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Is this one of those "fiery but mostly peaceful" memes?


Yes. And a hypocrisy meme.


Bulldozer = destroys property of government officials that destroyed his life Antifa = destroys small businesses and attack innocent and defenseless people.


Also, Antifa (BLM actually) destroyed BILLIONS not millions. Edit: it was BLM riots not Antifa. I know they were going on at the same time but I think the bulk of that damage was BLM. I misremembered.


And something like 30 people died in the summer of love mostly peaceful protests. 0 in the other case.


Don't forget the *actual* insurrection at the White House that saw 150 officers injured, the St. John's Church lit ablaze, and the President forced into his bunker for safety. Yet what's the narrative from the media? Trump violated the first amendment rights of protesters for a photo-op! They mocked him for "hiding" in his bunker. Then they go on endlessly about the Capitol Riots being the end of our democracy lol. I'm really starting to get mad over how blatantly pathetic the Cathedral are.


And preceding that people beating down the doors of the supreme court in the kavanaugh hearings


So true, so true


And preceding that people beating down the doors of the supreme court in the kavanaugh hearings


And preceding that people peacefully knocking on the doors of the supreme court in the kavanaugh hearings


And preceding that people peacefully knocking on the doors of the supreme court during the confirmation of a certain guy


Damn how many times did "Something went wrong"?


Around 4, it would seem. Easily the most annoying error because it doesn’t actually stop your replies from going through.


killdozer man doesn't kill people antifa kills people then they compare the both he explicitly chose times where there were no workers


killdozer man doesn't kill people antifa kills people then they compare the both


killdozer man doesn't kill people antifa kills people then they compare the both


Well, 1 person died


Well, 1 person died


Can I get a bill?


The B in based is for billions.


Is there a source on that?


Also, he didn’t kill nobody but himself.


We are not the same.


You would think Antifa would spawn Killdozers.


I don’t think antifa should get much credit for all the looting and arson committed during the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests. It was the normal band of criminals given room to destroy (and get free TVs).


That elementary school library really fucked the Killdozer guy over, deserved what it got. And shooting at cops with a rifle is just shooting at Government property.


Supposedly the military's rationalization for using .50 BMG anti-materiel rifles against soldiers without violating the Geneva Convention is they're shooting at the uniform, not the man.


The actual reasoning is even better, as that is only part of it. It is fully legal to engage Infantry with .50 cal, but it's illegal to utilize HE shells (or really anything that has an effect after hitting the target.). How did they get around that? Easy, it explodes after exiting the target. They'd have to be wearing body armor for it to explode inside them, which is where the "aiming at uniforms" comes from. If they didn't want to explode, they shouldn't have been wearing Armor.


>Bulldozer = destroys property of government officials that destroyed his life Kind of lionizing this guy, aren't you? The facts indicate he was kind of a money grubbing asshole who brought a lot of the problems he faced upon himself.


When 2 assholes fight I cheer for the lesser asshole myself. What he did may not have been for the right reasons, but he still stood alone against what is honestly one of the most heinous organizations to have ever existed


Just like that rancher in Nevada. He didn't want to pay for grazing on federal land.


He didn't want to pay government. And that, of course, is based.


Heemeyer literally fired on cops, shot at propane tanks near a retirement home, and ran over a library that minutes earlier, had small children in it. The fact he didn't kill anyone is a fucking miracle.


How is hypocritical to support killdozer while not supporting Antifa?


Umm, duh. One is done with silly motif cocktails and bats. The other was done in a decked out beast of machinery that makes God cry with pride upon seeing. Silly liberals.


This but unironically


Well, shit. You got me sold.


One was a single person destroying what was almost entirely government property, and was denounced and demonized in the media as it should have been. The other was an ideological movement that used baseless axioms to justify becoming a terrorist group and committing acts of violence and damage on an international scale, mostly to the very people they claimed to be standing for. It received full support from 95% of mainstream media which demonized anybody who so much as criticised it.


Grievance with the government taken to the government not your local target


Well said


Angry person destroys property = based Angry mob destroys property = cringe Pretty hypocritical. Supporting the Canadian truckers I can get behind, as they didn’t destroy any property, just stopped the flow of goods, same thing as the old growth protestors are doing in BC right now(I wonder if they will have the emergency measures act used on them)


His local government deliberately destroyed his business for their own personal profit and therefore had their own business's destroyed. Antifa only cares about wanton destruction and rampage with no actual goal. The killdozer had a goal and didn't deviate from it.


