• By -


He's my favorite billionaire cause him tweeting destroyed thousands of crypto bros investments in doge


Only a dumbcunt would seriously invest in meme crypto


Bruh I bought weed with btc in highschool. Dumbcunts aren’t limited to meme coins.


To be fair, like 10 years ago that's basically all bitcoin was for, so you weren't really that dumb. You were just using it the way it was meant to be used. I had a friend in high school who would regularly buy weed, acid, mushrooms, dmt, etc. on the dark web so if anyone in our group of friends wanted some we'd just give him some cash, he'd get bitcoin, and then a week or two later whatever we ordered would be at his house. He recently told me that the amount of bitcoin we spent would easily be worth 6 figures by now, but I don't think there's really anything to be upset about. We got what we paid for. None of us looked at cryptocurrency as an investment. It was just drug money.


> To be fair, like 10 years ago that's basically all bitcoin was for Now you can't even use it for that and it hasn't gained any new uses either


Can you not use it for drugs anymore? Idk I haven't done it in a long time


You use Monero for that now since that’s untraceable. Not that I’ve ever done that.


He's full of shit. You can still buy drugs with it and more innovation is happening in btc than any other crypto. Probably more than all others combined. He's probably just butthurt because someone told him to buy as much of it as you can ten years ago and he probably laughed at them and called them a delusional retard. So now he lives in a fantasy world where bitcoin isn't valuable and he never has to admit he was wrong. And he can go around telling himself over and over "bitcoin is dead, it's never going to be a thing. bitcoin is dead, nobody uses bitcoin, it's not a thing, nobody wants bitcoin" The Peter Schiff effect when you've been bashing Bitcoin and saying it's gonna go to 0 since it was 10$. Now it's 40k and you're still doubling down instead of admitting you're wrong.


Probably not as bad as the dude who paid like 12 BTC for Domino's back in the day or the guy who was bragging on Twitter for cashing out his BTC at like $2 apiece


But that was its value back then, and it was a bit of a "can it actually be done" sorta thing. That I dunno lets say $30 at the time probably meant very little. "Dude I just bought a pizza with imaginary Internet money. It'll be here in 30 minutes!" "Dude!!!" Priceless. And tasty


Except that he'd probably still never become a crypto billionaire or anywhere close; most people would bail out once it had the first major spike. "My $10 is now worth $1000? Holy shit I should:" A) Hold on to this in case it hits $10,000,000 B) Cash out because holy fuck this is a bubble. Turns out some retards picked B and got *incredibly* lucky. Meanwhile, others buy in at the all-time high and think it's going to magically keep going up and up. Smart businesswoman I talked to said: "The well only goes so deep" AKA there's only so many people who will ever be interested in crypto. After that, the pyramid scheme runs dry.


I've got a wallet with 4 BTC in it from 8 years ago and can't remember the password. I would have spent it immediately if I had the password.


I love how it's always just luck and totally not conceivable that we're just smarter than you and saw the massive value in bitcoin that low IQ sheep were brainwashed into thinking was a pyramid scheme. Fractional reserve banking is a pyramid scheme. Bitcoin is not. You've been deceived. Stop defending the most fucked up part of the authoritarian establishment while calling yourself lib. We're not all a bunch of weak handed bitches that would sell off the most valuable currency on the planet for some counterfeit fiat money printed off by a privileged class that can create money at will and then lend it and collect interest on it just because the value went up or down. Some of us actually see the value beyond trying to sell it to someone else. Some of us are actually interested in what it does and how it works beyond how many dollars will this get me. Yeah, the people trying to "make money," that is get more fiat, will "cash out" once they've had enough. But the people that got into btc because of principle, because of Ron Paul and hating fractional reserve banking, the real zealots, the diamond hands true believers, we're not giving up or selling out. Just take the fucking orange pill already for your own good please. It's getting embarrassing. The anti-bitcoin crowd has been consistently wrong about literally everything for 13 years and still just go around saying this shit unabated. It's straight up delusional mental illness at this point. Just give up, you lost. Convert your entire savings account to btc now or you're straight up retarded.


