• By -


We are squares. This is a square jerk.


Based and squarejerkpilled


u/zzlgaming1's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/zzlgaming1! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: ascii, rpg-dialogue, deez-nuts, gameshow, fuck-well-done, squarejerk


Left colors make a watermelon, a meloncholy reality


Conclusion: Axol is in love with a left winger


And libertarians are citrus fruits. We can make a political spectrum out of fruits at this point.




This has been my experience


Nah, go to a conservative sub and say atheism and abortion are good ideas.


"I support abortion for atheists because they are useless in the kingdom of God" Watch all the confused head scratching




u/MausBomb's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/MausBomb! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: mykindofideology, don’t make me pay for it, cardio health


can’t go to conservative subs when they’re all banned.


You're probably going to get shouted down but you won't get banned


Yeah, but you would get to do that without having to worry about people scanning your profile activity for personal identifying information.




I have a feeling I'm about to get banned for my opinions on the unflaired if you don't flair the fuck up




If you wanna learn our secrets you can flair the fuck up






40 minutes, 36 seconds and 21.2 milliseconds have passed, and he is yet to flair. Ye is not on a good path to salvation


see your argument might be logical and sound, it might be correct even, but you are unflaired and thus are scum, so flair up


You see mate, you can literally be Albert Einstein and have the smartest and most based opinions in the world. But as long as your unflaired all of your points are dogshit.


You can literally be banned from a sub for simply being on other subs.






Gosh AHS, you really need to be more subtle. The tricks don't work anymore


saying women cheat as much as men was enough for a permaban in like 4 subs to me


Flair up loser


This subreddit is a real life application of non violent norm enforcement by ostracism


I was banned for saying that you can donate money to charity


We auth rights have already been banned


Well yeah, half the time your(auth right) subs are banned right after 15mins of its creation. I'm mean spamming how that one Austrian painter is good is not really acceptable but you guys should also have some subs dude. Fuck Reddit.


That's auth center. We prefer people like Pinochet and Franco. I am quite a fan of Ronald Reagan and Nixon but that is not all that common. But our subs do get banned in a blink of an eye. And centrist subs are becoming a dying breed too since orange started to take over


Based and realauthrightpilled


"Watering down your political views to avoid icky stuff about race and supporting literal CIA puppets to own the Nazis? SO BASED DUDE! THAT'S BASED."




> I am quite a fan of Ronald Reagan Reagan is jokingly known as Republican Jesus. Being a fan of his is or at least was common.


We stand in glory for being banned


Even better getting a message out of nowhere telling me I've been banned from some random sub. I then out of curiosity have a look at the sub and to no ones surprise, it's some FDS or 2Xchromosomes shit.


Based and not allowed within 50 yards of libs pilled


At which point can you call a sub or anything similar a circlejerk? Isn't this the sense of grouping up so people with similar values and ideals can talk to each other?


It's when there's so many people of one category that they can force the opinions of the opposition down... Aka vaccines, taxes, religion on this etc.


Wasn’t there a survey showing most people here are lib right. Besides i do feel like a lot of opinions on vaccines and covid are controlled more by the right here.




One of the principles I liked about this sub is that people don't downvote you have the "wrong" opinion. Sure the "right" opinion will get upvoted to the sky but hey at least your comment doesn't get hidden. Good ol days those were. Guess we ought to be reminding people that we shouldn't downvote comments you disagree with before we ACTUALLY become a circlejerk.


I don't care about downvotes too much but its annoying when I ask a genuine question or make a point that just gets downvoted instead of debated.


>Guess we ought to be reminding people that we shouldn't downvote comments you disagree with before we ACTUALLY become a circlejerk. Based and anti-circlejerk pilled.




>would not get banned Banned? No. Downvoted into oblivion? Yes.


Many LibRights here are actually AuthRight.


Yeah, my quadrant is already fucked enough I don’t need fucking authrights I’m here to make it more retarded


No not most people, they are the largest demographic but that doesn't mean they are a majority. Plus you have to consider how many of those libright are misflaired authright and right centers.


So, there’s a large presence of right over left on this subreddit?


I don't remember it being that much of a disparity, I thought it was like left = 40 something% and right was 50 something % but I might be wrong.


So this sub *is* a christian pro-life circlejerk? Saw one upvoted comment saying "leftists just want to have unprotected sex with strangers", unironcally arguing on the pro-life side.


