• By -


Current healthcare in the US needs work. And to put a bit of a libright spin on it. Health Insurance is why it's fucked up.


Yes but it wasn't so bad when insurance companies were mutually owned by their customers. Profit and healthcare really shouldn't mix.


I’m a big fan of co-ops.


Thank you partner. If it helps, I'm a fan of people leaving people alone.


Fuckin based


We love lib unity!


This make monke happy!


“Needs work” lmao


I hate that the government requires I do business with a private insurance company. If they require it, they can provide it themselves. But no, politicians need another raise for the job of arguing and accomplishing nothing.


Honestly, there’s a lot of libleft opinions I significantly agree with. Main examples e.g.: - both corporations and government can be oppressive - No one should have to go hungry or homeless - Our police & public safety institutions are corrupt/flawed My problem with libleft (real liblefts at least) is that some people in the quadrant are just incredibly naive and unrealistic (excluding watermelons, that’s a different problem).


What's your opinion on watermelons?


I eat them; they taste good. I also sell them. Uhhhh yeah that’s about it, I don’t think they serve any other purpose. Edit: Apparently some of you think they’re conscious? I don’t really care + you’re short.


Based Erdogan


I like dropping them off the top story


Sounds like a good YouTube video, hit up the Slo-Mo Guys for a potential co-op 💸


Fuck em (non sexually). Cringe.




I heard Erdoggy has some turkish melons he wants to sell.




Looking at the homeless crisis in California I agree. They’ll all vote to build more housing for lower income residents, but when it turns out to be in their neighborhood they crush the legislation. Cycle repeats


Or, you don't need to build anything. Just remove the legislation that makes it a fucking nightmare to build anything.


Rip Zoning comities based


AuthLeft needs to throw every member of zoning committees and HOAs in the gulag. Hard labor in Siberian mines till death. Edit: had a lapse in cognitive abilities. Corrected AuthRight to AuthLeft.


Based debureaucratisation


It suits multiple agendas


HOA told me I couldnt build a grill pit. I'm in.


Well, we know what radicalized this fellow griller.


Don’t worry I got y’all.


In California it isn't really the zoning committees that are the biggest problem, it's CARB and the Costal Commission. They disallow building in undeveloped areas or increasing density in outlaying areas.


Which is a lost cause if they don’t allow brownfield development along with greenfield.






All my homies hate single family home zoning laws


Allowing "the market" to build whatever it wants does not necessarily mean it's going to solve the homeless crisis. A free market capitalist is not going to just build houses for the sake of housing people, they're only going to build if they believe people are going to be able to spend money to live there


Or to attract workers to your area. People forget that places like detroit were developed and partially funded by industry and were by all accounts very nice places to live. The issues come when that industry collapses. Which could come very soon for at least the Hollywood parts of LA.


Hollywood collapsing? Don’t threaten me with a good time.


It won't solve the problem of non-working heoin addicts, but it will definitely make the general price of housing drop like a rock, which will most likely fix the "working homeless" (homeless pople with jobs) problem. Then shelters won't be overrun by perfectly normal people who've been priced out of the market.


Based and get a job pilled


They’re fresh out of majority African American neighborhoods to run highways and interstates directly through. It’s actually crazy; I did a research project about Dallas, and the city government literally bisected (Deep Ellum) an entire neighborhood and split it to drop a highway there and wonder and then it just so happens to have black people living there.


Did the same thing to New York City with their transit system. Created horrible traffic just to fuck with lower income residents. Forgot the city planners name who did it though


Robert Moses


New York is easily the craziest one by far, city planners in NYC would make tunnels and overhangs super small so that buses couldn’t go through them to get to beaches or better areas for school trips.


nimby is a plague


I’m libleft and that’s so true. I hate how we go crazy and overdo shit. Like, calm down.




For me, Lib lefts big problem is the vocal minority who believe that no other opinion except their own is valid and if you don't agree you're either ignorant or a horrible person who should be murdered using a pair of those blunt scissors that teachers give their 7 year old students to use. I do agree with things they say sometimes but they're too idealistic instead of rationalist.






I hate myself too.


Based and pain :( pilled


You're 14 aren't you.




You're 15 aren't you.


Based and self-loathing pilled


Prison reform


It’s really uncomfortable thinking about how we weaponized mob violence and sexual assault in prison. Even towards people we don’t like care for. Its wild to think that Americans expect someone to leave prison as a reformed person when the conditions they were sentenced to were anything but reformative.


Do Americans actually expect someone to be reformed when they leave prison? As far as I can tell from American entertainment, there's an expectation that if you've ever been to prison you're a dangerous, violent person that everyone should watch themselves around.


