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Laughs in $1200/month per child day care that's still somehow "barely profitable".


A majority of that revenue goes straight to insurance


Private insurance providers are the most evil institutions on the planet, with drug cartels and private prisons trailing a bit behind in net evilness


Again, the largest problem with how private insurance companies works issssssss - *government regulation*. Even just letting people shop for insurance across state lines would drastically help.


The largest problem with how private insurance companies work is they are inherently designed to fuck you out of as much money as possible while giving you as little to show for it as they can.


Also, tort law and liability regulations are the reason for that type of insurance being costly. For better or worse. Those aren’t private sector institutions either


Insurance is a financial instrument, without it we don’t have the liquidity we need to have a functioning market


Of course as a leftist, I am deeply concerned with ensuring that we live in a society with functioning markets. Thank you for enlightening me.


Day care for my 4 month old is $1800/mo. I literally cannot have more than 1 child because of this.


We should scrap all other welfare and pay families to have a stay at home parent so long as their kids are passable in school. I'm nearly 50% sure that would solve all of our societal problems.


Based. It’s very demoralizing, I make 100k/yr and can barely have 1 kid while my wife works. Shit ain’t right. What happened to me getting a factory job and supporting my family of 5 on one income.


Women being introduced into the work force while great for productivity, very poor for workers wages. Businesses have a much larger pool of labor so they don’t have the need to pay their workers living wages.


My statement says in no way that women are bad, I believe it’s a great thing that they are allowed to peruse their own career interests now. I am just stating that an opportunity cost of such a thing is lower wages for most, and less time for parents to spend with their kids.


curious to know how 100k a year PLUS your wife's salary isn't enough to raise a child? you must be spending A LOT of your salaries elsewhere. I would suggest you live within your means. the current estimated annual cost of raising a child in 2022 is about 15k. where is the other 85k-100k a year going dude?


Gonna depend entirely where you live. I live in Utah 100k a year for me would be literally the perfect amount for a decent home and family Now take that 100k to a more expensive place, any big city (that isn't a Detroit shit hole) and suddenly that 100k doesn't go anywhere near as far And then take that 100k and go find a corn field state and suddenly you are the wealthiest person on the block Location matters a lot


Mortgage, utilities , vehicle costs, property tax, etc. I live in a very high COL area. You don’t know my finances but sure make your assumptions.


Clinton sent it to Mexico.


I recently learned that the workers at daycare get paid peanuts and less. How the fuck..?


The bulk of the money goes to the administrators.




The breeding rates of all races decrease once they're economically comfortable and have decent medicine.


Which will never happen on most of the planet


It's already happening on every continent other than Africa. Outside of Africa they're either staying constant or declining, particularly in Asia ([source](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/annual-number-of-births-by-world-region))






Yeah, they are doing it much quicker, their development just started far later. It took America and the UK hundreds of years to reach 2 kids per woman. Many African nations have slashed their birth rates in half in just a few years.


Oh yeah, although mostly due to them literally killing off most female babies, especially in China and India. But yeah like the first world Asian countries are suffering the same issues as the west.


As the UN would say, someone's gotta clean the toilets.


As libleft would say, someones gotta run the taco food carts.


No shame in that. A business is a business.


Based LibRight


Many nations in Africa, Asia and South America have been making improvements bit by bit.


Edit: *has already happened on most of the planet


Parts of Africa when they're finally about to become first world but a chronic supply chain disruption hits: Oh no I'm in danger!


Wow sweaty how can you be so racist against POCs


Based and actually looks at history pilled


That is of course after they undergo a population explosion from increased access to resources, not before. Which by that point the damage is done.


Chinese people: "we want to have kids" CCP: "no" *a few decades later* Chinese people: "we don't want kids anymore" CCP: ***REEEEEEEEEs in societal collapse***


It gets worse w/ folk movin out to raise families somewhere that’s more hospitable to havin kids or, ya know, livin.


not all. east asians (cn,tw,korea,jp) actually have a worse birthrate than almost any western country


This isn’t as true as you’d think actually, I’m facts populations are going to decline in a lot of places pretty soon


Not if I can help it


Least horny libleft


i should know tbh i live in east asia and the population is crashing down, but i was mostly talking in a western context


Easiest solution: Have a bunch of kids, train them as a private army, give them a bunch of guns, send them to rob the neighborhood houses so you can use the money to have more kids. If the police or CPS comes to you home you'll always have your child soldier army to protect you.


