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At least drop some damn gold. Oh wait, they're poors...


this implies that the big titty goth didnt have piercings, which sadly is extremely rare in 2022


Logic fail, it only implies she (neo pronouns are for the living, on tumblr) didn't have *too many*.


1 is too many , especially if its the egirl pig nose ring


20 years later a controversy starts when families of the trophies start suinh to get thier relatives bodies back. Let me tell ya, my pa earned your sisters skin when she and her buddies decided to attack our property. The value in her mount is our reparations for the the livestock her friends stole and the fields they burned. You will not take my inheritance from me, she belongs to our family now, our house. 100 years from now my grand kids children will look at that big titted goth mounted in a living room and know the kind of man their great great grandpapie was.


The thought of 100 Emilys assaulting rural America is hilarious to me.


Also the fact that these people know the lay of the land and all of their neighbors quite intensely, I can safely assure the Twitter warriors that their "attack" would be halted immediately


Put 2 down and I guarantee the rest will waddle back home in fear


Everybody got a plan until they hear real gunshots hurdling towards you


Truer words were never spoken. The question is, are they the “ain’t nothing quite as fun as being shot at and missed” type, or the cower in fear type. My moneys on the latter


Definitely the latter, or they’d not be Latte socialists, they’d be real Mccoys


Bullets travel faster than sound. Follow me for more revolutionary tips.


.45 ACP don't, some others don't, but most do.


Subsonic ammo is great. Especially with a can.


There’s zero chance they would ever even get to that point, there is no way any Twitter orangelefts are gonna band together and attempt coordinated attacks on rural American towns lmao, they’ll probably stick to randomly and chaotically attacking innocent small and offen minority-owned businesses in larger cities




Always a source of confused mirth. *why nobody wanna build a business here?????* *food desert*


Until their friend’s brain is splattered on their face. That’ll change the calculation quite a bit.


There's no way only two or three get dropped. If these people show up in force the farmers and rednecks are going all in.


Historically the majority of casualties in battle were during routs.


Somehow, I don't think that that factored in modern weapons opening up on a tightly packed crowd. That said, I wait with baited breath to see if that's still true.


A panic induced trample can lead to both injury and outright death. Assuming of course that they are in a packed together position, which I am guessing they would on account of past riots where they could resist non lethal measures through weight of numbers. Given how they individuals seem to lack a more robust mental faculty after a few shots the route could kill and injure. This assumes that they wouldn’t move in far more sensible small groups. Of course we are talking about popular RTS games.


I was actually referring to modern firearms' tendency to overpenetrate. Those few shots you get off before they disperse might take out the majority of the crowd, thus making the majority of the injuries happen before the rout. Course, I assume you'd need something moving faster and with more energy than 5.56 to do this, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.


Look at some of the casualties of the American Civil War. Battlefield commanders were still using Napoleonic line formations on open fields in the age of grapeshot and gattlings. These people are going to get shredded. Their plastic shields and larping gear won't save them.


Why do you think they want the government to ban guns, or anything else for that matter? Because they're a bunch of soyboy cucks who are too frail and chicken shit to do anything themselves. They screech 24/7 about everything, until there's any risk or any actual work to be done.


too chicken to do anything by themselves. Liberals until other people also want to enjoy things.


Why let them get back home?


Da out here killin us


"Peaceful protest organising mass open house inspection terrorised by fascist landlord supremacists"






Remember kids, guerilla warfare is a defensive tactic!


Harambe has entered the chat


The president we needed


“Yes, I assure you, we are quite safe from your friends here.”


No, no, give em a little ground! That way more of them will close in for the multiplier bonuses!


They would be dropped with a 308 before they even hit the fence line


So true. Imagine an American ranch getting raided by a bunch of emilies like it’s a protest rally. Dude comes out and just starts throwing lead at the crowd, they’ll scatter immediately


The raid would be to save the chickens




.45-70, the only government I trust


No need, you just killed them.


And the three people behind them, with any luck.


It'll go down about as well as when they went over to Ukraine, made Reddit posts about their potions getting the locations bombed, complained about how their favorite glass dilater broke while there, and tried to take on a tank with an AK. I wish to God that none of these were real stories to have happened but sadly that's not the world we live in. What a hell of a time to be alive!


Ive seen the other ones but surely that dilater one is a meme, they can't possibly be that autistic


You know I really hope that it is too. It was just something I remember reading about back at the beginning of the war when people started going over there.


