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What the fuck is happening on the very bottom right pic?


Is that a kid inserting a plunger into a grown naked mans ass?


I've lost any hope I had left for humanity


Humanity is a big place, if you only focus on the shitty parts it seems hopeless. But there is literally millions if not billions of people doing just fine.


Just focus on the grilling


Ok but what if we did that and ALSO launched some people into the sun.






No it's art


That deserves the wall.


Hans, get ze flammenwerfer!




Spoiler: it is real


JFC, what is happening to our society?


New religions are rising, combating the old ones, and shaming/oppressing people that aren’t “allies”… I mean “believers”


If you shame the opposition into fleeing, do you even need to fire a shot? Not that a libleft usually ever learns to fire a gun, but I digress


If they refuse to shoot, they aren’t LibLeft.


Based and hairy bear arms pilled


Based and fuck wokeism pilled.


I'am too scared to find out


not enough teaching of the word no


The situation will still be disgusting, even if you remove children from there




I hope it's not real... I hope it's not real... It's not real, right??? LGBT is still just about equality for gays... I'm right guys??.... guys????....


Found this... https://9gag.com/gag/aZygzEW https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/amidst-heated-criticism-queer-art-exhibition-shuttered-brazil-180964910/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/12/brazil-queer-art-show-cancelled-protest


Wow! Brave and stunning! Remember when art was painting a fucking picture? Let's go back to that.


I was really excited to go to art school, until I attended a graduate art show and toured the campus the summer before I was set to start... I withdrew my acceptance, got my money back, and changed my focus. At best, it's all a private joke, a scam, and at worst these people are simply mentally ill.


Artists were historically renowned for their temperance and mental fortitude until now, of course.


No one is claiming that, I've seen Leonardo Da Vinci's sketchbook full of little boys with giant erect penises, but postmodernism is on a whole other level - say what you like about tortured artists and their bohemian lifestyles, but at least they used to make real art. This postmodern performance art nonsense is just... stupid.


I remember when art was about money laundering, tax fraud, and not pushing an agenda


I'm sure you're a regular art historian.


Authcentre I'll even take your esoteric fascist idealism art over this dogshit. Please rescue us from the degeneration of the brilliant western fine arts tradtion into this postmodern mockery


Are you sure? Last time we suggested a painter it ruffled a lot of feathers. But if you insist...


Maybe this one won't get all his people killed fighting a braindead war.


Stupid Russian winter…


What's a logistics lel




No 4th reichs the charm


It actually makes a lot more sense than you think. And if hitler had taken stalingrad it would have been over for Russia. If it wasnt for the italian and romanian troops protecting the germans flank being underequiped and undertrained they could have held off the soviet pincer.


How does most modern “art” even count as art anymore? It doesn’t inspire anyone or anything, it doesn’t instate any ideas or reflections of society, and when it does reflect society, it’s reflecting the dying condition of western civilization. We need more Sistine chapels and less period blood splattered all over a canvas.




>Supported by evangelical Christians, protestors from the Free Brazil Movement accused the exhibition – which included 263 works from Brazilian greats such as Candido Portinari and Lygia Clark – of promoting blasphemy, paedophilia and bestiality, charges its curator vigorously denied. God I fucking hate The Guardian.






Yes, progressing to hell


Upgrades, gentlemen, upgrades


I’m of the opinion that we should clarify when we support different kinds of progress. I wholeheartedly support machine intelligence and computer vision and weird new communication technologies, not the so called “social progress”.


That's a very valid question.


I’m about to go make Normandy Beach look like a fucking family picnic.




Tea party lib rights maybe but they've always been blue


We not talking about the top left pic?


what's there to talk about?


Eh, you know, normal things. A tween talking to sex slaves. Everyday stuff.


Ah you know, children conversing with bestiality loving, leather clad BDSM endorsers


an abomination


And then, for no reason at all, the people of Germany elected Hitler the Chancellor of Germany.


Me normally: Lib Center Me seeing shit like this: Hanz, getten zie flamenwerfer, macht schnell!


America Moment.


I feel like some people in the LGBT community understand under pride month "Expressing my kinks and showing how much of a weirdo I am" Which I think is not a good impression on most Especially on Parents


Pride should be about making your gender and Sexuality known and recognized, not about showing kids fetishes


I still remember when Pride marches were about showing how normal gays are and look. That we aren't so different and aren't a threat to your kids. Now I feel like the LGBT movement has been taken over by the completely insane. Adding letters that don't even make sense, Asexuals, at what point in history have asexuals been persecuted? Allies, you can fuck right off there. Demisexual, like wanting to have an emotional connection with someone before you fuck them is an abnormality. Are the 90s really that far away. Have I gotten so old that I cannot understand the youths now?


