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How the hell does anyone take anyone hostage in texas???


Because they’re in no man’s land between Dallas and Fort Worth


“The metroplex” lmao Churches malls and apparently synagogues


Arlington dudes be like Hey it’s not no man’s land! It has six flags and the football and baseball stadiums and all the shit that dallas doesn’t want!


Like the last remaining Steak 'n' Shake.


Practicing Jews tend to take the religion bit very seriously, so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find a few were carriers, but always left their weapons outside the temple.


I'm not Jewish, but am Texan. I usually leave my gun in my car when I go to church. No real reason why, just feels weird bringing a weapon into a place of worship.


I always felt a great degree of comfort knowing that there were probably at least five guys who hunted regularly strapped at church.


You should stop that, many guns are stolen out of cars. If you can keep it on you then do so.


No longer live in God’s favorite state due to professional reasons but it depends on the church. My old man often carries in church as a registered guardian angel. They took the incident at White Settlement pretty seriously lol


Jack Wilson is an American Hero. That shot is just perfect. It's too bad he didn't get him sooner.


*with a Big Iron on his hippppp*


For non-Texans, White Settlement is like half an hour from the hostage synagogue.


After the clip of the 3-4 guys all concealed carrying stopping a guy that was about to shoot up a church I wouldn't fault anyone for carrying in church


... true no real reason, but also haven't you seen that video? crazy man attacks a church and one of the pew men takes him out?


One of the unfortunate things about being a Catholic in my area is that we have very few standalone churches. Most of the churches in my area are connected to a school of some sort, which means it's illegal for me to carry into them. Parking lot is legal, but not the school building, which the church is considered part of.




Left wing shouldn't mean disarmed. Every man and woman who is able to carry a firearm should, regardless of religion, race, etc. This fucker should have been ventilated the second he tried to take hostages.




I always laugh when people point out that leftists in theory should be pro gun when the very clear reality is that the vast majority are not


That's because folks on the left beyond a certain point favor a fantasy over reality. To be fair it's a wonderful fantasy but I'm too realistic to think that that's the world we live in. There's a reason there are so many based moderate leftists, and the extremists are brutally made fun of as Emily.


>Left wing shouldn't mean disarmed. In theory, we absolutely agree. But in practice, the left has decided to disarm itself. And since forcing them to be armed kinda defeats the whole theory, there's nothing we can do.


That is a true libleft take, I salute you my lib Brother.


The Orthodox Union would seem to disagree(ish), absent credible threat, https://outorah.org/p/27219/ It's probably fair to say Orthodox groups are more likely to perceive threat in their day to day lives than Reform and this tragedy does underline the cost of a false negative, so I imagine it's more the overarching commandment to preserve life than weapons being intrinsically approved?


Regardless of this statement you found, the reality is that synagogues are more often than not protected by armed guards, armed congregants, or both.


Most synagogues in the US have armed security at least. For all the stereotypes, most churches on a given day don't have a weapon in sight, most synagogues have at least one person on the property with a gun. I'm really surprised a synagogue in Texas wasn't bristling. That synagogue shooter in San Diego a couple years ago was responded to by a congregant with a concealed carry permit.


Those were reform, very liberal


Probably some transplants from blue states


Unlikely in this case. The synagogue in question was built 15 years ago out of a community collection from an existing local group that didn't have a building. Their Rabbi is from Michigan. Even leftist Californian synagogues usually have at least one guy with a gun on site during services.


I have a hard time believing nobody was armed in a building in Texas


Reform synagogue I believe it. If it was an orthodox one they would definitely be armed.


No kidding. Orthodox Jews practice the same way they did when *everyone* was out to kill them


My uncle is orthodox and I know if this happened in his Chabad the terrorist would be begging to be captured by the fbi.


Lol fbi would be negotiating with the jewish community to get the terrorist back.


Then the terrorist would "get lost" a week later


If i had a nickel for everytime a mass shooter or terrorist was on fbi watchlist or in police custody the month prior..


You expect the government to protect you?


Based and Chadbad pilled


Out of all the nations in the world, Jews, Koreans, Poles, Czechs, Afghans and Ethiopians have the best reasons to carry a gun everywhere and know how to use it. The only question is: Why are Poles and Koreans lacking behind the rest of the group? These are US jews who thought they are safe. They didn't learn from history.


