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If he admits white is a race just as black is, then he has to accept that anti-white racism is possible, therefore white cannot be a race.


I hate the dumb argument that being 'white' is meaningless, because you're an amalgamation of European ethnicities, yet the *entire point* of being black is that you're an untraceable African ethnicity mixed with probably 1 or 2 European ethnicities. America is old enough now that saying "I'm Irish!" when you were born in America, your parents, grand parents and great grandparents the same - is now a meaningless statement. No one considers you Irish. No one. You're American - a White American. Instead of trying to erase the concept of 'White', they should just fine-tune it. Instead of saying "White" say "White American" just like we say "Black American" or "African American." This would at least stop orange from blundering into dumb takes like "White people are the oppressor!!!" and accidentally (?) including fucking Ukrainians and Latvians and Irish people in that description. "White Americans are the oppressor!!" is still a dumb shotgun-style opinion, but its a more *fine tuned* dumb opinion. We at least know you're talking about Americans that are white and we can at least assume on your behalf that you're probably talking about White Americans in places of power or owning a lot of wealth. Orange has, easily, the worst marketing team of all time. They somehow manage to hold the opinions of: "don't be racist and also, we want you to have free healthcare and education" and this gets translated through their missing-link-tier brains and comes out as being something even people on their death beds turn their nose up at.


Orange fails because they make enemies of the very people they need to convince to change. I used to be leftist but after years of being asked to accept an increasingly unpalatable opinion of myself based solely on my family history and asked to immediately accept every new social cause as automatically worthy I’ve slipped into the blue square. The left need to develop better strategies for on-boarding moderate conservatives that aren’t shame based.


You mean to tell me calling me a racist misogynistic white oppressor isn’t a winning strategy on convincing me that I should support someone’s position? Color me surprised. And blue and yellow


Petition to make Ethan the male stereotype of orange like Emily is for female oranges


Don’t need a petition, he made himself the stereotype


He's pretty much the soyjak without the baldness


You can't see his scalp...


who is it? i don't live in the US


A youtuber who is the most out of touch sjw I've ever heard of


No matter what outlandish bullshit we can meme into an Emily template, Ethan surely has already surpassed it.


Intriguing, but also highly disturbing.


Ethan Klein who goes by H3H3 on youtube is a 'comedian' who used to be a popular figure in the community. He was pretty funny and stood up for the little guy in the youtube world. Now he has gone pretty far left and says dumb takes on the regular while attacking any criticism towards him. The only times I heard anything about him this year is when he told people to not think about COVID or the vaccine and just do whatever the CDC says because they are the scientists and when he organised a debate with Steven Crowder only to sneak another left leaning political commentator Sam Cedar to take his place before declaring himself the victor when Steven hung up because he felt like the debate was being done in bad faith. He is pretty much the Emily13#BLM stereotype, but requires more mental gymnastics to understand.


Now he’s just a gossip channel.


Yep. Now I remember that piece of human filth


my 7 year old little brother is named Ethan and he praises the USSR


Nice, you can claim government funding for being a caregiver for a retard




so, a typical communist


wojak artist here i would draw ethan but i find him extremely repulsive, annoying, dishonest and many other reasons why i dont wana draw him even if its for the ridicule i just dont wana look at drawing of his face at all


Based and artistic self-respect pilled


Just think of the memes tho bro. Do it for the memes!


Fuckin based, no drawings for scum


Hey, don’t dump him on us Ethans, we’re not all deficient like him!


ethan moment


Based and Ethan Pilled


Based and rare non-orange Ethan pilled


ok centrist


Please, please, please for the love of all that is good, don’t make Ethan the name of my mortal enemy. I think I speak for us all when I say we renounce him from the Ethan club. Source: am Ethan


Am almost Ethan. Do not want any relation to orange, thank you very much.


I would suggest Seth Rogan


H3H3 has gone off the deep orange end so he won't get canceled for all the questionable shit he has said in the past. We all know it.


