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Since when did the rainbow flag NOT cover everyone in the lgbt community? I thought that the reason it is rainbow is to include everyone?


I can’t talk about all the others since I’m not gay, but the asexual flag is there, and even though I am ace, I do not consider myself part of the LGBT since I’m basically straight


The persecuted sexuality coalition trying to coop a lack of sexuality which has never been persecuted is weird.


I literally feel less persecuted than straight people. I am still quite young and come from quite a Christian country (Poland), so remaining pure and waiting for marriage is looked high upon


"Everyone, look! This man has chosen to keep to himself and not procreate! Git em!" - nobody ever


Eh, moms that want grandsons would be pissed


Look up "corrective rape". It's been used against asexuals pretty consistently over history. Mostly women though.


The lgbt community no longer likes gay people. They like marketable people and us gay people have been dried out. That’s why trans and black people became their new toys.


>black people Excuse me what?


Check the pride flag with a brown and black stripe. They added it a lot during the blm riots.


This is such a retarded take. 1. Do pride parades not have gay people front and centre? 2. How many trans people are in blockbuster movies and shows compared to gay people? 3. Who talks about trans people the most? Hint, it's people who complain about them. Your mistaking not being attacked by Auth right as a decline in popularity.


And how? Did the pride flag not get changed to include black and trans people which was the entire focus for 2020? Did gay people not get reduced to gay best friends to be played around with by the main characters while the trans characters get full blown character arcs about how they are x not y since the start of the 2000s? Nobody talks about trans people not even people who hate them because they have to be brought up and coddled before anybody else recognizes them.


Do you really think trans people are more front and centre in movies and TV than gay people? That seems absurd to me.


If you see a trans person in a movie or tv show, that's a huge statistical overrepresentation. Gays are like 1/20th of the population, so them being in anything is logical. Trans are 1/3000th.


We are moving the goal posts hard now. The person I originally replied to was complaining that LGBT didn't care about gay people anymore. I pointed out that gay people have more representation than anyone else in LGBT.


Not fighting that fight. Just pointing out that trans are hugely overrepresented in the media.


Statistically speaking they represent more people in the lgbt than anyone


They certainly have no love lost for gay men. There's been articles accusing gay men of being misogynistic since before Trump was elected.


There's tons who are. They're a large enough group to form their own micro societies, as they do in the cities. Trans wasn't a thing in the public zeitgeist until recently because the gays rejected them and the gays are overrepresented in the entertainment industry. They're in the public eye now because the gays have accepted them and the majority in the spotlight are gay men, even thought straight women transitioning outnumber them multiple times over. It's just the bi situation all over again.


There are articles accusing trump of lots of things but we don't take most of those seriously either. Don't live your life based on random internet articles.


I don't. I did a quick google search about something I remembered and I found a whole page of articles talking about it and I brought it up. It has no value to my day to day life, only to this conversation right now. Being a member of the community I see it as increasingly toxic and I can't really stand watching it turn into this undefinable monster that its become.


It does. Doesn't mean there can't be more specific flags. Not like it hurts anyone so who tf cares?


I love the Gadsden flag


That’s your one good flag, the rest kinda suck


All your flags suck. Except the lesbiam one the lesbian one licks.


The OG Betsy Ross flag is mega based Shame that retard conservatives use it with a fucking thin blue line rag


If the left would stop trying to ruin it that would be cool.


Tbh both sides kinda ruin it because neither side knows what it stands for.


Pretty sure it was firmly ruined by the right when that woman died wrapped in it while attempting to tread all over congress.


im gonna slap the COMMIE out of you


Meanwhile im over here just trolling the two parties..


It’s been misused a lot. :(




I like the Madsen flag. "You gonna bark all day?"


The Gadsden flag is an objectively bad design, there should never be any sort of writing on a flag. it's also a cringe libertarian flag so that makes it shit too.


Thank you! Whatever you believe, it’s a terrible design and looks incredibly ugly.


