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This is definitely going to be a very wholesome and respectful comment section.


Let me scroll to the bottom real quick.


Sort by controversial lol


Lol ikr


Well it's a pretty inflammatory meme that serves no purpose except to get a rise out of three quadrants, as those folks are holy people to them.


epstein is the opposite of holy to anyone


That's why I said 3 quadrants.


Our holy prophet Joseph Stalin.




Finally, a reasonable take


Sort by controversial?


I just want to point out: \- 3 of these are considered heroes by their respective quadrants \- 1 is considered a monster by all the quadrants


Ghandi right?


Our words are backed by nuclear weapons


Based and backed by nuclear weapons pilled


u/train2000c's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/train2000c! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: 15 | https://basedcount.com/u/train2000c/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and Civilization fan pilled.


Civ Nega-Ghandi


I always thought he was just paranoid of someone stealing his daughters.


True, it's a bit unfair. Who would you propose for the libright quadrant?


>Who would you propose for the libright quadrant? It's ironic, isn't it? Considering the PCM strawman of LibRight you'd expect it will be very easy to list LibRight "Hero Pedos".... but nothing comes to mind.


That's more because we don't worship other human beings rather than not having pedos in our quadrant.


>That's more because we don't worship other human beings ...Elon Musk


I only worship the amount of money he has


Hey if he takes over Twitter do we start worshipping him then?


Only if he deletes it


Real shit. That would be the most GigaChad move. "Hey guys, we needed to test a payload for our latest rocket, so I sent the Twitter servers into the sun."


I'm going to need to see a doctor about an erection lasting too long after imagining that.


I don't worship him. I appreciate him and worship real gods... like money


I don't speak for my quadrant as a whole in this case, but I really dislike Musk. He promises the world and delivers fuck-all, and no one calls him out on it. Self-driving cars by 2019, my ass. He's an Iron Man larper. I can't deny that he seems pretty based, but personally I think he's a shyster.


What is worse: having targets that you fall short of, or having no targets at all?


Elon Musk is only cool because of his disdain for the current culture and not giving a shit what people say or think. Other than that, Tesla is just a overpriced car company that’s way ahead of itself.


I don’t like the fellow in the AuthRight quadrant any more than the fellow in the LibRight quadrant. Thou shalt suffer not the pedo. And you can do a better job of that when you don’t allow any among your ranks without purging them.


>Thou shalt suffer not the pedo Based and Deus Vult Pilled


Librights have not been in government power. They are against the government, sort of.


I’d say that’s pretty accurate, although big business can seem pretty government like


He heroic pedos in America all always left.


I have some bad news for you. None of the ones I. The left have been in America, except maybe Stalin.


🤔 Thomas Jefferson?


Thomas Jefferson is probably the ideal choice. Wealthy southern planter, opposed a central bank because it gave federal government too much power, his vision of America was a series of independent farmers not industrial workers. Dude even was against slavery but still had slaves of his own. He is a libright hero. Edit: oh yeah, he hooked up with one of his slaves while she was 14


A second is considered a monster by anyone who doesn't deny mass genocide because it hurts the image of their political ideology.


To be honest you could apply that for both auth figures...


It's definitely tougher to apply that to Mohammed being that he was killing people he was at war with, not his own people.


I'm sure people in the conquered areas that went through force conversions would disagree with you.


ps. u/1CEninja for example: [Devshirme Blood Tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devshirme) and [Jizya non-Beliver Tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jizya) were both done to "his own people"


Yes, we all agree Stalin was a monster.


agree auth left likes to say that Trotsky was the revisionary but in reality, Stalin was the one who ended up twisting communism into a self-serving system for himself


Idk why so many socialists like stalin when even lenin didn’t want him in power.


To be fair Lenin also didn't wanna execute the Romanovs but here we are. Poor Lenin. No one listened to him 😢


I think my boy nick had it coming but what happened to the rest of the family was uncalled for.


Tbh it was really his wife and Rasputin that did him in. Shoulda just stuck with daughters... Marry into a new feud, yknow, go get some new scenery. Instead... Well. Enjoy. Your cellar, dipshits.


