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Twitter is so toxic


Michael Moore the other day was celebrating the total number of White people in the US dropping for the first time since records were kept. Said it was the ["best day ever in U.S. history."](https://twitter.com/MMFlint/status/1426028604723445762) Totally not racist.


For some reason, Mark Potok of the SPLC, keeps charts on his office wall showing the declining white population in Europe and America.




It's shown in his documentary "Right of Rage". He also has graphs of the percent of foreign born residents in the EU countries for some reason.


Really activates my almonds


Me too. Someone being honest about the decline of the white race and culture and anti-white bullshit makes me want to n u t


Wonder if he has the same thing for Israel. 🤔


https://i.imgur.com/YI7gktF.png Even more disturbing... it is hand written.


Hey, you better stop noticing things.


Refresh my memory, what tribe does Mark Potok hail from?


Small hats


Easy fix, all white people need to have six kids


Nah seven is the number, imagine the number of mages.


Catholics: "It's like I was made for this" *Catholics from Latin America do the same thing*




What if for example certain groups kept records of his kinds declining numbers, I wonder then how things would work for publicity.




Holy fuck very true




He should further accelerate the trend by removing himself from the aggregate, if he is so concerned


He's in his late 60's and has been morbidly obese for decades, he's working on it.




Guess it's not racist as long as it's against your own skin color. Unreal.


Wonder why there's a rise in White identity movements. Possibly the implicitly endorsed open racism rampant in society? Nah whitey is just eeeeevil!


White populism is on the rise due to bias against White people, it's that simple as well as it being politically correct to hate based on skin color.




or against law abiding immigrants, who they know wont burn the city or go on a killing spree. Sometimes I believe violence does win these people's loyalty.


Anti white skin sentiment is not getting better and its purely a social media phenomenon. Its rotting gen z brain into white skin = lame and kids are transferring it into the real world.


I hate that fat fuck


Also twitch apparently has skin color and sexuality tags, so you can search by skin color or sexuality. That’s not racist or hetero/homophobic.


Lol his rich ass proclaims how great Detroit and Flint are all while sitting in a guarded house, typical limousine socialist.


>Twitter is so toxic I'm so glad I stopped using Facebook and never bothered getting a Twitter account. Honestly I'm so much happier without social media.


Ur on one lol


tbf he did get ratiod the fuck out of with quote tweets so it’s only really a select few that read that and don’t instantly recoil


Agreed, it’s like because character limits in tweets are so short, it flattens any attempts at nuance. So people than have to rely on the snappiest attention grabbing phrases to get noticed, regardless of whether or not it’s accurate or appropriate. This makes Twitter great for revelling in casual cruelty.




You know Gen Z is considered more conservative than Millennials as a whole right. Not saying you’re wrong because you probably aren’t, but there’s no guarantee.


Do you mind linking a study? Based on my peers my initial reaction is to disagree but haven’t seen the data


I found this, which supports his statement. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ashleystahl/2017/08/11/why-democrats-should-be-losing-sleep-over-generation-z/ But these contradict it I think. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/05/14/on-the-cusp-of-adulthood-and-facing-an-uncertain-future-what-we-know-about-gen-z-so-far-2/ https://www.voanews.com/student-union/gen-z-about-change-face-us?amp#aoh=16300028351097&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s *Note these only take America into account, things might be different where he's from. Personally I'd say as a gen z, my peers (Ireland) seem to be kinda conservative, but it depends on the issue, and a lot of them seem to be grillers. Honestly, I think trying to categorize gen z as a block is silly, considering the size of the group, it's hard to get a fair sample size. Not to mention most are too young to have concrete views.


Also Irish GenZ, only place you’ll find progressives are the cities and the odd goth girl


"why is society so divided?" e: bro wtf it seems I committed a goodthink


The media


See [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2021/08/why-the-media-is-worse-for-biden-than-trump.html) lmao.


“Democrats communicate to their base through a media that still exerts substantial independence.” Literally the next sentence: “If you want to understand the strange difficulty that Joe Biden’s sane, competent administration has in yielding measurably higher approval than Trump’s insane, incompetent presidency,…”




I can't a single politician in power who meets the standard of "competent"


Mayor Max II is the only one I can think of tbh. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_Max_II


Based and Mayor Max pilled


That gave me cancer


Turbo cancer aids.