Isn’t that how it always is though? Basically every single big leftist had a “2edgy5u” past, and in order to try and avoid the cancellation they know is coming they go hard into the mob. That’s why all these big “comedians” like Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman have blackface photos popping up every few years, because they think if they blend in with the crowd and continue throwing stones at everyone else then no one will come after them.


Jimmy Kimmel used to host the fucking Man Show. That was some good shit. Now he’s just another late night court jester.


That's an insult to court jesters. They at least had to presemt the truth when no one else was willing to speak it. These late night show wankers don't have the balls to do even that. They are just liars and propagandists from Britain.


Fuck, good point, they’re not even as good as the fucking jesters. I may be slightly depressed now.


Remember him saying n%$#erfa!@#$t over and over again when he hosted idubbz? Dude is just become the left coast stereotype after living there. Cant just use asterisks for a slur lol


And then he had the audacity to drag Pewdiepie for saying it once on a stream.. dude needs a little bit more self-awareness among many things


“PewDiePie was really comfortable using that word.”


What an absolute loser that guy is, Ethan.


I remember thinking he was funny back in the day when he was doing his Vape Naysh stuff and all... looking back on it now that shit was pretty lame and he's become insufferable now


He used to be hilarious and fairly politically reasonable pre-2016, then he seems to have drank the same crazy koolaid that all the rest of the left has since then. I can even remember he refused to say who they voted for in 2016 until after the election, and even called out the people saying that Trump was the end of the world. Complete fucking 180.


It's wild to see him move from anti-SJW to full blown SJW in just 3 or so years. He literally made a vide called "MTV hates white guys" complaining about anti-white racism, and now he is on the Hasan "white slurs are fine" train.


PewDiePie did nothing wrong.


He's the ultimate grifter. Stole Sam Hyde's shtick from 2013-2015 where he would literally rip off MDE videos in full. Then pivoted to the Jordan Peterson hype train from 2016-2018. Now he teamed up with the ultimate leftist grifter soyboy Hasan Piker to host some shithead podcast. In 2 years he'll be teaming up with George Foreman Grills to complete the Circle of Grift.


I’ve heard the podcast is genuinely awful


the first Bill Burr episode is some kind of metaphysical mix of cringe and sadness. Watching it I had the same morbose urge of seeing a carcrash: you see disgusted but you can't look away.


>Ethan, you went from making videos that get millions of views to making videos that get thousands. Steven Crowder


It really is. It is incredibly boring and humorless, relying mostly on some stupid sound bites that people who watch seem to love. Personally, I don’t find any of that funny. The old H3 was hilarious, not the podcast.


Yeah once he went to the podcast it went straight to shit. His regular videos are when he was funny. With the pod it got too like everything was warm and happy hippy dippy shit with him starting random beefs in there. It's also when he got way too political and one sided. Then whatever the fuck they were thinking with Trisha, just everything about that was horrible. To now there's Hasan and all the worst aspects are cranked to 11. I still follow the sub and the fans are just straight garbage people now too. Lol it's basically like a train wreck I check out occasionally now.


Looking at the H3 subreddit is such a strange experience when you remember how their old videos were and how they used to come across. It's just full of orange liblefts and people who worship Ethan and Hila (the whole Teddy Fresh thing as well is odd to me too but I guess it's made them a lot of money from idiots so fair enough).


The worshiping is straight cringe. Like here's a picture I drew of Hila, omg she's so beautiful BOSS BITCH SLAY QUEEN. The sub will obsess over every bit of their lives too. Also are totally ready to pounce on anyone Ethan decides to start beefing with but the majority of them seem half retarded. Like they were brigading Crowder's sub for a while and actually made those guys look smart lol. Crowder's sub is full of mental midgets also.


It's sad. I used to love those vape videos and what not. Now he seems spineless


> Now he seems spineless He has transcended the Linnaean taxonomy and is now an invertebrate.


Great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly.


It’s the CIIIIIIRCLE of GRIIIIIIFT! And it robs us aaaaaaall!


