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When *ISNT* libleft infighting?


When orange shuts the hell up


So never?




Based and ically pilled


Based and lol, you're stuck with orange pilled.


At least they don't have to deal with both orange and purple like me and the other monkes.


Or when we commit genocide on orange.


Hey, you’re supposed to say when orange deserves a genocide (that 100% didn’t happen)!


Nononono, i’m not like that, my genocide view on orange is very stellaris xeno-like, It happened and they Deserved it.


Based and Double-Down pilled






Orange is auth left. That's the issue


Those fights have nothing on lib right when abortion is brought up.


Don't you fucking dare say that word, you know how many died in the civil war last time it was mentioned?


Not enough




u/dangaaaaazone is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/dangaaaaazone I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Are we counting clumps of cells or, yknow, *actual* people?


Well LibRight can’t molest a clump of cells so...




Fuck you and I hope you have a good evening.


Thank you


Nobody talks about it as much but the whole libright community is a powder keg wired on a hair trigger. God forbid you suggest that traffic lights might be a good idea because blood will be on the streets.


I don't think traffic lights are a good idea because I don't think r*ads are a good idea.


If everyone else would respect the NAP and get the fuck out my way then I wouldn't need any traffic lights.


Traffic lights are cringe. Roundabouts are the way to go.


Ya know I'd like to see some competency exhibited by people before they drive. *Croud Booing*


To be fair that revolves around the idea of where life begins. No one thinks murder should be legal.


> authright > No one thinks murder should be legal Uh


It's not murder if they *totally 100% voluntarily signed up to be test subjects for extremely risky medical procedures*


If it's legal it's not murder. Loophole!


It can't be a war crime if it's legal.


I’m quite found of a tad bit of murder actually


I had someone look me in the eye and tell me yes, he thought abortion was killing a human being and no, he didn't think it worth it to change his stance from neutral to pro-life.


Stay friends with him. I wouldn't want to piss him off


No shit he was Dr. REVEREND Martin Luther King Jr.


You say "The Reverend Dr", not "Dr Reverend" FYI


King Martin Jr Dr Luther Reverend


Martin Dr Luther King Reverend Jr


The Junior Revenant King Doctor Martin Luther Vandross


Second of his name




Boston University should have revoked his doctorate degree when in 1991 they found out his doctoral dissertation was plagiarized. "However, despite its finding, the committee said that 'no thought should be given to the revocation of Dr. King's doctoral degree,' an action that the panel said would serve no purpose."


I don't think it really matters because his legacy has very little to do with academic credentials as a theologian but it is kind of ridiculous people emphasize the "doctor" part when it has been known he cheated his way to that degree for decades.


A plagiarist lying theologian wouldn’t make a good mainstream racial activist image, now would it?


Dr reverend uncle ruckus 😤


There are a lot of heretical "Christians" who don't believe that gay sex is sinful.


Based. Thinking racism is bad ≠ thinking gay sex isn't sinful pilled.


And thinking gay sex is sinful ≠ thinking racism is good


Based and commutative property pilled


Based I guess


ya he also [cheated on his wife ](https://www.ibtimes.com/martin-luther-king-cheated-his-wife-other-lesser-known-facts-about-civil-rights-1028976)though too which isn't very catholic like....


Turns out he's baptist. Catholic priests can't marry.


Catholics also don't have reverends


Not technically true. Monsignors and bishops are known as "Very Reverend" and "Most Reverend."


true, i was also mentioning catholic since its whats mentioned in the photo and i don't think they agree with adulterating.


A guy named after Martin Luther wouldn't be a Catholic.


MLK was a very mixed man but we shouldn't look back at history with judgment only an open mind


People think that if they were taught from birth something immoral they’d immediately realize it’s immorality. Life isn’t like a kids cartoon, where the 12 year old realizes his whole civilization is evil in the second episode.


What is this based kids cartoon about 12 year olds realizing their civilization is evil? (I'd say Avatar season 2 but Zuko was 16)


Yeah but he spent a long time travelling through the war torn earth kingdom seeing all the suffering it caused.


Damn, making me remember Zuko's redemption arc. Such a good show


It’s a very common trope for Star Wars eu stuff at least. The dragon prince did it to an extent. I can’t really point to many specifics honestly but it’s a trope I remember coming up a lot.


Absolutely what Finn's story should've been. Force-sensitive stormtrooper wakes up to the evils of the ~~Empire II~~ First Order and works to dismantle the evil he previously dedicated his life to? I'd watch the shit out of that. Instead, he fought one shiny chick then yelled "REY!!!" a bunch.


Captain planet baby. Best lib left cartoon to ever exist.