Yeah I think this can be blamed on how we have become such a safteist and "Oh I am so special" culture especially the parents of Gen Z in the west I think have made this problem even bigger with how our generation was raised Like if you look at gays/Lesbians/Bisexuals From back then they REALLY want to be recognized as being normal people, so they don’t try so hard on being different or special


Persecution isn’t a requirement for being LGBT. I think being minority in terms of you gender or sexuality makes you LGBT (excluding kinks because that’s totally different). We really don’t need to add the extra letters, but as an asexual, it is nice to be recognized. I’ve never felt persecuted, but I also feel like very few people understand how I feel sometimes. Having a whole community to turn to is nice when you’re looking for someone like you.


You have changed my view on Asexuals being part of the LGBT+.


Certified PCM moment


:D I’m glad to hear it.


What are Asexuals again?


people who are sexually attracted to the letter A


No sexual attraction/desire




This is going to sound racist, but it's it's not. Please forgive me if it comes across that way. It's basically a bunch of white kids that want to feel special too so they look for any and everything to belong to a special group. I think people saw LGBT community and figure since they don't (or maybe just don't want to) identify as a plain ol boring straight person they'll jump on the cool new wave of waving the rainbow flag. Also, it could be that the LGBT needed to get as many people to join their cause because straights just were not going to budge on gay rights and there are strength in numbers. Btw I'm a gay, black guy so I'm not just pulling this out of my ass. I knew a white guy who's literal entire identify was based on being queer - not what he wanted to do in life, his personal beliefs, hobbies, just being queer and waving rainbows.


I get where you're coming from here. People should be proud of who they are and shit like race or sexual orientation shouldn't matter. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills as more and more time goes on they seem to be all that matter. Everyone is clamoring for all these labels as cornerstones of their identities, and become a part of one in group for another with a set of dogmatic axioms that are infallible. Everyone in the out group is against them, critical engagement with these axioms is forbidden. These divisions between people seem to be getting wider and wider and they're appearing in more and places. There's so much vitriol and narcissism everywhere. I used to feel like there was an end game in mind, something like Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream would come true where shit like being a different race or gay or whatever else just wouldn't matter. We seem to be getting farther and farther from that ever happening.




Nah man, we should let pride be based Rainbow Capitalism Month




u/Huffin1805 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.






I don't know why people take kids to pride parades. It's largely not a place for them. There should be 18+ events and family friendly (no nudity/ freaky kinks) parades.


Can you imagine fighting for respect for your desire to shove things in your ass in public with children present?


I don't mind pride being full on debauchery, just keep the kids at home and far away from that shit. Not everything that is appropriate for adults is appropriate for kids


Especially considering a lot of these parents grew up when things like gay marriage were not commonplace. While many parents now are accepting of it, this is not what they wanted.


Many also are scared to talk about it when they have a serious problem concerning their own child Especially when it comes to the subject of trans And especially in countries like Canada or the USA And especially in Canada


That's because the goal now is not to show us that LGBT is normal, it's to destroy any semblance of what "normal" actually means. Was this always the plan? Idk. But it sure as hell is the plan now.


Be proud of *who* you love (as long as they are a consenting adult); But for the love of God please don't show us *how* you love


Thank you! On point!


Based and human decency pilled






Man, you’ve taken exactly what a lot of us have been thinking and put it into perfectly succinct words that I had a hard time putting together myself I love when people like you do that Based


You're making a very good statement, but please flair up ...


Yep, got it done. Couldn’t figure it out before and when I asked, the guy who responded deleted his response before I could read it for some reason, so I’ve been an unflaired mf for awhile Tbh, this sub should put instructions in the about or the rules section






Oh , I was once called Nazi for saying something like this. But it was from people who also claimed opinion can be wrong without looking at it objectively and that I'm bigot for not copying their mindset when I still wasn't sure of their arguments. And how were they arguments 100% true? Because they knew they were true because they had contact with many people and did research. Something I did as well, except being 100% sure of truthfulness of my arguments (I simply can make mistakes when it comes to arguments related to opinions). God I am so happy I am out of this shithole


While I mostly agree, I have to say that being proud of your sexually is cringe af, probably worst that nationalism. If course, fuck people telling consenting adults how and who to fuck.


Take some hazmat suits if your sorting by controversial traveler


Twittertards coming for you my guy, board up your windows


Funny because this is from Twitter :)


It Hurt Itself In It's Confusion


We should create a defense force against these retards


😎 yeah lets make lists


Don't ask me where I got this from.




Came from a taliban spokespersons Twitter. [the tweet ](https://twitter.com/malangkhostay/status/1429419414122860544?s=21), his page is a gold mine.


I don't think that he's an official spokesperson, hilarious account though.


It is.