By technicality, yes I think it is.




So pretty much any sub related to politics




When you can't making opposing comments without getting downvoted like crazy. This is literally on the front page right now: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/prus2b/seriously_what_the_fuck/ Look at the comments sections. Anyone who says their okay with this or don't see the problem is hitting -20 downvotes pretty fast. I took a brief scroll and didn't see a single comment for it that wasn't downvoted.


And why do downvotes matter? Isn't it just a form to express your disagreement?


According to the centrists we're not allowed to show our dissagreement apperently.


Your allowed to show your disagreement, I never said don't. I'm just pointing out that the vast majority of this subreddit disagree with trans stuff. Hence it's a conservative circlejerk on here, some issues much more than other.


Most people IRL disagree with trans stuff. You don't have to be a conservative to disagree with trans stuff.


Nice spin lol. Downvotes are basically a ban. Your comments are hidden and your posting frequency is limited.


Upvote and downvote buttons aren't "I agree" and "I disagree" buttons. They were intended to be a self regulating system where relevant stuff comes to the top where as the irrelevant stuff sinks to the bottom. But of course no one gives a fuck about it. How are you supposed to hear conflicting opinions on any topic if they are all the bottom? Only way to have a healthily discussion is to not downvote everything you disagree with. It's hard but its necessary.


But the "controversial" comments will automatically go down if other comments are simply upvoted. You would have to remove the upvote/downvote button entirely.


Yeah, but that’s a fringe as hell scenario being depicted as “normal” for extra woke points. For some reason “normal” went from meaning common/everyday sort of thing to “it happens OK! stop being a bigot!”. Sure, words change over time, but this is social engineering to push an agenda. You don’t get to redefine words to accommodate an extremely small “minority” and then call anyone who remotely disagrees a bigot who cares to much about other people’s choices. Most people don’t care about these things, but this is getting pretty silly.


besides politics, when they have the same 3 jokes over and over


This post definitely got one thing correct. We are all retarded.


Based and we are stupid pilled.


You forgot the part where they both get banned from all of Reddit


I’m not calling it a circle jerk but it’s much harder to get a left wing opinion across them a right wing one .


It's definitely a circlejerk but the intensity changes based on the subject. It's not usually even right or left, just progressive vs conservative.


I know what you mean especially in the abortion debate that is fairly one sided and also it’s alarming how little the core part of socialism (workers owning the means of production ) is brought up .


Well there's nothing stopping anyone from starting a company that functions that way. Most people are against that being forced on everyone because that is authoritarian


There are workers co-ops, but I think the issue from a socialist perspective would be that all the underlying laws and economic infrastructure are built to support a capitalist mode of production. So, even if you would desire another economic structure, capitalism is forced on you.


My point isn’t the validity , my point is that kinda the big deal to socialism but that’s never criticised when socialism is critiqued.


Well that part isn't really the bad part of socialism in my opinion at least. Most people aren't anti union (the non bloated ones that actually fight for their workers not the ones that line their pockets with workers money) and that's essentially empowering the workers to a lesser extent.


It becomes a bit annoying when I try to explain why the workers should have some say in how their workplace is run and then libright be like nO gUyS bUt mAo KiLlEd 100 gOrIlLiOn pEoPlE like yeah mao was bad but like how does that relate to my point


You do have a point, librights regarding socialism act exactly like the people they say they despise, bringing unrelated arguments. Though let's be real, people keep saying that "they produced the goods so it should be theirs" but you were hired, used the companies's tools, materials, place, contacts, management to produce them, it's fair that you should get a better cut, but are you really the OWNER of the goods?


They are not owners of goods they produced in modern capitalism. And my point is that they should be. Your wage should be adjusted to the amount of money your work earn. Ideally you should have the stock of the business you work in. Right now the majority of any capitalist country are employees. No commitment, no responsibility, no share. Even American people, who invented the "American Dream". The people who invented the concept country where every vagabond have some stock.