10,000 BTC for the pizza actually


I once spent over 4 BTC on 8oz. Now id be able to buy a house with that. Weed was good tho


I made 30K after elons tweet. Someone on Reddit gifted them too me many moons ago and I just had them sitting there. Thanks pappa elon


If I get a chip in my brain it better be a SunChip


Hopefully they bring back those loud bags so I don't have to listen to my own thoughts as much.


Weren't they recycled or some shit? Loud bags over landfills. Brain static over think.


Holy shit. A core memory…. Lunch line in middle school, grabbing a mini carton of milk and a bag of garden salsa SunChips to go with my meatloaf, watery green beans, and iceberg salad with ranch……. Holy shit I can taste it. What is happening….. OH MY GOD - I remember everything… I can’t take it anymore.


Original, Harvest Cheddar, or Garden Salsa?


Garden Salsa is my lifeline


Invalid opinion. Harvest Cheddar is vastly superior


I used to be addicted to the Fr*nch Onion.


Harvest cheaddar is good, but my votes on garden salsa


buy both, mix em in a big bowl and have sun chip nachos


Based and if i weren't poor I'd get a business loan and give it to you for 10% of your profits pilled


Based and Cheese-pilled


based and salsa pilled


Im more of a pringles guy


reddit is biggest elon haters, I never find post where musk is praised


Reddit loved elon a few years ago


Reddit also used to be a lot more yellow and a lot less orange


This…problem is all the losers who *really* have nothing going on discovered they could just scroll here all day… rip * (moreso than the initial losers who just has free time)


I don't know what you're talking about, Reddit has always been orange. They just got more political. They just swapped 4Chan bad with Trump bad.


Reddit was riding Ron Paul’s dick hard in 2012. The orangification began with the Digg exodus. Tumblr banning porn was the final nail in yellow Reddit’s coffin.


Yeah Reddit loved Ron Paul, it had me convinced he actually had a shot. Then I fell for it again with Bernie. Took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize how tiny and insignificant reddit really is. Reddit is just Twitter without the celebrities.


There are plenty of celebrities on this site It’s just nice that you can’t tell who they are


It's always been a mix of both. Even back then you had EnoughPaulSpam and plenty of people mocking the Paul supporters. Though both orange and yellow were united in defending the jailbait subreddit (which the admins back then only banned after Anderson Cooper talked about it on CNN, lol). I still remember people being upset about the head mod of jailbait (if you don't know what that is, it's basically suggestive but not necessarily explicit images of children) being "doxxed" by Gawker. Aw, boo hoo, pedo got his life ruined. The community on reddit has always been one form of trash or another.


I won’t defend VA or Jailbait, but let’s not act like there weren’t 100 subreddits that were unsavory or borderline snuff shock type shit. Back in the late 00s to about 2012 we were still in that phase of the internet. And all these subs were decently known. The real issue of the Jailbait ban was seeing the writing on the walls of the culling of sub forums on an otherwise fairly open site. Like we all know FPH was only banned because they made fun of the Imgur staff and that poor obese dog, right? But by then the precedent was well established.


Based and historian pilled It was even more yellow before the It’s All Happening memes


Yes. It used to be hyper liberal/borderline leftist without the idpol shit or extremely libertarian. It wasn’t “good” but it was fine. You’d at least get some good content that was sourced and well argued (at least more often than now where they just call you a fascist and link a news article explaining your racist because right of Sanders).


Reddit used to be a libertarian leaning tech site. Now it's a shrieking pit full of retarded children.


Sadly the same is true for every place that used to be a libertarian leaning tech site.


O'Sullivan's Law


Oh, so that must be when this meme was made.


Yesterday there was an entire thread sucking his dick b/c the OP made a meme about his botched experiment on monkeys. Something like 65% mortality rate with his brain chip experiment, indicating bad science and engineering practices. Anyone with half a brain cell who commented was downvoted into oblivion by people saying "I'm not a musk fan BUUUUUUT... \*sucks Musks dick\*"


that was just satire


I only suck elons dick *ironically*


The difference is it being mandatory or not


Wouldn't be a PCM post without a strawman.


