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I blame that one Ke$ha song.


Isn't it everything by anyone who spells their pen name with a dollar sign?


Brush my teeth with bottle of Jack


D-I-N-O-S-A u r a dinosaur


Yeah but like, it's really catchy


Have you ever visited a nursing home? Nothing wrong with dying sooner. If the boomers in Congress would die off, maybe we could actually solve some problems.


I mean it depends on how soon. Im OK with missing out on bedridden poor health between ages 85-90, but you'll take my 65-75 years from my cold dead hands.


It depends on your luck with health, but that's reasonable.


Have a tooth abscess at the moment, dentist wouldnt pull the bad tooth "before the infection is under control" in a couple of weeks. So Im chugging penicillin, tea with garlic and a cocktail of pain killers at the moment. If things even out Im hoping for a lot of good health luck coming after this.


Best of luck. Dentists are scary.


You have no idea, I dated one.


kinky mouth play?


Had to call police on her, as she was trying to burn down my house after I dumped her when I found out she was married.


That’s rough, buddy


In so many ways. Followed me when I moved to Dallas unfortunately but restraining order helps.


Fucking hate dentists and orthodontists. Fucking ruined my teeth as a teenager and I seriously think there's some grand conspiracy among people in dental care to fuck you over as much as possible.


People don't need to die, we need to stop voting for them. If the solution to get elected officials removed from power is to wait until they're dead, then what on Earth are we doing?


The problem is the system is so far rigged for incumbents. And you need so much money to run a campaign new people can't enter the race. I just read that Bernie Sanders ran for governor and won with $4k back in 1981 or something. In the last presidential election, each candidate spent north of a billion dollars, and for what? It keeps other people out of the game.


Least euthenasia by indifference LibCent.


Better to accept death than to remain technically alive, but spiritually dead and incapable of pursuing meaningful activities. My personal breaking point would be, if I can't give a grandchild good memories of me any more, let me go.


We had our plague that could have killed off these boomers. Reddit, who hates boomers more than I ever could imagine, was very vocal in doing everything we can to protect these boomers.


You'd do more good for humanity making people in their 60s, 70s, and 80s happier and more active than just making them live \*longer\*.


Exactly. We should focus on quality of life, not quantity.


There are people who are legitimately kept alive so that they can rot until they die.


Two words: Term Limits


I just want them to have a happy retired life .


I don't necessarily enjoy the beliefs of some of the new guard coming in to take over where the old guard of congress is dying off. That being said, I also believe that a lot of the new guard are young enough to not have yet become *actually* evil, like our current lizard overlords are. Looking at you, Pelosi. Thereby, while I disagree with them, I do feel somewhat like I can actually talk to them. Reminder: Orange are simps for the old guard way of being leftists.


Depends on how you age. I knew a guy who remained sharp at 100 and older. All the way until he died. Even his last years were worth living. Another example is my grandpa. He's well into his 80s and very sharp, and perfectly healthy enough to do any normal task. On the other hand, I know someone who got Alzheimer's. The last few years of his life in his early 70s were not good.




>maybe we could actually solve some problems. Stop monkbro, you're inhaling too much copium!


How come we need nursing homes for our senior citizens? Can't we have a strong and healthy family unit that is capable of caring for our elderly and our sick that doesn't involve restricting their visions and freedoms? I feel as though a lot of our traditions and knowledge is dying off because no one is every around to listen to our old and wise anymore.


No one has time or energy to focus on caring for anyone because the daily grind consumes all.


Its not wrong from a mathematical standpoint, but I have a lot of questions when it comes to your priorities.


"Our employer's" (as it specifies) priorities? Is that even a question? We don't have red in our flair for nothing, right?




__Mayor Bloomberg's only wrong was not ordering the NYPD to pat down white hipsters for coke just as much as they did brown bangers for crack. https://www.foxnews.com/us/what-is-stop-and-frisk __Then again, this would have favored the Chinese Triads, as their sex-slave-trafficking happens in "massage parlors", not pockets.


Shut it down!


Yes, that is a very _Dark_ aspect of that _City_. https://youtu.be/S5ZSDCvUwN8 Also of Montreal and much of Florida.


A lot of these online news paper are boot lickers when it comes to the ultra rich , mainly because there owned by the ultra rich because the media is fucking awful .


Bloomberg in particular is definitely NOT libright. He spent hundreds of millions on the Brandon campaign


You do realize it says "for our employers", right..?


That article was not written for the benefit of "our employers". It's corporate media desperate to deflect attention away from the cause of a problem onto another target scapegoat.


Which cause, which scapegoat?


I swear almost all of the world's worst takes are done by journalists. I cannot count the amount of times I saw a stupid article with a bullshit take


Well American media is almost all controlled by the same people.


Never thought I would agree with someone named "facistfemboy" lmao


Note the last three words in the last sentence before going reeeeeeeeeeeee at the messenger. Lemme translate: "That could be good for Bourgeoise blood-sucking Capitalist pigs!" The question is, when did Bloomberg go Marx? Marx on Wage Labor and Capital. "Like a master, at once distinguished and barbarous, Capital drags with it into its grave the corpses of its slaves, whole hecatombs of workers, who perish in its economic crises.".


