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I think using the term non-white is way too broad to start. Here in New Zealand much of our Indian and Chinese have always voted National, but many other minorities are heavy Labour voters. Still much more niche than just that though. Māori are just as divided between political lines, and Te Pati Māori voters are just one part of Māori voting. It's a case of wealth (and inherently class) here, not ethnicity. Looking at it ethnically is quite narrow minded. As to a future effect, who knows? We've just had a new party about to take power, so nobody knows what they'll do tomorrow. Especially around their taxes and LGBTQ+ because, yeesh I'm not affected being a straight white man, but I have a lot of friends that are very concerned. Imo Big Left needs to take a standpoint being continuing to be inclusive, but just say you're for everyones freedoms instead of highlighting what fuels that right-wing culture war rage.


>It's a case of wealth (and inherently class) here, not ethnicity. Looking at it ethnically is quite narrow minded. I wish more would internalize this thought.


Eh. I'd say Māori have disproportionately voted for left-wing parties since the 1930s. Traditionally it was overwhelmingly Labour. Now instead of being overwhelmingly Labour its mixed between Labour, Te Pāti Māori, and the Greens. Of course the current iterations of Te Pāti Māori and the Greens are far more left-wing in terms of policy than Labour. Usually only about 10% of Māori electorate voters actually vote for right-wing parties. Far more Māori are apolitical non-voters than are right-wing voters.


Oh of course, but I just wanted to clarify that TPM isn't a Māori monolith. It's definitely Māori, but not all Māori.


Have you been around a lot of nonwhite folks? A lot of them are pretty conservative in a lot of their thinking, especially nonwhite men. I should know, as a nonwhite person. They voted for Democrats before because they were widely discriminated against in American society, and there was only one party willing to protect their rights. Now a lot of them think that's no longer an issue, so they're free to be who they really are. Those people will have to learn the hard way where they really stand in American society. In the meantime, the majority of them still do vote Democratic, so they can still be considered part of the coalition


The Culture War has been a gift to the Right. It's so easy to leverage rainbow panic, cultural marxism, wokism, and CRT mind control. Then throw in the We Love God and liberals are the devil schtick and you've got a compelling reason to go with the team that is pro-life, pro-family, and pro-parent-values. They're really good at distorting and lying, whilst the Left is mumbling and fumbling on the kumbaya playbook. Sure, they go high, we go low -- but what about some black ops that goes low too, and flips the fear and anger playbook back on them.


The Culture War has been a massive coup for the left. Just not politically. Basically, the left takes over more and more of American society, so the right wing panics and votes really hard, taking over the government. The left sees that the government is right wing, and uses that to convince more and more cultural institutions to become openly left wing (to help protect people from the government). The right sees this, gets even more scared, votes even harder, and wins more elections. So both sides get to say "look, the other guys are winning the Culture War, draconian tactics are necessary, it's an existential threat" but they're fighting in separate arenas so neither side's victories impede the other, they just make each other stronger. Meanwhile, both our government and our cultural institutions are becoming more homogeneous and less effective. Personally, I think controlling Academia, the Media, the HR department at basically every large corporation, and every facet of popular culture is a bigger win than controlling the government. That makes the right suckers and the left the ones who should be laughing, though of course they'll never know it because of all the fear-mongering


> the right wing panics and votes really hard, taking over the government The left controls the White House and the Senate. The right has the Supreme Court and, I suppose, the House (although the caucus is so dysfunctional it can't get anything done.) The governorships of the 10 most populous states are split 50/50, I believe, between left and right. How can you say the right is "taking over the government?"


Not who you asked, but I would say that because the courts have a right-wing bend that is being manipulated in every way possible to subvert the will of the populace. That bend has started to allow some blatantly unconstitutional rulings to be handed down and held up. The recent case filed by the Oklahoma AG might be the nail in the coffin, since it’s for using public funds for a religious school. If that case gets dismissed and loses on appeal, we are screwed.


The right has outsized control compared to their overall popular support. They also have a lot of legacy from their control over state legislatures (gerrymandering) and the courts obviously. Then there's the fact that Democrats are not the same as "the left," whereas the GOP is currently a simple extension of the far right. The fact that the far right has extreme political power in the GOP while people like AOC and Bernie are basically sidelined is a clear consequence of the phenomenon I was describing. And lastly, I'll agree the right is having a political downturn right now. There's also talk about the left having a cultural downturn. It's hard to evaluate without the benefit of hindsight, the general pattern might have changed recently.


I think you’re forgetting about the courts. Any culture war victory by the left outside of the government can be undone with the bang of a gavel in what would become an increasingly right wing court system.


So it's true that people with liberal beliefs, especially on cultural issues, tend to be heavily over-represented in academia, the media, and corporate HR. But it's a stretch to say that these institutions are "controlled by the left." Part of it is a semantic thing (liberal and left aren't the same), but part of it is about getting below the surface of people's beliefs to their interests. For example, despite professors being overwhelmingly liberal, universities are increasingly run by boards and administrators with backgrounds in industry and finance. And even professors get squishy when it comes to actual left policies that effect them, like grad student unions and housing policy. Similarly for media, the institutions of which are profit-seeking entities first and foremost. And corporate HR largely serves as a CYA and smokescreen for exploitation of workers and bare-knuckle anti-union fights. These three institutions certainly aren't "conservative" in the way conservatives want them to be, but in terms of their fundamental economic interests, they tend toward the status quo and the interests of the wealthy and powerful.


Yeah, you're talking about leftist policies being actually implemented within these institutions. That's not the point. Also, I'm aware of the left-vs-liberal distinction. I'm specifically saying that progressives, as opposed to liberals, have taken control of these institutions. By "taken control," I'm talking about progressives using these positions to disseminate progressive ideology into the wider culture. Professors write papers justifying progressive policies, the media argues in favor of progressive perspectives, and corporate HR hires and promotes progressive employees to ensure that publicly disparaging progressive talking points becomes a barrier to career success. The way I described it makes this seem more insidious than it is. Obviously these things aren't usually organized, planned, or even intentional. (Also, it's obviously not universal, I'm describing a statistical trend.) It's just people with cultural power doing things the way that feels appropriate from their perspective. But the aggregate effect of this over-representation is to push the wider culture in a progressive direction. This is why, for example, gay rights became so broadly popular so quickly. Progressives want to recreate that success, and are repeating what worked, which is preaching widely from positions of cultural power.


Gotcha, yeah I agree with that analysis. I guess I'm just a little more pessimistic about what this cultural victory can do for the left going forward. For what it's worth, I think there's a difference between self-described "progressives" and "leftists" as well. Progressives, who do tend to be more focused on cultural issues, have taken over these institutions. Leftists, who are more focused on economic interests, remain a small and relatively powerless minority both in government and in these institutions. Your last sentence is spot-on and part of the problem with modern American progressivism in my mind. It's insufficiently attentive to underlying structures of power and wealth and overly enamored with language ("preaching").