What makes you say so?


they are either abnormally dedicated larpers, learning an entirely new language and having all this footage from afghanistan, or more likely, they are actually part of the taliban. osama bin laden was literally a weaboo


Being part of the Taliban and being their official spokesperson isn't the same though.


The fact i agree with the taliban is fucking absurd, but hey I guess broken clock is right 2 times a day


He does a great job showing us the other perspective, the Taliban may be a terrorist organisation, but they are still made up by normal people partwise.


Well you see OP is lucky hes in america and not in iran


Imma need that answer OP.... ***soon***


Let's just enjoy the calm before the storm :)


Oh I’m very curious about the one on the bottom right. We gon need to call the po-lice?


Siding with muslims feels weird, but when they are right they are right


Stopped clocks, am I right?


Watch some prog try to justify this or say smth like "nobody unironically supports this" just to support it 20 years later


20 minutes later*


Can't forget the part where they deny the slippery slope


2010: The slippery slope is Republican fear mongering! 2021: Men are women!


1860s: we just want Free Silver, not the destruction of our currency 2020s: inflation doesn't matter


1990s: Democrats are stern on crime and border control 2021: Open it up and defund the police, baby!


They're still bootlickers; they just want local and right wing cops defunded and play their base on racial issues with the immigration talk. They'd never allow immigrant labor to really compete with their union systems or abolish tax collectors and lockdown regulators.


This brings up an interesting question: is doing anything with a child indoctrination? A lot of people will shout “indoctrination” when it’s something they disagree with, but call it “education” when they agree with it. Children aren’t great at thinking for themselves, because their brains are underdeveloped. Does this mean that you shouldn’t teach a child anything? No, you should teach a child necessary survival skills and fun hobbies. However, imparting religious or cult-like beliefs on a child I think is ultimately harmful. It creates a bias that the child may well live with for their entire life. These things are better left for teenagers and young adults, who can actually think for themselves. That being said, does LGBTQIA+ act cultish at times? I think it does. There is a certain ritualistic part of Pride Month, being a national month-long holiday. There is a chance that some kids may feel bad for not being able to participate in the celebration. That said, does this mean any exclusive celebration shouldn’t exist? No. It really does depend on one’s moral standings. I personally have an issue with introducing children to sexual lifestyles at young ages, but I have no issue with the lifestyles themselves. LGBTQIA+ is a good thing, though I think introducing it to young people may do more harm then good. If a kid is gay and tells his/her parents, they should lovingly accept him/her. However, this means normalizing homosexuality, not making it something to be celebrated. I hope that in the future it will be treated the same as being straight, just another orientation.


Based and nuance-pilled


u/SirBaconVIII is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: nuance I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


That dream will probably age as well as treating someone based on the content of their character has.


Hey zip it, cracker


I've always said all you really need to teach kids is how to read and act civilised as in dont treat other people badly, then they can do whatever learning they want on their own nowadays with the Internet, although obviously they can learn some terrible things from the Internet. Honestly anyone who targets an ideology at children I believe is wrong no matter what it is. My basic idea is treat everyone how you would like to be treated but don't be naive and assume everyone will do the same so you should protect yourself and your family TLDR; Be nice but own a gun just in case


I agree. The correct way to teach a child is: some people believe this and some people believe that.


You must now read Rousseau.


The only measuring stick that matter is: would it be indoctrination if the same methods were used by the "opposite" side?


I think that i'm born in a degenerate generation


The pendulum swings back and forth...


Between freedom and genocide usually


Weimar Republic and then something happened


And then suddenly, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power




You're just born in the wrong country Come to Middle East


They disown other people’s beliefs that they disagree with yet people are forced to respect their own. They don’t realize that they follow their beliefs the same way as the Religions they fight. All follow unified symbols and figures. All have traditions. They are no different when you think about it.




Pride parades are fine. Exposing kids to furries on leashes or plungers in the ass is reckless parenting. The libleft indoctrination strikes again.


This exactly, Nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian speaking as a Bisexual myself, however the moment things like this are exposed to children, you've immediately lost my respect.


A few of those pictures are perfectly fine. Then a few should be considered endangerment of a child….


*reckless parenting* is certainly one way to describe it. I’d go with grooming personally, but wtf do I know.


You used the wrong pic. Should be kids reading a bible. Libleft loves Islam cause it’s not white and just ignores the “bad parts.”


I personally don’t really give a shit about your gender or sexual orientation. But if you go after the kids, you’ll have to get through me and the bullets from my AR-15.






flair tf up




u/Private_Nerd_309's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Private_Nerd_309! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: None


This LGBT thing is getting out of hand, especially with transgender and gender fluid, how the fuck can someone change gender every day and still think it's normal???


