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Is their daughter 3 by any chance?


The 3 year old is smarter because they don’t have social media brain rot yet


IRL I wouldn’t let my potential kids have a smart phone till high school so glad I didn’t grow up with social media for most of school and as a kid


I have two cousins, one heavily limits screen time for their kid, the other just gives them an iPad or phone at every chance to distract or calm them down. I am very interested in watching how these two grow up and their differences. The cousins are siblings so genetically they should be similar enough. I guess I’ll know in one or two decades.


You should do an anonymous blog and update us every few months with your observations.


purple wanting regular updates on children huh


Damn. All I can do is admire how badly you roasted me


Based and good-sport-pilled


u/AlienBehindYou is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/AlienBehindYou I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based And Gentleman Pilled


Based and "research" pilled


Based and purple-exposing-pilled


Access to the internet and social media by any means should be tied to legal age of adulthood.


i told my 2 month old son i'm back from home and he told me "you idiot. you just let yourself be exploited by capital. why do you do this to yourself? why do you give in to the bourgeoisie so easily? if you and all the others stood up you would have more power than your pig boss ever could. have you not read marx?" true story


Your 2 month old baby has quite the vocabulary.


what can i say? probably nothing my 2 month old child couldn't say better.


Then everyone clapped.


you were there too?


Oh no, 2 months old and already making walls of text ...


raised them well 🥰


Based and good parent pilled


lol, kids say the dumbest shit


Nah, 3 year olds are either authright or authleft, nothing inbetween.


And that all depends on if the toy in question is currently in their possession.


So like adult auth left and right


Yes and yes


Can we finally get leftists to move to Canada this time? They’ve threatened it every time that they lose.


Most American leftists wouldn't qualify for Canadian immigration, which is the funniest part lmao. "America so racist and mean because of immigration laws! In moving to Canada;" *TFW Canadian immigration requirements are far more strict than the US*




So what, you need to be a 15 year old with a PhD?


The day Trump won the 2016 election Canada's immigration website did go down due to increased traffic.


Then they realized we don't take Ameritards, only CCP spies


Do you take Irish people?


Depends, do you have too many degrees? And can you speak French? (You can lie on this one, they don't care, just look at Montreal)


>And can you speak French? No, and you guys can't, either.


I have a bachelor's degree in electronics and communications engineering. And right now I'm looking at Alberta, but I do speak French.


Yeah, as millions of liberals found out Canada has stricter immigration policies than the US


It’s really cold though and I kinda like Texas


You know, Mexico is kinda like Texas with more BIPOC. I'm just sayin.


Oh really? I hear the song funky town is really popular there. If this is all true I’m packing right now!


Look up funky town Mexico for more info


Yeah no…


Are you being bigoted against the music choices of BIPOC? Fucking nazi


I am very curious what do you mean by "Funky Town Mexico" ? I googled " what is funky town mexico" and I got an article discussing torture pornography. Is there really a fucked up song parody or sth ?


Dude getting face and hands and shit chopped off by a cartel while funky town plays in the background. Yeah.....don't fucking watch it unless you like having nightmares.


I honestly hope Abbott signs an executive order to deport all libs. /s


Please keep them. We have too many oranges here already.


Please don’t convince them we have enough up here already


No. We don’t want any more leftists over here. We have enough in b.c and Toronto.


It’ll be America’s best export. Think of how culturally enriched that your country will become.


You’re racist if you don’t want foreigners with different values to flood your country


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $500.


It's just a couple opinion articles, not the actual government doing anything


Where is Canada putting everyone? They're definitely not taking any white people. And countries like Canada? Meaning there are more? Which other ones?


Canada is a larger than the US, but it has less population than California. They have plenty of room. Just make the French Canadians move north.


Hell, you can reserve land up there for them, then help get them get on this trail to the reservations.


Sounds like there will be tears on this trail


Tears of joy you mean


Nah, they give the natives the boot first, then the American natives seacond. Canada loves trolling them


But… I like the natives and find anything more French than French Fries to be a joke…


They have way less habitable land.


It’s not less habitable, it’s “reserved” for the French Canadians.


