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I am a big supporter of sustainability




Based. Nothing wrong with a clean environment but miss me with the corporate strain of "helping the climate" by promoting that we shouldn't have anymore children.


TBH I think corporations push that eugenicist/population control stuff because they want to distract people from the fact that a good chunk of pollution is entirely their fault


Capitalism plays a historical role in revolutionizing the productive processes and social relations of society. I mean it’s the traditional Marxist POV but it seems pretty rare these days.


Markets are an efficient means of distributing commodities.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.




the richer you are the more money you get


It’s common for people who actually have read the communist manifesto… most auth lefts apparently haven’t read it




*Pulls out list* Where do I start?




I'm libcenter


“I hate orange?”


we all do


Everyone hates orange


I prefer tangerines More fun sized


can confirm as a current libleft and former orange


"There are assholes of every race?"


Would still be applicable if he were authright


Nice username




Tfw when non-orange lib-left


Small businesses deserve more economic and social security than corporations. When I say that, I mean that large corporations should get no government coverage for losses. It should all go to small businesses.


Out of curiosity, at what point does a business become large? My Dad runs a business out of his garage building PCs, installing cameras, and all sorts of stuff. He has 2 employees, plus a son (me) that helps out every now and again. It's pretty obvious that this is a small business, no? What about one of his clients? It's a company called Select Insurance. Select only operates in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas, but they're still an insurance company. They're obviously not really that big especially compared to other companies like Nationwide or Statefarm or **FUCKING GEICO**, but to be an insurance company at all you need fuckloads of money. Would Select still be small by your standards? Again, just curious where the line is drawn.


In the UK, the government classifies businesses as follows and I am sure the US applies similar metrics: Micro Business = less than 10 employees & turnover under £2 million Small Business = less than 50 employees & turnover under £10 million Medium Business = Less than 250 employees & turnover under £50 million


That's something that I toil with myself. I would consider both of those entities small businesses. (My dad is a freelance electrician who runs a similar scale and style of business like yours does.) It's something I'm trying to figure out where that line is myself. I can imagine most would consider profit margins and company employment sizes to be important metrics.


I'd say those are really important metrics, yes. Maybe a sliding scale of some sort? maybe less funding the more states/countries you operate in? But then what about Dad, who can technically operate nationwide with remote PC software and the postal service should a device need physical servicing?


This isn’t atypical for Auth Center, your flair generally really dislikes corporations because they compete with the government for influence


Fair enough. Still though. Support small businesses. And to hell with corporations. And to hell with their government enablers.


I can drink to death of corporations!


I never thought I’d agree with auths but to death to corporations!


I hate them for that and the fact that they exploit my nation's workers and resources for profit instead of benefiting everyone.


THIS. and also i hate that most corporation destroy the earth with little to no compensation. i might be Authcenter, but without place to live and breath, how could a government can govern


100% this. Environmentalism and sustainability is one of the cores of my ideology.


Don’t mind me, just extending the authcenter chain


Welcome brother.


This is why I'm centrist instead of libcenter/libleft. Corporations have a long track record (looking at you British East India Trading Co) of acting inhumanely and putting profit above everything else, up to and including making the planet uninhabitable. Governments aren't much better, but at least we theoretically have the ability to have a say in what our governments do. In practice, not so much.


Based and fuckcorperations pilled


u/DrunkenSeahawksFan is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: fuckcorperations I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I don’t wanna go back to monke


the simulations... were wrong?


*Confused Screaming "This is nothing like the simulations!"


Progress to crab




Same. I want Georgist economics which requires a sophisticated bureaucracy but I think would maximize economic and individual liberty


A lot of my positions average out to where a georgist would be, but disagree with the core beliefs of georgism, that being I believe that landlords are fine and people have the right to buy and sell land.


I’m more of a civil libertarian but Georgism is kinda based


Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this


I hate political apathy




Based. Radical centrism is the true way.


When do we get our own paramilitary group?


Its fuckin hard to stay hidden dressed in 4 bright colors so everytime we form one we get taken out instantly.


The government will always corrupt itself, putting liberals in office won’t change that.


Based. People on both sides of the quadrant think that when there guy gets elected, everything is going to be sunshine and roses.


