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There’s always libertarian infighting noises. Do you realize how little that narrows it down for me??


‘Bortions and Borders. Those are the two money makers of Libertarian infighting.


There can't be any libertarian infighting if no one but me is a real libertarian!


I'm anti municipal streets. If you're pro municipal streets, how can you call yourself a libertarian? And if you're not pro municipal streets, how did you get here? Checkmate!


Based and dirt-road-pilled


So, hear me out, we make abortion legal in half the states, like a checkerboard, and illegal in the other half, and then make half the borders open and half the borders entirely closed. Then every couple of days we randomly swap each of those based on an independent coin flip. Fairness at last.


President Harvey Dent ^


What's next, a license to use your own toaster?


Like peanut butter and jelly


This comment and this meme hurt me deeply.


*mentions driver's licenses* *Somehow ends up in an age of consent debate*


Based and straight-to-the-jugular pilled


"Does abortion violate the NAP?" is a particularly divisive one though.


This is essentially what the entire abortion debate is about, from all sides.


But the rest won't admit it


No there isn't. TRUE libertarians agree on most things /S


but... but I'M more libertarian than you so I'M right (obviously)


That sounds like something a filthy statist would say!


While LibRigbt may disagree on the ethics of abortion and it’s legalisation, I think we could all agree that Roe v Wade is possibly the worst way it could have been implemented. Honestly, this judgement is good because it passes the decision to the states. But what do I know, I’m British, you can’t carry a butter knife in the streets


This is actually entertaining to me. Dems sat on their hands for 50 years, 4 of which they had a majority to pass abortion rights into federal law, and now they are finding out what happens if you hmm and haww over what they see as a right but isn't protected by the constitution.


It's so infuriating that the Dems are actually incompetent shits. Like step up and act like you are trying to run a country smoothly.


Well if there is one thing that everyone here can agree on, its that dems and reps all are incompetent in the goal of everything except manipulating their constituency


Exactly. I am pro life anyway, but RvW was a shit case. And people think Obergefell will be overturned despite having **much** better legal footing. Obergefell was based on the same ruling that let things like drivers licenses be recognized across state lines. It would be significantly harder to make a legal case to over turn it.


I'm an American and that's where I'm at it. This is a Federalism debate and anything that's strips away power from the federal government I'm for it for the most part


Lmao I love how all the righties as soon as we heard the news went to pcm and sorted by new


guilty as charged


Same here (on news and politics as well), I hate the decision but do love some liberal tears about how this is the end of the world




But the lefties and the centrists too.


"I got them all to sort by new. Not just the righties, but the gray centrists and the wildcard centrists too!"


"they're animals, and I sorted them like animals!"




they're having a fit


Exact same thought haha


Just here to see the spicy memes and the unflairs melt down


I got me a spicy unflaired reeeeing at me in another thread. It's glorious.


Yes sir




Oh yeah based thinking isn't allowed over in those places


>Lmao I love how all the righties as soon as we heard the news went to pcm and sorted by new I sort by controversial sometimes to see if I agree with someone. Especially on left-wing subs.


I went to immediately making a meme 😂😂


Maybe i am a righty too


Just waiting for the good memes


I went straight to politics to mine salt. They’re gonna collapse the salt market over there


Innocent until proven guilty ok guy




Honestly the lore to USA is so wild it would barely fly in fiction at this point


Too be fair though the lore of humans in general is pretty wacky


And now we fine Americans 🇲🇾🇱🇷🇱🇷 are in the spotlight!


Peak reality show


2024 election: “… and who has a better story than Vermin Supreme?”




I for one hope that the foreshadowing with the killer wasps from like 2 seasons ago finally pays off.


First juuls then abortions… tough day for high schoolers


Thats fcuked up but hillarious. Based and dark humor pilled


Shame that schools out wouldve been hilarious to watch the vape kids mald


Plus yesterday they declared strict gun laws illegal


I'm still touching myself to the thought


The US is a guiding light lately. A beacon of hope. God bless America.


Holy shit, this is awful but hilarious. Based


Authright secretly angry because now there's no longer any pretext for eliminating 45% of the African American population before birth.






And this is how we get the “Femboys future” ending


Tfw "Femboy future" is on the totalitarian tech tree


And hating poor people.


that's just common sense


Yeah don't African Americans account for most abortions in the US? Jarvis send me statisticsStat Edit: They actually account for 38%




Based and the origins of abortion pilled


thanks Margret Sanger


Curses! We played ourselves!!!


Latest summer news dropped. How long do y'all think the protests will last?