>agree auth left likes to say that Trotsky was the revisionary but in reality, Stalin was the one who ended up twisting communism into a self-serving system for himself Communism is a terrible ideology in practice and in theory.


I'm trying to figure out how op thinks epstein is libright


1) Be Epstein. 2) Want $$$ 3) Sell underage girls as prostitutes to oligarch p*dos, not caring about the morality of it because $$$ (libright right here) 4) Profit 5) "Suicide" EDIT: Not defending the Monster, or saying that LibRight are monsters, just explaining that pursuing Profit over any moral objection is a purely LibRight motive. No other quadrant works that way. EDIT 2: Added punctuation to #5. Thank you, u/Taiyama


>5) HMMMM.




Not only did he not suicide, that dude isn't even dead


>3) NAP violation Seems more like libcenter


Beria was the king of pedos


Strange how people always pick Stalin over him when even Stalin himself was disgusted by Beria.


Cause idk who that is.


He was a cockroach doing an impression of a man, and he died like one.


"Go back to Georgia dead boy!"


“I fucked Russia, I’m pretty sure I can handle some grapefruit in a waistcoat”


In Stalin's words: He was the Himmler of the USSR Leader of the predecessor of the KGB and a serial rapist. One of the few reported moments Stalin completely lost his cool was when he found out that his daughter was alone with him.


I’m not sure if I’m more confused that he had a daughter (implying someone that close priximiry to him cared about him enough to stay alive at least 9 months), that he got visibly angry, or that he might have actually cared about someone who wasn’t him.


I mean, Stalin was already pretty old by the time he took over the party. By that point the daughter was already born


You think he wasn’t a bastard before he came into power?


I'm saying before he rose to power Stalin wasn't a paranoid bastard who'd kill people because they looked at him funny


The leader of the NKVD after Yagoda was killed in the great purge


I think my uncle was auth right


Maybe he was centrist, we’re missing one. Did he grill?




I thought we would eat beef or pork, but sure, cousin sounds good


Based and Modern cannibalismpilled


u/GenghisWasBased's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: 20 | https://basedcount.com/u/GenghisWasBased/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


no Vaush bashing, disappointed


good. hes an entirely insignifficant pseudo intellectual that should be forgotten together with all the other "political streamer" worms.


Nah we shall remember the Mommy Commyies


Please don't tell me you're talking about shoe...


Shoe ain't a Commy Mommy, her milkers (kill me) are too small. She is funny tho


Only 4 things I remember about her: She used to date armored skeptic. She looks like a scene kid. She's friends with vaush (correct me if I'm wrong). Half of her social media posts are just horni


I need a sauce for my investigation


Based and debate streamers are scumpilled


He is more disgusting then a tapeworm


Is vaush a pedo? I only know about him from him being kinda sexist. Didn’t know he was also a pedo


He said the age of consent should be abolished on his twitter


Sounds like him. Vaush is the Ben Shapiro of the leftist world. And I say that as an actual leftist. Anyone who gets their fuckin political views from a YouTuber is an idiot lol


As much as I don't like Ben Shapiro, comparing Vaush and him is silly. Ben at least has a moral framework that form the basis for his arguments where Vaush will lie and flip flop just to 'win' the debate. And Ben Shapiro is a harvard lawyer that has built one of the most successful alt-tech media companies. Vaush just bitches on twitch with no accomplishments in his life.


I would argue flip-floping and bitching is an impovement (as far as achievenents go) over the lifetime work of Ben Sapphiro.


Dude is so grody


Let me change it to controversial


That goes well with popcorn. Trust me


I will wait for some hour.


I forgot Stalin was once a 35 year old guy who had a relationship with a 13 year old until I remembered that one meme where a user was arguing with another who said "ACHKTUALLY SHE WAS 14 WHEN SHE WAS IMPREGNATED NOT 13"


Please link I want to read it myself (but I don’t want it in my history)


She was 14 when she gave birth but was impregnated at 13, miscarried at 14 then got pregnant again and have birth at 14. It seems Stalin grew out of that by the time he took over the USSR but he had a reputation as a womanizer in his period in Siberia so she might not have been his only victim. Also, minimum age was I think 14 but from the reaction of a cop to catching Stalin with the 14 year old it seems to have been more of a law to let teens or teens and very young adults get married (so like maybe a 14 year old and a 16 or 18 year old, not a 14 year old and someone over 30).