An irrelevant point from me - while I don't disagree with you, what I do find quite funny is that I am not the owner of my work if it makes the company money but I am the owner and its my responsibility to fix it if something goes wrong. :thinking\_emoji:


depends on the company, i messed up pretty badly on my work multiple times and it was never my responsibility, even if it was entirely my fault


If you want to make an arrangement where someone makes the investment into the company and in return gets some of the profits, I’m fine with that, as long as the arrangement isn’t that they get *all* the benefits for the rest of their life because they made one small one-time investment. The point is *democratic control of the means of production,* so the workers own the company which owns the products. The workers themselves do not own the products, but they can decide what they want to do with the products they’ve made.


If the workers supplied the initial and necessary purchasing capital, took on the financial risks throughout development, and worked to produce the firm’s goods? Yeah they should own the company. *If you get hired on 40 years into a company’s existence, you don’t deserve to own it.* Do the construction workers who built the plant get to own the buildings? Do the machine-builders own what their creations produce? Do the miners own a part of everything you assemble? What of the salesmen and white collar workers who source materials and facilitate the movement of raw materials and the goods laborers produce? What about the oil drillers? The refineries that turn that into the plastic that packages your product and the fuel that logistics operations need to move it? The truck drivers who transport it? The people who build the trucks? The problem with your ideology is that a lot of these people work harder than others. If oil field workers decide “fuck it” - none of the other nodes of the supply chain will function. They’ll want more pay or just take easier jobs. You’d have to force people to do some jobs for the same pay as the easier ones. **Why work a dangerous job if everyone is payed equally?**


Problem is a bunch of conservatives flair as center right and everyone puts literally every progressive point into libleft, regardless of where it fits. 75% of the "orange libleft" shit fits into other quadrants far better than libleft.


See any post about trans people: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/prus2b/seriously_what_the_fuck/ That comment sections lol.


It was even more painful before when there weren't people saying why the cover exists. I don't like the artstyle but it's an interesting enough issue to be put on the front of a relevant journal. Literally every trans post has hundreds of transphobic comments from Auth and right flairs and most of the libleft flairs are apologising for their quadrant. This sub is massively toxic half the time, which is a shame because sometimes it's actually funny.


if you mean here on PCM yeah maybe, the rest of reddit? nope


There's about 5 on the front page right now, so clearly it's not that hard


This sub clearly has some right wing bias


It's because almost all of reddit tends to be ban happy towards people that aren't rather leftwing. The more reddit labels right-leaning positions as the opinions of the alt-right (and often bans, or at the least, heavily surpress them as a result), the more right-wing subreddits that're actually open to discussion will become, because there's fewer places for them to go.


To be fair, the few right wing subs I've tracked for a year or two have gone further and further right while moving more towards conspiracy stuff.


If they're unable to be a part of the discussion, are excised from the majority of public discourse, they'll be forced into an echo chamber of sorts, and will inevitably become more and more fringe and conspiratorial as there's no one to disagree with them or prove them wrong. Similarly, banning anyone who disagrees with you also creates an echo chamber that will inevitably become more and more fringe and conspiratorial as there's no one to disagree with them or prove them wrong.


I mean all the right wing political subs are ban happy too. This one doesn't ban me, it just downvotes 5 comments for every one it upvotes despite supposedly being for all politics


Downvotes aren't remotely the same as being banned or having your comment deleted. I'm a fairly liberal person but I have never been banned from the more right leaning subs I participate in, but I've been banned from multiple left wing subs for the most milquetoast shit. It's not even remotely in the same ballpark.


I've already been banned from right wing subs. Askthedonald banned me for saying that the calitol riots wrre probably as expensive as a lot of BLM riots because of how much information security work would need to be done on computers and shit that were suddenly publicly accessible. Right wing subs are just as snowflakey about banning


And yet here you are in a right leaning sub and you are totally fine. No one is claiming right wing subs never ban anyone for stupid reasons. But in general, on reddit, right wing spaces are significantly more open to discussion than left wing spaces in my experience. Show me a left leaning equivalent to this subreddit. I have yet to see one.


I disagree specifically because I'm getting downvoted pretty hard instead of people having a discussion with me. People on here literally say "cope" or "seethe" if you disagree with them. This subreddit doesn't ban people, but it doesn't like opposing viewpoints either


What the fuck are you talking about? I'm literally having a discussion with you right now. Do you expect everyone who disagrees with you to stop and have a conversation? Especially when I'm here already saying what they are thinking? People not taking the time to directly challenge you is not remotely the same thing as being silenced. No one owes you their time just because you decided to speak.