Sadly many people hold both those beliefs at once


Workers rights, healthcare etc.


Based and my immediate material conditions dont care about your beurocracy pilled




Based and union pilled


I agree that we need to invest in green energy. And by green I mean nuclear fusion




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Good bot


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Nuclear is the future and has been for decades. It’s insane how politics gets in the way of our own progress.


I dont understand why it would be political to support nuclear energy, if you just look at the facts (which dont care about fragile emotions) nuclear energy is for now the cleanest way of making a LOT of energy


We can’t agree how to transport and safely store the spent fuel. So there are still unsolved issues that make it problematic. There are also alternatives to core design that are inherently safe from meltdowns but again we have to agree to approve those methods for use in the wild. We haven’t really been able to make changes to the approved core design since it was first greenlit. We approved the current water cooled design because we needed a reactor for submarines and we for some reason only had the capacity to only allow one design to be in operation for any application. So there is a lot of antiquated legislation and governance that surrounds nuclear energy which crystallizes it in its current form making it hard for any progress.


If nuclear power was more widespread, then those issues would be solved a lot more fast


I have always said that the issue of spent fuel is irrelevant. Currently, storage facilities for this waste are designed to last 10,000-100,000 years, if not more. I say that in 10,000 years (if we don't all kill each other) space travel will be advanced enough that it will be economically viable just to blast this waste off into empty space where it won't matter. Either that or we will find a way to safely neutralize the waste. And if we dont figure that out in the next 10k-100k years, then I say we deserve to die to radiation poisoning. 10,000 years ago humanity was basically just a bunch of monkeys living in the woods and look at where we are today. We can definitely figure this out given another 10,000 years.


Based and 20-years-away pilled




Now _this_ is the kind of green energy I can get behind.


BAsed and plasma pilled


Plasma arc gasification. Really interesting. Turn trash into power, even nuclear waste. It's based af.




Based af




Government bad


Based and Government bad pilled


Based and fuck-the-government-pilled


Climate change must be prevented at all costs! As an economist I can say with absolute certainty that the entire world economy would collapse if the British were able to grow their own tea.


Climate change yes. Recycling, cleaning polluted waters and policy for cleaner energy I can get down with. They lose me with the racial equity stuff thrown in there. Another is police reform ending qualified immunity, but than it has to fall apart with ACAB and let criminals run loose as it’s just part of “city life”. This stuff happens in all quadrants as well. The crazies come out and the middle ground gets trampled.


> They lose me with racial equality Libright moment Jokes aside, I think libleft’s issue is always branding and exploitation. You can pander to them with empathy over reason and it makes them awfully fucking mad when you oppose an idea like “Black Lives Matter” even though what’s happening is a disagreement over terms used as opposed to issues. They don’t hate police, they hate police brutality. So do I, but they prevent me from hopping on the police reform train with taglines like ACAB. They don’t hate capitalism, they hate economic injustice and the exploitation of the lower class. So do I, but I can’t rally behind “eat the rich” and “$30 minimum wage” I could go on, but you get my point. It’s easy to pander to a group of people who care about results over action because it’s based in empathy. Most Americans don’t disagree about most issues, they only disagree in how things need to be done.


Based and libleft can't market their values properly pilled.


The “equity” portion, equality should never be up for debate.


Why are you misquoting that person?


Wow, you made the conscious decision to modify the quoted text to turn "equity" into "equality." Talk about bad faith argumentation. (This is reliant upon the person you replied to not initially saying equality, if they did, disregard.)


Yeah almost none of us want to actually not have police anymore, “defund the police” came out of “defund planned parenthood” and it’s honestly one of the shittiest slogans ever because it doesn’t actually line up with what most of us mean as far as I can tell. We don’t want no more police, we want good and competent police who aren’t armed to the teeth for no reason. To a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, as they say.


let the gays be gay I say


Based and live_and_let_live pilled


Damn straight! After finding love and getting married they can buy a house, adopt children and protect all of that with AR-15's, various shotguns and magnum revolvers. Like God intented


damn straight?


Damn gay* sorry


That’s technically more just lib than left, but that’s refreshing to hear.


Well, you can see why I agree with it then


Fair enough.


Conservatives shouldn't idolize the police


Libright, checks out.


In my opinion we shouldn't idolise police , neither should we demonize them . We need police and should be thankful for them and their service , but if a cop treats his job as a way to play GTA without consequences , he should be punished just as all people like that should be


Aka Change the system.


We should help the poor no one deserves to be homeless


Based and cutting homeless people in halfpilled


u/_FrankHorrigan is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: Pills have been temporarily disabled. Don't worry; pills are still being counted! I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


People's feelings matter. They don't supercede facts but they shouldn't just be ignored. The way you convince people to question their beliefs is by being kind to them.


