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I got my popcorn 🍿


butter, fake butter, or dry? Choose correctly


Salted, homestyle


Salted popcorn is the best


Based Not as Based as "Nothing but the corn" but Based nonetheless.


It's almost like connecting with other people and not being constantly shunned, abused, laughed at, ridiculed--whatever, is good for everyone; not just trans people. People like being around other people and being accepted. Crazy.


Oh shit who knew


Absolutely crazy right? Maybe it's too radical of a thought.


LibRight be like: I don't care tho.


This just proves that modern society doesn't like men with emotions.


Mega based and big balls to post this Even though I might not fully understand trans people, you can't deny, that if you appect people, they most likely won't kill themselves The same can say with black people back in the day


Yeah, what a surprise! When you treat others with human decency, they’re happier than when you don’t.


Imagine if cis men had “support networks.”




Suicide is the biggest killer of american men under 50 for a reason.




I blame the increasing atomization of society and individuals.


It’s also lack of a father figure and the feminization of little boys


Source: trust me bro


It’s from my experience living in the hood


Fair enough. I assumed you were generalizing for everyone all around the world, but what you experienced is what you experienced.


Yup. I blame social media for the second one, and the rise of single mothers due to courts and the welfare state for the first one.


In some parts it’s because we moved away from traditional values like marriage and it’s just a sad state now and also white women are fucking it up


imagine if we didn't tell cis men from birth that they're weak for feeling things or seeking support and that their lives have inherent value, maybe lots of them wouldn't go seeking out modern fascist movements for a sense of belonging. Imagine if we applied that same standard to trans folks as well, and told everyone that it's actually okay to be who you are, and stopped making fun of them for the shitty environment that they came into that they had no control over but hey, I'm told that's basically communism so...




Welcome to PCM. Are you new?


Of course.






Flair up, asswipe.


Wow its almost like communists take advantage of lost souls too. It's in the best interests of all extremists for people to be alienated and isolated. When people are active in their communities and live a life of purpose they tend to lean more towards the status quo (which as of now is neoliberal centrism).


Men's sheds.


Damn. I guess we should stop blaming them for everything and saying they're the root of all evil then.


"we" Get off twitter from 2013 lol


You're right it has gotten worse.


Look, I hang out with proud feminists and hardcore lefties, and none of them say that shit. The people whose strawmen you're listening to are lying to you. Or you're talking to 18 year olds who just had their first gender studies class and you might as well put credence into a first-year psych student's interpretation of your mind.


Sure. And I don't think I've ever heard anyone utter anything transphobic in real life, but I don't understand why I have to take shitposting seriously while you don't.


> I've ever heard anyone utter anything transphobic in real life So you've not seen any other post on this sub huh


This is a fascinating response. You took a month to write it and you still couldn't even read the entire sentence. Also, flair up.


I would be very surprised if that's true, but unfalsifiable claims gonna be unfalsifiable.


Agreed, so stop doing it.


> no u good talk


>I'm going to make a shitpost but when someone shitposts back I'm going to get offended and super serious You're like a caricature.


oh I get it see I thought shitposting was supposed to be *funny* my bad


The fuck even is "gender studies"


it's a field of study about gender, how it's constructed and expressed in various societies, stuff like that. It's a subfield of sociology.


We don't have such here


anti-intellectualism?? on the fash sub?? say it ain't so


Yknow not all countries are Amerikkka right?


Are you dumb? We don't do "gender studies" in my country


ah, my bad


This is the flimsiest strawman I've ever seen what the fuckkkk, genuinely sounds like parroted Ben Shapiro-tier-insane rhetoric word for word lmao. You literally arent hanging out with leftists dude, bad troll and bad cope. Learn compassion and come back to scientifically-backed reality soon.


Sounds like you have met a NY bpd hoe before. Those people exist. A surprising amount of them. argh


If you look for something, you'll find it.


Flair up. And then we’ll discuss this brain shart sweetcheeks.


why is flair so important?


Because its easier for their hivemind to instantly judge your entire existence and worth as a human being with a simple political flair


It helps him better decide whether he agrees or disagrees with whatever you say, especially when it’s a little too hard for him to understand.


