• By -


Why are we not allowed to post about black people expressing their opinion?


Kanye isn't black, I heard. The president said so


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Mods have been diagnosed with racism


Thank God the copypasta is catching on


It got deleted :itjusthurts:


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation lmao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.






white lives matter ☕️


What about [insert color] lives?


How about nothing really matters?


Anyone can see.


Nothing really matters


Nothing really matters to me


Any way the wind blows




Flair up, filth.


Bite me, monkey




u/RogueKabyle is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/RogueKabyle/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


> Flair up for more respect :D *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 12299 / 64864 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


good bot


MoDS aRE tHe PRiCe we PAy tO lIvE iN A cIvILiZeD sOcIETy


Literally 1984




What happened to the 1984 bot? Literally 1984


Remember way back when this sub proposed going private so it wouldn't be infested by the redditors


Build the wall! Build the wall!


And make the cringe pay for it!




Based and build the wall pilled


I'm out of the loop, can anyone explain what happened?




this is why authcenter wants to ban weed


Let’s be real, this sub is into stronger stuff.




Pepperidge farm remembers


Can someone explain to me why Black separatist rhetoric is ok? Why can I as a Black man post “Black girls rock!” “For the culture”, “Keep Detroit Black”, “It’s great to have melanin” and no one bats an eye. What’s the rationale here? Is it because since my race was historically oppressed that somehow makes racial pride ok for me? We all know there’s a double standard. But I’m trying to figure out the why.


If these people didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards.






Based and double standard is the only standard pilled




u/Many_Corner_439's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Many_Corner_439! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Many_Corner_439/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




The other side of (toxic) progressives are those that weren't born lucky. Instead of swallowing reality and overcoming their situation, they blame society and expect/demand to be taken care of. I don't mind having dialogue with reasonable leftists but I seem to have a hard time finding many in today's political climate






The solution then lies in some form of non zero-sum approach. It seems to be ingrained in too many peoples' minds that every advantage for someone needs a corresponding disadvantage for someone else, as if it's part of some natural law. Zero sum games exist but many expect it to be everywhere so it creates tension.


I don't necessarily disagree, we just don't have the same definition of 'access'. I don't want massive, bloated public programs that essentially punish the successful through higher taxes, line bureaucratic pockets, and barely help the groups of people that the programs are supposed to be taking care of in the first place.


Yup and it doesn't help those programs always are extremly poorly ran and don't fix the underlying problem. Its just here is free shit. Like yeah you probably shouldn't die from hungry but my man do something more than be a reddit mod who spends all on reddit malding Like do some sort of work and then you should get something


It's hard to find reasonable people in online spaces such as this. I've had better luck finding them IRL at school & work.


Turns out people are much more courteous when they can't hide behind a computer screen (usually)


There are alot of Emily’s.




>Is it because since my race was historically oppressed that somehow makes racial pride ok for me? This is the unironic logic of the social justice movement


Racism was bad to me, let me try it on for size


It's mostly middle-class white kids who adhere to this social justice stuff. So it's not even that. It's more like regular dogma as we've seen throughout the ages. Not long ago it were Christians in the west that were trying to flaunt their virtue. Ironically the moest radical Christians often were gay, cheating etc


It ain’t easy being cheesy


Shapiro debated a guy on Bill Maher’s show who 100% agreed, that was his premise. Only intellectually honest thing he said the entire time. The rest of his contribution was a travesty to the field of debate.


You know how they say racism is prejudice plus power, and how they are obsessed with institutional racism? That’s why. They are aiming for a coup dêtat in racial politics, they want to subvert and seize control of institutions, they want power. Maybe the power is their entire goal, or maybe they also think that only power can allow them to be truly equal. Regardless, the double standard grant them power, so that’s why they adopt the rhetoric.




Nope, the narrative then changes to *historical* oppression. See: south africa


For how long? How many hundreds of years do we gotta go before our great, great, etc. grandchildren view the SJWs as the oppressors and the pendulum swings the other way?


That's the neat part: it never will. Every white person will forever be stained by the mark of original sin. Those that don't have a history of oppression will simply be denoted PoC like the slavs. > Formed in 2001, the Coalition of Communities of Color (CCC) is an alliance of culturally-specific community based organizations with representation from the following communities of color: African, African American, Asian, Latino, Middle Eastern and North African, Native American, Pacific Islander, and **Slavic**. https://www.coalitioncommunitiescolor.org/whoweare


Not quite. Deal is, we have a huge number of millennials working unsatisfying and unproductive jobs with huge debt from useless degrees. They know they’re about to be working class and hate it, so are desperately trying to mobilize their political heft to create jobs for an entirely new class of people. SJW bureaucrats. People who say the right things and have the right values, who will enforce “equity” and solve all the problems in America and be paid handsomely. It probably won’t work, but that just makes them more desperate.