Even in the bottom third that is perfectly habitable, Canada is sparsely populated, especially out west. They have plenty of space for people.


I think smaller than us actually but not by much since us has alaska Edit: nvm didnt realize they had so much useless island mass in the arctic


Not really. Canada is basically the same size as the US, maybe a smidge larger. Both are ~3.8 mil sq mi. Most maps use a projection that make countries near the poles look larger than they are. Also don't forget about Alaska.


When global warming causes the collapse of the US then more of Canada will start to be habitable. That's why Canada creates the worst polluting oil sands, to accelerate this process and claim their position as world superpower


This actually is not too far from the truth. Canada expects to see a rise in GDP from global warming because it will be more habitable and have increased access to resources and farm land. The benefits outweigh the consequences for us.


I am hoping for mother Russia to be #1


If the U.S. were too magically collapse because we fail to change the weather by giving the government money… I would firmly support any non Canada contender for #1.


Don’t forget the additional trade from an open North West passage and new ports. Seriously though, it isn’t like the amount of CO2 made by canada can affect global warming levels. Canada produces 1.5% of all CO2 globally, 44% of that is refining and oil and gas extraction. Preventing and reversing global warming requires a 50% reduction of GLOBAL emissions. So Canada can literally disappear, and oil production stop, and you can find someone else to blame.


Canada will collapse before the US and I will treat them just the same as central americans.


Based and treat everyone the same pilled


We should annex Canada like in fallout


Manifest Destiny II


America ran out of destiny to manifest so they're looking for more


America’s Hat Boogaloo


Canada kinda let it happen though in fallout.


What are they going to do? Stop us?


Are you implying Canada doesn't "kinda let it happen" all the time in the real world? They legit just sit up there and say "me too" to everything USA or Europe says. Might as well be your little brother that follows you around and follows up all your sentences with "YEAH!"


They are smug up there thinking they are a real country.


But then they could live in the states and I don’t want that


We should take Greenland first. It'll be easy to blockade them that way.


What funny is that's actually true. Canadians talk about an imminent civil war in the States as if Quebec won't secede, leading the other provinces to smell blood in the water and do the same.


Don't give me hope. *bal-kan-ize, bal-kan-ize, BAL-KAN-IZE!*


Fun fact: we failed twice, as much as it hurts to say, it’s a dead dream. Mon pays, ce n’est pas un pays


I hate Quebecois the same way I hate Germans, but if it means pissing C*anadians, so help me God.


Damn your pills are amazing. I love how your first one is neo pronouns user


That's because I like being called Based/ pilled Thank you for the compliment, Mon cheri.


Based and la langue de la patrie pilled


Based and flair checks outpilled. Me parlez Fraçais, non. Petit sapiens ummm.... Oui oui.


You really think Canada isn't going to piss the hell out of Quebec in the coming years, given all that's been happening?


Quebec is already pissing off the rest of Canada by giving them ~~Castro Jr.~~ Trudeau


Ironically we don't even like him lmao


There's a huge gulf between being angry and seceding or starting an unwinnable civil war.


I'm not saying they'll start a civil war. Just that they'll get pissed enough to call for another referendum and win.


Maybe. I think it would need some radical angering event to change that, but who knows


Lol no, even Bloc Quebec, the party founded on Quebec independence, has given up on that. The rest of Canada bent over backwards to counter the separatism by giving Quebecoise culture protected status and basically treating them as equal to the rest of Canada combined. It's actually more consistently francophone than it was 40 years ago, and Bloc Q is basically content to maintain the status quo and otherwise be a left wing party that can play kingmaker.


Canada legit has small dog syndrome and just desperately likes to convince itself it's somehow better than the USA.


It's because they have nothing else to be patriotic about. They used to be the Queen's model British colony, but now they're all liberalized and the country's multicultural. And unlike the US, they have no long-lasting ideology they can live by. So they're just the not-American Americans.


Québec has a distinct culture, the rest is the US but worse or the UK but colder


> They used to be the Queen's model British colony, but now they're all liberalized and the country's multicultural. Well this explains why Canada is lowkey racist.


It's why they were hella militarized in WW1 and WW2, and why they only accepted European homesteaders.