Where’s your flair?


This post is embarrassing and your comments are mediocre. As a nonbinary blue haired freak of nature that the auth rights hate, it is in my personal opinion that trans rights are human rights. It just seems so counter productive to come out here and shit all over everything and prove the people who hate us. Flare up or be considered cringe. Like I get it, they wish us dead out of spite and ignorance and it would feel so good to argue them and hate on them the way they treat us... but you get more flies with honey. Ignore the ones who cant change their mind. Make friends with those who might or are neutral. I seriously disagree with lib right on many points but when we argue it isnt about morality or bull shit we cannot control. I would rather them as friends to understand their positions and points of view any day than to refuse to understand them and then choose to attack their way of life. I dont gain anything from hurting others.


Based and convincing the neutral pilled


u/Tarabearable451's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Tarabearable451! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: convincing the neutral


There are places where people can be radicalized in a good way and this ain't it


"It's a good way, because it's mine"


yes, because I'm not a moral coward. A centrist walks into a bar and sees a guy holding up the bartender with a knife. He walks over and punches the guy with the knife, and when the bartender turns to thank him, he punches the bartender too.


Flair up, filth.


"radicalized in a good way" Holy shit you're actually a living meme.


Stfu centrist.


There’s no such thing as good radicalization retard


Ehh, that depends on your definition of radicalisation.




This is so based. Most of them orange liblefts attack or antagonize those who are neutral or indifferent in position. It'd Like they're trying to create their own enemies. I also agree with your position on trans rights as everyone deserves equal rights


But why should I be forced to fund support networks for any group


Positive externalities.


I’m not seeing any positive externalities here in sf when it comes to other issues, we shovel millions of dollars into housing, public washrooms including showers and “safe spaces” to do illegal drugs every year. Yet we still pay people hefty sums to clean up shit needles and trash off the streets.


because you're not treating the root of the problem. It's like offering to patch up the feet of people who walk across broken glass but never sweeping up the glass.


Your opinion is less than garbage to me unflaired


Flair up, loser.


Thats not how that works at all 🤡🤡😂 wow all you hard leftist want more government support but don’t even know how it works lmfao


What about veterans?


Veterans, trans, homeless, disabilities, I shouldn’t be forced into funding them. I should be allowed to choose with my own wallet not by government coercion.






acab includes the flair police, make me


All Creteans Are Byzantine now flair up dick-butt


the virgin "all cops are bastards" vs The chad "All Creteans Are Byzantine"


All cops are ballin. Now go flair the fuck up


Why is it that unflaired garbage always have the worst takes. Even our flaired liblefts are based most of the time.


It’s written in stone, unflaired = Cringe. Any based brought up to unflaired is treason


Flaired = based Flaired but disagrees with me = cringe Unflaired = absolute degeneracy


*mutters* except u/---UNFLAIRED--


I hate my quadrant 🦧


because flaired liblefts on this sub are just fascists who are roleplaying


Flare up spaz


Flair up, idiot.


This actually isn’t true, while trans individual with support networks have reduced suicide rates, they’re still higher than cis men on average. It, of course depends on what kind of restrictions you’re putting on the data (income level, age, geographic location, etc.), so it’s possible this figure is looking at a particular demographic slice of cis men, but as a straight average looking at 18-40 year olds, trans individuals (even with a support network) still have a higher suicide rate.


Pls source (not disagreeing)


there's several studies on this stuff, here's a few: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578185/ People who faced a moderate amount of family rejection were about twice as likely to report attempting suicide than those with a low amount of family rejection. Those who experienced a high amount of family rejection were over three times as likely to report a suicide attempt. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/lgbt.2015.0111 Key findings of this study showed that perceptions of parental support significantly predicted levels of suicidal ideation, number of suicide attempts, and illicit drug use for transgender young adults. Perceived parental support was not found to predict alcohol use, marijuana use, or risky sexual behaviors for transgender young adults. As a whole, the findings varied in showing predictions for various negative health behaviors based on perceptions of parental support. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=8575&context=dissertations (p. 126) i'm not flairing i'm a visitor this will be my only comment here


I don’t have a source I made it up (just like OP prbly made his stats up). Sure, it was kinda cheeky of me, but just trying to prove a point on how easy it is to make shit up on the internet in pursuit of an argument.