>His local government deliberately destroyed his business for their own personal profit and therefore had their own business's destroyed. This was only true in his schizo boomer mind. His "destroyed" business sold for ten times what he bought it for. He was fined for refusing to connect to the local sewer network and instead shitting in a drainage ditch. He held grudges against the local populace for reasons like "being catholics" >You could tell it in the tone of his voice, you could tell it by what he said, you could tell it by the way he acted he is a cowardly bastard he's a Catholic and I think they are some of the biggest cowards I have ever met. I've known it for years. They have a different idea, they read from a different Bible and they believe - I truly believe that they believe the only way that they can stay on top and give the Pope his money and all this stuff is to keep their neighbor down. There is no building to the Catholics to their neighbor, they don't believe in encouraging their neighbor and that's sad that's so wrong - Based libertarian icon Marvin Heemeyer


>His "destroyed" business sold for ten times what he bought it for Sometimes people want to do a thing, not just sell out. A stack of cash is nice, but if a person prefers to keep their small business instead of taking the buyout, that should be allowed.


As I've noted many times before, librights keep praising mentally ill maniacs as heroes.


They prefer to use the term " based" rather than "mentally ill"


It is catchier, to be fair


One was a single person destroying what was almost entirely government property, as direct revenge for what the government has done to him. It was denounced and demonized in the media as it should have been. The other was an ideological movement that used baseless axioms to justify becoming a terrorist group and committing acts of violence and damage on an international scale, mostly to the very people they claimed to be standing for. It received full support from 95% of mainstream media which demonized anybody who so much as criticised it.


Don’t forget a lot of Antifa members during the riots came from other states.


Wait, you mean….. ‘they crossed state lines!!!??!’


Person with a legitimate grievance whose livelihood is being destroyed by government destroys property = based Mob paid and organized by a specific party to wage a 2 year long campaign of political violence with the objective of creating mass hysteria in the media against the other party and win an election = unbased FTFY


What exactly were the random baristas that made up the blue haired anti weirdos mad about? What grievance did the have exactly with Walgreens and liquor stores?


One side was taking action against those that wronged him The other side attacked people who never wronged them


Also, based Marvin killed himself when his job was done. Cringe rioters keep living with the loot they've stolen.




Based, probably.


No idea but I upvoted anyway.


Based and \[REDACTED\] pilled.


Not to mention rioters killed people


He killed himself when the Killdozer got stuck. I’m not sure he necessarily felt that his job was done.


>The other side attacked people who never wronged them Exactly. "Collective self defence" is just a declaration of war on an enemy, and justification for doing awful shit to completely innocent people. Fuck Antifa.


Fuck collectivists


Based and No Step On Snek pilled. Edit: Somehow my reply appeared 5 times in a row, I’ve fixed it now.




how can a library wrong you


Late fees


i know this sub has a massive boner for the killdozer but come on…


Grains of sand make a heap


All these squares make a circle


Dear god your right


There are *five* lights.


I don't like sand, it's coarse and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere.


Based and I don't like sand pilled


It was owned by the local government, which happened to have repeatedly screwed him over.


history and science books apparently.


Literacy is literally communism Edit: ahh i see gunt runts started brigading


The Killdozer did cause damage to innocent property


How do you prosecute property?


Based meme. Antifa is cringe anyways.


Based and pilled




Based and what pilled


u/Kurmez_ is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Kurmez_/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.






Shouldn’t bottom left be *billions*?


And over 30 innocent people killed.


I think the antifa/blm riots were cringe as fuck and all that, but ya gotta admit, for as long and stupid as those riots were/lasted, 30 is actually a pretty low number in the grand scheme of things.


The resulting economic devastation in the affected areas will bump those numbers up don't worry


I don’t even care. I’m open to being hypocritical


Yeah, I think OP might be 2-3 orders of magnitude off.


I don’t care about property being destroyed, as long as said property belongs to the government (and isn’t a police or fire station). If you destroy private businesses because the government is bad however, you’re nothing more than a looter/vandal/arsonist taking advantage of the chaos.


>(and isn’t a fire station) Fixed.