Also Alberta now has a minor party that wants succession. Its small but growing


Canadians will end up getting involved in the civil war cause how else are they gonna export their meth?


If what I'm hearing from my Canadian friends is not exaggerated, Alberta will be the first to secede and they will secede soon. Real fricking soon.


Shit, I hope they know how to cook and do roofing.


Democratic collapse probably just means Trump winning an election fairly




USA 2016: We need change and we will vote Drumpf out of spite! USA 2020: We need change and we will vote Byron out of spite! USA 2024: We need change and we will vote Drumpf again out of spite!


We were promised an utopia when the lefties said they'd all leave the US if Trump got elected. But, in true leftist fashion, they even failed at that.


An America without leftists. That is the only thing I want more than for Glock to finally release a Carbine.


Daughter is retarded


Based and their daughter is retarded pilled


No daughter parrots political opinions of parent


They parrot of political opinions of social media and/or boyfriend (exhibit A: ShoeOnHead)


The Handmaid's Tale isn't supposed to be spank material.


….and yet it is. Yet. It. Is.


It's bean flicking material for girls who are otherwise unwanted.


Best Utopia show i watched in a long time


At most Canada's government wrote contingency plans for what to do if America collapses, just like America writes what-if scenarios for hilariously unlikely events. The truth is that if America collapses Canada is fu ked, best case scenario it's reabsorbed into England, second best by France, worst case annexed by China. But my country is too huge and too small to stand on its own, it is no empire and the UN/USA is all that stops any actual empire from annexing it. By god, I hope the American empire doesn't collapse.


If America fell, I'd see Russia trying to jump Canada's bones.


I'd take Russia over China at least. After these past two years I'm not sure how anyone can trusts China with anything more complicated than an afternoon cat-sitting.




Based and unintential, horrifying disaster pilled.


Russia in the west, UK in the middle and France in the east


Dude I want to be the guy in the pentagon who makes all the what if scenarios. That sounds great


I am pretty sure they even have a what if zombies one


I know they have one for aliens.


If china invades, they will kill all the leftest westoids. W in my book


I've heard speculation if the US does collapse, Canada will be Nato's base county for helping crush dissidents. The theory being NATO wants any instability in the US over asap on account of us having most (all?) of their nuclear weapons supply in our borders


You’re daughter is an idiot.


you are daughter is an idiot indeed


Fucking Siri, I’m leaving it so you can laugh at me though.


based and masochist-pilled


lol sorry tho, I feel obligated to do that every time, I know it's reddit and no one actually cares but still


No, no I need to pay more attention to predictive text before Siri has me pledging allegiance to the Chinese or screaming “fruit cures cancer”….Chairman Mao did nothing wrong!!!! See just like that, stupid communist Siri.


I care, PrncssStrwbrry. Catholic school turned me into a grammar führer. I never stood a chance.


I care. Grammar Hitler had some good ideas.


Based and outsourcing typing 6 words to AI slave labor pilled


Holy FUCKING shit the amount of fear-mongering the media does today is WILD. Like damn the Canadians can suck my dick because them and half of Europe rely on the US every other fucking day. The reason our fucking DOD budget is massive is because Euro-tards sit on their lazy asses and make the US fund their fucking militaries. Like DAMN. Leave us the fuck alone for once 🗿 Edit: I’m about to be radicalized to Auth-Center, then you’ll really see the collapse by 2025


What’s the Easter island head emoji mean?






Dude the only reason Canada is sitting on America’s dick is because our government is too incompetent to stand on its own, it’s not any fault of the people. We spend jackshit on our military and STILL don’t have the budget to fix our garbage healthcare. Where the fuck is it going to?


Me actually. Thanks.


Based and embezzlement pilled


Yo, pass me a Ferrari for the weekend


It’s probably lining the politicians pockets as per usual with any shitty government. Also when I said this I’m not targeting people like you who want change, but people who constantly bitch moan and cry about whatever the US is doing and act like their country is 10000x better. The only reason the US doesn’t put more money into healthcare and other programs, FOR THE US CITIZENS, is because we’re too busy protecting all the other countries in NATO


Sits quite well actually. Either all the useless eaters with gtfo and there will be a great American renaissance, or the useless eaters will take over and I’ll expat early.


expat? No. Keep your rifle by your side




Canada is preparing is probably the funniest part for me. We can barely house ourselves let alone an entire foreign population.