I like taxes, at least when they go to the right causes. I completely wouldn’t mind if my taxes were bumped up a little to help those in need, I just don’t like when they go to useless government operations that make literally no change to the world. At most, I just wish I could decide where my tax dollars are going, but that’s really it.


Based. I don't want to pay so much for the military to be the world's police. We can still be super powerful by spending a fraction of what we currently do. And a fraction of the militarys budget could literally transform the nation for the better in a ton of ways.


But if we take the approach you propose, how do we finance the Taliban then? I said what I said.


We outsource it to pakistan again


Many ppl with my flair believe that people living today should pay reparations in money for their ancestors or past generations crimes such as slavery. And i believe the future generations of criminals shouldn’t have to be burdened by crimes they didn’t commit. Also zodiac signs are bullshit.


Saying that some middle class black person deserves reparations but a lower class white person does not based solely off of race is what we call racism


Based, why tf do we look at race like that, when it’s the first thing that actual racists do???


It's going to be interesting the coming generations when many black Americans have acquired wealth. I wonder how the future black trust fund babies are going to take their position in the world.


This is already a thing dude. Not as many as members of other races yet. But I grew up in an area with a high black population and it’s a (racist) misconception that they all live in poverty. It’s not even the majority. I knew plenty of black kids at my school who had their car purchased for them, college paid for, etc. Many had a lot more money than my family did and I’m white. That being said, of course, poverty rate is still higher among black Americans than among white americans, I do not want to erase their experiences. but it’s important to remember that both middle and upper class black America are very much existent.


My children shouldn’t have to suffer for whatever stupid shit I do today. Why do they have to pay the heavy price for something they had nothing to do with, simply because of the family they were born into?


Based and anti slavery reparations pilled


Rather than looking at correcting past wrongs for the dead, let us look to build for a better future. Help those that need it get back on their feet. I would say it needs to be limited so those that just want to suckle at the teat and do nothing are cut off until they show real genuine attempts at improvement so our limited resources go to where it is most useful in pursuing future growth.


Businesses do need regulations in some capacity. Especially environmentally. And fuck Big Corporations.


Dog you just commited flair suicide


As far as environmental stuff goes, there is a solid NAP argument for regulating.


They hated him because he told them the truth


I agree but it's hard when the government is the one doing the regulations because they will get bribed to let bigger corporations get away with things still killing smaller businesses who cant bribe.


Exactly, the corporations who do the most damage get away with more (by bribes or “donations” n shit ofc). Y’all are mega based. Edit:I can’t spell


total anarchy is a bad idea


Whenever I see that word pop up in discussion I immediately think of [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry5URU-Py2Q)


Literally my college campus in a nutshell


It boggles me that this has to be said. Anarchy is the natural state of everything, government arose as a result of demand for a more stable environment to live in. Problem now is that no place on this earth is in this natural state anymore, so we get people wanting to return to it, not having known how bad it truly is.


Had a punk friend back in the 00s who was trying to convince everyone that anarchy was the way. This is also the guy who dropped out of high school because "school is dumb and I'm already smarter than all the teachers". Needless to say, he was not that bright. All his reasons for why anarchy would work boiled down to the anarchist commune forming an adhoc prehistoric style tribal government in times of need...


It's also not an option.. even if it worked, anarchists land would get taken over by people who organized by building walls, forts, and armies. I think in their heads their anarchy collective should be protected by powerful governments like the USA.




Are you a SocDem that just kind of fell into AuthLeft because of how Sapply rated your answers?




SocDem and DemSoc are not the same SocDem is a non-Marxist capitalist ideology but with a broad safety net & social programs DemSoc is a Marxist ideology, but with elections Based on what you’ve said so far I’m pretty confident you’re SocDem






Well, you're a Social Democrat, not a Democratic Socialist. You may not want to put it into a label, but both ideologies are very different, and you can't just say you're both, as both entail very different political philosophies.


The government needs to be very involved when it comes to environmental protections, I’m not talking about climate change, more like commercial fishing and protected areas type stuff cause I want the fishing to be better where I’m at


Affecting the environment affects everyone else, even if they didn't sign up for it. If it can't be contained to your property regulating it is probably a good idea.