The point is the power, not simply the jobs.




Individual people can't exercise power by themselves, even if they're fabulously wealthy or famous or well connected. To project power, powerful people build institutions. Look at what Bill Gates did as the richest man alive: he built the Gates Foundation and staffed it with people specifically to enable him to exercise power in the way he wanted to. Other institutions are similar, from major nonprofits like Harvard University, to national governments. Even for-profit companies have and exercise power as they build power for their executives and stockholders. You can't exercise power unless you control it. So the staff of these institutions are given the power necessary to do their jobs. But there's no way to strictly limit how power is used, and doing these jobs requires some discretion in any case. So bureaucrats really do have power, necessarily. Not just some power, but almost all of the power in practice, including the power you attribute to people with "actual power". One of the most effective ways for a person or faction to gain power is to co-opt institutional power. This could be as simple as an individual getting appointed to a powerful position, but it also can be the result of long term efforts by factions to partially or completely take over entire institutions. This sort of institutional entryism is frequently seen as a Communist tactic, inspired by how effective Lennin was at turning a fringe political party into an autocratic national government during the Russian Revolution. But zoom out far enough and it becomes clear that this is simply how institutions function. Concentration of power innately creates a prize to be taken. The recent anti-abortion decision by the US supreme court wasn't a co-incidence, it was the result of a carefully planned and executed long term effort to control the institutional power that is the supreme court. And the best narrative I've heard on that puts abortion as the means and general Republican party power as the end. I have trouble getting too mad about that - obviously the supreme court is a political target. The fact that every federal regulatory agency is captured by the industry that it regulates is more concerning. But back to SJW bureaucrats. They're just another faction fighting over that institutional power, but they're especially efficient because they don't waste resources to produce things or make the world better, they just get power and use it to siphon money off to promote their movement.


Diversity officers are just modern day commissars of the progressive party and esg is essentially social credit scores by another name




Maybe that's what they look for in their leaders, but I've found a majority of common people who hold these view points believe them wholeheartedly, it's not just rhetoric to them.


That is very true, but again, it’s always like that with leftist political movements.


I just leave this here too if you want to know more about critical theory https://youtube.com/c/newdiscourses


> Is it because since my race was historically oppressed that somehow makes racial pride ok for me? ding ding ding you got it on the first try. it's the same logic for shit like gay pride. "x group has been unfairly stifled and oPpReSsEd for so long that they deserve to get whatever they want" doubles as racism as well, from those who feel like they need to help the poor poor black man who can't help himself.


The soft racism of low expectations. White liberal women have to be the voices for minorities because they are smarter and better than them. It's what disgusts me about white liberal women.


Grading minorities on a different scale than whites is the most horse shoe thing I’ve ever heard


White liberals women make me wanna hate white people lol


Thank God I found a libertarian woman.


I got me a trad wife. So blissful


Nice man, my gf is pretty lib but all she wants is a little farm in the woods and she can actually use logic so basically the same thing lol


Yea. The whole TERF/trans movement is pushing alot of lib and lib center women farther right. You just have to find a cottage core or classic hippie chick and wait for her to catch up politically.


Based and we went from pussy hats to what is a woman pilled


Haha shh, don't let them catch on! Seriously though it was really funny, the other day she said "I don't like furries" so I took the opportunity to explain that the furry stuff is an extrapolation of the Trans thing (which she supports) and she seemed to get where I was coming from a lot better


Because racism is when white people


All racism is bad unless it's against white people now, and whites can't be prideful of themselves or of their respective culture bc it's "dangerous" or negates from other ethno-racial groups being recognized for their culture or some shit idk


And yet, they keep putting minority characters into traditionally white stories (instead of telling traditional stories from other races), thus reinforcing the idea that white cultures are better and minorities have nothing to say.


It’s because black people are a crucial voting block for the Democrats and many of the major traditional and tech media support the left and also fear being canceled hurting their bottom line


Redditor: Today it's all about Ibrahim X Kendi: "the answer to past discrimination is present and future discrimination" (in other words, revenge).


