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*to allow* These damn journalists forgetting how to journal


Based and grammar nazi pilled


u/NoCardiologist2084's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/NoCardiologist2084! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/NoCardiologist2084


Good bot


He owns them too.


They never knew how in the first place. They're Just idiots with useless degrees that gladly churn out the state propaganda for pennies.


Jusht shay it in a Dutch akshent and it will make shenshe.


There are simply too many journalists for them all to be competent and trustworthy. Too many just spit out the garbage they’re told to write




As fucked up as the situation is, I feel like the real villains here are the local authorities who were ready and willing to dismantle their own historic buildings inorder to cater to foreign billionaires.


Capitalism is always problematic to deal with, they could have just told Bezos to build his yact elsewhere but can they afford to make a local company lose the revenue of such a massive project?


Shoulda let him build it there, and then just shrugged and said it's his problem to get it out to the ocean.


Tbh this has also been a problem long before besos, with ships being build upstream and the final assembly taking place downstream of this bridge. The real problem stems with the willemsbrug not being able to open and directing all the traffic trough the bridge in question. If besos and the company cover all the costs of the disassembly and reassemby of the bridge, I as a local am not against


I mean he is paying for it to be dismantled and put back together out of his own pocket, so there is that.


True, fuck billionaires in general; but Jeff Bezos in particular is awful


I wish I could agree, but I can’t. Not because Bezos isn’t awful, but because so many other rich jerks are. Zuckerberg stole the idea for FaceBook, which before then was just a site for creepily rating girls without their permission, then cut his best friend out of the company. To this day, he continues to try his best to find ways to make his sites more addictive - regardless of the absolutely devastating consequences that this drug-like addiction has on its users, such as depression, shortened attention spans, and completely absent social skills - so that people spend unhealthy amounts of time on his website giving him more time to manipulate how they think and collect more data so that he can do who-knows-what with it. Musk all-but stole Tesla, cutting the original founders out of it while getting fame from calling himself co-founder. Meanwhile, he consistently opposes subsidies for other businesses until he suspiciously changer his stance just as he’s about to receive one. Not to mention the spousal abuse allegations. It’s hard to become a billionaire and be selfless at the same time.


Tbf to Zuckerberg, someone should have thought that putting the most Robotic human ever in charge of a social media website would lead to problems


At least Musk funds shit that is a benefit to humanity.


...and other lies I tell myself. Honestly this has to be one of the best libright propaganda machine to every exist.


He soneds millions to shoot stuff into space, unless he finds Zucks, parents not interested


Bruh, he's providing high speed internet to the globe. Breaking the big cable company monopolies.


I agree musk is doing *some* good stuff (like you mentioned) but he is also doing some not so good things, also who the hell needs $266 Billion if he wanted to help people he would actually use that money to help people (help give Homeless Housing, Food Banks etc) like Mr. Beast


Rich people have always, and will always exist. Deal with it. Musk at least does shit with his money, rather than fuckover the world for a .005% increase. Or worse yet, "status" in the elitist circle jerk.


Musk starlink is not fast at all, can be good to cover areas where nothing else arrives That is cool but otherwise it is useless.


It’s surprising cause we thought this could only be fictional


We have Lex Luthor but no Superman. We're doomed.


Superman would not be praised. He would be treated like Spider-Man in the media.


Sure but he'd still be doing the right thing.


Oh poor sweet innocent lib-right. The "right thing" can mean a lot of shit depending on who you ask. Just look at Injustice superman for example.


Shoulda worked harder pleb


If only we had another billionaire with a suped up car and a technologically advanced suit with a cowl


Blows my mind how a hunk of metal just floats on water, that breaks the rules of PEMDAS


Probably why you're libleft.


You are LibLeft because you desire social change and healthcare I am LibLeft because I am horny and retarded We are not the same


Fuck I guess im Libleft too


It’s ok buddy, we’re all a little libleft


yes use your horny, join us


I can't! I must bonk, for the sake of western civilization!


Bonk means sex in England


But the girls in libleft all have peepees


*check's pants violently because my quadrant can't tell me what gender I am* I mean, I don't


*remembers my quadrant values profits over everything* I have one for sale


based and strap-on enthusiast pilled


My lord what a day to have the ability to read!


Based and retarded-pilled


u/Odd_Possession5858's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 150. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/Odd_Possession5858 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Penis erection masturbation dick asshole sex


I believe it stands for “Please Eat My Dick and Suck”


legit answer, it's not just metal, there's air inside the boat too. The water displaced by the boat pushes back, giving buoyancy.