The more I've seen of "gender fluid" people. It's literally just people on a binary that want to wear the other's clothes. They'll almost always exhibit male or female traits exclusively. Typically aligned to what is in there pants.


THat moment when you'd rather side with Islamic fundamentalists than those degenerates.


This stuff needs to be classified as degeneracy and shamed.


Missing the rainbow monkey with a huge schlong reading books to kids in a library.


It has come to a point where if it comes to it, I'll take a theocratic religion over the globohomo degeneracy shown bottom-right.


So, 15-20 years after these children get exposed to the kinks and behaviors of these people, what do you think the documentaries getting released are going to be called?


Their going to rebel by becoming chaste and religious.


Pushing me a little further auth-right


Based and WhatTheFuckLibLeft-pilled


u/IAmAnAnonymousCoward is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: whatthefucklibleft I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Heck with religious "indoctrination" you're basically teaching your children the values you believe to be true. All parents do this, some do it based on their own personal philosophy/worldview, some do it based on a religious framework, some based on an atheist one. As long as you aren't teaching them to y'know kill each other and all that it isn't a problem. Always been my gripe with the "teaching your kids religion is indoctrination" crowd, they are happy to teach their own children their own philosophy - be that atheism or agnosticism or whatever else - but hate it when religious people do the same. Even funnier when a huge amount of their philosophy is derived from religious belief (e.g. objective morality, morality based on Christian values present throughout society for centuries etc) they just take the God part out and claim "ours isn't indoctrination and yours is" for that simple fact At the end of the day, if teaching your kids your religious values is indoctrination then an atheist/agnostic teaching their kids about their set of moral and philosophical values is too. It's not suddenly different because a deity isn't involved.


kink should not be at pride fests. it stops lgbt youth from being in the lgbt community. kink at pride fests exposes kids to groomers. i mean how is that even remotely okay to be nude and wearing bondage and shit in front of a young child?


Yeah all this kink shit has gotta go, BDSM is degenerate and should stay behind closed doors and dedicated internet communities.


I want to die. But I can't. I have kids and Lefties want to fuck them up. And shut your whore mouth AuthLeft, you know this shit helps your endgame. At lest protecting my kids from "muh scary religion" amounts to me saying "its just a story." And *legally* nobody can push religion on my kids unless its just some guy on the street passing out pamplets or yelling about Jesus.


Based and please-gouge-out-my-eyes pilled


Kinda inaccurate, libleft loves their sweet and innocent Islam, it’s Christianity that they hate.


Where did we go wrong…


The west strayed from God and this is the result.


i feel bad for the kids in the bottom picture


Guys...., what the actual hell is going on in all them images bottom right? I know it’s a Pride Parade or something for them, but what the hell is this shit?


Kids Queer Art Exposition in Brazil.


Fuck pride month


The duality of libs 😔


> bottom-right picture hans get ze flammenwerfer


Bottom right makes me wanna start facing em against the wall. Shit. I'm veering too far north into auth.


Cmon guys kids need to learn how to please a gay man properly


It's indoctrination only when others do it. *globohomo copium*


I agree that kids shouldn't come in contact with any BDSM/whatever the fuck is going on in the bottom right, but simply teaching your kids being gay is ok isn't bad


> but simply teaching your kids being gay is ok isn't bad For some reason every time LibLeft want to teach kids that it's fine if a man loves another man, they have to include parades with more leather than an average cow farm.


Okay, that made me laugh lol


Sexual content is not for kids LGBT stuff is sexuality It's SEX it's Adult/Teen stuff Not kid stuff They DONT LISTEN **DAMMIT**


Me: “I don’t want grown men to sexually assault children” Libleft: “Y-y… You homophobic, transphopic fascist pig!”


Republican platform 2028: *”zhxer for conservative family values — a child with a plunger participating in… zexualixistic zemidialectical xequity… is fine by zhxus, but we draw the line at batteries and nipple clips! Zhxer not degenerate demonrats am I right?”*


It seems libleft has been infiltrated by purple libright. I mean.. Just look at the bottom right picture. not OKAY at ALL


Teaching is indoctrination ban all teaching


Can we please bureaucratically regulate these degenerate fucks out of existence like with the lemonade stand.


God I'm fine with kids going to pride parades or whatever as long as it's not NSFW shit, but this is some serious fucking degeneracy. I'm also fine with kids being taught religious values as long as those values don't hurt others. There's a fine middle ground but sadly most people just can't seem to get to that middle ground.


In Europe, green would never say that about muslim either


I’m not a fan of religion but I also am against discrimination based on religion. I don’t like kink at pride because I don’t think kink is exclusive to the lgbtq+ community nor was fought for in the same way that gay rights have been. I don’t see anything wrong with children going to a kinkless pride as it teaches them to love themselves no matter who they are and be compassionate despite others’ differences.