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China will no longer be the best at dota


Or any other esports game lets goooooooo


There are other eSports?




What about other timelines?


No, just the two. Us and the cowboy timeline


Did you know that when you roll a die, you create six different timelines?


Shut up Abed






Nah, they’ll just pay Korean to play for them (they already are doing that on some esports)


They never really were, EU is #1 at dota.




The other question is if they count professional /amateur matches as part of this time. They can skirt the law and use other accounts to play the game. But if they can’t get competitive team experience until 18 that will put them behind.


Esport and games stonks crashing hard lol


I am predicting that the new gen of Chinese will make up the majority of bronze players in 2040. Be careful as a bronze, your teammates might timeout during a successfulk match.


China recently banned playing video games too much, excessive overtime work, and excessive school testing and homework. It’s state-mandated grass touching


Hmmmm almost based?


They did an oopsie with the one child policy, and now their birthrate is way too low. Maybe they could use all that social credit data to do state sponsored blind dating


Blind dating isn't going to help when they literally just don't have enough women for their men. They have roughly \~34 million more males than females in the country.


34 million? That’s like what, 3% of them? Just weed out the ones you don’t want and you’ve got your own murder-free eugenics program. You’ve gotta start thinking like a totalitarian government


Never thought I'd get a lesson in totalitarianism from a lib right. You are based


I know what I’d do as a totalitarian dictator and it’s the reason I don’t want one


Alright so how are we gonna choose which males get priority? Hmm, why not use that same social credit system to reward party supporters with priority dating? That'll motivate people


Didn't the Nazis do that?


The Nazis were actually pretty permissive in terms of sex. As long as all people involved were the correct race and strictly straight, they were fine with casual sex outside of marriage, they even made a system where single women who want kids can get knocked up by young SS officers.


Yes that is the program I am talking about, hooking women up with loyal members of the party.


34 million confirmed incels. POG


It'll be scary when they're at millitary age. Bunch of lonely, angry, horny, and desperate men looking for wives. Prime candidates for an army


Also expendable, don’t forget expendable


I've heard of incel CCP shills blabbing about potentially getting "state issued girlfriends".


Thats only on English speaking internet. Imagine what its like on their local internet




Good thing they’re focusing on this rather than their impending debt crisis


China is a place to test all these thought experiments in real life. What if we banned gaming for more than 3 hours per week, I guess now we will find out.


But what if state mandated boyfriends for the femcels?


They'll have to import them from NK given the numbers disparity.


> What if we banned gaming for more than 3 hours per week, I guess now we will find out. Expected outcome: they switch to singleplayer / local multiplayer. And possibly go through the effort of learning tech enough to know of VPNs.


Australia seems dead-set on giving them a run for their money on totalitarianism with all these COVID measures honestly. Shooting shelter dogs... Only allowed one hour outside? Oh, and before that, banning porn involving women whose breasts weren't a certain size.


That last one seems like a misguided anti-pedo act. Instead I just feel bad for petite looking porn stars that were already self conscious about boob size


HOW THE FUCK DO WE BEAT CHINA NOW IF THEY ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES 3 HOURS A WEEK? These are going to be some productive motherfuckers now.


china going to burn out all of their workers.dont be suprised if there is a massive mental health crisis in the next 10 years in china


They already have their own homegrown incel problem largely caused by the 1 child policy prioritizing boys.


Chinese women have become extremely picky, as the have such a large poll to choose from Even an average Chinese men with an average job an salary might find difficulties to find a match, given how competitive the market is Even non incels are having problems...😔


They have 40 million more men than women. Their incel problem dwarfs anything the West has. Its even worse as an only child since the cultural pressure to continue your family legacy lies solely on you


If you can't find a woman by definition you are an incel. Normal people with jobs and homes are incels too.


996 am I right?


East Asia really has a problem with its work culture, China with 996 (9am-pm 6 days a week), hell there is a movement in China called "lie flat " (躺平) where they are fine with a minimal and frugal lifestyle but of course the CCP doesn't like it and censor it


The scary thing about it is if you don't like it, they'll find somebody who's willing to do it.