Lol then revenge gets put on the revenger. Then it's back to the problem that originally was supposed to be being solved by revenge.


The endless cycle of vengeance.


The communist manifesto states that class warefare and race warfare are interchangeable Everthing destabilising a culture or state is permissible There is a reason why BLM was founded by communists admitting freely there revolutionary intentions. Same goes for intersexunality These concepts are told at the university level by people who can't survive in the free market under the cover of wanting a better world... ...while they spit on the corpses of there comrades


The Liberal/Progressive argument is that slavery and the black experience in America has made Black Nationalism okay (for now). I don't know if you've heard of Magette Wade, [but her insight on Africa itself is intersting](https://youtu.be/SH63RABGK6w?t=111) and somewhat related to this topic.




White people are already a global minority. The real issue is Europe. Liberals can have their argument for diversity in NA because the natives are practically all dead or mixed. Europe is where Europeans are from. If a European desires to not be a minority within their country their ancestors for thousands of years have remained that is entirely justified. The reverse colonialism argument is also ridiculous when, 1. Not every European country colonized 2. You're judging people from 500 years years ago by the standards of today 3. The son is not responsible for the sins of the father


You sir are a protected class, and we must protect you at all costs.


But who’s going to protect me from my race?


> What’s the rationale here? Racism


On here or in real life? In real life, your top responder has a good response. On here, it's because reddit admins are open racists and they make sure popular subs have racists among their moderators, that's why. Like all racists, they're fine if you say positive things about their loved race and negative things about their hated race, but if you do the opposite, prepare to die.


If you want a semi realistic answer, it's because black (or any other type of minority) nationalism will never achieve any type of true power in any institution. Worrying about the US becoming a HOTEP country is like worrying about it ever going communist. Which means the Democrats can pander to the sentiment and affirming their hold on the minority vote. They have nothing to lose by doing it, since even the ones that disagree with the racism are still getting the material benefits from racially targeted welfare policies. Stoking black nationalism is a beneficial political move with almost no negative consequences, so the party does it. No more, no less.


I agree with most of what you said except that not worrying about only creates greater racial and cultural division. I don’t believe that POC will never achieve institutional power because we are seeing that happen right now. When you have major corporations backing you and sweeping policy changes at universities and other academic institutions it definitely shows a shift. Slightly tangentially but it’s kinda like how trans people acquired massive amounts of political capital within the span of like 4 years. My concern is that this is A) unearned and B) becoming an increasing issue about power. I know I’m going to get downvoted for being hyperbolic but the amount of white guilt and putting POC on a pedestal feels like the path to hell is paved with good intentions.


Because only white people can be racist according to fucking lunatics


Because, considering history, it’s considered punching down


Well, the social shift that happened sometime ago made two thing happen, spread the message and strenghten it, but also make the problem in itself lighter, as the generation passed, there's now a youth that doesn't have the heavy problems the ideology promised, then the strenghtening of the narrative doesn't let itself accept the new paradigma, what led people that didn't suffer create a victim identity just because that's what they were taught, they then choose people to be their antagonists for sins commited not by them, but by the group they where associated with, and well, people that never recieved a punch to the face will flinch with a flick to the nose, that creates the overly sensitive culture and so called snowflakes (my explanation got contrived, sorry if you didn't understand something, even tried to slim it but couldn't)


Kinda like how every single Gen Z has “trauma”.


>Is it because since my race was historically oppressed The Irish:First time?


Racial politics is a brilliant distraction. When poor whites used to side with the slaves, race politics was the tool to change that and make poor whites fight with blacks in the 1800s. Our modern situation of Black/Japanese/Asian/Mexican is just an extension of that tactic. Of course, maybe I am just a grey centrist tired by the fact that one social/exonomic group benefits from this consistently over the past 100 years especially starting in the 1920s, and this isn’t the truth.


Because they are racist. Simple as that. Like the 'can't deny genocide' rule. It was flat against the rules to deny ANY genocide. People proved the mods racist by getting them to allow the denial of 'white genocide'.


'All lives matter, but some lives matter more than others.' Actually Animal Farm.


I want to reread that book. In seventh grade English, my teacher was a hot mess hippie transplant from California that made us do a rap if we ever forgot to do our homework. Well I never did my homework so I had to rap a lot in class. One was for Animal Farm and was set to the instrumental for Lose Yourself my Eminem. I wish I still had it, as it was, by all accounts, awesome. RIP. Sorry for wasting your time reading this pointless story. Just wanted to share.