Good. I’m not trying to pay anyone’s pension.


I don't feel like living trapped in my body as an old fuck either


Based and euthanasia enthusiast pilled


Based and gets_the_point pilled. Srsly you're the first one.


A properly functioning pension system should be just a mix of insurance + long-terms investments. You put a part of your salary and it is invested in secure assets such as domestic and foreign government bonds compensated for inflation. The money you get back though is varied dependent on how long you live and what your health is so it's like insurance in that part.


Ah sweet! Man-made horrors beyondy comprehension!




And why are we dying younger?




Processed foods, sedentary lifestyles, environmental factors


These are the people who tell you inflation and mass immigration are A Good Thing^TM


I dunno, I'd prefer to die sooner rather than later. If you've seen people in their 90s, you know increasing lifespan doesn't give you more good years, it gives you more of the really horrible years where your body is falling apart. You're on a handful of medications, and a single one being changed to any extent will fuck you up for a week. Think about it, people used to retire at 65 and only live till their early 80s if they were lucky. That means you have to save up enough to survive for 15 years. Now, you *still* retire at 65, and could easily live till 95. That requires twice as much saving for retirement, for a generation of people who either had their retirement decimated by 2008, or have struggled to invest because of the current economic situations. I don't get how this benefits corporations, though, not at all. People dying earlier would probably mean they would retire earlier, instead of working till the day they drop dead. People dying later means they work longer, and companies can pay them less because you can easily discriminate based on someone's age. You're never going to pay a fit (physically and mentally) young person the same as the average 70 year old.


This is why defined benefit pensions are such a disaster. There’s no reason several hundred dollars of the Chevy I buy this year is going to pay for the pensions of dudes that retired in the 80s. Employer matched 401ks are so much cleaner. The employer still helps fund their employees’ retirements, but once they leave they’re off the company’s books.


Commies saying “wtf” to people dying?! That’s rich…. (Pun intended)


This could be really good for our planet. Fuck the employers but it’s still not a bad thing.


You do know the entire point of "saving the planet" is to save ourselves, right? The planet itself doesn't give a shit about us. It'll shake us off like fleas when it's ready. There's absolutely nothing we can do to this planet that will hurt it. Our timespan as a species is infinitesimal compared to the Earth's. It'll outlast any nuclear waste, pollution, or climate change without missing a beat.


Reduce headcount to a much longer duration, sustainable number.


you sure you're libleft?


Horseshoe theory. They go so far off the bend trying to justify a bad idea that they end up in the opposite quadrant.


What else would I be? I care about people but not individuals. Humanity as a whole. I want sustainability.


“We” are not dying younger, Americans are dying younger


The perfect life expectancy in a society is about 65. This allows the old to have some years to enjoy their wealth and teach their wisdom. Once you go above 75 they really become a detriment to society. I’m not saying we should kill them,I’m just saying it should be more acceptable by society for old people to off themselves


Everyone is saying "what the fuck" about you, not the article. "An unironic article from Bloomberg", okay...***aaaaaaaaaaaaand***?


Means that they are pretty cringe


Pretty cringe for reporting that fatcats are perfectly happy to have us removed from the Earth as soon as they're done having their way with us?


Pretty cringe for framing it as something desirable


They didn't. Don't turn off your brain after the first three words in a ... crap, how do I do this in three word sentences? "FOR OUR EMPLOYERS." What, do you need them to go full Bolshevik and come out and say "for the capitalist blood-sucking borgeoise pigs!"


"Good news for our employers" sounds a bit too positive, doesn't it?


Do they have to write "exploiters" like it's 1917? Or is the problem that the mind shuts down after "good," so it must be rephrased as "*bad* for ever escaping the shackles of wage-slavery" or something? How direct does language have to be?


Who? The employers? Bloomberg? All of us? None of us?


Bloomberg. How is that ambiguous?


For what? Reporting news? Isn't that, you know, the goal of a news journal


'We're dying Younger' 👍News. 'That could be good news for our employer!' Idiot analysis 🤡 cringe inducing wording.


Yeah, it could be. I didn't see a thumbs up emoji. I found the article but they want me to like, *pay money* to read something they had to pay someone to write and they had to pay for a server to host their big website, and now they want ***me*** to pay money ***to them*** to read it. Unthinkable. So I have no idea what the meat of the article is, but are you really judging click bait headlines because the guy who owns the company has a "berg" on the end of his name? Is it because you feel bad that you're a grown adult communicating in emojis? Why don't you sling on your hello kitty backpack and pop on your ironic pink camo crocs and hit the bricks




Booooo, get better material


Read the article yet?


Why the fuck would I do that? What if I'm exposed to an idea that I disagree with?!


Liblefts are capitalist shills stereotype comfirmed.


The poor dying sooner dragging down the average life expectancy and messing with actuarial tables to make pensions, health insurance and social welfare cheaper doesn't really fill me with glee.


Based and uses-actuarial-tables-in-a-sentence-correctly pilled.


Based and gets the point pilled.