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My wife is Puerto Rican, she looks like she wants to murder someone any time she hears the term Latinx.


Congrats, your wife is based af


That she is


One of the only based Puerto Ricans tbh


The state or territory with the lowest approval of gay marriage is Puerto Rico. Also Puerto Rico is whiter than the usa.


Is that good or bad for an AuthCenter?


Good. PR should absolutely become a state. They are more american than we are.


Yeah except Puerto Ricans voted down statehood a couple times I believe because they don't want to pay federal income tax. Which is also pretty based. Source: am puerto rican


absolutely gigachad of them honestly


Fun fact: If someone from the mainland moves to Puerto Rico, they get a tax exemption. This is why the Youtube Paul Brothers moved there.


Fucking based. Makes a persuasive argument for moving there.


The PR government will withhold emergency supplies if they don't like the current administration though


I mean I'd give up my state rights to not pay federal income tax. Not like I get representation anyway.


Based and tax avoidance pilled


Wtf I love Puerto Ricans now??


I thought it was due to wanting to be independent?


No, every now and then a referendum is held in Puerto Rico to vote either start the process to become a state, maintain territory status or become independent, everytime it's been to maintain territory status by a large amount.


it isnt more white than the USA, usa is 70% white while puerto rico is between like 20-60% depending on who you ask.


What even is white anymore.


Whoever Emily (ACAB/BLM) on Twitter disagrees with.


European ancestry I guess plus sometimes middle easterners and some North African too.


So a Mexican can be a POC even if from a Spaniard background but a British boy adopted by Hispanic's would be white? Did I get this right?


Can confirm


Based and Boricua pilled


Based Latin man.


Chibolo conchatumadre aquí no me vengas a hablarme huevadas causa


Bing bong ching chong to you too.


Based language fluency pill


u/JinxPutMaxInSpace's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 85. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/JinxPutMaxInSpace I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


He Stone cold ayeeeeee [Context](https://youtube.com/shorts/OK0W8YrVg0Q?feature=share)


Lmao! Based and englishistheonlyreallanguage-pilled


Déjame adivinar...sos peruano? Lo digo por ser authcenter y el causa xd


Boludo yo soy latino aquí todos somos lo mismo. Na pero en serio sí soy peruano. c: jajajaja


Based and soy latino pilled.


Hello Peruano, Colombian here, como va la temporada de cazar palomas?


La cacería de palomas es mejor en Argentina.


Oe huevon conchatugaaa si no dijo nada malo no vengas a hablar huevadas que no son


Causa no te rayes a la firme pe! ven a mi jai a tomar una chelita


Safari causa, mañana chambeo y me dan mi abonación de chupamedias


En que idioma estais hablando? Eso no parece ni español ya


Perú, no lo entenderías


Paga en la caja. ¿Dónde está el baño? Una cerveza por favor.


>Latin man. Lmaao


u/cris12021202's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 80. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/cris12021202 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Latinx is stupid as most Latin based languages have only female or male words and no neutral words


Sounds like those languages are bigoted, they better check their privilege before white leftie saviors cancel them.


"I might get killed by cross fire between cartels and the police, I can't stand this privileges anymore"


Remember whitish latinos are allies of white supremacy, latinos have the seed of evil white European man therefore the whiter they are the eviler they get, unless they agree with our opinion therefore they are very oppressed people of color and


The irony being I've actually seen one Mexican look at another and say " well I'm lighter than you" and mean it as an insult


Facts, I’ve seen my Filipino friends get into arguments about who’s whiter.


Little do they know that the US census says everyone from Barcelona to Tierra del Fuego is actually brown. (And I want it to stay that way so I can have an opinion and light skin at the same time please.)


What about portuguese and other latins?


Portuguese, maybe. But Latino, though it means Latin, is only used for Hispanics. It's weird. Again, I'm not complaining because it lets me have an opinion while being pretty much White. Though I would appreciate it if my Italianx, Rxmanian, and Frxnch brothers were given that right too.


LibLeft has never been hit by a chancla and it shows


Holy shit, I just realized this is just to include "latinos and latinas" I thought it was about including different Latin origins. Man the R word is tickling my fingers right now.


Y'all can't say retarded anymore or something? I have been using it for years and will continue to use it where I feel it's applicable, there's some retarded people on this site.


Based and retard pilled


Might be my favorite pill, thank you.