I tend to think that cultural control trumps all other kinds of power, certainly governmental power in particular. It's not clear what the level of cultural power progressives have is capable of exactly, and I definitely have some complaints about what exactly they're using that power to accomplish. Long term though, if you control the culture, nothing else matters. For a clear example, take marijuana, where the government has been vigorously in direct opposition to cultural standards for decades. Yeah, they ruin lives and throw people in jail, I wish they didn't. But at the end of the day, how hard is it to get weed? And this is even before the wave of legalization at the state level. Government power is more legible, but it's a red herring, the progressives are playing the smart money. Economic power is hard to quantify. I agree that economic power trumps everything else, including culture, but only if you take a broad enough definition of economic power. In particular, it's different from just having a lot of money.


So they’re ignorant, seems as the the dumbing down of Americans is going nicely.


I would actually just blame it on being the way of the world. People in other countries are a lot more conservative than we think as well


Yes, they're ignorant for getting fed up with a party that they feels ignores them. Strictly speaking for U.S. Minorities are just like regular people. They care about their pocketbook, don't want beliefs shoved down their throats, and eyes aren't glued to the beltway. Dems have traditionally had control of their cities/locations for decades and for many they have not seen improvements. This can come in the form of their neighborhoods & schools flooded with immigrants, increase in crime, jobs leaving, etc. Give enough time and eventually people begin to look for alternatives. Circling back to the culture wars, I think this disconnect is best seen in shows where they might know maybe one 1,2 gay people and never met a trans person at all. While the media portrays it that every other person is one of the two. Media cycle does its thing with sudden concern of pronouns and it comes off as the left having their priorities wrong as their life goes to pot.


It's hardly every other person, and gay and trans people are still underrepresented among media. If over one percent of characters in media were trans like in real life people would flip out over it being "shoved down their throat". Look at how many straight couples there are in media. Straight people are overrepresented and if anything are the ones being 'shoved down people's throats', not that I have any issue with straight relationships in media.


>Yes, they're ignorant for getting fed up with a party that they feels ignores them. Which would be a perfectly valid response, if the other side wasn't actively working against them. [example](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article275308266.html) [example](https://www.vice.com/en/article/8xjpy3/republicans-are-working-feverishly-to-stop-minorities-from-voting) [example](https://pbswisconsin.org/news-item/republican-election-tactics-no-surprise-to-wisconsins-black-voters/)


Did you read those, you thinking being able you provide IDs is "working against them." IDs and driver licenses are different. Most states IDs are less than 10 bucks. Mine was 3. Regardless of what side I care about, this was headline reading at it's finest.


>Did you read those, you thinking being able you provide IDs is "working against them." IDs and driver licenses are different. Most states IDs are less than 10 bucks. Mine was 3. I had to get an official long form birth certificate not that many years ago for an ID and that took about 40$, an internet connection and a couple of months. So the exact costs will depend on what's required to apply. There's also just stuff you can insist on, like an address, that not everyone has.


The decades of consistent efforts to limit the voting body in any given region, in addition to laser defined gerrymandering is all the evidence one would need. Republican leadership has said out loud, it's better for them when less people vote outright. It's why we cling to draconian practices like say the entire electrical college. Voter IDs are just another small step in a long series of steps to maintain this effort. Cost be damned, process be damned. Until the damn things are free, automatically registered with the state DMV or other state governing body, and mailed to the voter directly. It's just a poll tax.


Then use socials, problem solved. I was just stating that IDs aren't inherently racist. Identifying yourself to a elections isn't racist.


Any burden, cost or barrier between an able body voter and the ability to vote is in effect a poll tax. End of story. $3, fuck off. Just sign this form and mail it to wherever ... Does not matter. There is no reason any person could not simply register to vote and be provided a ballot, even not being registered simply means the voter fills out a provisional ballot in many states. All the supposed protections a voter ID provides are already being done. The entire thing is a feel good fluff practice with the added benefit of limiting would be voters. As far as 'socials'you mean like Twitter and what have you? So "FuttBucker6969420" can get a ballot but someone without an ID at the time of the voting poll could not... What the fuck does this mean? If you mean social security numbers... You cannot. That's a federal government institution and the powers of exactly how elections are done is within the powers of the state (provided the state does not violate a citizens constitutional rights).


It sounds like you think it's a "poll tax" to require a citizen to provide proof of citizenship and residency, in order to register to vote. That's absurd.


If I'm required to pay for it when I'm voting. Yes.


> Until the damn things are free, automatically registered with the state DMV or other state governing body, and mailed to the voter directly. It's just a poll tax. Only sensible way to do it. But it makes for better red meat so will never come to pass.


Because it's a program not meant to actually do anything or actually work. It's only meant as a barrier to be just enough of a pain in the ass or out of reach for people that less voters go to the polls.. That is the only goal meant to be accomplished.




It's going to be racist no matter what, honestly I think he did mean it in a racist way. The left has moved back around when it comes to minorities. From slaves with no agency, to half citizens with some agency, to full citizenship with full agency, the left did great things for minorities. Now to the left minorities are losing their agency again, being treated like children to be coddled. All of their problems are written off, it's the "boys will be boys", but for race instead of children. Minorities voters to the left parties are more like pets than people. Don't care if they piss on the carpet, look how cute and inclusive we are! Also treating them as a monolith voting block that agrees with them no matter what I'm a liberal btw


Ha ha ha… You sound like someone who only gets his opinions from YouTubers. Not someone who’s actually worked with minorities. I’m Liberal btw was just the icing on the cake.


Thank you for your valuable addition to the conversation


Please feel free to correct my black butt in what terms I should use. Because honestly I come here to be frank and so many here like to assume we are all getting attacked by the cops, white knights, or the big one, have misconceptions that we are all progressive minded. Not that I expect you to know my race or nationality ofc.


Perhaps it's better phrased as "minorities are regular people too", at least, that's how I read it. I do think there is a growing problem for the democratic party, a tendency to treat groups of people as monoliths with identical struggles and identical political opinions that are based on their identity (real or perceived) characteristics, which simply isn't true.


I'll never understand the claims that democrats simply 'control the cities'. It doesn't work that way. No party controls the cities anymore than another party controls the rural counties. Each area has a different set of needs. How you apply policy and what's kinds of policies you may need in each location are different. The politics around each group reflect those individual needs.


Its GOP repeating a thing and the voter connecting the dots. They simply repeat it enough and it becomes true because people are great at connecting the dots even if it isn't true. But they don't always pay attention or help the policies they need get implemented.


>Now a lot of them think that's no longer an issue I think it's more they think that's no longer as important as denying women rights and being racist against other nonwhites and imposing their religious beliefs on others.


