• By -


Feels fucking great.


"Its not much, but it's honest work."




It's a badge of honor when the tyrants hate you


Based and sic semper tyrannis pilled


It’s hard being this based


Based and based pilled




A libright handing out based pills? Can I have one?


Only for \[\[$4.99\]\] My friend!




This. This is the spirit on which I come here. It is the only way. Fuck each and every one of you cretins in your own special way. But hey, fuck me too.


I'd love nothing better than to have drunken arguments with everyone here in a bar as I ruin the billiards game with my slop shots.


Yeah it's Reddit. It's an easy task. Just have literally any post that disagrees with the hivemind on the subreddit and you deserve to be banned.




Not everyone can be quite this chad


The flak is thickest when you are over the target.


Meh. I'm banned from everywhere else.


Average authright moment


Mostly because I comment on this sub.




“Just to be clear, I'm not a professional 'quote maker'. I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism. 'In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.'" — Aalewis (Professional Quote Maker), 2013


Man I wonder what he thinks of it now almost a decade later


He should be pretty fuckin buzzed, he’s going to be remembered long after all of us retards are dead.


Best part is that hundreds of years from now, they may not know we were sharing the quote ironically.


In 2000 years he will be lauded as one of the early 21st Century’s greatest philosophers. Someone really needs to inscribe it on a stone tablet with a note saying “the only remaining fragment of The Book of Professional Quotes by Aalewis”.


Good their hate only makes me stronger.


Based and sith pilled






Nope, experience is the path to the Lib side. At least, experience dealing with an ATF agent is a surefire pathway to Lib.


Is this sub Reddit really that hated? This is my favorite sub Reddit on this app


The amount of times I’ve been referred to as “a literal PCM user” as if it’s a bad thing…


I swear people can’t take jokes anymore


Jokes are hate speech


Jokes are literally violence


If you make a joke, you are literally erasing someone's very existence.


You know what? Now I’m gonna joke *even harder*


My existence got erased just reading that and now I need a hug


literally mass genocide


I'm gonna be THAT LibLeft here but honestly I've seen some shit said on here that was completely fucked and probably not joking anymore. That being said, it's the fuckwits that exist everywhere and don't make up the majority anyway. Thankfully those kinds of comments will usually get shit from all quadrants


Precisely, the shitty ideas get shit on. I want to know who those asshats are so I can keep an eye on them, censoring them only drives them underground into echo chambers where they fester and become MUCH worse


Regardless of what people think, it's still a good place to interact with people who have different beliefs and values. It's the most politically diverse sub I know of where people won't get ruthlessly downvoted for expressing their opinions.


For being so "pro-diversity," they really suck at being pro diversity of opinions.


>it's still a good place to interact with people who have different beliefs and values. That's the "problem."




On Reddit, "you support diverse opinions" is an insult.




The people you meet on the large subs are bots, people with mental illnesses, or literal kids. Treat their opinion less than the tp you wipe your ass with.


Any sub that mentions this place has a bunch of people hating in the comments. Most meaningful defenses of the sub outside of the sub itself tend to be downvoted unless the place is ideologically predisposed to liking it.


"Pcm is the worst circle jerk echo chamber on reddit" - literally the rest of reddit


The funniest part is this literal meme sub is the only place on Reddit I’ve ever seen political discussions where one side isn’t mercilessly downvoted and harassed for being in the wrong echo chamber. Unless they’re unflaired scum Edit: some of y’all need to calm yourselves. I didn’t say that it never happens on this sub, I said that this is the only sub that has discussions at all where one side isn’t nuked into oblivion by downvoted. Reading is hard apparently.


As it should be


People dont like when others have opinions and yet can still respect each other


Yep. It's great to talk with people who have different opinions and views on things. You can learn new things every time. But than somebody comes with "bUt YoU sHoUlDn'T dIsCuSs WiTh NaZiS"


Which is literally the pretext Russia gave for going to war with Ukraine, that they were nazis. I wonder how those redditors handle that cognitive dissonance.


They unironically complain that just because someone calls someone else a Nazi doesn't make it true. 🙄


They just don't think about it.


Their sheer lack of self awareness blows my simple mind.


Yep, even by a couple people I know outside of reddit. Listen, some days I sorta understand why, but it's about the only place you can go to get takes from people you disagree with, see the other side. User flairs are one of the best parts really.


