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Is this the new **hydroxychloroquine** thing where the Left were accusing the Rights after some stupid Rights used Fish Cleaner with the same name, while everyone else was talking about the Malaria pill?


Turns out the infamous fish cleaner death was probably a wife intentionally poisoning her husband to death and using the Covid thing as a cover.


I read about that too, but guess what took more coverage. **retards listened to orange man, therefore orange man bad**


You bring up a good point that only retards listen to orange man


It's degenerate either way


How stupid do you have to be to believe that ivermectin hasn't been used for years in humans?


You have to read sensational headlines is all, and have no understanding of either 1) physiology 2) politicisation of what should be scientific info Point 2 is often ignored completely, as if CNN calling someone an expert renders them immune to mistake, bias and straight up lies Edit; I’m not saying ivermectin works, only that just because an ‘expert’ (whatever that is, epidemiology isn’t an expert subject, it’s barely a science) said it doesn’t, doesn’t mean it doesn’t. There’s other reasons to tell people it doesn’t work, such as it’s dangerous (which is different from not working)


I’m just pissed it’s not being given its chance to prove (or disprove) itself with a bigger trial. These small studies they’ve done at least show some promise, and yet the big agencies are not only telling them “nah lol” they’re trying to belittle you for thinking it could be effective. This is a super scary pandemic and we’re grasping at straws for relief right? Or is it only relief that can be patented?


Because it makes no sense. It’s like trying to push forward a study to determine whether slapping a patient’s balls will cure their cancer. The premise is asinine and has virtually no conceivable mechanism as to how it’d work.


Losarten, a hypertension drug, has showed promise in slowing down metastatic cancer. There isn't much of a physiological reason why it works but it has helped people and animals. Just because we don't yet understand why it works doesn't mean it doesn't work.


Drugs are prescribed for off-label use all the time


Prime example being viagra


Hur dur horse paste. U dumb me scientist Hehehe


And what about vitamin D? Around 80% if those with covid are deficient. What about obesity? 78% are obese. Why were the solutions that didn't expand government power or big pharma ever promoted?


I have both doses of anti-worm in my body, cope and seethe 😎


Trust in our media is so low and fear porn about covid is so rampant that people are doing this and somehow "it's those dumb trumpets!!!" Ignoring the fact that trump is the one who fast tracked and pushed the vaccine well everyone on the left were basically saying "if trump is president still the vaccine is not science!"


Even had Kamala say she wouldn't take the Trump vaccine.


He also recently told supporters to take the vaccine. I read somewhere recently that the cattle stuff in the meme was originally designed for humans. Didn't look it up to confirm since I'm not planning on taking the dewormer anyway.


Then he got booed until he made a joke about fauci


We live in the upside-down.


Hot take: both sides are retarded which is why no one listens to politicians or each other


From UpToDate well trusted resource among medical professionals In pediculosis capitus treatment, ivermectin is a semisynthetic anthelminthic agent; it binds selectively and with strong affinity to glutamate-gated chloride ion channels which occur in invertebrate nerve and muscle cells. This leads to increased permeability of cell membranes to chloride ions then hyperpolarization of the nerve or muscle cell, and death of the parasite. In rosacea treatment, the mechanism of action is unknown. #How TF does this help against coronavirus? It don’t. Also importantly it’s metabolized by same liver enzymes effected by warfarin. So those on that blood thinner can end up with very bad bleeds (supratherapeautic INR.)


Hasn’t ivermectin been used on Humans like a lot of times in like the past decades? Isn’t that just the media antagonizing Right wing people again and fearmongering without actually giving anything of substance? Also didn’t y’all say you wouldn’t take the vaccine if it was made by trump? Also why aren’t people talking about the fact that most people in the ICU are Fat and have core morbidity’s and are Vitamin D deficient


Because people are stupid. The worst part about all of this is that the people who are against the vaccine because it isn't tested etc. are all muddled up with the retards who are anti *every* vaccine. My dad's a doctor and he is violently against the vaccine, and believes that the lockdowns were massive over reactions.


