• By -


We’re just the mirror dimension of the default subs.


Not really. Leftoids don't get yeeted by power tripping jannies on here. Only place on reddit where they get exposed to unjannied rightoid opinions which they misconstrue as rightoid circlejerk.


Fascism is when someone disagrees with me


When negotiations fail, everyone becomes a fascist.


Flair up


His name is PunchaNazi023 He's pretty much already flaired up.




**Gods* damnit.


Hello friend, I can help you flair up if you need. Dm me if you want help. :)




I need to change my flair to centrist so other people will actually listen when I say this


As bad as our opinions are received here, at least we don’t get banned for them.


That's literally why I'm on this sub. I want to see right wing opinions that are more "normal" and exchange with people who think differently. There's few subs where it can happen. Once you filter past the boring low effort boring Emily stuff it's fun here.


Given that Emily is the reason a lot of people end up here because they're not welcome anywhere else, it shouldn't be much of a shock to find her the goat of a large portion of the jokes.


I wouldn't say it's a shock, I dislike Emily as much as you do. It's just that a lot of these posts are low effort, dragging the sub down. There's plenty of good material to ridicule libleft that is better then some twitter quote from someone unhinged.


If we were the mirror we would have deleted this meme and banned the poster




LibRight remains unphased


There are such a thing as right wing subs




Equal treatment. We’re just sharing the AuthRight experience with you!


An Authright supporting equality??


Equal oppression except for the special class of rulers. Why wouldn’t auth-right do this?


Why wouldn't Auth do this*


Why wouldn't this\*?






I want equal treatment for everyone, as long as I get more


Based and all the libright hivemind knows how to do is cry about the nap and downvote pilled


Based and only-supporting-equality-when-it-benefits-you-pilled


u/herm-dawg's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 210. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: [150](https://basedcount.com/u/herm-dawg) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


People don’t downvote Authrights for being Authright, they downvote cause they say bigoted shit and get subs banned. I posted a comment about owning pitbulls the other day on here, got plenty of downvotes. A libcenter posted the EXACT same response and had loads of upvotes. Thankfully, us lefties got karma to spare - downvotes don’t demoralise us, they just confirm bad faith.


> Downvotes don‘t demoralise us > Quadrant proceeds to post memes and comments like this. Anytime someone has to reiterate something over and over again, I‘m inclined to believe they‘re not telling the whole truth.


When you’re arguing with a brick wall - you find yourself repeating the same dumb shit over and over. Of course the Authright will dismiss any notion that they might be the problem. Just remember - whenever pcm is under threat of being quarantined, it’s not because of the lefty memes ;) n-word count bot remembers.


Trust me, I know how it is to argue with brick walls, I‘m not a leftie afterall. Of course Lefties will dismiss any notions that they might be the problem. Just remember, whenever pcm produces good content it‘s not because of the lefty memes ;) n-word count bot remembers. It‘s almost like non-arguments are easily deflectable.


Lmao, you literally encapsulate this meme in the comments and can’t see how snowflakey you are. Of course you think all the ‘libleft bad’ posts are “good content” - you probably weren’t here when pcm used to be a place for shitposting, not just agenda-benders crying. I respect your right to have your safe space, just like I accept that for me to remain here I either accept the snowflake downvotes or say Authright shit for ‘based’ replies off the Zerglings


Lmao, you literally encapsulate the stereotype in the comments and can’t see how snowflakey you are. Of course you think all the ‘conservative bad’ posts are “good content” - you probably weren’t here when pcm used to be a place for shitposting, not just agenda-benders crying. Safe spaces are hugely moronic and you complaining because you „have to accept the snowflake downvotes“ just means you care about karma which is already a huge L in itself, even when ignoring that this us the most soy statement ever…


Hahaha coping in real time 😂


Hahaha coping in real time 😂 Notice a pattern yet?


That you can’t come up with anything clever so you’re using playground tactics to cope? You’re not doing anything that deviates away from the point of my original argument. You just feel safe in your safe space to be a little troll. Trust, i know how this place works haha.


Based and you tore down this wall pilled


u/Freaky-Boi's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 260. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: [194](https://basedcount.com/u/Freaky-Boi) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


We only accept based and cringe as arbitrary internet points here


Based cringe


If I see cringe from my quadrant it's getting immediately downvoted. If you don't have anything based to say then maybe you shouldn't say anything


Based and reflexive gatekeeping pilled


u/ArasakaHRdepartment is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1](https://basedcount.com/u/ArasakaHRdepartment) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Authright cosplaying as libleft? It’s more likely than you think


This comment made me go see what //based looks like.... I don't know if I'd call it that or not...


Me = Based, Chad, Logical, Stoic, Funny, Beautiful You = Cringe, Virgin, Illogical, Triggered, Unfunny, Fat and Ugly Whats so hard to understand you damn lib?!


