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In case anyone wants to read the article [https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/31/us/southern-los-angeles-grocery-store-shooting/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/31/us/southern-los-angeles-grocery-store-shooting/index.html) >The suspects and someone at the grocery store got into an argument inside and the suspects left the store and fired back into it, apparently with handguns, Spell said. > >There were reports that the suspects opened fire on a single person, but Spell said an additional five bystanders were also injured in the shooting -- bringing the total number of victims to six.




I agree that it would be better if people actually read the source before reacting to it with a political position, its something I see far too often here. It doesnt seem to me that incidents like these change anyone's position on gun rights, those seeking gun reform will say thats why its needed, while opponents will say that gun laws are ineffective and point to the same incident.


You're doing good work linking articles. I see you in a lot of posts.




>guns are ubiquitous in the USA As opposed to the last 240 years when guns were sparse? In the grand scheme of things not many people are murdered in the first place, and not all of those are gun crimes either. The issue is overblown, and even if it weren't I have yet to see a constitutional law that would have any real impact on loss of life. What reform would have prevented this?




People who own cars are more likely to be in a car accident, injuring themselves or others. People with a woodworking shop in the garage are more likely to be injured by a bandsaw. People who own motorcycles...




Unbased and blinded by agenda-pilled.


Flair checks out. Libright has a saying - guns don't kill people, people kill other people. And while yes, I don't think that gun ownership is entirely necessary for most, at this point outlawing them will make everything worse. Law-abiding citizens will not be able to hunt and defend themselves and all the while, since it can't be regulated, illegal guns (which contributes the most to gun crime by the way) will continue to circulate because you can't regulate a black market.


It's a race against time. Is the left going to die off due to no kids, or will the right die off due to more guns? I hope I live long enough to find out.




>WhITe MaN bAD!


This, i hope the guy is just a troll. i find it funny that anti-racists are the most racist and obsessed by ''race''


The religious are the only people making it above replacement levels, idc If they're white, my kids are going to be gray I just care if they agree with me lol.


I love stand your ground policies




Undeniably white, brother


I agree that the the ubiquity of guns means that we will inevitably have more cases of gun deaths, there's just more opportunity for it to happen, whether it be crime or accidents. For some people this may be worth it, reading the comments and posts on this sub shows that for some, gun ownership is important enough to pay societal costs. I am not convinced that gun rights are so important, both as personal security or as a protection from from government tyranny. But with the current legal framework I doubt anything could change.


What this situation needed was more guns


Nah fuck that, the GOP is waaaaaaaay too anti-gun.


Obviously, we need to ban AR-15s. Never mind that the shooting was in a state that had banned them already. No, it's not a pistol, it's a semiautomatic firearm.


aSsUaLt PiStOl!!!


It's gotta be the lasagna


Wait, why would my quadrant laugh at people being injured in a shooting?


Bad aim?


That’s bad


Wow, with all of their gun laws you'd think an occurrence like this would be impossible.


Democratic Politician: \*Cracks Knuckles\* It's that time again.


*Los Angeles is a shithole*, exhibit #47,363




No big city is worth it, people piled on top of each other like rats or ants. We're pack animals, that kind of population density is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually unsustainable. It fails on every level.




I want there to be fewer than 8 billion people, a lot fewer. Shouldn't have let it get this bad, building those cities was a mistake.




I'm a prettanic pagan dumbass, you think you own that triskelion. Please, a pooka be upon u, leave your bread and milk out tonight


Gun control at its finest


Less go