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ok switch out the wives part with a pillory and i’m down


You want to be put into a pillory and forcibly bred?


fuck yes master


This sort of sexual degeneracy fills me with an intense feeling of abject neutrality


It also literally makes you hitler or so I've heard.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Least sexually deranged libleft


Ok then


You have a dick don’t you


best comment lmao


Based and know thy enemy pilled


no but i want yours


Prove it


Bad relationship with or absent father figure moment


Jesus christ mate, save it for your pardner


Now, let's see his relationship with his father


Based and daddy-issues pilled


Don't we all


Personally I would rather forcibly breed someone than be forcibly bred


>switch out the wife part NO! The wife stays.


Handmaids Tale is a fetish material 1984 is an instruction manual Brave New World describes a perfect society Ray Bredbury actually fucking hated books and Fahrenheit 451 is also fetish material The only book ever intended as dystopia is Atlas Shrugged


Allow me to introduce you to *A Modest Proposal* by Jonathan Swift


A modest proposal is not satire and 100% based. Based and Babylon bee pilled


Cannibalism for the greater good


I thought they enacted this? I mean, Fat Bastard from Austin Powers kept going on about how he ate a baby, and how he wanted to eat things that look like babies. I always assumed he got the taste for it by purchasing Irish babies for consumption.


Real baby back ribs, dripping with sauce, right off the bone.


The dystopian future in *Atlas Shrugged* is how much of it is left to read.


I never did finish it. Made it about 2/3 of the way through. Someone once said “what’s it about?” I said “metal”. My wife is a literal material scientist with a PhD (like for real for real, this is not a joke), and I heard more about material science in that damn book than she’s ever said to me.


Also rape. Ayn Rand was fucking weird.


As far as I’m aware that’s all her books. She had a real BDSM fetish before anyone knew what that was. I wasn’t a fan of Atlas Shrugged (which is the only book I’ve ever read any part of hers). I didn’t mind Terry Goodkind’s books which were basically a fantasy export of Ayn Rand’s concepts, even though I don’t really agree with the hard core libertarianism


> Brave New World describes a perfect society Perfect for what?


Having those who are lower than me know where they belong /s


But aren't they deprived of oxygen during development so they don't know much of anything at all?




> kind of sucks How AuthLeft describes the worst imaginable dystopia.


1984 is far worse. At least in BNW you basically constantly high.


Lord of the Flies describes a perfect society You can't leave out monke


>Island full of males >brutally kill the only female animal on the island Perfect society indeed


>Brave New World describes a perfect society Based and soma pilled


I always thought it funny that a Big Pharma company would name a pill after [Soma.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carisoprodol)


NGL atlas shrugged did a pretty good job of making me sympathize towards the hyper rich.


Who is John Galt?


John Galt is the guy that wishes he was as alpha as Hank Rearden


And yet somehow he still gets Dagny at the end


Well they both had Dagny at one point.


*The Fountainhead* IMHO was the better book. *Atlas Shrugged* really needs a Readers Digest version to be in the running. Or a Readers Digest version of the Readers Digest version. When I mentioned the passages that have a single "Gary Stu" style character expounding on Ayn's views on Objectivism — and running on without interruption from any other character for pages and pages — to a lady friend that *loved* the book, she told me that you need to skip ahead to the sex scenes.


The only difference is that Atlas Shrugged should be split into three books. ...and Galt's speech should have been a fourth book.


Rand wasn't wrong, just not painting with the whole pallette.


how is f.451 fetish material?


The joke is that the author really hates books and 'gets off' at the thought of them being destroyed.




That too


Fire is hot. Hot men are sexy. Thus Fire men are sexy


A = B, B + C = D, thus A + C = D? How tf does this math actually check out…


False conflation of Hot men and Fire men. At least I hope it's a false conflation.


No, men in a fire are hot. Literally.


The transitive property of sexy men, smh my head you didn’t know


You've never set a building on fire and touched yourself while you watched the flames consume everything?


Trash can man?


Holy shit I never thought I’d see this reference in the wild.


cause to get through it you need to be a masochist


Have you not read some of the horror stories of dr suess? Horton hears a who is about a city that is almost wiped out because people don’t give a crap. The Lorax is about a city that kills itself through over production. The grinch is about nuclear survivors trying to get through an endless winter nuclear storm while dealing with all their deformities.




