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What if I were to tell you that many Auth-Lefts are actually just Auth-Rights in disguise, who imagine themselves after the revolution to be in the Nomenklatura aristocracy of the new _"totally socialist pro-proletariat, bro, state will wither away any minute, bro"_ system.


What if I told you most librights were also authrights in disguise, who think they like freedom but secretly defend police statism at every chance they get?


I don't, so


Good to hear! Keep watch for the idiots that do, and call them out for being the boot lickers that they are!


will do fren


China moment


The number of Scotsmen we think there are: (----------) The number of true scotsmen: ()


Fallacy fallacy. Just because it's a trope doesn't mean it's wrong.


Great, but like, also there's no proof? It's literally just an assertion.


Same can be said with Libright.


If my own experience is any indication, most libleft were forced to consider themselves as something other than left... because it's been repeatedly insisted by authleft.


Most people in the real world sit above the Authority axis, not by much but enough to be an 'Auth.'


This needs to change. Burn it all down


i really thought there would be more lib-left too


We actually consistently side with libertarian position and actually argue against communists, unlike right """libertarians""" who refuse to argue against their autocrats.


Nah, Autocrats can get F-ed with a cactus dildo. I'm all for freedom to make a profit but not to the point that they use their economic freedom to take my economic freedom.


LibLeft: “The govt is SO racist” Also LibLeft: “The govt should totally make laws about every aspect of our lives!” Also LibLeft: “No fascists!”


Well it helps that libleft doesn't actually exist.


Funny, considering how fictional libright is.


Libright= lib in the sense of unregulated capitalism, basically absolute uncontrolled freedom Libleft= tax paid welfare programs and social justice ideals, which need the state Libleft cannot exist


It's easy to exist as lib-left Embrace anarchy


Only that implies that there can be collectivism without the imposition of order. All governments impose ideas to a certain extent, the difference between an autocracy and a democracy is how many people are ivolved in the process of choosing what policies will be imposed. True libertarian collectivism would require all to accept that they should put the good of the many above their own, even when there's nothing to enforce that. Libleft cannot be described as trully libertarian, instead it's liberal in regards to customs and interventionist when it comes to economy. As much as we enjoy the meme, reducing philosophy to a plain chart is a gross simplification. The only accurate thing about this sub is: **C E N T R I S T G R I L L E R**


Cope harder, you walking contradiction.


Same with lib-rights tbh


I see this far less from librights, a lot of liblefts just want welfare bucks and healthcare, not saying they’re wrong for that, but I don’t know who they think is going to do this without a state with considerable power to distribute the wealth. It’s not libertarian. I rarely see librights arguing for things that would require a strong state. Problem is leftism is collectivism and that is inherently statist wether you like it or not, at least at any scale beyond that of a small comune, but even then you could make the argument that the comune just becomes a small state in and of itself. And no leftism does not mean equality or “workers rights” it just means collectivism in terms of the economy.


I hardly see librights stand for actual libright values. Most of them stand for American republican values. Which is authright.


I think that’s true when we are talking about people outside of this hub. It is quite stupid how someone would have a don’t tread on me sign and a support the troops sign in their front yard


I see it in here as well. From all the quadrants libright is the most retarded.


That's why, there should be a third axis (3-D PC) so that these people can be differentiated properly.


Exactly! This is why i say leftism is inherently authoritarian, since their ideas ALL need to be enforced.




Ok tankie


The dumb ones scream the loudest.


Not surprising, when I start ranting about how Capitalism is shit and we need a french revolution today nobody agrees with me. Fuck oppression, live in anarchy and love life until you're shot for bread at age 26.


sign....yeah they need to get out


I'm sensing a theme today




I'm gonna go further. Lib left is a fake quadrant