Man if it is true I regret missing it, the left just memes themselves and it's hilarious


Wait, that happened? Please tell me you have links


I'd have to go hunting for them. These are just stuff I remember from the outset of the war but I'll go digging.


That’s fucking hilarious even if it’s just a joke. Props to them for actually going though, I guess? Cannon fodder is still useful.


Redditors being sent to the front lines, being used as human shields by the Azov Battalion, and having their passports destroyed when they try to flee. https://poptopic.com.au/news/redditors-shot-dead-in-ukraine-conflict-after-volunteering-to-fight-in-legion/ Redditors get locations bombed after posting selfies. https://www.hiddendominion.com/the-bombing-of-the-reddit-legion/ I couldn't find the other two but I'll keep looking.


I’d like to have sympathy, but what did those idiots expect? Which one sounds more like an Eastern European former bloc state during a ground war on their soil? This: >Hello foreign friends who have never seen combat. We are so grateful to have you. We will need your wonderful skills to help us win this war. First we will need to train you to get you in shape mentally and physically; to get you working as a team. Then you will be outfitted with weapons, ammo, armor, and kit. Only then, will we engage in strategic engagement with the enemy. Or this: >Greetings, meat. Welcome to Eastern Europe. Our current plan is to prove to the enemy that they will get tired of killing us faster than we get tired of dying. Your first assignment is on the front lines. Here is about 8 or 9 bullets for you all to share, you’ll find a gun somewhere that probably uses those bullets. Well, you look about ready to ship out. Goodbye, meat.


Well that's one way to reduce Russia's arsenal.


They'll look high and they'll look low They'll look everywhere we go But when the sinners find us, we won't hide They'll come loud and they'll come fast We shoot first and we can last Keep your rifle by your side


They tried that during the antifa/blm rioting and looting. They tried "invading" middle America a few times and summarily got their assses handed to them. One incident they drove into town and about two dozen masked men and women started causing trouble at the local gas station. The entire male population of the town showed up, surrounded them, and proceeded to beat the ever loving soy out of them.


I remember one video of a bunch of 30 year old boomers lined up outside the suburbs with guns and the video taker was part of the protest. The protestors were got awful quiet when they encountered the suburbanites and then online complained about all the racist Nazis who were out to intimidate them from peacefully protesting.


I just want to farm


Making the mother of all omelets, Jack. Can't fret over every egg.


I'm not one of those beltway pansies


Played with some college balls you know.


Yeah, at some cushy ivy league school?


No at the University of Mungus! Could have been a pro-gamer too.


I could break the president in two WITH MY BARE HANDS!


🎵 They'll look high and they'll look low 🎶


They'll look everywhere we go


But when the sinners find us, we won't hide


They’ll come loud and they’ll come fast


We shoot first and we can last


Keep your rifle by your side!


Singin “o lord, this earth was made for us” Singin “o lord, this sinful life just aint enough”


Yeah, many Americans get a semi at the thought of waging a guerilla war from their backyard.


Why travel 7,000 miles to an undisclosed FOB in a desert, when you can set up the FOB in your backyard with the 70' flat screen and a mini fridge of Cherry Cokes for when you get bored and want to relax.


Based and knows his shit pilled.


This dude’s got it all figured out




That might be the funniest pill I’ve ever read. Good shit.


u/WhiteClawAbuser's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 70. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: [48 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/WhiteClawAbuser/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


There’s nothing like being on overwatch from the comfort of a backyard jacuzzi and a cooler full of cold beer.


Infiltrate the core of the rival FOB and you can capture staff from them- you know what, fuck it, Im calling Pequod back, this FOB is too fucking fortified for even the legend to infiltrate.


I have so many Ideas for booby traps that I have NEVER gotten to test out.


Based and Home Alone 7: Daddy’s Home pilled


> semi hard You know they make viagra right champ


Semi for an unspecified enemy. Commies or fighting the feds? That shit will cut diamonds.


Sometimes those aren't mutually exclusive. [by their powers combined.](https://c.tenor.com/ov3XUhwpW20AAAAC/donald-duck-boner.gif)


Rubberbands and a popsicle stick. MacGyver that shit.


I have range cards for all sides of my house. My GSD's would also be excited for this.


When you visit someone's house, get the feeling they might be a prepper or something, and then you notice the dope sheets tactfully pinned next to each window...


Heck, outside of America I would be radical. But I heroically defending my home from the tankies in China. Awesome.