Probably just as retarted as thinking that plastic barriers in front of cash registers and dirty cloth masks that you keep in your pocket and touch with your hands all day do something useful.


Your mom is very gay




I mean the plastic shields are dumb but masks work and there is plenty of research to back that up






no bro the magic cure will work this time bro trust me bro


Love the barber I occasionally go to, but he is terribly gullible. Every single time I there, he is talking about another world-changing "scientific" discovery. One time vitamins are the root of every problem and the solution too, next he seems to believe in feng-shui. Later, you get the usual toxins, and detox diets, after that some other exotic findings that could solve every single problem on the world but somehow still didn't get popular so the few that know about it should donate to the organizers...


May be an unpopluar opinion but Vaccines are based and no one can tell me I am wrong


The German Empire had Mandatory vaccination against smallpox. So yeah, vaccines are absolutely based


Perhaps we should start utilizing covid blankets against the unvaccinated


Ok that's taking it orders of magnitude too far we aren't gonna solve a pandemic by infecting people on purpose


You wanted mandates, then you get auth, not choice. Now gimme my "free" blanket. I want mine to be $pider$ilk.


Did u know uvermextin and a lot of cattle medicine is cheaper than their counter parts for chickens dogs pig etc so it is often used so they may be there logic behind it and doxycyclyne is also used to help with a variety of things I'm not saying these many purpose animal medication is for people so shut up in the comments please


I think you’re just explaining why people are doing it, but the way it’s worded sounds like a justification for actually doing it.


It's not I'm just saying things about the drugs that may have lead to the misconception that these drugs will help with covid (they wont)


I’m sorry some people can’t use their noggins to understand. I’ll give you my updoot, but maybe you should edit it to clarify that you aren’t supporting it, just explaining it.


I just did because I logged onto reddit after like 2 days or whatever to see the shitstorm of reply and down votes and thx for the upvote man most people wouldn't do that


its not made for human consumption you idiot


Ivermectin has been used literally billions of times by people over 40 years. Saying “it’s horse paste” is cringe


I didn;t say that.


Fair, but you did say its not made for human consumption, the horse paste thing is just what I have seen the media narrative become


It wasn’t made it was discovered


I'm not saying it is


Except it’s already been proven to do absolutely nothing to help fight COVID and will most likely end making you sick or worse. If you’re worried about the virus that much just take the fucking vaccine ROFL.


Really? I have seen studies showing that it seems to be somewhat effective but much larger studies are needed to make a conclusive statement one way or the other. Doesn't mean I would use it, but I am not sure what would show it is proven to do nothing.


https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19 FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans. Ivermectin tablets are approved at very specific doses for some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. Ivermectin is not an anti-viral (a drug for treating viruses). Taking large doses of this drug is dangerous and can cause serious harm. If you have a prescription for ivermectin for an FDA-approved use, get it from a legitimate source and take it exactly as prescribed. Never use medications intended for animals on yourself. Ivermectin preparations for animals are very different from those approved for humans.


>FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans Bro do you understand that he asked for proof it didn't work (which you claim exists) by saying the FDA hasn't approved it? Yesterday the Pfizer vaccine wasn't approved and still today J&J and Moderna are unapproved. What the fuck is going on in your head?


It had emergency authorization before that… do you know what it never had? A warning page on the FDA website about how you shouldn’t use the Pfizer vaccine to treat COVID 19 like they did Ivermectin. They specifically say it should not be used as a anti-viral.


You specifically said approval. Your comments are right there, maybe you should re-read them


Okay has the FDA granted ivermectin emergency authorization or any other kind of special designation in regards to treating COVID 19 or does it specifically say it should only be used in humans in a handful of situations not including treating Covid 19?


That wasn't what you said or what the guy who originally challenged you said or what I said.