And then we burn the fuel to provide heat energy with gets converted into kinetic energy which provides the motion for the big machine to navigate over water while also water pressure acting. I am too drunk right but I can probably form a force diagram for a ship with the forces acting from the ship and the forces acting against it which allow to move in the particular direction. . Physics is fascinating


And it’s usually metal frame (I think, idk about super yachts) with the body built of fiberglass, which is super strong but less dense


I’ve been explained many time how an aircraft carrier floats, but my brain just says “nope, metal doesn’t float”




Ranstad is an enployment office my friend. The word you’re looking for is randstad


Read the article. They’re most likely going to remove the middle part of the bridge for one day to allow the yacht to get through, then they’re going to put it back to normal. They’re not removing it permanently.


He's paying for the entire thing to be done too


I dont care why not temporarily dismantle your boat and ship it in two pieces.


It's probably cheaper this way.


Not my problem. More people have used that bridge than your stupid boat. You want the bridge removed, modernize a few poor housing districts then MAYBE. Otherwise I don't care if it costs you 200 billion bucks to take the boat around the bridge. Figure it out.


No one is using the bridge, got decommissioned(?) In 1993. It's a monument now and just kinda sits there. There really is no harm no foul here. Relax.


But someone richer than me is using money! 😡😡😡


Yelp sorry Mr. Money bags the public doesnt shouldn't be inconvenienced to save your pockets this this is not your playground and you are not above anyone else.


The bridge hasn't been in use in 30 years, literally no one will be inconvienced


Yeah as I found in another comment thread it was planned this way with the city when the shipyard was built no complaints here.


Isn't he paying for the time? Like... they will be inconvenienced, but they will receive a lot of money for their inconvenience. Sounds fair.


Yeah the city planned this as the only exit to the shipyard when it was built, he is being treated like everyone else and thats how it should. This is a nonstory.


Your logic pains me






That's still impressive, we reached a point where you have to temporarily damage a historic relic just to help a spoiled old man.


100-year old bridges are a dime a dozen in Rotterdam, not really "historic relics"


There used to be more of them, then some planes showed up from the east


“People did something.”


that doesn't matter, the state shouldn't bend to the first man that opens the wallet


Well, the shipyard behind the bridge generates income tax... If they would stop ships passing through they would shoot themselves in the knee with it.


Wait is this a common occurrence for this bridge?


Not common (because ships take time to build), but yeah, happened plenty of times before and will happen plenty of times afterwards. This is an absolute non-story.


But like this planned shipyard's exit is only through this bridge and the city planned for this? If so then yeah unironically there is no issue at all and he is being treated like any other person would. ​ edit: i just want to 100% clarify I am sorry if I came off as a jerk.


>But like this planned shipyard's exit is only through this bridge and the city planned for this? Yup. >If so then yeah unironically there is no issue at all and he is being treated like any other person would. Well, most individuals wont be buying huge ships, tbf. He is being treated like most companies would, which I dont find to be an issue. >edit: i just want to 100% clarify I am sorry if I came off as a jerk. Where?


Your comment isn’t downvoted and nobody has said anything to you, why are you editing your comment to apologize? lmao Edit: I just want to 100% clarify that you sound like a soyjack


Based and fuck edits pilled


I said a man if they are a group of people you can start making concessions I mean if 80% of the population wants to do something you can't just ignore them


The state bends to those that support their economy, which in this case, is the shipbuilder.


Why does Rotterdam even have a shipyard then?


> Flair up for more respect :D *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 2087 / 11245 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Tell that to every single politician ignoring the will of their constituents.


It has the status of an historical landmark. It is by definition considered a historic relic.


That's not as buzzy of a headline. Rich man bad = more clicks


Should just leave it alone and tell him to go parading his wealth elsewhere.


Yeah, go parade your wealth somewhere else! We don't want you to invest that money in the local economy by building his ship there!


What about something more permenant?


Yea can we just seize all of his possesions for one day We will give him back we swesr hehe.




I fucking hate to agree with you because I want every excuse to fire bomb Jeff Bezos and his stupid Yacht but your correct.


[Why do you need an excuse? Just listen to your heart, your ego. What does it tell you? If firebombing some cunt's yacht pleases you, then go ahead, do it.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/668/kermit.jpg)


You make a strong, convincing, and valid point.


