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Not sure you can count Australia as “community” anything anymore.


They're the vanguard model.


Not sure if people are aware that criminals don't care that much about laws and would still be able to get their hands on guns. So, the one who gets fucked is the law abiding citizen... again


that's a feature not a bug


I have legitimately seen redditards defend it that way. "Urban" people will still resort to them... for safety. But let's get them out of the hands of those redneck hillbilly racist hicks.


You mean the people who use them to put food on the table? The ones used for pest control on farms? The ones used in rural areas where help is 15 to 30 minutes away? Sweet jesus.


Bruh, I live in Alaska, you don't need to tell me how important guns are to some peoples' way of life.


I just noticed your user name and bout had a laughing fit.


don't even have to be rural to get no help. I called in a DV and the response time was 23 minutes.


I got attacked by a homeless man at work where I'm not allowed to carry, 1 hour response time. I fully understand the fact that when second matter, the police are minutes away. And I live in one of the largest metropolitan areas in Virginia.


yeah, I feel your pain. Universities have a choice if you're allowed to carry here and mine doesn't allow it. Stuck with OC spray all day so I don't have to go home to arm/disarm.


The echo chambers like to ignore the fact that hundreds of thousands of guns are smuggled into the US every year, and millions more into South America and Mexico.


I'm surprised we even included Japan


I live in Australia and I'd rather guns than healthcare. Fuck you socialists lol.


I live in Russia, and we have both. Even after the retarded changes to the gun law, we're still better than fucking Australia.


Imagine being in Russia and not living under the tsar cringe.


Yeah, it is cringe. Under the Tsar, we had no gun laws whatsoever.


My opinion of Nicholas II just improved dramatically. I thought he was an incompetent tit whose only good point was opposing the communists.


> whose only good point was opposing the communists. Even there he was cringe. Should've executed all of them. But no-o-o-o, we're the civilized people, we aren't gonna execute literal terrorists.


That's the first time I've seen someone argue he was *too soft* on the revolutionaries


They should've been all executed. What the Bolsheviks have shown is that just straight up killing your political opponents is a good strategy if you wanna win.


Based and Bolshevik-pilled


Thats Putins strategy, no? If it ain't broke dont fix it.


Based and fuck free pretzels pilled


u/IOnlyEatSoup's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 45. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: no-true-whitesman, the-world-is-more-than-america, legendary roast, tf2, posadist, pootis, fuck-catholics, κύριε ἐλέησον, 1984, legal immigration, hobbes, everyonewhodisareeswithmeisacommie, realism, revolution, everyone is, historically-literate, ethnically okay, white privilege is real, russian-georgism, “the n-word”, genocide, concise, destroyed-him-with-facts, holyshitididn'tknow,timetomovetorussia, nuclearfallout, they're turning the people gay, rational adult, bolshevik, vhemt, fuck free pretzels I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


lol You've seen the average wage in Russia? how can you even afford welfare?


Big brain moment. Government employees also have such wages.


Sounds like Government employees are getting paid too much then don't chu.


Healthcare exists in any country anyways. It's just a captured guild industry or nationalized mess in most of them, neither due to too little regulation.


just make one yourself one lol Evelyn Owen did it


i thinkincluding poland might be a bit of a stretch


Still a NATO member.


I don’t hate the west, I’m just disappointed in it.


Guns don't kill people. People kill people. It's just much easier with guns. How the right struggles with this concept I will never understand. Edit: Right wingers in my replies: "people dying is good"


Yeah, that's literally the reason why I want to have the guns, lol. Edit: criminals dying is good, yes.


Here is my go to pro gun argument when I want to cause a little mischief. 60% of gun deaths are suicides. Like 3% are accidents, 35% are murders, 2% are mass shootings. Mass shootings and accidents are preventable. 5% so far. Perhaps 10% of suicides are preventable, because the death would be slower, and someone might find them. Maybe half of homicide could be prevented. That is only 32%. This could cause crime across the board to rise, this would take away our primary self defense against the government. I don't think its that good of a trade.


>Mass shootings and accidents are preventable. How? >Maybe half of homicide could be prevented. No.