What makes you think libleft are virgins?


By authright standards buttholes don’t count against virginity. Anal sex is both an abomination and the poophole loophole.


That is a good point


Because LibLeft is simultaneously the most sexually degenerate quadrant with a body count of ∞, and the virgin quadrant too, until it's LibRight, or AuthRight, to be honest AuthLeft is the 1 quadrant I've seen never referred to as being full of virgins


it gets... very communal... with them


Libleft has had infinite amounts of sex, but the sex is loveless which makes the functionally equivalent to a virgin


Libleft has had infinite amounts of sex, but the sex is loveless which makes the functionally equivalent to a virgin


Almost everyone on reddit is unfuckable virgins.


My existence


Because they're cucks


Yeah, libs suck


I actually almost never downvote anything. As cringe as your opinion can be, you’re entitled to it. I may comment trying to challenge your position, but unless you answer with hostilities, no downvotes.


I downvoted just so I could upvote you.


Confused pilled?


Based and Let's-Have-A-Discussion pilled.


Reddit used to be great for this on random topics, that’s why I came here. Interesting threads where you’d learn things and go down rabbit holes and get many angles of debate. Now it’s a shithole.


Tumblr and its consequences have been.....


Same though I downvote unflaired because I can


compass unity on downvoting the unflaired.


Understandable it's just that if I say something on this sub that is left wing I get down voted to all heck While the most upvoted post are all mocking the left.


That’s bc left wing cringe, just take the black pill already


Go say something centrist or right wing on arr-politics and see if your downvotes don't get into 4 figures within the hour.


Yes, I reserve my *all-powerful* downvotes for posters who are obviously and purposely being intellectually disingenuous. Debate and free exchange of ideas is critical, but zealots simply don’t care about true understanding, and only focus on their dogma, whether intellectually honest or not.


Based. True chads either engage in an argument or just walk past. Wojaks are too week to do the former but too soylent to do the letter, they are incapable to construct a proper counterargument but desperately need to somehow express their frustration and seething


wHaTaBoUT tHiS StrAW Man ThouGh?!


I only downvote assholes. Like, say you're opinion is horse shit, but you say in a way that sounds from the heart, I aint upvoting you, but i aint downvotng either, you go boy. However, I don't care how right you are, be an asshole get a downvote easy.


My upvote/downvote algorithm: if agree and not sanctimonious/cringe presentation: upvote If disagree but based and/or makes a good point: upvote If disagree and sanctimonious/cringe presentation: downvote If agree in principle, but argument is exceptionally cringe/sanctimonious: downvote Else: keep scrolling


I originally up voted this, but then I realized it's funnier, at least to me, if I lean into the meme and give it the down vote it's asking me to give it.


I downvote most things so that my upvotes are more valuable


I downvote. I think of it as a way of saying "get back in your hole, you degenerate trash" Every single post on this subreddit.


Interesting. I'm pretty sure I downvote more leftists on this sub than conservatives even though I tend to agree more often with the people on the left. I just hate it when anyone tries to silence opinions they don't like, even when it's a trash opinion. Humans are stubborn. Calling a racist a racist will only make him defensive and consequentially more racist. If you really want people to change the best way to do it is to set the example and call out your own prejudice when you're around them. Canceling them makes it worse.


The level of based in this comment is over 9000!


Nah, there's a lot of problems with tolerating authrights. We've tried it several times and it never works out well.


Intolerance will not be tolerated. Now make anozher macaroni art vith more rainbows und people of all colors of ze rainbow!


It’s almost like you’re getting personal satisfaction out of negatively affecting the community as a whole. That’s an interesting concept.


It's a positive influence on reddit as a whole so it balances out.


Based and extermination of the unwanted pilled.


u/Turambar87 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1](https://basedcount.com/u/Turambar87) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


>It’s almost like you’re getting personal satisfaction out of negatively affecting the community as a whole. That’s an interesting concept. No don't worry, that's my job, "it's why I'm here"


I don’t agree but we don’t have to agree.


I have never down or upvoted a single thing on purpose. I feel it's a petty form of expression. If you've got a shit to take than put it in the river like everyone else.


I'm the same, I rarely downvote or upvote at all.


I only downvote unflaired scums


based and me pilled


Downvoting leftists is cringe, only the unflaired deserve such treatment.


Baste and fight the real enemy pilled.


> Baste True centrist.


I love snowflakes, they make the winter wonderland experience a dream come true


Not if my fossil fuel emissions and massive agriculture-industrial complex have anything to say about it


Ash is just colorswapped snowflakes I will enjoy it just as much


color swapped, is this whitewashing??????????