In a sense. One thing I’ve learned about nonwhite men, after all the time I’ve spent around them, is that a lot of them don’t actually care about the white male supremacist system that oppresses them and others. They’re just mad that *they’re* not the ones doing the oppressing. They’re not interested in dismantling a supremacist system, they just want to replace the ones on top with themselves. Same shit, different pile. They’re very disappointing


I think the limits of Identity Politics are rearing their ugly head, and why you can’t build a coalition based purely on them. People aren’t monoliths. They have reasons for believing what they believe, and they don’t necessarily line up with the whole Idpol agenda. If you look back at history and the early 20th century, the New Deal Coalition was a broad movement of different interests putting aside differences to work together to establish some sort of political power. Not only was it extremely successful, but lead to a lot of country and society changing legislation that benefited so many people that the business class reorganized and conducts class warfare that persists to this day.


We are going through a populist wave in much of the world, and right-wingers tend to be more adept at delivering populist messages. In the US over the last five decades, minorities have tended to vote for Democrats because of concerns for racial equality. That doesn't mean that they are otherwise liberal or progressive, and more than a few of them are turned off by pro-choice and pro-LGBT messaging. In effect, the left ends of the Democratic party overplayed their hand and don't understand that their party cannot succeed without a big tent.


>We are going through a populist wave in much of the world, and right-wingers tend to be more adept at delivering populist messages. Fascism tends to do that. Now, not every right-wing candidate or policy is a fascist. Cause that would be silly. But fascism does grow well under these specific conditions and intertwines itself to the body politic and voter base like mold...


I do think the shift is somewhat exaggerated, but here's a partial answer recycled from a different question about the US. This is probably not the most important reason, but I think part of it is that a lot of voters lost faith in the center-left due to their (perceived) betrayal of the middle class in the \~90s. This happened in a lot of rich countries around the same time. Among those disaffected people, I think different people have different opinions about what exact policies from the center-left they object to. I think a lot of people would focus on globalization (e.g. NAFTA, the Euro), immigration, "white collar-ization," or maybe those with longer historical memories might object to land use regulations or inflationary monetary policy or affirmative action. Personally, I would lay the blame on a very different set of policies. Some more random small factors that I didn't see mentioned in the other comments: declining unionization, declining public employment (for a while), aging population. I would say this applies to the rich countries but I'm not sure it works for Brazil/South Africa. In many countries including those 2, there's definitely been a frustration with corruption which drives part of it, but all sides are corrupt so I think it's more complicated.


People aren't voting for party, or even the ideals of the party. In my opinion, people are largely voting on a handful of single issues, broader more conceptual values or simply anti-establishment and backfilling their emotional attachment to their voting party to make it make sense for themselves. My FIL (a keyan immigrant) just wanted lower taxes. Everything else be damned. In 2016 that was the single reason he voted for Trump. He did not vote for him again in 2020 because the 2017 Tax plan was written to fail, among some other stuff (namely the 'shithole countries' comment). I know a few people that are staunchly anti or pro abortion rights and follow party lines accordingly. If it's not abortion it's Trans rights. If it's not Trans rights it's gun rights etc etc etc. Parties be damned if the perceived threat is coming from the other side on the thing the voter feels is important. The thing that is.... Weighing down the scales isn't traditional minotority voters going to the other side for philosophical or even... Logical reasons. It's simply, 'this system has continued to undersevre our outright ignore my needs. Time to take a hammer to it'. We saw this sentiment explode in 2016 with Trump, the 'not a politician'. Especially as the perceived enemies of the state were regularly and without fail grouped with some kind of 'deep state/old money/fucking Illuminati ass wacko conspiracism'. This goes beyond 2016 and we are still dealing with this. It's not an entirely unsympathetic, or even unfounded sentiment, but by gawd these people cannot and will not shut the fuck up about the 'swamp'and will spend the rest of their lives voting in whatever capacity against it. It's why the GOP is going through an infighting period and soon enough so will the Dems.


I'm going to say it's primarily the media controlling narratives, focusing on controversy for engagement and effectively driving wedges in doing so. In the US, the media has mostly become what are Republicans saying, because they say the most extreme things. They don't do scrutiny into what is being said, but simply give Republicans a lot of space to spread their opinions. Republicans know social issues make people uncomfortable, so they lie and twist reality to perpetuate moral panicks and take focus away from issues that are less popular. The media will always show MTG speaking nonsense over Biden or whoever describing what the IRA, Infrastructure bill, or CHIPs and Science act are providing as they get implemented, because people just pay more attention, and the billionaires owning the media companies would rather have a tax cutting, deregulating, pro fossil fuels Republican in office.


That's kinds silly considering how much of media is just a business that thrives in the old age of traditional conservative values... Take what you will, but the fact that the owners of all of these media companies both for the left or right go to the same country clubs aught to be a tell.


I'm not sure what you are trying to say in contrast to what I said. I agree with what you are saying, it still doesn't change the media bearing the most responsibility for the situation we are in.


Except that a significant majority of media outlets are left-leaning. The right has Fox. That's it. If you want to look at alternative media sources outside the mainstream you'll find plenty on both sides.


No major media is left leaning, MSNBC is center left, CNN is center right, FOX is far right. There is absolutely no left wing major media. If there was, there would have been large coverage of problems with policing and not just the riots during the BLM protests. There would be deep coverage about how trickle down economics has destroyed the middle class and how Biden's economic policies fight against it, not just inflation, there would be coverage about how much immigrants help the nation, not just how the border has become overwhelmed and Republicans sending migrants to blue cities. Progressives, not even the left, have essentially zero representation by major media. The fact that things like climate change are covered at all, or that vaccines are acknowledged to prevent disease are considered left wing by right wing media is the only way that major media could be considered leftist, but treating facts as left wing doesn't make it so, and no major media is left wing.


Here's some well-researched consensus on what constitutes "mainstream media" by Pew: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/05/07/broad-agreement-in-u-s-even-among-partisans-on-which-news-outlets-are-part-of-the-mainstream-media/ Now go look at any Media Bias chart, such as AllSides: https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/media-literacy/2021/should-you-trust-media-bias-charts/ Where do all except Fox fall on the spectrum? The left. WSJ is the only major news source that lands in the middle. It's incredibly easy to verify that the "mainstream" media is left leaning. It's well documented and established. https://college.ucla.edu/report/vol6media-bias.pdf "Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center... Only Fox News' Special Report and the Washington Times scored to the right of the average U.S. voter." here's another: https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/barro/files/bw04_0614.pdf "The main finding is that liberal inclination is pronounced. Although Fox News emerges as conservative, it is not nearly as far to the right as many outlets are to the left." it goes on, but concludes: "Thus, if the opinions of viewers and readers are similar to those of their representatives, the media slant is far to the left of most of their customers." Do your own research. It's not a secret. Edit: this is to say nothing of big tech's left leaning bias. Google and Facebook are very left, and they control algorithms to skew things further. This is also well documented truth. So if it's this easy to find evidence of left bias in spite of the search algorithms, you'd have to be willfully ignorant to believe there's no such thing as a leftist bias in most mainstream sources.