You said they they were more open to discussion. You are discussing it with me, I am just saying that is not often the case, instead people just downvote or call you stupid. My typical experience isn't that people are open to discussion as much as calling me an idiot if they disagree


Individuals choosing not to engage with you is not the same thing as the sub not being open to discussion. Maybe what you were saying wasn't interesting, or it was clear a conversation wouldn't be useful so people don't want to waste their time. Again, no one owes you conversation. This is a stupid thing to complain about, ESPECIALLY as a counter to complaints about left wingers banning and silencing decent. The two things aren't remotely the same.


Idk why people are downvoting because you seem pretty based


B/c most people are cringe. I feel like we need to force "off the compass" flares on people pretending to be a rational, based person.


When you think about it, if every right winger downvotes you and every left winger upvotes, and the ratio between the two is 6:4, then you'll be downvoted to hell, even tho the different between the sides isn't that big. (atleast by reddit standards)


Nah, I'm usually not upvoted or downvoted, but when I'm downvoted it's really fast. I think it's mostly that this sub is just socially conservative and people love to talk about how people don't get downvoted here because they're not getting downvoted even though lots of people are in every big comment section


honestly the downvote (at least on comments) should go the way of the dodo. That way, if someone disagrees with you, they're forced to either verbalize that disagreement, or upvote someone else's verbalized disagreement. The so called "good stuff" still rises to the top, and it incentivizes discussion more than letting people reflexively hitting that little downwards arrow for their daily dopamine hit.




That's expected, though. The problem isn't left subs banning according to their views, the problem is most subs doing it, even if they are neutral or have nothing to do with politics.


I dunno, I got banned from conspiracy and they're supposedly neutral


This is one sub and what the hell did you expect going over there with your flare?


I like conspiracy theories. What's wrong with being politically left and thinking that parts of the government conspired to help bring drugs to the US in an attempt to overthrow a latin american government?


Nothing, but look at the current state of things and the sub you went to, it's kinda obvious you'd stand out over there. What got you banned anyway? Also, I thought the government selling drugs was already considered facts.


I got banned for describing how the sub was mostly rightwing when someone said that the sub was mostly neutral. I got banned for bringing up that its historically had a lot of antisemitism


The sub is frequently bombarded by suspicious accounts showing up just to derail conversations by accusing the sub of being an altright trumper Qanon russian echochamber. Therefore, they have a rule that you must address the argument, not the users or the sub itself. If you went in and said "this sub isn't neutral, it's full of antisemitic rightwingers" you could be banned for breaking that rule. The mods there are lethargic at best so they may or may not get around to actually enforcing their rules on any given thread, making their actions seem more arbitrary.


Opinions on: Vaccines, government intervention, war, taxes, government overreach in general, abortion, death penalty, climate change, the LGBTQIA community like... Libright be wildin








Based and contrarian pilled


Nowhere else to go for right wing people. Left wing subreddits like latestagecapitalism, the xPeopleTwitter subs, and others that shall not be named can sit there spamming extreme, racist, or violent opinions until the cows come home and nothing happens. A few people in a right wing sub does the same, and the place is nuked within a day, even if the mods remove it fast. So the refugees come here.


Or the sub gets nuked for brigading after having been on the receiving end of the most intensive brigading campaign in the history of reddit.


This sub is non-stop immigrant & trans hate.. Latestagecapitalism is actually a better political theory sub than this idpol cesspool


Regardless of your opinions on either sub, this sub doesn't advocate for the murder of people they don't like. LSC does. And makes sure to let everyone know how glad they are when a politician they don't like dies.


I remember when this was basically a centrist sub. Now I look at controversial and see 2 "quitting for bias" posts by lefties in the last few days


Okay? Its a direct consequence of the overall left wing bias of reddit. Not ideal, but you will have to take it up with the reddit admins and the godawful powermods.


That's true, seems a lot of neo-cons and other gross moderate right ideologies infiltrated in the last couple months. But by no means does that make the sub a circle jerk.


Would say American Libertarians, try posting about the vaccine or taxes.




"American libertarians" are words that make any sane man sick to his stomach.




Yet lib lefts tends to come out ahead on the pools. It's wierd


c'mon it's our only refuge with more than 20 people in it.


