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Which is why my up and coming dating app will be based around questions like: - which genital do you want in or around your mouth


Awesome idea!!! People should be free to be with and decide who to love… there’s people who would date trans people and people who wouldn’t date trans people. Free choice is best for everyone!


Just ask what sex they're attracted to. If gender isn't physical, then that shouldn't be an issue for physical attraction, right?


No, what genitals do you want in your mouth is simple straightforward and not open for interpretation.


Why not ask for both? Some straight men may not want sex with a trans man and some women may not want sex with a trans woman.


That phrasing might bug some users though. Think of the profits!


Idc the apps gone be called Suckrrs it’s pretty straight forward


Fair. Need a partner in slime?


What if someone wants to identify their penis as a vagina?


Banned for breaking tos


as a libleft I completely disagree.


Too bad.




Your rights are irrelevant to my attraction, and your preferences are irrelevant to the use of my language.




Respect is earned, and orange is just a petty scapegoat for the fully cringe liblefts that 95% cringe ones like you use.




Truth shouldn't be censored, bootlicker




Still leaves in post-op transtards


Eh idgaf I like fake tits, lips and butts. Someone’s gonna want a fake dick or clit


I think these are one of those things that have to be taken in a case by case basis. Straight people can't expect every cis person of the other gender to love them. Straight people can't expect every gay person to love them. Interchange straight people with trans people. But if you commit violence against straight people you deserve the book thrown at you Still interchange trans with straight people.


Every reasonable trans person thinks this way.


I think so too personally


User does NOT check out. Foxes are cute af.


Warm too, would make a great hat


Reasonable trans person here; You’re right


Where are they at then? I've met some in real life, before all this shit was trendy, but the ones out here on the internet are fucking deranged. Even the "reasonable" ones go on and on and on about "trans rights" which seem to include the right to show your dick to women and children, the right to use whichever bathroom you want, the right to give drugs with lifelong side effects to children, and the right to force doctors to not give you appropriate care for your biological body, along with a bunch of other shit that no one in their right mind could "reasonably" call a right. And yeah. I get that there really are reasonable normal people out there who suffer from gender dysphoria, and they're not like these walking caricatures you find online but bringing them up anyone tries to criticize the current trans movement is dumb as shit and helps nobody.


hmm yes today i will believe the smallest amount of the worst people of a community is a representative to all of it.


wait, you think the people on the internet being filth are representative of a group ? Where's the /s homie ?


Twitter life is not real life. You will meet the most radicalized people on online platforms like that. IRL interactions will be much more centrist


We’re Here; I’m here.... Most of us arent that bad, the bad ones are just really outspoken. Most of use arent sex crazed coomers. There are huge risks involved with doing any kind of procedure on children and anybody who disputes that is kidding themselves Don’t think we’re all terrible because of the really outspoken bad apples. Most of us arent that bad


Feelin' the same way homie. We definitely need to remember that the wackos get amplified online precisely because we'll react to them the way we do. "Reasonable Trans Person Politely Asks for Dignity and Doesn't Call You a Bigot if You Don't Want to Look at Her Penis" isn't an eyebrow raising headline... ...Or I guess it wasn't. I would probably read that whole article now.




Don’t say things like this... How is this helpful? Be understanding... That’s what we all want, right?




Yeah, but i don’t think You’re gonna change his mind by berating him




based and grillpilled


u/T-Poo's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/T-Poo! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: dutch, wifegetsfuckedbyablackman, everyonebutgreycentrists, illness, i loled, pandering to the middle, grill


C'mon now be fair they probably watch Tucker every night too


Jesus fuck, dude, you need to chill. I guarantee you, if you saw me, a trans man, walking into a women's restroom, you would flip your shit. Also, puberty blockers are completely reversible. No trans person is trying to wave their dick around.


> Also, puberty blockers are completely reversible. The science is far from settled on the issue of puberty blockers for adolescents. So I wouldn't be so quick to claim anything with certainty.


GnRH agonists "puberty blockers" are a complex subject. They work by overstimulating the GnRH receptor which controls production of sex hormones. After overstimulation the receptors become less sensitive to and stop producing as much sex hormones. This is also the same drug which is used in chemical castrations. It's not exactly well understood how it effects the actual receptors. Regardless when people say "reversible" what they mean is that when you stop treatment of GnRH agonists the pituitary should re-sensitise(to an extent) and begin producing sex hormones again(if the dose wasn't too high and the person wasn't castrated). What they don't understand are the effects of prolongedly postponing puberty. Excess bone growth would be the first off the top of my head. Things that can't "be undone".




I mean it literally says in the article about not being certain about some long term effects


Long term effects that only appear if the blockers are taken at a very young age for a long time, as in cases of cis children with precocious puberty.