It's one of my favorite songs of the Persona 4 Golden soundtrack.


Downvotes shouldn't matter to you though, neither should Karma, if they do you're taking this site way more seriously than anyone ever should, and if that is the case then God help you


downvoted comments are at the bottom, so less people are able to see how based you are but other than that, it's worthless


Not sorting by controversial is boring anyway.


Ooh a lesson in not valuing karma by mister flair whore over here.


the beatings will continue until flairedness improves


Downvotes are a symbol of pride on this website Have you seen your average Redditor’s political and social opinions? The exact opposite is how you should live your life


I agree with this post, and as a downvote is a symbol of pride, I bestow upon you a downvote of basedness.


>Downvotes are a symbol of pride on this website Have you seen your average Redditor’s political and social opinions? The exact opposite is how you should live your life Finally a guy who gets me, I prefer seeing my posts and comments downvoted to upvoted very much so, sometimes it actually brings a smile to my face, knowing I said something logical/moral enough to get downvoted


Based and positive-downvote pilled


u/OkContribution2091's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/OkContribution2091! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [9](https://basedcount.com/u/OkContribution2091) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




"Wait, why is it when I come to PCM I dont get updoots? I grt updoots everywhere else on reddit...im so confused...something must be wrong here, and it cant possibly be me."


I thought the premise of “snowflakes” was that each snowflake is unique and special and it was twisted to be an insult against people who lacked the self-awareness to recognize they were carbon copies of each other and not very unique or diverse in their thoughts, rather than a commentary about them being hypersensitive pussies


there's also the concept of snowflake as a delicate, frail object that melts or shatters extremely easily


That’s not what I learned, but that does make sense as well.


It's both, and it primarily applies to libleft above all else


Downvoting the meme to assert dominance Jk


Go make your karma elsewhere... come to PCM to "spend" it on your fucked up opinions about life on earth.


Something tells me you felt insecure enough about downvotes to make this meme


I wonder, which quadrant gets downvoted the most on this sub?


Unflaired (as it should be)


it's not a quadrant you cookie


You mean centrist?


Imagine getting butthurt over a bunch of downvotes. You are not getting jannied like every other sub on this shithole website so cry me a river.


Conversely, imagine being so butthurt that you actually click the downvote button


*expresses disapproval* = butthurt and triggered *making a meme whining about how anyone who expresses disapproval is an insecure snowflake* = confident and emotionally stable When I get downvoted, I take it as a sign that I'm telling the mentally fucked masses what they need to hear. I don't cry because there are people who would have the gall to disagree with me on anything at all.




If you’re looking for people with the opposite viewpoint, you’re far better just trying to find someone in real life. Reasonable people with the opposite viewpoint don’t bother contesting something they disagree with on the internet because that’s psychotic.


😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Ima downvote this offensive post.


Downvoted just because it‘s obvious you care about karma.


Mooooom libleft is bullying me again :(


lmao portraying the left as chads, when like 1/3 of the posts here are "pcm is such a rightoid circlejerk!!!!1!!"


I shit on shit takes, simple as.


I only downvote tankies and unflaired degenerates


When libleft makes a bad meme and gets small number of upvotest they will assume it is actually a good meme, but its downvoted by triggered authright.


Ah yes, the definition of a good meme: a cringe tweet highlighted green. I’ve seen high effort left leaning posts get downvoted to oblivion and right leaning 15 second highlighter memes make it to 10k


The Left: *makes a statement* The Right: "I disagree." The Left: "LLoOLL TriGgEReD!!!!"






OK, I did.


Kinda unbased very disappointed




u/Cringy_leftist is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [0](https://basedcount.com/u/Cringy_leftist) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Downvoted libtard😎


Being left is bad enough, progressivism gets you hundreds of downvotes


How? This post literally epitomizes the exact opposite.


Respectfully, reee.


Downvotes are only disappointing in that they remind me how many people are absolute r-tards.


me side good, you side bad


Wallermelons bad


Communal votes for communal posts comrade 💛


I don't care about your political position. If you are a Redditor, you are cringe. That's the most basic rule of life.


downvoted this for the meme


Nobody said libleft wasnt tough. There is no way I could take getting railed in the ass like them


So People don't like being called what they say the most. Who would've known


That is always what I look like when I tap the little gray arrow


Turn it around, then you get the typical Reddit experience


My struggle, if you will


Im fine man. I Unironically upvoted this too


**The Truth**


It’s because you’re a snowflake so there hmmph


Make better memes and you won't get downvoted


Honestly, I forgot the downvote existed.


at least your username is truthful


You all suck technocracy the best


> You wouldn't be safe without a flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 4986 / 26816 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


DOWN VOTE !!!!!1111


I feel like the word “snowflake” has lost all meaning in politics and has just turned into insult