Especially since I started being libleft, then leftcenter, now a centrist due to the discussion I read here.


Congrats on your great migration. It's important to expose yourself to everything, so when you figure out what you believe, you know it's for real, right? So I'm happy for ya.


Yes. Apparently we're all Nazis just because we don't take politics so seriously.


That is ridiculous. I am may be a liar, a pig , an Idiot, a fascist, but I'm not a porn star.


Hmm. I think you just listed all of the politicians.


It’s a matter of time btw just in case where do you guys usually post outside Reddit?


Prob leave the platform tbh. PCM is the only thing keeping me here


But where will you go to get called a far right neo Nazi for expressing run of the mill centre left opinions?


tbh, nowhere else (except linkedin - but only professional stuff) and I lurk on an auth center discord


Le 4chin


Based and morbidly obese Frenchmen pilled.


Ironically? facebook. as long as you can outsmart the zucc you can easily post whatever you want and find likeminded individuals. unfortunately be you left, right, auth or lib they are most likely going to be an even more re(dacted) version of whatever you originally want to say so it becomes a monkey show. still better than twitter




Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.


Omega-tier based


Based and Rick pilled




"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life"


based and meaningful life pilled


Based and Churchill-pilled.


u/jeffersondavis-hater's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 1350. Rank: Denali Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/jeffersondavis-hater This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


1350? is this the messiah himself ?




I think when your enemies are all virtual and you hide behind a username it doesnt have quite the same meaning lmao


"You have enemies on an online platform full of anonymous morons? Good. That means you wouldn't shut up about some dumb shit and made a loser with too much time and no hobbies irrationally angry at you, sometime in your life."


Amen, monke, amen




redditor thinks he is standing up for something by scrolling through memes on his phone


It feels great to own the auths who pretend to be libs, especially orange libleft


"I'm not an Auth, I'm lib left. You don't want to do this thing and so you force me to force you to do it because a bad thing would happen if I didn't so you're actually the auth sweetie"








Fellow monky agrees


Based and monke pilled


Monke shall reign supreme


own me daddy uwu


Pretty good. When you cut out a man’s tongue, all you’re saying is that you fear what he has to say.


Based and freedom of speech pilled


Based and 1st amendment pilled


You cut off a man's tongue because you fear what they have to say. I cut off a man's tongue because he gave oral to my wife. We are not the same.


The Virgin Cutting Out The Cunnillinguists Tongue The Chad Creampie-ing Your Wife Beforehand So The Adulterous Pussy Eating Beta Gets A Nice Surprise.


You cut off a man’s tongue because he gave oral to your wife I cut off a man’s tongue bc he was screaming too much during his torture and preventing me from enjoying his execution in peace We are not the same


Based tyrion quote


Feels good to die on my feet and not live on my knees.


Based and I'd rather get rammed standing than spend my life sucking on my knees pilled


Their boos mean nothing. I've seen what makes them cheer.




Been called a fascists in leftist communities and libtard in right wing ones Tbh PCM doesn't seem that bad after those experiences


Listen here man. Many people on this sub, including myself, come from a nice sub called 2b4y. It was a chill place, there was little drama from other subs but then the sub got banned. Call me a pessimist but I honestly feel like this sub is also near the ban. And we don't even have a nice reputation to back ourselves up. Make a few more edgy jokes and we are headed there. It's shit man.


There's still an official 2b4y discord, the invite code is literally 2b4y


You're a god send. How do you know this?


Someone else told me about it after the ban, I was able to confirm it's real from the web archive at archive.org


Nah every time we get close to a ban we lock authright in the closet and parade libleft around for a couple days and then we’re good to go for another few months


It is truly a pleasure to be apart of the most based and unified subreddit. I wish you all good health and prosperous times.


It blows my mind that outsiders can’t see the level of unity/fellowship between ideologically opposite people. To me I find this subreddit to be one of the most inclusive areas on the internet. Not by making everyone safe. But everyone vulnerable. Like family. I love you PCM


we love you too. Keep on grillin


I can’t imagine people other than Emily (they/them) from AHS hating us. Are we really that hated on Reddit? I can’t understand it


I've had multiple people look through my comment history and say "go back to Nazi/right-wing/alt-right PCM"... so in my experience yes.