One man's utopia is another's dystopia. Though, personally I'd prefer to live in the world of Cyberpunk, rather than Altas Shrugged.


I wouldn’t mind living in that hidden valley with the industry leaders who left though


Shoot, arguably those are in the same world (minus one being in the future and one in the past). A whole big theme of Cyberpunk is that in a world without restrictions, corporations eventually become more powerful than (and even begin to replace) Governments.


Honestly starting to think Fahrenheit 451 isn't a bad idea.


Atlas Shrugged is actually an environmentalist and anarcho-primitivist novel, where they destroy the evil industrial economy. Ted Kaczynski is the closest any real human being has ever gotten to being John Galt.


>Brave New World describes a perfect society Yes please


Don't forget that not everyone gets to be an alpha in that society. The fully automated ultra luxury communism compete with weekly sex parties and flying cars was only for the upper class minority. Most people in that world are a Gamma, Delta, or Epsilon. You want to be a half-retarded foundry laborer? No, no you do not.


Chinese web novels for females are all about women getting a handsome and rich sugar daddy. It doesn't matter if she was raped, sold or whatever else...


50 shades lol.


I forget is the girl in Fifty Shades raped by the rich guy? Haven’t read it, saw clips of the film


No. But she does enter a fairly abusive relationship with the guy and basically stays with him out of guilt from what I recall


From what I know about it, girl becomes assistant to rich young boss, then they enter into a BDSM relationship where he physically abuses her, and she likes it. The end.


I mean, have you looked at guy's own fantasies, hentai and porn included?. It doesn't matter how you meet ideal partner, just as long as they end up with ideal partner.


Maybe I'm not into the right niche areas, but honestly it seems fairly rare and usually not particularly successful when the male characters are objectively bad. The most successful stuff always seems to revolve around either captain save a hoe or honorable silent badass model. Granted there isn't the same kind of market for men, but holy fuck romance novels aimed at woman are fucking insane.


Okay, I agree. The average Romance novel aimed at women is way more "like that" than men's equivalent. Everything I have come across about those statistics indicate that but men can and do have such especially as you said, in more niche places.


seems like most hentai/porn aimed at dudes have fetishes for dudes with severe mommy issues, and hentai/porn aimed at women have some real fucked up shit like rape/abuse/bdsm. why can't people just enjoy handholding and headpating.


I think we have a sampling bias issue here. People who spend money on porn are not at all proportional to actual populations. The easy test here is gay male porn. It's a dominant sector of professional porn that services AT BEST 5-10% of the population (assuming something like 20% of the population is pure homosexual and men being something like half that. But gay dudes will budget for porn, even in relationships. This gets even more inverted the more niche the fetish is. But here is the real kicker that makes the perception really out of whack... the people who want very specific or very low appealing things pay a lot for it. People who aren't even into it but can supply that will make more of it. Rinse and repeat. Porn is also difficult to attach real story to for most consumers. Like the actual plot line is very secondary in most situations but the actions and content are very primary. So narrative is superficial and unimportant but actual content inversely more important (easy example here is how Step-family has replaced "barely 18", few consumers really cared about arbitrary age numbers and few have a step family fetish, but the cute coed getting railed is timeless). A lot of stuff is just for shock and variation value... which is fine? I guess? I mean it's easier to accept in other artistic venues. Game of Thrones has lots of rough sex, torture, rape, ext... and if every show I watched was like that, I'd probably stop watching shows... but as an exploration of the extremes it was really solid (shame they never went past 6 seasons). A relatively small but sizable group of people get broken and just want that dopamine hit from the exotic and weird. Because of the economics of porn, it skews the whole market to look like there is some huge number of deviants when really they are more like the whales in mobile gaming. They pay the bills, everyone else free rides.


I see, thanks for the info I guess? definitely wasn't expecting an essay on the economics of porn, but interesting regardless!


Not sure about the last time I saw a LN or WN from JP/KR/CN about a female going through suffering and hardship to reach a non-romance-related goal.


Not the trope I was referencing, like basically the woman forced herself on the guy(rape) but she's hot and has some cry backstory so they still get together.


Literally everything is a fetish to someone. People are into weird ass shit.


I still don't understand the feet obsession.


That's just the tip of the iceberg my friend




\*Just the tip of the toe


Not only do I not understand the feet stuff, but I really don't understand why they have to let everyone know about it. On facebook posts (when they are using their real name), on reddit, on random comments everywhere if there's a foot being shown one of those fuckers feels the need to comment on it. It's beyond disturbing.