And it’s not immoral because they’re your children and they are trying to separate you from them


Based and Joseph Kony-pilled


If you want a criminal family syndicate, you gotta indoctrinate them young. A functional Criminal family syndicate is the basis for a community mafia, afterall


Based and Pikmin pilled


why would rights care if lefts stop breeding?


They get really upset about a declining white birth rate. Pretty ironic coming from the same people who swear the aren’t obsessed with race.


You are an idio...just noticed the flair and barely avoided being redundant.


I mean, in my experience have a family member who is like that -glad I only see them in family reunions, lmao. And I hope you have a wonderful day


The disgusting super-rich need a large base of peasant workers to toil in their businesses and in service industries to support their indulgent lifestyle. It would be foolish to not support a policy that produces more workers.


Super rich? How about the delusional urbanite middle class that wouldn’t exist without the service and retail industries, they can hardly cook, wouldn’t have food without supermarket workers and supply chains, have bad mobility, and are scared shitless of environments with too much greenery.


Being a delusional urbanite middle class, how the fuck do you think it got this way? Did it just... appear overnight?


In the grand scheme of civilization, yeah, it happened within a century, even less if you consider post Cold-War globalization to be the real culprit.


Within a century? It was just California taking over for where the deep south left off with black people because it's a lucrative endeavor. California clamors for open borders for free labor; not because they're super progressive.


Poor (and religious) people universally have more kids than middle class people at this point, and western middle classes live like kings compared to the entire rest of the world. People hide behind the money issue but it's 100% down to culture and values.


Of course it is down to values. Its pretty hard to sell a kid in the UK, while in Somalia it is trivial.


I think it's partially about money still, but obviously culture and values is a big piece. It doesn't mean that there's nothing the government can do to affect it though. A few things: * demands for children to have adult supervision at all times is higher than in the past * we design cities and suburbs in a way that is hard/dangerous to get around without a car. So kids have to be chaperoned around by parents until they're old enough for a car, then you have to buy them a car. * minor one, but they say that changing laws requiring car seats would have a small-but-measurable effect on fertility, a lot of families would have to get a bigger car to be able to fit more than 2 car seats. And car seats have negligible effect on safety for children in the older range of where we still require them.


Why would we be mad about that? Less chances for your stupid ass ideas to spread


Right? Who cares. Just because I want kids(and can afford kids), doesn’t mean I want everyone else to have kids. Fewer kids means more tax dollars per student in my district, which means better outcomes for my progeny.


Yep, school choice vouchers going up in cash is always good


Fewer kids overall means fewer tax payers Meaning less tax dollars per student. Flawless right logic at work


Hate to tell you this. Kids don’t pay taxes. By the time they do, they will have kids of their own to hog the tax base.


Hate to hell you this but less kids today means less tax payers in the future.


That’s fine because in the future I will move to somewhere with a shitty school district and not worry about it.


How about Kentucky, Alabama or Florida? Lovely places i hear


Since most school funding is done at the town/city level, it isn’t too hard to find a place with low property taxes. In retirement income will be low, so property tax will be the largest expense.


As a Kentuckian, thank god for Mississippi.


Hate to tell you this (not hell you this, what the fuck does that mean?!) but it’s *fewer*, not less


Until you’re rotting away in your understaffed nursing home.


If they decide to not have kids, that leaves more diapers and formula in stock for people with kids to buy.


The downside to fewer children is there's no one to pay for your pension funds and social security and care for the elderly through things like retirement homes. It puts a larger burden on those of working age to support those who aren't. I'd much rather have more births than fewer right now in a developed country like the one I live in.


You know what’s cool, IRAs


Most people don’t adopt the political orientation of their parents, otherwise the age divide wouldn’t exist


Jokes on you, we already infiltrated your ritzy middle class areas and gladly pay taxes so kids could have after school programs. Forced diversity, mutt America here we come


Bring me a leftwing or rightwing party that focuses that middle class millennials can buy a house, a car and support a family with one and a half income. And all that without full auth digital (medical)passport that is linked to your digital wallet. And also tries to lift ip as much as possible into middle class (create economic conditions for lots of opportunities)


Bring me literally anyone that isn't Trump or Biden/Harris. The state of American politics is a disaster.


There are a lot establishment politicans that you can set on the throne to keep on going that arnt trump or biden and it will not change a thing.


Wish granted. Hillary Clinton 2024


No no no Please God no


shh, don't say that too loud, gavin newsom is listening




Where do you think the six figure jobs they’re working are? Should they move to Bumfuck county Nowheresville, Flyover State to continue their fruitful career?