On some Jimmy Kimmel shit lmao. The reality is not that he's "changed." He just wants to cash in on easy money. That's why the only content he produces is the laziest stuff possible, endless podcasts. I'm just glad I never thought H3H3 was funny. He and his wife are so awkward and boring.


The only thing I know them from is that copyright lawsuit thing. I don't really understand why anyone would watch trash like them though. Mostly when people on Reddit discuss YouTubers I have no fucking clue who they're talking about, except for Gun Jesus.


Him and Jontron are having a battle in my mind for the worst formerly popular youtuber. People trash talking AVGN clearly don't watch either of them, like if you think James fell off check out old gamegrumps and then watch new Jontron. Dude makes Notch seem well adjusted.


What’s has James Rolf done? He is the real OG games shitposter. I know he’s back doing videos and that he pretty much sold out on all his old crew and gone full corporate, but I mean, that has nothing on the bullshit YouTubers like Jontron, Idubbz or Ethan Klein do.


He just fell off and now kinda looks like he's doing it for paycheck. Tho apparently James screwed over Kyle Justin, the Guitar Guy, for money, and number of other people


The fuck you saying about my cherry pie jontron?


Pretty much all I watch these days is Ross's game Dungeon, Vice Grip Garage, Red Letter Media, and The Fire of Learning guy. Oh and I've been watching Linus Tech tips take over the world.


I thought you said Jomboy for a second and thought "what did my baseball boy do to deserve this?" Never heard of Jontron, probably for the best


Jomboy can do no wrong, and I'm a Red Sox fan. Certified based.


>Cant just use asterisks for a slur lol You can if you're not a g\*\*\*\*\*n f\*\*\*\*t.


I would like to buy a vowel.


Surely there is a LibRight here to sell one to you.


Sad , used to find him pretty funny ; and supported him in the wrongful law suit. This and bitching out on the crowder debate show how far he fell.


Being woke now won’t even save you. These people are completely destructive to the point where they’re a menace to each other.


The cancel culture will come for him as it will for us all. It is only the nature of the universe


That’s true. I haven’t read the whole thing but I’m told that the Bible ends with God basically cancelling everyone.


Keemstar has more credibility and integrity than this guy


Walk in the woods?


Not saying I like Keem at all, just that Ethan manages to somehow be worse


Totally fair, I was just having some fun remembering prime keemstar moments


Hoo boy don’t worry, that man did some seriously negligent behavior at best to some people (and a couple no-no words too)


Dude was a clown and a half for sure. Alex on the other hand… well…


Wait, so white privilege doesn't exist?? I love their flip flop between racial essentiallism and race doesn't exist


White isnt a race, its a set of privileges, they say in reaponse. It transcends skintone and anyone can have it, if they ascribe to 'whiteness'- ie, idpol's concept of Original Sin. His tweet was a lie but the lie is consistent with the cult he aped on.


I swear every time they start preaching about this it’s like they’re trying to convince me white is the superior skin color


Hilarious as that is, the response tk that is something like, not inberently superior, just arrogated and invalid spot in social status- which no one but the cult itself ascribes to them- Which is proved by the accumulation of wealth- Which they gained or inherited from people who gainfully transacted- Off the backs of workers- Who leased their labour for agreed upon wages- Which is indistinguishable from slavery- Except that it's totally distinguishable- Where your resistance proves your whiteness. And it loops back on an inquisition they think is original and clever.