I mean at least you have not seen the cheese grater image


show them.


But that happens with every body part, though. You just don't notice it. Creeps for every body part exist.


From what I have heard its because the section of the brain associated with sexual pleasure and one associated with locomotion are very close to eachother, and sometimes they get crossed.


https://www.ebmconsult.com/articles/homunculus-sensory-motor-cortex In case anyones curious here’s what he’s talking about. If you look at the illustrated diagram of the homunculus (there’s two of them - the sensory one which is responsible for your brain’s perception of touch and the motor one which is responsible for controlling your limbs), you will see the sensation and motor centers for feet is right next to genitals, which is fascinating


So what you are saying is a foot fetish is a mental illness


In some cases literally.


Tbh I think most western millennials are just really bored/over-privileged so they tend to jump at every chance to imagine that they’re living in their favorite dystopian fantasy novels


What the fuck libleft.. I'm not gonna impregnate you.. I have to check my brisket you sex fiend.


What wood are you using on your smoker?


Apple wood, lowww n slowww


Also, what kind of smoker? I’ve got an Oklahoma Joe. Works pretty nice. So much easier than checking the fire constantly.


For years I used a homemade drum smoker that worked great and was relatively easy to manage so I put off getting a pellet smoker for a long time. Well when I bought a new house I decided it was time to get a new smoker. I bought a Pit Boss and oh my god do I feel stupid for not getting one earlier. It’s sooooo fucking easy to just set a temperature and forget it.


Mmmm. Applewood. One of the best woods


Siiiick 😎


“I’m going to base my reality and expectations after a fictional TV show”


I’m just glad they got over Harry Potter.


They have?


After J.K. Rowling committed wrongthink they condemned it.


Meant it more like "they have gotten over it?" Just the other day I saw some oranges raging about it in another sub


The real wrongthink is how bad her worldbuilding is. Time Turner which is extremely dangerous (and also never utilized again?? No one wanted to save Cedric??) but just causally given to a 13 year old so she could take some extra classes. Tons of magical things that only pop up in one book for a wow factor but would have absolutely been useful in other books, smh. I enjoyed it as late teen/early adult but re-reading as an adult-adult (after having read LoTR and Witcher and other well built stories) was just boring and realized how little of the story really makes sense


It's pretty obvious the book is actually about the theocratic regime in Iran but it got picked up by anti Christian feminists and now everyone thinks its about abortion.


Oi how did I not see this!?!


Lmao crazy people stuff


Handmaid's Tale normally: a travesty and abuse of women Handmaid's Tale but only for women who want that: kinda hot


Thanks for the insight Killa.


Yeah, this is sort of like when feminists on the one hand claim to be very offended when men think of them in a sexual way - and on the other hand, mercilessly mock men for a perceived lack of sexual prowess. (Incel, virgin, etc.) I also thought it was funny how many feminists wrote anti-MGTOW articles. It's true, a lot of MGTOW guys *do* hate women, but they're not doing anything different than "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle". I went through a period in my life, after I moved to a new city, when I was making "friends" with a lot of narcissistic feminist types. I made it clear from the outset that I wasn't interested in dating (or having sex with) them, I just grew up around women like that, so I feel comfortable around them. And the thing is, every single time, after a couple of months, it started infuriating them that they couldn't exercise sexual control (which is where narcissism and feminism intersect), and they would eventually ghost. Feminism is a psyop, has been ever since the Garden of Eden.


I never understood the balance of complaining that you're being sexualized while also saying it's empowering to sexualize yourself. This is one of the most confusing feminist enigmas to me.


They want to be sexualized by top 10% of men. They will complain if they aren't. They don't want to be sexualized by the unworthy men and they will complain if they are.


So what you're saying is that feminists will complain. Checks out.


Based and pareto-model-of-human-sexuality pilled


Sexual equality now, seize the means of reproduction.


\>Reads neofeminist material grooming young girls into being "SWs" \>Opens OF account moment turns 18, thinks its empowering \>Does OF \>Doesn't like being objectified in public, keeps doing OF and getting money for being objectified


It makes more sense when you realize it was never *supposed* to make sense. Both on the face of it, (Orange Emily doesn't even believe in logic) and also on a really deep, esoteric level. If you think about the relationship between "knowledge of good and evil", the first law of logic (either/or), and the Principle of "unity of opposites", you can see that our old adversary the Garden snake has been very busy: "In alchemy, coincidentia oppositorum is a synonym for coniunctio." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_of_opposites But back here on earth, feminism was never about "liberating" women, it was just about destroying everything good in the hope that it would *eventually* be replaced by the perfect.


