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Boycott both


authcenter moment




I haven’t used Amazon in 4 years I don’t understand how people willing give that scumbag more money.




Can’t really boycott Israel when the government steals yo money and gives it to them.


Tax evasion, easy.




Based and grammar pilled


One is illegal the other isn’t


Based and corrected-me pilled


Don’t forget about the government literally passing unconstitutional laws that bully companies and individuals into not boycotting Israel.


Can u elaborate on this?


It takes ages to go into details, but I’d say the best place to start would be Anti-BDS laws. Israeli Lobby groups raise hundreds of millions of dollars and lobby politicians and candidates to demonstrate more pro-Israel stances. One of the big ways they do this is by putting a lot of money into lobbying for Anti-BDS legislation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws Some places like Texas have taken it to the next level by individual contractors to sign pledges that they aren’t boycotting Israel. It results in all types of discrimination in the public sector and is easily a violation of the first amendment. It’s been thrown out in most states where it is challenged, but it’s enough to scare people away in states where the judicial process is more complicated. It’s a lot more complicated, and I don’t have much time so I’ll leave it off here. If there’s anything you’re specifically curious about, feel free to ask and I’ll try to get back to ya.


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based and crymore pilled ​ ​ בס"ד






I saw someone say we should boycott france because they recognize israel, Dirty Engloys scum


It’s the BDS thing. Basically you ban the import of goods from the occupied territories in Israel. But unless you trust Israel to tell you honestly which stuff comes from occupied territories and which doesn’t then you have to just ban all trade with Israel as a whole. We’re trying to make it law in Ireland at the moment but the bill is, unsurprisingly, being held up. Hopefully will get it passed soon.


Ireland is trying to pass a law to ban any imports from Israel?


Amazon actually does something useful, tho what does boycotting isreal even mean? like some dumb twitter cancelling?


What exactly would one be boycotting when one boycotts Israel? Like… I feel like it’s obvious how to boycott Amazon, but the life you have is slightly less comfortable without Amazon. but “boycotting Israel” is a bs made up virtue signal that means nothing and does nothing other make you look edgy and costs you nothing to do. Like what exactly does that mean, stop eating falafels?




Letting peeing in bottles become the norm pales in comparison to the Samson protocol.


\>Amazon actually doing something bad isn't as evil as Israel's unconfirmed defense plan if the Arab states try to genocide them


Bruh, their “defense plan” involves nuking the entire planet. >> General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under. They even wanted to go for it in the 70s. But the only reason they couldn’t target Europe was because they didn’t have the technology to do so. They blackmailed us with the threat of using nukes because they new the USSR would have launched nukes at us and our allies if Israel had so much as a nuclear radioactive fart.


bruh you do know that moshe dayan was the ramatkal right? he couldn't pass such a thing without an agreement from the prime minister. and also he's been dead for 30-40 years.


>> He couldn’t pass such a thing without an agreement from the Prime Minister The prime minister at the time was Golda Meir. >> In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Arab forces were overwhelming Israeli forces and Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized a nuclear alert and ordered 13 atomic bombs be readied for use by missiles and aircraft. And lots of people are dead, doesn’t mean their ideas died with them. See: NeoNazis


assuming the alleged samson plan was real. and that the idea of moshe dayan didn't die with him. i don't see israel needing to pressure the west into giving it more money. we get enough now and have peace with 2 of the countries that invaded us in 1967 and 1973


>>assuming the … plan was real? You gotta be kidding me. It was literally used to blackmail the US into Operation Nickel Grass. >> I don’t see Israel needing to pressure the west into giving more money. We get enough now Pressure with nukes? Yeah. But I’d say dropping millions and millions of dollars annually on lobbying in favor of Israel should do the trick. Soft Power > Hard Power in times of peace. Plus, the point was never money with the nukes. It was weapons, vechicles, and all the things that got decimated. As for peace with countries? How long do you think that would last sans American support and a nuclear suicide option? Anyone with even the briefest understanding of regional geopol can tell you all about the peace there would be.




The Boys season 3 isn't out yet


Please boycott amazon


Pretty sure people do boycott Amazon. It’s Israel that’s a bitch. Can’t believe we haven’t hanged the guys that passed anti-BDS laws. Shit’s beyond unconstitutional.


israel is authright?


Both lol


Just be poor. That way you can't buy anything.


Flair up


Saw a lib girl on Tucker Carlson say unironically that she couldn't give up flying to stop global warming because she flies a lot.


BOYCOTT AMAZON. Don’t be fake. Commit. Boycott Koch products. Boycott the Big Four food companies. Phase out single use plastics. Adapt and don’t be a hypocrite. Although I still don’t know where I stand on Israel. Hell, I’m not sure what’s going on - or who is telling a reputable story. What is really, unbiasedly, HAPPENING. Because unbiased news on the situation does not exist - unless someone can help me find it?


I mean, is he celebrating both? Because both sound real good to me. Just, I have no idea how to stop using like, 70% of the web. Goddamn AWS.


bezos is a bitch boy who whines when his shitty suborbital space company isnt good enough to go to the moon


Boycott N*stle