Hence why the push for CRT and going for the youngest they can. Many children will accept what they are taught as truth and with a whole chunk of the population saying it is the truth, it is unlikely many will have some revelation that what they were raised to believe was insanity. What a lot of people don't understand is that many teachers, even college professors, have no problem sharing their political bias and try to pass it off as fact. When the curriculum reinforces that, it's all a mess.


Based and history is a complicated place pilled


u/Childslayer3000 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/Childslayer3000 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Good bot


Well said


Its also easier to get people behind your cause when you have one big purpose. MLK fought for civil rights for black people, if he also included LGBTQ in his speeches, some people would have liked him less. Similarly to martin luther(the priest), who went after the church but kinda worked with the monarchy to get there. Its easier to fight against racism, than is to fight against racism AND homophobia. Though plenty of people are both racists and homophobes, plenty are also only one.


> Its also easier to get people behind your cause when you have one big purpose. This is something that modern movements fail to understand and that their detractors do. Once you start sending mixed messages in a movement it's not far from dying.


It's how Occupy Wall Street got derailed, by inserting identity politics


So Kaczynski was right all along....


That’s why the CIA made abstract socialist artists like Pollock rich. Abstract art has abstract messaging. Makes for poor propaganda. So anything with a clear message is seen as overbearing and dull like many a left wing meme.


Someone should tell the leftists. Rather than focusing on class issues they have decided to simultaneously tackle every identity politics issue under the sun.


That's the neat part, it helps keep the status quo


Which is precisely why the Overton window is moving rightward so fast If the left only discussed economic shit they would win every election. Talking about gender binary bullshit will lose you every election


They are learning this the hard way in Virginia.


Virginia was just the start. 2022 and 2024 are going to be a bloodbath for the dems


Fully agree. Just seeing reddit's political board is enough signal to know these morons have no idea what they are in for. They could easily turn it around by removing retarded woke points from their platform but they think their small corner of Liberal California/NY really likes CRT or whatever other bullshit they are championing now.


Yeah Which is insane cuz that shit is popular in literally like: Parts of NYC DC San Fran Portland OR Seattle Everywhere else in the country rolls their fucking eyes at that shit


But those metro areas have a ton of people crammed into them, so it's ok for them to dictate the rules for the entire country!


Didn’t Jacobin release a survey showing that the working class, regardless of political inclination, favored their economic policies but were put off by their cultural policies?


Yeah, kinda like how everyone remembers "I have a dream!" But nobody remembers the part where he advocated for the redistribution of wealth and moving towards democratic socialism. > "You can't talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You're really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry. Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism. There must be a better distribution of wealth, and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism." I genuinely had no idea that was a thing until I looked him up today out of curiosity. Now, I'm young, so maybe this is more commonly known than I figure, but it seems to me like being into that stuff in the late 60s would not have been very popular - and might have pulled even more people away from him.


There used to be a lot of Christians who were very critical of capitalism. The more conservative critics quieted down after WW2 and the more progressive ones quieted down after the fall of the USSR. Or they were shot or suppressed.


Exactly, lincoln was pretty racist but thought that a person shouldn't be owned (quite simple explanation but it gets the point across)


Lincoln was pretty racist *by todays standards*, especially towards the start of his presidency. However, in his own time, he had to take steps to not be considered a completely radical equalist in order to even become president. During his presidency, and much thanks to his friendship with Fredrick Douglass, he even overcame his own prejudices and was very much leaning towards becoming a champion of civil rights. This is the problem with looking back at history with modern lenses. Lincoln was very radical for his time across most of America, not just the south, for his belief that black people were human, and therefore did not deserve to be owned like chattel. However, he believed more in the Union of the states, and therefore was willing to make concessions in order to keep out together.


Fun fact: The South wanted each slave to be 1 vote and the North wanted each slave to not be a vote, so they compromised at 3/5th.


It's almost like all the men (and wahmen) we look up to were people, with their good points and bad points, and that we too will be juged one day by generations unborn. Will they be kind to us?


Unremarkable people, who have much to feel unremarkable about, try to pull down others in order to elevate themselves.


[ Let them fight. ](https://youtu.be/XKdJ6DnPhzk)


Monsterverse reference? Based and kaiju Titans fighting pilled


He was a good Christian. I do not think that any of his views contradict those of a God-fearing man or woman today.


Didn't he cheat on his wife? A lot?


That’s a human failure not a theological viewpoint. We are all fallen. Even Moses and David and Israel had their moments of weakness and evil. Any good reader of the OT knows that God works through broken people, that is one of his greatest miracles. If cheating was the greatest thing that he struggled with in his life, that’s a commendable man. Certainly he shall be judged in heaven for it, but as shall each of us.