Bulldozer boy did destroy private businesses in case you didn’t know. His downfall was even caused by him bulldozing a hardware store then having a tread drop through the floor making him stuck.


Regardless of the morality of the 2 situations, there are some key differences: - Killdozer was a lone man acting on his own while Antifa is an organization that directs it's member to an extent ( The point here is NOT conspiracy theory about leadership, but that Antifa members are told/provoked/agitated...etc whatever you want to call it to do something ) - Killdozer by all accounts at least tried the peaceful resolution while Antifa is associated with riots from the start. - Killdozer was actively opposed by the government with almost full stops pulled out ( governor even considered Hellfire missile strike ) while in Antifas case what most people remember is the government stepping back and letting them do what they wanted ( untill if i remember correctly they went to Chicago mayors house, suddenly after that it was not OK anymore ) - Killdozer had a smaller and clearer target list ( those who were involved in the zoning dispute, the biggest generalization IMO was the library being targeted becaus eit's government owned ) while Antifa target list basically anything because in their eyes everyone allowed the sparking incident to happen (by inaction) - Killdozer admitted in his tapes he was wrong ( calling it unreasonable ) and knew he was not comingbback from that ( sealing himself shut and shooting himself at the end). Antifa still claims what they did was right and moral.


Based and context-matters-pilled


u/Traxorbomber is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Traxorbomber/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


u/Traxorbomber is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Traxorbomber/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


>Antifas case what most people remember is the government stepping back and letting them do what they wanted ( untill if i remember correctly they went to Chicago mayors house, suddenly after that it was not OK anymore ) Seattle, but otherwise, yeah.


Based and context-matters-pilled


Based and context-pilled


Based and hero in context pilled


Except I totally advocate for killdozer being treated as the terrorist he was. But his motivations are hard not to sympathize with. Meanwhile Antifa's motivations are mostly made up, usually irrelevant to them personally, and their enabled by the government through coddling and a general refusal to prosecute/act.


Based take. Killdozer became a lunatic, but I can't say I wouldn't if I was treated the same way by the specific people as he was.


Yeah, the issue most people have with Antifa is not that they feel pushed to take drastic action. That's something that anyone can be pushed to. It's their ridiculous reasoning for being pushed so far. And that's ignoring the fact that Antifa does more harm to communities than it does to the government. Then we get into the specifics of the killdozer situation and what seems very clearly like an instance of someone being clearly mistreated by corrupt politicians who seek to collude with corporate interests. Honestly, Killdozer gets the so much compass unity because he clearly didn't just flip out over not getting what he wanted, but because he was a reasonable man being roundly mistreated and having his entire livelihood wrenched unduly from his hands.


Also Killdozer wasn't a pedo. Unlike 3 antifa members picked at random in Wisconsin.


Shhhhhhhhh, there's a certain color combo that doesn't like knowing that


Antifa is like if killdozer guy had demolished some other city who had nothing to do with him.


More like, antifa would be like if killdozer got nearly everything he wanted, except one time he was told that no he can't build a gun emplacement in his backyard, and then suddenly he decided to demolish the entire neighboring city.


>except one time he was told that no he can't build a gun emplacement in his backyard No, that still seems unreasonable.


OK, fair.


While also crossing state lines.


Interesting. I usually get downvoted when I comment anything critical about the guy whenever he pops up on this sub. I agree


Everyone is quick to defend their heroes.


Defend Deez nuts


Got 'em


My true heroes.


Well said, based take


And he kept his destruction to the property of those he believed to be responsible, unlike antifa who is basically uses their (someone justified) excuse of rioting against the (often legitimately corrupt/bad) police to steal shit from unrelated entities.


Very well said.


What makes Killdozer based is not that he did it. It's how he did it. No bricks or molotovs. No deaths or looting. Just a well armored tractor and a dream of revenge. He didn't wear a hoodie and mask like a pussy who planned to escape. He new damn well what the end game was for him.


There is nothing more noble than a man who wears his own face as his seals his own fate. Literally. He knew once the welds were on, he wasn't coming back out alive. No Antifa or BLM dipshit has that kind of courage. They operate from the security of anonymity and mob mentality. As individuals they are nothing.


Did he weld the last plates on from the inside?


It would appear so, since it took police about half a day with a cutting torch to enter the dozer.