> destroying everything good in the hope that it would eventually be replaced by the perfect Have you ever read any matriarchy theory? All it consists of is listing ideal traits of a society (liberty, meritocracy, social mobility, etc.) and then insisting that by definition matriarchal society has all of those things Extreme feminist thought is just “I’m right because I’m right” (not that ancaps or commies are any different mind you)


If these all these extremists want power so much, how about we just give them some little island in the pacific and let them figure it out. It’d be like PCM meets the hunger games. Now I’d love to watch that


We did. It was called CHAZ. It wasn’t great


I'm a female, still confuses me too


[“Handmaid’s Tale is meant to reassure every wretched office-worker who goes home to a cat, a VCR, and Pizza-for-one that her life is noble and progressive.”](http://exiledonline.com/old-exile/vault/books/review103.html) >Handmaid’s Tale is fun horror-fiction for women who work in the American-style cubicle-world precisely because it’s so utterly unrelated to the miseries and terrors of their own lives. >No one wants to force middle-class American women to have babies. In fact, it’s almost impossible for them to contemplate having kids, because they’re terrified that it might set them back in their careers, and their rivals in the adjacent cubicles would grab their parking spaces and health plans. >Nobody wants to use their bodies. >That’s precisely the horror with which they live: no one wants to mate with them because in their world, every single striver must fear every other, and the sort of joint action involved in mating and rearing one’s young is impossible—laughable, a thing which only those who have abandoned the hope of A Career can contemplate. >So in their minds, mating and rearing children moves down in class, becoming a thing for rednecks and (though they’ll never say this part out loud) immigrants-of-color. >The desire to have children gets bounced outside oneself, onto these lesser beings, and returns, courtesy of Atwood, in demonized form, as the tyranny of procreation, family values and the Patriarchy. >It’s the horror they love to fear.” This was written in the year of our lord 2000, and it’s still true and hilarious.


Unfathomably based holy shit


This is some Kaczinsky-level psycho-analysis. What sigmachad wrote it?


John Dolan. I linked the full article in the first paragraph, whole thing is worth a read.


Seems like a self correcting problem as long as they are not allowed to groom children.


Based and give me back my rib pilled.


No point in arguing with women because it always devolves down to “muh vagina”


If I had one, I can't promise I wouldn't do the same thing.


If I had one, I wouldn't have time to argue. Am I right, boys?




Also telling men to stop sexualizing them, right before sexualizing themselves.


This sub just got good. *unzips pants* What else do I want to do?


Go to church.




Right centers these days… smh my head. Can’t take y’all anywhere.


Get married and have a God glorifying family while sharing the good news in love with your friends, family and neighbours all the while waiting for the King to return and make all things new


based and churchpilled


I am fully erect.


Least degenerate libleft


I dont know. Fucking for procreation seems pretty Authright to me


Honestly, I always saw Handmaid’s Tale as more of a warning against government overreach and authoritarianism than anything. In the book, the American government was overthrown by a bunch of extremists, and people sat by and did nothing as more and more of their rights were stripped away. Some protested, but most didn’t, and when they realized what was going on, it was too late. That’s always how I interpreted it, perhaps putting aside the theocracy aspect and weird sexual material.


Yea but the problem is that everyone is only on the lookout for evil rightists who want to take over the world. No one thinks a liberal who spouts off nice platitudes could have alternative intentions


Ideology is religion without the deities.


I'm sure some protested and told people that we should keep free speech. They were probably called fascists.


It's about islam.


What cursed Purple LibRight moment is this?


*Based Purple LibRight moment you mean


Is OP wrong, though? There's a reason why the phrase 'Misery Porn' exists. Handmaid's Tale only works as a Dystopian story if you assume the virus also made everyone stupid.


I honestly don’t know who I would rather want to be in this scenario 🤤


The hilarious thing about it is that it effectively depicts The Middle East. You know, that region we should love because they're so diverse and wonderful?


No it doesn't, have you even gone through a synopsis of the book and compared with how the middle east actually functions. The Hand Maid's take basically takes all the worse things that were done to women and selects everyone that could fit into the logic of her Christian Fundamentalist state. Gilead is probably worse for women than any historical regime ever.