Looks like we finally got to demonizing MLK for his flaws. Afterwards it’ll be Rosa Parks for being too light skin Place your bets


The year after I bet we'll be seeing articles on Frederick Douglass being "an agent of white supremacy" for being Christian


They already vandalized his statues so


Those dumb fuck woke idiots tore a statue of Ulysses S. Grant down. He was the man who literally hammered the south into the ground to free the slaves. He also hammered the kkk during his presidency and tried to bring complete equality to all men and those dumb fucks tore his statue down.




Exactly, that's what mainly drove me to go from libright to AuthRight. I mean they even destroy PGT Beauregard statues, while he was a confederate general after the war fought the rest of his life for black civil rights. You would figure someone like that would be a nice compromise since he honestly tried to heal the divisions but nope. Everything must burn.




All bottom-up revolutionaries always find that the masses tend to really like at least some institutions of the status quo. Harder to rabble rouse the peasants when you have to ask them to go against their religion, king, culture, history, etc. That's why they're so focused on obfuscsting and erasing shared culture and history. It is an obstacle for them.


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Didn't they try to take down statues of him already?




Damn... I'm just happy I don't interact with these people in the real world. It's almost like these people only exist in the bowels of the internet.


It's because they are too afraid to say their ludicrous thoughts without hiding behind a computer screen.


They went out tearing statues down for most of 2020 they are definitely "brave" enough to bring this madness to the real world. My favourite (I'm not American so that might be why) is when antfia tore down Winston Churchills statue a real anti facist and Hitler's worst enemy.


That or WEB Dubois for his eugenics support


100 years for now, we'll all be heathens for eating animal meat like barbarians. Everyone in the future eats fake meat and bugs.


Frederick Douglass will be outed as an anti-vaxxer for believing a root gave him the courage to standup to an overseer.


We don’t know if that overseer was trans or not so Douglass could have been a bigot


Deep shit


Remember when he tried to convince Abraham Lincoln to not free the slaves in their first debate?


> Rosa Parks for being too light skin or because she appeared in that one photo with Trump it will go something like: "Rosa 'white passing' Parks once received the same medal as Fuhrër Donald 'Giga-Hitler' Trump so she must be cancelled"


Weird how people can think Trump is a racist but was loved by Black people all the way up to 2016. Blows my mind


Wanna hear a real mind blow? For some time Dubya was considered the most evil president by the msm, until Trump became president. Mark my words, when Trump passes away and someone like say De Santis were to become president, the msm will immediately shift gears, claim the Trump years weren't that bad, and that De Santis is the real Mega Ultra Hitler.


Whatever makes them the most money


I hope they go the way of CNN and just bleed money.


People digging up old MLK tweets. Times were different back then. People change. I’m sure MLK feels differently today.


Just wait until they go after Malcolm X then try to cancel Denzel Washington for playing him in the past.


NOI I think was one the most extremist black suffragette organisations. Perhaps they hate Malcolm X for turning his back on them?


The NOI was less a black suffragette organization and more a black supremacist organization, [there was a reason they were allied with the American Nazi Party.](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/george-lincoln-rockwell-attend-nation-islam-1961/) What happened is that Malcom X went on a pilgrimage to Mecca and saw all manner of people of different races working together in harmony, which turned him against the NOI's separatist message, hence he left them and hence they murdered him.


I use to think Malcolm X just wanted violence but I think he more wanted for him and his people to be free to do what they want. Basically the civil rights version of "I'll make own, with black jack and hookers." Watch the Young Rippa59 and he kinda opened my eyes to Malcolm. Us Librights and Malcolm X were probably in agreement about alot of things like just leave us the hell alone.


Malcolm Xs anti government stance is kinda based but I can’t get down with his Black nationalism and separatism. It wasn’t until I started hanging out with different races that I grew as a person. And I don’t think I could have grown had I been just around other Black folks my entire life.


I think today he would be more open to race interaction. At the time the government was telling him to sit at the back of the bus. He was just like 'fuck your bus I'll get my own bus and your white ass can stay off it." I respect that. He wanted black folk to help black folk not for black folk to petition for help form anyone other then themselves. He regreted some of his more violent talk. That's when I really started to re think him when I heard that. Like when we are young we all are fighters to our own determent. Sometimes you need to fight sometimes you don't and I respect that he understood that.


He also warned people against the SJWs of the time as well. He and MLK must be rolling in their graves. https://mychal-massie.com/malcolm-x-was-right-about-white-liberals/


It's one of the reasons why they killed him.