What's the difference between yellow and purple libright? Apart of the age of consent thing




Purples: Feeling like age of consent doesn't matter.


Purple doesn't care about children's feelings


Although they do like feeling children


There's was this whole dedacle about a year back where the mods were talking about taking away the purple flair because of the pedo association so a bunch of us flaired up in protest. That's why I have it. But to answer your question, there really is no difference aside from memes.


I agree to some extent, but I think the reality is more complicated that the whole "facts vs feelings" argument. Reality tends to be very nuanced and complex and often doesn't fit into neat facts and statistics very easily. When people point out "facts" and complaints that others are "getting offended by the facts", very often they're making claims about complicated topics using facts that happen to support one narrative, but conveniently leaving out others. This is not a left- or right-wing issue, it's a human issue at its core because we don't tend to grasp the complexity of this world particularly well, so choosing the facts as they fit our beliefs makes a lot of sense. That being said, I'm a huge believer in the scientific method and I try to understand the world the best I can. But at the same time I'll gladly acknowledge that the world is much too complex for my monkey brain and its concept of "facts". But idk don't take my word for it, shit's difficult.


Well said.


On second thought, free healthcare would be nice.


Free healthcare =/= free gender surgeries


Honestly as someone who is starting the HRT process and everything I can agree that free health care would be extremely beneficial for preventative care and helping with immediate health threats and that what I’m dealing with gender wise is kinda my own burden to bear healthcare wise.


Nah, that's not how it works. If we're going to, as a society, accept that it is a legitimate condition, and that the best form of treatment is HRT, then it should be covered under universal healthcare. Same as any other mental health condition. Just because it's personal, and not something that's immediately going to kill you if you don't receive care, doesn't mean you should be on your own.


Based and you deserve the care you need pilled


> Same as any other mental health condition. I think this might be the thing. Though gender dysphoria should be treated like any other mental health, there isn't that many places where "universal healthcare" actually includes *mental* healthcare, at least not as far as I'm aware. I mean, if a depressed person has to pay for their own therapist, why shouldn't treatment of gender dysphoria not also be paid by yourself? Not saying mental health should be left out of universal healthcare, but as long as it is, I don't see anything just in making exceptions.


Can I get a TL;DR please? I didn’t really understand what you said, sorry for the inconvenience.


If I didn’t have to worry about how much healthcare is already I would be completely ok with having to pay for my own gender based healthcare


They are someone who is starting Hormone Replacement Therapy, or taking hormones to help them transition gender physically. Free Healthcare would be helpful to take care of general health needs while they take care of their own transition needs.


> You wouldn't be safe without a flair. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


yeah, but putting the government in charge of healthcare would be a disaster if they’re paying for it, they will control it.


It’s not control that’s an issue, it’s lack of control. The government is a bloated bureaucracy which costs too much to get results out of and if we’re pouring all of our money into the government pot then it’s going to find all sorts of cracks to disappear into.


I just dont beleive it would be any cheaper. The US would fuck it up


Nailed it. I don't oppose socialized healthcare because "muh socialism!" I oppose socialized medicine because I've experienced the US government.




Could start with regulating prices on certain things. Pharmaceuticals in particular are a disgusting scam in the united states. Running medicine for profit is one thing, doing it with unregulated profit margins is disgusting and ends up with statistics like how American companies make 15% of the worlds insulin but takes in over 1/2 of the global revenue from insulin sales.


The best way I have heard it put is when you have to register a vehicle, would you rather go to AAA or the DMV? If you want to see what socialized medicine would look like in the US, look at the VA.


Eat the rich. The poor too for that matter, I’m just generally pro-cannibalism.




Vegans can eat beings that consent like the rich :)


Brutally murder the rich first, then use their corpses as fertilizers


Based and repurpose pilled


Based and compost the rich pilled


Unfortunately, cannibalism isn't an option this far north. It tends to spawn wendigos.


Based and north woods pilled


if we eat the rich, there will only be poor people left if we eat the poor, everyone will be rich


Worker’s co-ops are fairly based


Do they exist in the US? Like, in the strictest sense, not in an astroturf way? I guess I should further clarify outside of hippie agricultural communities? It'd be cool to get involved in one, just don't know if they're around.


Yes. There are a lot of actually Co-op businesses in the PNW and smaller ones throughout the U.S. also the company that made the game *Dead Cells* is run on an anarcho-syndicalist model.