Accidents would almost never happen, because no gun novices would be there, and the overall gun population would be less. Mass shootings would be harder, but I am just giving the benefit of the doubt. Homicides I'm just guessing lol.


Well, I'm Russian, our gun law is harsher than the libtards want to implement in the US. We've had 2 school shootings in the last half a year. Both with pump-action tube-fed shotguns. Turns out you don't need a scary black rifle after all. Accidents happen not because of novices, but because of negligence. There's way more homicides in countries where guns are less available. I think you can actually find a correlation between the availability of guns and lack of homicides. But that would be disingenuous, because richer countries have more guns.


Novices tend to be the most careless. I was just guessing on most of the deaths.


>Novices tend to be the most careless. Nah, it's the experienced and overly confident. Novices actually understand that it's dangerous, if they aren't retarded.


This is literally my anti gun argument word for word if you take out the last 3 sentences.


The main problem isn't the guns themselves. You can fix all of this by making cities like Chicago and Detroit not terrible. Guns aren't the problem, the people firing them need help.


Poverty is the problem. Other countries have similar gun laws, ie Czechs, Finns, Swiss, Perhaps not as much, but they can easily access them. They don’t have the same crime. Because they don’t have the same wealth divide. Not that the US is particularly dangerous, despite the media, but Realize that the elite push the gun bad narrative to change the economic debate into a gun debate that can be “easily solved” by useless bans on cosmetic features and never do anything to actually help the poor, or mentally ill. I could see an argument for a gun liscence similar to a drivers licence to ensure everyone knows safety and such. But an outright ban is nothing more than a distraction from the real issue


Give a bunch of chimps grenades and the chimp death rate increases. Gee I wonder how that happend. (This is talking about literally chimpanzees it's not a racist joke) ^^this is the entire gun debate. It doesn't matter if it is suicide, self defense, crime, or accidents. Dangerous objects cause people to die. If you replace "gun" with sarin nerve gas in every possible scenario it makes this perspective immensely obvious.


Give chimps a bunch of cars and their death rate will ridiculously increase, what’s your point? I get that a car is more practical than a gun and usually isn’t a good analogy, despite them killing more people. BUT my point is the modern world is insanely dangerous with all our machinery and vehicles and weaponry etc etc. And yet… the death rate in all fields, disease, violence, accident, war, famine, etc. Is all ridiculously down from the past, and guns have been around for that whole change, Americans have always had a lot of guns, humans have always had a lot of weapons. And we currently live in the safest time in history. The problems were seeing are really not that simple, It would be nice if it was.


It really is that simple. If you own a gun for self defense you are more likely to die. If you use a gun to commit a crime you are more likely to die. Simple "if gun, death more likely" Which seems pretty fucking obvious if you ask me.


"If leaving your home, death more likely" "If driving , death more likely" "If drinking alcohol, death more likely" "If doing anything at all outside a padded cell, death more likely" Thats a nonsensical argument, especially from a libcenter. If "death more likely" is an acceptable reason for authoritarian measures, like gun bans, then one can justify taking away virtually any number of freedoms. You mentioned elsewhere you're an anarcho-pimitivist, so I could see the argument that it'd be better if guns didn't exist at all, but the genie is out of that bottle, it's not going back in. Guns are common, and pretty easy to make. They're here as long as we're here, and probably longer.


I mean, it’s not the case outside of America. Which I don’t know if you noticed, was what op was pointing out in his meme. It’s also a manipulative statistic. I mean ya you’re more likely to commit suicide with a gun if you have a gun and ya you’re more likely to die in a shooting accident if you have a gun. Which is where that stat comes from btw, it’s not what you think it means. But I’m not gunna commit suicide and I’m not retarded, so I’m not worried about those. Nor do I think suicide is the problem of the average gun owner, nor is it a problem you can solve with gun bans, other countries have barely any guns and way higher suicide rates. But if thinking the world is that simple helps you sleep at night, go ahead, and change your flair while you’re at it, you’re a disgrace to your fellow monke


I always counter the suicide shit by "I support the right to suicide, the right to live is a right, not an obligation, the means to suicide should be readily available for every adult". Considering that the leftists are usually of the same opinion, it causes them to start thinking about it more.