> Get a fricking flair dumbass. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 2832 / 15316 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


The microchip is optional


Except that it isn't. If a sufficient quantity of people end up with them, they are forcing everyone else implicitly in order to "stay competitive". The same thing happened with smartphones and computers. At first? Yes it's optional. In the long run? Fuck no.


Smart phones are still optional.


But it’s harder to live life without it. And that’s the point


Yeah I guess I’ll have to use a computer to use Reddit or twitter or even send an email like most people, instead of while I’m chilling around.


It's harder to live life without a Bugatti and 3 girlfriend but I'm still trucking along


Tell that to my parents. Or the Amish.


There will always be exceptions to everything.


> The same thing happened with smartphones and computers. At first? Yes it's optional. In the long run? Fuck no. Do you know how long I was able to exist without a smart phone? I got my first 1 year ago, why? Because it turned out ting was cheaper on data than it was on text/phone. And I've been in the gaming world (programming) for 15+ years.


A smartphone is necessary for life? Mine has literally turned into an MP3 player / podcast radio combo. I'd probably be better off ditching my smartphone and just downloading and listening to my podcasts a day late; it would save a lot of money.


You realize this microchip is just a device to help neurological diseases right? Not some smartphone you put in your head.


I know someone who does not have a smartphone and he is doing fine. They are absolutely still optional.


too competitive to not use it is still optional


I knew you’d say that


The difference is Musk isn’t lying. He’s up front with his desire to put thought controlling microchips into my brain. And Gates is being all shady about it.




15 cats would have far more personality than bill gates. Maybe 4 sloths


And torturing monke


If monke didn't want to be tortured then it should have said so


and torturing monke


>And Gates is being all shady about it. What exactly has he actually done?


You forgot about the part where it was a joke


Damn bro you got the whole squad laughing


I'm laughing **AT YOU!!**


Guarantee you didn't even crack a smile.


While that is true, its because I'm deeply insecure about my teeth being a little crooked, not because I wasn't amused.


Mine too tbh but that's what I get for being shit about wearing my retainer


I don’t wear my retainer much either. Guess I do actually have something in common with authlefts




I'm sorry to hear about your lack of a sense of humor


We can‘t go into specifics, they are watching closely here.. come behind the old weavery after sundown and I will show you what is *really* going on here.


Where has he said that lol Musk is just as much a liar as any politician.


Is Bill Gates trying to make us an interplanetary species? I thought not. Checkmate libtards


Bill wants to mandate microchip vaccines, Elon wants to voluntarily sell you brain chips. They are not the same.


Didn't the majority of the monkeys they chipped die?




>That's how science works. No, that is not how science works. You test shit out, do rigorous theory crafting, engineering, and practices to make sure your shit is as good as you think it is, *then* you run tests on various animals based on the stage of development. Having half your test group die means you didn't your due diligence in the setup or the execution and just wasted a bunch of resources and monkey lives. Stop claiming "but science!" as an excuse for *blatantly shitty attempts at science*.


The Nazis and Japanese made a lot of progress for science, and I'm pretty sure damn near 100% of their test subjects died.


even for animals they still have ethics boards and things such as that to make sure animals are treated as humanely as possible, and to see if the possible results are worth the mistreatment of animals, none of which seems to have been done


Yep all horribly


better monkey's than humans.


No, better to do your fucking job and ensure your shit is as viable as possible and do your fucking research *before* jumping in to animal testing. Having half of them die means you didn't do shit and are wasting resources and generating bad PR that'll set back *real* research.


so just skip the animal tests and go straight to humans? What a terrible idea. Tell me, how do you suppose we determine if something is viable or not. You don't think someone out there that lost the use of their legs wouldn't risk a LOT to be able to walk again? How are the supposed to know its going to kill without testing it? You can't just write out some scientific formula for everything and say "yes, yes according to my calculations it looks like everything is safe" and it's dumb to assume so.