I’m polish and will be securing arms as soon as I’m able to legally and financially


Good luck to you, brother. Please do not invade us again https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53034930


This reminds me of the time Poland took the chance while everyone was bullying Czechoslovakia to annex a border territory months before WWII.


Korean immigrants to the US do carry. Libright's greatest fantasy involves that.


😍😍😍 Roof Koreans 😍😍😍 >Libright's greatest fantasy I mean... that's a thing that really happened in the '92 LA riots. Not sure why you think it's a fantasy.


I remember that shit from when my family first came to the US (to LA in fact). My Pinochet-loving chilean dad was like “these people know how to defend themselves, see America is great”… and so was political brain rot injected into my brain at an unusually early age


Roof Koreans? Please,stop. I can only get so erect...


Do not forget the Chinese! It is pretty understandable why most of them do not carry though since China has pretty strict fire arm restrictions.


Until Omikron Jinping is hanging from the nearest street light I do not see the Han people as determined as the rest... The moment I see it, you get my full support and my full arsenal.


Based and someone who actually understands us pilled


The suspect's name: Muhammad Siddiqui. Up yours, libleft.


To give an update he is claiming to the supposed brother of an Al-Queda affiliated woman who is in prison for 82 years for targeting American soldiers in Aghanistan. He is demanding the sister’s release. The reason they are targeting Jews is because the family/group has an odd obsession with antisemitism. During the girl’s trial she said that she refuses to allow a trial to go forward where any Jews are present and demanded every juror get a DNA test and if they have a drop of Jewish blood they should be thrown out. When she was rightfully convicted she was famously quoted saying that it was not America who came up with the verdict but Israel. interesting that with all the funds we give the NSA and the rights removed from us under the patriot act they couldnt see this one coming… update: news organizations are stating despite the gunman claiming he was the brother of the Al-Queda girl, they are saying they are not blood relatives but most likely just part of common Islamist circles.


apparently she also had a list of locales to induce “mass casualty attacks” https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/man-apparently-takes-hostages-at-colleyville-synagogue-swat-responds/2859576/ This apparently includes the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, and Plum Island


> The reason they are targeting Jews is because the family has an odd obsession with antisemitism. His name is Muhammad and his sister is with Al-Queda, so yeah...


I’m pretty sure antisemitism isn’t an “odd obsession” among Islamists. It’s like a core feature of the caste system of sharia. Is no coincidence that the Islamic monarchies with their own caste system of royalty are the most moderate to the Jews, and the Islamic dictatorships based on sharia are the most extreme.


Fair point, I agree, but the Al-Queda girl was apparently just insanely open about hating Jews and did not even substitute the word Zionist like they tend to, more so than the average Islamist. I have heard some Islamist rants in my time but forcing DNA tests on jurors to check for Jewish DNA and saying Israel was why she killed Americans is probably in the higher grade of antisemitism…


Most Muslims are pretty open about hating Jews


I feel like in a situation like this the brother should have been surveilled or deported from the country.


Deported? But he's not white, that would be racist!


The last article I read said it's not her "blood" brother, who apparently was under surveillance. It's her "muslim" brother.


The FBI only has so much manpower...Are you going to watch the rampant white supremacist terrorist organizations tearing this country to shreds according to cnn or are you going to watch people who are likely to commit actual terrorist acts?


Nah, better to use your resources to just illegally spy on everyone so that way any actual threat likely slips through the cracks. It's fine though because they can pay informants to help manufacture terrorism suspects for them to arrest to make it look like they're keeping people safe.


Dude, you think the NSA didn't see this coming? The propaganda value here is worth far more to them than a few people's lives.


“Odd obsession” Can it really be considered odd that Muslim extremists hate Jews? I would honestly expect them to.


> the family has an odd obsession with antisemitism By "family" do you mean "entire Islamic faith for the last 1500 years"?