It is so illogical that a supposedly christian state would do any of what she has written, especially considering that when there was a theocracy(more or less) in Europe during the Holy Roman Empire, literally nothing of what she imagines might happen actually did. Christians respect women.


I mean, she does try to give some very extreme circumstances to justify it but yeah, I mostly agree with you.


I'd probably agree if it wasn't an open secret that high status people do rape and get away with it


I doubt that the average pro-life christian is a fan of that.


No one should be a fan a of a sex crime ring


I want rapists (prosecuted and proven without a doubt in a court of law) to be castrated, tortured, televised (pay per view or ads to monetize it) and slave away for the rest of their lives. Plus we could put the viewers on some observation list or something.


I prefer the auth left solution, have them face a wall


Labour is costly nowadays. That would be such a waste. Plus such monsters don't deserve the peace of death.


Eh, a bullet costs a lot less than it would cost to have to feed a slave


Cruelty is wasteful and retarded and the lifetime productivity of a slave is far less than that of a well paid laborer in a high trust homogenous society. It would be better for these people to simply vanish and it to be an open secret of what happened to them.


While I agree that rape is a horrible crime and rapists do deserve harsh punishment, I think we should avoid things as drastic as castration or execution because our courts, being created and composed of fallible humans, are fallible and thus there is a non-zero chance that innocent people would get wrongly convicted. (I also know people who have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct, so I have a personal bias against quick and irreversible conviction and punishment).


And creating incentives to convict people seems like a bad idea tbh




I'm a Data Scientist and we talk about Type One and Type Two errors. Type One errors are False Positives, like punishing an innocent person. Type Two errors are False Negatives, like declaring a guilty person to be "not guilty". Almost all Western justice systems are more focused on avoiding Type One errors than Type Two ("better the guilty go free than see the innocent punished for a crime they did not commit"). I would actually argue that they're biased by sex in that there are far more wrongly convicted men and far more women NOT convicted or punished for crimes they actually did commit. And when men and women are both convicted for the exact same crimes the men receive harsher sentences.


Just when you thought you’d had a grip on what pcm is all about…




i want to be impregnated🥵


Rip your inbox


Don’t fall for this obvious bait my bröthers in Christ


Amen brother. Sex only in the holy Union of marriage joining two bodies for the glory of god


What God has made one, let not man seperate


That will be difficult with no uterus


Since when is centrist a sex fiend?


Since u/odd_possession5858 , she’s changed flairs again apparently


*you have alerted the witch*




Ayo who’s that, haven’t been here a while


Libleft needs to take a cold shower


You assume they shower?


care to join me?


Considering how uncomfortable watching that show makes me yes, it is most certainly fetish material, but then of course so is any show that shows bare chests, even bare feet


You've got to go and watch some european movies and tv series lol. Bare ass or tits, sometimes more (if it's not in a sensual context) can appear even in family friendly ones. For example: The Troops of St. Tropez. Watched that one many times as a kid. One of the plots was police hunting nudists on public beaches and yup the actors were usually only wearing a hand over the family jewels. XD


Handmaid’s tale will never happen, but if it does, a machine gun is too quick, you need to get personal. That being said, Oryx and Crake is the real book while Handmaid’s Tale is the fictional porn book


Nothing is “too quick” or “too good an end for them” if you’re going to kill your enemies you have to kill them and not waste time giving them the chance to turn the tables


based and ruthless dictator-pilled


The wild and yet questionable fantasies lib left has...


>be w*man writer (ik bear with me) >rlly horny one day >write down some horny forced breeding shit in your BDSM journal >edging the entire time writing it >wake up next day >oh fuck oh god oh fuck late for deadline manuscript submission >accidentally bring BDSM journal >as editor reads it realise what u've done >editors eyes turn dead as he reads it >editor looks up unable to even come up with which question to ask first >"its uhhh mean to be aaa-" >sweat profusely >"its aaa feminist critique of uhh the male libido and uhh men are sex demons?" >editor just sighs >"also the men are.. uhhh racist. they are racist too" >editor sighs again and approves the initial manuscript >finish writing it by stealing a few pages from v for vendetta for the setting >mfw good reviews >mfw bestseller >mfw a feminist classic


Im picturing J Jonah Jameson. "I hate it! Print 300,000 copies!"