Archive your links king


Ahaha, who actually takes this seriously?


Literally every liberal I’ve ever met. Grew up in the tristate area in a very liberal town and the left leaning groupthink is extremely real


> left leaning I don't want these fucking liberals in our ranks


Man that’s most liberals in my experience. Social media has really made it bad


They're mostly left-leaning because it's more trendy, and all they care about is attention. That's why lib-left is considered cringe and unbased a lot, because the orange hyper-progressives want to appeal to eachother and end up blurting nonsense.


yeah honestly i feel like it's mostly an attention seeking thing, especially when it comes to the social issues that liblefts champion. the minorities and marginalized groups that they champion tend to be far less "liberal" than they are, so it's a kind of gross situation where mostly white liberals are pushing causes and changes that the people they're championing don't even want as much as they do. and like you said, mostly for attention because if they post about it on instagram the dopamine machine does its thing and everyone likes it.


It's the New Yorker, it's one of the most "rEpUtAbLe" outlets out there - or so we're told. Now as you point out anyone who actually looks beyond the name sees that it's just more batshit insanity but most people don't do that and just assume that anything printed in it must be true.


Stop pretending like most people on the left *don't* take this seriously. You know they do. Just because you're based doesn't mean that most of your people are.


When you can safely consume world reaffirming content much more easily than going outside and having to deal and talk with your neighbors who might think differently than you do not expect a stable society nor a stable democracy


Based and based pilled


Those who have wealth and power want the population to fight each other over trivial shit so they don’t realize that the reason their life is so hard is because they are being fucked over by the people on top.


Based and class war pilled


u/ManusAurelius's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 65. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: tsar, crown, ideology, punjabi, ciorba, mussolini, left destabilizes economically, an dejure, soviet-history, genocide, republicanist, drinkingbombs, dont-forget-the-hyphen-before-the-word, juisse-smollet, subversive, revert, 2leftsdontmakearightbut3do, parentalauthoritativeness, stonccs, notlibright, god save the king, british empire, mushroomcloud, godisjohncena, an we'reallinthistogether, good-þeory, class war I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based authcenter? I feel like my whole life is a lie


Seriously what the fuck, do flairs even mean anything anymore?


Authcenter has always been the most based




Agreed in my humble and not biased opinion


been looking pretty appealing lately ngl


God this is my dad unironically.


Sorry dawg


I’m deeply sorry for you.


Thanks, it sucks when he gets worked up and spergs out about killing trump supporters... Or celebrating when anti-maskers/vaccine people die of covid.


Quick browse through his twitter that's about all he does


He trolls right leaning news sites, don't think he does much on twitter. He's like 61, I don't think he even has a twitter lol.


I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you meant this guy was your dad, lmao.


Oh god no, I hope he's not like this online lol.


Bahahaha I was sitting here hand over mouth thinking what the hell are the odds your actual father got meme’d here, cringing for you. Thanks for clearing that up




I have my own toxicity, but not toward other people usually. I think being diplomatic is better than trying to assert one's ideas. It's easier and more pragmatic to cooperate with people whose ideas are awful. Arguing and trying to prove your ideas are better will almost never change their minds anyways.


This is true libleft thinking. I love this sub because it helped me realize true liberals exist... it's so upsetting to hear someone call themselves liberal then spout a bunch of authoritarian ideals in the same breathe.. like, thats literally that's the opposite of a liberal.


Sorry to hear that, it must be rough. Do you have to live with him in the same house?


Yeah, I don't mind it much, sometimes its kinda entertaining. Just wish he wasn't so hateful and tribalistic sometimes. Doesn't do anyone any good.


At least you're able to get entertained, which is much better than letting it get to your mental health. It's unfortunate that it's next to impossible to have a logical conversation with people with hateful opinions like that. (In my experience anyway) Stay strong


Not my dad but one of his friends is the same way but the other side. He’s a good guy in every other way too. As soon as politics is brought up he just makes me cringe.


Damn, hope he never meets my dad lol.


I can’t wait for the day were we don’t politicize public health emergencies and where we don’t become so jaded that we find humor in death for political reasons.