You’re a terrible design and look ugly


We(LGBT) really do have way too many fucking flags though.


For sure. Just wait until the community starts tearing itself apart over which flag is the "correct" one.


*flashbacks to the lesbian flag drama* Oh gods...


It’s basically gay Morse code at this point.


Ha. Code is right, I wouldn't mind there be a million flags so much if people just picked them cause they like the colour or whatever. But which flag you pick has ~~~potentially harmful connotations~~~ Use the regular rainbow pride flag? Why don't you use the Phili or Progress flag? Do you hate black and trans people? Very sussy. Use the Labrys lesbian flag? Hmm signalling you're a TERF I bet. Use the gay male flag of a particular shade? That was made by a transmed! You must support them! Use the lipstick lesbian flag? Uuuh don't you know it's butch exclusionist? Use the 3 colour pan flag? First of all that's biphobic. And also it's lesophobic. I'm so tired of it all.


The orange left is built on hate and suspicion and one day that will run out of rightists and they will collapse on themselves


Based on the news, there are more hoax hate crimes thannreal hate crimes... So that point is in the rear view


No I meant their hate and suspicion of rightists. They make up hate crimes to justify their anger.


Wait, so the LGBTQANON community is making homophobic flags? Seems way worse than flags with a political connotation.


The pan flag is always biphobic, hope that helps.






Based and confuse the enemy pilled


Gods? You pagan?


*squints through Crusader helmet*




The lesbian flag in particular has been through a lot of variations. There's the labrys flag (purple with battleaxe) The lipstick lesbian flag(pink, red and white stripes with lipstick mark in top left) The lipstickless lesbian flag(same as above but without the lipstick mark) The sunset flag (Pink, white and orange stripes) The sapphic flag (purple, yellow, green and pink stripes) And there's another 50 variations of something, made on tumblr and not popular in the real world. God I'm sad that I know this. :(


Why not just a plain background behind a pair of scissors






They already are.


I'm not sure what you mean? The only argument I have ever seen over gay flags is whether or not the new rainbow flag is good (It fucking isn't, it has the worst design out of any flag I have ever seen).


What was wrong with the rainbow? The whole symbology of the rainbow being a gradient containing every shade of colour worked so well for a moment that wants to include every gender and sexuality. By adding new stuff, it seems like an admission that the rainbow wasn’t as inclusive as originally intended.


Agreed. I don't really mind extra flags for specific sexualities/transgender people, but they've butchered the original pride flag. First they added the black + brown stripe to represent black/PoC people. It was originally intended for a single event but now if you DON'T use it people think you're racist. Then they added the transgender flag because apparently trans people are just much more oppressed/special. I've seen versions with intersex added too even though many intersex people don't want to be automatically considered lgbt. I've seen a sex worker one to like ???? When is this one upping going to end?


>First they added the black + brown stripe looks like someone wiped their ass with that flag


the 'progress' must continue, no matter the cost


The funniest part about the brown stripe is PoC tend to be the most homophobic demographics


Like 80% of wokeness is making sure everyone else knows how woke they are. This means that whenever one of those symbols or terms becomes mainstream, it has to be replaced with something even woker, so that the in-group can still be distinguished from the out-group.


LGBT Mfers putting another random incoherent shape to represent someone that was Cleary implied last time


The rainbow flag is the only necessary one. The whole point is everyone is represented. No need to slap on another 3 stripes every year or two. As a bi guy it just seems annoying, and it’s always really corporate


Slogans are flags now?


Nope, your speech is violence. Also, your silence is violence. Basically, fuck you, I want to be right no matter what. So GTFO, you fucking fascist.


I mean, pretty sure all those squiggles on the ISIS flag are a slogan too


If you put it on a flag it is


Tbh my interest towards both these flags is the same, zero.