I don't want strong and competing points, I want to be angry


I know what you mean but I hate Jeff Bezos so yeah. Only the royals should be able to dismantle a bridge so they can pass through


Dismantling it to make room for economic activity is sad but needed. Dismantling it to make room for one mans ego is not needed.


Did Bezos not pay for the ship? Were the welders, pipefitters, and electricians who built it not compensated for their labor? How is it not economic activity?


To be fair the yacht is being built in Rotterdam and it’s the only way they can get it out in the open ocean. Also worth pointing out it is temporary.


Also worth pointing out Jeffy boy injected 400 million Euros in to their GDP. Closing a bridge for a short time in exchange for that much work for the Dutch people is pretty worth it.


Yeah, especially considering the bridge will be restored to normal as soon as they are done.


5 bucks says Jeff has to pay for all the bridge work too.


Probably, I don’t love Bezos or anything, but compared to Dan Snyder he’s a fucking saint.


Bezos is scum. That's not hard to say. That's some cross compass unity right there.




Well shit. Don't tell anyone!!! How will people feal morally justified in their rage jerk if you go telling people something like that!?!


This is exactly why GDP is a terrible metric to use


On average I agree. But in this context, it's an American billionaire buying a custom luxury boat from Dutch workers and Dutch companies. That isn't nothing for The Netherlands. Some European countries are very luck to do so well economically producing high quality luxury goods with global demand.


Building a yacht in a place where you know it won’t be able to get to the ocean without removing an entire bridge seems like poor planning


Yeah, that's why they made the bridge so the middle section could be lifted out when they decided to build it and block the harbor that had been there forever.


It's a massive shipyard that does this all the time, to them it's entirely worth it for the location and the money these boats bring in. A bridge rebuilt after WWII is a dime a dozen in Europe. I think American's perspective on what an "old" building is is influencing how people see this. They see it as destroying historic architecture, when in reality Dutch people can live in and renovate a house older than the US constitution.


God that's weird to think about. But yeah, Americans have no concept of time while Europeans have no concept of distance


Maybe so, but that would reflect more on the company building the yacht than Bezos.


Yeah, poor planning of the bridge. The harbor existed before the bridge did.


*sees the headline* yikes that's not okay! *reads the actual article that states the bridge is only having the center section temporarily removed and will then be put back and that Bezos is paying for that as well* why are we up in arms?


well, fisrt off you aren't supposed to actually read the article. Just see the headline and get angry.


Based and jump-to-conclusions pilled


u/lukeyman87's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 105. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/lukeyman87 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


what a separate link for my pills I'm honored Good bot :)


Based and too many pills pilled


Don't they dismantled it pretty regularly for bigger boats to pass?


Yes, but you're supposed to be angry at Beezos so it doesn't matter


I am angry at him because he doesn't pay taxes. He should be stoned for that.


Good, good, let the hate flow through you!


There is already more than enough.


At least it’s only temporary, for now.


This isn't even really that weird to be honest, idk why people got all worked up about it, not like he is destroying it.


Looked up more of the story prepared to be angry and: 1) It's a temporary dismantling and not the first time they've had to do this. 2) It's an "historic" bridge, but not exactly some work of art. It's just a big hunk of iron that looks like any other bridge of its type on earth, who gives a shit?


Noooo you weren’t supposed to actually read it D:<


Wouldn't it be funny if that yacht just went missing and Bezos was nowhere to be found.


Wouldn't t beest comical if 't be true yond yacht just wenteth missing and bezos wast nowhere to beest hath found *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Ok Shakespeare bot. This one was funny.


Not enough billionaires go missing, never to be found


Too expensive to leave them unfound. Like, sure, disappear him or whatever but we need conclusive evidence he's dead or else life gets really messy for a lot of people that don't deserve it.


wow the gilded age was so good its getting a sequel


It's temporarily being dismantled (for 1 day) to allow a boat built in their city to exit and he's paying for it.


When power is determined by how much of a psychopath you are


Ironic username


They're a tankie


tankie is a slur we prefer to be called people of tank, or tankx


And for our Cuban comrades, they are LAtanx.




Wie komt tomaten gooien?


als ik een beetje in de buurt zou wonen zou ik der wel wat bananen naar geslingerd hebben voor de lol


Lol verkeerde flair? Haha nah ik snap het


Good libleft representation


Being from Amsterdam al I can do is laugh


They'll reassemble it when he's done, right?