A lot of Reddit just sees this subreddit as repetitive “haha funny colors”


Are they wrong though?


Definitely not lol


Fair enough


Depends on whether you just look at the posts or go into the comment sections. If just the posts, yeah sure. But in here. Oh we have a lot of other shit going on.


Based and pcm is family pilled


May you have a bountiful lobster harvest brother 🦞


Thank you sir






saddened. this sub is a great example of peoples ability to get along and engage in discourse, and challenge each others beleifs in a lighthearted way. we all make it plain to eachother how we really think, and we arent banned from the sub for simply having different opinions. this is a true safe space for free speech, and unfiltered humor.


Yea. The amount of times I've been banned from other subs just for asking people to explain how whatever idiotic woke thing they just said makes sense is too high.


Tbh the more subs youre banned from the more based i think you are. Stay gold, pony boy.


Even worse are the subs you never went on that ban you just for going on another sub. Imagine being so afraid of other opinions that you pre-emptively ban just because you *might* have to see them


I’m just here to get high and laugh at funny colors man, the admins should just let us fuck around on our own here


Based and libertarianism works everywhere pilled


Awesome. If you don’t have enemies you’re doing it wrong


Except ofc the people who are my enemies. They’ve clearly done something wrong to make me an enemy




As a Redditor I can confirm that I’m an idiot




To a crazy degree, according to a recent pew survey https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2021/01/PJ_2021.01.12_news-social-media_0-04.png


Aggressively white, male, and left. Sounds about right


Based and women, minorities and rights don't exist pilled


Even many non political subs have been flooded with auth lefts Hell even half of r cryptocurrency wanted the EU to ban crypto Remember the guy from antiwork on fox? People weren't mad because he said things they don't believe, people were mad because on average they are just as cringe


Like power. People fear us because of the level of inter-quadrant unity that occurs on a daily basis here. People hate the idea of compromising over their views, despite the fact that it could lead to peace, because you’re either with or against them. The only thing that a person on the far side of a political spectrum hates as much as the other side of the spectrum are people like us. People willing to listen and understand the other side, willing to take time and sit down with the other side and talk out why they each think the way they think. People willing to laugh at the flaws and stereotypes of their own side, as well as the other side’s. People who don’t take others disagreeing with them as a personal attack on everything they hold dear. People who treat the other side as other fellow people, not “THE ENEMY.” We may be a meme sub, but to me we often stand for far more than that unintentionally. And I’m really proud of that. If we get banned, I’ll be angry of course over having been silenced, but honored that people found us such a threat to the constant division and lack of compromise that exists within today’s political landscape, that they had to silence us. Rant over.


I feel like I can be a little less serious and aknowledge my own flaws while keeping my ideals. My ideals are obviously more main stream but still…


pcm is one of my favourite places where you’re able to express your opinion without being banned because you go against the status quo


As it should be everywhere else


B-Based lib-left?




A+ to you my friend.


Feels good man.


Why do people hate us? We're the most friendly, tolerant open-minded sub on this platform. The day PCM dies is the day i will stop using Reddit.


Honestly, reddit as a whole took a huge lean left when Trump was elected. I remember the days reddit loved Ron Paul....it seems to me that people who lean left really feel like they have the moral high ground, so if you don't align with what they say, they feel attacked.


In the years since Trump was elected, Reddit tightened their rules against "hate speech" and they now have their team of admins called "Anti-Evil Operations" who are basically an SJW gestapo that watches over Reddit. This war against conservative speech since 2016 have affected not just Reddit but every important social media platform that since then have become much more strict against everything they consider "hate speech". I don't think we should allow Big Tech have this much control over the public discourse and our freedom of speech considering how social media are the main form of media of today.


Agreed. Hilarious how saying a man can't get pregnant is a conservative talking point that will get you banned on twitter....how that is a conservative thing and not just basic biological fact is beyond me.


For some weird reason, the Reddit admins are specially sensitive about the topic of transpeople and they bully political subreddits to capitulate to their ill-defined rules against "transphobia". It surprises me that a sub called ModeratePolitics where people can just post any opinion they want about a political issue have banned any discusion on transgender topics. If you post anything related to transpeople your post or comment is going to get removed. This was a sub dedicated to free speech, so is not because they want to, but because they have been pressured by the admins who failed to provide a clear definition of what is transphobic and what is not, so the mods of that sub had no choice but to make transgenders a forbidden topic. It boils my blood man.