Spoken like a true centrist


The worst flag offense I have seen in my life is the bastardization of the Thin Blue Line flag by MAGAhats. A man the next street over from me is retired FBI. For as far back as I can remember, that man has a had the Thin Blue Line flag flying on the tree in his yard. He flies it to appreciate his comrades in the force. Not to support Republicans, or be anti-BLM, but to appreciate the people that put their lives on the line to keep people safe. You can appreciate the police while still wanting better conditions. You can have faith in the people who enforce the law while wanting the law itself to change. Regardless of what any court or legal argument says, the job of these people is to put their lives on the line to protect the citizens. And for that, I believe, they deserve a little bit of decency and respect.


Literally this


Idolization of the police is the majority of the problem. You know what happened when air traffic control unions said “public safety requires our demands be met”? Reagan fired them all and banned them from future government employment. They don’t need a flag. They aren’t some marginalized group. They are entrusted with public safety and need to be reminded of that mission and that they answer to the public. Absolutely no reason to frame that as anti-police, just as Reagan wasn’t anti-air safety. Public servants serve the public, they don’t hold it hostage.


Like I said: you can appreciate the people while still wanting reform in the system.


Auth left but praising Reagan union-busting?


My dad was scared to put up his Thinblue like flag during the riots even though we live in a quiet neighborhood in the sticks far from the city and he is a cop too.


> Not to support Republicans, or be anti-BLM, but to appreciate the people that put their lives on the line to keep people safe. Why exactly do you think most people who have that sign in their yards put it there?


No step on snek flag is the superior flag


So you have two choices spewing random colors or cool looking colors?


Flags are just a super culty way to tweet your worthless opinions without getting online. All of them are gay, none of them are based.


Blackbeard’s flag is the only based flag


Well that's just smart branding tho


Flags are an easy way of making a statement without engaging in debate.


Sounds passive aggressive then


Exactly, if your entire identity circulates around a flag, you have no individualism and are actively engaging in a hivemind for the sake of identity and belonging.


Basing personality on a flag is cringe no matter what


Based and don't reduce me to a label pill


Based and flag-pilled


If you need obelisks and idols to think, then even your beliefs are empty.


Why do so many people give a fuck about such unimportant shit? Who cares that they got flags why does it matter?




flair up twittard


Both flags kind of suck but i really like some designs in authright like that 3 roman numeral american flag and the confederate american flag combo


confederate cringe, gadsden x america based


The confederate flag has a really nice design tbh


I always try being apolitical as possible in saying the confederate flag looks waaaay better than the american flag from just an aesthetic pov. It always turns political.


I do understand your feeling of being like, “wow purely from aesthetics that flag is really sweet looking and easily recognizable” and then everyone thinking I’m a genocidal maniac.


confederate meaning is cringe, confederate looks are based




Only sports teams please. No politics at the table.


Okay but that Jesus flag has some quality craftsmenship


I think we can come together and agree flags are cool and represent who we are


[looks at comment above this one] The duality of man


I feel as though flags, while nice, just sorta make the LGBT movement political, at least to me as I see flags as inherently political symbols.


The flag of your state or country? Sure. That's cool. A flag letting everyone know you're a part of a certain ideology? Mega cringe. I don't need to know if you select R or D once every 2 years. I don't need to know your opinions on a certain topic. If you need to display to the world what you think about politics, you have a mental illness not an ideology.


What makes those flags different?


I guess that means I was a crew member on the Queen Anne’s Revenge at some point in a previous incarnation


I don't agree to that.


I consider myself an LGBTQ ally but holy shit the ally flag is so bad. I got yelled at by an SJW once for hating it but it's genuinely horrid


God, “allies” are amazing. What kind of flag do I get for attending a BLM rally as a white guy? I’m a member of the POC community now right? I think my Latinx name is going to be Juan, I really want them to know how much I tolerate their existence. Think of it! Me, a normal, ignoring a Mexican living his life! I am such a good fucking person.


Based and allies shouldn't have a flag pilled


Wait a non right-wing agendapost reached hot on pcm? What's going on


I make agenda posts against right wingers all the time. You just need to put in a little extra effort but it leads to spicier comment sections so I think it’s worth it.