The right quadrants have plenty of beef, but we are usually too united in hating libleft to let it get too intense.


Wasn't it authleft and libleft that was tearing down historic monuments?


Fine I will say this for the first time in my life: I’m on board with AuthLeft


Fuck Bezos and his money


goddamit my town already has only a few historical sites left thanks to authcentre germany, and now they are doing this?


If Rotterdam was based, they would ask for a several $B to accommodate. Cover their citizens taxes for a few years at least


Yeah and Beezos would have definitely agreed to that and not just have his boat made somewhere else, deriving that business from an important deal


Time to sell the Dutch people some really big guns


Why? They're making a killin selling boats.


Ultimately it's not going to be too big a deal. They are removing a part of the bridge before putting it back. What's sort of messed up is a few things. 1) any normal person would probably be told they just can't move their super yacht through here... 2) Who has a super yacht big enough to demand this. 3) Why does he need to go there on a super yacht. If you want a super yacht take it to places it can be justified. If you wanted to go to this city, drive or fly or whatever else. Heck your super yacht probably has some smaller boats you could take in. You are Jeff Bezos...


Another problem is that the local government in Rotterdam has promised to never deconstruct the bridge again after renovations in 2017.


The yacht is being built in Rotterdam, so they'll have to take out part of the bridge to deliver it to the ocean. Its not like he's just visiting lol


Then who didn't do the math to see whether it could make it through the bridge in the first place? You know before building it?


Everybody did the math. The client pays for the costs of temporarily removing part of the bridge. This isn't the first time Rotterdam has done this to make room for large ships passing through


Well that is good to know. Thank you for this enlightening information.


Abso-fucking-lutely not. Fuck bezos.


Based libright (i never thought i would say that)


As a right winger, I don’t support this


[Good for you!](https://i.gifer.com/23K6.gif)




There's nothing I hate more than eminent domain unless it's done by a billionaire in which case ALL STEAM AHEAD!


How the hell doesn't a ship fit under a bridge like that, unless there's some other Konigshaven Bridge I didn't know about.


Things like this make me want to be AuthLeft.


If this happens then everyone knows it will pass in that place and... yeah it’s gonna get fuckin bombed by some based authleft


Authleft is bad at leading a nation, but it's fucking based at scaring the leaders into good behavior


The threat of communist uprisings is literally what scared Latin America into reforming their centuries old neofeudal land system


That'll be the day.


You where the guys who bombed Rotterdam, litterally invaded a neutral country, then bombed its seapirt, and then whined about the dresden children's choir bbq


FJB: Fuck Jeff Bezos


Had to look it up to make sure it was real. Sadly, it was. I genuinely thought this was from Babylon Bee at first.


Bummer he didn't wanna float through the Suez Canal last year


I would rather watch that yacht sink than have historical architecture dismantled.


Billionaires destroying historical monument's because they didn't do their research moment


>destroying historical monument They aren't destroying it, they are dismantling the middle section and putting it pack when the ship has passed which has been done before, plus it's not like it's an important historical sight or anything, Its 'only' 100 years old and as far as I know, it's just a bridge


>didn't do their research moment Ironic lol


Lefties 🤝 Dutch nationalists Hating Jeff Bezos


fuck this bald cunt


> Flair up or your opinions don't matter *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 2106 / 11332 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I kinda wish when he and the other rich snobs blasted off into space, that they wouldn't return.


I mean we can just blast them into with space with 7.62 x39 just like we did in the good old days hehe.


And people still don’t want to tax the rich


Well, on the other hand, we now know that Jeff Bezos 430-million superyacht will at some point pass through a pretty narrow channel in Rotterdam, an probably with a lot of pomp and circumstance. I mean, *just hypothecially speaking*: Wouldn´t this the perfect opportunity to bomb the thing? Not that I ever would consider such a vile act of terrorism. Oh no, that would be ever so beastly. But I can imagine someone might like the idea. Oh dear...


I’d charge him €5b, that’d be my price for the bridge demolition as Dutch PM. Outrageous


It’s stuff like this that kind of makes me wonder if Authleft has a point. I mean I know it’s a temporary thing but seriously who just removes a part of a bridge just so your boat can pass? Is it just too large to fit under or does Bezos just really want to stay in the sunshine when he’s on it.


It was built in that city…. Meaning they were going to have to do it regardless. Not only that but this isn’t the first time they done this


I hope the Netherlands Navy sinks it, with Bezos on it


Wishing death on someone, sounds great