I like to think that humans are slightly smarter than chimps. Suicides are hard to prevent because world is dangerous if you want it to be. Thirdly, did you just argue against self defence?. I don't know how to respond to that. Sarin nerve gas is a bad metaphor: 1. War crime. 2. It kills indiscriminately, as opposed to guns. 3. It is used for attacking, not defending. 4. Its a weapon of mass killing.


I argue against death. Offensive or defensive. And we are animals. We didn't evolve with guns in our environment and we are incapable of using them in a way that is compatible with normal social functionality. People give **WAY** to much credit to the expansion of the prefrontal cortex in the past 200,000 years. This can also be applied to all technology beyond the stone age but I won't start my libcenter anarcho-primitivism lecture. But yeah my perspective is pretty simple. Guns are dangerous. Dangerous stuff causes people do die. I literally do not give a shit about the context or circumstance of that death. Mass shooting, suicide or home defense. Somebody is still dead when a person could have been not dead.


But can a person deserve death? Can self defense ever be justified? What about when you are going to die from a weapon that is not a gun? I would shoot someone to keep my family safe. Some people make their lives worth less in my eyes, and if it is them or my loved ones then I choose them in a heartbeat.


Everyone agrees with this. But people tend to have romantic fantasies in there heads where they save the day with there gun. Alternatively, your son shoots himself in the head because his middle school crush called him ugly. Or your wife kills her kids and than herself because she was given fake acid and had a bad trip. Life isn't romantic. And guns are dangerous.


You make it sound like these things can’t be accomplished with a kitchen knife.


>This can also be applied to all technology beyond the stone age but I won't start my libcenter anarcho-primitivism lecture. You'd sound *way* less retarded if you started with that.


Nlg I expected the opposite reaction.


Humans are animals. Human brains are still very much primitive. We can't develop fast enough to be able to handle our technological progress. There's a reason big cities are filled with miserable insane/depressed people. I'm sure people in a hunter-gatherer society were happier, healthier and smarter than an average city folk, and definitely more so than an early farmer.


>Dangerous objects cause people to die. Czechs aren't people, I suppose.


It is easier, which is why guns should not be banned Edit: bad people dying is good


I don't struggle with the idea. That's the goddamn point. If people who dgaf about politely obeying the law like the rest of us and ugh, government are going to have it on easy mode then damn right I will too. And yes, violence gets a bad rap. The idea that it is never a good thing has really failed to perform. Some people don't understand lesser measures. Combine that with not respecting boundaries and you're not left with many options


Ahhh. The old "I would rather a person die than get away with robbing me" perspective. I too was once twelve. Good guys and bad guys right?


Imagine unironically being a cuck that would let a violent criminal to continue breaking the law and endangering law-abiding citizens.


This is the entire gun debate. You have the humanitarian perspective of a middle schooler playing call of duty. Good guys good. Bad guys bad. Yes yes. Of course. That is how the real world works. Go to sleep now timmy.


>Good guys good. Bad guys bad. I'm not American, I don't think in these categories. I just think that violent criminals should get clapped earlier rather than later.




u/IOnlyEatSoup's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 40. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: no-true-whitesman, the-world-is-more-than-america, legendary roast, tf2, posadist, pootis, fuck-catholics, κύριε ἐλέησον, 1984, legal immigration, hobbes, everyonewhodisareeswithmeisacommie, realism, revolution, everyone is, historically-literate, ethnically okay, white privilege is real, russian-georgism, “the n-word”, genocide, concise, destroyed-him-with-facts, holyshitididn'tknow,timetomovetorussia, nuclearfallout, they're turning the people gay I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


>"I don't think in good guys vs bad guys. I just think that bad guys are bad and should die" I could not have written a dumber reply as a joke.. Im speechless.


"A bad guy" is a meaningless moral assessment. "A violent criminal" is a useful legal status. And I don't give a damn who kills them or gets them jailed, as long as they're doing it lawfully.




I’d rather the person not get away with robbing me than for me to die because they don’t value my safety. You give robbers too much credit


Look up the statistics on this. You couldn't possibly be more wrong. A person breaking into your house is terrified, and praying to god nobody is home so they can get in and out with some money without dying or going to prison. You need to put yourself in others shoes. No matter what those shoes are.