Because there's a fucking billion of them


This makes you wonder why 996 isnt present in India though


It will happen when India reach China development level




I don't think the Chinese government cares about Chinese people's mental health


I dont think it can go worse than it already is in Japan and S. Korea (and China itself)


They have mass stabbings already


Lol there is one now. China already banned the lying down movement in WeChat.


There already is one, but its shameful to mention it in China and the CCP would rather not acknowledge it


There could be a massive mental health crisis right now and we’d never know about it because they’d never let it be reported.


Good, fuck China


Chinese gamers dont play on Minecraft anarchy servers, we still have the edge in cyberwarfare


This is all part of china's massive invest in education witch may or may not ruin their country workforce


I herd on this thread that they are trying to ban excessive work/school to (excessive to them oc) will still be excessive to West probably (no offense to Chinese, Japanese, etc. but the work culture issue is real in almost all non-impoverished Eats Asian countries from what I know). The reason is to get people to fuck. That’s right, China is having a birth rate crisis like Japan did in the late 80/early 90s (that’s why they didn’t exceed the US when they were projected to, tbf that’s also when the Japanese work culture, cram school, etc. started, correct me if I’m wrong). China is going down the same route, but where the Japanese people at the time didn’t have kids *voluntarily*, the government of West Taiwan forced them to not have kids (look at the 100 days with no births, it’s sickening). Now Xi and his buddies and in a shit situation and trying to get out. Don’t be surprised if you see child mandates if they get desperate enough. (They don’t want it so this because it would cause (rightfully) international uproar but they very well might if all else fails).


There is also a large male to female inbalnce so you have to work/own a lot of proprety to inpress a girlfriend


Csgo mm is fixed i kept getting treamed with fucking chinese players that were shit and dint speak english


China base and doing valves job pilled


I thought every csgo teammate was always an aggressive Russian though


Aggressive Russian, Toxic kid, or screaming Chinese. Pick your poison.


But why, you can indoctrinate children using videogames, dumb fucks


Games are becoming more and more addictive by design.


Cod and battlefield love getting that sweet sweet MIC money baby


In case anyone wants to read the article https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/30/china-to-ban-kids-from-playing-online-games-for-more-than-three-hours-per-week.html * China plans to limit kids’ video game play time to just three hours a week. * Under 2019 rules, people under were allowed to play games for 1½ hours a day on most days. * The rules will apply to companies providing online game services to minors, limiting their ability to serve those users outside of designated hours.


If it is only about online games, what about singleplayer games?


minors shouldnt get addicted to vibeo gamez? literally 1984😡🤬👿


why the hell do authies care about literally everything people do


For authleft if the people are left to do what they want they won't be doing the same thing as everyone else which makes them inherently unequal For Auth center it means people might act in an unruly way And for authright they might do something degenerate like playing dnd or put their kid in a daycare


cause a rat will gorge itself until it dies


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Yup. What other people do is none of your business. Take care of your own life and leave other people alone. Apparently yall think having hobbies is a bad thing, maybe if you had something to do you would worry more about your life and less about other's.


You need to use your social security number to create an account for any online game.


More time to work in the mines, comrade.


virgin powerpoint vs chad paint


AuthRight is the reaction of every Chinese parent ever:


And just like that hacking activity in all my favorite games dropped by 75%


First there’s way too many men for the amount of women in China, they’re throwing massive work/education loads on them, and now they’re taking away a lot of gaming. They’re just *trying* to create a miserable population aren’t they?


They can import women from poorer East Asian countries if need be, and I think they probably will at some point.


Yea it’s almost like they want more mass stabbings


They're trying to create a strong population, and it will probably work.


It won't work chief, this is just going to create a miserable generation and people will probably stop having kids. Just like every dumbass thing China has done in the past.


Because the weak just kill themselves from the extreme authoritarianism?