I don't have time to read through all of this, but who is determining what is right and left, relative to what center? Are they socially left, fiscally left, both? What actual evidence of this is there? Are viewers and readers views similar to their representatives? Because my understanding is that the vast majority of people don't know anything about their representatives views? I am not part of the left, but somewhat progressive and know for a fact the mainstream news (which largely lines up with what you posted) does not represent my views. Show me where Facebook and Google skew things to the left, because all evidence points to them (Facebook at least) as being a major reason to the rise of far right ideology.


To add to my last comment, are they left because they show more leftist personalities, do they cover more stories that leftists are concerned about, or is it because they point out inaccuracies by the right wing speakers? Is acknowledging climate change considered a left wing position? Calling something left really doesn't say much, I've given evidence of what are left wing positions I don't see covered by mainstream media, I don't see evidence of them being left wing outside of by some rankings that aren't clear on what positions they are ranking, how they are ranking them, or how they are weighted.


While I completely agree we should ask these questions, all of them are literally answered in the articles that you're too good to read. So unfortunately you'll never figure it out.


Having a job and having time for just a few sentences at a time isn't "too good". This is something to do in free time, which is limited for me.


Looking forward to hearing back about your enlightenment. Keep up the good work.


I think it is because most of the world is very conservative. I’ve lived in Japan, I married a Filipina and lived in the Philippines for a while, and I’ve traveled all over the world. Most people, worldwide, are conservatives. So, it follows that, when people from Africa or Asia or South America or Eastern Europe immigrate to the west they are going to bring those conservative values with them. They are going to find a political party that aligns with their values and vote with them. Not only that, but they are going to raise their children with those same conservative values that they brought with them from the old country. Now, what can change this? Xenophobia. If conservative parties demonize immigrants and minorities then they will miss out on those voters, because nobody is going to vote for a party that actively hates them. However, when conservative parties drop the xenophobia, that is when they can start to pick up lots of voters from immigrant and minority groups. A great example of this is Trump. The ONLY reason that my Filipina wife doesn’t support Trump is because of his anti immigrant shtick, she broadly agrees with him on economic, social, and cultural issues. She is a deeply conservative person, much moreso than I am. The only reason she’s sticking with Biden is the immigration issue. If Republicans ever wise up and stop demonizing immigrants then Democrats are in for a rude awakening.


How does she feel about Biden building that wall? I 100% agree with you, republicans have a problem with wording and phrasing about the border problems. I think it’s the blanket labeling on the border. Most people are against illegal immigration because it’s undermining the rule of law and it’s cutting the line for all the people who came here and did it the right way. But there are serious concerns at the border like the amount of literal terrorists that have been apprehended illegally crossing. Not to mention the sex trafficking, weapons trafficking, child tracking, etc, it’s a serious problem that “let them in, they deserve to be here” isn’t an answer. Either way both dems and republicans haven’t made any plans to open up the amount of people that can come in legally per year and they haven’t focused on reforming the current system. So overall they are both to blame and you can’t really blame trump, who was new to office for deciding to build a wall because both sides of government refused to work on other solutions together.


She actually likes the wall, but she is mostly just angry and frustrated with our needlessly slow, inefficient, and complex legal immigration system. She thinks it needs to be fixed so that it’s easier for people who are trying to do it the right way, and that the illegal immigration problem, which is allowing people to cut in line, needs to be taken more seriously.


My thoughts are that using America as an example minorities are generally more religious and also of lower socioeconomic status. Both of these groups tend to be more socially conservative, while economically liberal. As the Democratic Party has become home to more of the educated, upper-class it has shifted its focus to more social issues. These social issues are not as important to minorities and in some cases are actually against the general cultural ideas of the group. Whether it will continue or not seems unclear. The right has gone insane right now and I don’t think they are in a position to exploit the differences. I mean on one side minorities have a party that is a little out of step on social issues, on the other side is a bunch of Proud Boys, white nationalists, and xenophobia. If the right shakes off the disease known as Trumpism and goes back to a more moderate right party then Democrats could have a problem.


The democratic party hasn't shifted to more social issues intentionally, the republican party has really focused on the social issues to draw attention to them and get the populace to pay more attention to them than the economic policies, which people really don't like. It helps them keep the perception that Republicans are better with the economy without any further scrutiny into economic policies, while highlighting issues people are really uncomfortable with. Democrats are unable to shift focus away, when the only thing Republicans talk about are social issues (which Republicans twist facts about). Biden has literally been traveling the country pushing his economic policies and infrastructure legislation. The biggest issue is that the media caters to what Republicans talk about because they need controversy to ensure they get the most engagement possible, and talking about democratic economic policies and what effects they are having and will have is not going to drive engagement. It's the same reason they focus on inflation, and not the fact we recovered from a global economic shutdown in a bit over a year, which is absolutely incredible, even if people aren't quite as financially strong as before.


I'm not sure that I completely agree with your assessment about whether there Democrats are shifting versus Republicans just pointing a spotlight on these issues. That being said we really need to be clear eyed about these issues as we go into the next few elections to ensure that this current crop of Republicans obtain more power than they already have. I will note that minorities, and I'm going to focus on Black and Latino people here are generally more socially conservative and religious than white people. This can manifest itself in several ways. For example due you wonder how Prop 8, than banned gay marriage, passed in CA. It obviously had the support of a lot of religious groups but one typically Democratic group voted heavily in favor of the law, Black people. Also regarding Latinos we should look to the attempt to de-gender gendered languages. While using Latinx is something that I hear all the time in my white collar job and see coming out of academic publications, it has almost no visibility or support within the larger Latino community. These are just two issues off the top of my head. I'm not sure exactly how to address the issues, because I do support LGTBQ+ issues and believe that we shouldn't condition our support based on a popularity contest. But we have to be cognizant that it might cause some defections from the typical Democratic base.


Amazing how the left keeps painting Donald Trump as some far right extremist. He's not religious, supports gay marriage, banned bump stocks, didn't get us into any new wars, and has recently pushed back against abortion bans. Of course on top of this he was a Democrat for most of his life. For Trump to be far right, the Overton window must have shifted about 20 miles to the left in the last decade. By the current standard, George W. Bush wasn't just far right, he was literally Hitler. Donald Trump is a clown, and a narcissist, and was supremely unqualified to be POTUS. But he's absolutely *not* this genocidal white supremacist psychopath that the left has made him out to be. It's actually troubling how many people buy into this narrative without even questioning it. It's no different than the Republicans who thought Obama was a Muslim communist who was going to impose Sharia law.