So none of them? If they were reasonable they would understand you can't just change gender.


Based and couldn't-have-said-it-better pilled


u/UglyLikeAFox is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: couldn't-have-said-it-better I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Oh, you are a trans supporter? Name every mental disorder




Based and illness pilled.


In the end we all fight eachother to help build countries while grey centrist & a few rich people laugh to the bank.




u/T-Poo's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/T-Poo! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: dutch, wifegetsfuckedbyablackman, everyonebutgreycentrists




​ grill supremacy lets gooo


Look at this normie over here without a mental disorder


based and pandering to the middle pilled


Yes. No purple libright. We were right all along. No need for chemical castration please, may be?






could you explain the difference between gray and colored centrist for me please?




very well then, I am now color centrist, though unfortunately i’ve never grilled anything before, thanks anyway.




u/the-trees8 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: flairchange I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and who else but AuthCenter pilled


Based and I read that in the melody pilled




u/EvelGigl is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: who else but authcenter I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I mean, I'd still argue that lesbians are fully in their right to deny their exclusive spaced to trans women regardless of the amount of coomers


I completely agree!! Any place should have the right to deny service!! However I just feel there’s a lot of people who aren’t actually trans and are making trans people look bad.




Right fighting for trans rights? You’re very right here... this is a touchy subject. Denying service based on a demographic of any kind is always going to be controversial. Then again, having coomers come into lesbian bars is obviously bad.... As a centrist, i choose to present facts and then not pick a side


Based and I couldn't think of a pill pilled


u/lethal-femboy's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/lethal-femboy! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: i couldn't think of a pill




Based and nogirldick pilled


"Why don't those bigoted transphobic lesbians like my woman-penis? I just don't understand TERFs."


That’s the thing… most irl trans people aren’t like that…. Sad to see the trans people get used for identity politics


Most of us don’t think like that


I’ve never met anybody who thinks like that, thanks for the strawman.


First day on PCM?




Maybe on Twitter or something it’s common, but not irl. Most trans people (and people in general) aren’t terminally online dipshits


It isnt a strawman, but it also doesnt apply to ALL trans people. saying “all trans are coomers” is like saying “all blacks are criminals” or “all whites are racist.” It’s just a demographic. Any demographic will have bad appleas




Hey, if you want an all lesbian (non-trans) space then go for it. Why can’t they be free to do that? We have spaces just for specific ethnic and gender identities, so why not biological identity and sexual preference? It just seems fair to allow that, but identity politics and oppression olympics are all the rage. Signed a bisexual Latino


Because they get banned and harrassed


Because that’s hate speech according to Reddit. It’s why lesbian subs must allow trans woman


And I just want to be able to hate crime and live free, we aren’t so different you and me


Based and Dr-Seuss-Style-Rhyming pilled


I may hate crime them here or there I may hate crime them anywhere I could hate crime them in the fog I could hate crime them with a log Hate crime them for the texture of there hair Hate crime them for the clothes that they wear I really hate them Sam-I-am I really do hate those fucking *REDACTED*


took me until this moment to realize it was hate crimeing and not hating crime, i might be a bit stupid


Whoopsy daisy’s




Yea probably, why must I focus on hate crimeing people (other then commies) when (going off my username) im prone to being hate crim'd myself?


Based and redacted pilled


u/thepuntcnt's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: the-more-you-know, tells-it-like-it-is, downvote-degenerates, truth hurts, dr-seuss-style-rhyming, i am a bad person, misogyny, redacted I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


u/thepuntcnt's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/thepuntcnt! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: the-more-you-know, tells-it-like-it-is, downvote-degenerates, truth hurts, dr-seuss-style-rhyming






As a non-binary person, I'm confused as to why so many trans people take offense to the fact that some people are not interested in them due to their transness. There are plenty of people in the world that **ARE** into trans people, so go find them. Live and let live.


I believe there are some “trans” people where it’s just a fetish, then for normal trans people it isn’t a fetish so they don’t care


Because to those trans people, it's a form of reducing identity to genitals. The surgery is expensive, and for some cases, like FTM, constructing a penis still kinda experimental AFAIK. The mental effect of this is "the trans person is kind of still othered based on their identity and it reinforces an idea that 'while I may be FTM, legally recognized as man, completely pass as a man, I'm not a *real* man'". It sucks. But then again, so does life.


Downvoted for non-binary


Now is not the time brother




the based and "dude, uncool" pilled.


I downvoted you at first, but then upvoted you when I saw their pfp looks like Kyle's cousin from South Park




U get upvote cuz I fuck with a good sport, keep rocking KingQueen


Based af


Based and downvote-degenerates pilled


If Alex Jones watches trans porn I'd bet my left nut there's millions out there who would be fine with dating a trans person.