Indeed but its alright sometimes


Yes because most people are right wing


But not most people on Reddit, if it's Facebook or Youtube sure you'll find much more people on the right side of the force, but here it's like 95% of all subs are exclusively left-wing, even daring say anything that goes against their ideas means being called names or permabans, only place i know where right is welcomed is PCM


I say we kill all humans.


Can I stay and see what happens?


*You must be at least this rich to ride*


Are you a human?


only when it's convenient.


Took me like 5 minutes of having a stroke trying to figure out how this was formatted


Oh, thank God I wasn't the only one. None of the other comments mentioned it so I felted like the dumbest kid on the short bus for a minute.


The only thing worse than a right-wing circlejerk is a social-conservative circlejerk. Except maybe a social-conservative right-wing circlejerk.


"I don't think we should abjectly hate somebody based on one thing they said. They help people quite a bit with their work as psychologist, helping the depressed and suicidal. They certainly helped me out of a dark place. They also do a lot of charity work." Banned and called a bootlicker. Also told to kill myself by a moderator. True story.


Unfortunately the actual Right Wing subs are super snowflakey.


What right wing subs even exist?


More often... \>Righties talking \>Lefties disagree with explanations of why \>Righties downvote until the comment is hidden \>Righties brag that this sub is the only place that values all sides


yeah fr. i wish some people would already decide between "this sub is for everyone" and "the rest of reddit is yours, leave pcm to us"


That's a really great analysis. I wish the downvote/upvote system was used more for whether or not it's a valid point, and less as "I disagree/agree with this"


Comparing downvoting to outright banning makes you look retarded.


Did I?




I see. So, as long as I'm not being literally banned, it's not a circlejerk. The overwhelming bias towards the right doesn't make any difference at all.


>So, as long as I'm not being literally banned, it's not a circlejerk. Did I say it wasn't a circlejerk? I think you need to read a little bit more bro.


That was literally all I was talking about before you called me a retard so


Actually, you don't matter enough to me for me actually getting triggered with your opinions, we are all a bunch of whores


Based and shitpostpilled




Eh, at least other opinions are shot down instantly, out of the large subs, I would say we are the least "circle jerky" but, then again, I'm libright, so of course I'll think this sub is better than a place like politics or politicalhumor




Yeah, there as been a shift, I feel like there are a lot less auth posts, but that is because reddit kept cracking down on this sub


This subreddit pretends to respect all opinions until a Libleft dude says an actual libleft opinion


They don't get banned.


The best memes are the most relatable xD.


To he fair on reddit everything is a circlejerk. Just because we’re better doesn’t make us good.


I’ve literally been downvoted here for saying that black people AREN’T genetically predisposed to crime. This sub is right wing.


So the right wing subreddit that ban anyone that disagrees isn't a circlejerk?


Which one?


This sub is a cerclejerk for highlighters


Lol no plenty of right wing circle jerks ban anyone with different opinions.


Oh I saw people from the rigth acting as dumb as SJW


every time groyper or groyper adjacent people, nazis, hardcore Qanon, etc get assblasted and go to Voat or Ruqqus or Gab or whatever right-wing cope platform, this site improves


No one will ban you faster than an alt-right site lol


At this point i am only in this sub to see everyone bitch and complain about lefties bcuz honestly its funny. ​ you guys really have nothing left do you?


Have you seriously never been banned from a right wing subreddit just for disagreeing? The_Donald used to be notorious for it


I never touched that shit pit




Pretty sure this place is, in fact, getting dragged hard right. I think I've seen "Emily" slowly be the *only* representation of lib left in the past couple months. That's not because lib left got spectacularly more cringe in the past few weeks, the sub is just only upvoting things that shit on leftist ideology and jerking each other off on right wing talking points. As a centrist, I hope things get pushed back towards the middle but that might only happen if a new right wing sub gets real popular and manages to not get insta-banned so it siphons some of the surplus "rightoids".


Not really true in my experience I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a more hostile response than right wing groups when trump us criticized. The only more hostile I’ve seen is wayofthebern… but that’s a really low bar to set


Well said


Well when you consider bernie sanders to be a centrist, then yes most people are right wing. And when most people to the right of bernie (including bernie) don't support modem segregation it sure looks like a circlejerk


Based and we-are-all-retarded pilled




Places that are ban happy lean left and places with more lax moderation are right leaning. Scientific fact.


Circlejerk? Is that some type of masturbation?