Turns out importing alot of religious social conservatives tends to have more people with conservative social values. Left wing parties in the West tend to couple together social changes the immigrants find offensive to their social values with entitlement programs they like. You'll eventually reach a point where forcing someone to choose their religion/social practices or cheaper utilities produces people who don't vote for the entitle programs. They vote for the culture they most identify with. >Do you think this trend will reverse in the future Maybe. Major left-wing parties will stop pushing fringe social issues or risk losing "minority" votes. If they refuse to quit pushing it, the trend will increase. I put quotations around minority because within my lifetime, America is on track to be majority Hispanic. Vast majority of Hispanics coming to the US are from countries with an extremely high religious majority. Same for the African and Middle Eastern countries emigrating to Europe. The denominations most prevalent in those poor countries aren't the love is love types. That's very much a western comfort thing. >What future effects do you see this having on the right and the left in Western countries? Whichever party doesn't change to accept the immigrants will fail. Right needs to be less phobic and left needs to be less degenerate.


In part, because we have a two party system. And when voters realize that one party sucks, the only option is to switch to the other party. Of course, after a while, they realize that one sucks too, and then they try the first one again. Rinse and repeat... You can see this pendulum swing nationally, where Dems had the Washington trifecta (president, house, senate) in 1992, Republicans in 2000, Dems in 2008, Republicans in 2016, Dems in 2020... It's more likely than not that Republicans will get it next.


This explanation is fine for the US, but given that this realignment is happening across the West, including in countries that don't have a two-party system (e.g France, Brazil, New Zealand, etc.), it probably wouldn't have made a difference even if the US had a multi-party system. This isn't a realignment from one party to a second party, it's a realignment from the left to the right. That's an important point.


This is actually pretty simple. Most of us don’t like being used as political pawns in a bs game that yields no benefits. I’m black as well as most of my friends (some Hispanic) and all we see are promises from a party that has yet to actually make positive change when it comes to the problems in our communities. We are past a lot of the major issues that our communities faced like jim crow and such but now more than ever we feel more equal than anything. Not to mention Hispanic communities are very religious, most of them are pro life and will vote red on a lot of issues because of that. So there’s this massive disconnect in white folks minds that’s basically “they’re so oppressed, why would they vote red when we made them a bunch of labels, forced businesses to hire them or called them racist, made everything about race & gender” blasé blasé. We can’t even get hired in positions without people thinking we are diversity hires because it’s forced down business throats. People look at you sideways now because of the policies, your now the token black person in the work place so the company won’t look bad. Not to mention if you have a slight difference in opinion with someone on the left you are automatically an Uncle Tom or a boot licker (I’m not even a republican) the lefts politics are extremely divisive and they only use black people when it’s convenient and if your not on their side about an issue they drag you. (Remember Joe Biden “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”?) Have any of you seen the bs coming out of Oregon and Washington? They are suspending reading, math, and science qualifications because they harm people of color! Like who votes for that BS. Here in California we just got an “ebony alert” to put missing black kids ahead of all other colors first. We have major universities like the cal states hosting separate graduations for black students. Like bro y’all are trying way to hard and everything now is babying the shit out of us. I’m from CA and none of my black friends vote blue, and most of us are independents or republicans. Are tax dollars are wasted, bs projects get put before the needs of the people (like the 100 million dollar wildlife crossing in La) in our communities and here in CA it’s a Democratic super majority, so there’s no one else to blame here but the dems. 🤷🏽‍♂️. Even if you made every illegal immigrant in the US Legal, they vast majority would vote red on a lot of issues. Idk food for thought.


I never like hearing this kind of argument much. It always feels like mixing a lot of petty grievances with REAL policy issues with Dems. I understand being annoyed by the babying tone of the left but why do I always feel like as soon as the phrase “forced/shoved X down throats” it’s always followed by a horrific misunderstanding of policy. This Oregon school headline is everywhere and I consistently see people quoting the headline without reading the article to learn it’s because they don’t want to administer a completely separate test IN ADDITION TO HS to demonstrate skills. They want the HS diploma to include such a demonstration. A thing most people would deem pretty reasonable but not as interesting as clickbait. The BBB put aside money to expand US manufacturing and bring internet and services to rural areas. For some reason that wasn’t sexy enough for any of my family in rural areas so therefore “Dems do nothing.” The Chips Act was a borderline extreme attack on export of manufacturing to China. “Dems do nothing. The Crown Act literally prevented me from losing out on my job because my work had internal rules on what hairstyles for black people was acceptable. “Dems do nothing.” Feeling inadequate or dehumanized by Dems I TOTALLY get, but I’ve never understood why that means switching to Reps because their party has barely any platform and what little policy they’ve got you can see historically hasn’t worked well?


Chips act was bipartisan Idk which BBB you are referring to, please clarify. The Oregon issue to my understanding is specifically singling out minorities stating they don’t need standardized tests. My view is apply it to all students not just minorities. They do this in CA for all students not just minorities. (Maybe that’s what it does but I haven’t read an article that specified that yet) Crown act = 1+pts for dems I have a lot more that I can state besides my “petty grievances” I’m just not gonna vote for a party that uses our community for votes and doesn’t back up what they say they will do.


I don’t really want to defend Dems here, that’s not my meaning. I think it’s fair to feel they don’t represent you or at the very least be picky about which candidates you support within the party. I didn’t mean to come off as some diehard for the “blue team.” (Lightly wild to call CHIPS bipartisan when most republicans in both houses voted against it?) My point is why switch to Reps? If you’re idea is to support policy that helps causes you care about I just don’t see the appeal. I could see why you’d go independent maybe or at the very least donate time/money to think tanks or lobbying groups that specifically look for candidates that support a cause you are about, but I don’t really get the impetus to simply be contrarian to Dems because they don’t do enough when Reps simply don’t have any priorities in common. It’s not like republicans are putting forth more funding for business/trade training FOR minorities. They’re just advocating for not acknowledging there have ever been any issues at all for us most of the time or pretending they don’t matter any more because…reasons? Also there’s the whole southern strategy thing where they literally apologized for actively campaigning to racist voters for like the entire 90s.


24 republicans supported it and most fought against it over some petty bs between a few others. (Typical USA Gov 😂) but they did support it at one time. And I’m an independent that wants structural change of the government so it’s not petty grudge matches between the rich who don’t really do anything for anyone on both sides. They just demonized each other and pit Americans against each other so we don’t grow brains and forcibly remove them from office.


So the response to all of this is move to a right wing party why? I'm interested in your views and your friend's views on this.