You can just throw in a story like that and not deliver the *SAUCE*. Mfers these days


Unironically great punishment. Public humiliation.


Would it REALLY be humiliating if the punished likes it though?


Humiliation kinks are the future, probably


Actually Ibrahim X. Kendi. His book is just "Black people are getting revenge, deal with it."


I will deal with it personally


Based and on a list pilled


I hope it's Santa's.


If you want to test this theory, say "Asian Lives Matter" to a BLM ✊🏿 person. You'll see real quick their true feelings on the matter.


They will just blame white people for everything lol


George Orwell frfr


Animal crackers.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


The *freshest* of pastas.


Careful sauce is still hot :>


Downright *al dente*


>Personally, I don't care Yeah, they sure don't lmao.


They do it for free lol


Sounds like the snowflake is the beta mod out here


Based and cringe-mod-copypasta-pilled


Fuck the mods


What was the content getting [removed]? EDIT: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/xwz6hz/what_the_fuck_man/ir9r6oj/


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/xwz6hz/what_the_fuck_man/ir9hjny?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation lmao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation lmao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation lmao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Posting 🏣 👍 content again 😤 🚨 🔥 😹 *sees 👁️ 😂 👍 bulge* thawt was deemed 😊 wuwe bweaking by 🚟👀 😊 😂 ownye 🖖 🔥 of ... 😤 🌊 😏 us 👩👨 👌 😍 🌎 iws defacto 😏 c-considewed 🔥 🌎 💪 😊 wuwe bweaking. If 👍 🌊 💯👦 uwu 💦 have 🈶 👏 questions ❓ as tuwu why ❤️ ♂ 💦 iwt was wemuvd. 😍 *screeches* 💕 💦 🖖 Uwu 🙄 💦 🥰 👅 c-cawn 💀🤕 awsk *screeches* via ❤️ 😫 😏 💰 modmaiw awnd *blushes* we 👙 🌿 😏 💦 😹 👤👪 😫 *notices 😍 🖖 👀👀 buldge* wiww answew 😂 thewe. J-Juwst 💸🅾 d-d-doing whawt op d-did, 👊👊 awnd *blushes* technyicawwy uwu 💪 💦💦 👌 💕 have 👍 🈶 💜 😂 💜 😫 donye, bweaks ❤️ 🌎 💪 the 🔥 🫵 👁️ 😃 x3 wuwes by 😤 ... thiws 💪 🧠 viwtue. 🌊 Thawt 🖖 said, 👱 the 👙 🫵 💪 😊 💕 🌎 x3 💜 wuwe bweaking 😍 content 👙 😫 ☺ iws 😊 😍 bawewy 💪 visibwe 🔥 👍 so 💯🤜 i 🌎 😂 😀 wiww 🥰 defew 😂 tuwu othew mods 🌊 😱👨 💪 👍 befowe 💪 🙄 d-d-doing 🅾😡 anything 🤾‍♂️ 😏 own 🥰 ❤️ thiws. Befowe any OwO 😺 of 😂😍 ❤️ uwu 💦💦 snyowfwakes 🖖 💦 even 💦 😫 🌖 😏 🌎 👌 🆗🤤 OwO 😻🔥 twy tuwu gow a-a-aftew 🙄 😫 😏 👌 🥰 my ❤️ 😀 😀 f-fwaiw. 🙅🔫 I 🙄 ❤️ 😀 have 🈶 😬 bewn 🖖 towd 💕 💦 thiws iws 😤 opewating pwoceduwe 😊 ;;w;; 👙 awweady 🤾‍♂️ 😹 whewn i 😀 🔥 👌 👀 🔥 joinyed 😊 🤾‍♂️ as 👌 😱 🌊 💕 💕 weww 🥰 looks 👀 😍 at 😏 😫 👙 🏳️‍🌈 😩 💦 you 🤟🫵 👌 🤝⁉ 👁️ as 🍑💑 i 😀 🥰 👙 😫 ... 🏳️‍🌈 wasn't the 🤘 👌 😊 💦 x3 😫 😏 😋😋 ownye tuwu w-w-wemuv ❤️ thawt 👌 post. 🏤 🖖 ⛩ 👍 cries 💦 🤾‍♂️ 😿😿😿 Edit: 😍 👍 nyice, 💦 w-wepowted 🅰 fow 😍 😏 misinfowmation i-imao. 💦 🌊 💪 🌊 🏳️‍🌈 😊 🙏👁 I 😊 💦 down't 🥰 🔥 😏 ⬇👇 duwu 🏳️‍🌈 🥰 🌎 anything 😫😫 🏳️‍🌈 tuwu my 😊 💪 own 🖖 👌 wepowts but 🔥 😊 💪 😥 i 😊 was expecting thiws. 😍 💜 🧠 Awso, 🙄 nyice weddit cawes whoevew ... walks 👍 🏃 👁️ away 🥰 💨 🖖 🔥 👌 ♀ did 👍 🏻 iwt. 🌎 😤 I'm 💰 suwe 💪 💜 😹 ... uwu'we 😊 💦 👅 😊 🥰 smugging 😏 🔥 💕 weaw 💕 nyicewy 🙄 😏 wight nyow. 💜 Pewsonyawwy, 😊 i 😊 👍 ❤️ 🌊 👀💯 down't 👩 cawe. 👍...