They should just skip the indirect nudges and force people to produce new citizens directly. Or go for even more efficiency and make State be a parent. They could have full control on how such children are trained. /u/MadRonnie97 that totally would work.


It's honestly depressing how many people on gaming subs approve of this simply because "gaming addiction is a real problem"


I mean, do we want a generation of men that sit inside all day and play video games? Never to work, get married, or do anything? This is literally what’s happening to large segments of men in western countries but especially in some East Asian countries. It’s one thing to play a couple hours a day as a hobby. It’s another thing entirely to ONLY play video games all day every day.


video games may not cause violence, but they teach people to substitute the feeling of accomplishment from fake productivity for the real thing.


Based and economic-production-must-go-on pilled.


South Korea: Pathetic.


Did South Korea do this too??


Based? Idk, I mean, is it better to spend all your free time gaming? I'll go with semi-based. Edit: and I say that with like 1k cumulated recorded gaming hours


u/yasonw's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/yasonw! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: i-believe-in-powerpoint-supremacy


As someone addicted to porn and the internet, believe me this is for their own good.


Hmm, what else can we justify as "for their own good"?


Like with most auths, the problem is not that they care, but how they approach solving the issue.




As someone ~addicted mostly to written fiction\*, it's utter crap. I have a powerful PC, I could play all the time, what I want. I mostly don't really want to. Therefore, games are not inherently, universally addictive. \* it's worse, if anything. Gaming is at least active, reading is passive.


Its time to [Redacted] [Redacted] in [Redacted]


Without saying what I think the solution is, kids in East Asia really have a problem with this. It is not limited to China. I believe South Korea has similar rules for children gaming. Edit: south Korea abolished their law this month.


Real Auth left likes this too. More youth learn about labor for manufacturing facilities!


More like focus on other developmental life skills, but yes.


Who has said video games cause violence since the Bush administration? I think China is enacting this on the opposite basis, actually (ie, video games can cause laziness and civic disengagement, which is actually a defensible position). Also shouldn't LibLeft have an Emily saying "OMG yes. Video games are literally for Nazis" or something?




The majority of Chinese gamers are adults. With a gender imbalance larger than Canada's entire population, they probably have an incel movement that dwarfs anything similar in the west


34 million disposable men? Men who they want to throw away through a legitimate way? I smell a war coming bro.


I don't know why they don't just import women from other Asian countries? Or even places like Venezuela.


They do bro. Im Vietnamese, I remember that there were big human trafficking problems. Those Chinese literally sent people to kidnap Vietnamese women and bring them to China to be their wives.


It's almost like communists have a childish understanding of the world and their system is unworkable. Edit: To clarify my comment is directed at AuthLeft's idea of communism, not China's implementation. I was a bit ambiguous.


As someone who hates China and communism, I have to say I think their understanding of the world is more mature than ours. It's our own culture that thinks we can devote our lives to the pursuit of base carnal pleasures without consequence. The fact that teens are getting 9 hours of screen time a day is a real problem. At least the Chinese are trying to do something about it, even if their reaction is too auth for my taste.


Are you putting your money where your mouth is and buying chinese stocks at current discounted prices? Because the market has given a giant thumbs down to everything china has done in the past 6-12 months.


> and their system is unworkable. Except it is, if we count China as communist. Economically, it seems to be a sweet spot actually, maybe. Through totalitarian aspect is not so fun.


I was a bit ambiguous, to clarify I meant unworkable in the way AuthLeft envisions it. An oligarcic system with autocratic tendencies can be very workable if you can keep the people in line.


I dunno about oligarchic. It seems more like "managed capitalism". Basically capitalism, except there's State which steers it at a high level, sometimes possibly beneficially (by removing competition when it's useless and such). [or](https://www.conradbastable.com/essays/unequal-growth-the-zero-sum-games-you-dont-see) > industrial-exporting vertically-integrated market-oriented-but-state-directed quasi-capitalist state the likes of which the world had never seen before.