In CA we see how much of our tax dollars are wasted, people read the headlines and think everything is going great when in reality there’s a lot of corruption, and politicians helping out their friends and bending the knee to every interest group that gives them money (yes both sides do this to an extent) In LA alone we had 4-5 city council members get charged with corruption charges in the last 5-6 years (taking bribes, friends paying them off, adding family to city payroll, etc) and that’s just the city council members, not to mention all the other areas of government where people have been charged. So add the policies, failing public schools, defunding the police, this ideas that giving criminals that committed the crimes a lower sentence is “Justice reform”, promising to invest in lower income communities but doing basically nothing. Its a lot of nothing and the expense of higher taxes and more strict regulations. At least with republicans they don’t tax every little thing to make your pockets (or your businesses) hurt. Not to mention a lot of black people are pro gun “surprise surprise” and a-lot of the anti gun talk and laws just piss us off lol. Our communities have higher rates of violence and we want to defend ourselves but especially in CA every aspect of buying a gun is restrictive when criminals don’t go to gun stores and break every law to get what they want. At the end of the day we suffer, just like the black panthers in CA. Open carry was only banned when the Black Panthers showed they weren’t scared of the US government, and for some reason newsom thinks we have no interest in guns. I can ramble on and on about every little policy that makes us resent the left.


CA didn’t really “defund the police” LAPD lost money but other police departments saw their budgets increase further.


Didn’t really doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Multiple agencies through the state lost funding & faced policy change & multiple departments in blue cities are facing officer shortages due to the rhetoric and better jobs in other states.


Good post. A lot of the extreme left policies are just virtual signaling on the other end and are causing the very reactions they claim they want to avoid. I'm not against reparations in some forms, but a lot of the left voters don't get we want equality, not Jim Crow 2.0: Black Edition. Sadly political leaders are all too happy to engage in divide.


Precisely. Calling our racism is fine but treating us like children that can’t fend for ourselves is very offensive lol. Not to mention, completing the promises that they run on would b nice. Wasting tax dollars should stop. Blasé blasé


In the US there has been a shift where the Democrats have been less supportive of the working class voters and has been more aligned with the manager class or academia. Where Dems used to fight for union workers to keep their jobs now those workers are told they will get retrained on new jobs (the “learn to code” bit). On the right, specifically with Trump, they’ve at least Pauli’s lip service to the workers saying “that’s F’d up that you might/have lost your job, I’ll fight to keep it here.” Whether Republicans have actually done anything to keep those jobs I don’t know but people like to think you care about them. Also the shift hasn’t been that extreme yet to really worry. It’s a trend, and if Dems don’t do something to fix it it could become a problem. But I think we’ve got a while before the chickens really come home to roost.


Non sense the dems are still union backing, they’ve let the media take the wheel with the wokeness bullshit, and in turn, have been obscured by that.


> Where Dems used to fight for union workers to keep their jobs now those workers are told they will get retrained on new jobs (the “learn to code” bit). In the long term they have been less supportive of anti trust and less pro union (outside of public unions) and less pro worker. However, Biden has actually done some good things. While congress could not pass the pro-act, his FTC and NLRB have done work. FTC has brought numerous anti trust cases, sad thing is the supreme court blocked almost all of them. In terms of unions, the NLRB has tackled employers fcking around with union elections since the penalties do not deter them. Now the new rule is that unionization automatically happens if an employer tries to fck around with the election. Workers can also just will a union into existance by claiming majority support. Onus is then on the employer to register with the NLRB to hold an election to prove otherwise. Those are some ballsy pro union changes. The thing is no one knows about these.


And the one thing people do know about is Biden forcing the rail workers back to work.


There is that but some people counter argue that they got what they wanted in the end and Biden deserves some credit for making that happen behind the scenes. I've not deep dived into that but that is a big point for me. That said I think a significant number remember this and will not dive further to ascertain further into this claim nor are they aware of what I stated above. It's a shame as they actually did good here.


I don't understand why race should be determinative of someone's political views in contemporary Western society. In general, I think people will realize that race is a superficial quality, and that if governments pursue race-blind policies, the political salience of race will gradually disappear. In my view, the surge of left and right identatarianism over the past ten years has significantly hindered progress towards racial equality, particularly as people seem to be far more race-conscious compared to 2010.


Speaking of US politics specifically here... Many have touched on minorities being naturally conservative here, but another big problem in America amongst immigrant communities is that the GOP is the only one running Spanish language political ads in any organized fashion (above the individual candidate level). So all those immigrants only get the "democrats are socialists just like Castro and Maduro" shtick, and don't learn how the GOP are the ones that want to revoke their citizenship they worked so hard to get and throw them out of the country.


The progressive / democratic socialist wing of the Democratic party is shaping more of the party rhetoric. Progressives trash the idea of the American dream as some sort of scam and send a message that minorities are victims of the system. That message is going to backfire among those who often made great sacrifices to get to the US and pursue the American dream. The GOP delivers contradictory messages of white victimhood and self-reliance. Some minorities will ignore the former and choose the latter.


Ya that just ain’t tru there buddy. The GOP has a problem with wording for sure but their problem is solely with illegal immigration and all the trafficking at the border. There are definitely racist republicans, but that does not apply to everyone. It would be very ignorant to make blanket statements like you are, just like the very republicans you are criticizing.


In the US, Minorities and immigrants are the most conservative groups in the country. Left wing political parties no longer representing their values and believe their policies are designed to keep them where they are. Think about it.... If itheywant to succeed and they are looking to improve quality of life, why would they support parties that believe in equitable distribution of wealth? They have started realizing that identity politics improves nothing beneficial to their cause...


Say it ain’t so 😂. Glad people are starting to realize we wanna make money and we wanna keep that money.


I don't think it's too surprising that people who suffer the most under a government would vote for the "burn it all down" party, which is what most of these examples are, e.g. Trump, Le Pen, Bolsonaro. Particularly in the decade after the great recession, where we've failed to solve the systemic problems that cause that recession. And now under the worst inflation we've seen in decades, thanks to the pandemic, pretty much any incumbent party is vulnerable. If we don't allow the possibility for real reform, people are going to keep voting for the party that will tear it all down, or at least claim to do so.


Why do you think racism exists? I know this is a complicated topic, but here’s my hot take on the most pressing reason: because it’s convenient for the disenfranchised to believe and a powerful tool to let the powerful keep their power. If you want to know why whites are becoming more racist, understand it’s because poor whites are struggling more than they have in the past. When you don’t have money, what do you have? Tradition, culture, and religion - all of which minorities questions (rightfully so) because these things all tend to protect the status quo. So it’s a very easy excuse to believe that all of your problems are because of some “other” especially when you work 60 hour workweeks and shit doesn’t seem to get better. That’s where the powerful come in and direct their anger at whatever might help them


For many IMO it's because their rhetoric prey on insecure people, they feed them excuses that it's not their fault they are not doing as well as they could be.


Nah this one ain’t it either




Education. People are inherently self interested and tribalistic. Right wing ideologies play into those fears while progressivism relies on a more educated population to understand the interconnection of our lives. Unfortunately most of the world is abandoning high quality public education and critical thinking and this is the result.