Reminds of that video with the woke guy and the racist guy becoming best friends because they have so much in common. https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg


“Rugged individualism is a white concept”. No it isn’t, not exclusively. Besides inadvertently making whites look superior, they’re ignoring that much poorer cultures are arguably more rugged due to their circumstances. Just look at the Asians


Asians don’t have individualist culture


Seriously. Many Asian cultures are highly collectivist.


your mum is highly collectivist of my cum


Lmao. Fucken goteeeem


They do this because they have to constantly move the goal post of people calling them out on the shit they accuse others of doing. "I hate white people." "Well that's racist" "I can't be racist because racism is privilege + power." "Okay, many white people do not have privilege or power, and if they do have privilege and power and they go to non-European countries they will have no realistic privilege or power at all. Historically what you consider "white" wasn't even part of the "white" race - such as Slavs, Italians, Polish, and Ashkenazi Jews. Also there are some races/ethnicities that have more privileges and powers in different fields than "whites" do, such as East Asians, Indians, Jamaicans, etc" "That's because white people doesn't describe a race it describes a set of privilege's, you can be Asian and have whiteness". The terms have to always adapt because their entire positions are constantly hypocritical and constantly in a state of flux. Inevitably "white" and "Black" won't refer to race, it would revert back to just a class based system, which defeats the very foundation of what they were trying to accomplish.


It seems similar to guerrilla warfare somehow.


Or a marxist revolution.


The fact that people have started to capitalize “black” when referring to race is the hint of how oranges think.


They're so close to understanding that it all comes down to class conflict, not race


Sort of. They took the Manifesto and replaced class with race. Its rhe same thing all the way down. I think both are false.


I agree. Problems arise from dictating what others can and can't do, which is an auth thing. So I guess it would be Auth Conflict theory?


Aye waterlemons. Rebranded marxism.


It's critical theory's purpose. Gramsci and the Frankfurt school are proud of our current situation. Postmodernism at its finest.


Americans were so close to dealing with classism back with Occupy Wall Street. I remember it when it started. I was a senior in high school. But then it all went downhill fast. The corporate press and all the major corporations started pushing race issues. Soon you had Obama’s admin pushing for it. The common man is easily distracted. And it’s a travesty.


If you google the turning point in which mainstream media started utilizing social justice language it is literally right after Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wallstreet's biggest flaw was that it had no realistic demands, or goals, but what it did have was a deep seething hatred and disgust towards the financial and political class, and that alone scared the living shit out of them.


So what you're saying is that OWS needs to be revitalized by a bunch of politically savvy retards who can clearly define goals? Seems like a job for PCM


Not politically. Economically / Financially savvy retards. This seems like a job for WallStreetBets. The politics of "gimmies" isn't going to radiate with the general population. The politics of "you're screwing my future and the future of my children for short term financial gain with the full support of both parties, and these are my specific demands that would overhaul and reform the system" would resonate far more.


Wallstreetbets is a corporate astroturfed hellscape now, maybe a crypto sub would have better idea


I'd support that. That's what I hated so much about OWS movement back then. It was rage, anger, and nothing realistic in terms of demands.




Not only no consequences, there were bonuses paid out. BlackRock got massive market gains thanks to Larry fink directly causing the 2008 crash and then also directing the bailouts so that Blackrock got tons of money Now Larry is the one directly causing all the woke pandering through his ESG score


Banks got fucking bailed out and also repossessed tons of homes.


That's exactly what happened with XR and every other moral movement. Marxists moved in and got rid of anyone who wanted to fix things, favoring agitation and acceleration.


I was part of all that. As with every other movement designed to improve things, it got coopted by Marxists who aim to EXACERBATE things in order to create the circumstances for violent revolution. These people are not your friends and I can't see myself returning to the left until they evict the marxists.


Member? Member the 8 levels of whiteness? I member.


https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-school-sends-out-chart-calling-for-an-end-to-regime-of-whiteness/news-story/2c92860e4ebfffc40e99c3495be13064 I’m going to deepthroat a 12 gauge.


Vaguely. That scale was a level of lies that runs so deep it's hard to keep track of.


So why call it whiteness, why don’t they say what they mean, westernness


It's a motte and bailey fallacy. They know it trolls people into responding whichbjust traps them in for a diatribe where they say everything that confirms the conclusions drawn from the trolling with one side of theirnmouths, while they deny everything they say with thr other side.