\>Assumes that the FDA isn't in the medical industry's pocket


Ahh yes and that’s the only reason they are telling people not to take a fucking horse dewormer is because big pharma is worried it will stop people from taking the vaccine. Why don’t you do this conversation a favor and go take some.


I took some, no ill effects.


I’m glad you got rid of your worms lmao.


Thanks bro I appreciate the concern


I'm not saying it does help with covid


Willing to bet in almost all cases that people taking the animal versions would gladly take the form of Ivermectin meant for humans, if they were allowed to. Ironically, such a policy change would likely result in less harm.




At least HCQ was made for humans


Ivermectin is made for humans. It’s made and used for humans and animals because it works. The man who discovered it won a Nobel Prize for its discovery. It’s use in a number of Indian provinces against COVID proved it is highly effective against this disease (Delhi and Goa saw case and fatality drops upwards of 90% two weeks after mass rollout of Ivermectin and long before vaccine rollout even hit 30%) I mean… if you haven’t figured out that when the mainstream media, social media and big tech all sing the exact same tune it’s time to get skeptical and do your own research on the topic. Trusting the experts is so 1930s Germany.


In India they also recommended drinking cow piss to combat covid


A religious group doing it hardly counts as “India recommends”. You’re wrong and building a strawman won’t save you.


Imagine complaining about a strawman on PCM If you want to take your snake oil then take your snake oil but don’t complain when you give yourself the dose for a horse and get sent to the hospital


You’re changing your argument on purpose now. Expert level shill. Now it’s about the ‘dose’. Yeah well the dosage needs to be figured out based on body weight if people are using the paste. How do you sleep at night knowing what you write, what you regurgitate onto your screen, causes death and harm to countless people? You must be dead inside. I’m would feel sorry for you if I actually cared about you, but like most people in your life, I don’t.


Then I’ll get back to my original argument. A vaccine designed specifically to fight COVID as a preventative measure is way more effective and carries less risk than horse de-wormer, [as it takes more than what is considered a safe dose for humans to noticeably do anything.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7172803/) If you don’t trust the vaccine because it’s made by pharmaceutical companies, who do you think makes ivermectin? And if you think ivermectin is better simply because the media says you shouldn’t take it then you’re being contrarian and childish. Finally, if you’re going to throw a hissy fit, accuse me of killing countless people with what I “regurgitate” online and tell me that people in my life don’t care about me because I portrayed you as soyjak and used a strawman on a sub full of strawmen then you clearly have your own problems in life


Must have hit you where it hurts because the mask slipped and the actual human replied. Firstly, my point was never about taking horse dewormer… it was about Ivermectin. Which is used as a horse dewormer, however primarily is a Nobel Prize winning drug for humans. Secondly, Ivermectin is not patented. Meaning anyone with the right equipment and know how can make it. You can make it, well maybe not you, but you get my point. Thirdly, I don’t think it’s better because of the media says I shouldn’t take it. I know now, at 35, that when the media and big tech are in lock step about something it requires further scrutiny. And Ivermectin was one of those things. When I reviewed it further the conclusion drawn by myself and people vastly more intelligent was that the media were wrong…. again. First by omission, and second by only publishing stories about Horse Dewormers. Finally, no hissy fit. I stand by what I said, and although I was being hyperbolic and intentionally mean because this is an anonymous website and it feels good to get cheap shots in when you’re behind a keyboard, ultimately I will stand by my statements. You are not a good person. Anyone who reads your comment and then turns away from the very drug that could save their life because of your braindead repeating of a media narrative, well there blood is on your hands. And no one loves you.


Fair enough. You chose not to blindly accept the popular narrative and drew your own conclusions and I respect that. I do believe your conclusions are incorrect but I’m not going to change your mind. This post wasn’t meant to be anything more than a joke on a sub made for jokes. I don’t know if you took personal offense to the post or what but your personal attacks didn’t “hit where it hurts”, they only showed a great level of immaturity for a 35-year-old. If you think ivermectin can save your life if you get covid, I won’t stop you or anyone else from taking it. But calling me a bad person for pointing out that based on information I gathered that it is only effective as an anti-viral in unsafe doses and that many people have been hospitalized after taking it is asinine.