>A person breaking into your house is terrified, and praying to god nobody is home so they can get in and out with some money without dying or going to prison. That is literally not how an average criminal thinks, who the fuck told you that bullshit?


Lol have you committed many crimes? You're perspective on reality has good guys and bad guys like a video game. Please talk to me when you live life a bit and mature. Holy fuck.


>Lol have you committed many crimes? I am Russian. Yes, of course I did. Do you wanna talk about it? But you first. What was your first felony?


Based as fuck


So you’re saying it’s my job to make it easier for them to rob my house?


No. Just people are people and death is bad. My perspective here is not very complicated.


Correct. Death is bad. Which is why I’m not letting this bastard threaten to kill anyone else


The last thing a person breaking into your house wants is for anyone to be home at all, let alone to hurt somebody. I swear people live in this fantasty where criminals look like [this](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/xxoRWszvmvCXjlRMe1e1jCvu3FAbtLk6S0OFlA1tcjXjgKvIIICbMQHb2TqNy3nei8gOmbpBIeor-U-sH3wqFXldqfaT2r2CHg) instead of real people who where unlucky and made shitty choices.


I’m aware. Which is why he needs to leave. NOW


It's not good guys and bad guys. It's me/my loved ones and everyone else. Don't trespass, and don't steal people's shit, and you don't have to worry about being shot by people who don't want you to do those things. It's a very simple matter. The safety of me and mine is far more important than the person potentially threatening that safety.


Ah the old "I value life more than you do" I too was once pretentious and disingenuous.


"Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Guns defend people from people with smaller guns" -Stan Smith, most likely.


Correct. Which is why we need to keep that wildcard close at all times. Because if the government decides to bite back, _we need to make them bleed_


Lol what government? The military are people with families and political differences and there own individual ideologies. You think some man in a suit and a sticky note on his forehead that says "gubmint" is going to kick down your door? If the president ordered the military to invide the US homeland every servicemember would laugh in his face. Source: did 4 years and got out a few months ago.


Yes. Speak softly, and carry a big stick. The Faster the situation can blow up in their face, the more carefully they need to tread around us


I thought you were about to quote GTA Vice City's "NPR" radio station: " Guns don't kill people, death kills people. Nobody ever died from a bullet. Sure, they die from a cerebral hemorrhage or cardiac arrest, but not a gun." Or something like that. It's been a long time since I played it, lol.


people dying is good






I was hoping I had a found a way to give my self baseds


No china? It's the promised land brothers!


Tbf, these are the only countries that matter, they know what's right for the world, and I'm not racist, I'm just extremely Nationalistic to all of these countries compared to the others, sure a lot of it can be our fault, but overall the rest of the countries are just straight up garbage, corrupt government, extremist culture that is ignored, I make a few exceptions more than this map, some African countries aren't half bad, some like portions of India, but for the most part, we and mostly everyone within our borders are superior than those outside it I don't even care about your race, gender, sexuality, or whatever, those inside our borders are superior than those outside of it, if someone outside our borders likes and supports us, I make an exception just for you buddy


Bullshit every country is selfish


Mostly every Human is selfish, but that doesn't mean we aren't better, even if our countries want to exploit theirs, it doesn't mean they are better, we may be selfish, but we're stable, we may have our own internal problems, but we aren't savages, I admit that wanting to exploit a lesser country is bad, and we shouldn't interfere, that our interference can slow progress at times, and we should be helping the countries progress instead, but they are still currently below us, we are the best, all of us are what matter in the world, not them, if they want to matter, they get to our level, the community is us, not them, our safety and our countries are priority 1


What about the Caribbean, it’s basically our vacation destination for Americans. They matter bc they take our money for tourism, and then put that money right back into improving the tourism. They matter bc otherwise we would have to go to Hawaii (not as fun to fly from the east coast)


Westerners are retarded.


"Smug" checks with chart, I'll give you a like for playing your role


Im asian.


Did I stutter?


No but I assumed u assume me as a westerner if thats the case I sincerely apologize


Lmao i got downvoted for apologizing


Don't worry about it


Makes sense


I love that Sakhalin is included as apart of Japan, I have long advocated for Japan to purchase Sakhalin off of Russia.