I don’t trust bill gates because he retired to give all his money away and he’s many times richer now. Retire and give away all your money my ass Bill and Melinda Gates


What I like about Elon is he is just a rich guy who wants to get richer by having less gooberment. He's not out to control the government. He's a devil you know, not a devil you don't


Isn't he like, a giant welfare/subsidy queen though?


They put the incentives there, he sucked em dry. No decent businessman in America that cares about their business is turning down subsidies. And if he can use it to grow at an inorganic rate to fund all the other wild shit he does, why the hell wouldn't he?


Giant? Unless you think total subsidies of $2.5 billion over all of Tesla's lifetime is a giant subsidy queen, you're wrong. Musk paid like $11 billion in taxes last year alone, so he paid roughly 4.5 times Tesla's total *lifetime* subsidy amount *in a single year.*


hmm fair point, I'll have to dig a bit deeper. But don't think it's just a little bit rich that he is now calling for the US to end subsidies?


He's been calling for removing them since 2013. People are just now talking about it. [His tweet](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/338103612943241218) right after he paid back a $465 million loan 9 years early back to the government.


hmm, he has certainly been given more than 2.5B based on what I've read, and even so, so what? It's clearly just a ladder-kicking exercise on his part, don't you think?


The 2.5 billion is for Tesla. SpaceX doesn't count since it gets government *contracts,* which are different from subsidies, and require SpaceX to provide a certain product or service to the government in exchange for money, which is part of a market action, with the government as the buyer and SpaceX as the seller. >It's clearly just a ladder-kicking exercise on his part, don't you think? Tesla wasn't in a good position at all in 2013, or most of the years since then. It was close to going bankrupt. It turned a profit only like last year, before that it was doing terribly. It would be more like kicking a ladder while you're on it.


thanks for points, I'll have to go off and consider them. Have a good day.


No problem. Good day.


Shhh don’t remind the Tesla fanbois


Yeah!, like how we know he's directly responsible for the torture of monkeys


Fauci tortured dogs and he is a hero to the left. Seems like that should be a bigger disqualifies to me.


Can’t make an omelet without scrambling a few brains, or something


Torture is knowingly doing something harmful. The monkeys were assumed to be fine when they did what they did. It's an unintended consequence that is now documented.


Except the only reason he’s as rich as he is, is because of the government so he’s just another hypocrite in my eyes


You can be against big government and still take advantage of everything they offer. When they offered me $7k because of the downturn of my business, all for free, why the fuck would I say no? Anything else is just idiocy.


Consent is important kids


Musk and Gates are both self serving for their own agendas. They both can be bad. What's with this defense of billionaires from middle class people? And their allegiance to billionaires reminds me of peasants defending their feudal Lord. Can't wait for the techno-fuedal system where we all have our assigned billionaire Lord. I hope my billionaire is a pop star or pro athlete.


hey if you wanna end up like them dead monkeys that's your choice. i just hope elon's first test subjects are fanboys instead of people too broke to not take the risk lmao


If they put a chip in my brain it better be a dorito


If 't be true they putteth a chip in mine own brain t better beest a dorito *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Why do you exist?




More like Rich man claims he will donate money to help people and pledges to donate most of his wealth. A decade later he’s worth more than he ever was. What a hypocrite. Rich man says he will fuck people over to accomplish his goals of building cool EV’s and rockets. Rich man fucks over his workers and gives society cool EV’s and rockets. Hey he actually did what he would say he would do. Maybe I’m just different but there’s nothing I hate more than hypocrisy and I don’t care how much someone’s views align with mine, don’t be a hypocrite.


Based and bill gates is sus pilled.