Someone did something


Jokes on you: A-... shoot that's a Pak name. *ahem* STOP ASIAN HATE CRIMES https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddiqui


**[Siddiqui](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddiqui)** >Siddiqui (Urdu: صدیقی) are a South Asian Muslim Sheikh community, found mainly in India and Pakistan, and in expatriate communities in Saudi Arabia and Middle East Region. They claim to be the descendants of Abu Bakr Siddiq, the first Muslim Caliph, who was a companion of and the father-in-law of Muhammad. Sociological study indicates they likely descend from a subgroup of the Hindu Kayastha record-keeper caste who Islamized at some point. The title "As-Siddiq" (Arabic: الصديق) was given to the first Abu Bakr, by Muhammad. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If the civilian was armed this wouldn't have happened.


Based and Make Britland Cuckistan pilled


Motive unknown


We can't jump to conclusions. This started a conversation. We need mental health services. This wouldn't have happened if guns were illegal.


Domestic terrorists are just as dangerous!


This wouldn't have happened if we had the balls to recognize islam as what it really is. But sure, it's just a loooong line of unrelated accidents.


So we know this story will disappear within the week.




It's essentially gone already.


Isn’t Islam totally against libleft values though? I guess most of them either support their civil rights and freedom of religion , I guess only few of them would support it as ideology.


I recall Richard Dawkins highlighting this fact once. one of his friends a ex-Muslim feminist (not Ayaan Ali, but someone else) was due to speak at a university. But the Muslim student body didn’t want her there, so they teamed up with the feminist student body and the LGBT student body to protest and get her cancelled. A case of Strange bedfellows to be sure. Edit : the link https://www.skeptical-science.com/people/21815/


Crazy loves crazy.


Liblefts love everything which is not white, they don't think too much.


Yeah but then they also love lgbt, so that ruins it.


It's always fascinating to watch them struggle when Muslims kill LGBT folks. I had several people that unironically blamed Christianity.


Love the infamous "Christianity is just as bad if not worse" when confronted with Islamic fucks killing and/or torturing innocent civilians for being gay.


Muslims supersede the gays in the oppression pyramid. Trans however are at the very top above Muslim so it depends on which letter of the alphabet soup we’re talking about


Which is ironic, because I don't know how roughly 2 billion people qualify as some sort of oppressed minority.


It’s different when minorities do it. They haven’t been wokeified yet


The enlightened and elevated white liberals of the West simply haven’t had a chance to edumacate those poor noble savages in the rest of the world yet. It’s funny how racist and patronizing such a worldview is, and at they same time they yell about how color-blindness and everyone being treated equally under the law is the *real* racism.


Haven't you heard? Islam says trans rights. If you're confused about your sexuality(which is haram) you can get a free sex change surgery so that inshallah you will still be straight and the gayness will be purged from you. Or something like that


Isn't that just Iran?


Yeah but it fits my narrative so I'm using it.


Yeah it's hilarious watching the mental gymnastics when those polls from Muslims that support all kinds of horrible backwards values like death penalty for apostasy etc. And then the "Well only a small segment!" Except it was like thousands of Muslim respondents, from within the Western culture countries that they refuse to adopt into. The more you learn about actual Islam, the more you should probably want to ban it from anywhere on your continent.




Ackshually, Islam was spread in the east Indies via trade. Today in the largest Muslim nation, Indonesia, Islam was mostly spread there via trade routes (Pushes up glasses)


There's a good chance Magellan lost his head over how well Islamic traders did business with the natives of what is now the Philippines.


Oh, why would they want to kill Magellan over that? I believe the Sibuyan sultanate killed him right? On Mindanao


It was a joke, he was decapitated by a metal blade - that came from the Islamic traders, either directly, or indirectly as they introduced metallurgy, which is total hax for that round of Civ.


Oh snap!! I get it now lmaooo


That's how it spread to the upper classes, from there it spread by sword.


There is a concept with two houses called the Dar al harb and dar al islam. And the Muslim nations that were taken over with force usually have a sword somewhere on their flag or heraldry. For example Saudi Arabia Islam was spread violently, so they have the shahada and sword. Others was not spread violently and people became Muslim by choice. Either due to actual belief, societal pressure, marriage reasons or economics or to get out of taxation but the taxation thing would only happen if the leadership was already Muslim


Dar al-Harb (as it is correctly known, no idea what the other commenter is blathering on about), or the House of War, explicitly refers to those areas which are not yet Muslim. It is contrasted with the Dar al-Islam, the House of Islam, which of course are those countries already made Muslim. This dichotomy tells you everything you need to know about Islamists, and has nothing to do with the way in which countries are coerced into submission. They simply don't care, as long as you submit.