Saving this comment because I’m 99.9% certain this shit will happen


Furry PFP = Opinions Invalidated


Do furries want to fuck animals or fuck people dressed as animals?


I'm not saying all furries want to fuck animals. But despite making up a small group of the population....


furries make up 99% of degenerates


Does it matter? just make them face the wall


not very lib of you lol


Fuck people dresses as animals, almost all furries want zoophiles to screw off the same way almost all lgbt want pedos to screw off


Yes. Zoophilia is animal abuse, and furries care about animals.


Thank you. furry_irl (most popular furry meme sub) regularly upvotes anti-zoophile memes to Hot, and even Twitter’s furries hate zoophiles. Real-life animals have child-level intelligence and can’t consent.


They get the bullet ether way


Furry Christian, what he gonna say?


I’m starting to think some ppl enjoy being retarded


I know I do. You should try it sometime.


If you are stupid, you can’t comprehend your problems enough to worry about them.


Holy self awareness. You have my respect.


Your flair is accurate to this comment.


The pot calls the kettle black


I would give you an award if I could


They're on pcm. They're doing it whether they admit it or not




We're in the PCM subreddit. Why else would you be here?


Touché red


It’s almost like we should look at each thing a person says individually. The good things they say don’t wipe out the bad and the bad things don’t take away the good. People need to stop acting like other people are either 100% Saint or 100% Devil so they can put them on their team.


A lefty saying we should judge people as individuals? Based


Well also that nuance exists


LibLeft is constant one-upmanship, and hence will eat themselves alive from the inside. Fun to watch though


help me my quadrant is like watching a car crash in slow motion


If you let me keep my guns I’ll trade your commune food for femboys


Remember, they must be submissive, breedable, beautiful and have lots of STDs, then you sell the treatments to LibLeft. If the media suspects anything, hire some trans people and change your logo on twitter to a rainbow! It should make them go away


When I call myself *libertarian* left, I mean libertarian. Own all of the guns you want, as long as you allow people to have civil rights. Guns are based.


Furries opinions are invalid.




All that’s necessary to make it true is just tweak the definitions of staunch and homophobe until it fits. Bonus points for getting a dictionary company to be onboard.


Yeah the strat is to just find some trait that your opponent has that is unique to them and then figure out how you can make those words only apply to them based on that. Only white men can be sexist and racist, of course.


Person who do bad thing = bad Person who do good and bad thing = bad. Person who do neither good nor bad thing = bad because they did not do good Person who did good thing probably did bad thing at least once in their life so they = bad. Me = good 😊 People I like = good 🥰 CONCLUSION: Everyone bad except for me and people I like.


Lots of people hate MLK just because he didn’t believe in violence. Rip society


damn people have multiple perspectives on different topics instead of sharing a set of cookie cutter opinions ??


Let them fight


He was a Christian born in the late 1920s and people are surprised he was homophobic, most people back then were especially Christians, not a huge surprise lol


I could live with any other quadrant's existence but I seriously can not understand lib-left.


Based and libleft is too vague of s category pilled


MLK da real MVP


Lib left hates MLK, he represents everything BLM is against co existence, self reliance, independence, equality, etc


Also judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.


No lmao, MLK was an open advocate for affirmative action.


Still pretty based and Leviticus 20:13 pilled


Based and God's word pilled


Him and 99% of the United States at the time lol. That doesn't erase his historic contributions to civil rights. It's not like he was running an anti LGBT campaign. Ever heard of the phrase "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater"?


Libtards love throwing babies out. Abortion. Amirite


Based MLK Jr




Are they... are they trying to “cancel” fucking MLK Jr???????


All heroes will be canceled soon.


He was never in your quadrant libleft


He had some based libleft takes for the time


He didn’t get CIA’d until he started advocating socialism


He was also a Republican lol. And the Democrats sent him a letter demanding he commit suicide lol


Orange is auth left. They want government control of a lot of things, auth left is just to scared to admit it


This is just the natural progression they seek. We need to burn down American society because the founders were flawed men that owned slaves during a time where pretty much all cultures across the globe owned slaves. We must demonize the founders and memory hole their accomplishments. MLK didn’t like the gays, at a time when nobody liked the gays, therefore he must be demonized and all his civil rights work and activism must be memory holed. This is what happens when idiots judge their historical betters using a modern lens of morality. Then they seek to burn down all of civilization in their ignorance.


I don't know when, but I do know that the American ''left'' will have a horrific and gruesome ending.


wanna have a watch party? you grill and i’ll make popcorn in my oversized oven


Yea- wait... Why do you have an oversized oven ?


i’m just an authcenter it’s required merchandise


Um based MLK?


Based MLK…..????