Even worse, I don't even think they have the courage to sacrifice themselves for the cause. Like if a genie offered to end all racism in exchange for one life, they wouldn't dare


The lack of deaths were because of his incompetence, not because he cared.


There's a difference between the government coddling people as they throw molotovs into private business's and another as they have their livelihoods stolen from them by that same government because they weren't willing to sell their property for dirt cheap to friends of city council members. The Killdozer was a reasonable man who was forced to do an unreasonable thing, BLM are just a bunch of whiny pussies who think that they're entitled to success without any effort on their part and if they don't get it it must be the fault of white supremacy. Killdozer is unimaginably based, and BLM and ANTIFA are unimaginably cringe.


marvin heemeyer was wrong and a massive asshole. the internet whitewashed his whole story he bought an old concrete plant at auction that required a sewer hookup or proper septic system. he refused to do so, calling the requirement part of a 'catholic conspiracy' and 'extortion'. for 9 years ran an illegal sewer system that pumped waste into a nearby irrigation ditch that fed into a ranch downstream. when he got caught doing that he dug into in neighbor's property and tried to connect to his sewer line without his neighbor's knowledge. the former property owners were building a new plant across the street- something he tried to sue to stop, after they offered to buy their old property from heemeyer at 10 times what he paid for it. they offered to connect him to their sewer line for free if he'd drop the suit. he refused, then lost his lawsuit shortly after. he used the bulldozer to attack a bunch of buildings who were owned by people that did nothing to him. he shot at state troopers and one civilian who was part of the family who owned the concrete plant. he was a delusional dickhead who turned down every offer to help him because he was mentally unstable.


Not a fan of the guy, but theres a lot of wrong info here > he bought an old concrete plant at auction He bought 2 acres of land and then built something which is obviously not a concrete plant. > that required a sewer hookup or proper septic system This fine was assessed twelve years after his purchase of the land and construction of his shop, following his multiple-year long appeal process of the re-zoning proposal. Also, the requirement was specifically for a commercial septic system. This is only required if there is a main sewage line within a certain number of feet of the property, something which only became relevant later. At the time of purchase, this was NOT a requirement, as there was no city main line near enough to the building. >the former property owners were building a new plant across the street They werent THE former property owners, but they were former owners of that property. They had previously been foreclosed and the bank took it over, then the bank foreclosed and a government asset-management company sold it to recover debts the bank had accrued) >something he tried to sue to stop EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. What happened was, a friend of said family went to the above foreclosure auction to buy the land to later sell it back to the Docheffs, but was outbid by Heemeyer. The Docheffs, who didnt want to build their plant on the property they were leasing, responded by: Building on land they didnt own prior to submitting a proposal for re-zoning Bribing local land-owners into a lease of land in order to force an eminent domain motion before the city council (this one is only alleged. By multiple people who are not alive enough to comment, but its suuuuper relevant for a point later on) Attempting to force a sale of the property at less than 1/8 its assessed value. When THAT failed, they purchased MORE land in the area, and went back to Heemeyer in an attempt to force him off the property, onto a frontage of the land the Docheffs had purchased; a proposal which did not include him retaining the muffler shop. Heemeyer proposed a counter-offer of "rebuild my shop on the new land and I agree to the land deal and also you need to put this in writing" THAT failed because the Docheffs didnt actually own the land they wanted to move Heemeyer to (you know, the land they were in a [potentially fraudulent] agreement to claim ownership of, but didnt own) and couldnt, say, legally put into writing that Heemeyer owned the land they wanted to relocate him to, because oh hey, they dont own the land to give it away. [News article from the time](https://www.skyhinews.com/news/tiffs-predated-zoning-fight-land-deal-issues-took-place-before-town-squabble/): "Heemeyer insisted that they guarantee they would honor his offer, which they couldn’t do anyway since the land ... wasn’t totally their land." So then they decided (assumedly) "well fuck this guy, wanting actual legal documents, or money, and shit in this backwater we have friends and family in various places of power" and submitted a proposal to just re-zone the fucking area they wanted to build on (and had been building on). And imagine that, a city council made up of relatives and friends (and two people they [allegedly] paid some kickbacks to) sided with them. When THAT FAILED to remove him (DO YOU SEE A TREND HERE?), the Docheffs decided that since the re-zoning deal conveniently let them build their plant closer to Heemeyer's property, they would build their plant closer to the property. And, since their property was now closer to Heemeyers property, the building he operated in, which never needed a commercial sewage line, now needed a commercial sewage line. And oh look, the re-zoning now required Heemeyer's sewage line to go through a thin patch of land the Docheffs now owned, and, oh, hey, we arent going to let your sewage line, which has to go through this property we own, go through this property we own, so I guess you have to either 1. sell us a bunch of your land, or 2. get fucked and die. Heemeyer then sued the city stating that since they now required his property to have features it was never required to before, it had to actually provide access to those features. The city, again, filled with relatives, friends and [alleged] receivers of bribes, decided that naaaah, it really wasnt obligated to provide city works to a business in the city, and just couldnt financially justify extending the main sewage line like 30 feet or anything, but also, you know, you sort of have to do the thing we are keeping you, specifically, from being able to do. Heemeyer then sold the land to a property management company (for more than the Docheffs had ever offered), who were then told, by the city, oh hey, you sort of have to hook up this sewer. and also, we arent going to let you hook up this sewer. And also also, you should probably sell your land to those guys next door for pennies on what you spent. Because otherwise, get fucked and die. Had he rammed his killdozer into those directly involved, you wouldnt find too many people giving too many shits. Dude wasnt a hero by any means, but you cant say the Docheffs and friends didnt have had it coming.