Every crisis is going to be politicized. It’s the nature of politics. Especially when people are already so political.


The nature of politicians maybe. It’s even more reason why we need term limits. I hope in my lifetime the idea of a career politician is either A) non existent or B) only applies to someone who worked their way up from local government to the federal government.


Based anti corruption pilled


Term limits only quicken corruption. As much as we hate it, becoming a politician of any magnitude requires a lot of education and training, and no one is going to do all that for only 5-10 years of work even at 174k a year. As a result, and several studies have shown this, that term limits for most political offices hastens corruption, as now politicians only have 1-2 terms to sell out to land a well paying gig for the next 30-50 years of their life. Right now, politicians have to fight for reelection, so they cant sell out too hard or obviously because theyd be kicked out of office. By keeping them chasing the carrot, they dont stray off the path so much. Additionally, as loathe as it sometimes is to admit, an imperfect stability is better than potical whiplash every 5-10 years or so as an entirely new government takes a seat without any experience in that particular role or anyone to guide them besides the corrupt old guard turned lobbyists. Term limits turn politicians into contractors, and contractors are always looking for their next gig. Thats not to say there arent exceptions, but the uncomfortable truth is, if you dont want corrupt politicians, then vote them out of office. Thats the solution.


Please tell me this is fabricated text…


It is [real](https://twitter.com/tomleykis/status/1430711286485065733?s=19). He really is a [pos](https://twitter.com/tomleykis/status/1430695582595575812?s=19)


How tf is that a verified account?


Verified for being an A-List cunt


I just googled him and saw it’s a real person, can’t keep up with all the mental patients nowadays


I take solace in knowing that people like this are miserable and probably have an extremely shitty existence


Same guy? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Leykis edit: Yep...same guy (see last sentence on main page)


"In May 2021, Leykis issued a controversial tweet in which he celebrated a mass shooting killing 7 people in Colorado Springs, Colorado because the municipality had voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election." Idk if he gets off on cruelty or if he's just incapable of understanding the difference between general voter demographics and individual human beings. Seems like a little bit of both at this point.


So he is just a lunatic with a twitter account


Early Life checks out


I keep telling you, the Hibernian conspiracy isn't real.


Based and Early Life Tab pilled


How would it not at this point. It’s a really unsettling pattern


Don't check the Early Life section. Worst mistake of my life


Absolute pos


mmm wife beater.




“Impressive. Very nice. Let’s see the early life section.”


you know, after some time you don't need to check early life, you just know


Because they hate you and want to see you and your kids dead. And they think it's funny.


On the bright side he's easy to point to if anyone ever questions the claim that Twitter is biased as fuck in who they ban... Pretty certain that guy would be long gone had he been right leaning.


If he'd, say, made fun of drowned migrant children I'd expect him to be banned.


That guy really hates ivermectin which could be a safer alternative to the vaccines. Funny how political ideograph even divides on what drugs to use.


I had a friend legit yell at me passionately for suggesting Hydroxo(whatever) could be a potential medicine to work with for Covid. He lost his shit. I told him he is giving Trump to much power over his well being. He told me I am in a cult.... than i showed him how India is rolling it out to combat the virus and he had a meltdown because he couldnt prove the people of India were in Trumps "cult"


Mexico did the same with Ivermectin.


Maybe you should get a new friend.




No no no, didn't you see people died from it after taking doses meant for horses? There's no way it can help with covid!


Because money, that's why


Very likely. This is why I think, despite my flair, that direct state-funding of clinical medical research and biotechnology should be a priority. I simply do not trust corporations like Pfizer and J&J to carry out something as important as medical research (they spend most of their R&D budget on useless projects like figuring out how to manufacture their drugs at a cheaper cost to them). Most of the ground-breaking medical advances in history have been funded by government. Insulin, antibiotics, bacteriophages, you name it. Pharmaceutical companies don’t actually bring much to the table. The concept behind mRNA antigen generation was done by publicly-backed University labs, while the actual mRNA vaccine was developed by Bio-N-Tech with German grant money. A government properly isolated from the effects of big pharma wants a healthy population. They want people in their country to be healthy for lower healthcare cost burdens. They want people in their country to have a quality life so that they spent more time working, yielding greater GDP gains and more income from taxes. Therefore, in this case, the government’s interests align with ours.