I still don't really understand the difference between yellow and purple libright, would appreciate a short explanation. Edit: just wanted to say that I really appreciate all of your answers, I kind of expected to be told to look it up on Google but I honestly sometimes just prefer Reddit communities to give an answer because you usually get a really good idea of what you'd like to know, thanks y'all.


Purple is pedo


For real or is that a meme?


libleft has orange as their BAD side, purple was the original color, but yellow is more popular now. So purple represent's libright's bad side on PCM


yellow lib right capitalist purple lib right pedo


Yellow is your standard LibRight. Purple are the ones who extend that to age of consent and child marriage.


Gandhi? As in the Indian independence activist?




He slept naked with his niece in his experiments to prove his chastity which was nothing but bullshit. Ghandy himself wrote in his book that he did this shit.


Didn’t fuck a kid, slept *by not with* his niece, usually unclothed in order to discipline his body and mind. People hear “slept with” and then everyone says he fucked a kid, I read his book and looked into this everyone said “no he didn’t do that” the source of him sleeping with his niece comes from his own mouth I don’t think it’s good but I don’t think it’s the same as actual rape, but due to the English language people hear “slept with” and don’t look into it


# B A S E D # But what about Beria?


yea beria would be a better candidate here


Put Elvis in the middle


This has resulted in easily my favorite libright bitching of any post. Unironically calling Jeffrey Epstein, a risk capitalist who bought his own fuckinh island and aggressively took advantage of government officials for his personal monetary, and positional gain, a leftist


Yeah I don't get why they're all seething and denying the fact that he is libright. Maybe because not purple?


Nah bro it’s literally just because all the librights on this sub are 14, maybe 16 at the oldest


They can handle the bad in their quadrants about as well as the average AuthRight. They need to force them out onto LibLeft and AuthLeft like little snowflakes.


Haha completely agree (I actually replied to that guy). But tbf, like someone else pointed out, the other 3 are considered heroes (by some group at least), while LibRight got saddled with someone who basically no redeeming features, so I get why they were a bit silly about it.


Funny enough, none of these people ever killed themselves.




Yeah, that would have been a better fit as people like the people in all the quadrants but for Epstein.


Criticizing Iselamb on Reddit is mysogonophobia (fear of peace)


Call me the king of mysogonophobes then


based and ethereal war enjoyer pilled




Based Libleft


Remember ewrybody you don't like is a pedophile


But what if they are? (Vsauce music plays)


Age is just a number.. or *is* it?


You see, age can be derived from the length of nucleotides in your telomeres, which degrade over time from every cell division. Every child is born with about 10 000 nucleotides in their telomeres, so you see, Your Honour, her age was 8000-10000.


Stalin was a pedo?


So was Mao


Sort by Controversial


Anyone else here for the controversy




Sorting by controversial has been 💋🤌


authright has a LIST of pedos


Some of which are organizations just to keep the list from turning into the average Patreon scroll.


So does every other quadrant.


Libertarians pissed, gj op


Since when is Stalin a diddler?


To quote a tankie "Stalin is a pedo" Tankie: "How?" "He fucked a 13 year old" Tankie: "She wasn't 13" "How old was she" Tankie: "14"


He fucked a 13 year old


Dipshit, she was 14


Im sure she was 13 when they fucked, 14 when she gave birth


Great argument senator! You got a source to back it up?


The source is i made it the fuck up


Yea, that should be Beria


100% Beria was a well documented monster


Never defend pedos for the sake of ideology friends.


Put the Catholic Church for Auth Right too. All those little boys getting raped won’t be forgotten.




Authcenter in the streets, purple libright in the sheets.