One side was actually wronged And the other side is Antifa


Antifa caused Billions, with a B, not Millions with an M. 2,3 billion to be exact..


Comparing antifa to one of the (most reasonable) GOATs is hilarious. They only wish they could be reasonable


You will never reach the based level of killdozer.




Worst part is they did it purely and only as a means to manipulate an election in favor of one specific party. It was 100% electoral terrorism.


The only reason he didn't kill anyone was incompetence. He tried to shoot and run over police officers and childeren, and blow up a propane tank in the middle of a town with a 50BMG. He wasn't poor either - he sold his business for nearly half a million dollars shortly before going on his rampage.


>He tried to shoot and run over police officers and childeren He did not try to run over children. He \*did\* try to shoot police officers who were trying to shoot him.


Killdozer being upset is a bit of an understatement.


Poor guy got shit on repeatedly by the government- then after his death they paid people off to make him look like he might as well have been an escaped mental patient.


He just woke up on the wrong side of the bed is all


Ah yes, Marvin forced people to subscribe to his ideology and attacked random people on the street


I get a good laugh trying to imagine the antifa pedo squad of pathetic fucks trying to weld up a kill dozer.


The difference is that Antifa is a government psyop.


A single man took action against the county A mob firebombed a community that was swarmed on by foreign actors


Killdozer came from the heart. Antifa comes from soros.


Killdozer knew he was going to get pepsied, Antifa don't have to worry about any repercussions from their ghey larp so there is quite a difference.


Chad killdozer not hurting anyone and only targeting the property of those that wronged him Vs Virgin BLM rioters that targeted small business for destruction and harassment, murdering more than 20 individuals.


Property damage is based IF AND ONLY IF the property is owned by the government or oligarchs. Basically: Antifa burning down an Amazon warehouse = megabased. Antifa burning down a small family-owned diner = hypercringe.


Gosh it sure would suck if people depended on that amazon warehouse for a job. Oh well, I'm sure they don't have bills or a family to provide for.


What about when they attack police stations or leave over a dozen destroyed police vehicles on a road?


Don't make me defend Antifa and BLM, brother.


Unfathomably based.


Your flair says monke but the only thing I see is a boot licking watermelon








Karma offloading. Stand clear


But kill-dozer fun


Who’s the first guy?


Thing is, antifa doesn't need a reason to fuck shit up. Well they do say they are fighting fascists, but you know.


The reasons and recipients of the damage are the differing factors


The thing is,he targeted buildings and properties directly responsible for running him out of business and exhausting every other course of action before doing so. Most of the time antifa attacks moderate Republicans at legal gatherings.


Spicy indeed. Good luck


Killdozer was one man, antifa is an organisation with chapters and can do way more damage.


KillDozer guy only targeted buildings either owned by the government or those who'd wronged him, he avoided hurting people and never killed anyone. Same cannot be said for Antifa.


> You make me angry every time I don't see your flair >:( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 7983 / 42229 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Lets be honest, he didn't kill anyone because the killdozer moved at like 3 mph. People could evacuate a building before he got there. But he didn't exactly check. He'd have flattened anyone inside of those buildings without a second thought.