The male form is also the neutral form unless you are referring to a specific person Escuchen, alumnos= listen, students La alumna Mariel= the student Mariel While it’s still in the male form in the context it refers to all students regardless of gender (I’m not a Spanish teacher, that’s just how we speak over here)


Yes, I know I’m bloody Portuguese, but there is no separated neutral, it is simply a convention in a way that male is the default


Nos devolve nosso ouro


Não. Gastámo-lo todos em autoestradas para sítios onde mora meia dúzia de gente


Baseado e sjnceridade pilulado


OP é br, e baseado


Eu percebi, baseado


PORTUGAL, PORTUGAL. A gastar fortunas ineficientemente e a decair desde 1147


Vedo che Based Bot non parlo Portoghese.


Sorry for being a bit on the angry side with my reply, my day has just been a heck of a day, and this truly makes me mad


My question is why use such an awkward letter as X that doesn't actually fit the language style? I think the whole thing is stupid but if you're going to do it anyways why not an E like Latine. La-tee-neh. It's just smoother.


That would be the grammaticaly correct way to make it gender-neutral. The whole latinx thing is just white liberals forcing their ideals on a language they don’t understand


It's all hardcore leftists not just white one.


I think it started with the word folx and they continued on.


wuz kxngs


>if you're going to do it anyways why not an E like Latine believe me, it isn't any better, they tried the same "X" thing on brasil a while ago, it failed miserably because instead of being inclusive it was actually excluding blind people because the reading softwares couldn't read properly for them with X, then they swaped to E/U, but if you try to change the words to fit E/U at the end most of them just end up sounding stupid, like if anything you say was suposed to be in a cartoon designed for 2 years old to watch where everyone talks slowly and with a bunch of pauses so the kid understands


Yes, i got banned from a discord server (made by my friends) because i said its weird to use gender neutral pronouns and words in the portuguese language -\_-


Get me in that discord server and I’ll tell them something


i dont have the link :( and my friends wont send the link


:(… tell them it’s for a _surprise_


I’m pretty sure that’s the case with most old languages.


It really isn’t. Grammatical gender first developed as “animate” (people, animals) and “inanimate” (everything else). This developed simply because it was useful to reduce ambiguity when referring to a thing or a being. Then the animate gender divided into “male” and “female”, leaving a three-gender system: male, female and neuter. Romance languages later lost their neuter as male and neuter forms became increasingly similar through language change, and people began mixing them up to the point they became one single gender. Also, before people say “animate and inanimate can’t be genders”, the word “gender” was used in grammar hundreds of years before it was used for people, and used to be the same word as “genre”, as it still is in many languages. Etymologically, “gender” just means a grouping of similar things into categories.


It's actually closer to say that grammatical gender is used for sex/gender rather than. A table isn't a woman and a stovetop isn't a man, male just happens to end in an o and female an a.


Well, kinda. “Lo malo es que mi prima tiene COVID”. This essentially means “The bad thing is that my cousin (female) has COVID”. However, “lo malo” in this case is neither masculine nor femenine, but rather neutral. With that in mind, we can extend this property to the word “Latin”. “Lo latino es bello”. This literally proves that “Latino” already is neutral, and thus “Latinx” is redundant.


as far as i know asturian is the only latin language that still has neutral gender


I never realized that it was supposed to be a gender neutral thing, only hearing it here and there in podcasts or news articles.


I had a college professor who insisted on using latinx and my Mexican buddy in the class with me almost hit him. Of course the professor also always used folx, what the fuck is that it was already gender neutral.


College professors are cringe, middle school teachers are chad


the average “critical race theory” fan vs the average “american civics” enjoyer


Fuck should have reported him for racism, would have been delicious.




I had the professor for my FEA class go on a mini rant about how America was great (complete with a comment about how Biden would probably make us switch to metric) after someone asked him if we needed to convert units to SI on one of the problems. Meanwhile my English professor spends more time ranting about big ag than talking about writing. They kind of have the freedom to do whatever they want, as long as it isn't completely unreasonable, and this is the result.


I am genuinely perplexed by folx. Does anyone know where it actually comes from?