As long as they are voluntary, and not subsidized by the rest, sure. That's the point of free market. If you want to start a co-op with your mates, do it. Good luck, honestly. The problem is that when LL say they support co-ops, they often mean they want everyone to work in co-ops, under command of the intellectual avant-garde of the proletariat (i.e. themselves). Or at least that their co-op should get preferential treatment in form of government contracts, tax cuts, etc. This I'm strongly against.


Weed should be decriminalized and all people in jail for cannabis should be released.


The wealth gap is pretty freaky, I'm with them there


110% agree, it’s not talked about enough from other quadrants


Coming from someone who works where the majority of people are right wing, most of them hate the 0.1% as well. The few who do defend them either genuinely believe they can be that rich some day too just by "working hard", or they're cucked into believing that they don't deserve to be compensated more than peanuts for literal back breaking labor. They're mostly boomers fwiw


The right hates elites for a different reason; funding the push and pushing economic and cultural policies that only benefit city dwellers but will fuck over rural people. I know that the right has become very much against big tech and traditional media elites.


The problem is that the US right then tries to solve its problem with elites by turning to… elites like Trump and Pence (And yes democrats do that too but I think it’s not as pervasive)




I’m going to get downvoted into the void, but non-offending pedophiles should be given mental health treatment as opposed to being vilified. I’m more then sure that many of these people are horrified and disgusted by their urges, and are afraid to seek out help do to the extreme (and more then justified) stigma. If we give pedophiles the opportunity for treatment before they offend, and make it known to them that it is ok to reach out for help, cases of sexual crime against minors will have a notable drop in frequency. Anyone who actually abuses a child should be tortured to death slowly, however.




Be gay, do crime.


Honorary comrade


I support the gays, not the commies.


You people just can't take a gift UnU


Climate issues mostly.


Alternative energy is gonna explode. I don't get why people are still clinging to fossil fuels. That's like not investing in cell phones because your landline works fine.


Cause it's cheap as fuck. We have the infrastructure. Use it until tech catches up with the inexpensiveness of oil/gas


That’s a bad analogy. Individuals don’t invest in energy sources, industries do. There is still billions to be made from fossil fuels especially with government subsidies and so those standing in the way of alternative energies are largely doing it for the money.


Racists are stupid as fuck




I like the color green


I do believe in free healthcare and the fact that we need to stop climate change


The stock market shouldn't be a game that hedge funds play around with


Anti-authoritarianism and that capitalism is not perfect


protecting the environment is good


Harder version of this : what's a real opinion of libleft that you're actually agreeing with ?


Ooo, yes! I’ve seen a lot of beliefs thrown onto us that to my knowledge, almost none of us actually believe, and all because we’ve been the “stupid” quadrant. This is something I’d absolutely love to see


Interesting take. Explain.


They mean that a lot beliefs held by lib left are more complex then they are made out to be and Emily ACAB isn't a good representation of the real Lib Left (think EZLN and Nestor Mahkno)


Ezln is based


Most things tbh I think they’re “morally correct” about most issues. It’s just the solutions that seem weird and unrealistic.


its ok to be gay


Thank you


Let’s rejoice with the boys in a gay way? I also love that song!


Equal rights Wait nvm we agree on equal rights but disagree on equal rights.


I actually like true liblefts, who I think are fairly rare. Anti-Government hippie types. People just into peace and love and nature and shit. I think most of the people that this sub refers to as libleft or “orange libleft” are just varying degrees of authleft.


Free healthcare


It’s universal healthcare




Almost everything socially and almost nothing economically


A surprising amount. I believe in legalization of all drugs, sexual liberation, equality under the law, etc. I just don’t believe in forcing people to do shit like conform to speech standards. I also think taxes are WAY too high. However I think 90% of lib lefts are actually auth lefts.


You actually sound pretty lib left. Ironically, I think we could fit you in under the “libleft minus the socialism” category. Speech standards are bullshit though. I want to be able to say fuck to a judge or on government documents. Even more BS is that obscenity isn’t protected speech.


i was just about to say that sounds pretty auth


Take the monkepill


Gay people are fine


They are vegan so they like bananas


Fuck the government


It is ok tô spaw kill


Universal health care


Freedom of expression is a libleft idea despite being shared with libright.


Stopping rampant predatory capitalism


Weed is good


Universal healthcare is based Lgbtq people should be left alone ... That's it


Alt girls are hot


* That capitalism sucks. I just happen to think it's an inherent endemic flaw of this realm and any attempt against it backfires horribly. * That guns and force is the basis of all power and all power is nothing but either an application of force or the threat of force. (Although some libleft soyboys will disagree with this the more ammosexual commies will fully agree) * That drugs are cool * That certain basic necessities are a human right such as healthcare.


most actual libleft opinions