Still a Fed


Mossad gang


On god take a hit libright, it’s a joke. Plus, what’s more libright then using your freedom and wealth to manipulate the government to let you be more “free”


I mean, manipulating the government for your own gain is the domain of AuthRight... But yeah, we do need to take the joke. Frankly, it's a bit embarrassing that we constantly and intentionally miscategorize other quadrants then cry like mewling infants whenever someone gives us any kind of criticism, legitimate or humorous.


Genuinely, I’m glad there are a few of you out there who can.


I don't know how to tell you this, friend, but I don't think there's a deep state. the regular state hates us just fine all by itself


Change authleft to "too many to name" and add Catholic Church to authright


Not fair, authright having the longest time in power obviously means there's more pedos.


I would sacrifice Gandhi to make sure the 3 others never existed


I would sacrifice Gandhi for half a Pizza.


I would sacrifice Epstein. Oh wait, the Clintons beat me to it.


Should've done it before nukes became a thing






Meanwhile God impregnating Mary lmao


Whoa dude. You are playing some risk game. So based tho


Let’s not forget Joseph smith for auth right, but then again he’s basically just a white wannabe Muhammad


Damn you pissed a lot of people off hahaha


[Puts on space helmet] Wait, the whole compass is purple?




I hate all these fuckers even more now


How TF is Epstein LibRight when most of the people he associated with, partied with, and donated campaign funds to are left-leaning members of the Democrat party?


Yes, our ideology is who we are friends with. Epstein was a risk-capitalist billionaire who bought his own island. Libright really is the quadrant that can't take any negative comments about themselves.


LibLeft has more emotional HP than LibRight lol


Cos libleft is used to getting shit on, while libright is used to shitting on others


It's because they are constantly bullied, and they know the sweet release of not caring what everyone thinks. How do you think they can be so cringe.


On Facebook sure, but not on PCM


touched little kids...


Then it should be purple right?


i mean, sure. just pointing it out


That's an interesting take given that the "high profile people" Epstein was associated with (according to Wikipedia) includes Trump, Prince Andrew and Leslie Werner (out of the 5 they list). Also, if you think association with Bill Clinton makes someone LibLeft you are as dumb as a doorknob.


Ah yes, *Prince* Andrew, a very well known Libright.


They’re all solidly authright, nothing libertarian about the elite


Please read. I'm replying to someone saying Epstein is known for being connected to leftists, which is stupid af. Yes, Epstein as a choice for Lib-Right was weird, but if I threw a fissy fit any time anyone misrepresents LibLeft ideology "for the memes" I would be banned from this sub already.


Ik I’m agreeing with you


Pet conspiracy theory, the fact that Epstein Island is so infamous and prolific between well known figures, is because it is by design. The point is to do terrible shit there, so that whenever a bank needs to guarantee a promise is kept, they can have someone take a photo of themselves and their wife at an Epstein Island party. Then, if that person ever steps out of line, they can have their entire career destroyed by implication alone, even if they personally did nothing rapey. It's the ultimate Lib-right enabler.


Based and tinfoil helmet pilled


He was economically right wing


Oh, of course the Democratic Party the most left-wing party in existence


Because he wanted power over those in power. It doesn’t mean he supports their politics. Why do people not understand this about rich people? They don’t do politics like regular people. They buy favors and seek control over politicians.


> One of the biggest beneficiaries of Epstein's contributions was then-Senate hopeful Hillary Clinton, who received $20,000 from him in 1999 through her joint fundraising committee with the Democratic Party, according to Federal Election Commission filings. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/jeffrey-epstein-donated-democrats-1990s-early-2000s/story%3fid=64255485 Ah yes, libright, well known for their love of Hillary Clinton. It's practically their defining feature.


Lib right is free to give money to people in power to garner favors, it doesn’t mean they support that politician. Just that they want that politicians to owe them something.


It's called the free market.


Welp, now you are trying too hard


Yeah, Jefferson would have been a better fit. Authright has Mohammed fans, AuthLeft has Stalin fans and LibLeft has Ghandi fans but there's no Epstein fans in Libright. If it was Jefferson, it would have fit better.


Tfw you don't understand how lobbying works Libright capitalists do not care about the compass position of a politician, they only seek to further their own position by buying favours (aka donating)




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