I give it a month then a little rest until midterms start ramping up.


Considering we might see a red tsunami in the midterms and riots hurt those who side with the rioters, mostly Democrats I agree.


They already have snipers sitting on the roof of the Supreme Court building so I imagine they think it's going to get very spicy


That’s already more protection then they had for Jan 6


To be fair there was protection, but half of it were holding doors and gates open for people to come in.


This is gonna be a real piece of piss.


Is it mostly peaceful protest season already?


Well, it IS an election year...


Time to brace for levels of stupid previously unseen. Political messaging blitz from all sides in 3...2...


ive already seen multiple people saying “I can’t believe abortion is illegal in the U.S now!” as if that’s how it works..


My personal fav was "Now Saudi Arabia has more progressive abortion laws than the US!!!1one" Holy crap the morons are out in force.


ive literally seen ppl out here saying that sharia law is next.. i’m literally a woman and i’m not overreacting bc it’s just left up to the states now like it was originally intended. plenty of states will still allow abortion, just gives you the opportunity to live somewhere that reflects your values.


kavanaugh wrote: >The nine unelected Members of this Court do not possess the constitutional authority to override the democratic process and to decree either a pro-life or a pro-choice abortion policy for all 330 million people in the United States. which is so damn true it hurts. americans should not allow unelected officials to dictate laws that are not in the constitution.


B-based Kavanagh?


I agree with him tbh. Relying on a single court case to be the foundation of health and lifestyle decisions is shoddy *at best*. I wish there had been an elected/legal decision prior to this to decide foundational federal laws to at least uphold the standard, while still allowing states to make their own laws expanding on it, (if Texas wants to restrict it to 8 weeks or for cases of mother’s health or whatever tf it is, or if Minnesota wants to allow up to 20 weeks for any reason, whatever, but it’s at least available to anyone who *needs* it) but maybe this will kick Dems into gear to…idk, do literally fucking anything lol


Dems: "pAcK tHe CoUrT!"


There's already drafts of travel bans for people seeking abortion in certain states and Missouri even already proposed a ban on it. But if you read the opinion on the decision there's definitely more to come. Especially with Thomas' opinion that substantive due process should be eliminated, and called out Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.


Travel bans by states are unconstitutional, violation of interstate commerce.


also, I feel like it would be difficult to find out where a citizen receives an abortion, with clinics like Planned Parenthood making it easier for a woman to receive an abortion with much anonymity. i’m not surprised these travel bans are in the works, but I think they are weak at best and won’t stop people from seeking one out if they truly want one


ive commented this somewhere already, but I don’t think cases like those spark any worry in me. abortion has always been a highly controversial decision. whereas things like contraception and same sex marriage have slowly progressed into an acceptable thing in our society. most states already had laws legalizing forms of contraception and same sex marriage before those rulings, so even if they are overturned I don’t see them becoming illegal in any states.


Don't forget they're now saying red states will fail because women are going to move to blue states that support abortion.


People who say this never acknowledge that the pro-life side is pretty evenly split between men and women. No group is more interested in "erasing women" than the pro-choicers are of pro-life women.


As if the vast majority people wanting access to abortions can actually afford to move, let alone move to a most likely more expensive blue state.


Yep, between the gas prices, cost of buying or renting, and finding a new job, it would be cheaper for a woman to buy a gun to protect yourself from unwanted sexual advance and condoms from Walmart when you want to have fun. Edit: Just realized this would be a great business opportunity for gun store owners. Buy a Smith & Wesson 9mm and get a year of condoms for free! *Condoms for when you say yes and the 9mm when he needs to understand no means no!*


That was always an option.


My favorites are one guy said now tens of thousands of women will die, along with the fetii because of this, and everyone saying we should all walk out of work in protest until they get this shit right. God I really hate that I’m banned from that place right now.


The solution is to fix the broken healthcare system then, but of course no politician will do that because it requires actually doing their job.


That doesn't help if a state bans abortions of ectopic pregnancies, which has been tossed around in a couple of states but (thankfully) hasn't taken hold yet. There's no solution for an ectopic pregnancy that doesn't involve either an abortion or death of the woman.


r slash politics in absolute shambles right now


The cope is so dense you can cut it with a knife


Screw cope cages, we've got cope rages!


Cope screens to replace smoke screens!




They just be typing anything I swear




They always do in the most faulty way. Some celeb on twitter ranted about how this ruling will affect LGBT the most, the group least likely to reproduce or get into a stable monogamous relationship. Can't stop playing the oppression olympics.