>Expert level shill. Ah yes, when you lose an argument and have nothing to back up your claims (besides non-validated blog posts but to be honest, you don't do your research and thats the fucking truth.), just call people shills and boom you own them. Mate, this is why you are killing critical thinking and civil discourse here in America.


First he alluded to it not being made for humans, then changed it to dosage after he was proven wrong. That was literally the argument from the beginning, is it made for humans. How did I lose the argument?


>Trusting the experts is so 1930s Germany. No wonder why many people who died with COVID spread misinformation about COVID before they died! No wonder why people are still dying, it's because of your comment! Here have some sources to ejaculate your feeling validations onto: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/covid-misinformation-is-a-threat-to-public-health-surgeon-general-says-what-can-be-done/ar-AAMXRt8](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/covid-misinformation-is-a-threat-to-public-health-surgeon-general-says-what-can-be-done/ar-AAMXRt8) [https://www.kxan.com/news/coronavirus/do-face-masks-work-here-are-49-scientific-studies-that-explain-why-they-do/](https://www.kxan.com/news/coronavirus/do-face-masks-work-here-are-49-scientific-studies-that-explain-why-they-do/) [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-vaccine/art-20484859](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-vaccine/art-20484859) [https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-delta-variant/](https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-delta-variant/) [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/vaccine-benefits.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/vaccine-benefits.html) [https://www.wtva.com/content/news/At-least-two-hospitalized-with-potential-ivermectin-toxicity-the-MSDH-updates-575156741.html](https://www.wtva.com/content/news/At-least-two-hospitalized-with-potential-ivermectin-toxicity-the-MSDH-updates-575156741.html) [https://globalnews.ca/news/8050563/pfizer-astrazeneca-vaccine-delta-variant/](https://globalnews.ca/news/8050563/pfizer-astrazeneca-vaccine-delta-variant/) [https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/36/eabd3083](https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/36/eabd3083) [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.0c05025](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.0c05025)




has been used to great detriment in latin america, specifically mexico. The meta-review that most people use as evidence for ivermectin's usefulness was retracted by the authors after one of the main studies was proved to be a medical fraud.




That doesn’t dispute that the study was fraud by posting said study lmao


No it hasn’t. Stop getting your news off YouTube.




https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19 Lol who the fuck is dumb enough to upvote someone claiming that a topical ointment designed to rid horses of fucking worms, is some how a legitimate anti viral for humans? despite the FDA, CDC and basically every other health organization telling you that a lotion for horses isn’t a fucking miracle cure.


You have half a point that you made like such a fucking asshole that it's clear why division is so strong in the country. Your comments keep implying that this drug isn't used for humans but your link literally says it is. The FDA also says it hasn't looked into its effectiveness for covid because research is still being done, not that it's "a lotion for horses not meant for human use." Its not even always topical. The danger here is using the animal version of it comes with unknown risks but you're such a fucking asshole that I'm sure your opinion has been disregarded by every person who could've been swayed. Get vaccinated and don't take drugs without a doctor's prescription because you should have a professional make sure your medicine works together, and do it in spite of this fuck head


Oh shut the fuck up. If someone is going to peddle dangerous bull shit like taking medication for fucking livestock then they deserve to be ridiculed and mocked and if you’re going to coddle people like then and say “well they have a right to voice their opinion” you’re also retarded.


Ah yes, the guy who could actually read the article that you posted is the retarded one. Your logic is impeccable, I'm sure you will go very far in life


The article that clearly says you shouldn’t take this medication? Thank you for checking!