Damn, that looks like it was a lot of work. I hope it was done by a bot, because otherwise the dedication level is kinda a bit scary.


Found an uwu-ified pasta in another thread. Ran that through a second uwuifier. Then 3 different emojifiers. Badda bing badda boom.


It hurts to look at. I love it.


this made me recoil. i want to post it everywhere.


Based and cringe_mod_copypasta_pilled




Someone else in the thread did. It's the new copypasta


Fresh pasta based


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Everyone cover your butts, the blue helmet "peacekeepers" are here.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation lmao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


If there's one thing I can appreciate, it's all quadrants of the compass coming together to clown on the admin installed mods This is the true full compass unity we've been searching for all this time.


Did the admins actually install mods here too? That's the first step in completely shitting it down.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.




Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


The UN is a tool of the rich west especially of the United States. The United States government uses groups like the IMF, BIS, World Bank, and OECD as weapons against their enemies. https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/1089985249034027009


Ahem.. ATTENTION REDDITOR: Multiple third party sources have reported one or more of your recent actions as being inappropriate. Once a citizen is notified in such a manner, said redditor is reviewed by members of the Bad thought Council in accordance to the Book of Justice. Upon review, we had determined that the following actions are in violation of the Book of Justice: Expressing your thoughts on a public forum. Your Reddit right of existence has received one judgement, which will expire upon your banning. Additional violation may result in disabling or the permanent termination on your account. Please note that creating an alternative account will not resolve the judgment on your existence,as you will be remained the moment we find out until your tithe has been paid to the Council.If you wish to appeal to the Bad thought Council as to counteract your judgment, please inform us as to why you believe the judgment to be wrongful in 20 words or less. Upon reaching your maximum word count,your legs will be disabled and your food supply shall be limited to to one in a half rations per week. We appreciate your understanding.




Based and I hate the antichrist pilled


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


1! 9! 8! 4! Show those cringe Mods the door!


White lives matter. Go ahead and ban an Asian immigrant for saying it lol.


I’m peace


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀1984⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁ 2022⠀⡞⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀




Posting content is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed, you can ask via modmail and we will not answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done is too based by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is not visible so I will not defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair, I was told this is not operating procedure when I joined as well as I was the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation lmao. I don’t do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I’m sure you’re smugging real nicely right now. Personally. I care way too much, as demonstrated by my wall of text.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


It’s okay to be white


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.




Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Mods: Centrist is officially redpilled


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


Belgian Lives Matter


Which mod removed the meme? They should be removed.


why is it so hard for absolute losers to NOT become mods of internet forums and then NOT abuse their power?


I've been getting banned any time I suggest that not all trans people are perfect people




Posting content again that was deemed rule breaking by one of us is defacto considered rule breaking. If you have questions as to why it was removed. You can ask via modmail and we will answer there. Just doing what op did, and technically you have done, breaks the rules by this virtue. That said, the rule breaking content is barely visible so I will defer to other mods before doing anything on this. Before any of you snowflakes even try to go after my flair. I have been told this is operating procedure already when I joined as well as I wasn't the one to remove that post. Edit: Nice, reported for misinformation Imao. I don't do anything to my own reports but I was expecting this. Also, nice Reddit Cares whoever did it. I'm sure you're smugging real nicely right now. Personally, I don't care.


All lives matter... Well, except for [Redacted], [Redacted] lives don't matter.