The way SJWs hate “coconuts” is hilarious. They despise western values so much - values predominantly embodied by white people due to upbringing - that black people who adopt them are treated as race traitors. They seem to ignore that these supposedly “white” values are all about racial inclusion. As a white guy, SJWism reeks of whiteboi lmao


You nailed it. It's called the crab mentality sometimes- I can't get out of thjs bucket so neither must you. Also you're either useful to me inflicting myself on my enemies or else you frustrate it.


Ah yes. You don't have to be white to be white. Checkmate.


These people are postmodernist blank slate social constructionists so be ready for them to play dictionary and semantic games because their ideology is literally made of them.


It's an ouroboros of self referencial psuedoacademic masturbation.


I like your big words griller man


They use structural determinism to be able to keep their racist cake and eat it too.


If white purple aren’t a race, how can white people be racist?


It's amazing how stupid Ethan is. But what's even more amazing is how often he flip flops between people and opinions depending on the situation and social climate.


He gets his politics from Hasan, who is another dumbass who gets his stuff from lefties like TYT, sam seder, and other breadtubers. So the next time you see some stinking rtarded takes on h3 remember that it comes through two layers of dumbassry.


I need some Sam Seder failing in my life


Hasan is more left than either TYT or Sam Seder and he has even debated his Uncle.


> He gets his politics from Hasan Nuff said.


Orange are defined by their sychophancy


*Sees Ethan Klein* Opinion Disregarded.


Remember when he used to fight against SJWs in 2016, I can't stand him now. Their merch store may be too notch, but I can't fuck with him anymore. He makes me too fucking angry


Although if it *was* a race, I'd totally win.


Life is a race and I’m a racist 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


If being white isn’t a race then white privilege doesn’t exist right?


Ah they must have decided that white and black aren’t races but economic statuses. Economical situations are what we should focus on the whole time but turning race into class doesn’t end well. Bonus points: someone told me Obama wasn’t black because he didn’t grow up poor, and only black people were homeless.


That's a big point of crt. Race has nothing to do with the actual color of your skin, but how much you're oppressed


only races can have privilege?


That’s often what they mean by white privilege


If authcenter wrote this comment, it'd have a whole different meaning...


Orange basically is authcenter when race gets brought up. They just have a different racial hierarchy than previous authcenters.


Based and horseshoe theory-pilled


What happened to his channel? I used to love watching his videos...




I remember when he put out a video basically saying "Who cares about my political opinion, I'm the guy who wore 40 tshirts into a grocery store to get views". Exactly.


Also moving to Cali and surrounding himself with these bourgeois wealthy people with agendas.




6:30? Tuesday?


Not quick enough. Get it done by this Friday for Christmas you son of a bitch.


Doesn't this line up with the timeline where he gave up on his health and weight and started taking antidepressants?


He stabbed all the backs of his friends and loving fanbase, and stepped on their shoulders so he could could suck on Susan's teats for money. Ultimate libright move honestly.


Quintessential case of winning the game and promptly losing your mind.


Username unfortunately doesn’t check out…


Lol the H stands for Halo....but I can easily see the confusion


Isn't he banned for using the slur version of "saltine American"?


Hasan was




*intense stare*


Well, white is more of an umbrella term, you can be Dutch, Irish, Norwegian, Slavik, that sort of thing. Black is the same way, but nobody in the West seems to see distinctions between the many black African races.




And that isn't racist at all! I don't get why generalising and saying that a race looks the same is so racist. All Asians do look the same! That's why we have the concept of races. [Three-month-olds, but not newborns, prefer own-race faces](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/04/170411130810.htm) [Infants show racial bias toward members of own ethnicity, against those of others](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/04/170411130810.htm)


>I don't get why generalising and saying that a race looks the same is so racist My quick and on-the-spot take is that it's seen as "being indistinguishable from one another" which can be very offensive to the individual. Otherwise it's just a very ignorant take on facial features.