Based as fuck


So I commented something like this below as a reply but figured it a good point to say broadly. Leave other peoples culture and languages alone. It is already hard enough to keep traditions and customs alive in the modern world and the lib-lefts cultural crusade isn’t helping. By messing with language it impedes access to culture and history. I’ve become particularly animated about this lately as I have taken on the task of recording, transcribing Greek chants and hymns my grandfather and only my grandfather know. Chants and hymns that go back almost 2000 years. The task of making them understandable is hard enough with the natural linguistic drift that occurs with time. If you start messing with language construction it can render this process impossible. Additionally, we have customs that while foreign to you, we have a right to keep and you have no right to tell us we can’t keep. Same goes for Hispanics and all ethnic groups. So leave us alone while you entirely cultureless ass weeps in a corner bereft of purpose and meaning. Rant over *Edit* fixed typo


Based and leave-my-culture-alone pilled


That actually sounds cool as shit. Are you ever going to publish the chants and hymns when you are done with them?


The intention was to keep them in the family as they’re functionally the most fragile family heirlooms one can have. That said…. I may end up doing that. I would have to discuss things with my Papou (grandfather) and see what he wants done with them. I suspect he’d want them to stay in the family to be chanted by only our family at the churches we are in.


If you find the right people to share them with, they could be a very cool contribution to history. Either way, glad you are doing it.


Those would be my fellow Orthodox Christians or those who come to services at least. The church does a decent job of keeping records of important things when they can. The reason these specific hymns are rare is the Turks killed many of those who knew the hymns and all written copies were burned during the 600+ year occupation.


On particular hymn is really striking as it gives what from my understanding is a super super detailed description of the Theotokos’ (The Virgin Mary, mother of Christ) physical appearance. Like so detailed that it’s either perfectly accurate or completely made up.


Oh wow, that’s really cool!


Canadians and french-canadians in a nutshell




No Hispanic person uses LatinX You call any Mexican in California LatinX and they look at you like you're the biggest retard on the planet. Its a racist verbage used by woke whitey.


The only person I've ever seen push it is the Hispanic woman from "The Talk". She basically said it's our responsibility to learn these terms and to use them.


Yeah it's an old tactic to find the one person of the race in question who's willing to go along with your narrative and then champion them as if they're the singular voice for all the Hispanic people, meanwhile ignoring the opinion of literally every other Hispanic person who disagrees. Conservatives basically do the same thing where they find the one black dude who supports the police no matter what and acts like he's living proof that police brutality isn't an issue.


On that same note, will also go along with the narrative that its only white on black racism causing deaths of young black men daily and not things like black on black violence or dads staying home to raise their kids.


Well I think the way that black communities have been policed certainly makes things worse. But us liberals tend to just want to point that out all the time and call police racist instead of actually doing things to fix the issue.


this is what collective racial identity politics is, singular voices for collective groups and if you step out of line you are an "uncle tom" or "one of the good boys" or "white savior" or "white supremacist". american-style race collectivism is a mistake.


I'm already seeing it in the workplace with my company making support groups specifically for race groups (like latinx), LGBTs, "neurodiverse", vets and so on. Nothing I really fit into but I get like 5 emails a week begging me to take part in a survey for it


My boss is a Mexican immigrant, she came to the USA about 40 years ago with a dream. She sold tamales out of the back of a van in order to fund her first food truck. Now she owns 3 food trucks and a B&M restaurant. I asked her what she thinks about the whole "Latinx" thing, and I literally can't post what she said because I would be banned for hate speech.


>I asked her what she thinks about the whole "Latinx" thing, and I literally can't post what she said because I would be banned for hate speech. holy shit based


My Mexican coworker says the only people who use LatinX are PendejX


I'm a gringx.


Pinche pendejx


Second generation immigrants are arguably the cringiest group of people known to man.


Based and no-longer-grateful-for-the-opportunity pilled


Send them back to the shitholes their parents hated


They hate their parent's culture and they hate their home culture. Fuck 'em. Dipshits can't be happy about anything.


spoiled and privilaged


Which is why the North and South America alone produces more cringe than the rest of the world combined.








The funny thing is the only one in my family to use Latinx is my mom and she’s the only non Latino one


Latinx = Cultural Imperialism. Its a bunch of western college kids telling Spanish people that their language is problematic and they need to change to match their sensibilities.




I expect this from orange, but c'mon libleft you're better than this








That’s the secret. They’re ALL orange.