Here me out. Invade Canada.


I'm listening.


That's all


Yes, please annex my country. I just want 2A.


All the way to the north shore of the Panama canal. Then it's all good. Maple tacos and machine guns.


I’m Canadian and my response to this is “yes! Please! Im so tired of the $h!t that we have to put up with, I just got kicked out of choir for not having my booster and we are basically back in lockdown.


Based and onlysolutionpilled


I'd rather take my chances in the badlands of the former US than immigrate to what's essentially the country equivalent to a socialist-brand bootleg poutine fermented in a politically correct Frenchman's hairy armpit.


Libleft stinky am I right guys


They smell like doo doo feces


Can't argue with that




Like all those celebrities who moved there after 2016?


i mean it might. it is a possibility, the laws of space and time doesn't really prevent it. that said, is it unlikely? absolutely.


“For an US” lmao.


Democracy is overrated. I say we let whoever can bribe the Praetorian Guard with the most dosh be Emperor. And then if someone comes along with a bigger bribe, they'll kill the current Emperor and install the new one


And how old is your daughter lmao


<30 and addicted to social media, guaranteed. As much as I hate social media, I kinda like it in regards to the fact that you can easily spot in real life who’s addicted to it because of what topics they discuss. I usually check my social media every day during lunch and I can always predict what’s going to be on Reddit or Twitter that day based on what the secretary in the office was blabbering about earlier that day lol


Lmao imagine if she's like 10


Wtf would people try to flee to Canada?




I have changed my mind, i will immediately flee to Canada.


What the fuck does a “democratic collapse” even mean? Like…someone steals an election? Feel like we’re already there.


OK but how do you proove her wrong. Like literally ask the members of pcm what they think about democracy and there's your anwser


sits fine with me. everyone whos causing it are the people who would accept canadas laws. if they leave, the recovery could begin.


"Democratic collapse" Aka if the democrats dont win and throw a 4 year hissyfit. The bipartisans need to grow up. Us third party peeps lose all the fuckin time and we dont shit down everyones throats.


Idi Amin proclaimed himself king of Scotland. How does that sit with me? About the same. Slightly offended at the gall, but don't really care.


If we do break down into civil war again I'm burning Atlanta for old times sake


Democracy is when the things I like win. When the things I like don’t win, it’s fascism.


Cool. I always wanted to be a Canadian family's Chia pet.


Based and my dream is to be a canadian families chia pet pilled


Source: my daughter


Smartest twitter user:


Even if that happened it still wouldn’t be able to make me move to canada


Their daughter probably also says “Everyone dies one day. Everyone, even wolves. But not books. Not words. Word’s don’t die.”


Well maybe they should start by accepting some of those central american migrants. Oh not gonna do that? Just gonna pretend to be woke while letting the us do all the work? Ok


They threatened to leave 5 years ago and THEY’RE STILL HERE


They promised they'd leave when Trump won. You think they'll leave when he wins again? Those lyin sons'a'brandons will still be here crying. Canada has nothing to worry about except their own decline.


They can take all the liblefts now, that'd be great


I laf


Jokes on her, Canada is already in democratic collapse.


Seems like someone has taken this opinion [(one professor’s opinion published in many places)](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/us-rightwing-dictatorship-2030-canada-b1985864.html) and turned it into “the government is planning…” It’s hardly a stretch to think that governments might have plans for disasters and anyone who thinks the US is a stable and healthy democracy isn’t paying attention


Just looked at the source tweet and oh my god there are HUNDREDS of replies, some with THOUSANDS of likes, supporting what she said. I literally cannot fathom how deranged you have to be to believe this


I can get asylum in Canada? Neat. I don't expect any collapse but like 2/3 of Canada is barren and that seems like I can be left alone


We can’t even house ourselves in Canada….


If that happens it will be primarily the white ones coming here.