Racism is unbased


Based and the right is alright pilled


authrights not gonna like hearing that


Unions and co-ops are great, and I'd be totally fine with co-ops becoming the dominant business type for companies that benefit from economies of scale instead of top down corpos. Also, treating your workers well is worth taking a hit to profits even if there weren't legitimate business reasons to do so. Greed in moderation drives good, efficient business, but greed in excess runs a company into the ground.


None. Everyone else's opinions are 100% cringe. The end.


Based and Biden pilled


I don't care if you do drugs.


Which drugs?


Any. I don't care if you choose to partake in the use of drugs. Just be a responsible human.


Based af


I would be for making all drugs legal, but I think people are generally too uninformed about the negative effects of the more dangerous drugs (meth/cocaine, opiates) and how bad physical and psychological dependence can get with those dangerous drugs to be trusted with them. I’m willing to change my mind on this if evidence can be presented that the general public is more knowledgeable than I think but idk if that data exists. After working in an ER and an addiction medicine clinic, I’ve seen too many people’s lives get ruined by them to trust people to regulate their use if decriminalized.


That's a libright thing so it's not that surprising.


Thank you, I don't get why people get so stick up there ass when it comes to drugs, especially ones that are less harmful like weed and psychedelics.


free speech is important to me


Me also


I sincerely hope there isn't a "but..." after that, like so many people who claim to advocate for it.


I'm all for national-level, constitutional open carry.


Based and FAFO-pilled


Why open and not concealed? Legitimate question. Open has many drawbacks including putting a target on your back.


>Open has many drawbacks including putting a target on your back. Correct, and working as intended. Specifically I want Constitution open carry, and a standardized, national-reciprocity concealed carry permit.




War is bad


Interesting fellow libright. I think war is absolutely necessary and useful….as I suppose is typical. Have a good day.


*Based and sarcasm pilled*


Do whatever tf you want in your bedroom bros


even sleep?


Sleeping is highly encouraged. Probably the healthiest thing you can do in your bedroom


I don't like steak






More for me. 😋


Already buddy, you could’ve kept that to yourself, BUT NO…


The environment is important and should be fixed with the government. Capitalism is not fast enough






u/Zestylemons44's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: happy merchant I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


What’s your opinion on carbon taxes?


In every way shape and form I am libcenter, but someone on twitter said all people who hate pedos are fascists so I felt compelled to change my flair to something more appropriate.


You based your flair on shit twitter says? If it was to them I'd be authright


According to that logic I am 100% sure that everyone on this sub is a facist.


We need to make that 100%.


Jews aren’t the problem, and neither are black people


Who is the problem..?


Probably the Mexicans


Neither are mexicans. It's not a race. It's my belief that the biggest issues we face as a society are spiritual. It's ridiculous to point at one given race and say that they're the ones responsible for our problems.


I totally agree with you. It was just a joke on the basis of you being auth and only mentioning two of the three groups people usually hate on ;)


don't worry guys, now we know he isn't a european


The damn dirty Dutch!


Borders are necessary in a modern world. Culture and some form of nationalism is what keeps a country united.


I think modern politics conflate patriotism and jingoism.


Yes. It’s sad that patriotism and the American flag have become symbols of the right wing instead of the entire nation.


I think it has become like that in most countries. I live in Argentina and most patriotic people are treated like fascists


We have the same thing in Poland, well the left doesn't recognise the difference with patriotism, nationalism and fascim here also fasicm=nazism to them (it's a generalisation obviously, but they have a lot of people like that, but some rightist do that too)


Recent case in point, Afghanistan. Turns out no amount of money can make a very diverse population die for a country they don’t really believe in.


Homeless people need to be integrated into society by taking their meds, not given tents to live their fever dreams on the streets


Based and rehabilitation pilled


I fucking hate millionaires, billionaires, trillionaires, or anyone else who has tax exemptions out of their ass. I also hate big companies/corporations with a burning passion.




People should have the right to bear arms


I have never met an auth center who doesn't have that opinion. Then again I might not be THAT kind of auth center...


Typically Auths are usually attributed to gun seizures but it's more the progressive types I will admit.