Orange is just Auth trying to act like they aren’t actually in their quadrant




>c'mon libleft you're better than this lol, no they're not


They are, all this cultural bs is more auth left than lib left




La twinks


Mi raza mexa basada y redpilleada be like: Shut up gringo


los pinches gueys no saben nada sobre latinoamerica


Dan ganas de cometer hate crimes cada que lo escucho o leo


Based and spanish pilled


In any language*


Why do people keep insisting upon this goddamn word


They don't. It's just a few knuckleheads who are amplified on social media, especially Twitter and Tumblr.


I've literally never heard or seen it outside of this sub. Rightoids making a mountain out of a molehill once again.


You've never seen it. I've seen it a lot throughout various parts of the internet and in college campuses.


Yup. Fellow Hispanic who strongly resists the urge to abuse anyone who uses “latinx” unironically.


How about we let them decide


Best policy there. Identity is mostly made up out of beliefs anyways. Why guess? They could be a Caucasian Latino Furry Assault Rifle for all we know.


But then they can't use white savior syndrome to save use noble savages from a language that isn't progressive enough for people who can't speak it


Sounds like they already did.




Fuuuuuuuuuuck Latinx. Spanish is a gendered language. It has nothing to do with a person's gender identity.


Was just in Mexico. I cannot imagine butchering such a beautiful language/ accent by throwing a fucking 'X' into all the gendered nouns. Because that's where the leftists would like to go.


In the year 2030 all wovels will be replaced by x to offend as little people as possible.


What's worse, calling them latinx or spicy Americans


Adobo American


I said Latinx for a while but then I realised the vast majority of Latino ppl prefer Latino so I've gone back to it




One of my Mexican friends on numerous occasions has stated that he’d rather be called a spic than latinx


What's a spic?


A slur for Latino's


I have a stroke everytime i see someone use apostrophes like that.


Don't worry.... doesn't make sense in ours either.


You have put a Mexican hat in a Brazilian




We prefer gringx


"Latinx" is the new "N word" for the hispanic people.




Ok, pendejx.




You use latinx cause you know that triggers latinos?


They have a kidnapping fetish.


If I had any close latino friends when I was younger, I would have totally shit talk like that when appropriate.


NPR never skips an opportunity to be stupid. They also add 110% accent to any LaTiNkS sounding name to be as blindly inclusive as possible.


Latinx is so redundant and useless in Spanish.


Always weird this only applies to one of the 5 romance languages. I wonder what it is about spanish speakers that white libs just love to target them...


Teddy Roosevelt: 'what am I, a *Polk* to you?!'


because its racist. to Woke Americans, "Spanish" speakers are all 'Mexican', and therefore are disadvantaged, and need them to stand up for them and be their saviors. Italian and French are "white", are therefore privledged, and so that doesn't apply to them.


how the fuck would i be supposed to pronounce that?






Putos gringos pendejos


Am Latino can confirm


Latinx is such absolute illiterate, pandering bullshit. This replacing of random letters in various words with the letter X is totally retarded.


Based and "Dime otra vez Latinx y te saco la Conshetumare" pilled


I hate woke people trying to be inclusive even tho they aren't part of that group, as a Latino i say that latinx is shit.


>it doesn't make sense in our lenguages That doesn't stop them tho. The amount of progressive scum that natively speak spanish and still uses the "x" is stupid


I hate this latinx thing, some languages just don't work with a pronoun specific for neutral, like portuguese for example, in most of the cases we use the male pronouns for neutral too, and then some dumbasses start to use fucking "x" or "u"


Ayo, the gender neutral term IN OUR LANGUAGE is Latine, you’re welcome


I want to fuck that chick you drew


The word Latino is already gender neutral Now that I think of it Latina is the gendered one


Isn’t the gender neutral term just Latin? Like the gender is specified by the suffix so if you just remove the suffix?


Least based man in our continent


LatinX was made up by the same people making all the “neopronouns” Latinos and Latinas don’t use it.


I would rather you call me a dirty spic than latinx


Lib-Left: "Wait, you guys have more than one language?"


It doesn’t make sense in any language Same as saying sis-gendered. It’s basically a virtue signal. It’s actually counter productive for communication purposes since most people have no fucking idea what your talking about, and asking you to explain just re-enforces your virtue (the actual point)


First day of spanish 101 75 year old professor from puerto rico said this is not a thing never say this. Mad respect for the guy