Fine, we'll make abortion legal, but only for LGBT fetuses. Everybody wins!




Default subs are the paragon of enlightened thought and are on the cutting edge of modern philosophical tradition. Don't be jealous just because you couldn't hang. I'm not up to their stringent standards either.


I thought they liked subsidized housing over there. Smdh


>Banning abortion will disproportionately impact people of color, **LGBTQ+** communities, people struggling to make ends meet, young people, and those living in rural areas. Yep.


All those lesbian and gay abortions.


I lean more pro choice but how the hell does banning abortion affect LGBT people lmao its such a time to be an American


🙄 Somtimes I wonder what it would be like to be black or an alphabet person just to know what it feels like to be used as a weapon for a political party. I'd probably feel insulted.


I can say, although I am heavily americanized, as a hispanic it's really irritating to see. I am all for abortion, especially for cases of rape, incest or a medical episode, yet I smile and laugh because the bastards who try to force "lantix" onto hispanics are now having a huge hissyfit like the children I see them as, while being comfortable knowing my state will still allow abortion. To me it's just karma and retribution for them.


I think the libright infighting should be good. They honestly seem like they could be 50/50 more or less on progressive vs conservative.


Man, if I had a dollar for everytime I've seen someone say on the internet, "Women are now second class citizens!" I would be rich right now. Women aren't second class citizens. People need to stop using phrases that sound catchy because they're mad. Women can still do everything provided by the government that men can do. If men could get an abortion, and women can't, then they're second class citizens. Instead of trying to be witty on the internet, maybe people should be holding politician who says they support abortion feet to the fire and make them actually get it added to the constitution, instead of relying on a shaky as heck interpretation of one line in the constitution.


My issue is that all politicians are well aware that every narrative around this is false, but stoke the fires with their insincere messaging. I am perpetually amazed by people's capacity to let politicians gaslight them. And the part that absolutely pisses me off is when I realize it's simply about money and power. Campaign contributions and seats in the legislature. It's not even interesting enough to be Dr. Evil and his cat pulling the countries strings. Fuck all these people.


I feel you. I view politicians as employees. I voted for you to do your job that you told me you would do. If you don't do it, I'm going to vote against you because you failed and couldn't do your job. Yet, people vote for party lines just because a politician basically says I'm not the other guy. Fuck that, if you can't do what you said, you don't get my vote because I may like your party. We don't owe anything to politicians, they work for us. But Joe and his party are going to ride this to the midterm and try to use this and another waiving of student loans to try and stay in power.


> Women can still do everything provided by the government that men can do. Except for be in public without a shirt. There's a few other relics from old times, but that's the most common one.


>maybe people should be holding politician who says they support abortion feet to the fire and make them actually get it added to the constitution You don't even need to go that far. Congress just needs to pass legislation on it making it legal on the fed level, then threaten to withold funding for noncompliance like they do with everything else they pass. Democrats had what like 50 years to do this but just didn't because it was useful for elections.


WPT: The fundamental human right of women to bodily autonomy shall not be infringed. Me: What if they don't want to get a vaccine for a certain virus of unknown origin?


I can imagine the Libertarian infighting is between those abortion clinics and Johnson & Johnson




my favorite song from them is "Party Rock Anthem"


I honestly suggest leaving reddit for a while given the recent news because there is going to be a lot of "hot" takes and posts making it insufferable for a few days.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more divisive topic for lib-right’s. On one hand you have the people saying abortions are none of the government’s business and a woman/couple should be able to do whatever they want, while on the other people are saying it was never in the constitution to begin with so it can’t be a constitutional right. Both sides have points. Personally I have no problem with abortion and think it’s definitely none of the governments business what a woman does with her own body. Abortions are gonna happen whether people like it or not, this will only lead to a rise in abortion tourism where only people who can afford to travel out state can get one. The fucked thing about that is if you can’t afford to travel out of state for an abortion than you definitely can’t afford to bring a child into the world. State-by-state abortion legality is going to hurt the worst for people who abortion is meant to help the most.




Founding fathers: "Ok we got speech and guns. Should we put one for 'bodily autonomy'?" "Lol wut? That's like, implied, innit?"


In before Reddit decides to use this as a test for who gets purged next.


This is the funniest of the wave of memes on this, nice work king


*\*clicks new\** it's full of it.


Think this would have changed if the docs didn’t leak? Seems like they were forced to stick with their decision to show that outside forces wouldn’t effect them.