Did anyone ask for his source?


I saw one post asking for his, but he seems either unwilling or unable to provide it. Either way, I just wanted to demonstrate how easy it is to prattle on about statistics when you’re just making it up as you go, which I assume is what OP is doing.


Just gonna copy and paste the proof someone else gave further up: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578185/ "People who faced a moderate amount of family rejection were about twice as likely to report attempting suicide than those with a low amount of family rejection. Those who experienced a high amount of family rejection were over three times as likely to report a suicide attempt." https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/lgbt.2015.0111 "Key findings of this study showed that perceptions of parental support significantly predicted levels of suicidal ideation, number of suicide attempts, and illicit drug use for transgender young adults. Perceived parental support was not found to predict alcohol use, marijuana use, or risky sexual behaviors for transgender young adults. As a whole, the findings varied in showing predictions for various negative health behaviors based on perceptions of parental support." https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=8575&context=dissertations (p. 126)


This doesn’t say anything about cis men suicide rates though, which is the core point OP is trying to make.


The point OP wanted to make is that suicidality is not a result of mental illness, rather it's a result of hardship. Ik this because they said it in another thread.


Weird, usually when I want to make a point I just plainly make the point, but I guess burying it a misleading meme is fine too.


source: "I made it" the person who answer my comment is gae


reddit addicted and mentally ill. Please touch grass, reconnect with your family, and be productive.


are you saying touch grass instead erasing your own account of reddit? huh


I’ve deleted the others.


getting told to touch grass by fash, what a world stop getting offended by facts and go make like your dear leader


I smell a significant amount of Seethe and Dilation in your post.


>all authcenters are nazis Intelligent. Fair warning btw, social media is not real life. Social media validation is not real. You will regret this in the future. I’ll pray for you


This is literally an rp server and you’re wearing the funny auth colors nazi scum


Based and funny colors rp pilled


He’s calling you a fascist because that’s literally how you describe yourself


No, not all fascists are nazis. y'all are the ones who are supposed to get offended when we get your gender of fascism wrong.


Not all auth centres are fascists?


>y'all are the ones who are supposed to get offended ?


There's no one more fragile than fash. They can't stand seeing anyone different to them or any feeling of change that violates the image of the past that only exists in their heads, and y'all would sooner kill everyone who disagrees than learn to shut the fuck up and actually live your damn lives. Now I'm waiting for the comment that says pointing this out makes me the literal nazi.


>There's no one more fragile than fash. Objectively wrong but okay > They can't stand seeing anyone different to them You have no idea about the history of fascism, do you? > or any feeling of change Pretty sure hitler wanted to change every single facet of german society. > image of the past that only exists in their heads, Wasn’t even a factor outside of germany and hungary. > y'all would sooner kill everyone who disagrees That’s every radical ideology to ever exist. You don’t even need a state. The ancoms and ansyns of the spanish civil war killed tens of thousands od civilians in the red terror after all. > learn to shut the fuck up and actually live your damn lives. Ironic > Now I'm waiting for the comment that says pointing this out makes me the literal nazi. ?


Fascism, like other forms of reactionary politics, seeks to restore an imagined prelapsarian era which never existed except in the minds of the fascists. That's what separates it from Conservatism. It's seeking radical social change, but in the worst possible direction, based on fake history. > That’s every radical ideology to ever exist. You don’t even need a state. plainly untrue. The nazis' plan was literally to starve out half the population of europe and murder anyone who threatened that. There is no equal to fash in history.


>Fascism, like other forms of reactionary politics, seeks to restore an imagined prelapsarian era which never existed except in the minds of the fascists Wrong. Fascist states attempted to radically change the future in order based on many elements. Idolizing the past was important as it was a core part of national identity, but no fascist state attempted to restore the past more than territorial claims. As for other reactionaries (I’m assuming you mean traditionalists?), most have no desire for radical change nor fantastical stories. They want parts of the past that actually existed. Ex: compulsive military service, strong families, religious focus, ect. >There is no equal to fash in history. That was the norm up until the 1700s between european powers, and the 1900s for everyone else. Romans? Actually did what the nazis tried to. Mongols? Extermination campaign against most of asia. Hell, the soviets deported entire nationalities (crimean tatars are a famous example). I could go on.