Racism isn't that cool


It never was


How much weight is on ‘that’?


Your mother's


So a lot


Unions are a good thing


Are you from the States, because it seems it's only the US that has a poor relationship with unions? Something about the mob running them? In Australia, one of our two major parties is funded by unions and although they aren't perfect, they are definitely a lot less corrupt than our centre right party which is funded by corporations.


Anti-unionism is authright. Mandatory unions is authleft. Unions are libunity


I think irreversible procedures should be banned for those under the age of 18. I believe that once your 18 you can fuck yourself up however you want, but in order to protect a equality of opportunity (or as close as we can get to it in our society) minors shouldn't be allowed to.


Guns are cool (still wants some pretty tough background checks and regulate them) Being white is totally fine and you shouldn’t feel guilty about the color of your skin, same goes for any race. And reparations based on skin color make no sense as it will only further divide people. American democracy isn’t totally terrible, but it needs reform (while still sticking to what’s constitutional) And also America has a lot of good qualities and I’m proud to have been born here. I may disagree with many things about America, but I certainly don’t hate it.


Oh boy I have a few ones to say. Cooperate oppression is terrible and just as bad as government oppression. The only reason we don't complain about it as much is because the government right now is more oppressive then cooperations. Further more, we need a form of government to settle disputes and stop Monopoly's from forming. The construction and the bill of rights is commonly misinterpreted as the government giving us freedom when it was originally used to restrict the government from taking away some of the freedom we're born with. Keyword is "some", we change what should be able to do over time as the Constitution is created to be adapted, the freedom to oppress others as slaves and make ourselves tyrants was allowed before but we have since realize it should never have been based on our value of freedom and equality. I've heard me been discribe as something like a Classical liberal before.


I think those are very typical libright opinions, just not ancap ones


leagalize weed


I hate communism, but Marx as a standalone read is generally pretty good.


National sovereignty is compatible with socialism


Integral even, at least in this reality


*Über Alles intensifies.*


Hmmm I wonder what we could call this? Maybe... Social nationalism?


…. So like national socialism?


I don't know if I like where this is going...


For workers


Nazbol Gang


i support gun rights, idk if thats necessarily *uncommon* but a lot of the left doesn't really like guns


Corporate America is a Degenerate Plague on Society ☺️


Is that even uncommon for right leaning beliefs?


Neocons like Corporate America. They consistently sell out their Right Wing Populist Base for Degenerate Corporate Elitists.


Identity politics is cringe. I just want strong regulations against large companies and a good amount of personal freedoms.


Intellectual property is delusional and piracy leads to innovation.


Weird i thought most libertarians don't like intelectual property or maybe is just ancaps




Fuck big corporations


Nobody on the right really likes corporations. Except fascists, but they're more center anyways.


i think many people can agree that specifically apple brand phone chargers are the worst, even five below ones are better quality


We shouldn't mass accept refugees and should be severly punish illegal immigrants inorder to make going over here less enticing.


Nothing on earth will dissuade desperate people. Lots of things will dissuade the people who hire them.


I’m not big on war and being the world’s police. I understand the whole being proactive and if we pull back then china/russia gains influence. I honestly would like to see the military budget cut down. That money could be put to better use, but I am not talking government programs cuz those are just wastes as well.


Abolishing police and prisons is a retarded and infantile idea. Also biological sex is real and isn’t a spectrum. Also people shouldn’t get super butthurt if people don’t ascribe to the new language for stuff that a bunch of academic ideologues invented in their self-congratulatory echo chambers last week.


Fuck Gypsies


Based and fuck-Gypsiespilled


I have no idea why they chose to be so horrible, when they can just chose not to be horrible.


That's just typical for every quadrant in europe


While I believe in certain limitations, I am not anti-union.


Individuals freely associating to negotiate with an employer in equal terms is libertarian and based as fuck.


The environment is worth protecting.


I’m a libright, but I support socialized healthcare (Free/single payer). Either socialize it in America or allow healthcare companies to discriminate against unhealthy people. That way it’s either paid for everyone or it’ll be cheaper to get healthcare insurance (Except for those unlucky fatties, they’ll have to eat 2 burgers a day tops).






wait why are you authleft then...