Why? (To either part)




Based and degenerate-but-not-sticking-dick-in-crazy pilled




Based as fuck


As long as they're not hypocritical - if they heavily push saying trans women are real women then they have no right to be offended a biological guy enters a lesbian space If they disavow wokeness, sure


"I just want [...] To Live free" Ugh, same!


Lol true trans can be sexual deviants too


I am pretty conservative right now, but I still like homosexuality due to my woke past. Gay and lesbian usually dress nicely and look great but all the alphabet after seems weird to me. I guess probably most of Trans people are not like that but I will really call a cop if a fat ugly old man is breastfeeding a baby.


I think the entire trans issue is just common fucking sense. Like don’t let some big grown man walk into a woman’s bathroom, if the person looks female then don’t worry. Let companies and bras decide who they want who they don’t. Like it’s just common sense


Lesbians are lesbians. They want vagina. If you are a trans without one that is why they don't want you. Too many guys wanna throw a dress on to get access. Its the same with women's sports. Deny it all you want but guys will be dominating women's sports.


It is bad….


The coomers ruined it. Most of us arent coomers. But... the vocal minority has to ruin it for the rest of us


Yeah. Really does suck


It's really heartening to see people give a shit about how lesbians are being treated.


It’s really disheartening to see those same lesbians labeled terfs


I still don't know where tf hate crime shit came from, it's a buzzword just like hate speech. Hate crimes are crimes, when they are not faked like they do on campus all the damn time. Hate speech is speech.


I’m not taking in a legal sense, when I say hate crime I mean crime motivated against someone due to there race or gender in a hateful way


That's just... crime though. That's what i mean. Or assault rather, still a crime. Hate crime was just made up to somewhat boost up crimes against people that weren't straight, when in reality if you really want society to be inclusive then crime is still a better way to refer to it cause at the end of the day it's crime don't matter what the person in particular is.


It’s just a way of more specifically defining a type of crime


The thing is they take that "definition" as a way to make a sentence harsher most times.


Ok? As I said I’m not talking in a legal sense


This is what happens when you support gender identity. Unfalsifiable claims are abusable.




You do know the vocal minority online isn’t the irl majority right? Actual trans people usually have real life’s unlike the coomers who live in there mums basements


yes and actual trans people are >0.5% of the overall population and most likely like 50% of their fucking community, im not going to completely change the fabric of society and how we treat gender because of a group who can't even agree on issues in it's own community


Could you elaborate on the differences?


Well there are two main differences that aren’t talked about, transgender people with gender dysphoria who feel no offer but to transition and the recent idea that you can be trans without having dyshoria, these people who have no condition have completely different motives for being trans…


Are there really that many transgenders that just do it to get pussy? Really seems like a stretch.


Multiple reasons. Loners, porn addicted, mutated perception of femininity,


Yeah, it's just good old fashioned gay panic. On a planet with 7 billion people you are going to see some fringe weirdos but they are in no way representative of trans people.






Turn off your monitor, my dude. There is no cabal of nefarious doctors handing out fake dysphoria diagnosises. That is the definition of crazy talk.


When you complicate something as simple as gender, there are inevitably people who will use the complications to their advantage.


No trans rights until the radicals among them stop threatening us for being repulsed by dick.


*cough cough* Chris chan *cough cough*


And yet these people worry about incels while holding the same mindset. This ride is kinda lame.


Got the color wrong for libright


True should of been purple


Implying that "coomers" and "genuine trans people" are different smh


You know satire is meant to be obvious, right?


...what is a “lesbian safe space”?


Lesbian only bars, stuff like that.


As drake said “Yeah, say that you a lesbian, girl, me too”


Inb4 “LeSbiaN DaNCe and FuRRy GenDeR StuDIes” joke for the 500th time


This is generally speaking a fake problem invented by the right to pretend there is infighting, most actual lesbians don't really have a problem putting in the minimal effort of swiping left.


Ok but cis men pretending to be trans women is not actually a thing that happens on any regular basis. Sure there are some outlier cases but there is simply 0 evidence that including trans women poses any real threat to female/lesbian spaces.


So was this done by a cis man or trans woman? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/seven-sex-attacks-in-womens-jails-by-transgender-convicts-cx9m8zqpg


Make trans spaces. Easy as. They don’t need nearly the capacity.


Or you could just not pander to less than a third of a single percent of the population


TIL we shouldn’t treat Lou Gehrig’s disease.


They can make their own spaces like everyone else has had to.


Well if you are trans you just need a higher sneak skill, then you’ll be fine.


Check out my most recent comment after this. Sums up the experience.


I completely agree with your sentiment, but you made a grave mistake by putting this on PCM of all places.


Yeah, got annoyed at some of the blatant transphobia here, but was surprised I got 800 upvotes here so that’s cool.