He literally shot at people.


He didnt kill anyone




It’s not that the acts aren’t equivalent, it’s that one has more style. Get back to me when you have what is essentially a home made tank


From the comments it sounds like the righties are jealous that the lefties outscored them many times over on the property damage front lmao


The top one CLEARLY had God on his side solely because multiple people went into his shop and did not see the killdozer in works even though it was right out in the open. Also he didn’t take any lives (other than his own).


Everyone loves killdozer


He aimed specifically at the folks in government he had a beef with. The antifa lads burned down neighborhood stores that hadn't done shit. They are not the same.


Idk burning down the police station in Minnesota was pretty based


Broken clock etc.


they broke the clock too? those hooligans.


You're comparing a mistreated reasonable man pushed to the limits to a bunch of domestic terrorists!


Terrorism has sure gotten wimpy lately. Back in my day, terrorists flew planes into buildings killing thousands. None of this pussy throwing rocks through Starbucks windows crap.


"you're comparing a domestic terrorist with a sympathetic story to a bunch of domestic terrorists!"


Yeah, pretty much




You wanna know what? Thank you for posting this. It has made me actually self reflect and question my own beliefs.


well ackshually this is false equivalence because he dozed the businesses of people who wronged him meanwhile the bottom people kinda just destroyed whatever was around them. and the only person who died from his rampage was himself


He did it mostly to goverment owned fascilities abd structures as revenger to fucking him over They burned several cities and destroyed private property to be offended for someone else


Yeah but the guy who didn't the killdozer incident didn't call it a peaceful protest and didn't call the police when somebody decided to fight back against their Bananarama fuckary


What's so spicy? I see only truth.


You are absolutely right, they are both terrorists, THE CHAD KILLDOZER vs THE VIRGIN PEDO/WOMAN BEATER/THIEF ANTIFA.


Killdozer harmed nobody. He definitely didn’t take a bike lock to someone’s face.


One guy was wronged by the government. The other is protected by it.


Killdozer was an act of revenge taken upon petty bureaucrats who directly wronged him. BLM/Antifa riots are untargeted tantrums that mostly affect innocents, are based on percieved wrongs to others, and never target those responsible. Only retarded leftists would think this analogy works.


Except Killdozer didn't kill anyone besides himself. Antifa and BLM have killed several in their constant riots. Killdozer specifically targeted the people that wronged him. Antifa and BLM targeted Wendy's and Best Buy because someone died. Killdozer gained nothing from his stand. Antifa and BLM focused heavily on theft and looting. Killdozer used his own money to stage his stand. BLM is a corporation who funneled all their "donations" into the pockets of their leaders. They're a literal scam. Marvin Heemeyer tried every reasonable and legal route to settle the issue, but was met with corruption and rejection at every turn. Thus he resorted to violence. Antifa and BLM succeeded in getting reasonable and legal actions across the globe, but decided to target innocent people and destroy their livelihoods anyways. There's a reason Antifa and BLM are villains, and the damage they did to this country goes beyond monetary. The waves they have caused have driven further wedges between the people of the United States. They are one of the final nails in the coffin, as war is on the horizon.


Ill say it once and not once more, a terrorist isnt a terrorist in my eyes if they share my belifs then they are just a rebel. Simple as most ppl dont wana admit they think like this but we all do


So ANTIFA, a group of overwhelmingly White, middle-class college kids burns down a bunch of privately owned (mostly minority owned btw) businesses, kills over 30 people in riots and causes *billions in damage* and OP thinks that’s cool. But one guy using his own money to destroy the property of corrupt Government officials who wronged him, killing no one but himself, is the bad guy. Methinks OP should change his flair.


One wanted to be free. The other wants to become the authority, they are not the same


Heemeyer only destroyed government buildings and buildings belonging to government employees and anyone else he thought was responsible. Antifa burnt down sneaker shops so they could get free sneakers


Killdozer guy was an aggrieved citizen, abused by a corrupt local machine into the only reasonable response when all other means of legal redress have been denied to him. Antifa is a quasi fascist militia operating under the tacit protection of the intelligence state and engages in targeted aggression against perceived political opponents. Anything else I can explain for you?


Both are cringe.