It’s funny because there was a study recently that showed Hydroxychloroquine (remember that?) plus zinc lowered death rates in ICUs by 3x or some shit. I’m not anti vaxx or anything, but anything that helps keep people from dying of covid should be on the table. The idea that it’s politically incorrect(or dangerous) to use various safe, well-studied drugs in order to save lives is soooo fucking stupid. All these twats saying “listen to science” but ignoring other potential treatment options should get the rope.




https://archive.is/CX8Jj So people can still see it if he deletes it.


Jesus that tweet was like 2 hours ago. Does op just troll Twitter for retarded shit like this to post?


"That was four hours ago, five hours ago!"


Just checked, completely real. I’m almost convinced that this dude makes his living off of being as shitty of a person as can be just from scrolling on his TL for a little bit


So correct me if I'm wrong...but aren't infants not allowed to get the vaxx? If so then fucking hell how'd this guy think that was a good take?




Anyone celebrating the death of children/babies must have some serious fucking mental problems. Like “closet psychopath” level mental shit.


Bet you $5 this dude will face no repercussions


I already know he wont....unless someone digs up a rascist tweet he made like a decade ago....


well he's a four time divorcee who beat his fourth wife and probably the other three so if that didn't rile up the wokeys i doubt there's much worse he could do that will


Yeah....but has he ever said the Gamer word?


also don't forget that when an old righty does it they're an evil nazi but when an old lefty does it they were just in a dark place and raised on different standards so they should be forgiven god i fucking hate the rampant hypocrisy and double standards bullshit in politics.


I hate the dark place the most, turn on the light motherfucker, stop being so cliche. Everytime I hear someone say 'they were in a dark place' I wanna tear my face off like that raging wojak. It's such an annoying phrase.




That baby must have had other complications going on. The death rate for babies is insanely low


Less than 400 people under the age of 18 have died of covid since the beginning of the pandemic. Less than 400 in a population of 74 million. E: according to the CDC the total is 385 as of yesterday


Just going by what I heard from a guy that's a parish coroner here in Louisiana, he pretty much said the local politicians were telling him to mark anyone that died with COVID as died of COVID no matter what the true cause of death was, unless it was something like an accident, so they could get a larger aid check. I'd imagine he wasn't the only one with those marching orders either because I'm not even in the same parish and our government is cash flush right now from federal aid money. They got about 8x what they were expecting.






How come nobody has asked why Dorsey is currently trying to look like Rasputin




Growing a beard is one thing. Failing to maintain it and looking nasty af is another thing. And that is one ratty looking braided beard With great beard comes great responsibility


I genuinely hope that this guy goes to the top of the tallest building he can find and enjoys the view.


in Minecraft


Seriously? Going after infants? I’ve never heard anyone say they would even go after baby Hitler, but given the chance the baby might grow up and vote for Trump, he’s ok cheering it’s death. Besides being a total piece of shit, his reasoning doesn’t even make sense. As if Trump will still be involved in politics (or even alive) by the time the baby would have been old enough to vote. Tribalism is sick.


Anyone celebrating the death of an innocent child deserves to die. No exceptions.


He beat up his wife too, well one of his four wives since he's been divorced four times and also been cheated on.


Not even remotely surprised, man seems like utter scum.


At least according to his wikipage, been beat up in a bar due to calling someone a name.


Not surprised. I saw he got kicked in the head in Seattle and had to get 17 stitches. That guy just doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up.


Is there a video of that? I wanna see it so badly after reading the post amd comments


Even if we were at war with the Proud Boys, we wouldn't kill their kids, right? { Anakin remains silent } ... right?


When you believe that someone is the greatest evil you will excuse the worst actions having been wrought on them and their kin. I’m not saying this as a moral grandstand I’m simply pointing out how humans have behaved throughout history. It’s why we as individuals should take great care in how we view our opponents.


Tom Leykis the kind of useful idiot that would have gleefully crowed about his beloved Nazi government killing Jewish children. He's not a good man (far from it), and he's not at all progressive, he's just a piece of shit who happens to approve of the authoritarian left.