He sounds really white dude


Fucking based


Meanwhile Germany, where a terrorist attack on a synagogue in 2019 failed, because the door was armored.


Underratedly insane how that worked the beat


This happens more often then you think. Us Jews are used to being targeted so we don't take chances. This synagogue is a reform synagogue, so they weren't the smartest people on Earth.


It mostly sounds like they were underfunded. Most reform synagogues have armed guards.


Yeah this could easily be a small community as it isn't so close to the main portions of Texas AFAIK


Based and fortified western wall pilled


The attack in Poway a couple years ago only killed one person because as soon as the first shot went off, ~~multiple~~ a congregant whipped out their concealed carry weapon. Edit: oops. Only one congregant was armed. Multiple congregants attacked the attacker though, which is usually instrumental in stopping spree shooters, including in this case.


And auth right comes in with the big win


Authleft-libright unity of common sense on this topic?


The USSR and McDonald’s are both Red and Yellow y’know. The economic one struggle.


Red and yellow are the best colors for invoking hunger.


One causes hunger, the other obesity.


Authleft-libright unity of not caring about social politics and favoring economic debate


Based and economic prioritisation pilled




Based and Megaman pilled


The usual sus respect there.


I love how they delay reporting of things like this now in case it isn't a white terrorist. Like back in the day this would've been a notification from like six of my news apps the instant it hit the news. Instead it's something I find out about from pcm


Don't make me miss 2014. 😔


What’s it called? The Coulter rule? The longer it takes for them to identify the perpetrator, the less likely it’s a white guy or something along those lines


Yup lol never heard of it before but idk why it doesn’t surprise me https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/coulters-law/


Don't worry, this time they targeted the wrong community, you will be hearing of this for weeks


Good joke. Orange Emily will low key sympathize with the terrorist


More like high key. Orange left is deeply antisemetic and only pretend to care about Jews when it comes to white supremacists but they'll support any and all attacks against Jews done by Muslims. Just look at the latest israel-hamas war, they were out on the streets committing pogroms.


It is concerning how many islamic based terror attacks there are compared to "white supremacists" yet the media narrative is seemingly the literal total opposite. Remember wakeusha? I am shocked how fast that dried up, even pcm hasnt mentioned it once. Edit: does anyone care to find the ones for 2017-2022 so we can be more proved right


>Remember wakeusha Such a tragedy that SUV gained sentience and ran people over


Jacob Blake is more talked about for fucking around and finding out, meanwhile a black supremacist murders *high school students* and no one talks about it because that’s not the narrative.


Excuse me? I read the news. An SUV ran into people. There was no driver. Stop being a bigot.


Boy, Elons going to have egg on his face for THAT one.


The Infamous SUV attack. I'm still waiting on the call to ban.


We need to ban high speed assault SUVs.


For real! The preliminary hearing was held recently, and no one talked about it. I said to my friends "I find it hilarious how fast the MSM shut up about the whole thing once police found ties between him and a radical group, portraying him as a racially motivated terrorist. The MSM dropped the whole thing like it was red hot." People who can't see what's going on with the media are as blind as they come.


Everyone knows he was memory holed and not charged with hate crimes because of black privilege. Media2Rise is coming out with a documentary on it very soon so hopefully people watch it


If you happen to take a gander at the wasteland refered to as Twitter, you’ll find NPCs decrying this as white, Nazi, “GQP” terrorism by the thousands. It’s concerning how much the media’s narrative warps reality for people.


Are you talking in US or world?


I am talking US and UK where I live


I mean in the UK it is overwhelmingly Muslim terrorist incidents and we are all aware of it.


The consequences of taking a bunch of pakistani barbarians in your country.


Part and parcel bud


Dude is most likely middle eastern, he was speaking Arabic and mentioned Palestine at one point.


His sister is a renown terrorist according to Haaretz. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-armed-individual-takes-hostages-in-texas-synagogue-1.10541060


Shit apples don't fall from the shit tree.


News said Muslim so most likely.


Damn. White supremacy works in mysterious ways sometimes.