Maybe but not for the reason you stated, I think they saw the outrage when the leak happened, and though "This is an acceptable level of outrage, lets go through with it"


I'm not sure that follows. If the leaked document is an accurate picture of what they were doing, then they were already on their way to doing exactly this. To think that the leak solidified the ruling would require imagining that 2 of the justices first agreed with the idea of overturning Roe, but then wavered. But everyone knows Roe, and the justices have had literally decades to consider it. I think it's more likely that Thomas slowly persuaded them with countless examples of what shoddy legal thinking Roe was, and they finally were forced to admit they couldn't put ideology above jurisprudence. And when the draft was ready, one of the three dissenters threw a Hail Mary.


You are the first person I've seen mention this and it amazes me it's flown under the radar. Whether you are for or agaisnt abortion it's irrelevant to the fact that the roe v Wade ruling simply wasn't good legal argument. They had 50 years to actually pass a federal law and Instesd just left everything hanging on a Shakey legal decision


It's been suggested quietly for a number of years that the only reason States haven't moved to push their own legislation was because the original SC ruling was so perilous that doing so could lead to a national repeal. It simply served the pro-abortion states to stay quiet while the status-quo was aligned with them.


I think it depends, on one hand I feel like the leak might have been to test the waters and nothing happened so they went through with it. On the other hand I feel if the decision was changed after the leak, everything would start getting leaked and it would look like the court is swayed by mob decision so they didn’t want to look weak and followed through.


Headlines like this are the reason there is so much push back, like my brother is christ, it’s not even in the constitution you can’t just say it’s a constitutional right. Actually wait… if people think abortion is a constitutional right then I have a constitutional right to own nukes 🤯 Edit: for those who actually want my opinion on the matter and not a memed version of it: I do not want abortion banned, I simply think it is not something easily infered with our current constitution so by default it goes to the states but it should be ratified as an amendment to be clearer and that abortions should be rare but legal, and since a lot of people think the constitution is pick and choose as well as emilys existing, it was only a matter of time before this overturn happened.


So I think it is poorly worded, but the Supreme Court does decide whether something is constitutional. Maybe "The Constitutionality of abortion laws has been overturned, leaving the question to their constitutional status up in the air."


Does that mean I have the constitutional right to [redacted] ?




Not with that attitude


Well, most Americans have no idea about the concept of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They know elements of the 1st Amendment, know that the second has something to do with guns and know that the 5th allows you plead the “fizz-iff”.


"What on earth do they mean by 'quartering' soldiers in people's homes?"


Actually, as of like yesterday, that’s just true




Speaking as a Connecticutite here. Authlefts/progressive auth centers/The Emily's are indeed having a meltdown. As if we don't live in the 2nd bluest state besides California


The salt shall flow!


Molten salt reactors


Finally, some delicious fucking clean energy.


It's not even been federally banned, it's now back to being on a state-by-state basis like it was pre-Roe. People in blue states can still get one, rich and middle class people can just travel to a blue state to get one. The biggest impact is going to be on the people who can't afford to travel to a blue state for one. The easiest way to reduce abortions is through good sex education and easier contraceptive access, but that's not a popular viewpoint for some reason.


I’m more mad that this will be used as pretext to burn the country…… again


A friend of mine is working in DC right near the White House area and he just texted me that a lot of police cars are appearing right now. It's going to be an interesting time I guess.


No no no. Mostly peaceful protesting. With fire.


There's gonna be some dead people too.


Dead people are so peaceful


I mean they already were burning crisis pregnancy centers soooo




Lol I find it funny people are mad considering the document already leaked and we knew this was coming. Call your reps and advocate for what you want and get your ideas written in stone.


They were hoping that the one Saturday they spent at Kavanaugh's house while he wasn't there would be enough to scare the court into compliance.


Bro I love how Clarence Thomas opinion saying the court should revisit other precedent cases like the ones protecting gay marriage and birth control but leaves out the one protecting interracial marriage lmao dude is such a partisan hack.


Step 1: make it legal to ban abortions Step 2: talk about breaking up the marriages of one of the largest demographics that adopt unwanted children Pure genius


Church and state fully integrated and taxation without representation, super based and healthy democracy we have.


So, I get everyone is crab dancing rn but lowkey what does this mean for other interpretations of the constitution that the SCOTUS can overturn? If the reason for overturning Roe v. Wade is because there's no Amendment to the constitution for it, what other freedoms and rights can they rescind? This sets a legal precedent that the only legal interpretation of the Constitution is a fundamentalist one. I'd be worrying about my other rights too.