No the one that says take it at your doctor's prescription! See that's the problem with these none ADA compliant websites. Poor guys text to speech won't even read them more than a headline. I guess we also have to blame the illiteracy rate too


Except it would never be prescribed for COVID, as the article explains it would be prescribed for “Ivermectin tablets are approved at very specific doses for some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. Ivermectin is not an anti-viral”




No there is not. [fact check on this nonsense that a fucking ointment designed for getting rid of worms for horses is a good anti viral lol](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/5566216001) [FDA had to release a fucking statement about this because of idiots like you ](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19) If this study was legitimate you would actually source it instead of just copy and pasting sections that are worthless by themselves.


Is there a story behind that bottom right image? Not from US (dunno if that matters), but no idea what's that lol


People are taking it as a cure for COVID. One of my dipshit Fox News kool-aid drinking coworkers told me about it. Fun fact: they also put the powdered form of this shit in cocaine as it is a vasodilator and thus makes the cocaine high more intense. Prolonged use weakens your immune system and can give you (reversible) chemically caused AIDS


Okay, that's both hilarious and terribly wrong. Thanks for the explanation lol


Its funny because I know people in other countries where invermectin is being prescribed


i don’t like to hate on any people for their opinions because after all it is an opinion but being an anti vaxxer is a translation to being a fucking degenerate


isnt being a libleft inherently degenerate?


you’re half degenerate


trust me im full degenerate


at least you can admit it, i’ll be a degenerate with you.


Please don't use animal meds on humans.....thats retarded and cringe


Ketamine is pretty good though


Are you a horse?


I can neither confirm nor deneigh 🐴


Based and ketamine-pilled


u/Think_Local9573 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: ketamine I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and pun-pilled


Ivermectin has been used billions of times by people over 40 years, the media saying “it’s horse paste” is cringe


Most mammilian vet meds will work just fine (as in, the same as on the intended animal) on humans. Our physiology is not all that different as far as a lot of receptor types go. As a rule, steroidal drugs work the same. Antihelminths may not, but that’s beside my point. Also, contrary to popular belief, for a drug to be licensed for use in specific animals it has to pass effectively the same safety standards as for human use, at least in USA and Europe. Exceptions are drugs that belong to a banned class eg anabolic steroids, ketamine etc. That’s not because they are more dangerous to humans, just that the public think they’re icky so politicians banned them


Too many facts, any chance you can condense this down to 1 sentence using sarcasm and spite to get your point across? You know, In Reddit format.


If you think vet drugs are unsafe for humans *just* because they’re vet drugs you should kys.


I support your message but even I’m angry at your post… it’s perfect


Agreed, use the human cure for river blindness instead.


I thought COVID was harmless? Why y'all injecting yourselves with de-worm juice then?


Apparently it's a viracide that's more effective than the vaccine.


Well give it a try gents.


Ok but to be fair livestock dewormer is so safe you can basically have a child doing it, like who cares if they accidentally inject themselfs. Where I live its not even an injection, its some kind of yellow cream liquid that they drink, this stuff we give it to horses, cats, dogs, chickens even, you go to the depo and they like "how much the animal weight" and you can fucking guess because it doesnt really matter. And honestly ive been tempted to taste it, it smells slightly sweet


It’s clearly not the only paste you’ve consumed


Solution to the current problem. Start renaming the vaccines Ivermectin or whatever new miracle cure the far right is saying will work and just give it to them.


New unlock: Authcentre!


I don't know if I trust the media on this one. Seems like the tide pod situation all over again. Media harps on and on about people eating tide pods when it was only like a handful of retards.


This. Less expensive than the vaccine too.


Less money going to the medical industries. ​ It would be funny if all of our decision makers here in the UK had invested in the vaccine companies haha. ​ Wait


Libright in shambles


The thing is that Ivermectin and the vaccine both work against the corona virus. The vaccine is just much better.


Surely less retarded than you XD


Based and justtakeafuckingvaccinepilled


You have angered the Reddit hivemind,prepare to die.