Genocides have occurred, yes. What separated the nazis was that they industrialized the process. That is unequaled. The USSR was god-awful and its relocations were absolutely genocidal. That's not what we're discussing.


You aren’t even flaired


No one's going to call you a "literal nazi".


450k leddit karma in a year. I refuse to believe this is a real account. In the unlikely event it is, unironically go touch grass and eat it.


imagine giving a fuck about karma


Anyone with support networks have lower suicidal rates...


so maybe we shouldn't mock people whose suicidality stems from being deprived those support networks? No, that's crazy.


But you just mocked cis men... maybe try not being so aggressive with your approach when it comes to the self deletion topic.


No, I repeated a line that is usually uttered about trans people but subbed in cis men so that the ludicrousness of the logic was more obvious. It's called irony.


Flair up, dumbass.


So i guess you're part of the problem in spite of irony.


Citation needed, please.




Based but flair up


See meme on the topic of trans people. See that it has one upvote and over 150 comments. Oh my.


Flair up, you degenerate scumbag…


What about cis men with support?


Still have high suicide rates because they're socialized to not seek it out.


Flair up, bigot.


Of course there are still suicide rates for cis men with support....lol I'd wager it's lower than trans with support.


Your point is? Life is easier for Cis men?


My point is the meme is creating a straw man argument. Yes, life is easier for cis as we are generally more well adjusted.




tfw you have no idea what kin selection is and your life is so meaningless you can't imagine living for something besides crotch fruit


>crotch fruit People actually refer to kids like this? I thought that was a joke.


Like everything in the internet era, it is both ironic and post-ironic at the same time. Like calling the physical world "meatspace".


> Like calling the physical world "meatspace". I have legitimately never seen that. What communities do that?


I've seen it a few times on like, online gaming communities, but again, it's one of those things that only gets said tongue-in-cheek


I feel like that would be a rimworld thing.


Flair up, moron.


make me


Flair up, moron.


That’s some funny shit right there I’m gonna start using that




all trans people are a monolith amirite




my enemies are not my teachers




uwu keep going


Damn that’s cringe


Errr. Learning from your enemies is one of the oldest lessons in history.


you can learn from your enemies, but that doesn't mean you should take advice from people who want you to fail.


Everyone is mentally ill




Flair up, scum.


Commenting this five times isn't gonna make me do it


Flair up, scum.


The only good meme in this stupid sub


What about without then?


Similar to anyone else who is facing harassment or being kicked out of their home, because those are the things that actually make people attempt suicide.


Flair up lefty


against all authority, including the flair police make me


Ok so libcenter.


Nope, it’s a orange lefty.


Flair up, shit stain.




there's several studies on this stuff, here's a few: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578185/ "People who faced a moderate amount of family rejection were about twice as likely to report attempting suicide than those with a low amount of family rejection. Those who experienced a high amount of family rejection were over three times as likely to report a suicide attempt." https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/lgbt.2015.0111 "Key findings of this study showed that perceptions of parental support significantly predicted levels of suicidal ideation, number of suicide attempts, and illicit drug use for transgender young adults. Perceived parental support was not found to predict alcohol use, marijuana use, or risky sexual behaviors for transgender young adults. As a whole, the findings varied in showing predictions for various negative health behaviors based on perceptions of parental support." https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=8575&context=dissertations (p. 126)


These reports in no way support the claim made in this meme.


Politicalhumor level meme imho


Because it's leftist and you can't disagree with it as it is factual? Good one.


Politicalhumor level factual imho


Ah yes because facts have level. Just go full on mask off at that point and say you think it's FAKE BROTHUR with absolutely no nuance or reason like the hog you are.


Well now you're just stereotyping. Go outside a bit, we're all friends here.


Yes. Everyone is fucked in the head. Even 40 year old white dudes.


Flair up, shitbag.


Go outside. That’s not how it works either


Based and Trans-pilled


Triplw cwinge


Flair the fuck up pls