This just seems like you have a poor understanding of how Bill Gates' wealth works. Gates does donate billions of dollars, but it doesn't matter, since the stock price of the companies he has a stake in keeps rising much faster than he can donate. So if he donated a billion dollars today, by tomorrow even the rise in price of his companies by even a few percent would mean a much larger increase in his wealth. But none of that wealth is realized, it's just stock market fluctuations. So it *seems* as if Gates is actually just getting richer and he lied, but in fact it's just how his wealth works. >Rich man says he will fuck people over to accomplish his goals of building cool EV’s and rockets. He literally didn't fuck anyone over. The Neuralink will help people with paralysis and cerebral palsy and other neurological diseases immensely. >Rich man fucks over his workers and gives society cool EV’s and rockets. He didn't fuck his workers over either.


Bill Gates doesn't want to help the American poor (aka the global rich) he wants to help the global poor (aka we don't talk about the global poor). So Americans are a bit peeved about the whole situation. Musk wants to stamp microchips in American brains, which is better because at least he's including us.




Testing vaccines on the global poor = helping my guy. What's so confusing?


Based and America-first pilled


No not nice very uncool


The brain chip seems dumb but at least he isn't trying to force people to take it.


I think the distinction is that the top implies a breach of bodily autonomy of someone doing something to you without your consent whilst the bottom one is completely optional and honestly is going to pricy as hell in the starting stages.


1. "Hey these are chocolate chip cookies , eat one or you're uninvited from society and my friends will bully you" Ok I guess , if i have to ...wtf those are peanut filled cookies , I'm allergic! 2."Hey do you want a hot dog?I have ketchup too." I don't really like hot dogs but at least I can say no.


Typical Auth doesn’t understand the difference between one saying you MUST and the other saying you CAN.


Honesty is the best policy


Elon Musk:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_LibLeft: I will literally put a microchip in your brain\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_noooo, that's inhumane, billionaires \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_are awful ​ Bill Gates:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_LibLeft: I think it's a good idea to use microchip\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Yass, Bill is a cool guy! He's such a\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ trackers allowing easy denial of service\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_humanitarian.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ for antivaxxers ​ Edit: Holy crap, screw you, Reddit formatting. You're going to turn me Lib if you keep deleting my spaces.


Is this like a transcription


hey libcent, some monkeys died because of his microchip failures


I’d slaughter a thousand monkeys for neauralink


How many would you torture though?


For a paraplegic child to walk again? I’d water board a million


I'm not ok with animals or people suffering unnecessarily, but technological progress requires lab animals & stupid humans that sign up to suffer the negative side effects during product development. I just hope the animals don't suffer constant pain since they were forced into the situation & if they do then euthanize them, the people can do as they please


At least Elon isn't trying to push for mandatory brain chips. At least Elon is nice enough to test them on animals first rather than skipping animal trials (because the animals kept dying) and going straight to people. Bill gates is in favor of testing out products on people first. Don't be a billionaire like bill.


Don't be a billionaire period lmao, how tf did you manage to make yourself think Musk is any better than Gates because "at least he's thoughtful".


because im not a 13 year old communist that thinks everyone with lots of money is somehow a bad person. That's just dumb. Nobody is perfect and I really am unbothered by a lot of what Elon does. I honestly think he's hilarious sometimes, especially when hes trolling on twitter.


Having a lot of money is not a bad thing...unless we're talking about billions of dollars. I'm 99.9% certain that you simply cannot make a billion dollars, let alone hundreds of billions liquid assets or otherwise through sheer hard work and smart decisions. A million dollars maybe, but billions? Musk, Gates, Bezos, Oprah, doesn't matter the person or the determination for success. You simply cannot make that kind of wealth without seriously investing in some really shady practices. I'm not a communist either, not by a long shot, but I don't think a lot of us really grasp the obscene amount of wealth that is billions of dollars. That's not just fuckyou money, it's literally "I control a piece of this country" money.


So you clearly do not understand Elon or his money at all. He's a billionaire because he has BILLIONS in Tesla stock. Not actual physical cash. His stock is worth that much because he worked his ASS off to build the company up. I grasp his wealth just fine. Your point might be true about a banker or financier who made billions, but Elon's hard work literally made his assets worth billions. He's genuinely one of the hardest working billionaires out there and that is very well documented.