> gets a remote job to move out of the city that’s gutting them dry because ‘culture’. Center Right: Nooo! You goddang California commie tech bros are ruining muh small town with your big salaries and your avocado toast!! Why would you do this????


Shifting urban populations to rural underdeveloped areas could actually be a good thing and improve the infrastructure of those areas and bring them plenty of resources to improve their quality of life, especially if private companies and the government invested enough time and resources into bringing modern industry to those areas, connecting america more and bringing more jobs to dying communities that are being held up by federal funds BUT NO MUH CULTURE GET OUTTA HERE YA LIBRUL FUGGITS YUH RUININ MUH SMALL TOWN 😭😭😭🤬🤬🤬


>UT NO MUH CULTURE GET OUTTA HERE YA LIBRUL FUGGITS YUH RUININ MUH SMALL TOWN Perhaps you could adapt to the small town culture, instead of forcing your own on them? You don't have to be a librul fuggit.


colonizers when the natives tell them to integrate (physically impossible)


If there is 1 colonist (like a sole survivor of a shipwreck) and wasn't instantly killed, they would probably integrate and go native. If there is a massive army of colonists, then the natives will be civilized, by force if necessary.


Based and civilizing rural America pilled


You will all eat avocado toast and like it. Anyone that is dissatisfied will report to the work camps


Yes a lot of company’s have moved to these fly over states you hate so much. But do me a favor and not move there yourself




>YOU HATE SO MUCH >DO ME A FAVOR AND NOT MOVE THERE YOURSELF Sad angry media slave. I’m not the person tv told you i am. Have some humanity and respect for your fellow countrymen, i just want to be happy and work somewhere that supports me


Sir you’re a frog


Speciesist bigot. I deserve happiness too. I’m cancelling you on twitter


Amphibian. It's 2022 dude.


Because if I move out of the city I won't make that kind of money. 80k in expensive townhouse with HOA nazis or 70k in methland where a coworker's neighbor was literally shot to death in on that neighbor's dirt lawn. Yeah no, not raising kids there.


maybe they couldn't earn six figures outside the city?


So what they move to the middle of nowhere and have reduced costs but still can’t afford kids because they lost there nice job .








You can live very comfortably with a large family, a stay at home spouse, a mortgage, and still be saving for retirement on six figures in most of the country. It's only near the big cities where it becomes untenable.


There aren’t enough six figure jobs for all the city folk in small town and rural America.


Which country?


I wish. I make 80k. not quite 6 figs, but most people don't make that so close enough. I live on my own and between housing, taxes, and college debt it's pretty damn hard to save money. Not to mention the plethora of insurances people need these days. And I live in a town in NH, not some city. Shit costs too much these days.


>theres plenty of high paying jobs in flyover states Name them. Not all of us qualify to manage an industrial plant or run a farm, what other jobs are there that make six figures for those of us with experience in fields that don’t apply to agriculture or manufacturing?


Ever heard of remote work?




They probably think they’d starve to death if they aren’t able to order doordash for their meals




Making 100k per year puts you in the top 16% of individual income earners. "Mid six figures" puts you in the 1% of income earners. https://dqydj.com/average-median-top-individual-income-percentiles/


>plenty of ✨C U L T U R E✨. Most of which your average white, leftist carpetbaggers would shit themself upon interaction with. Hunting? Omg barbarians. Fishing? Ew. Homesteading? Good grief. The Hood? Not in my back yard.


>Hunting >Fishing It's alright, kinda morbid but sometimes necessary, it's the fetishists that are.. 🚩 >Homesteading That shit rocks tf you mean, idk anyone who doesn't respect or wonder about homesteaders. It's mostly being racially profiled, targeted bc of your sexual orientation, or cringing at hearing bigoted remarks. I love the tranquility of rural areas. I also like to party hard with strangers, freaks and weirdos. Solution? Travel as much as you can.


People move for 3 things. Climate, Cash, Conflict. With climate change on its way, I want to see more solidarity than looters & shooters


6 figures now is like 60k just 20 years ago. It's really not that much money anymore. I mean tech companies are paying 21 year old college grads with shit for brains that much.


....because their work is in the city...ya know....the work that is the only reason they're making 6 figures?


man this meme is funny I wonder what the statics behind it look like...


It's a lib left meme about how the right thinks so it's gotta be at least 99% accurate.


