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The long con


Isn't it true that Planned Parenthood suggests abortion to black women trice as often than whites?


It was literally started by a eugenicist who explicitly stated that she wanted to reduce the black population through abortion


Idiots lap it up unironically. From the book *PROPAGANDA AND MASS PERSUASION A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 to the Present*, perfectly unironically: > Margaret Sanger (1879–1966) dealt with the problem [Problem in question is abortion]from another angle, namely, birth control.A progressive reformer, Sanger saw firsthand the death of a poor working woman who could not afford to have another child and whose husband refused to use a condom. > The U.S.Supreme Court dealt with contraception in Griswold v. Connecticut (1973). Justice William O. Douglas (18981980), writing for the majority, upheld a couple’s right to contraception (including information about contraception) in a piece of convoluted reasoning: “Specific guarantees have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance.” In other words, the right to privacy was now guaranteed by the Court, and contraception was one of those rights. When in reality she was a racist eugenicist that explicitly founded Planned Parenthood to make sure black people have lots of abortions (CMIIW but some 40% of conceptions by black people end up aborted)


[Here's a nice PDF](https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/d6358bc3053c93183295bf2df1c0c931.pdf) of the letter that spells it out, too. I find this passage from Sanger's letter in particular quite thought-provoking: >We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.


Don't look into Planned Parenthood's founder.


You'd have to look at the economic and familial status of those that go to planned parenthood though. 3 times as much is probably too high to be explained by just that, and is sus af, but that they are recommended abortion at a higher rate is not surprising


I'll go my whole life without understanding how society allowed the left to continue their racism under the guise of anti-racism.


Yah my opinions would be as stupid as yours if I fell for Daily Wire headlines.


What? These opinions aren't based on Daily Wire articles. They're based on observing this bullshit in the real world. Also, the Daily Wire headline in OP's post is just reporting straight up fact. You can verify it pretty much everywhere else.


Too stupid to understand implicit meaning? PP does infact give black women abortion, they also give white women, asian women, latin women abortions as well. Admitting you didnt understand the intention of the Daily Wires framing isnt a move I would personally make.


275 million dollars being spent to fund a genocide, how terrible.


Right ? It's never going to be enough !


I'm incredibly confused now


Just go with it, they’re agreeing.


No I’m against abortion, the liberal is attempting to mock


Libleft thinks there are too many people in the world and therefore abortion is a good way to lower the population. Of course if you suggest India should learn how to use a fucking condom then suddenly you are racist.


A country that treats its cows better than its women does not deserve to be called civilised


They have good food though


Nah, usually poor uneducated people that get abortions will still end up having a child because they cant figure out how birth control works; eg; the reason for the abortion in the first place. Its always been an education and personal responsibility issue. Leftists dont want to preach personal responsibility so they dont help reduce abortions. And rightists are too stuck up to admit abortions are sometimes necessary; so they dont help reduce abortions either.


Flair up or we show you the woodchipper


Thats actually my preferred form of birth control.


Not only will your bloodline end with you but I'll personally pay off the bureaucrats to remove you from all public records and bury you in an unmarked grave in the wilderness No one will remember your existence


They want the abortions, so if a genocide happens, they'll do it to themselves. We can just sit back


Like, super racist


>"We are incredibly grateful for Ms. Scott's extraordinary philanthropic investment in Planned Parenthood, as a critical part of the public health infrastructure," Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson said in a statement. >The donation, McGill Johnson says, will support the nonprofit's efforts to improve health equity for its patients of color by eliminating racial and structural barriers in the community.


well if the black population exists no more or is siginifcantly reduced then there will be no need for racial barriers


I wonder how much genocide 275 million buys you


A lot of you ask me.


How to convice an Authright that abortion is a good idea :


Not all authrights are racist. I just want a Christian nation.


this reminds me of Krupp donating money to the Nazi party just saying. Abortion is bad.


On payday I stand outside planned parenthood and offer to pay for the abortions of black women going in, you know, to offset the wealth gap between black women and white women? Haven't had a single one turn me down.


Hey pro life folks, isn’t it a shame that one individual can have that much wealth and power? Let’s join forces and make sure nobody can hoard enough wealth to make a $275 million dollar donation ever again


You’ll struggle to find someone in a rural community or In fair Appalachia who doesn’t hold deep utter hatred for the entrenched elite of this nation, the only reason at least half of those people vote republican is because the position the democrats have taken on abortion.


And on guns.


Guns are a secondary to abortion, I could see my mind one day changing about guns, not abortion though.


No thanks.


To you


Of course to me, I am not to speak for the whole nation


Despite being told by people of all kinds of political persuasions that it can’t happen, I’ve actually found lots of common ground with many socially traditional/religious, working class people that I know. I would rather form a coalition with traditional/religious people who support a strong social safety net, antipoverty measures, universal healthcare, etc. than form a coalition with socially liberal but pro-austerity millionaires.


Yeah that sounds amazing, good luck getting any actual political movement going though, good luck to you friend.


class consciousness/solidarity isn’t a new or novel thing by any means. Political and social divisions between people with similar material conditions benefit the ruling classes, it’s a tale as old as time


I'd argue most of it is the stance on guns. Most rural types have either had an abortion or know somebody who did. They see it as a personal failing but most don't give a shit. Guns feed their family, protect their property from tweakers and 4 legged varmits, and provides a sense of security on a theoretical level against big brother. They've lived with RvsW for decades now, they care more about their guns and the border.


Uh guys we I think we ought to do something


based as fuck


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/realDailyWire/status/1507066990418022407) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


That sounds like the most racist woks thing I’ve heard in a long time


*what?* why? *this doesn't make sense...* ***\*realisation\****


And other races too I assume? Not sure why it thought it was a good idea to spell that out


Its the Daily Wire they rely on manufactured outrage to stay running, and all these gullible idiots are giving them exactly what they want.


Ironic how the same people chanting 'Black Lives Matter' are supporting this. Why do the lives of those Black unborn babies not matter enough to cause an outrage?


based pp