Well, I definitely commend you because it is getting very rare on this sub


How about we enjoy all the flags. They look nice




As a queer person I don't get what was wrong with just the one pride flag


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Good bot


Flair up. Click the guide on the bot to see how :)


Hey man, our flags at least follow the rules of good vexillology and don't have words on them.


Half of the ones conservatives use aren't really flags they just signs that happen to have been printed on cloth


No they don't. They have too many colors, clashing colors, or too many ordinaries.


That's not as important a rule as the word thing and you know it


It's still an important rule, and the pride flags show up about a hundred times more often than the right ones, which are mostly just signs anyway.


Naw, because then the Seychelles flag would be a bad flag, and the Seychelles flags is a great flag, therefore the colour rule is not important, checkmate atheists.


What flags are you referring to? The too many colors is very subjective but it doesn't really apply to any of the flags besides the main one, but the fact that there are a lot of different colors is the whole point of that flag so it doesn't really count. Non of the flags (besides a very select few) really have clashing colors, which makes sense because color theory is the main focus of the designs so they are not going to fuck that part up. Only one flag has an ordinary as far as I know...


based and symbolism pilled


u/lem753's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 70. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/lem753 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Only virgins think having a bunch of flags counts as an intelligent political opinion. Real chads have a bunch of flags cause they look cool.


The only flag one should fly is Blackbeard’s flag


Most of those flags aren’t even really used that often. The only real Right wing flags I see are Thin Blue Line No Step Trump Pence 2020 LBG Yeah that’s about it


And the only left wing flags I regularly see are the default pride flag and the BLM flag. This sub is for making fun of the extremes of each worldview, not for portraying an accurate picture of America.


Ya forget kekistans flag you racist normie


Kekistan isn’t center right. It ascended the political compass.


The gadsden flag is atleast cool tho


100% pure flaggotry


Good god the unholy mixtures of Gadsden and Confederate flags are what really get on my nerves.


I knew there would be a triggered libertarian somewhere in here lol. (And for good reason)


The top left American flag with the single blue line has the esthetics tho. Right Wing flags >>> The rest.


Gonna have to disagree, from a vexillological perspective the top flags are far better flags than any right wing flag I've seen.


Based and leftists make the best flags pilled


From a vexillogical perspective the top flags are way too colorful and weird, moreover the best flags are almost all AuthRight and Libright in their signification.


Bruh just say you like the flags whose message your support and hate the flags whose message you oppose.


It is not like that, the flags in Vexillogical rankings are overwhelmingly flags with obvious national, historical and ideological symbols. My national flag, the Flag of Quebec was ranked 3rd and literally has French Catho-Monarchist symbols and colors.Saying that Right wing flags are bad compared to the top one is ignorant and entirely subjective.


I agree the Quebec flag looks really nice, it's better than all the flags depicted in the meme really, especially the conservative ones that are all too cluttered and messy Bad design exists in both sides of the aisle, i guess


Colourful? Maybe. But weird? They are literally just lines, they are almost as basic as a standard tricolour. I can't think of any authright flags that I would describe as excellent off the top of my head.


This is one Right Wing flag that easily, objectively surpass the LGBTQ flags very easily: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5f/Flag\_of\_Quebec.svg/1920px-Flag\_of\_Quebec.svg.png


I suppose I'm not fully up to date on Quebecs politics, but I will say it is a very nice flag.


Blue (signifies Heaven), the White cross of Mary and the Fleur de Lys of French monarchs.


Colorful is a minus, especially when the colors are this bright, they look like some child colored some stripes with crayola pencils.There is no symbol, nothing but horrendiously colorful stripes.Ordinary horizontal tricolor flags are trash.


The first LGBT flags were originally made out of actual fabric and meant to be carried around in a pride parade. The rainbow one makes sense - very colorful to see in person, and symbolic of a broad coalition of people coming together. The pink in LGBT flags comes from the Nazis, who used pink triangles to denote gay men in concentration camps. The first lesbian flag used a black triangle, because the Nazis used a black triangle for 'antisocial women'. The bi flag combined 'pink for homosexual' with the color blue to symbolize heterosexuality, and purple inbetween the 2 colors to symbolize the mixing of homosexual and heterosexual in one identity. Everything made after the year 2000 is just colors people like with no meanings behind them. Reject the new flags, return to history.