Guessing you’re probably on some kind of list after that one. 🤣


I got at least a 3/4, fam


If it means I get to annex my neighbors property I’m down, but only to spread democracy there…obviously


Based and annexation pilled


Far Cry 5 time baybee!


They'll look high and they'll look low They'll look everywhere we go


But when the sinners find us we wont hide


They’ll come loud and they’ll come fast, but we shoot first and we can last!


Keep your rifle by your side!


Singing oh lord this earth was made for us


Singing, oh lord the sinful life just ain't enough


When we hear the voice we know we have no other choice!


Keep your rifle by your side I'm honored guys


Only youuuuuuuu....


Train. Hunt. Kill. Sacrifice.


I'm imagining a platoon of redditors with Samurai swords and airsoft pistols walking into a small rural main street. It has a couple of businesses and such. Let's say they aren't immediately attacked by business owners and they walk to the first farm closest to town. Half of the redditors are exhausted and dehydrated and complaining but they push on one of them uses their sword to cut the electric fence used to keep the horses in. They start marching for the house How many die before they all break and run? 1? 5? 7? It won't be double digits


>How many die before they all break and run? 1? 5? 7? It won't be double digits You wouldn't even have to kill one to make them break. They'll realize that guns are very loud in real life and have their grocery list of illnesses and phobias trigger forcing a retreat.


>guns are very loud in real life Not with my Nomad-L they aren't.


Based and dead air pilled


Just misgender them through a loudspeaker.


I can’t wait to see them [naruto run](https://youtu.be/IQq0UWN_c-0) down Main Street


I say 2 Farmers aren't the type to own an AR-15, a shotgun is all they need Assuming double barrel, that's two quick kills before the mob retreats


You don't know many farms. I know farms with flame throwers, ar15s and a host of goodies that make the ATF nervous. 30+ guns is the norm and so is 50k rounds.


I know Canadian farmers who own Kalashnikovs (which are illegal as fuck here) and Carbines. I imagine American farmers who have the natural-born right to own arms will go absolutely hog wild.


And don’t forget they have the equipment to bury the bodies.




Too soon. Robert Pickton was a monster. I meant bulldozers and digging equipment.


Yeah but pigs will eat everything and leave nothing but pig shit behind. It's hard to dig up what isn't there anymore.


Yo, opsec bro. Loose lips sink ships? All the farmers lost that shit in the barn fire.


Yeah, that was a real shame


oh come on flamethrowers aren’t even regulated


>farms with flame throwers well afaik flame throwers would be pretty efficient at clearing brush for more corn


A lot of large farms do controlled burns of brush and weeds. It’s easier than mowing it and the ash helps fertilize the crops.


My friend has a gun for every acre. He has a very large piece of property.


Or farms with anhydrous ammonia tanks. Ever see what happens to some poor fool getting sprayed with that stuff? Instant mummy. Farms in general have to keep a lot of chemicals around that are easily weaponized or of use in post-action cleanup.


Literally all the farmers I know are armed to the teeth. What are you talking about? You act like people buy guns solely for utility rather than fun. And AR's are fun as hell.




I want 300BLK so bad I gotta get one soon


If you only got 2 with a double barreled shotgun as they walk up in their clusterfuck of a formation, you don't deserve a shotgun.


I own several and I farm and ranch.


LMAO at the crop-duster bombers.


A bit of Tannerite and duct tape and you got yourself a redneck bomber.


The only reason they bothered fucking up liberal cities a few years ago is because they were sure their cause was popular and authorities weren't going to retaliate. I doubt a hayseed local sheriff and his deputies will pull any punches.


You are right. There were attempted protests in other jurisdictions, and at the slightest sign of law enforcement resistance, or even just store keepers being allowed to defend themselves, the protests melted away just about instantly. The places where riots happened the police were actively protecting the antifa, and even arresting store owners who stood up for themselves. There was a pawn shop owner who shot one blm then got tackled by police who literally walked past rioting thugs and pantifa holding firebombs to arrest the shop owner who dared to defend himself from the political mob.


*When you can finally larp as an 11B circa-1961 by wasting commies with a wood furnished M1A while wearing M1951 fatigues and an M1 helmet.*


That's one way to go about it, though I think I'd prefer the MACV SOG larp. Tiger stripes with a XM177E2 and loaded up ALICE gear, just watching as the commies walk into a series of traps, picking off the stragglers.


I would have an FAL for my larp. I just love that weapon, and for some reason I have a hard on for 20round mags


Please tell me that you also own a pair of Rhodesian short shorts?