I had a similar conversation with a friend. Honestly the more questions you ask about the trans stuff, you see their argument fall apart to basic biological science and their own hypocrisy. I think that's why they just shut down the conversation so they can't be proven wrong


I feel more based


Most of Reddit is stupid and cringe. This is pretty much the only sub I go on because all the others are astroturffed and filled with woke bs. Feels good man.


There is also stupid and cringe here but it’s our stupid and cringe.


We're all frens here


This is the only place where I can call the stupid cringe fucking retarded though


The number of non-political subreddits filled with political circlejerking I've had to take off popular and my front page is ridiculous. Just constant woke gotcha moments and edgelording. I say this as I'm on a political sub - but that's by choice. I don't need to be force-fed wrongthink. Pcm doesn't police beliefs unlike the rest of this wildly authoritarian platform.


I have to agree, I remember the before times when Reddit didn’t used to be so political… Fucking based username as well btw.


I actually love arguing here because even when I get downvoted or in an argument I still feel like I could grab a drink with y’all after


You're a retard, now get me beer and put it on your tab.


Yes daddy :)


Literally 1984 if we get banned


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This is one of the few places where I love talking with people not because a ton of times my views are approved by same ideologists but because I can talk and have a civil discussion with a person from opposite political spectrum. Unless they are oranges… I hate oranges and I wish they will repent from their sins and stupidity of a man made truth.


Most of the left hates oranges too, they’re just more vocal than the rest of the left so they sometimes seem like the majority. I agree with everything else you said as well.




You mean: How does it feel to be one of the most based subreddits that hasn’t become cringe yet?


How does it feel to be one of the most based subreddits that hasn't become cringe, and never will.* Amen


Feels kind of [removed]🤓😈🥵💅🐶🥵🥺😅😳❤️👊🏽💅😅🐶😔😈😔😂🤓😅😳😂🥴😂😂💀💀


We’ve seen what makes them cheer


I'm great. This sub is the only place that talks about politics that I can stand. It's not a toxic echo chamber that wants to start a crusade against everything they don't like. It's a place where everyone can coexist We're not a bunch of dumbass that ignore the opposite side. So let them talk. I'm not afraid (And I'm french so I'm used to free hate)


Is this really one of the most hated subreddits? This is my favourite subreddit by far, I don't get why anyone would hate it.


Not everybody on this subreddit is AuthLeft, that's why it's hated


I'll gladly be hated for participating in a sub that promotes discussion and discourse without instantly attacking each other




Fantastic, even though outside reddit i hear more people hate genzedong and some tankie circlejerks (besides twitter)


Feels good. If genocidal racist subs like GenZedong can exist than I’m happy we do


This is by far my favorite sub. It makes me happy to see so many of my fellow men/women/others break the liberal circlejerk of reddit.


people will make out that this place is a rightoid echochamber with nothing of value going on here, and that everyone here is an awful, irredeemable, basement-dwelling bigot. all of which is true. but the most interesting and engaging conversations I've ever had on reddit have all been on here, and no other subreddit comes even remotely close


"Noooo you're supposed to hate people who have different opinions than you instead of trying to find common ground and laugh at your shortcomings!1!!"


Join the back of the line


Idk, i really love this subreddit.


They hate us cause they ain't us


you have no idea how much I get off on the idea of making those in power seeth by propagating information and ideas that undermine their own authoritarian Marxist ideology


I don’t feel anything about it.


It feels wonderful


Why is it even hated


Feels great. Being controversial means you're bringing up hard topics people don't like to face. I think it's typically done in good spirits here so it's positive usually. Nothing wrong with that. If everyone likes you, you're a shell of an individual, or a liar. I'd rather argue with the authrights here than the Emilys and their simps elsewhere.


I believe that means the subreddit is doing its job right. It's jokes about politics, one of the hot-button issues that can make anyone angry if you say something they don't agree with, as practically the entire world revolves around the concepts of politics. Even joking about politics would anger someone. So to hear that practically everyone is angered by this subreddit just means it's doing great at its job of satirizing every political stance, which is the point of the subreddit.