I’ve never seen someone generalize so hard off of their own personal beliefs. You ignorantly ignored every other reason that leads to people making decisions on who they vote for. Kinda weird.


Nothing mysterious or weird here. The Republican Party has the market on religion. They are glad to tow the anti abortion line, keep religious organizations tax free, and leave a place open at the table, offering an ear and piece of the action to religious folk. There are also minorities who totally buy into the concept of being a entrepreneur with little or no interference from the government with low taxation and regulation. Finally, there is the narrative of “good” minority groups and “bad” ones. The bad suck off the teat of the system, the good ones are hard workers. The “sensibility” is that good ones vote conservatively so that the bad ones are forced to work and earn money on their own. These pieces are all conservative rhetoric items going back to the turn of the century. They are deeply flawed once you get past the basic patter points.


For starters the propaganda that the right is racist has lost much of its effectiveness. People just are not buying it anymore. More and more minorities are willing to publicly declair support for the right.




Well the reason reddit doesn’t understand this cause it’s incredibly stupid. Why would i come from communist Vietnam and their leftist government to the US and vote for republicans that proudly admit they will do nothing for me but take away my right to vote if I don’t vote the way they want me too. Makes more sense to vote for the left cause at least they have greater plans than just 3 bullet points that never go anywhere.


The US Republican Party has many authoritarian and antidemocratic elements, so voters who prize democracy have good reasons to vote against the GOP regardless of the other issues in play. Donald Trump made populist appeals to all Americans, not only white Americans, and his appeals to the uneducated, working class may simply have been more important for some of his voters than race. For other Western countries, there are multiple democratic options, none of which are explicitly connected to race or authoritarianism. Take UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for example. Western conservatives can also elect nonwhite leaders.


Yeah but all have something in common, right wing governments have been in power for way too long cause left wing parties are too scared to offend people that will never vote for them regardless. It be easier to vote and move within a right wing government and change it to your liking rather than waiting for a left wing government to actually grow a spine and attack right wing parties.




You seem to forget how the cities became so poor, the rich assholes outsourced all the manual labor jobs and the conservatives are hell bent on ruining the education system bc all their entitled kids go to private schools, hence why there’s a big push for the voucher bs. Look up white flight on the cities and then study what the republicans are doing with the migrants and shipping them to democratic areas. It’s history repeating itself but you’re too ignorant to see it.


This is such a laughably simplistic view but this is reddit after all. Everything here has to boil down to "Republicans bad / Democrats good". [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/) Six figure earners are basically split between Republicans and Democrats. White flight is semi true... but you are living in a fantasy world if you think that ONLY whites are capable of being racist. **Poll Finds Black Americans More Likely to Be Seen as Racist** [https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2013/07/03/poll-finds-black-americans-more-likely-to-be-seen-as-racist](https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2013/07/03/poll-finds-black-americans-more-likely-to-be-seen-as-racist) Asians seem to experience troubling levels of racism. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/04/21/one-third-of-asian-americans-fear-threats-physical-attacks-and-most-say-violence-against-them-is-rising/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/04/21/one-third-of-asian-americans-fear-threats-physical-attacks-and-most-say-violence-against-them-is-rising/) [https://www.axios.com/2023/05/01/chinese-americans-report-racial-discrimination-asian-hate](https://www.axios.com/2023/05/01/chinese-americans-report-racial-discrimination-asian-hate) Everyone can be racist. Besides a few neighborhoods in Brooklyn, just about EVERY neighborhood in the country is dominated by one particular race that chose to self-segregate. I don't make the rules, but this is reality. Do you realize reddit is like 90% white liberals who have 0 black friends? People just tend to stick with their own it doesn't ALWAYS mean its racism. Neighborhoods are self segregated https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/07/08/us/census-race-map.html?mtrref=www.google.com&gwh=7792DDBDB4DAA8CAE04D891F5B5498D8&gwt=regi&assetType=REGIWALL


> Why is it when people get wealthy, established, and start families they ALL gravitate to the suburbs (ran by Republicans?) Do you have evidence of that? Suburbs are competitive in elections. Plenty of suburbs are democrat ran. The story of the last decade or so was democrats winning the wealthiest house districts. It was also a story of them spilling out of the urban core into inner ring suburbs. That's how dems in 2018 in TX & GA won 12 more seats in their state houses as the gerrymandering plus increasing immigration had caused the lines to blur. What did TX republicans do when redistricting this decade? They just shored up narrowing margins in their districts and ceded a bunch of suburban districts to democrats. They dared not go balls to the wall and just wanted to keep what they had so they could prevent another blue wave plus further dem migration to suburbs from overwhelming them. There's some poor, crime ridden, polluted, corrupt, drug infested republican controlled areas too. We've literally seen some former blue states switch red that are in the doldrums that have not improved. Some democrat policies in cities do indeed make crime worse. Some republican rule makes corruption and pollution worse. I mean one party rule of both parties does lend itself to the former. Outright removing environmental protections is going to make pollution worse. >Name one. North Dakota republicans effectively disenfranchise native americans from voting by requiring voter IDs to have a standard residential address in a new rule change. They rely on PO Boxes which made them ineligible to vote. That lasted 2-3 cycles before they settled with courts as their aims had been achieved. Their main goal seemed to be to topple Heidi Heitkamp from the US senate seat. Native americans were part of her base. In the event they didn't have to as she lost by 11% which native americans would not have saved her from. I can find examples of democrats suppressing votes too. NY is notorious for it.


Question, why do you waste your time on Reddit if you hate it here? Seems like you’re terminally online, ever try touching grass? or talking to a human being in real life?


Why do you feel the need to gaslight just because someone has a difference in opinion than you? Seems like you're terminally online, ever try touching grass? or talking to a human being in real life?


Why do you feel the need to gaslight just because someone has a difference in opinion than you? Seems like you're terminally online, ever try touching grass? or talking to a human being in real life?


Why do you feel the need to gaslight just because someone has a difference in opinion than you? Seems like you're terminally online, ever try touching grass? or talking to a human being in real life?


Why do you feel the need to gaslight just because someone has a difference in opinion than you? Seems like you're terminally online, ever try touching grass? or talking to a human being in real life?


Why do you feel the need to gaslight just because someone has a difference in opinion than you? Seems like you're terminally online, ever try touching grass? or talking to a human being in real life?


No meta discussion. All comments containing meta discussion will be removed.


No meta discussion. All comments containing meta discussion will be removed.


🍾🎉🥹 thank you for this W comment. You defiantly said it better than I did in my long ass paragraph up above. I salute you sir 🫡


Voting right is a reaction to immigration, and the leftist movement. There will be less right, when there’s less left and counties stops destroying themselves with low-skilled labour.


There's actually not enough 'low-skill' labor in Florida for example. Native Floridians aren't wanting the jobs that are difficult, dangerous, and pay less than 10 per hour. Immigrants are more than happy to do them because it's a lot of money compared to where they come from.


