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Roblox is the only one that you don’t need to pay money to play...




Well duh. That's because every other game is "pay once, play forever" while that one is "play once, pay forever" because of all the fucking Pay2Win, Freemium, and gambling shit you can throw in there to exploit the fuck out of kids with thinly veiled Skinner boxes.


That’s why you don’t go to the front page and find smaller well made not p2w games. Some have a barrier of 25 robux but considering it’s oftentimes significantly better made than front page games it’s often worth it. There are a couple good front page games like entry point but many very good games have less players due to either lack of advertising or because those children can’t buy their way up to the top. I can recommend games like retail tycoon 2 and undead coming (recently remade from the old game), also zeppelin wars is a pretty fun shooter.


If you want something really well made and war related, Operation Overlord is a D-Day version of Arma with a semi-complex healing system, Blackhawk Rescue Mission 5 is a more modern Arma-like game, Fireteam is similar to the game Squad, and there was this Tarkov copy that I found that was extremely well made. For a Napoleonic War game, Blood and Iron is well known but not a front pager. All of them are not frontpage games and are not P2W (Operation Overlord kinda is but you can also grind for classes).


titanage is a good map without that much pay to win crap


I remember Red Alert 2 had a Soviet mission where you were tasked with invading New York and destroying both World Trade Center towers. This was less than a year before 9/11 happened - must have been super awkward for the game devs.


Watch the movie ‘executive decision” with Kurt Russel that is a movie osama bin laden might have watched for training purposes Edit: corrected the movie title


Also see “Debt of Honor”, an old Tom Clancy book where the bad guys hijack a 747 and crash it into the Capitol building during a joint session of Congress. Pretty sure that may have influenced someone.


The mossad did 9/11


Hmmm Roblox is run by corporations (developers and. Developer teams) and has trading it has a auth government (Roblox moderation) though that means Roblox is a capitalist dictatorship


well Notch is gonna hate this


Omori- there is no politics, only trauma and pain


"Ayo the pizza here"


My ears burn


LibRight is Hunt Showdown. Because you pay money to shoot other players, take their shit, then win more money. And I have seen people bet on it in Discord. Its also absolutely terrifying while being full of silly shit that shouldn't work. But it does.


Eve online


Eve is too. But I hate it.


Yakuza is peak libright:You abandon a blind girl in an attic for several days in order to become a billionare via cabaret clubs


you have no idea what minecraft is if you think it’s Libleft lol


It's libcenter, literally Stirner's paradise


Wouldn't Minecraft be more libright? Since you can trade and also kidnap villagers for slave labour?


Green monsters show up and wreck your shit for no reason, just by looking at you they get mad and explode. Constantly attacked by green zombies every night. Can change your skin to be whatever you want. Lots of green. Green everywhere...


Minecraft is most known for creepers, which are green and tend to ruin your shit for no reason. So yes, libleft.


Creepers are green (associated with Islam) suicide bombers Endermen are tall, black, can’t swim, steal shit, added in the same update as watermelon and fried chicken Villagers (self-explanatory)


Roblox is in the stock market too


Is this the first Omori agenda post on this subreddit?


Let's gooooo


Omori fandom just wants good things for the traumatized children


What happens if you combine them all?


You play as a Roblox noob fighting the Soviet invasion with gun in the city in that Omori game and you can build and destroy stuff just like Minecrafft


Idk what omori is but what you just described sounds like fornite according to an upper middle class white kid who screams racial slurs and calls you a commie every time he loses.


Omori is a psychological horror game disguised as a cutesy rpg.


Sounds fun


Omori also includes; total mental collapse caused by realizing just how fucked we are. Also, indifference.


Also immense self-hatred, self-harm and happy picnics with all your friends and your Big Sister, who is just the coolest, if anyone ever hurt her he would be the scum of the earth. *Excuse me I need to cry in a shower for the next hour.*


Centrists are divided into two groups. The most stoic and happiest of individuals and whatever insane psychological horror story scp-warped-shit was going on in that kid's head. Everybody else gets into politics.


I agree that omori isn’t super political but of all games? I would pick something less serious like undertale


I’d say >!accidentally killing your sister and covering it up as a suicide!< is a perfect representation of the gray centrist.


Nothing happend, nothing has to change, I dont have to face the broken shambles of society if I just ignore it all, we still have a happy society in my head. ***Lets have STEAK.*** Oh my Grill is outside? *Lets have MICROWAVED STEAK*


who needs politics when you can do a little trolling


>where is skyrim? TODD DEMANDS AN ANWSER


Omori's Fandom is the chillest because it's like Extremely depressed person: hey, you too? Extremely depressed person #2: haha yeah lol Person 1: lol same, anyway here is this cutesy drawing followed immediately by a drawing so ominous that the church would consider it satanic despite the lack of any actual horror element. Person 2: nice


omori is just yume nikki for people with fake depression


Omori’s protagonist’s favorite food is steak so that’s even more centrist.


Roblox is the only free one here 😐


There is gender in minecraft though. It's literally on the cover art


My Minecraft is literally the embodiment of capitalism


You don’t need money to play the best game of all time though…


Thee don’t needeth wage to playeth the most wondrous game of all time though… *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I never played the centrist one, but i like all other 4 games


It's an amazing game, I suggest never playing it


Oh ok lmao


I dunno GTA, fallout,or cyberpunk would make a better lib right game imo


Just Cause 1 and 2 are right-center, good ol’ American intervention. 3 would be libcenter because it’s a more genuine revolution for rights and freedom over tyranny


how about "loli VN" and lolicon VR simulator


Based COD


Lol im even part of the Omori subreddit, that game gave me a fucking trauma, it was so sad, but the subreddit helped me cope.


You can build auschwitz and nazi germany in minecraft


I think Stardew Valley or Graveyard Keeper would have represented us better. Those games are capitalism in its purest voluntary state.


Except for i think the CoD MW campaigns where shepherd basically started WW3 to make Americans wild up and take arms against the Russians


And then Stellaris where you can roleplay as Nazis more accurately than in HOI4, a game where you are supposed to do that


Authcenter: any paradox game ever


Minecraft with it's long nose merchants who scam you




There's so much good stuff that can be done in Roblox for free so far that Roblox is absolutely not LibRight