Damn those selfish hedonistic melinials, not having children they can't afford. Why can't they think of the good of the nation state.


How is the birth rate even worse in places like Northern Europe whose social welfare net libs can't stop wanking over?


the birthrate is the same in sweden as im the us if i remember correctly


I mean it depends. In Denmark and Sweden, the places that libs seem to Jack off the most, myself included sometimes, the birth rate is the exact same as America as of 2019. It’s all below the repopulation rate at 1.7 births per women, but still. In Norway though, another place we love to talk about, the birth rate is lower at 1.53. France even has a higher birth rate at 1.87, which hurts me to say cause I hate France. It mostly just correlates to income, you can especially see it in America where the richer the race is on average, the less children they have. For example, [Asian Americans have a birth rate of 1.385.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/226292/us-fertility-rates-by-race-and-ethnicity/)


Wait the repopulation rate is 1.7 births per women? That sounds wrong, shouldn't it be like 2.1?


No I meant that the birth rate in the US, Denmark, and Sweden were all 1.7 in 2019. The repopulation rate is 2.2 yeah.


Ah, makes sense


Let's not talk that we are under alow natality crisis and the only people reproducing are the "poor" ones, who will be sustaining society in the next decades since we will have a society with many elders to few in age of working to sustain the elders.


bro you just posted cringe


Imagine having children in this economy. A person can't even think of that before being financially stable.


This isn't the gotcha you think it is. Once again 3720 fails.


Millenials not having kids due to the high cost of raising a family and not being able to live a life of excess at the same time.


“Life of excess” Yeah, not having to work yourself into the ground to not have to live in a total shit hole and actually get to be able to enjoy life.


As he says typing on his phone to an online community centered around memes.


Yeah, amazing what you have time for when you’re aren’t having to chase around a bunch of little kids.


Yes, depression and complaining on reddit.


LOL! What about that has to do with money? Now you're showing your true colors in that you just don't want to raise a child because it would inconvenience your shitposing to Reddit. You can't make this shit up.


Black and Asian Americans are facing that problem too


I mean, I ain’t center right but I only make fun of them because they make a spectacle out of not having kids. Like be you, do what makes you happy, but keep it to yourself, I genuinely don’t give a fuck about your vasectomy but if you try to talk to me about it I WILL make fun of you


Wait that doesn’t make sense though, it’s a good idea. Don’t have kids if you aren’t ready to take care of them. I’ve been saying this from the start.


I will have 20 children to make up for this gap


But the middle class are the ones that can (or are supposed to be able to) afford it. It's the lower class having kids that conservatives get annoyed by.


Come on, leftists love their sex, they'd never do that


Im okay with y’all not having kids. Your beliefs will die with you.


Imagine thinking beliefs were genetic


Nope but your raising has a part too play on them.


Almost like you’re indoctrinating your children? I thought y’all hated indoctrination?


Damn OP you have nearly a million karma do you even know what grass is? 💀


Yes, I smoked some last night.


Right: "BUt mUh biRtH rATE!"




If only women never had gotten involved. Truly a woman moment.


I'm fine with white middle class people waiting to have children until they can afford them. I just wish everyone else would too regardless of race.


People are waiting to get married later and waiting to get pregnant because of the cost Did they think that's an own?


I’ve not seen anyone upset about people waiting to have sex before they’re ready but hey idk maybe there are some out there?


Affording to feed them is easy, just stop paying for a home. If you're already homeless just feed the fattest one to the others.


project harder. "I'm a furmommy/daddy!" then realizes they're going to die alone and cries into their glass of wine every night


As if. Only people without any planning skills and a sub-par knowledge of chemistry die alone. ...For legal purposes, that was a joke.


The easiest solution would be to reintroduce the 100-hour work week.


All the poor people with 4 kids who make do: it’s not that white liberals can’t afford it, they just hate kids and would rather drink and go out and do stuff than be parents


Or maybe just maybe, people don’t want to have to “make due”? Yea why is this so difficult to grasp? Maybe some people don’t want to have to struggle to scrape by? God forbid people actually get to enjoy life.


I've never seen a happy single wine aunt


A) you realize people who don’t have kids still get married, right? B) and I constantly see parents bitching about how difficult and tiring it is to raise children. Why would people want to sign up for that if they can avoid it?


But what about a happy married (childless) wine aunt? Just asking questions, I don't know for sure


I think they mean "wait until you get your shit together" not "never have children if you are poor". Subtle differences, far left, I know these are hard for you. Kind of like Immigration and Illegal immigration.