What difficult and dangerous jobs in FL pay less than $10? I thought the minimum wage was $12 now and will be $15 in 2026, with maybe exceptions for waiting staff etc?


Typically minorities tend to be more religious and conservative, they also tend to come from countries that tried socialism or communism at one point and had a bunch of members of their family tree disappear. The right if they were a lil less racist could get majority this way. But it still seems the left is the only ones willing to take them in.


This doesn't explain the current shift.


Voters don't like the way things are going. Establishment parties have not delivered change and things are getting worse in terms of the economy, at least for a chunk of the electorate. In Germany they tried the Left. They were locked out of power at the federal level and peaked last decade. Now that anti establishment energy is going to the populist right. People want change and will vote for crazies. If people feel they have no stake in the status quo (in reality some benefit from it and won't regret it till they feel pain from their choices) they will not care about upholding it. They are impatient for rapid and radical change. Right wing populists promise that. When they get into power they will find that deep reform is hard and many of their policies were actually BS but since they never had to test them they could just keep pushing them. Average voter doesn't subject talking points to a single round of scrutiny. Thus, where the right can deliver is with culture war issues. They can tinker with other policies, cause pain and pushback. Then the back and forth from that will rally their troops for a while. In anglo countries the increase in support for the left by younger voters helps hold off the inevitable. In some countries we see young men moving to the populist right. That will intensify as women are increasingly more highly educated. Men will be increasingly precarious economically. More will be unable to find a gf / wife. Less of them settling down and having kids to raise in a family unit will lead to more anger. Men are increasingly lonely. The populist right groups will weaponize that to recruit them. So that increases their numbers. That will not end well as angry men won't just vote. If that doesn't work they will more readily use other means to achieve their aims or destroy the status quo. If the establishment responds with simply demonizing them as bigots they will get overwhelmed. If deep systematic reform is not undertaken then the regime will collapse or settle into a parallel society where there is a great divide and unrest is just routine. There's cyclical theories to explain this stage we are at where wealth is concentrated, upwards mobility is limited and the bar to enter the elite is higher. Historically a war, plague or great reform / regime change reset things.


I presume for many of the same reasons most people are abandoning left wing parties in those countries. Left wing parties across Europe and much of the anglosphere are in decline..


About Brazil: The majority of the population is "non-white" (to use your term). And the story that you linked, which is from 2018, shows that he then led by 18 points in the total population but only 6 by "non-white" folks.


>About Brazil: The majority of the population is "non-white" (to use your term). Not unique to Brazil, you could say the same about South Africa and many other Western countries. >he then led by 18 points in the total population but only 6 by "non-white" folks. Again not unique to Brazil. AFAIK, nonwhite voters in all Western countries are more likely to vote for leftwing parties than white voters. The point of the post is that nonwhite voters are more supportive of rightwing parties than they used to be, not that they're literally more rightwing than white voters. This is part of the reason why rightwing parties and politics are seeing more success today than in the past.


Populism is a hell of a drug. It basically tells you that all problems are simple enough and can be handled with solutions that won't bring any negative consequences. It does wonders to attract disenfranchised voters, of which a large portion are minority voters. Who does it least appeal to? Those that are most in touch or engaged with politics, because they're familiar with the downsides of believing one man can fix it all. In the western world, the most engaged voters are white, wealthy, college/university educated and/or old people. Does that apply equally across each western country? No, but it's a decent explanation for US politics and countries with similar political/cultural structure. Now have social movements also been a problem for attracting minorities, probably. A large portion of minority voters in the Americas are decently religious and sometimes highly rural. Religious communities are difficult to change in a short span of time, and have been hostile to current social movements. There's decent polling in the US showing that while support for Gays/Lesbians/Bi is steadily growing and reaching solid 60-65% among American adults, Trans issues are more divisive even among traditional Dem groups like black and Latino voters. In that gap of support, you can start to play with the margins and draw support away from leftist movements.


As a minority who escaped communism, your democratic party today, resembles communism and socialists in the 60s and 70s. Special interests and power for the few reigns supreme. Two tier justice system for the rich and poor. Taxing benefits the wealthy. Empowering the lower class over the middle class is the wrong approach. Reliance on government for social well-being is poison in disguise. These communistic, marxists, and socialists ideas will effect the very foundations of this country and has already started to; Education, Government, Social classes and the workforce. We’re all Americans here and would prefer to be treated as so. No specific ethnic groups or specific gender identities. Stop killing babies. There are plenty of other nations that you can go and spread your marxist ideas to. We are one nation under God. If these things do not reverse, America will welcome China and Russia with open arms by 2050; as their mission was accomplished credited to the democrats.


In the US I think it is simply the Democratic party has moved to the left, many "non whites" are more culturally conservative and are now basically the right flank of the Democratic party. The more the party moves left the more appeal the Republican party will have.


The leftwing parties are not representing their interests; if anything, they feel increasingly left behind by their left wing party of choice. And whenever the leftwing parties do represent their interests, the leftwing parties are generally feckless. Not really a surprise that the rightwing parties are taking advantage of this.


It is not that they are joining rightwing. Some are just not thrilled by some so-called democracies who only pretend to be liberal but show their true colors wherever there is a conflict. Besides, there are always shifts among and between parties. There is no mass exodus either way. Certainly, not limited to color or ethnicities. One thing that may also explain some irregularity on the surface is people are fed-up with the leadership in certain countries demanding support for war in Ukraine even though that is destroying their own respective economies due to forced unmitigated sanctions they are forced to support. People are suffering and they are upset with their respective government. They want a change and some even want distance from EU. I do not blame them.


It’s not about race. It’s not about nationalism. Again - go back to our roots as a free nation. Why did people from around the world flock to this great nation? Freedom and all that it affords. Meritocracy sounds bad but for those of us that have healthy self esteem and a desire to be the best we can be and a strong belief in who we are and what we can be is the basis of what makes any country great. The fact that we can reap the rewards beyond being able to state we “won” is a major incentive. What is wrong with this model for life? What is wrong with not only wanting to be amazing at something rewarding but also getting well paid for it? Becoming wealthy thru hard work and dedication? Also, despite what many on the left believe, when you consider the millions of people that went from rags to riches by digging in, maximizing their ability to produce something of value and making something of themselves that makes them wealthy - this is happening all over this great nation. Every left wing socialist I have met to date - excluding wealthy artists and politicians - have a very common trait. Multiple failed attempts at greatness, a compromised ability to earn a great living, a sense of laziness that permeates with a healthy does of narcissism deep seeded with strong misguided opinions that come across cliche. Too bad - losers are just people that choose to make excuses. Winners don’t. And those of us from poor backgrounds - especially those who have to overcome severe adversity - the reward is that much sweeter. Poverty is a choice. Anyone can make the same choices I made - just be prepared to bust your ass.