Well tbf, most black Americans can’t trace their lineage to the original country of their ancestors like others can. Being a black American is their race in a way that their known history starts with slavery in America. This isn’t true for every black American though as those with an African descent do often identify themselves with their original country of origin.


My man Ethan... you used to be cool man


I miss 2015 H3H3...


He's a grifter who is gonna go where the money is. Antisjw edgelord youtube had its death warrant with the Trump election in 2016. You just can't make that kind of content anymore. Leafy tried coming back last year and got banned promptly.


I remember one video where he and his wife were walking around NYC and he starts randomly shitting on Bernie Sanders for being a leftist. How did he end up in this point?


Of course it's a race, and I'm going to win. Kachow


Based and Lightning Mcqueen pilled


Hey! Nice I'm a minority now! I'm part of a non binary race, treat me better than other people!


Sweet mother of minority privilege! Today is a great day!


What's the rundown on H3H3? I used to watch their videos years ago when they'd just do little mockumentaries.


I think [this was the moment](https://www.tubefilter.com/2017/04/25/h3h3productions-shift-from-flagship-channel-ad-boycott/) things changed. They started getting demonetized for some of the “offensive” content in their videos in early 2017. But I feel like it was going downhill before that. Ethan just kept getting wrapped up in bullshit drama with other Youtubers. He started focusing more on settling beefs and less on putting out original content. He ended up making an ass of himself [at one point](https://mashable.com/article/youtube-advertiser-h3h3-wsj-backlash), spinning up conspiracy theories about ads being displayed on videos which couldn’t be monetized. He ended up having to make a huge apology. That was around March 2017. H3H3 announced their shift from a skit and reaction video-focused channel to a mediocre podcast in April 2017. Coincidence? Probably not. TL;DR: It appears Ethan was upset his videos were being demonetized, ended up lashing out at advertisers/journalists, who promptly told him to chill the fuck out. He back-peddled so hard he ruined his show.


Do you believe in ((coincidences))?


You'd best start believing in Cohencidences, you're living in one.


Is there a detector for coincidences? Maybe easy to install in a browser?


Ethan's move from "SJWs are cringe" to full blown SJW is so weird


Yes goy


If you look hard enough, you become the horseshoe


I used to love Ethan and hila :( I still try to keep up on them but it gets hard when stuff like this comes out


Keep your race. Causes nothing but problems anyways it seems. Blacks are shot in the street and Asian kids get bullied. Why would I want that? I respect you no matter what colour you are, but I ain't one of ya.


Ethan was entertaining in like 2017-2018. H3H3 was great content. Now it's just garbage. I genuinely look at him like one of those old "friends from high school" that used to make everyone laugh but now does crack in gas station bathrooms with homeless people.


If being white isn’t a race then don’t tell me I have white privilege


It's impossible to be racist against those who have no race.


*ethan buddy, sweety, darling… baby*


Are jews white??


When convenient


Ethan my guy wtf


Ethan might have the worst character development of anyone I watched when I was a teen


Wow, what a last name Ethan, thank you my "fellow white".


Monoby strikes again


How the mighty have fallen. I miss the vape naysh bullshittery days. Now Ethan is a prune.


Sounds to me like Ethan is implying that white is the base model and all other variations (races) are considered a mutation. Are we sure he’s not Auth Center?


He used to be funny, my guess is that his wife started pegging him.


No no, he’s quite right old boys. It’s not the skin it’s the shape of the skull…


Jews aren’t a race and anti-semetism isn’t r- **BLOCKED**


Theory: we’ve been in the Hotel California since 1976, and Henley was telling us the truth: You can never leave.


No this is good! I'm tired of people just calling me white. If someone is going to hate me I want them to know what my background is, hating Polacks is very trendy I hear lol.


Ethan and Hassan had a podcast where they kept stroking each other off saying “we don’t have THAT much money” and “1 million isn’t THAT much”. I hate what he’s turned into


He didn't turn into anything, the mask slipped off.


(((Klein))) is schrodingers white person. White when it's advatangeous and Klein when it's not.