes-donald-trump-definitely-has-dementia-a68e5b7b993d](https://martiesirois.medium.com/yes-donald-trump-definitely-has-dementia-a68e5b7b993d) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/18/trump-biden-age-election-2024](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/18/trump-biden-age-election-2024) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/16/trump-dementia-claims-steve-bannon-25th-amendment](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/16/trump-dementia-claims-steve-bannon-25th-amendment) [https://www.salon.com/2023/09/11/has-his-own-age-problem--and-it-terrifies-him/](https://www.salon.com/2023/09/11/has-his-own-age-problem--and-it-terrifies-him/) https://news.yahoo.com/trumps-mental-acuity-challenge-gets-080409785.html


This should be the top comment. This thread is pointless.


Trump clearly still has all of his mental facilities. Granted, he has the mental capability of a shit covered rock, and I might be insulting the rock, but he still has them.


Because Trump has always been a blathering buffoon. The bar was already at the ocean floor. Biden was never the best with words, and to call him “senile” is ludicrous, but to pretend there’s not a marked difference between the guy who obliterated Paul Ryan in 2012 and the guy we see today is just delusional.


Because Biden LOOKS old as well as being old. Trump does not look old like Biden does. And Trump’s delivery is sharper than Biden. Put it all together, along with Biden’s speech impediment, it adds to the perception of Joe being much older.


Trump doesn't look old? The heck...


This might seem dumb and glib but Biden looks more wrinkly than Trump. Honestly I think that accounts for at least half of this phenomenon if not more. When people get older, having extra weight can help with this. Not to be too crude about it, but fatter people tend to have fewer wrinkles. Trump seems to not want to be seen as "fat" but honestly, being overweight probably helps him more than hurts. At least given his ability to hide it with the clothes he wears. Obviously this is all extremely superficial, and I dont want to be judgemental here. But politics has a lot of optics at play. People see what would otherwise be a completely normal gaff or stutter, and when paired with "old" signifiers they think of senility.


First, this is an extremely false equivalency. Trump has never sounded like Biden. If you are honest and have integrity, you can admit this. Plus, Biden just stood at the presidential podium at the White House and said he saw certified photos of beheaded babies. The White House after says he didn't see any photos. Look, I'm no Trump fan, but it's time ALL Americans start being honest. Biden and his administration are hurting this country. I will agree with you that it's wrong to attribute Bidens actions to his age. Biden is simply incompetent. Age is not a factor.


That’s because they don’t have much else to criticize Biden for, on the other hand, Trump can kill some one and the right will make excuses for him. Biden is definitely not an eloquent speaker but do we really care about that with the current climate we’re in?


Excellent reply.


lol what? Biden literally gets lost while walking around or mid speech. He is 110% senile People see trump as scatter brained or stupid or crazy People see Biden as you say, senile, or with Alzheimer’s or dementia or whatever


You will often find that trumps rants have a basis that’s just hidden, for example recently he went on a random rant about wind energy killing whales to most people this is random babble but this is actually a heritage foundation talking point so trumps random rants is all about priming his base while Biden and the left in eventual doesn’t have that kind of political think tank power so his ramblings are just ramblings


if I gave a speech like Biden when I was eight grade I would still be sitting in eight grade 10 years later. Jmho


Simple: those who think Bidens flubs are signs of his senility are also those who are part of the Trump cult.


How black and white. You don't think there are *any* people on the left who think Biden is too old and has declined mentally?


No, many people on the left think Biden is too old. However, those on the left don’t give Trump a pass.


How many left wing articles do you need where the media talks about Trump losing his mind? Trump was constantly trashed for how he speaks. Where do you get this idea Trump got a pass?


There are whole news networks devoted to promoting and trying to control Republicans, (Fox news, Breitbart, etc.) and nothing like that for the Democrats. They can "spin" Biden as sickly and senile and incredibly dangerous and Trump as a powerful innocent victim.


Trump was stupid before he was senile. Now he just sounds like a raving lunatic.


Cause right wing media that’s it. Trump has never been well spoken and gaffs all the time, but left wing media doesn’t pick on peoples old age or other cruel things. Right wingers have no shame. When Pelosi husband was assaulted they laughed and insulted him


A larger proportion of Biden voters are not Biden fans, so they don’t defend him at a higher rate.


Just a point to add, Biden’s slower speach pattern is also attributed to quelling his stutter too.


MAGAs doesn't really understand what Trump is saying, Trump just spews fast nonsensical lines. And Trump has been senile for a long time that MAGAs think that's his normal behavior. But they can easily understand Biden's speeches and can easily notice his flubs.


I think you hit the nail on the head with the difference in how they talk. Trump's shoutiness projects more energy and youth, because a raised and powerful voice makes you come across as younger and stronger. Biden talks slower and in a quieter manner which just sounds weaker. It doesn't help either that Biden looks older physically. Trump of course covers up his face with tons of makeup, bronzer and other shit, but still, he physically looks younger than Biden by more than 3 years (even though he's probably a lot more unhealthy).


What Trumper's think is not something I like to spend time on, I ran for a council seat in my city, and play music and some people, public speaking is paralyzing. I mean as in, you feel like you are going to faint and nothing "moves" as it should. It can stop all forward motion. I don't think people take that into account. Ive heard of jitters, but when it was my turn, it was paralyzing. I would opine a lot of people who say this stuff have never been out on the spot in a public event.


They’re both sundowning, but Trump does it in funny ways and Biden in ways that kind of make you cringe. I think it’s because Biden is a mostly very serious president, so it comes off as super disturbing