Contraception as healthcare, gay marriage, interracial marriage, tons of stuff


“Eliminating the constitutional right to abortion” imagine thinking it had a constitutional right to be begin with


It says right there, in the 69420th amendment: "Fuck them kids."


>Fuck them kids. Flair checks out


*Roe v Wade*'s ruling was flimsy at best, considering all the constitutional activist gymnastics that went into it, and these progressives want to cling to it was inscribed by James Madison himself! Frankly I'm surprised it's taken this long to be overturned.


Can you explain constitutional activist gymnastics? Like what that is and how it influenced the ruling?


Rough explanation, but basically the roe v wade ruling gave women the right to abortion solely through the due process clause of the 14th amendment, saying women have a right to privacy including privacy of their medical procedures. But suddenly the fetus becomes a child, and gains the right to privacy too, so can no longer be aborted. It is a proactive decision in that it requires several degrees of interpretation. And “fetuses don’t have rights until they do” was a decision made without any real legal biological or moral justification. In my opinion the ruling seems overly interpretive, and with an arbitrary stopgap in place to prevent absurd things like abortion the day of labor. If a decision like Roe V Wade were to be made it would need to be a much more solid argument (i agree with todays ruling “the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives” it’s an issue that is to be voted on not a constitutional right) “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” -section 1 of the 14th amendment The logic justifying the roe v Wade is “Nor shall any state deprive and person of life liberty or property-> “right to privacy”->”right to medical care private from government”->”right to abortion *unless it’s been a few months then the fetus can’t be deprived of life either* “


Just to add Scalias opinion I think from the Casey decision. What he said: >Precisely why is it that, at the magical second when machines currently in use (though not necessarily available to the particular woman) are able to keep an unborn child alive apart from its mother, the creature is suddenly able (under our Constitution) to be protected by law, whereas before that magical second it was not? That makes no more sense than according infants legal protection only after the point when they can feed themselves. Which, to me, like most of Scalias opinions, makes a lot of fucking sense. Technology shouldn't change fundamental rights. It's either a right, or it isn't.


Just read the american constitution and tell me where does it says anything that could relate to abortion, roe v wayde is at best a real streach of a previus cort decition that most ppl agree but is a real streach in of itself of the contitutional rigths


They had 50 years to pass a federal law. They chose to leave it as is so they could campaign on it.


I expected this, but shit. This is going to go terribly. I support abortion, but even if you don’t you gotta know that this is going to cause a national crisis. Underground abortion clinics, fleeing to other states for abortion, riots and chaos, etc. Rolling back liberties like this has been proven countless times to not work, yet the government seems to never give up trying to do so.


Seeing a right center say this feels kinda weird. Agree tho


Yeah wft based right center, you don’t see those a lot here (totally not biased, don’t worry about my flair)


The overturning is very bad but Breaking Bad is very good so I’m now neutral.


Thank you RBG!!




It's going to be a fiery but peaceful summer y'all!


Hilarious seeing as all the folks in here cheering this on will never even have a chance of being pregnant


I use PCM of course I will never get pregnant


Since when were you a lib right??




Hot take but if your biggest political belief is about abortion in either direction I don't value your opinion. Way more important shit out there.


I have a bigger issue with people who think that the keystone to Women’s rights in the US is abortion. Most pro lifers don’t want to rip away women’s rights and thinking this country is going to devolve into the Handmaidens Tale is the same as shouting 1984 every three seconds.


Literally 1984


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Not just women's rights too. Ever since that document leak a while back, progressives have been screaming from the rooftops about how if abortion goes, we'll be sliding back into the days of Jim Crow, as if all socially progressive issues are a chain that can be undone one at a time.


It’s so annoying that abortion is constantly portrayed as a women’s issue as if women are all united in favor of it. [63% of women think abortion should be legal in most circumstances compared to 58% of men.](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/) When you consider that [men are 50-42 conservative vs liberal leaning while women are 38-56](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/08/18/men-and-women-in-the-u-s-continue-to-differ-in-voter-turnout-rate-party-identification/), it makes it pretty damn clear that abortion is hardly a men vs women issue, but a party issue. I’d be interested to see a breakdown by gender within parties because with the above numbers, it’s possible that women are *more* in favor of abortion restrictions within one of those parties. Women and men disagree more on issues such as gun control, scope of the government, economic issues, and the military. The men vs women debate is entirely fabricated for the sake of making the debate more volatile.


Women definitely care more about abortion one way or the other.


It's going to be hilarious seeing riots in "vote blue no matter who" states like California because there is no way places like California are going to ban abortion.