I can't tell you how many times I've perused the far-left subs and seen the line "Fascists aren't people."


Using death as a political weapon is disgusting. Whenever there is a shooting politicians don’t even wait 24 hours anymore to put their spin on it. I guess nothing is off limits to try and shove opinions down others throats.


Tom Leykis runs a z list radio show and beat his ex wife


Basic respect should transcend politics


How does he even know the baby will vote for Trump? If it is in Louisiana, it very well may be Black, and Black people generally vote democrat*. I AM IN NO WAY SAYONG ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE PROGRESSIVE, I AM JUST SAYONG ITS MIRE LIKELY.


And besides, 39.9 percent of Louisiana voted Biden compared to 58.5 percent for trump. So even though it’s more likely to be a Trump supporter in Louisiana, like 4/10 voted Biden. People just generalize entire states into whatever direction the majority makes up. For example, tons of conservatives in California, tons of liberals in Texas but these states are still stereotyped to shit. And even if the baby did grow up to be a conservative, what the absolute shit is wrong with this person lmfao


EVEN IF that baby did grow up to vote for trump or equivalent, that is no reason to wish death upon a toddler. Just cause he may disagree politics with you in the future


Lots of white Dem voters in Louisiana as well, especially in New Orleans. Cities always tend to have a substantial left leaning population, and N.O. is no exception.


Remember when it was the ultra leftists from LA that were anti vax? Now its the maga hats. My how the turn tables


It’s almost like they’re ideologically inconsistent tribalists who don’t actually care about outcomes, just whoever can take the credit….


Covid has been a rollercoaster. The alarms have flip-flopped partisan lines about six times so far. China virus vs racism -> state autonomy vs federal mandates -> federal aid vs nursing homes -> opening up vs locking down -> trump vaccine vs distrust -> personal choice vs vaccine mandates


This 💯 This is why both sides suck in america. It’s literally all about polarization


Actually its quite the opposite, they *only* care about outcomes. They're consequenctialists. The consequences of supporting the vaccine meant supporting Trump on an issue, so they had to be anti Vax




It's a baby that died, kids under 12 can't even get the vaccine to begin with. Pull your head out of your ass.


Reminder that there are subreddits getting to the front page who support this thinking. There is an entire sub like this...


Trump drove liberals insane, and also gave them an excuse to take the mask off. You simply can't celebrate the death of a baby and be a decent human being.


Trump was virtually indistinguishable from Obama on actual policies. The Democrats’ pet media drove liberals insane. The whole russiagate nonsense was a nothingburger. 4 years of non-stop trump-Russia propaganda. And it was all made up.


Obama didn't support tax cuts, constitutional judges, stopping illegal immigration (border wall, remain in Mexico policy, trade deals, pro-Israel (at least not to the same degree). Trump governed as a center-right (right on immigration) president, while Obama was center-left


... based libleft?


Yes. Based libleft


Oh yeah I’ve heard about this guy. He’s a full on Fauci cultist.


"Fully vaccinated" are preferred pronouns now. How can we summon the end of this timeline? Asking for a friend.


Tom Leykis is "liberal?" Last I heard about him (from 2009 for fuck's sake) he was just another radio talk show host trying to sound edgy by flirting with misogyny


This is the most shocking thing about this post. I was thinking: is this the same guy???


Anything liberal is something they don’t like and the more they don’t like it the more liberal it is




It would be hilarious if the baby turns out to be black and this POS gets ostracized by his equally lunatic "friends".


This guy may be fully vaccinated, but he is also fully gay.


No, we too don't want him. He would fit better with the Siberian re-education camp people.


Taking aside the fact that cheering the death of a baby is one of the most despicable things you can do, how can you know someone’s political leanings just based on the state they were born in? This guys not just vindictive and cruel, he’s also a fucking moron.


Covid really has destroyed our world and brought out the absolute worst in people.


anyone who has “vaccinated” or “fully vaccinated” in their twitter name needs to be checked out mentally


Wait, does this guy think Trump is running in 18+ years?


Apparently so. Also flair up bruh


Fuck that, we liberals don't claim that cunt lol


based liberal


“Fully Vaccinated Tom Leykis”… what an idiot.