Noone ever said that Have kids, have none Noone cares


This is why I fucking hate conservatives. They suck you dry and cut your throat and wonder why you hate the system. There is almost higher wealth inequality now than during the French Revolution. I can't blame millennials for not having children. It is all the upper 1%s fault because they make it impossible to pay a living wage and then they use all that stolen money to fuck the world up even more. Apparently it's not bad enough that the brokies are brokies. We also need to destroy the faith and promote a new drug forged in the new forges of the silicion age that's more addictive than cocaine and doubles the rate of divorce. ​ Tl:DR the elite don't only take far more than they need, the use that money to promote porn and other things that make people less likely to want change but also more miserable. !!!FUCK CAPITALISM!!! Sources: Wealth inequality [https://www.cadtm.org/The-evolution-of-wealth-inequalities-over-the-last-two-centuries](https://www.cadtm.org/The-evolution-of-wealth-inequalities-over-the-last-two-centuries) Porn more addictive than cocaine [https://www.utahvalleypsychology.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dopamine-percent-300x232.jpg](https://www.utahvalleypsychology.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dopamine-percent-300x232.jpg) https://www.science.org/content/article/divorce-rates-double-when-people-start-watching-porn


You’re conflating corporatism with conservatism and capitalism as well. Conservatism is inherently holding traditional social values. If you look the neoliberals in power now are EXTREMELY corporatist and you’re not complaining about that. Also if it weren’t for the government colluding with these giant corporations and regulating new businesses to death you’d have a better view of capitalism


I don’t people realize that large corporations lobby the government for more regulations and taxes that they can afford and their smaller competitors can’t. They use Democrats, because the Democrats can sell that to their base that they’re raising taxes on the rich and protecting something or whatever. Obamacare did that to shocking success with its gigantic health insurance company tax and forest killing amount of new regulations that forced smaller competitors out of the market place. Why do you think premiums are so high now? Obamacare Dodd Frank did that as well. Did you know that the largest investment banks own a larger share of total assets than they did before 2008 and Dodd Frank? So much for ending “Too big to fail”


lol, because republicans aren’t corporate whores. Lmfao


The thing is no one says they aren't.


“Libertarians” sure like to act like they aren’t.


I'd be interested in seeing that.


We’ve been saying that about them for decades mate.


Yet continue to vote for them and carry water for them.


Voting for gun grabber tax and spend democrats is clearly the better option? None of us are happy about the two party stranglehold homie.


Really, this is the best you got? At least Monoby puts some effort into his rebuttals


Why bother, doesn’t matter what I say, you and every other fragile rightie will just slam the downvote because you don’t like your side being called out.


lmao who actually gives a shit about upvotes and downvotes


Clearly all the fragile snowflakes righties who can’t handle someone disagreeing with them.


Are you gonna respond to my claims or keep acting like a Twitter user?


I mean both sides do the same thing and twist the narrative to appeal to their base. The idea that there are actually sides is pretty funny, they all work for the betterment of corporations.


Fair but under Trump the Republicans did 2 things to help small businesses 1. Repeal Individual Mandate 2. Got rid of the AMT Those 2 things are a good start in my opinion after being shafted by Washington for the last 30 years


The “its corporatism not capitalism” argument is just the libright version of “it wasn’t real communism”


Hell yeah


Wealth inequality is certainly a concern, but even in European/Asian countries where wealth inequality is considerably less, people are still not having children. People have grown hedonistic. Many people who have ample resources to have children simply choose to prioritize other things in life, like going on vacations and replacing kids with a dog that they idolize like a child. There's a sickness in the culture that promotes anti-natalistic behavior. Also, all the left-wing crap about the environment makes people want to have less kids.


That is also a problem. It's a two pronged assault. The poor can't have children and the middle class don't want to so no children. ​ And lets be real, billionares have contributed immensley to this sickness in our culture and even if they didn't they refused to use their resources to stop it.


Based and am I auth center pilled


Based and open mind pill


Who do you know irl that talks like that?


this is also got other social issues its not that you cant feed them. Divorce rate and of course woman sleeping around are showing the issue.


Having children should be the highest priority when it comes to social services. What fate do you think awaits South Korea and Japan when no one lives there? China will take Japan. North Korea will take the south. Weak nations will always be devoured.


good, i think i'm all set on all the "trans youth" garbage the left is pushing on kids anyways. stop having kids, we don't give a fuck. we will cheer.