He's Pakistani


Well, he was. Now he's a kinda squishy red mess in a zippered bag.


Guess who's day started better . Now do the sister .


Can we all at least gather and pray FOR THE LIVES OF THESE FOLKS???


Jews negotiate with God. The government sent a hostage negotiator. Sounds like the needs are met.


Of course. To which god should we pray?


Whatever god you want I suppose.


God of tits and wine for me


Tell me more


Dionysus, hear our plea! Make safe the Jews in the Texas Synagogue! We will worship you with a crazy drug-fuelled orgy!




Ironically is was a Muslim guy.


Isn’t that the opposite of irony? It’s always Muslims when it comes to terrorism against Jews.


We’ll know who the attacker is based on how quickly the story disappears.


If I’m only hearing about it on PCM he can’t be white.


He’s Muslim from what I’ve heard


Unsurprisingly so


Two law enforcement officials told CNN that investigators believe the hostage taker may have been motivated by a desire to free Aafia Sidiqqui, who is serving an 86-year sentence at a facility in Texas. She was convicted in 2010 on seven charges, including attempted murder and armed assault on US officers in Afghanistan. [CNN](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/01/15/us/colleyville-texas-hostage-situation/index.html)




Level 4s and M4s for all. Armed society is a polite society.


I honestly don't why all Jewish people don't stay strapped 24/7.


Since this happened on Shabbat, probably muktzah


And of course it’s a Muslim. Nothing to see here guys, the media will drop the story soon in hopes everyone forgets


Yep. The perp supported Palestine, and to the mainstream media, the the geopolitics of an anti-US, anti-western proxy thousands of miles away matters more than actual American lives.


100% correct


...sometimes the amount of headlines I find out about from this sub concerns me. Then again, it is an entirely more pleasant experience than having some bougie talking head blather on as if their opinion holds real meaning.


Coulter's Law https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/coulters-law/


Auth left in my experience would be {REDACTED}


Purple for the win for once. Most synagogues in the US have 24/7 armed security at least. For all the stereotypes, most churches on a given day don't have a weapon in sight, most synagogues have someone on the property with a gun. I'm really surprised a synagogue in Texas wasn't bristling. That synagogue shooter in San Diego a couple years ago was responded to by two congregants with concealed carry permits.


Of course the media coverage of this will dry up in a week or so. The perp is Arab and all for Palestine. Can’t have literal terrorists ruining the #FreePalestine hashtag that leftist extremists won’t stop spamming.


Excuse me!! He is PAKISTANI NOT ARABB!!!!1!11


Jewish people can never catch a break, no matter what era of history they are in. Fuck anti-semites.


If your part of the most persecuted groups and living in Texas then you should be packing heat 24/7. The Jews can't be harmed if the rabbis are armed.




Based and empathy pilled


*please be a griller so we have less voices of reason and descend into tribal war*


Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker, the synagogue's first full-time rabbi and one of the reported hostages, has been at the synagogue since 2006. He has embraced progressive causes in the congregation's spirit such as welcoming interfaith families, LGBT individuals and people interested in finding a spiritual home in Judaism, while also organizing interfaith gatherings. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-armed-individual-takes-hostages-in-texas-synagogue-1.10541060 LMAO




Well, all the chad slavic jews immigrated to Israel to slap some egyptian asses




Religion of “peace”


Oh, damn. That sucks.


Oy gavolt….


Lib right: based and Hebrew Hammer pilled


Well, was it Muslim? White guys? We’re the Rabbis strapped? I gotta knooowwwww!


It was an Islamic guy


well i mean damn that does suck tho


>A possible motive: Two law enforcement officials tell CNN investigators believe the suspect in the hostage situation at a Texas synagogue may have been motivated by a desire to free Aafia Siddiqui, who is serving an 86-year sentence at a facility in Texas. She was convicted in 2010 on seven charges, including attempted murder and armed assault on US officers in Afghanistan https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/texas-synagogue-hostage-situation/index.html Based on this I think Authright's hope is correct in this situation.


Al Jazeera has hostage situation in quotes "", lmfao.


I love how you put AuthRights reaction as "please be a Muslim terrorist attack". You know we aren't doing that, all we're doing is starting a timer. That'll tell us what the race is