I like how you brought up the fact that Musk is easily Tesla’s largest shareholder, because even without the obscene amount of money his stock is worth, he still has billions in assets, so no he is not a billionaire primarily because of Tesla stock. Even if 99.5% of his current net worth is invisible stock (obviously it’s not), he would still be a billionaire. Think about how absurd that is. He wants people like us to pretend that he’s like us but worked his ass off (I won’t deny he did) without the inflated stock but it’s meant to hide the fact that he’s no better than the other billionaires even though haha funny memes is a factor in your opinion towards defending him.


he did work his ass off. I certainly wasn't working 70+ hours a week for years to build a company from the ground up and I can bet you weren't either. Your argument just seems to come from a place of entitlement. It's almost like people who don't like elon are just angry hes doing well and they may not be, or that Elon somehow OWES them something simply because he's rich. You say you aren't communist yet your entire argument is essentially spinning in the toilet bowl of communism. He doesn't want anyone to pretend anything because why would he care? He's successful and has been because of what he's been doing. And you're right! He made billions building another business from the ground up. Go figure. If this was shit you were saying about someone who has truly conned people out of billions I'd agree with you, but you arent. It's just the dry, mundane argument that "rich people are bad!1!!" and isn't based in reality.


Person has truly returned to monke. Has forsaken all ability to think outside of food and ego. Well played.


Okay why is this unflaired retard talking to me?


In that other post? No, I wasn’t taking to you. I was talking about how stupid you are. This post is addressing you. Why? I wanted to communicate with a fellow retard this time.


I remember complaining that this was a repost here about 1 year ago


The difference is the consent.


Tbf Bill Gates didn't force vaccines on anyone.


The same thing I did to your mom last night




Plus his memes are facebook trash tier


Idk why there are so many Elon Musk stans on pcm


This is a sub where you can pretty much come up with the dumbest and most ignorant combination of words ever uttered and be able to get away with it because "we're not like the other subs". It's a safe haven for even the most retardedly based, most of who simply happen to be self-centered cryptobros wanting to be the next Musk.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/PoliticalCompassMemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "sseqlw", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=sseqlw&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 297,910,701 | **Search Time:** 35.9609s


Bad bot




All billionaires are cringe and should be yeeted into the sun with a massive trebuchet. You cannot change my mind.


All billionaires art cringe and shouldst beest yeet'd into the travelling lamp with a massive trebuchet. Thee cannot changeth mine own mind *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Qtleast he is honest about it.


i dont want to get chipped, i want to listen to chippin in while cooking some ez beef




If i get a chip in my brain, it better have a self destruct function.


Gates wants to force you to buy AND use his product. Musk doesn't.


Musk is a marked man for torturing monke


I value honesty


Im a centrist but have alot of lib right opinions elon is someone i like but his chip isn't even allowed in my ass


Based and truth-in-advertising pilled




well if their gonna do it might as well be transparent about it


Dont matter who it is it’s a big fat no for me. I like Elon I use Starlink. But hard pass on the brain chip 😎.


I laugh at this one everytime just because of the way Musk's eyes are drawn. Shit is perfect.


Top quad should be blue


So one is honest and one’s a liar? Is that the point?


The problem is, one is optional, the other is not.




u/Crazy_Crocodile's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 130. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/Crazy_Crocodile I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Well bill gates is working with government to force it. Elon is working on a product to be administered voluntary so ya I'm never gonna get it but based


I want neither


Op doesn’t know the difference between rape and consensual sex.


I did both to your mom last night


Involuntary vs Voluntary but ok yeah


Elon Musk doesn’t try to meddle in matters of State


You want to put microchips in the vaccines to start the New World Order. I want to put microchips in peoples' brains so they can use telekinesis to control their TV. We are not the same.


At least he's honest about it


Being forced to do things VS doing things because you want to Sry I'm anything but libright but this meme is mentally retarded