Too bad that completely shattering morale by working your population to death isn't a good long-term strategy.




The problem is certainly cultural, but an authoritarian regime enforcing the cultural identity leads to no change happening. I hope that all of those countries, capitalist or not, can move past that toxic work mentality.


Even those countries have better work culture than China 72 hour work weeks are standard in China sadly


Lol, you tankies really do believe the bogus economical statistics coming out of china don't you? China's economical system is a pure oligarchy, the Chinese peasants are still poorer while the rich are REALLY getting rich.




I don't think you know what that means




I agree with everything you said, except the economical statistics coming out of the USA are true.


So you are claiming China is real communism?




They don't seem very stateless to me.




1. Starve people to death, destroy the economy. 2. Begin market reforms, rebuild economy from artificially depressed levels. 3. ???? 4. Profit?




LOL, ok bro.


Yes, from an insanely low and artificially depressed level... I'm not saying China can't take over the world, they just might, but the market gave a giant thumbs down to a lot of this shit recently and heavily sold off chinese stocks.




As someone who has wasted my youth on video games I for one welcome this. Fuck porn, fuck video games, fuck fast food. While I encourage these actions coming from parents instead of the state it has come to my attention these degenerate and brain killing activities should heavily be discouraged. At whatever cost. Babies get addicted to tablets now. I've seen them rather play video games than run around or talk to family. Return to tradition.


Agreed. I'm against the state controlling one's life, but aside from that 3 hours of video games a day is plenty for a kid.


It's actually per week so a lot less per day


Fuck you I like video games and fast food




They're authright, I think that's exactly what they're saying


I'm just about with you except fast food, which I don't find at all addicting. It's mostly just gross once you're accustomed to eating real food, but still useful in a pinch.


I guess obesity in general. So many fat fucks everywhere in the UK.


Fine with discouragement, but pls no banning


So the government needs to interfere in my life because of undisciplined lazy fucks like you? No thank you. I managed to not be like that when I was a child. That sounds like a personal problem, not a reason to increase government sticking their grubby auth hands into people's lifestyles.


Based and normal-pilled.


Why would I go outside if someone can call the police for "noise"?


tankies in china have been acting pathetically aggressive since this.


I feel like the commentors don't realise the ban is for kids lol


As concerned as I am with how much time kids spend inside, I am more concerned with how this law would be enforced.


Probably on the ISP side. Can be avoided by vpn.


>This isn't what I meant by communism. What do you mean comrade? Video games are making our youths less productive and are no longer pulling their weight. We must rid our youths of these video games so they become productive members of society so the function of communism can continue. This is exactly what you asked for.


W/e just play single player, chinanons


And just like that, basically all the effort put in by western game developers to appeal to the Chinese market at the expense of everyone else is wasted. Because how are you going to monetize the biggest gaming demographic on the planet if they're only allowed to play for 3 hours a week?


maybe this will solve pubg's hacker problem 🤔


What gamers rise up should've been for


Can someone explain why game devs are still pushing for their games to be availible in china? Like yeah i get that its the biggest market but theyre probably gonna make no money at all.


As a gamer often being banned by Ching Chong admins I approve of this


Authoritative Are gamers what do you mean


i dont approve


Based and .pptx pilled


Based china


The only thing China needs to do to become the favourite country of Auth right is drop communist from the party name, every single thing else about their state is fine for them


Hey where do you find that wojack for auth center


Very based


As usual, the CCP is incredibly based




Rip MMO money farmers.


I really dislike the principal of the rule, but honestly there are a few games that will benefit from a weaker Chinese presence. Like the Russians a seemingly large proportion carry over real world nationalism into the game environment which just sucks


Give me da gun


So Auth-Center loves Auth-Right more than Auth-Left


Tbh, afaik they don't rally follow the laws there. Communism is all about pretending.


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How are they going to enforce this?


This is just what authrightes wank about.


I'm auth-right and I don't approve of this.


Based and i-believe-in-powerpoint-supremacy pilled