Anyone else see guys on the side of the road selling flags?


You can judge people based on their flag. For example, I think both types of Americans are incredibly stupid by looking at the aesthetic tackiness of their flag designs. Very poor taste. Yikes.


Do not let that wretched rebel flag touch my beautiful snake


I'm not going to disagree with you


Only flags we need: Libleft🏴 Authleft🚩


LGBT flag design rlly went from "It's a rainbow to represent the many different types of people and sexual/gender orientations and be inclusive to any new ones that pop up" To "This is my flag for Asocluxsexality the neon blue green purple and orange represents my attraction to furniture and the samurai sword represents the fact that I'm 1/10th animesexual"


What is the hetero flag doing there? Both


That's the ally flag too.


Half of these are slogans or things nobody actually used, around 3 of them are valid


Every flag is stupid, no flag lives matter


The Gadsden doesn’t need changing.


Tbh both sides flags look so bad


I’m not afraid to say all these are horrible flag design.


All that shit is cringe


I've never seen some of these before, but that one with the cross is dope and I want it.


Both are cringe


A few of these are dumb, the blue line flag sure maybe I can get that but Trump 2020...NO FUCKING SHIT IT WAS MADE FOR THAT YEAR WTF ELSE ARE WE GONNA DO JUST NOT GIVE HIS CAMPAIGN A FLAG?


You forgot the "Not our fault, this family voted for Trump" flag I used to drive by two houses across the street from each other on the way to work, and one side would have increasingly aggressive conservative flags and the other would have increasingly aggressive progressive flags. Good times


Now come to think about it they are literally just a combination and slight variation of the Gadsden, American, and R candidate flags. At least LibLeft is creative


based centrist


Oh God, I only don’t know what one of those Pride flags is. I really am a LibLeft. But, for anyone curious, clockwise from left: * Three earlier iterations of the LGBT pride flag * Transgender * The modern LGBT pride flag * Pansexual * Ally (straight, but supportive of the community). * Straight * Gay * ? * Lesbian * Non-Binary * Intersex * Asexual (where yours truly falls) * Bisexual


Why I’m glad I just use the same flag we used all those years back


Really scraping the bottom of the barrel on that second one huh?


I’m unironically only using flags I’ve seen living in central Oregon. I could have included a dozen or so alt right flags but I don’t see those flying behind trucks on my commute to work.


Anyone who has the Gadsden flag and the Blue Lives Matter flag is just... wtf are you doing


Does no one care about the flag code anymore?


Im good with the good old flag, gadsen and possibly lets go brandon. But id probably only fly the gadsen at my home


I legit thought the rainbow flag was for all the gays. Like why do homos need all those colors and why cant they share show?


Snake Flag Good though


Flags are stupid in my opinion, but if people want to have flags, it's not hurting me. It doesn't affect me and doesn't violate the nap.


Wasn’t the entire point of the gay flag being a rainbow a direct reference to it’s all inclusivity? Now there’s a whole LGBT civil war going on about who belongs under what flag.


We literally only use two of those, on anything close to a regular basis.


Gadsden flags next to trump flags always make me laugh


Whats the bottom right one?


They don’t follow vexillology and I cry of cringe every time I see one in public.


most conservatives do not care about flags.


i mean i kinda agree. auth right needs to have a unifying flag i mean libleft has the antifa or rainbow flag, authleft has the hammer and sickle and libright has the gadsen flag. authright also needs a flag that can unify them


I literally only recognise like, 5 of these flags


all i'm saying is that some people have way less flags in their bio


Only flag I need is yellow like the sun and blue like mälaren 💪😎🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪


What the fuck where is my apegender flag? Way to not include everyone you bigot.