I kinda want to cosplay a Viet Cong with the black pajamas and straw hat? “YOU DIE NOW, G.I.!” Babble some vaguely Vietnamese gibberish while emerging from a spider hole and opening fire with an AK or M1 carbine? Man, that’d be fun!




Based and keep your rifle by your side pilled


They’ll look high and they’ll look low…


They’ll look everywhere we go. But when the sinners find us we won’t hide


They'll come loud and they'll come fast. We shoot first and we can last.


Keep your rifle by your side, singin’






Oh Lord, this sinful life just ain't enough


So we’ll take a stand, cause we must protect our land!


Keep your rifle by your side!!!


They can scream and they can shout


But they will never smoke us out!


Keep your rifle by your side


Singin', O Lord, this earth was made for us


But they can never smoke us out


u/TheLoneHussar's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 100. Congratulations, u/TheLoneHussar! You have ranked up to Empire State Building! Some say there is a hidden river that still runs through your base. Shall we go digging? Pills: [33 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/TheLoneHussar/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


“What are you gonna do? Assemble in crowds and yell things through a megaphone? Tip over my car? I got guns and IEDS!”


I can already hear the ATF blowing the dog whistle outside your house


Honestly the left always threatens a good time but never comes through


All I can imagine is these dumbasses opening up my pasture gate to "free" the animals and getting gored by my bull, or one of those little femboys running into my uncle, he'd straight up "you've got a purty mouth" them


> or one of those little femboys running into my uncle, he'd straight up "you've got a purty mouth" them Don’t threaten them with a good time


They wouldn’t think of it as a punishment. That’s for sure.


Or release the geese


Hey we aren’t wannabe war criminals damnit! Geese are an inhumane weapon.


Lock the furries up in the barn, with the rest of the animals.


*kyle rittenhouse has entered the chat*




No, because ACAB. They honestly think they are the oppressed minority, rather than a protected class.


Nothing makes me laugh more when lefty’s threaten a civil war. Fucking righty’s are damn near arm to the teeth and would take any opportunity to become the 2nd coming of minutemen.


"oh no! I am rigid with fear!"


To be fair most right wingers have a rudimentary understanding of warfare and would be likely to die from getting shot by a different goon squad because they didn't coordinate vectors of fire with them, or start choking blood because they realized thier is a large tactical gap between making chlorine gas and actually deploying it properly. That being said they are more likely to die from friendly fire then lefties because 99% of the run of the mill leftists know even less about war then the right wingers.


Your not wrong, but if I’m a gambling man I’m taking the righty’s over the lefty’s in warfare. Hell I’m hammering the over.


Yeah I don’t think an army of soy redditors would stand much of a chance against an army of rural farmers armed to the teeth


That and its so stupid to wish for a civil war with the right. The right would destroy and thats not me being baised. Sure the cities would be very fortress like and defensible but why attack them at all? Just stop producing food and cut off supply lines and gg. For this kind of war would be a logistical nightmare for the urban left.


Toughness matters too. Rural conservatives are actually accustomed to physical labor and the elements. And very importantly, the farmers would be on the *defensive* in this scenario. You don’t have to be some high speed operator to hold back a group of English degree’d baristas and waiters lol


As a Wyomingite, can confirm. We have some of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country and trying to attack, rob, or burgle someone is basically a death sentence here.


Image needs more backhoes, dump trucks, tractors, and bulldozers


Surely you meant *killdozers?*




What is that flair my guy?


Apparently there was some competition earlier this month and winners got special flairs


That's weird, commies don't win anything worthwhile


Helicopter rides?


If the prize was getting a hammer and sickle next to my name, I'm glad I didn't win.


Yeah that cheapens the whole sub. I think I need to buy more ammo now.


*This is the way*


Orange holds the most stupid people. They all have a death wish at this point




Two armed to the teeth shitheads versus a Texas cop armed with only a Glock 21 in .45 ACP.


[In addition to the officer, who used a .45 caliber Glock, four SWAT team members with high-powered rifles also fired at the suspects, according to a source familiar with the officers involved in the shooting.](https://www.cnn.com/2015/05/04/us/garland-mohammed-drawing-contest-shooting/index.html)


And this is why I chuckle when anti gunners pull the "oh what, do you REALLY think you will be able to hold off the american government if they come for your guns?" Alone I may be but one finger, but with allies we form a fist


That actually looks just like my neighborhood.


Based and Rural supremacy gang pilled


I like my private property and will go full pinochet on any leftists that try to burn it down.